HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-6, Page 44
Locals. -A, flood.
Local ---J. R. Grant.
Locals ---A. R. Smith,
Millinery-A.B. Smith.
Paletine-Wm. Roddick.
Hellebore -G, A. Deadman.
Bees for salt -J, R, Smith.
Morris Court of Revision --W, Clark,
Morris At Grey cheese factory-- D.
gkc 3rx c1%Oast.
FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1887.
Enron County Notes.
Work has been commenced on a new
Odd Fellows' temple at Exeter.
Moat of the Goderich salt wells are
now in trim for a large seacnn's output.
The Exeter baud intend giving a grand
concert on the evening of the 24th of
Mr. Killella i, a pensioner, resident in
Goderich, has received the cheering news
that he has fallen heir to a hansom, for.
tune in money and lands in the 11. S.
The Exeter quoit club has been re -or.
wind. for the season with the following
officers :-N. Dyer Hurdon, Pres. ; M. J.
White, vice -do ; John P. Westeett, secy.
The Reformers of Crediton have organ-
ized a literary society known as the
"Yonng Liberal Society" with C. Kibler
as President and W. Wenzel, Secretary.
The Directors of the Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company met at Dane's
hotel, Gerrie, on Saturday of last week.
39 applications were passed covering
risks for $51,250.
It is proposed to form a Western ama-
teur base ball league for the year 1887,
composed of St. Mary's, Listowel, Exeter,
Seaforth, Clinton and Mitchell. A
Championship emblem will be contested
for, the club winning the championship
for three years to become its owners.
The Church of England people, of Exe-
er, have purchased the Hamlin property
on the corner of Main and Gilley streets,
and intend erecting a handsome church
and parsonage thereon. It is stated that
Thomas Trivitt will contribute $5,000 to
the building fund.
A base ball club has been organized
under the name of "The Lucknow Base
Ball Club," The following officers have
been appointed :-Hon. Pres., D.E. Cam-
eron; on. Vice•Pres., Wm. Mollis ; Pres.
A. Campbell; Vice -Pres. C. C. Ross;
Sec-Treas. Hugh Morrison; Captains, J.
Elliot and T. Lindsay.
At a recent meeting of the Goderich
Cricket Club the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year :-President,
S. Maloomson ; Vice -President, W,Proud-
foot ; Sec. -Trees, G. B. Carroll ; Captains,
G. H. Drummond and R. A. stark ;Man-
aging and Field Committee, E. N. Lewis,
Jas. Strachan and Dudley Holmes.
The Gerrie Baso Ball Club has been re.
organized for the season under the fol•
lowing officers :-Hon. President, James
Croskery; Hon. Vice -President, John
Keine ; President, Joseph Perkins ; Vice -
President, Thos. Nash; Secretary, N.
McLaughlin ; Treasurer, A. Welch; Com-
mittee, C. Horton, G. Nash and A. Welch ;
Capt., George Raab.
As the train going north on the Lon-
don, Huron & Bruce was nearing Clinton
cue morning last week the engineer notic-
ed a large stone enme distance ahead on
the track, but before he could bring the
engine to a standstill the cowcatcher
struck it, without. however, doing much
11ema"e to the engine. The boulder
mast have been placed there with malic-
ious intent, as the dowel train found the
track clear an hour before.
Some Clintonians have been losers by
a swindling concern in Cincinatti, which
advertised that the St. Andrew's Bay
Land Company, of Florida, would sell lots
of forty acres for $2.50. .bully $250 was
sent from one Ontario tows by credulous
investors, who have been duped, the treas-
urer of the company, Guy Weber by
name, having been errested on Sunday at
Cincinatti for misusing the 'United
States mail ; in other words for swindling.
W. Drummond, Blyth ; Jas. Stevens,
Clinton ; S. Sloan, Goderioh, License Ins.
pector•s for the West Riding, and W. J.
Paisley, Inspector, met at Goderich on
Tuesday, of last week for the pnrpose of
issuing wholesale licenses under the Ca-
nada Temperance Act. Mr. Stevens was
appointed chairman and licensee granted
to Wilson _& Riley, Goderioh ; J. A. Mc-
Donald, Blyth; A. Worthington, Clinton;
0, E. Williams and Dr Fowler, Wing -
Word was received that the Rev. W. B.
Cuyler, missionary to British Columbia,
was dead. Mr. Cuyler, who cams from
Huron County, where his father still re-
sides, entered the ministry of the Canada
Methodist Church some six years ago,
his first station being Bluevalo end
Whitechurch, which were than combined.
Tho next year found him at Bayfield,
and at the end of the year he expressed a
desire to go out as a missionary. Before
his departure he married Miss Miller,
daughter of Thos. Miller, of White-
church, a very estimable young lady, and
one largely endowed with missionary
sympathies. They departed three years
ago and labored at Bella -Bella, among
the Indians for two years, when Mr. Cuy-
ler's health began to fail. Moving south
to Nichola Valley he spent the winter,
and wishing to reach home ore he died
started for the railway, but on the second
day after having travelled twenty miles
they were compelled to stop, and in a few
hours his spirit fled to the better land-
the fell disease consumption having done
its work. Mrs. Cuyler and two very
young children are expected home in a
DAV' days, and they have the sympathy of
all in their sad bereavement ander enoh
digressing eiroumstanoes, Mr. Cuyler
was a young man of good ability, zealous
in his Master's work, and was much re•
speoted by all who knew him. But his
good work was short and at the early age
of 29 years he has passed to his reward.
The remains were interred in that Zia.
tent land, and repose near the scene of
his hist labors, awaiting the summons of
the last day.
Perth County Notes.
36 licensee were granted t0 hotels in
the South Riding,
The Merchants' Bank at Mitchell now
occupies new and handsome premise
The dog nnisanee is getting even worse
in St. Afer'ys than it was formerly -told it
has alwaye been bad enough.
P. McCann, fishery inspector, of Lon-
don, has been isepeotrng the darns along
the sliver Thames near St. Marys,
Itev W. Newton died rather suddenly
at Stratford the other day. He was
superannuated at the last Methodist Cou•
Robert Sommerville, of the 10th con.
cession of Blanchard, had two strokes of
paralysis recently, rendering his left side
The St, Mary's libel case of Hogg vs
Crabbe is the first on the docket to be
tried at spring sitting of the Assizes, of
Middlesex County.
W. G. Murphy, of Mitchell, has pur-
chased the fine briok residence from lila.
Flagg. The price paid was 32,400, pos-
session to be given July let.
Mr. lierr Lawrie, foreman of the boiler
department in the Stratford 0. T. R.
shops since 1878, has resigned his position,
and on Tuesday left for Montreal
The tratford man who was fined 350
for violating e, shade tree by law had
chopped down 24 beautiful maples that
stood on the street in front of his proper-
The St. Marys Argue suggests the pre.
sent as an opportune time of the year to
take into consideration the advisability of
forbidding the sale as well as the use of
fire crackers.
The uew'County buildings at Stratford
will be ready for the Assizes next Men -
day. A London firm has secured the
contract for furniture, and 11. J. Webb, of
the same city, has been engaged to supply
the window fittings.
An old woman named Mrs. &Rauch, of
St. Mary's, had a very narrow escape
from being suffocated by coal gas the
other night. The dampers had been
olosed, and the gas forced the micas from
their places. She recovered during the
On account of Stratford having been
created the headquarters of the new
Post Office Inspeetoral district by the
Dominion Government, it is in contem-
plation to put an additional storey on the
Post Office and Customs building, for
the aocommodation of the Inspector.
Wm. Henry, a son of the hotel keeper
of that name of Prospect Hill, was "held
up" by some footpads the other clay in
Toronto and relieved of $200. Henry
was on his way to Manitoba at the time.
Some arrests have been made of ithe sup-
posed robbers, and they will soon be tried
by the authorities of that pity.
The new courthouse and county build-
ings are at last nearing oompletion, and,
with the single exception of Hamilton
perhaps, Perth will have the finest county
buildings in the Province, both as to
architecture and internal finish and
equipment. The finishing touches axe
being put to the outside. with the plan-
ing of the terra cotta figures in their,
Milner Harrison, a retired merchant of
St.Marys, one of the most wealthy men in
the County of Perth, and father of Dr.
Harrison, M.P.Y., a member of the Man-
itoba Government, was found dead in bed
on Sunday morning. He was buried on
Thursday. Deceased was father-in-law
of Dr. Mathieson, of St. Marys, and of
Wm. Tytler, M.A., principal of the Guelph
publio school.
While a prayer meeting was in course
of progress in the Baptist church at
Stratford, a lamp exploded in the porch.
The accident was not noticed until the
woodwork in the porch had been pretty
well scorched ; but it was discovered be-
fore very great damage had been done.
Had the fire gained much headway a pa-
nic would Neely have eneued among those
assembled inside.
Victoria Lodge, No. 250, of the brother-
hood of Railway Brakemen, has been or-
ganized at Stratford by Bro. L. 0, Foster,
assisted by Past Master Bro. M. Driscoll,
of Forest City Lodge, No. 240. The fol-
lowing officers were elected :-A Cook,
Past Master; W. H. Dunbar, Master; W.
Matthews, Vice -Master ; J. C. Wadlcer,
Sec. ; 0. Woods, Financier: W. Miller.
Chaplain; J. Collison, Conductor. J. H.
Wood, Warden ; John Hartley, I. G ; J.
Collins, 0. G; F, Murphy, T. Burney, L.
Richards. Trustees.
BIG rrir .
One of Mr. Faser's daughters is con •
fined to the house with asore foot.
The Court of Revision will be held at
the Town Hall on Monday, 30th lust,
Farmers are busily engaged in seeding,
and soon the crop will be in the ground.
The masons Have commenced work at
the foundation of James Dunean's new
Jno. Davidson, who is attending High
School fu Harriston, was visiting friends
last week.
Next Tuesday the Morris and Grey
cheese factory will commence work, 3.
W. Robertson, the aheesemalter, has re-
turned from hie visit and is getting
things ready for commencing work.
S&RooD REPORT, -The following is the
report of the standing of the pupils of S.
S. No. 10, for April. The, marks aro
baeen on scholarship, attendance and de-
meanor. Entrance class maximim 86 -
let, Wm. J. Johnston, 79 ; 2nd, John
Breckenridge, 78 ; 3rd, Wm. Whiteford,
44. Jr: 4th, maximum 150 -1st, Addle
Forrest, 143 ; 2nd, Mary Caldbick, 135 ;
3rd, Robt. Smillie, 128, 3rd class, maxi-
mum 250 -1st, James Peacock, 233; 2nd,
Freddie Dulmago, 212 ; 3rd, Noble John-
ston, 198. 2nd class, maximum 185 -1st,
Hugh A. Ramsay, 179 ; 2nd, Alex. For-
rest, 177 ; 8rd, David Johneton, 105. Pt.
Il;, maximum 280 -1st, Milton McEwen,
270 ; 2nd, John Snell, 250 ; 8rd, Jas. Mc-
Ewen, 245. Honor list, for good con-
duct -Elisa Jane Pea000k, Charles
Fraser, Saml. Ramsay, Rebt, Smillie,
Sarah Whiteford, Jessie Woodrow, Be.,
beam Whiteford, Samuel Caldbiek, Wil-
liam Woodrow and Charles Curtis. J. 13.
WmooN, Teacher.
Because three tramps were refu0ed
their dinner by the Servant at J. F. Boult.
bee`s house, near Pane the other day,
they deliberately sat bre to the barn.
$ 2Z, 00 rinaiN FOR f31i 00
Fond us *tette end we will mail you
North's Philo, Musical -.lanrnal. Una
Tear. 11,0 give every subnoriber 38.110
worth of sheet 3111010 selected from our
oat*loguo its a premium, and publish In
the JOURNAL, thariu3 the year, mush, which
would web in shoot form, 320,00, possibly
more ; the DV 03.y entiseribor 000 civ ea 322,00
worth Of 1011010 tar 31.016 The .lonnN00 is
published monthly mud 0ontable iestruebivo
articles for the guiden00 of teachers and.
pyupils ; suteeteieluil meshed storten, an ex.
tensivereword ofmusical events from all
over the world, and Sixteen Pages of New
trust! in each issne,nloine it tho most val-
nwbls publication of the kind in exietonoo,
no n05 fall to subscribe at slice,
Address, I A. NORTE ,t CU.,
No. 1308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Brussels Lime Works 1
The subscribers take this opportunity of
returning thanks to the inhabitants of
Ilrussels and vicinity for past patronage,
and beg to state that having made several
improvements in their kiln and mode of
burning they are now in a bettorposition
than over before to supply the Public with
Firct.Ulaes Lime.
This being the Thirteenth Season of our
business dealings in Brussels, and having
given usgnafe0ed satisfaction so far, the
public eau rely nu reoelving g.od treatment
and a Pirst.Olase Article from us,
First-Olmss Lime at 18 cents at the trim,
We also burn a No.1 Limo for Plastering at
18 cents.
Remember the spat-Itrussels Lime
Town & Son.
Morris d Grey Cheese Factory.
Notice to the Patrons of the Norris S
Grey Cheese Factory'.
The Factory will open for the Season's
Work on
Tuesday, May 10th, '87.
The Milk Waggons will run only every
other day the first week.
D. Stewart,
48-1 Secretary,
After another long winter and lots of op-
position I am still alive and in a bettor
position than ever to attend to the wants
of the Public, having just
Removed to the Store South of J.
Buyer's Carriage Works.
I am prepared to
Execute all Orders Promptly.
in all its branches.
Done Up in Style
a Specially.
Wm. Roddick,
Popillalr'Stallions Y.
The following Stallions will stand for
the Improvement of Stook for the
Season of 1887 as follows :
' F31a,ok Champion,
MoxnAz,-Will leave hie own stable, lot
14, con. 12, Grey, and proceed south to
con, 16, then east to Geo. Maid's, lot 20,
for noon; thence east 1•,yf miles, then
north to con. 12 to Lewis Flohler's for
night. Tu3snAY,-Will proceed east and
south to Jno, Rowland's, oon. 14, Elms,
for noon ; thence to Wynn's hotel, Att-
weed, for night. WBDNIISDAY,-Will pro-
ceod north to oon. 7, Ethan, t11en east to
Chas. MoNiohol's, slot 29, for 15100n ;
thence north to con. 2, Elma, then West
to Alex. Rae's, lot 12, for night. Tnnns-
nne,-will proceed west to Jno. Mann's,
lot 21, eon. 1, Dims, for noon; thence
along 2nd eon. to Jno. McCartney's, lot
28, con. 3, Grey, for night. FRIDAY, -
Will proceed via'Ethel to John Slemnon's,
lot 22. con. 9, Grey, for noon ; thence to
his own stable for flight. 8,1TuanAY,-
Proceeds north to oon. 0, then to Central
hotel, Brussels, for noon.; thence to his
'own stable, where he will remain until
the following Monday morning. Mo -
DONALD & StAnialou, Proprietors. Roof,
MODoseen, Groom. 43.2
'iliac r$'O,ilist.
MONDAY, -Will leave his own stable,
lot 1, oon. 6, Grey, and proceed la miles
north, then west to Ed. Bosmall's for
noon ; thence north 14, miles, then east
2a miles,: then north 1f miles, then west
to Bluevale for night. Tor.snae,-W511
emceed north to the B. lino, Turnbsrl'y,
to Jas. Stewart's for noone thence to the
gravel road, then 0022811 14, miles, then
east en core: 0, ,Howick; 14 miles, . than
south on 11. lino to Wm. Mclforshees
for 01311. WluncomtY,-Will proceed
east to Gilpin's school house, then 2a
miles eolith, then east to Jno, Campbell's
for 1100n ; thence 2a miles east, then south
to Molesworth for night. Tecesner,-
Will proceed 1} miles south, then west to
con. 2, Groy, to Ed. Bryan's for noon ;
thence to Jamestown, then 1* miles
south, then east to Alex, McDonald's,
lot 0, oon, 4, for night. Mamas, -Will
proceed to Jno. ilc0artney's for one
hour, then south 1;1 milts to' ltobt. Voce.
den's for noon ; thence west to hie own
stable for the nigl•t. sATAl1AAY, Wlll
proceed 1k miles south, then oast 1t
holes to R.robardson's corner, then south
1} miles, thou to the Central hotel, llroe.
so s, where be will remain tlntil 11 o'clock,
when he will proceed to his own stable,
where be will remain until the following
Monday morning, Tilos. MoLtecurao,
Proprietor and 0room. 48.2
Po•inec sod ilvcm.
Moxssr,-Will leave his own stable,
lot 6, con. 17, Grey, and prooeed west to
Peter McArthur's, Morris, for noon ;
thence west it miles, then north to Wm,
McArther'e, 0011. 8, Morris, for night.
TusSDAY� Will proceed to Busllfield,
then north 1} miles, then east to David
Smith's, con, 9, Morrie, for noon ; thence
to T. O'Neil's, Brussels, for night. WEn-
NEeDAYj Will prooeed to Wm. Habkirk's,
con. 10, Grey, for noon ; thence to Rob-
ertson's Hotel, Ethel, for night. TRURO.
DAY, -Will proceed to Tuck's hotel, Oran.
brook, for noon ; thence to Dougald Mo -
Taggares, con. 16, Grey, for night.
Fines:r, -1Vill proceed west le 1110 Own
stable for the remainder of the day.
SATURDAY , -Will proceed to John Shan-
non's, con. 14, MoKillop, for noon ; thence
to his own stable, where he will remain
until the following Monday morning.
GEORGE TAIT, Proprietor and Groom. 43
prinee of 1.Dr teeehorre.
Mo\DAY,-Will leave his own stable,
lot 1, con. 0, Grey, and proceed south 1f
miles, then west to Geo. Cardiff's for
noon ; thence to Stewart's hotel, Bol -
grave, for night. TDEODAY,-Will pro-
ceed north 1'miles, then 1f miles east,
thon 1 miles north, then east to Robt.
Gaines' for noon; thence 1* miles north,
then west to the gravel road and to the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, for night.
WRDNEBDAY,-Wi11 proceed oast on con. 4,
Turnberry, to Jas. Elliott's for noon ;
thence north 1* miles, then east on con.
0, to the gravel road and on to Wm. Gal.
braith's, con. 18, Howick, for night.
TnunsnAY,- Will proceed 1t miles east,
then 2a miles south to Dane's hotel, Gor-
rie, for noon ; thanes south 8 miles to
Juo. MoLeod's for night. Film e, -Will
proceed to the Boundary, then to Moles-
worth, then 1t miles south, then east l
miles, then south 1} miles to Thos. Bay-
liss' for noon ; thence to Wm. Elliott's,
Ethel, for night. SATURDAY, -Will pro.
teed 2 miles west, then to Tuck's hotel,
Cranbrook, for noon ; thence to the
Central hotel, Brussels, until 5 o'clock,
and then proceed to his own stable, where
he will remain until the following Mon-
day morning. Tues. MCLorcoiuN, Pro.
prietor. Jos. WEBSTER, Groom. 43-2
'iVttrrfor O'Croe.
Moan.tY,-Will leave his own stable, lot
9, con. 12, Grey, and proceed to Angus
Shaw's, con. 5, Grey, for noon ; thence to
Robt, McDonald's, Boundary, for night.
Toasnar,-Will proceed to Bluevale
hotel for noon ; thence to Fred. Kormau's,
Wingham, for one hour, then to Bobt.
Currie's sr., East Wawanosh, for night.
WEDvacDAY,-Will proceed to Stewart's
hotel, Belgrave, for noon ; thence to
Joseph Scott's, 4tlr line, Morris, for
night. TosunsDAY,-Will proceed to Dan.
MoQuarrie's, 6th line, Morris, for noon ;
thence to the Central hotel, Brussels, for
night. Fmnev,-Will proceed to Jno.
Buohanan's, 16th con., Grey, for noon ;
thence to Win. Felton's, 16th con., Grey,
for night. SATURDAY, -Will proceed to
Robertson's hotel, Ethel, for noon ; thence,
via Cranbrook, to his own stable, where
be will remain until the following Mon-
day morning. . bro. MOMsrtix, 181. P.,
R Tilos. CAa cit, Proprietor. Tues.
GALDa1h Groom. 43-2
L,ueleie Getter.
Meaner, -Will leave his own stable, lot
80, con. 0, Morris, and proceed, via Brus-
sels, to Jamestown for noon ; thence
along 2nd con., Grey, 81 miles, then north
to Alex. Robinson's for night. TUESD,AY,-
Will preoeed 1 miles north, then east on
con. 2, Howick, to Mr. Hutchinsoo's for
noon; thence oast 1 mile, then north It
miles, then east 1,f miles, and west on
Oth am. to Joseph Hunt's for night.:
WEDNESDAY, -Will proceed through Ger-
rie to Jas. Galbraith's for 11000 ; theme
to the B. line, then to Wm. Weir's for
night. Tinteenete-Will proceed along
con. 6, Turnberry, then north 1} miles to
Wm. Job's for noon ; thence to the
Queen's hotel, Wingham, for night.
FRIDAY, -Will proceed 1i miles south,
then 1t miles east, then 1i miles south,
then 1.miles west, then to Thos. Abram'e
for noon ; theme to Stewart's hotel, Bel -
grave, for one 11our, then along con. 4 to
Wheeler's corner, then to W. 11. Wat-
son's, Sunshine, for night, SATURDAY,-,-.
Will proceed to Queen's hotel, Brussels,
for noon ; thence to his own stable, where
11e will remain until the following Mon.
day morning. A. & 3. 818522, Pro-
prietors. Joe. SPEIn, Manager. 48-2
Prince; of Douglass.
MONDAY, -Will leave his own stable, lot
14, con. 4, Morris, and proceed north to
Bluevale for noon ; thence north to eon.
4, Turnberry: then to Dane's hotel, Ger-
rie, for night. Tenant, -Will proceed
to Balmore for noon; thence to Tees-,
water for night. WEDNESDAY, -Will pro.
peed to the 011een's hotel, Wingham, for'
noon; thence to Stewart's hotel, Bel -
grave, until 6 ,p,. 10., then to his own
stable for night. TUU1ODAv,-Will pro-
ceed to Milne's hotel, Blyth, for noon ;
thence to Biernes' hotel, Walton, for ono
hour, then to Thos. Carter's, con, 8, Mor-
ris, for night. FEIDAY Will proceed
east on 16th con. Grey, to Tuck's hotel,
Cranbrook, for noon ; thence to Robert-
son's hotel, Ethel; for night. Siranmiy,
---Will proceed to Queen's hotel, Bruit
Dela, for noon ; thence to his own stable,
where he will remain until the following
Monday morning, A. & J. Shills, Pre -
'Adore. ALLAN Srsin, Manager. 434
MAY (3, 1887.
The Golden Padlock is to the front with a Large and Well Assorted
Stock of
such as Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, &c.
WcgominciJzers' and Blaelisiniths' Supplies, al-
so rr, nieely assorted line of General
Kalsomining Colors, Paints, Oils, '6''c.,
Always Kept on Hand.
Barbed. & Plain Fence Wire,
Win= sox -um=
We also Keep Well and Cistern Pumps, Gas Piping, Lath and
y%.tl .. a Qt
Bankrupt Stock of Genuine Scotch 86 English
..l_, Vii i H Dt._7_
Our i\ Ir. S. T. Ross having scoured great bargains in Scotch, Eng-
lish and French Tweeds and Worsteds, is now able to offer Suitings
of the most fashionable and varied kind at 20 per cent. discount for
cash. The Goods we have purchased are from the famous Scotch
Tweed manufacturers, Messrs.. Houston tc Son, :of Glasgow, Scot-
land, and Toronto, who have lately become bankrupt. The Goods
were specially made in Scotland for this season's Canadian Trade.
to got a real Scotch Tweed Suit at 20 per cont. less than can be got
in Canada.
The Tweeds will be 072, view at the Broadway
House, on .FridCr y, J1 pri l .75th.
Ross Bros. have also on handl the Latest American and English
Fashions in Hats, comprising
Christy Stiffs, Soft Felts, Straw Hats, i -c.
in endless variety and at prices to suit all persons.
REMI]MBER the great bargains in Scotch Tweeds, each piece
Broadway House, Brussels.