HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-5-6, Page 1Volume 14, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1$87. Ontario Farmers in Council, A. Provincial Institute Or Ionized. Between seventy-five and one hundred farmers, from various parts of the Pro. vine, assembled together on Thursday of last week in Toronto to organize a Can. Mel or Provincial Institute and discuss the following subjects :- 1. How can the work of the Farmers' Institutes bo best extended and made more benefioial to the farmers of On- tario ? 2. What nation should be taken to es. tablisha standard of purity for fertilizers, Paris green, hellebore, etc., and how can the laws be best extended to enable the farmers to procure these nrtiales unadult- erated? 8. Are the tariffs and classifications of the railroads of Ontario, now existing, beneficial orprejudicial to the interests of the farmers of Ontario ? 4. Ili what manner can the butter in. dustry of Canada be raised to the posi- tion it ought to occupy ? 5. What steps should be taken to en- courage the breeding of horses suitable for the English markets ? V. E. Fuller, President of the Went- worth Farmers' Institute, was chosen rhairman and Thos. Shaw, of Hamilton, eeeretary. The Ohairman then delivered the fol. lowing interesting address :— He said that there was a feeling exist- ing among a large proportion of farmers, arising from the diminution of markets for the disposal of their products, and from other causes, that unless they desir- ed to ratrogado there was a necessity for at least many of tbsm to make some im- provements in their mode of farming, such as would unable them from a given amount of soil to increase the production and at the same time to secure a bettor article, if possible. It was felt alae that while the Farmers' Institutes throughout the country were doing excellent work in their way, yet they wore not accomplish- ing sufficient for the farming community, nor so much as might be accomplished if these Farmers' Institutes had some eon - Mal organization wibh authority to speak for it, and so voice the whole farming oonununity. The Wentworth Institute had felt that it was necessary for some- body to act, and so, in place of waiting for others to aot, the Wentworth Insti- tute bad acted itself, and he congratulat- ed those who had arranged for this meet - in;; en the large number attending it. In the history of Canada. urged Mr. Fuller, there has never existed such a need for farmer's taking some definite action than existed at the prsseut timo. The farm- ing population was a very large and in. iluenbial body, and represented some three-fourths of the cubit's population of the country. They paid the greater por- tion of the taxes, maul upon theta, in s very large measure, depended the web. fare and advancement of the country, and yet farmer's were the peopie for whore the country was doing the very levet, He had lately some in contact with a few farmers who folt that they wore not malting the advancement which they were formerly snaking and they felt that there was a necessity for a change. But farmers were shy of changing, and very properly, too, for every dollar they had saved had been made by the sweat of their brews, and they naturally felt that they could not take any new cloparture without satisfying themselves that sue - cess would Brown it. 11 was only by meeting together and dieoussing these things, one with another, that they could satisfy themselves on these points, by availing themselves of ;the experience of others, so that mistakes thab had been made need not be repeated by them. Fanners' Institutes might hove, and some of them certainly had, a very im- portant bearing on the welfare of farmers. These institutes, as a rule, comprising the bust educated and most cultivated sort of agriculturists, so far as he had seen, and any action taken by a body re- presenting the whole of these institutes, if that action was taken on broad and liberal lines and for the good of the whole, and not a part, of the farming community, such action must be felt and recognised in the country. Now, then was the time when farmers should unbite and make their weight felt. The speaker then referred to the great netting ad. vantages of Canada, espeoially of Ontario and tho Northwest, as a farming country, showing how favorably it compared with all portions of the United States, save possibly the northern portion ofNew York State and parte of Pennsylvania and Ohio, and arguing that with these advantages and rho thrifty, energetic and enterprising character of the Canadian farmer, organization alone was required on the part of the farming community to raise the profession to the highest pos• sible etandarae and to obtain for farmers all reasonable itgbts. It had been said that preceding insihtutions of the nature it was proposed this should be had been a failure. Well, they must guard against making the errors that had been already made; .The Partnere' Grange, lie held, until it attempted to go beyond its legi- timate sphere of action, was a meet Use- ful insbitetien and tapable of wielding immense influence, (I.1ear, hear.) The Speaker next referred briefly to the large proportion.00nbributed'byfarmers to the. total mnount df experte by. Canada, tho receipts hast year, for mstahee, for ex. ports.prochtood in Canada, amounting to $74,000,000, to which forestry conttibut- ecl some $21,000,000, while .the value of exporbed horded .cattle and other live stook was $$22,000,000,, in addition to abeub18 OOb'Ob0 received for cereals &c. Now they' Bead ,constantly of deputa. tions to the Ottawa Government fr the members of every other sort of p feseion or business, except that of farmer, but which of the other probes= showed ball so web as that of the far er in contributing to the oommero prosperity of the oounbry ? The Cha matt concluded with suggestions ae the working of the proposed organs bion. Mr. Awrey, M, P. P., showed what w accomplished in nearly every line b that of farming by organization, the 1 ferenoe being that organization al mould seoure for the farming oomenuni such changes in the law as they desire and us were reasonable. He contend that some change in the eysbem of far ing hitherto followed in Canada was ne They no longer in Ontario h a virgin soil to work upon. The Unite States and Cauada were no longer th granary of the world. India and Au bralia were each raising wheat for Gra Britain. France and Russia instead being oonsumers had become producer and there were other changes thab ha combined with these to bring about state of affairs that had made the export abions of wbeab from Canada for the las four or five years a positive lose. Las year the Dominion exported $2,117,00 worth of wheat, and it had been sxporbe at a price which was an actual loss t the farmers. They could only make tb exportation of wbeat profitable by sem radical improvement on the system o producing et. But there are other sours es of revenue for farmers. Last yen there were exported from Canada 14,77 horses, for which, according to the trad and navigation returns issued at Ottawa the country received no loss than 41,860,- 292. Now, if they were practical men, they would easily be able to expand this trade almost iadeflnitely, and especially in view of the fact that the English Gov- ernment is asking Canada at the present time to furnish a large supply of saddle - horses. The exportation of horned oat. tle was already a very considerable in- dustry, and might be made more ao, and much extended if only the proper kind of stook—the stock that was wanted in English markets—were produced. So with regard to the exportation of butter and cheese, which were every year be- coming more important industries ; and with regard to the exportation of eggs to the United Statue, whish list year amounted to no less than $1,339,675. The speaker touched on bhe question of rail- way rates, and agreed that by uniting after the manner suggested by the Chair- MI)theywould be able to secure reason- ably good rates for bhe transportation of live stock and cereals. Ile referred also to the idea which he said Wee 14 the minds of a good many farmers in Ontar- io to the artist theb the farmers should have a representative in the Provincial Cabinet, paying attention entirely to the affairs of the farming community. Poli- tics aside, he said ho believed the Ontario Government was willing generah?f to do its beat for the farming community, and if they united in a demand for such a re- presentative, should they conclude after fall clrlibsrations on the snbj, ob that they ought to have such, the Government would no doubt listen to then. Mr. Dry- den, M. P. P., was o gentleman whose practical knowledge would enable him to beef very groat service to the Preview in that office. The afternoon session was taken up in the disouseion of the subjects on the day's program. A good paper was react by Secretary Shaw on "How can the work of Farmers' Institutes be best extended and be made more beneficial to Ontario." om ro. Lhe 119 m cal in- to a- se ub o - one ty d, ed ne- oc. ad d e 5. at of 5, a 0 d 0 e f a e judgment against garnishee for 87.70, COMMUNICATION. amount owing to primary debtor. rankle ve. Brigham -- attachment against abeeonding debtor—judgment for plaintiff for 942.48 and eosbs. Garry vs. McCallongh—action mh nate —judgment for plaintiff for 928,46 and 50sts. Smale vs. Lamont—account—judgment for plaintiff for 910 and costs. Crittenden vs. Fleming—aobion on note —judgment for plaintiff for 918,09 and costs. Massey vs. Farrow—action on note— judgment for plaintiff for 938.82 and costs. Nightingale es, Van Horn--Delgatty garnishee --adjourned to next Court, Whitfield vs, White and McKay—ad. journed to next Court. Veal vs. Town—action on account— adjourned to next Court. Mullen vs. MoQuarrie—action for damages—judgment for plaintiff for $8 and costs. Rattan vs. Breolconridgo—suit for 50a„ the value of an iron wedge—judgment for plaintiff for 50ots, without costs. Whitfield primary oreelbor vs. H. White and A. Raymann primary debtors—cor- poratiou of Grey garnishees—adjourned to next Court. The usual number of judgment sum- mons ware heard and the usual orders made. >i3rn.steelse Cs.nnncil. The regular meeting of the village Council was held last Monday evening in the Counoil Chamber. All the members present except Councillor Wynn. Minutes of last meeting read and con - armed. The following accounts were present- ed :— Fire Department 989.00 5. Meadow's quarter's selary 87.60 J. B. T. McCemb's salary and work 13.00 B. Gerry, coal 7.75 Mrs. Stacy, charity 4.00 Mrs. Hart, " 2.00 Mrs. McCallum, rent due by Mrs Williams C. Whiting, work 2.87 T. O'Neil, keeping tramps 75 Moved by Geo. Baeker, seconded by Bobt. Graham that the above accounts be paid. Carried. Moved by Geo. Baker, seconded by Robb. Graham that the Reeve instruct the Constable to proseoute all parties guilty of rowdyism and breeches of the by-laws. Carried. Moved by Geo. Balker, seconded by W. H. Kerr that the Court of Revision be helid on the 1st Monday evening in June. Carried. Tenders were received for lumber and cedar from For limber. Cedar. 'vol, a1tr.0n11ough, 811,00 per 1%7 811.00 per chi Wm, Milne. 11.10 ' 10.60 Wm, Ictus. 11.35 " " 10.60 " Moved by W. H. Kerr, seconded by R. Graham that Wm. lIlilns's tender be ac- cepted. Carried. For supplying gravel and broken e,tons the following lenders were put in :— Broken Screened stone. Gravel. gravel. Thos. Town, 550 Jae. Gibson, 66a 48a W. F, IIohyy, 465 76e 46a Moved by R. Graham, seconded by W. H. Herr that the tender of W. F. Kelly' be ateepted, Carried. Council then adjourned. The following staff of obboere were elected for the current term :—President, V. E. Fuller ; Seerotary, T. Shaw ; Vice- president, J, Dryden, M.P.P. ; Executive committee, J. Murdoch, M. D. Willard, F. Koawiolc, T. Crowe, D. Campbell, A. H. Pettit, J. H. Willey, J. Legge, J. Coch- rane, D, M. McPherson. There is to Ila an annual meeting on the let Tuesday in Marsh of each year. On the Reciprocity question and the way the railways treat the farming com- munity there were warns discussions and the following gentlemen guaranteed to either appear before the railroad commis- sion or send other representatives :— Messrs. Fuller, Shaw, Pettit, Campbell, D. J. Hunter, Jae. Cochrane, John le. Craig, D. W. Canfield. A. hearty vote of thanks was passed to the Ontario Government for their grant of 9260 toward meeting the expenses of this Convention. The gathering then broke up by 'singing the National Anthem. Fourth Diyitaion Court'. The usual sittings of the Fourth Divi- sion Court, Huron, was held on April 28th, J. A. Morton, of Wingham, noting as Judge. The following cases were disposed of as follows :— Smith vs. Webster --adjourned to next Court. Erb vs. Crowell—replevin suit—ad- journed to next Court, defendant to pay posts of day, Erb ve. Crowell—replevin—adjourned to next Court, defendant to pay costs of day. Humphriesve, Holland --action on coin trent—judgment for plaintiff with ousts. Slows vs, Soott—notion on account-- acljourned to next Court with leave to defendant to filo set off. Bayliss ve. Thos, and Lid. Matthews-- aotion on account—judgment for dsdond. ant, Thos. Matthews, egainet plaintiff for 0,66 end .00ste, and judgment of non. snit against defendant, Edward Matthews, without code. B1ashill ve. Bargees --Taylor garnishee $ndgtnent for primary creditor against primary debtor for •$7,70 and Coate, and '4ksatorth. The creamery will commence work next Monday. Our town is "blessed" with no less than four barber shops. The Band of Hope now numbers over 176 and is doing well. A cantata is on the lapis to be g8 sn some time this month. J. E. and Mrs. Kent celebrated their wooden wedding on Wedrlssday evening of last week, Win. Carmichael, V.S , went to Vir- ginia last week wliors ho intends bo prima tem his profession. The hotel keepers are boycotting the business men who refused to sign their petition for the repeal of the Scott Aot. The Beaver lacrosse club, reorganized for the corning season with the following officers:—Hon, President, Col. Coleman; Hon. Vioa.Presidenb, F. Holmestead ; A. Davidson, Hon. Vice -President ; W. 0. Reid, President ; W. D. Stewart, Sec. Treas. Committee—W. 5, Pear, W. W. Meredith and 0. Neil. Last week a deputation from Seaforth, comprised of Mayor Beattie, Reeve Wil - sou and T, F. Cameo, waited on the Directors of the Guelph &attrition railway in reference to having the line extended to Seaforbih. The gentlemen explained to the directors the position of Seaforbit, which was a very flourishing town with some 5,000 inhabitants, andhad =umber of eubslansbial industries such as grist mills, oatmeal mill, salt works, etc., etc., and impressed upon them the desirability of ch=in\ting the line through to.thab place. The in'teresta of Seafortls were carefully considered; and it was thought that it would be for fie interests of Guelph and Ssaforbh to have. the GGuelph Junction tap Seoforth, consequently the (Bunters promised to do all that could to s000re- plish the chalet which Net:AM be of a mu- tual benefit to bout. efts Mrs. Connors, an old lady, oamo near meeting hoe' death at Harristeerg the obhsr evening. It lip sass thab the un- dertaker hed left a bobble of preservative Material containing arsenic for blas re- servation of the bodyof Mr. Homan,pre- servation Codead in the house. Bymistake rd. nnors took a lar a draw ht of the fluid the largeness of the dose eensin her to vomit freel , assd no doubt . ing a great measure, it saved her life. Al lastre- ports elle was greatly prostrated. That Medal and Diplema. To the Baiter of 'inn Pun. With your permission, Mr. Editor, to T whl ra 1 p y, as iri efly as I can, to the communication from R. Knocbtel, as giv- en in last issue of Tnn POST, Could we not read between the lines we might be surprised at the way Mr. Knsehtsl be. littlse British soversigna in what he sup. poses an effort "to create loyalty and ob. Iain service from Canadian subjects," What nonsense, to create loyalty and ob- tain service. Well, if this is Mr. K's ideas of British sovereigns and the Prince of Weise in particular, whose portrait appears on each medal, and who was President of the Executive Colonial, I say, for Mr. Kneohtel to attribute such e motive to this recognition, is unworthy of a British eubjeot and which must nee- essarily lower him in publio opinion, be- cause "as a man thinketh in his heart ma fa lie." We cannot tlsink fur a mon:tent that such a motive ever prompted the Prince P of Walbeiii sending them to the various aontellsuters who had done ser- vice for their country in exhibiting their products. Did not the contributors to the Colonial Exhibition render service in helping that exhibition in that way ? The government of this province evident- ly thought so when they prepaid all freights and gave 91,000 towards paying the expenses of the Beekeepers' exhibit. Mr, Kueehtel says the Ontario Beekeep- ers' Association desiring a market for Ontario honey in England requestedBee- keepers in this province to soled a quanti' ty of the best honey they had on hand so that a large and attractive display could bo made worthy of the province and this rising industry, Now, if so why did not Mr, Kneohtel respond ? Was he not then a beekeeper „f sufficient importance to desire a market fur Ontario honey in England or was he unwilling to send a portion or all of his honey:at a risk of loss in order to benefit beekeepers throughout Ohtario ? No doubt it is a matter of regret with Mr. ltneohtel that lie has not a diploma and medal also. With this exception he has received al- most squeal benefit with the contributors although he has thought that he is en. titled to moreinformation regarding this honey sent, than he has already reoeived (see Canadian Bee Journal, April 20th, 1887, page 66) but failing to receive this information no doubt he hue not the bast of feeling towards this exhibition and likewise toward those who have received "tokens" and "honer" that he has not. We think also that 61x. Kneohtel in sub- scribing himself "apiarist" shows rather a spirit of ingratitude in wishing to de- prive those beelceepers of the honor they are entitled to when they labored toward sreetiug a market for his honey, but then it is so natural for those engaged in the same pursuits to be just a little en- vious of others who have received honor that they have failed to obtain, so that it is well to remember this when Mr. Knschtel speaks so disparagingly of that medal aol diploma" by sailing them ',valueless tokens and empty tides of lamer." G. A. De matn:t, Apiarist, tee., Brussels. Dominion Parliament. The disouseion on the Queen's County election controversy was terminated for the time being by referring it to the Coin. mittee on Privileges and Elections, by a majority of 82. Mr. Patterson, Censer votive member for North Essex, voted with the Opposition. As this Oommittee omelets of 23 Conservatives and 17 Re. formers there is not much doubt as to how a vote would go with them as to the prefereuce of two man of opposite politi- cal parties. The Fishery Department propose 10 send another exploratory expedition to the northern waters of British Columbia this summers, with the object of coni. plating the work begun Met year by Mr. Foster's trantcontinental trip. The re- sults already achieved are regarded as demonstrating the enormous flatteries wealth of the Province. Tho blank cod, a superior food fish, about' which little has herebofore been known, abounds from Cape Flattery 'to the Arotio Ocean, The fish is very fat and oily. It especially abounds fn the northern waters, when the famous banks were discovered last year. The departmental messengers are mak. ing the not unreasonable demand that their salaries shall be increased from 9500 to 9600 par annum. A deputation of fruit merchants from Montreal waited upon Sir Charles Tip- per to press for a reduction of the dutiee upon imported fruit. In support of their request they argue that no Canadian in, dustries will be affected by the reduction and that the perishable nature of the goods makes it very difficult to handle duprofities.tably imported fruit with the present A return lately brought down to the house of Commons, showing the number of agrarian outrages in Ireland in different years, does not tell so greatly against that. mach -abused country in its present condi- tion as oompered with the past. In 1846 the number of these outrages was 1,990 ; in 1880, 2,685 ; in 1881, .4,439 ; alt 1882, 11,438; in 1883, 870; in 1884, 762 ; in 1886, 944; in 1880, 1,060, T1he most importanb provision in i7ir, Jatnieson's Bill to amend the Canada Temperance Act is that Which proposes to give the Provincial anthorftise control over the fines and penalties' imposed, by Provincial officers, As this, however, is a direcb interfeeenco with the pobey of the Government, it will probably meet with strong opposition, 'The opponents of the Aot express the utmost confidence that should it pass the Connects it will Number 48. be again thrown out by the Senate, I fact, oertaiu divorce bike, the amend ments to the Scott Aot and the amend meats to Mr. Charlton's Seduction Bill are about all the legislation it is expected the Senate will rejeot tale session. After Mr. Jamieson's speech on the introduc- tion of his bill, Mr. Mills soundly warm- ed the Government for their treason to Scott Act and demanded that they should announce a policy on the subject. He pointed out that the Mackenzie Govern- ment had recognised the importance of the temperance question by taking Marge of the Scott Act, and that Mr. Poster, who for years had gone up and down the country declaring that public sontimenb was ripe for Prohibition, had not the courage to seek to give sffeot to his views since he became a Cabinet Minister. The Government offered no reply. n Woodsboak is agitating for cedar block • pavements. Brantford and Hamilton are rivals for a C.P.R. extension oha•ter. The ice on Like Rossaan ie said to be Min nnerly two feat thick. Builders' operatives struck for higher wages in several cities of (entario. The Kirmess reliantly held in Toronto in aid of the Infants' Honkie has netted $4,188, Thahe is said to he a disgraceful des. sing di truationstrictof ,moose going on in the Nipis. There are 20 persons in the Township of Brighton whose ages range from 76 to 92 years. It bias been decided to hold theorems! Granger's picnic at Port Stanley on the 2nd of June. In one day a Marton man recently killed four black foxes aucl a red one near his house. The appointmeut of Frederick Mowat, son of Attorney General Mowat, as sheriff of Toronto is gazetted. Jolla Lang, of Prince Albert, N.W.T., while in a fit of despondency, hanged himself in his stable. The Blood Indians aro causing a good deal of trouble in the vi:linty of Medi- cine Hat and Lethbridge. Wirt. Leonard, of the township of Onondaga, Brant county, has been fast- ing for somethirtyflve days. A, C. Reid, the Lucan athlete, is out with a challenge M Jack O'Brien, of Winnipeg, to run him a 100 or 200 yards hurdle race. It is claimed that lithe Methodists in Canada have more Sabbath schools, teachers and scholars than all other Protestant denominations combined. It is expected that the Kingston will contribute $80,000 towards the Jubilee endowment fund of Queen's University. 950,000 has already been subscribed. Strong parties of Mounted Police are in active pursuit of parties of Indians, supposed to be Bloods, who recently fired on Mounted Police scouts at Cypress, and on freighters forty miles eonth.eaet of Lethbridge. The offenders are sup. posed to be horse thieves from heroes the line. The Canada Screw Company, of Dun. des, has purchased ground for a $25,000 factory at Hamilton, and a special meet- ing of the City Council is to be celled Monday, when a proposition to exempt the Company from taxation for a number of years will be ,discussed. The Comp- any employs a large number of hands, and is backed by American capitalists. There seems to be an unprecedented boom in immigration. The Minister of Finance, ou Saturday , receiver! a cable message from the Canadian Government agent , at Liverpool, stating that five steamers had left that port last week with 2,760 emigrants for the Dominion. The despaboh state they ars chiefly Eng. lisp ; tba. a large proportion of them are agriculturalists, and that many of them have capital. This is signifloant, • taken in oonjunotigo with the fact that up to April 1st over 6,000 immigrants had Landed at Galilee, 600 more than came there during the whole of last year. Canadian 7.7 ewes. So far this season a total of 4,368 im- migrants lav: arrived in Winnipeg. St. Thomas will jubilate on Only 1 in- stead of June 22, as was previously in- tended. Galt is this year asseseed at $1,627,885, an inoroaee of $95,685: population 4896, increase 376. Mrs. Graham, a Galt colored woman and two others have fallen heirs to a $10 1,000 estate. The booms on the Chaudiere River have broken, and over 200,000 saw Ioge have gone adrift. The 0. P.R. Company have about de- termined to erect a grain elevator at Har. riston station, Capt. Boulton, R. N., will resume his hydrographio survey of Georgian Bay as soon as the ice breaks up. Mr. Jamieson will introduce a bill amending the Scott Act as suggested by Dominion Alliance supporters. The Ontario Legislature has removed the English sparrow from the Iist of in- sectivorous birds that must not bs killed. An immense mass meeting at Char- lottetown, P.E. I., has protested against coeroion and sympathising with Houle Buie. Navigation on the Welland Canal will be opened for vessels drawing twelve feet on teen Mayfeeb 7, anMd foray26th. vessels drawing four. on The North Wentworth License Com- missioners have resolved to grant no lie oense in future to any license holder who violates the provisions of the License Aot. Mr. Lemieux, 11I.P.P., who introduced into the Quebec Legislature a 13i11 provid- ing for the ereobion of crucifixes in all the Courts of the Province, has withdrawn the measure. John Rettray, desiring to test bis shill with thab of Robbie Burns, has challeng- ed hien to a contest to settle the ques- tion of superiority in all round dancing. Both boys live fn London. After a oontinuoas sitting of over thirty hours, a vote was taken. In the Quebec) Legislature Wednesday night on ItIr. Taillon's want of Confidence motion, which was defeated by a vote of 35 to 27. The School population of Brant sone. ty is 5,000, with an average attendance of about 2,000. The amount paid in teachers' salaries is 926,500: average salary paid male teachers, $444; female, 9285. The Provincial Fair people are trying o get a special grant from the Dominion Government toward this season's show which is to be held in Ottawa, the regular 10,000 grant having been secured by Toronto. The Misses Lund left Woodstock Mon- ey afternoon at 6:30 for Japan. They go via the 0. P. R. to British Col- umbia. They are among the flret passen- ers from Canada to Japan by the Cana- l= Pacific Railway. 9 gd Mrs. Rafferty, mother of Mr. Rafferty, grocer, corner of Murray and Ottawa streets, Montreal, fell through a trap door in the store when going to serve e, custom- er, and was drowned in five feet of water. The water in the cellar was due bo the flood. The deceased lady was about 70 years of age and much respected. A colored preeether, named Rev. Geo. Brewer, who eloped from Indiana with a brother's wife and three children, leav- ing bis own wife and thirteen children behind, was collared by the husband of the eloping woman in Chatham, Satur- day. The woman remained with the pastor, the injured husband taking back two of the children. A number of leading business men met on Sdburdey evening at Kerby House pparlors, Brantford, and presented W. Roberts, late manager of the Bank of Commerce there, with an elegant gold watch, and a purse containing $800, and an illuteinabed address, as a mark of the regard in which he was held by the patrons of the banit, Att Essex Center bailiff the other day seized anhhlley cow from 001110 delinquent individual and proceeded to lead her into the tone. Aeoor cliug to the liberal, when the premed= passed that officio there was nothing discernable but a black streak about the Epee of a logging-sbain, with e lightningmulloyeb ono end, and a bailiff, looking like n small grab hook, flying on the other. The graduating class of the Baptist Oollegs, McMaster Hall, this year con- sists of Messrs. James B. Kennedy, B.A., Dnnsford; William James McKay, B. A., Toronto; John Mckenzie Munro, Inger. soli. The following gentlemen have gra. doted in the English oourse:—Alexander Dewar, Glen Norman ; Henry Everett Mohler, Mahone Bay, N. S.; Wm, Lynn Newton, Godericb ; Perry Almond Tink. ham Waterdown ; and Thomas C. Sowter, Toaouto. A sawing match took place at Mummy on Wednesday night, of last week, the log heing six inches at butt and five inch- es at stop, 0850'515g as follows :—First prize, one set of silver teaspoons, won by G. W. Daunt and S. Henry. The sawing was done upon a beech log, two opts; size 185 in. ; time 49 seconds. Second prize won by E. Waddenson and J. Rile ey ; time 605 seconds. Third prize won by L. Orr and S. Henry ; time 63 sec- onds. Buoksmv match—First prize gold watob chain, valued at 98, won by G. W. Dann; ; time 18 seconds. Second prize won by E. Waddenson ; time, 10 seconds. Third prize won by E. Orr in 165 sec- onds, The Brune deputation who are promot- ing the projected extension of the Canad- ian Paoifio Railway from Mount Forest to Inverhuron lhad an interview with Mr. Van Horne, It is understood the Gsner. al Manager gave the deputation to under- stand that the first concern of the com- pany was the completion of the West Ontario extension in order to secure a through routs to Chicago. As soma as this is done, however, Mr. Van Horne states the company will endeavor to se - 01.11B the traffics of the district to be serv- ed by the projected branch line. The deputation were much encouraged by the interview, and it is understood will take immediate action for the posecubiou of their enterprise. An exchange sage :—Mr, Davies spoke upon the subject of Nome Rule in the House on Monday. Mr. Davin assumed a lofty and somewhat of a jndioial posi- tion. He at once spread his pinions and soared among the clouds, in order the bet. ter to obtain a commanding view of the entire field of Irish politics ; Por during the greater part of Mr, Davin's speech he continued to soar, and it was by no means certain upon which side of the proposed line Mr. Davin would alight. It was perfectly natural under the exist- ing circumstances. Mr. Davin, like the great orator of the Western States, has his bright borne in the setting stns, and ib is not surprieith5, therefore, that the question did not lireeenb to him the stn's 011t1 1408 es it does to ordinary niortale. Cholera is decreasing in Chili. Two thousand eight bemired and seventy -throe persons have died of the disease in Sant tiano do chili alone, Emperor William has sent et dospatoh to the Queen of Spain expressing his warm thenks'for' the patihf4 of the late King Alfonso sent him by Her Majesty. The accounts of the Colonial Exhibi- tion just closed show a Balance of ,885,- 285. Of tine it is proposed to transfer 925,000 to the Imperial Instituto, and to devote the remainder to settling also do' daI6 in the aonenntsof the Iuvontions Ex- hibition, x.hibition, and to forming a reserve feud.