The Brussels Post, 1887-5-6, Page 5r aTii.,L lomewm2MAY THE BRUSSELS POST OEM .,1. AA.:ffi.. 4f;,'it}itL,ri �!^.'.A:.. •.,,yhp.,xf ,•s els- A ''' GAINS FO ALL Y., • t17' 27.11. ,y the x ii,{stn-:u£18; Since opening up the Splendid Bankruptr•Stock belonging to G, A. Powell we have 'Dad an uninter- rupted Rush of Customers, who have in every instance gone away more than satisfied with the Genuine Bargains we are giving. This -is no blow but a positive fact that can be borne® out by everybody dealing with us. We have completed the task of removing the stock of goods in our old stand to the Garfield House end our Combined Stocks place over $20,000 worth of Goods before our Customers. The public will see the advantage of trading with us, more particularly when they ascertain our Low Prices. p t wtP 1. tMiing .t • t,,'.ri;4,4. ;rat .4a::irX.a,:^,h:c:nl,74:14, Roo.:', ,:],eits;Xme;C s Goi I Treme IIVPlot:s s1;.14:rpttigfb411•4fci: ,a1:13:0 "••,•8,aks.'c ous B NS, The Garfield House has always lead the Millinery Trade of Brussels and the survounding country and our MISS SMITH, of Toronto, is now prepared to wait on the Ladies and show them our Large, Hand- some and well ass- rted Stock of Spring and Summer Millinery. We guarantee to please You. ilE1C1111 Ili Biu' ''�6�i�i7 asketl f�o� iVe L�tlies ai TVis Locality. We feel assured that if You give us a Trial y ou will always deal with us. irks ,,WRiFtt;11;" e .fiiv,t, •114.9G1W ei, EVER PA TRENT C NIPLETEA 'mak ease: .'? j , rtp A'S C1VE EVERY LINE. VOLT ...o o i. , , 1.1.( nth) , ___:.._.----•._ .._. --- Mrs. Amnia is convalescent. There is talk of opening out some more of our streets to the river. Mrs. Pus, daughter of Rev. R. Paul is visiting her parents. M. Kioh rdson has moved to Cron. brook to trythe tailoringbusiness there• Mrs. Henry Wanner presented her husband with a bouncing daughter- last week. Judging from Henry's broad smile, he is quite pleased over the event. Mrs. McDonald, of Ripley, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Young was summoned home lust week one of her sous having met with a serious ac- oident, He fell from the plate of a barn twenty-five feet. Happily no bones were broken, and he is doing as well as can be exneoted• - to Blyth this weak.—D. Kenny, formerly a baker in town, was in Blyth this week. —Mrs. Daly, of Soaforth, was visiting in town this week;—Mrs. Sloan returned from Toronto this week after spending a few days with friends.—W. Southcott, of Exeter was in town on Monday. Car loads of atone are daily arriving here for the aonstruobiol of the railway bridge,— Miss 11aggie Carter, of Dungannon, is visiting friends in town at present.— House-cleaning is et present the order of the day.—No Division Court on Monday owing to the Judge not being able to at- tend, --Wm, Moore, who`has boon in the employment of J. T. Fluekstep learning the barbering, leaves for Exeter shortly where he has secured a eitnation.—We understand that we are nob oven going to be blest with a printing offices. Now Mr. Passmore purposes going to .Exeter to try his look in shit town. handKura ex too ]aButro for s.laTe� emhwe retia to R. J. McGill was in London last week. Mrs. P. Kelly was in Clinton this week. T. Daly, of Seaforth, was in town last week. The regular mooting of the council was hold on Tuesday evening. Mies L. Hose, of Listowel, is visiting friends in town at present. R. C. nagereou and wife returned to town this week from London. Tho band played some fine selections on the street on Tuesday evening. H, Collie gave an exhibition on Tues- day evening with his grapbosoopio car. Robt. Drummond 1s at present iridis- posed and unable to leave the house. Thos. Thompson hos bought the prop. arty owned by Thes, Daly for aneatsum. llev. Wm. Mills, who has been in Brantford for some time past returned to town this week. Tho Colleeil nnore has offered 0100 re- ward for the discovery of the perpetrators of the labs fire. The Scott dot eases whishwere to have ber.een resumed on Friday did not come' off, the Magi•strabo havis,g dismiss°d the case. Tenders have been 'advertised for and will bo retailed up till Saturday, the 7th list„ for the bnticling o4 a. fence at the fair grounds. The night Rev. 13ibs op Baldwin, b London, hold confirm;ution m the 37nglish church last Monday Duelling when up• wards of 5fl.were confirmed. Rev. Father Chiniquy, is announced to •preach iii the' Presbyterian ahuroh both morn{„tg and - evening next Sunday and to Iectare the follow}ng °veiling. Master Hugh Somoza, While at sohoot of Tuesday had the snisforbune to fall and break ose of Ifs •acme. A physician attended 10 •the little. sufferer and'he is now doing well. Messrs. Emigh, Durnion and Cunning- ham returned from Godertoh time week where they have been spending a few Jaya, By all reports they intend making it warm for their opponents.. A. Lawrence has disposed of his cab- Inst ehep and footory to Scott Bros., of Bire, Mr. Lawronco has been in that bsftinsss hero for a number of years, and was well liked throughout 'the county. tn,....:.t. Ma mumnaan. surmise_ One night this week Silo. Moffat, agent for tiro extinguishers, tested ono of them which worked like a charm. A big firo was built and when in the hottest part of the fire Mr. Moffatt threw his exting- uisber—it completely put the firo. out of existeuoe. A meeting was held at the Queen's ho- tel on Saturday evening for the purpose of organizing a base ball club. J. 13. Kelly was elected President ; F. W. Tanner, Secretary ; J. W. Show; Cap- taint, The name of the team is known• as the Athletics. • Coarxtanaxlo�.--Cu Saturday morning between the hours 12 and 1 O'olook fire was discovered in the boot and shoe store occupied by Robt. Drummond. There was a strong northwest wind prevailing and the flames spread rapidly and soon the whole store was enveloped in flames. The firo spread to Wm. llrmm�Aond'e dry goods store and entirely destroyed whole building, nettling was saved, Tine stocks •in both. stores beiug complete- 13 consumed. This would not suffice the fiery fiend and the next residence to be visited was the residence of R: J. iioGill. This was also demolished but the greater part of the household effects were saved, By the successful and bravo efforts of the man the flre \Pa6 kept from spreadina: Several times Miluo s hotel and D. Mo%{mien's dry cods shire worethao hu to be victims to t fooflames but the deter• mined efforts of the men Was the only thing that saved them from being cle- molished. The heat was so great that the large panes of glass in the bank and in F. Metcalfe book and jewellery [store were cracked, not n so rid pane being loft. The stook of boots and shoes be• logging to D. McKel!er was badly dam. aged by water. The cause of the flre is unknown but is supposed to be inaondi• ail. - .-- Ration, have formed themes Literary and Mttsioal tlssoci tho following officers : Dr, President"; Miss M. P erg President ; Miss F. Nichol, and Miss A. Forbes, Treasure mittee of management compel M. 'Campbell,. Miss M. Ross, It bee, and L. Litho° and J. J. also,appointed. 131uoval,. What about our footballers tackling the juniors of Brussels ? Snow may still be seen in the camps and in some shady nooks, although this is May. The regular quarterly meeting was held in the Methodist church last Sun- day llo,vicl Holmes is at present working round I3htevale. He appears to like our little town, A man has been engaged whitewashing the Methodist church. This will be an improvement. Potatoes aro very soaree and many are waiting for the new mop with a calm and hopeful rankloPatterson has cleared up the wood on the road in front of his place and has thus made things !0°13 te little liken village street. The muscle are at work at the founda- tion of Jos. Sellars' house. Mr. Sellars will soon mike things very comfortable if he keeps ou. Arbor day is to be observed in some Parts of .Dlnevale. The manes grounds lure to be decorated with trees. The school will likely keep it as a holiday. Robs. Icing has his implement shop al- most complete, When painted it will bolt very well, and add to the graceful uppoarnneo of our already graceful street, Robs. in, who has been housed forCallum, somework time,is able to be round and is n vert{ agaht. He employed his odd mo• rants wlinlu recovering by destroying the poplars in his yard, which took up too nuclx land. The choose factory has put on a giro tow owl, colored drab, with white trim- rings. John Farrow is becoming quite to artist with lila paints and brushes, Incl if a few more of our villages would illowcul Mr, Farrow ro their buildings he would greatly improve them.; The tenders for =poising' the school vote opened on Tuesday at noon. A. number were in the Secretary's hands. Ur, Duff, however, has token the job,' to at a scat of $280. This is po ter than potter tliau was expected but many still plias to their opinion that it would be potter to build a new school as it would look bettor and last longer. Leet week Bev. J. S. Cooke was awe y it Brantford writing on papers in the pourse proscribed for the degree Ph. B. uy the Bloomington, bb Ill., Universi'anty' bi, r Beattie, of the let re of the ex. Jho cin, Brantford, had charge o£ the ex• papers for the University. Pliers ryas a class of Dight writing. Mx. there Oooko is a good student and will reach What; is bn suo for without to doubt•. We wish ]inn success. GrO - y. The Morris and Grey the will commence operations nes The milk wagons will only1 other day for the first week. Daniel MoMillan, lot 12, tends eroding a new ban! spring. Thos. Newsome has for the building and is now 1 timber. It is to be 40x20 fee Last daughter Saof turday J ineaxnMcCall g fh brio sevenadny, diedh° cause aP he l 81 sinal disease. The fief he oMonde forenoon. unsra o Callum and family have tris the entire community inj this nisi coned bereavement.. Aa meeting wasa vele t. Sh' house last Sabbath afternoon pose of opening a Union Babb ev. John Ross,. B. A., p number of parents wore p abort 50 children. I. Riteb pointed Superintendent ; Geo aisuiut-Superlrntondeut ; Jna. rotary, au Mrs. Calder, Mrs, MissesThe ssidpromises se Porous one., It will meet et Sabbath afternoon. Selmer, RIDroum.--The follo result of a written examines{ names of the pupils 'of 5 who obtained the highest marks in their respective etas glass—tat, Wm. Smith ; 3rd Sr aohton 2nnd,Fourth \fa =elaso4lo ob go. Andrew Lamont, ,. junior ... William Jenkins) 2nd, Joni 3rd Jessie Crook's. Senior Katie Lamont and Tilly Lan henna A. Smith drd, Martins Junior Third—lst, Oliver S Maggie MaLonohliu ; 8rd; MaLauoltlin. Seeend aloes - Jae. Strachan ; 2nd, Daniel art{, Sarah 11£eLanohlin. S. Y. Ttrr, ?1nviQn o Cntnnns. ,—Th original alieation bearing on thedte 1 tato Mian Ann MaDoualcl :— e/hutch, Children a°1ne and seek our Seek Ilim. fni your early your Oh 1 remember your Creator In your young and golden d Cuonoe— Coling t0; Jeaue, looking Corning bo Jeans, trusting Conning to Jesus will save ,inn, 1 seek 1 Oh 1 seek 1 to know the Seek to know tonin in vont 6t8%¢o.ltorr. Friday is Arbor Dayin the school. A. little daugther of Wm. Mulholland'e is very sick.the Mr. and Mrs. Leech have returned. Mr. Leech is preparing the cheese factory to start in a couple of weeke. Mrs. Leech is greatly improved in health. Mr. Neal has scoured the service of Miss Tait of Brussels as milliner, and she is prepared to suit the tastes of all by a fine display of hats. Now since we haven milliner, \vo think the ladies would be all right if they heel a dressmaker and we are sure any dressmaker would do well by starting here. No less than two funerals passed through the village last monday, The first was Fannie, daughter of James Me- who died ou Saturday, after a short illness of spinal disease. 'The par- onus have the sympathy of all in their sad loss. '.Che other funeral was that of Mrs. Freokeltou, who died after a long illnees at the residence of her son-in-law, Thos. Dennison, of MolIsilop. 3is.1� tl h. On Monday evening last an excellent entertainment Mull ntders givenhenspicos of he the Choral Society. The siugfngrendered by the Society Ms grana and much credit is reflected upon their leader, Mr. Law- rouoo, who takes an active interest in his class. The hall was well filled and ely.y- body enjoyed themselves immensely.— The woolen mill will again soon be in operation.—Mrs. Irby is at present enjoy- xng a visit with frtonde sn Preston,— , Smith was fn Montreal this week with a oar load alive stook.—Hugh l4t°Binnon,' of Brantford, was in town this week.— Blyth is on the boom at present. A nary tailor and baker intend oponinq out shortly. Wo wish them success and web= come them to our town.—Mrs. Jno. Win- tars loft town this week for Michigan to join her husband who has been over there for some bitne.—On Tuesday after- noon last, at the residonoe of the bride's father, Mies Sarah Drummond lad • Mn. ()online, of Dakota! wen's united in the holy bonds of inattnmoey: James O'Hara loft town.• o1 Wednesday morning for Alpona, Mieis., where he has scoured a oituabion.—Bev. A. McLean 15 attending the meeting of the Synod in Chatham this week Mr Taylor, eheemalter, re- ..,...,.,A I.:. t,n„nn1,n1A mr..i., N.., rin,,Inn _..-tin° ]C.I.stodv ol. Several of our merchants are going in oTheaplans are ready for bh° now Proe• byberian church. Jae' Hanish ltas pub ill a sot 04 wolgln sondes at his hotel by the station. The entrance examinations will be held in the High School the tith, 8th and 7th omJuly. John 11, Clark, the Bootblack Orelor, is announced to be here on the 12th and 181I lista. • H..11,. Hay, son o4 T. E, Hay has just graduated ae M. D. He took honors in sur cry. W, G. Hey is away at Mialtigan at it Sanatorium with the hope of being fully restored to health. Twenty-eight candidates were confirm- ed by. Bishop Baldwin; on Thuroday forenoon of last week, in Christ Church. The following program will bo carried out on rho ueeu's birthday : Morning, at 9:80, grand Mardi Gras procession t 10:80, a lacrosse motel], Guelph v s. a istto wsi. Afternoon, 2 o'clock, games and atltletia eporte, $130 iu prizes: Trig -of- war, Elmo vs. Wallace, $10 prize or ten silver medals, also photograph of winning team. A lie°ting of the young people in con. nnntimt with the runs Church estscre• . • thel. eJolnn Lolunier has disposed of one of his drivers. R. Wright, our enterprising butcher, has purchased the house and las lately occupied b M. nlohsrdson. He took p 05 551 lves into a etion, with Thompson, neon, Vice- Secretery ; r. A corn. sad of Miss Ziss A. For - Foster was • ose factory t Tuesday. rot every con. 18, in. t baro this the contract raming the t. nnie, second um, of the f illness of r death was took place ud Mrs Mc - Seto- Ere your hearts grow hard and callous, Seek ! Oh 1 seek I the way cif truth. 'Tie eternal life to know Him Ana the Saviour whom he sent, 'Children give your hearts to Jesus, Come to Him and be tinny blessed. ChildrenHe'll hear your petitions, For He's present everywhere, Ile will bless you, He will keep you ” If you ask in faith by prayer.. ' May you oft be found like Mary Sitting at the Saviour's feet, Listening to His words most precious Which proneedeth from his lips. Now, dear children, may her Saviour Be your Saviour, part and choice ; Oh ! forget not your salvation, Listen to his gentle voice. For life is so uncertain, Life is so unstable • - Death comes to the young and Healthy, As well as to the aged. Ere s mpash o£ vvQvinr�laam. sudden sad The C, P.13. contractors hese a large' force employed grading the new railroad. xuo's school E. J. Smallhorn, who has efficiently •' for the Dur. performed the duties of Stationmaster auk school, at Wingham for the last eight years, is rbaidfng. A going to Point Levis, where he will sot reaenb, and. 0s Assistant -Stationmaster. do was ap- As a certain bride and groom were Alcock, As- leaving the Wingham station Wednesday • Bots, groomsman and first bridesmaid were Ballantyne, walking up and down the platform, when Klin, teach- they were stopped by the conductor, who be a pros- gave them a child's old oboe. Tt has 3:14 [every eines leaked out that the said conductor. thought that this couple were the bride win is the and groom, acid he was giving them a gen- on,'showin eral send-off. While this Nes going on 5, No. 8 the real newly -married couple were Sit. number of ting quietly in the train. • sea :—Pfftlt A large and fashionable audience ab- l;lizabeth sembled in St. Paul's 1piecopal Church, Peter Mo. 'Wingham, on Wedneadav morning of shit ; 8rd, hter last week, at eight o'clock, to witness the Fourth -1st, ofmaEia12. Tare et ots D Edith, Teaicentt gbar. ny Forbes rister, of London, The nuptial knob was n 12ud Rm.tic.a by the Rev. Robert McCosh. The A. Smith. bridosmaids were Missee Annie and Alice Si .2nd, Talbot, sisters of thebride, and the groom Annabelle VMS assisted by John Stevenson (of Ste,- -1st, John ensan Bros„ jewellers, London). Tho Stcaehan ; bride was very becomingly dressed, and of course looked charming, as brides Mtn( Teacher, usually do. After the ceremony the bridal party (which wo, 0Onfinea to o following mato # ``aids) drove to the residonee of ulod ns for Mr. Talbot, where n sumptuous wedding ceasmof the breatfast was served. .the couple then Wont east on rho 11 o'clock train to spend aviour, their honeymoon, visiting the Eastern ys cities. The station platform was crowded with the fair sex, who Dame to testify by aye, their presence the esteem in which they, Bald the bride. Wingham loses ono Qf ' ger fairest daughters, and London South to J'eens,' will be the gainer. The presents •tvero' ins Immo; titunerotts sad beoutifltl. .you from ;Glut Burns moulder, of Hamilton luta been appointed a landing waiter i Saviour, rho Hamilbots ()Intents elides, viceO'11•sir youth !creased.