HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-25, Page 88
,,tt vf 'Tl wl ' Boors at your own prico. Atom Good.
rg44,xb. a8 ' i,(t>" it ,,lisVeorELolvti7IIIIIT 1ANiu)1BTUNns" 111 111
I'i1STEE Stanchly comes on April 10th
this year.
ScltooL Boort" meeting cu 1'litlay ovvll•
ing of next week.
T, O'NElr went to Montreal last Fri-
day with a oar fond of horses.
Joss to oei'ed 20 but:hula Dutch Sots,
87." Ono. Bonito.
1'1oEn. Si1ALLnw, 01 Galt, ;tits ill town
this week visiting with old f mods.
'I,'nn East Huruu Spring tOh. w will be
held in Br i -sols on Fi iday, April 1.6th.
CLOVER and Timothy .101, afi 11icC0AeK.
EN's Store. 51-
Annla Cloonan has talcen a situation
in tbo Chronicle office, Durham,
WEATHER 1'1OpheLe predict all early
spring and extremely worm weather.
$1,00 CMS Too POST for the balaneo
of 1887. 't aloe advantage of this offer.
Now cheese, lard, and hadclies at A.
Goon's. 36 -
Moe, J. 'W. 1himr, returned this week
from a visit to Hamilton and Dundas.
25 cent Tea, fragrant, cheering. Anon
WI t err ,1111 (i iyiug .A.way, 10 i hece who
Have not hitherto used it, and alto
will cull for the came, Samples of our
Baking Powder.
Wo t -'.111x'( like to hove every house.
Ito, per :Il Canada givo this Powder a
trial. !onornhor it It; 1 cc -h
acct other injurious sllbStomee1 and is
CJx a11c: tbuolituto loss is minima) and is
(letter than most of the bold' g povtler1
oflored for sato, many of which aro all
iujnry to health.
19'Iandileturefi and for Sala try.
G. A. Deadman,
Droggisr,:foolcreller& Fancy Goads Dosier.
o0/0.00.-00/04.0110/000OOSOFF000010cx• .r
ltrtrt'-IERE nx'1'EN1WON, W. O. fi 11. 11.
'L'rni0:, 1, :: ,•u nrL^9110114 Statdnn, north alio
soli':, as !oil0011;--
f4aing .>011111. Uping North.
Ilftu t .. ..• 0 aln. t k:tscd an to a.m
'ORP ret.,. -ill Um. Meth a-ep,n1
3futd. ...5:130 pan. t h %preew,. t000pon
s 1717711,17,701011
e.Ci cal Ittle .r21I5.
A chiol'n among ye tekin' notes
Au' faith he'll Trent it.
104L03En holidays will soon be here.
TIMOTHY and clover seed at Brekor's. 34
OouoAL= wears an 10x14 smile. It's a
S.W. Snow, of Blyth, was in town last
JA11E8 AENE'TT left Brnssols loot Wed-
xt8sday for London.
LAtol Huron Herrings, cheap at Mc-
Cf3AOlInN's. 37 -
Bora. Wilms has secured a •sithation
iztDoherty's organ factory, Clinton.
Tan skating rink will soot have to
give tray to °one wide." and "ovah."
Tact man who is driving that old bog -
g roughs to go to the City Carriage Shop
11 d get a new ono. 87.
'Bosonsroo DICKSON, of Go1nrich, and
Alesers. FeemOn and Bruce, of Listowel,
Oloio in Brussels ou Wednesday.
Won: drive a crippled horse Mien by
lfavi11g him shod at the City Shoeing
Shop he con bo cured ? 37 -
GLOMS: ARMSTRONG purposes having a
sato of farm stock, implements. Sm., next
month as he expects to eoend several
months in Dakota next 81111111•,'.
Go to 1110 City Carriage t31 ,p for a
rim top for your buggy. If you want
a, ,foo phcet-L buggy go to the same
place. 37 -
TM Dill for 114 • settltmoot of iho Brun
seta vs. Ronald dispute roreivecl its third
reading in tho Local Legislature and
wets passed last Tuesday.
' A +,Anon stock of fettorheads, note-
lieade, billheads, statements, menloralt-'
duos, tens aid envelopes on 110,1111 and
sQtcl at clown pric014. THE POST Publish -
I' M, House.
A 141t.1Nn prcmenndo Highland concert
(Yon dile program for Saturday evening
0lltherink. if the ice is in couditinn.'
T r,3o on the bag -pipes will be furnished
Pipers Ballantyne and St=wart.
MRS. T. O'0am, $2.00 and Dr. Mo.
Wanghtol, $1.00. contributions to. Band
3$strumeut fond aro receiver) with thanks.
Anyone else feeling so disposed eon do
liilewiso, as there is still a balauco to be
Made up.
Mno. JNo Ross, Mrs. W. Graham and
Mrs. R. Malcolm represented the Brus-
sels Branch of tho Woman's Foreign
teeionary Society at the annual meet-
„ the Presbyterial meeting in Ripley
last week.- Tho report of the gathoing
will bo found in another column.
3he subsc ib r will sell tho above ma.
chines at 200 per cont. discount for the
Il8xt three months. Full instillations
gluon. This is a rue chance and int ud-
ft 0 bny'evs should avail thy/twelves of it.
Atoll lino of cotton hosiery in all sizes
831118 a variety of colors. Children's hosi-
tl a specially. J. Y. B. Nous, opposite
(boons hotel, Brussels. 511.
Ton following tetter appeared in The
Gl obe of Thursday of this week. It
ej oks for itself 4—Sts,—I desire in the
at positive and emphatic manner pos-
sible to d• ny the authorship of that
"Tory 12.P.” latter whioh appeared in the
golly Globe -otno time ago, which has
Li- 3041 attributed to me. At tiro time T
gC7vve it my most earnest and positive de.
tflal in The Sta11110rd. I say again I
0 vel' wrote it, bad no hand in it, knew
z45tt fog about it. I had no kiwwledgo of
it, either soar or remote, and saw it for
tae first time, 00 others did, in The Globe,
mad I disclaim any sympathy with the
sd'htiments therein expressed. '1'lto vil-
laatous author of it, whoever ho may be,
and who accompanied it with an address
esgr'd purporting to be thine, as yon stato
Ito did, has a charactor as black and R5
wicked as mischiof himself, and prepared
to go any length in wickedness for politi-
mat purposes, for whose approhension I
tlbull givo considorable.
Dluovate, Mardi 23. Taos. FARROW.
&MOLT Hoorn TRADE. Every town
ors it to itself to support well its borne
itTdtituti0ns. If Oho hardware dealer
-sonde out of town for his groceries the
groeor cannot bo blamed if he in his turn
s5 i1s elsewhere for his hardware. If
both these dealers tend away for their
dry goods the dry go0cle merchant will
Begin to enquire whethor he cannot get
iia hardware or )tis groceries a little
cheaper by buying elsewhere. Nov if
tTlulo dealers login to boycott moll other
u1 this Port of way, tho town will suffer
• from it, f,'ommOn sense teaches the best
'interest of the town require that every
person living in tho town 011on1d get his
goods of oho loon" dealers. `.,Hose men
1)1ofixttn'es,' !,'lily own property, pay
tomo, and ori+ 1110re0101l i41 whatever
pertain to the woll.being or the commu-
nity. 1'1vcry dollar sent away takes so
much out of circulation and causes mora
or loss stun 5 oiloy, lu alto market, .001115
from this it 21719 Poi profit 10 the unt41410
tins. W. F. V.tNsroNE'e 511011014, who re-
sides in Walkerton, 10405 visiting her last
W 1f. Cm os and Miss Ella Oros., of
Marybom', were visiting their aunt, 7,Irs.
Brnen.fhis week.
TUE 61 1117000 woad supply is very low
in town t1)ia spring mit 5, no d•. ubt, to
the bad cmuhti0U of the road.
1121111, 1 0, an 1111(1 Ep .12411 Rollo for Sale
at Welt(' Coates'. Fresh Turk Saunagn
daily "31i-
ToIos. PEPPER. has purabased the brick
buildino, on John str8, t, tiow occupied
by the Salvation Army, paying $•100 for
the same.
OANvo-sons and apprentices wanted at
once. $10.00 to 518' .00 per month. Ap-
ply,personally, at CONSTITUTIONAL 00110ET
WORMS, 37 -
/lino. Slit:lrow left Brusselsfor Grrctna,
Mon., last Monday. She pnrohas.d her
ticket from 1'. Fletcher, agent for the
Do0'T forget to keep the Queen's Jubi-
lee celebration before you. Tuesday,
June 21st will be the clay set apart for
the Jubil -e.
J. G. SEL'•N•E has boon appoiuted agent
for Parker's Dye Works, of Toronto.
'They dye laded clothing cul make it lock
as good as now.
73rsuor B.00wnt is expect d to hold a
confirmation se -viae in St. John's Church
next month. There are some 25 or 30
persons in the class.
Ls renewing his subscription our old
friend R. F. then, of St. Catharines,
sac's :—" You turn out a good sheet and I
hope • ou will get your fill of subecrihers."
Roy. looms (•REEK, of Port Elgin,
mooched in the Methodist church last
Wedncsdsy evening. Bs v. Mr. Maker
occupied tho pulpit of Tuesday evening.
ON Thursday of last on'ek G. A. Pow.
cul 1 _ 1.11 for tho benefit of his creditors.
C. B. 0 mstrnng, of Loudon, is the
Trustee. The stock is to be, soil on the
39th inst.
THE Durham Chronicle of :not neeft
Says :—Richard Sporting, of Brussels,
was up 011 Tuesday, lie was very popu-
lar when lyre and all w0,e pleased to
welcome him.
Mossnr. WIr,OON 1C PErr'o, completed
30 lag. pickling tubs for R.Sparling to
144 ttie,d in commotion with his egg hue(.
ness. They woro 3x4}feet and each one
supposed to hold about 900 dozen. '
NETT ounday afternoon instead of the
usual rcviow, at tho Methodist Sunday
School, there will be addresses, music
and 1"01'70001000. There was an attend-
ance of 199 at the abovo mentioned
school last Sunday.
to won't be long now until the poor, op.
pressed husband will have blisters on his
hands from holding on to a fishing pole,
while his tlrannioal wife will bo staying
at home having fun with a spade in the
Foal the finanofal statement of the
Meth' dist church for the past year, we
see that the very respectable amount of
52,256 was raised for- all purposes. The
Ladies' Aid contributed 3313.92 to this
amount. The Trustee Board has been
enlar,:ed to 91 members and the out -look
is of at. very ohe,rful character,
Wu. Porno, 0 member of the Salvation
Army here, farowelled last Sunday even-
ing. IIe has been an earnest and suer-
getto member ever sine. his connection
with the Arany, and will no doubt do hie
duty as an officer. 17 left for Toronto
on Monday last where he will receive his
official orders.
LAST Tuesday afternoon Mrs. John
Nott u11c1 children left Brussels for Clay
Centre, Iiansas. We wore always 0f the
opinion that our old friend Nott would
have come back to live here but it seems
he is well satisfied with his western
home. THE Poso wishes him and his
, stintable wife and family long years of
comfort acct suceo.e. Mise Emma
Nuc htel accompanied Mrs. Nott.
TUE 33011 Tolopbonn Company's .report
for tho poet year shows a total of 12,000
subscribers throughout the Dominion.
They have in operation 157 exchanges,
70 ageuoiss ; 153 miles of poles and 923
miles of 'vire nava been added to the
trunk line system during the past year.
Of these 292 pole milo5 0210 in Ontario,
and 341 pole miles and 370 wire miles in
the eastern department. Tho trunk lines
now owned by the company coluprise
about 4,500 miles of wire, or octant 2,000
miles of poles.
LEOTuan.—A lecture was delivered in
Melville church on Thursday evening of
lastlweek by the Rev. G. El Howie, e
native of Palestine. The 1001112101 gays a
very minute description of some of 411e
loading aides of his native country, Pal-
estine, describing at the same time the
appearance of the houses, their extornol
and internal Oolstru0tion, togother with
the dross, outmlers and customs of the
popple. To those who hove not read
boolte on the cities and people of the
East, Oho lecture was, no doubt, interest.
ing and instructive, The rev. gentleman
is blind and while deprived of sight own -
plated his oonrse, 111 Edinburgh, taking
the dogreo of M. A. ITo was burn in
Montt Lebanon and lived for a number
of yenr0 in .Jerusalem, leaving there in
1880. Ills grandfather was 14 rninists' of
tin (;reek 01111111, Mr. 1$o1ie's mother
ie living in J',ey Rout, Syria, Ifs has
been nearly two year: in C'arlatla,
APRIL Font's day on Friday of next
A..' II Mi it visited the Queen city this
Tilos. F.tnnow was ill town 011 Satur-
Taos. 11. 11Are' ele001011 expenses et
the Local 0leetl0n were $99.00.
A r00'r-1tALL olub for Brussels is one of
the orobnbilities,
97 riion-Eoxoe between Brussels and
010 mile and a quarter couee5si0n 1000111.
,Tnorrli MITTon, of Nowbury, Was ill
town last tree(.. IIe tttlk2 of p.:rchusinh
property in this vicinity,
REMEMBER J, R. Clark's lecture oil
"i -lits nod Misses" on Wednesday,
Ap.il 4th, in the Tutee hall.
I'1ENRI 311211EE hos a common hen that
is making a nano for herself by laying
eggs that measure 7*x8 (noises.
JAMES PEc,Tnx, of Innerkip, spent) a
week with his relations in Brussels and
Wingham. He left for his home last
t'161AtrisoT t lana Over idle O. Ir. Ii. arc
new being run on Tuesday of each weeyt
in Astral sad April. Parties going 10001
17311 111. the <'111t calve you all necessary
Itlfei'ltllitl,lni4 4444 111 rot. s. AV, by 4)141'
route. Remember you Wive no customs
delays or expense. no 117th*fel' :10114 11(4
013010051 11e. '1' Pletcher. 'Ticket Agent,
V. 1'. 11, Br nsrel0. Ont.
Too Mitchell Advertiser of iast week
rays :•- Gus. Goebel, of Brusels, is visit-
inr- the 1,o; -e of hisyoutllthis weok. Gus.
says that a gond Tory paper is needed in
11rue ' 1S for tido safety of the town. Judg-
ing from the appeal'a„Ye of Mr. Goebel
Brusselo is a very healthy plaoo to live,
but printers don't usually get very oor-
pul4cst, they aro mostly bilious, morbid,
skinny, le n and lanky ; still Brussels
may be an oxception tr. the rule, as
among the Scotch they are very likely to
get plenty of porridge.
TEE very latest thing in soofal gather-
ings is the "geographical social." The
gentlemen are given cards on which is
printed the name of Pomo oonnty in the
province, while the ladies are each given
a card with tbo name of Some oonnty
gent printed thereon—all for a dime a
piece. Then 11th gent hunts up the
County seat of his bounty to take to re-
freshments. If you cannot tell tho coun-
ty sea) 40 your county you must pay ten
cents to the fund as a forfeit before you
can obtain the desired information. If
this does not afford suffiotent amusement
for the evening, goographioal conundrums
charades, etc., can he Introduced.
east:tci:itlrI Ne,'osrw.
The Stratford Daily Herald has ap-
Tho lamwortll News will remove to
Two. d.
Hamilton people urs organizing a so-
ciety for the p.evention of 01-u:'1Ly to Rini -
The Toronto police force was on Satur-
day strongshoned by the addition of 28
new men.
Ttis cported that Patti will sing at the
Horticultural pavillion in Toronto on
March 31-t.
It is statcd that elle total membership
of the '(nights of Pythias increased over -
12 000 during 11180.
Nothing l -as been heard of Col. Coop-
er, the mfr,sing treasurer of Bruco. His
defalcation is said co exceed d1,51,000.
A five-year-old girl at Linsday while
feeding hens was attacked by a rooster
and Beverly clawed and pecked about the
The amount required from the Guelph
Council to run the public and high
scllool5 of that pity this year will bo
The Lomlou (Eng.) agont of Jas. Gold-
in, of Guelph, has presented the Queen
with a bar el of flour, which has been ac-
cepted with thanks.
F. I3. Torrington, of Toronto, has been
tendered and has accepted the musical
directorship of the jubilee concerts to be
given in Hamilton.
Dominion Councillor W. W. Buchanan
will go to Manitoba next luno to look
after Ole itnerests of tin Royal Templar:,
of Tenlprrauco in that Province.
The Dominion Cabinet Council has
appointed Sandford Fleming, .0.M,G ,
joint Canadian representative with Sir
Alex. Campbell to the Colonial 0011fer-
mice to be heldin London next t000tit.
It is understood tho Romau Cutllulio
Episcopal Corporation of Toronto are
cons dering a scheme for 1110 erection of a
largo church iu the west ond. It is
thought that a site on Major street will
bo selected.
Tho solo of Peter MoLaron'S limits,
sawmills and improvemonts on tho Mis-
sissippi river to W. C. Edwards, M.P.,
has been oomploted, and Mr. Bawaras is
now in pos5'•SsiOn. Tho price paid for
the prol'orty was about $900,000.
A Montreal detective 11x0 been search-
ing for Edmund Sheppard, of the To-
ronto News, to answer a criminal suit for
libel brought by ono of the officers eng0g-
od in the recent northwest campaign. So
far Ito. Sheppard has managed to keep
out of his way,
The Department of Marine has award.
od tho contr0ot for the supply of oil to be
need in tho liyhthoueo norvlm° of the Do-
minion to the Imperial Oil Company, of
Loudon, Ont„ and the Petrolea Oil COM -
pony, Petroloa. The contract calls for
upwards of 75,000 gallons.
A. ease of attempted blackmail has oc-
curred in Paisley, which may yet result
in just punishment being meted out to the
guilty person. A female named Will-
iamson has boon committed for trial on
a charge of sending a threatening letter
to Me, Claxton, a rospootablo resident
and business pian of the place, with the
objoot of extorting looney from him.
In the cave of Israel Dosjardins, War.
den of Essex, charged with offering an
:lector $2 to voto for Patterson in the
repent election in North Essex, the mag-
istrate found there was sufficient ovi-
denco to Bold lir, Desjardins on the
charge of attempting to bribe, and ho was
hold for trial at tho spring a051zCO, mad
released on his personal rec0gnizanoos.
A deputation of Provincial Baptists,
(leaded by Do. Castle, Principal MoVioar,
ltev. 3. W. A. Smart and Sonator Mc-
Master, aadressod Premier Mowat last
Friday afternoon. They urged the ex-
peclioncy of granting a charter to an On-
tario :Baptist University, to include Mc-
Master I Tall and Wooclste0k 0ollogo, Tho
Premien' prnmiar',1 to comi(Iol' the poi1100
80.111 10000 lootnrotl in Woodetook on
'Churodly night,
'Lovelock Sinitll, who was released on
1114 Ow11 recognizance: at the Assize Court
Wedila0dny, left for his home, In Elgin,
Malahido. Ilio ease has cost fully $25,-
II141111tx is grea'ly exeite(1over tbo en•
fnr00211ent of the now Provinoial
law, n'tlioh forbirin the se
hotels to other than goo
of guests to be drank
rooms or at meals, At 5 1
11125 0f liquor in
alas and 10 01150
in private
nut Lr (bald iu les•+ rlullltitits tui: it a pint,
and tliio midst bo carried away and
drank. Hotel-keepern say their 0140011)18
have fallen oft fully onuhalf.
Judge Ilorno, of Essux, has delivero3
teotod0 tot1oIIm ase,e in wa-
hichCunlli ng
ham, the defeated candidate, wan the
appell11nt, and T. B, White, the roopond-
out, declaring Mr, White unseated and
diegtimlified from voting or holding any
murlloipal office for two yeas, 00 the
grotvld that lie had given money to bo
used for "trots -Elm" elnotors, and also had
paid a 011411 for the use of his 80001 to
take his mother and another lady from
Windsor to rota for him.
Tho souks -it of tido Quebec Provincial
Legislature, which op0ued at the end of
January a101dacljou nod early in Fobruar'y
last for re-election of the now Ministers,
was resumed at 0 o oluea on Wsduosday
of.01110011, March I61.1t. His honor the
Liontenallt-Governor, who had just re-
tu'ned to Montreal from Ikon:oda, woo
rooting after his toy,.go, cud was 110E ex-
pected at Qtteb. c for a Tow days. The
speech f.om tho throne, after making
patristic deference to the Queen's jubilee
and pointing out tutu course of legis ati0n
proposed by 'ho Gov'rnmeyit, O'nttain0
the fo lowing t—"My Government in-
tends inviting the Governments of the
Provirmcs and that of Ole Dominion 'to
examine a question of vital importance,
namely, that of their financial and other
relations with 'he 1'odcrl.l Government.
Tho obeonrity, in some respoots, of the
British North Amerioan Aot of 1837, and
oho interpretation given to some clauses
of that Act under oortaiu circumstances,
have given rise to well founded fears for
the maintenance of oor local institutions,
and necessitate an understanding between
the ProvinoieJ and Federal Governments
tvitll a view to arrive at a state of things
mon satisfactory to all, The lapse of
twenty years IMAGO "ontedcratlon has
shown the insttfficieucy of the financial
arrangements made at the outset. Upon
entering into Confederation, the Provinoo
of Quebec, like the whore, gave to the
central power its portion of the customs
sad erose revenue, which hate more than
do,bl,d since. It has received in return
only a yearly fixed and :tattled grant.
While tbo Provincos rave up in thio way
tho surest and most important of their
monism, tll,'y remain d burdened with
heavy c-xoeni+oo for the support of their
local institutions, which expenses must of
necessity increase with the growth of the
population mol tho ch.velol,nlun, of the
country. t]'oleo .11,,,a a eumnt.annts
and for these rea1)O15 my Government
believe:. the time has curie for tho Pro-
vinces to consider the situation mild to
(moon t tog0111er the means t, ,n mount
the presort difioultica wit pr0v0nt their
=o Sv.
Srit tact,M,—In Brussels, of the 20111 inst.,
the wife of Mr. Dougall Btrarilan,
merchant, of a son,
VINcswo.—In Brus•els, on too 2153 lust„
the wife of Mr. Roht. Vincent of a
MoD000ALr-Sytlrn.—On the 23rd Tet.,
by Rev. J. Groono, of Port Elgin,
Mr. John W. MoDougall, of Port
Elgin, to Miss Sarah Smith, of Grey
township. -
MoItee.—In Glendale, Beautiful Plains,
Man„ on Feb. 24tlit,5 John McKee,
aged 21 years. Ho lvhs 11 former resi-
dent of Cloy township.
osiosecstda>:t maalle:*-
111110.11), APRIL 35T,—Farm Stook and
implements. Lot 20, con:11, Orly. Salo
commences at 1 o'clock. Rich. Cox,
prop. Alex, 1)elgatty, aunt.
MONDAY, Moon 28'ru,—Faint stook and
impl ments. Lot 31, con. 7, Morris. ''lain
commences at 12 o'clock, noon. Miehtul
Reffer, prop. Capt Stratton ant.
C0111E010) 112101101,1) E1r114Y 11'E1'.1t.
White Fall Whout........ 77 78
Red Winter
Spring Wheat
Peas ,,. 48
Batter, tubs and rolls.... 15
Eggs per doson 12
Flour por barrol 4 00
Potatoes .. 50
Hay per ton .. 10 00
Hideo por lb ............. 5i
Dressod Hogs ,. ..., 5 50
Balt per bbl., wholesale.,.. Od
Shoop skins, each 60
430 80
40 50
28 110
11 00
0 00
1 00
LY —Apply to 33.33,UM, WAGE. 37-
1,-'9 at once to
IL coon It011E, just ftnishod, containing
7 rooms with land from , to 1) pores. Post
On out odgo of corporation, Apply to
97-0+ ;WW1WYNN, lbOoeoels.
500VEp desire to intimate to the p11.
llo generally that they hav0 foronoil a no-
partnesltipforthe porpoise of carrying on
Carriage, Feign and Ornamental Painting'
and aro prepared to attend to the wants of
tllopnbllloonmost reasonable terms, Mr.
Ross having hod experieneb in some of the
best shops in Toronto and 101h boing mac.
tibalworkmonwo guarantoe to givo eatie-
faction, Nst)metoe and 100100 ehoorfuily
fccrolehod. Shop in tho old Pori' Publish-
, MgSouse, lcingstreet, Mussels,
141M1'0 1' E 10085,
• Lot, to Let, ,vei1 fenced e,Alar, abode
trove, pleasant neighborhood 03,00 per
204 3. Ii. (+RANT.
QEI;D PEAS —'.r111'a LINDl ll—
• sIONEn lata agapullty of the Splendid
Golden Vioo Puts for Salo for flood. Any
'mewl requiring eoulethlpg good. 111 tide
Line ehohid apply to
J, N 1%NN0111.U1h, Brussels.
A few splendid, improved farina for
sale In the township of Circe, Morris and
Alul(illop• Apply to A, 1)l''1,GAT'LY, 00.
Aucbionour,nr7155015 p. (>.
03 Regulated on Lot 11, con 0, Groy. War.
rau0od 00 not break, baud or hoot the saw.
Wood token for work, T, MollltlaOOtt, 34.84
0AIt FOR SLi'RVI0i1.1.---ON1+E
of tido boat Barkehire 00,4115 la tido
County is kept at ilio (dueeu's nobol etabloe.
Uruesols. Timm, 31,00 to bo paid at time of
service, with tido 1privllogo of returning, if
neceesory. OAPT, STlla'TTJ ,
The Snbeeriber offers his farm, being
Lot 2, Con. 0, Grey, adjoining the Village
of Brussels, for Salo. The buildings arc ex-
cellent, The place 10 well wntnrod and In a
high state of anitiyatiou. For further par.
tleulars apply to 0110 pronrlator, on the
promlee R, W. R70114I'DSON,
- - liroSsel5 1 , 0.
1141Alliti FOR BALL.'—.'1HF; UN
1: dorsianrd (Worn his ,0 eellrnt 100 acre
toxin, being North 1 of 044, Con. 0, Morris,
Tor sale. Thorn aro about 00 acres Moored,
the balaneo hardwood bush. The buildings
are in good repair. Chero is m1 ore tard,
walls cud alt the necessary eot/von(euooe.
The farts to only s miles from Brussels mud
in a gond 10calf03'. Po00eeston would be
given lnunod0a3e17. There aro 30 acres of
Fall Wheat 11, k Orfurther particulars as
to prico, torme, tto„ apply to tho pr0priotor
on the paemiseu,
80.801+ Brnseels P. 0,
In the mater of George A. Powell of the
Villtwe of Bruesole to the 0oucty of Huron.
Noyes 144 hereby 111301.1
ed George 41, POn'el]las mat ade an aeantgmn-
mont 40 m0, under the provisions of chap•
ter 20 of 48 Victoria, Ontario Statutes of all
hie estate and o)1este in trust for the bene-
fit of all his creditors. A meeting of the
Creditors of the said estate is hereby son'
vaned and will be hold at the Law 0111oes of
Gibbons, MoNab aC tlulliero, a: T,ondon, on
Woinosday, tho 80th day of March, A,D.
1887 at 2:(0 o'clock in tido 0trornoon, 001• the
appetntnient lit Inspectors nod ti,s giving
or directions with r001.411oe to tho di5(00n1
of the said state. All creditors of the
said estate are hereby required to lila 1Boir
claims with my Rollo:tors, (+tnbous, 11foNab
01 Malkorn. London, pie directed by the said
Statute) on or before ilio day of such m 001-
ing, after whIolt date I shall pro01401) to
distribute the said entnto, having regard
onlyto such claims as I shall have notice
of ; n0 11 shall not be rosponsible fo tho
molts of the said estate or any par there-
of to any person Or ),0110118 811000 n11151,110'
claims 513011 not 11,1,1 beau 111rd. Uatod
A 01)011 17th, 2.11, 1ht17.
QIsi-..P:i3ON8, A[ryLAII S MUL lOt!ltx,
Solicitous tor 'Trustee, London.
2', it
A201,tT110l -Trustee, London.
..1_-__..e rrrvevr,¢::..r..,.,,.• ..•......,r,s:wnm
2x4 Barbed Wire,
Plain Fence Wire,
Buck Thorn Wired
--F or--
Paiilting 1
Land P1aoter
[u 'fool or '.Ciro lats.
Bus Gerdp 1
MAIWII 25, 1887
1V(cINT() SIT Ri 7-rc'I'AGGA 11T,
BANI(1SI1S, •:. 13RU1 51.1,5
29'al)Saat n• General 110111lctfly
.l3lf-Si tf f.or.
NOLCs to 11111,1 d1800111111111.
Inturest etllowsd ou dolmans re)nlyabi0 on
11+,1111'.11 J.
1'1'rn,p1 wtleutinu Mires to col!,',dul, o.
v,YAI)P &SINCLAIR. li tii,RIS-
tuna, dm. Office in Luoitin's block,
Srussols, 410110yto Loan.
‘1,;V"13, DIOI BON,(I0A'.1'L W4',I1'I.3:
C:nrrow n Pro Meet, Om'urieh) N0•
'loiter, Cunt'0yrtnoor, bo, '1;218,, 11-o.nt's
eluuk, ll1•usnels, Molloy -to Joao,
LEX. IIUN'i'EIl, 01.11;111( .Oli'
the Fourth Division [:hurt, co. Huron,
(lonve'anoer, 0otury Public, 1.14011, L'an
owl [neurones Agent, Ponds invested and
10 1011 11. (lo.lootl non Inman. 0 t110 311 Ora -
Ina a, 11 M150o111.
itL-1, t'Ul'CIIINSON IA,1 lin.
▪ meveti his eMee to r.,omo 0rer the
ewitotlioo. 1te01donea 0li 01)llutr,ai,
.t. 111oNAUGIITON, .11: D., 0.
C, P. Ndluhurgn, Phy'sirticn,
Surgeon and Aeoogelter. Offioo, Mre, Nhiol'u
bluolc, Turoberry Street,
nl. F. aALE, M, D ; O. M.
Membor of the College of Physicians and
Surgeon': n 1 ltoelOenio rNainl1t, I'10at, L' uhol
H1toIVTYk6'i'li. ir..
G. 1,13.311,/, D.B., honor Uradnato nod
41.11. O. 1). e., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas admiuiatorod. Pricesgi ailed and an l ow
as good worlc eau be lions tor.
ORioe over Jnhrlelen's Hurtt, and Store,
O A. 71ARTIN, L. D. S.,
1) /11/%1 iitatooirs
Hrnor Graduate I1oye] Coll,' Oc• cf Dents
So menus.
O11100-0411 Reid block, Brower+, Charge
ID100Ntd a.Ifa;r.
1Y J. 1'car,L.D S.ra•o,'.oatoofTr;-
routeNohow of !toning, y. All npor-
ntions gue.rantood, (,ilea,'--,1;:dv;;
0toalk, 9oaforth.
Art(Rolol teeth, first qu.a1t y . 0,111
14uarnuta „d Rt,tor,t,
7'11.1ToORACK N. 11.31711);
s nt Murrlage Lle010cO. 011100 21) 1110
(ill 0eer4,Turu bony St,'not.
painter. lactim
at ehoerfulip'Pnru4,),t
Charges mnciorat0,
.% J'1cNA21i, ISSUER O1'' aMAR-
ringa Licenses, by lspituietuunt of
Lieut,-Goyernor, Comtn3ssioour, .ter., Q. D.
Conveyancer and Agent Fire fnnq•.xurr CO.
O111t+u ,Lt the C;aobr..ok Post ()thou.
eDA001(10114 and Loan Insurance Agent
for Moine of Elie beet and most reliable Own-
Tomosill tho Dominion. OOtos 'iriell Torr.
cue; Turnberry street ,near the station.
3' 1 W O'BRIEN, V. S., .HONOR
• • Graduate
nIuoinColloghaasreresumed Oletraoic,Toh
Nott, V,S„and is prepared to treat all dis•
oases of domeotioatod animals no col entail
nndapprnved prinoiplee. Treatment of del-
icate foals a 0)001 11v, Office two doors
North of 13ridg,, Turnborry street,
Geuther of Music. Vooal and Instru-
mental on Organ, Piano, or 0elie, Har-
10b,nyy and Thorough Bass. Atlt'ann,:d
fitted for Toachiug, 'Terms or apt'ii' .,tion
Rhforenco—Ladies of Loretto Ae.. 'coy
Guelph. Reeidonoo—No. 2, Terrace, ...,trill
hour etatiotl.
:' obert Cunningham
Guelph, Ontario.
II Moho:, thanking
L,! ` his many auebom0rs for their
Itis liberal support in the pael,
wiehoo to inform thaw Want at
his ellon to Smalo's block 1,o lamps nothing
but first•01aeo Bloats, all kinds of Poultry
and Sausage Aloat Doliverod to all parte of
the town free. Cash paid for flat Stook,
/:Lidos 0112 ehoop$kins bought for clash.
12 100 acreWog
souila »ortlot 16olilo 10 son d, 1000.
Minh) g45 autos, Lot 14 isartly atoareit,
the balancewelltintbored, e1. novor failing
creekoroeeeotholot and it is well adapted
for farming or grazing. Lot 16 is mostly
cleared and under good cultivation the bal-
anooweiltimbered with black ash. Will
soil all tagothsr or In parte to suit the Mu -
chaser. 1' Oe furthor l nrtioulers apply t o the
proprietor on the promisee. Thislotin well
drainod. tf 5110, AVTen1.
]3'.arsoi For b3J ale.
The snlisorider offers for sale 1110 valuable
L'armio the Township of Groy, comprising
lots 1 an (17, 0011,11 hi said township. This
[arm oobtains 200 aures and is within 1,{ mitas
from tho thriving[t o ingo of BruOOls, with
good geavo1 rmadulo:ling theroto. About 1.80
ACTOR are cleared, free/TOM stoops and in a
high state of Cultivation. The Balance Is
R11(ly wended. This farm in pn.rtioularly
wellfole0d,nearl tido ,bolo of tbo fences
Being straight and having boor orootod in
880 w,l'60. On Ilio pramiposthoreie a oom-
fortablo log clwelling,houso and itgoo dfrom e
barn with Moto stabltug uutio11noat11 In
-which therm la a won with 011 61)1111(1Mn4 sup-
ply of olnellent motor. TStole tB 11kowiso n
new frame implement house, 4040, wolf
llnored,above and below, and neatly sided
and painted. Par (014130111010-0spiny to.. Olio
1,'taprieLor, JA1.111151)111115010,
Tl egi 000 r, Unroll Co.,
13-41 O0dcrl01,,