HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-25, Page 5MAt1o1i 25, 1887. THE BRUSSELS POST
rynw' o.nr,'wNxrel::m,myymewaal4Earruru:wl ."^trEee '.^.'.,a,`rd"1r.R'ERVE' . Y . ar%Pwr.AArtryttvSmlTIMESSEZFurd1`:'&T3m%Si dR+W ._ �RrS`
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1Tta 1"�.C� t i"e i s,
Motto 8u9ar weather will soou be hero
and than who boom utopia groves aro
malting preparations for Glair work.
It io stated that a0vertbi strangers are
oauvassing difTerolt parts of the town.
ship ouleavo•ing to (1(8(010of sent whoat.
They may Ito all right but the O1p0010nae
of a good znauy no that it pays to bey
from. rolIttl,lo mon who aro well known.
Thio townellip aortal host year' with. a
Warta of 1;1424.41 on hand and Gut
year ended with a balmnoe of $1,075,85,
Oho total amount received was $20,510.-
001oud of Ubi.l suns Collector 111aeoy
ratio I in 011,873,25 in taxes, 059 was
expended for charity ; $51.17 for print-
ing ; $1413.8.1 for dramago ; roads and
bridges $1,308;13, There was only $8.00
of taxon uncollected whioh speaks wall
for the collector. Tl o'auditors woro W.
II, Olnakey and Mart M. Cardiff.
Bonaua.—Thu name is about all tllnt fs
now lalown of what was Dace looked
upon as an embryo town, 00 1853 Wm.
litr is. u'iv raiding in Algoma, 011111a
out. teem 1'71'211)1)11 and settled on (11^
Ior(dt.h8.lf of lot 9, cou. 4 and as he cast
abn»t 'lith for '.0010 h(((itting Hanle for
what was springing ip to bo a lively ham-
let be thought of his old homo over tho
sea, and n (mod it 13odmtn. There woro
three stress ,aarkad out and before very
long .1 grist hill, saw mill, 9anoral s ore,
post oi'lieu and Methodist parsonage were
to bo tonna. There was a don) built in
the river and this furnished power for
oho mills. Tho store was managed by
Walter Smith, and Dr. Hawk, and the
pry, -o f11''1, 1)y Wm. Ho, ria. TI w 11
proposed to open out a atreot autos,
what i oOty Chas. W.ho,ler'sform, to tho
side. -road an 7 a bridge was b'iilt over the
river. About six familio: resided in Boa.
hilt. As other villages sprung up this
one went down until at last .,bout 18
years ago Alf ed Haslam pnrohasod the
80 acro lot upon whim this deserted ham.
let .tool. Tho 111i1.1 timbOrs woro used
f.8,' bniI Ung a barn, oho tnachiuery being
,;al.1. • To.a stare fee a prey to tho i ;':out'.
ing ,deru+tlt% and I30.11111.1 oxtail ,OV/
only in the ota.nory of too old r0sidenta
or to 1,I10 young poop u as they listen to
11)1 clones of pioneer (Toys in this town-
At the de Iota to be }told in :tndereou'e,
1101v101 Wan o un Friday evening of this
week, or too oho lost ri41Ug 1)1 tha Nortit-
west will ba dfso((4301, tho fallowing per-
sons will told part : -No. 0 Literary
oloty -M. Black, captain, assisted by D.
Mol,'1 echlin, T. Salnplo sold •1. lnwma 1.
Clegg'oraen 800iety wi,l have Wen. Bry-
clo t for leader, hocked up by II. Mammy,
T. Itobortaon and las. Sherrie. The
chair 8111 bo oocupiod by John Sha.v,
Prrtcipal of the Brussels Public school.
811orcv..ten Lirrn&8,c.—Last Tnastlay
tweeting tho ontertai0ment announced
• last w.,'lt was hold in oho -010 oil halloo of
S. S. No. 0. Tho room was hail filled.
Shortly after 8 o'e,'ook W. H. Kerr took
the chair and for nonrly Oleo !tours the
11115110.81 was euterinined by the follow-
ing( a .:afoot program : —Two songs, C. (3.
1111:11+ a ,d family ; radials, Inn. Hattie;
two instrumental sal00tiona on th1'har-
nlo.ical, 1). tioDonald ; dialogue, "The
doubt • strata)en," M. 1.001itey, Annie
Annotr",t;;, Joanna Deland fined Janet
Mas01, ; two 001(911, Ida t111d Lizzie Reid,
Lizoi•9 10,13 551 and (1di1h Rozell ; song,
!toe+lla Cochrane ; recitation, Mary Ire-
land ; two instrumental salootions on
vi0in. and or9au, 1). Ewan and Miss
.10,1413 R ton ; reading, Janos Bowm m ;
solo, Mise Laura Bolton ; recitation,
Miss I,cna Smith ; song, "Tho li tlo farm
well tilled," Robt. and Thos. Strachan
and Dunoon Taylor ; dialoea', !Willie
Mason awl Violet Bono ; eluent, Miss
Lena Smith and Miss Sellers; recitation,
Ida cid ; qua otte, "Cone whoa the
lillics bloom." Sarah and Ida Reid, M.
Taylor, Isabella, Robt,and Thos. Strach-
an ; dialogua, Joseph Bowman and Mary
Ireland ; song, Li1zio Ireland ; anent,
001103411 T.tylor and daughter ; lecture,
"Old Mother Hubbard," Joseph Bow -
mai ; song, Lizzie (Reid ; dialogue, "In
want of a servant," Mary and Joanna
Ireland, Maggie and Janet Mason, Miss
Snowdrop, Andrew Sample and John
Parkins ; dialogue, "Tho letter," Jno.
Masson and Ohms. Armstrong ; song,
Sarah and Ido Riod and Bohn. and Thos
Strachan. The meeting broke up with a
vote of thanks and three cheers for the
chairman. Proceeds about $10, whioh
wilt bo handed over t o,the trustees of the
0011001. Pooplo who 11 eve never attended
au entertaimnont iy this school house
don't knew all the fen they have missed.
:1friz,ixi.ur.•---W. Simpson ci, Son desire
(.0"ammnuce to Ow ladies of Jathol and
sll'rroumling e0nntry that (hay have masse
tbo nocessarp arrangetlwnts to supply Cho
hoot desirable millinery this sea0or.
dopaotmout will be (1)01)8090(111 Miss
13art0rnllul, who 0omos from tho city
with mecellont recommendation. No ef-
fort will ha 0parod to make this apart-
ment a great 0(100010. A later al1n017n0o-
meut wet give (ho date of our Opening,
When 1110 trust oho ladies will bonelit us
and thomsolves by visiting' our oho(,
room, Our now arrivals of Dress Goods,
'Crin11nu19a and Fancy Prints aro me) t-
ing 1110 approval of 08013' cu01om01'. Call
and. loop through our imn10n0o ot0ck.
CQrditllly yours,
W. 613traal c1 SON.
Tho cry ie Do you want to trod°
'11, I', Simpson WW1 Mt. Toronto last
A now f0ature in litocttryloocietier'•
miuuto spoech(vt.
7110. 11031001 is getting =torte] en the
ground for 0two storey bni'ding.
Rev. Mr, Bettor proa0ho8 in the Vieth:
odinit Church lust Sunday rveniug
Ont' butOlIel', l.u. W. Wright, killed a
, hoer last wools that drassed about 880 lbs.
Tho infant son dolt. 117. 1Vrighe diad
last Saturday. Tho romans were inter.
red in the Elmo 00ma1Ory of Monday.
Inst 1!riday evening ovor twenty of the
nromber0 of tho Bible class vi0ito(1 (Rev.
D. B. Menne, and (11000ntod 110 with an
natty chain
W. Simpson d< Hon are prepari119 to
areal (mother building this ammnior. It
- is intended for two shops. n, harness shop
atnd a butcher shop,
It is reported that two of our promin-
ent J'wing mon !mond t0 go to Michigan
ore 1ring.
lir. A ns011 has the Hto10 011 the) ground
and intanda pushhlg his building 110 0000
11s 1110 00tss0>) ope1(6.
Rome nli0erablo umiak thieves have
boon pill), of stealing w11:1p0 from rigs
loft uuprote0tlld,
Mrs. James Spence has been ailing for
sonebim0 but we aro happy to loam that
0110 is nearly well now.
Jo1oph Whelptol has purchased a val.
uablc mare from U, Mona and now has
ono of the) float teases in Gin township.
,Toho (lobcr's engine Is giving perfect
saheb...qu l nod 1+ as good as a town
olook, when tiro whisdo io blown, to keep
us po+1051 in time.
Our division of Sone of Temperance is
booming. Soma' initiations have taken
plaoo during past two meetings and quite.
a number in prospoction.
A eleigit load of young fonts loft horn
fon' T. Whitfield's to wish 0000000 to T.
Whitllobl jr. and'Miss Whitfield, his els.
ter, on tho eve of their departure for
Michigan whore Mr. Whitfield intonda to
engage in farming.
AOC,n)ts0H:--Laura Spence, youngest
dang11t0r of Wil. Sperm, bad tho lnto-
fortune to orals hot left arm, Tho lame
arm Was broken Henle months sine. . SI10
slipped and fo 1 on the ion, tho tutu fail-
ing to support the weight of ha body. --
ibis's Paul happened with a painful awl.
dont, She was standing on a chair food.
ing 1101 cattalos when she Yell on the bask
of the ohair. Wu 1.10(10 s110 will Boon ba
batter.—As John Jury was driving down
Main street the sleigh ran on' his horeoe
heels, owing to his having no holdback
strap on his harnes0, fortunately tho
•+teigh 1)10119(1' 11p 1u�naln01 a telruranll
polo in froht of Mr. Spenco'e store, which
not only stopped the rig from contact
with the horses hind legs but stood Mr.
Jury on his head at an angle of forty-five
degrees, No damage done,
1170 are pleasod to see that tho rub
given our gossip.colleotiig correspondent
has not boon entirely ineffootual. He is,
it is trno, as impudent as ever, hot wo
(11,1 not expect to erftdtaatu by oto lesson
the golnbinal effects of ill -breeding and
low aesoaiatioos, As regard- the 1)00 of
slang Mao is marked improvement, his
latest iter containing only throe clang
phrases Knowing the difficulty of cast-
ing asido a besotting sin, we ronsid0r this
an encouraging ing result and hope ho may
not backslide what the rod is no 1 roger
11018 over him. 1110 effort to d100ar8
slang encourages us to point out another
notion. f.010 of his diction W" must
inform him (hot the iu00rtion of scraps
of badly -spelled Latin can never Motto
for the utter wretchedness of his English.
Ole delights in alctlling his thongnts—if
the product of his brain can be called
thought—a smug s love to clothe their
bodice They 11111115 it improves their
own nucouth and barbarous 00stu108 to
hang bore and thorn t4 bit of foreign frip-
pery. The excuse is the stone in tho two
cases viz.—ignorance. Let him not im-
agiuo'that boc.mtse tho iguorauluso, who
compose the gossiping club spoil out with
minded awe azul admiration lois Latin
pleases and gut.0 at 1110 amount of ven-
om they contain. intelligent readers
learned or unlearned, fail to appreoiat,'
him as :1 shallow, - vulgar, literary Cox-
comb. 1b1' the bad spelling there is no
excuse a.- all t' o Latin ho 11n8 over Wad
ur 01101' will read can bo found at the end
of a common English dictionary. Had
he) looked thoro on a certain 00oasion w0
8110p001 that readers of Tan POST would
n0t have aeon a doctor referred to as a
disciple of "Eeeupalius." While admits.
ing the axi,1teneo of a gossiping club in
Et11.1 and aekssowledgisg himself to be
oho Sourotor", Ethel correspondent dis-
claims any intention of wounding by his
gossip and calls his former item deoont.
This is mmrely an additional proof that
ho d006 not know what doeelloy is. We
shall not waste time in pointing out what
(ivory g,mtloman can see for himself and
what your Ethel correspondent could out
neo if it tyart, shown him. When ho says
wo aro mistaken as to his identity he
tells a falsehood, The fact that one of
the very few mon in Ethel capable of so
dastar sly a thing happous to bo a mer-
chant is strong presumptive evidenoe. If
he thinks wo have no other evidence ho
lies again—under a mistake. Mr. Secro-
taryy,', says something about olio;,ping
wools. 801110 retldors may not understood
t110 allusion. It is nothing more or less
than 11 sneaking attempt of a mean man
to make. another appear as contomptible
es himself. A Grey oorrespondont onoo
related that a young elan from the 01311
eon. had to ohop wood in order to pay
his board bill at a house whore ha was
detained by a storm. No,v what will
honest) people think of this .Ethel 00rtb0
when we inform them (1) that the porsou
on whom ho i0 trying to oast an odium 'I
like bis own did not write oho item 11(1(111- 1
ed to above, (2) that on the contrary 1)0
Cold0nmod it Its offensively percwlet and
falso, (3) that if your Ethel correspoudont
was ever mistaken as to the fags of the
else he Was cot right upon thorn only a
fow day's before the publication of Itis'
latoos item. 13111 we aro not through with
this 01(10 of his 01ar31010r. In the depths
of his moannoss there aro lower depths.
"Just thunk of Isis innocent and un0orp- I
ontliko quali1ioa" in publishing an insult- '
iv9 p• rsonal item concerning a f' icnd and
thou, ns a blind, smelt int O(8 mala a lot-
to abounding iu Oxpre0e1011e Of oolitic -11110o
and osteom and Offering 11 partnership in
busi,o-s. No, Mr, Secretary, capital is '
not the only tiling you lade. [minion I
s01100 and a souse of 1110 becomi119 31x0
valita1)10 aids to success. E1he1 co'res-
poudott's opinion that our Wein is "net. I
ovor.fortilo." we value as a (11)111(1111110111
when we ten+idor tho soma from whi011
18 comes, lMo havo 110 & UMt that !lie I
Own brain le as the geographic phrase
both (rich rind won -watered" lvithont 1
cultivation it cannot by ape, Ind to pro-
duce anything better thou (110 intellect. 1
11111 weeds and fungi helms pet on Ochib-
ftiol 1)ttoly: And koro w0 beg the read. I
or's Mardon for having quoted two slioai-
7110110 of this follow's En9110h, Wo did
not select thorn 1)00a11so each contained a'
blonder for one could scarcely thione ten ,
oonsooltivo word, from any part of tiro
itom without falling upon an error in
language or in Coletruotion. We Strong-
ly awls° him to forego tho hope of liter-
ary diebinotion and attend to 1111) butter,
eggs and grocartes. ',i'v'tto he lifts already
won a sort of fame) loll 11 is It fauna that ; for 1)131119 minstrel. We amok oho right trm
is cousin aseerolau t , Whitely. If he will 111111011 the Wend owl Ilud no diction ty, .M
ua+ist 111 writing wee would lingoo.t t1) if (t!'110(1µ; 1t 11 ,111' net tile) 111'te1'l,I through
he) giva 1011 hour through
ev011tllg to Slvin1(11 4 which it is going is very soft. But to ro-
I NLanguage Loavoie' an oxealleit little I tarn to Mr. Soo. Wl1' Bahl the readers "f
book for begilmero. In oho msantimo( TUB PONT acro (3011th Son Iolandero? We
wino forward school boy in the fourth know 01 some of the r0ndersofTan Posy
form may nndertak0 to tit (tis prod(Otiols 1 who havo (1111(ed, ,;) far out into sea that
for Antwerp.. Whether We are t0 bo fay. they canna( 400 thole. 1008' 010111' colt 0f 1118
orad with somethingf,rlhor from him he) storm and now that their frail bath lo
saga "all d000nds." Wo were aware Of I boing 'mooed tee 11,11d fro they hooray
that. 11 depend.; on tit) possibility of a know 101101her to (5101111 or drown --"A11
man continuing for the space of ono month depondo." Yee I all (lrp0ud0 on their
writing tho worst trash imaginable and moral etr1139311 fold 0(01194go 1vh0"her they
r0U1141111Ug onbllnlely 0 111 0 118 01 8 0(8 t111o1 will 0Va1' flet o'lt (If S aug.alo l.GoHaijl
hofs making Himself ridiculous: If any harbor. Why vpond you time idly,
altar man had in a tit of mllaoilitywrittel1 i buoy in the) pnblieatio.l ,f ohms; loin goo.
olthor of his items its publication would sip of oho day when your blieineas de.
make him contemplate 81110id0 but to this hands your diligence. Yon' fiat rejoin.
Secrota,.y linty aro a metier for oxuttatiO( ors via haw no nem, offtat on C. M. a:1d
and boast. Therefore, we ex(eu1 to !near C. 0. than a swarm of boos would have
from him again. We hone not however, upon oho Chines+ wall. As well might
Personally we aro quite indifferent, but for you dream that bho treo which fall last
ally human being to write a third iteol liko century will uproar its (1Oeayc(0 trunk as
those above Inoutiolod wonld bo enough to think that yon can marmfaOturo in
to roam men ashamed of their 0po0105. hall an hoor a oration of ft confused
We 'lope Ethel eorl'ospondont will not brain that we ca111101 quash as easily as
complain of so0101y on our part. Jndg- an epiouro can d010011 ll the hind leg of a
ing by his allusion to the egg tenon he did frog. "Go to sohool," "go to school" and
not expect to he handled gently. Porhaps drink from wisdom's crystal atroatn the
however ho trustee! that 4 Ilnu'•£eelinra" water that will enrich your barren doll.
'30ttl(t 0811451 1(1,1 long 01111.51 qua -Initials to bre. 'I'hon 08,111, you ba like a tree plaat-
,take his practical joking 111 good part. ad by the Maitland, who o fruit shall be
Here, for thoproscut we shad atop. Wo for the healing of tho Gossiping Club.
have been hunting our sumo no a farmer Then shall the Club go forward tothe
might hunt rt for amu0onolt— elevation of the neural, suci,ll and Intel
stilllessforglory,but for utility (lone. leotual('efinemoitofEthel end thus share
Things vary insignifie0ut in themselves in the honor of having e'lrciod a mono -
often prove ., public naieauoe. This is our moat of virtue against which the storms
solo exens0 for any castigation we have of Limo shall break litre waves again•t tllo
gluon or may yet give the distinguished ocean rock. Do 1hi, and your "lady
Socretary of Ethel .)00019ping Club. If friondo" and everybody also will respect
fntho future ho will 0onfino his attdntion you. If you choose to do otherwise be
to his own business and lot gossip alone a0aurod that oho detectives will be after
"01 "(1ill bo gratlfi.d but 1f not, rest assur- you, We 11' • let 1110 a me Boor, u" •'
ed that though wo may spoil tbo—child— simply dofending ourselves against an in-
wo certainly 011a11 not spare oho 1 od. suiting por•0na1 attack, and if you Hare
C. M. made things unpleasant for yourself got
out of the difficulty as did the fly out of
'a74•rarllb(•oolt. the mole mos. Goodbye till we meet
again. 0. 1..
Mrs. D. B. Moffatt has wino 8,:l a visit
10 Blyth. dij'lll;.Yll aLlil.
Wo rogrot to chronicle the demise of
Mrs. John Bothwell, 31110 poacefully The Beaver block, neatly dootroyod
passed away, at her NW m'aiclenee, Can- by fire. will be rebuilt.
brook, on Stulday bast at about 0 o'oloot The last carnival of the season woe
nom. Tho d.,coased wets hold in high 00. hold on T(50088y evening.
teem by all who know hat, On Monday Thoro was a charity concert 0'1 Thar• -
at throo 0 010011 her remains were iota- clay eyening of this week.
red in tho Oranbroole oonet0ry in pros- (frank Billingsley he opening a brooch
once of a largo concourse of sympathizing harness -making ootablishsent in Bel.
friends and 1'eletive+. The husband of Pm.
oho deceased is a member in good stand- Wroxeter 0o01008 aro 0 little on the
ing in Court Woodbine and has the heavy side for us. They rubbed it iu
sympathy not only of the Court but alai with 17 points ahead.
of tiro entire community in his sad be. W. R. Kinsman, of this place, and Xaa.
reavem"lt. Tho doeeasod leaven a baby Leaver, of East Wawanosh, eat 2 cords
to be nasal and marl for by some kind of 4 foot wood in 50 minutes. It took
guardian. • five t' cos to make the two cords.
Pnrst:t1'.trms.---Last Friday evening Tho concert given on oho evening of St.
the lnoilbers of the Bible) class of Knox Patriok's Day was well attended, and
church, Ethel, drove over tooho manse, proved quite a mimesis Those who par.
waitedupon Rev. D. B. McRae and pre- tioipatesl in the. 1)109ran1 were :—Mr. a"d
sated him with an adjustable easy ohair, Mrs. Traoy, of Stratford ; Misses Co 'k,
'('10 f •llowiug address was road by Miss McCabe and Pstterson, of Godorieh ;
Davies ;— Mrs. O'Noil, of .13 rusoels ; :Miss Lynn
and Masco. Tama and Sloane, of Blyth.
The prooeeds will be devoted to the local
Iris11 Benevolent Society.
loi:stoweta 1.
S.1:. Pierson, L. D. S„ has disposed of
his practice) to J. d, Foster.
Kidd Bros. havo pul'chase,l from Dr.
Steel, V. S., of Stratford, the colabrated
bay more, "Swamp Nancy," and her
colt by "Chicago Volnuteor," for 6350.
The ltov. W. Burgess, assistod by his
son and daughter, and Miss Langstaff, of
Hamilton, wore holding a series of tem-
peraneo revivals in the city of Stratford.
The Ocld Fellows arca present bolding
their meetings in tiro Knights of Labor
hall, and will continuo to occupy it till
such time as their lodge rooms, which
were (demigod by fire, aro repaired.
The following otlioev were appointed
for the Knox Church Ladies' Aid So-
ciety :—Proaident, Mrs. 1V. Thompson ;
Vice -President, Airs. Roy ; ' Troaserer,
Miss Nioh'd ; Socsretary, Miss Ross.
On Tuesday evening of hast weok A. 33.
McOallum, B. A., late head master of the
High School was trended to a farewell
supper. Mr. McCallum lio.s gone to To-
ronto to minim his law studios. 141 .
Connolly tato assistant teacher, has ac-
cepted of an agency for the Tomporano0
At General Lifo Assurance Go.
Mr. Coultas is again 1111111 to bo round,
and will soon bo able to attend to his
Miss Annie Tllynile, who has hada for
some Limo visiting friend,' in 21, Dover,
returned last wait.
Business, which bas loon booming for
the last few waltz, is slackening, on aa-
oaunt of the bed rnacl0.
Rev. A. 7. Hartley attended 1110 Con-
vention of the Dominion Athena, in 'To-
ronto. IIe roports n good timo.
Irving Cloghoen and Miss Boll Dan.
kin, who aro away from homo cato0ding
school, were in town Saturday and Sun-
day. They report no look -out for a scar.
oily of teachers this year.
Our saw mills are mow running in full
blast. Tho station mill stems to have
even woro than its sharp for this winter,
tho yard being nearly full. Mr. Duff
moms determined to push things and (39
long Its he is tit the helm Nile 1(1a.y expret
A number. of our 1'esi8ents tools their
departure o1 Monday hist. Chao. 1,0161,
loft for Detroit, He carries with hint
the bast wishes of all his friends. —Miss
181rid90, who for some time tuts boon via-
iting with her aunt. Mrs. Cooler, rammed
to her (tome in Montreal.-Viso:Fazio
Robertson, who lulppols to luivo n broth.
or in oho 'Northwest, Wan gone out to
"hear 11im 0oopanv "
Spring 13 near at hand. Wo can 1100 it '
in tho bright blur) sky, l,ho dial disoolm'ed
anov, and oho nuachlltetllted mod. 'i'l'o
Can hear it in the songs 0r the birds, (ho
0gt10altin9 of tho 01019110 n'or 1110 pebbles,
and the rearing of the wate,' et tho (um,
a0111(0(11] and Whsela and foams and
thunders through, 17o cam ase end fool
and know in ovoey vein that the resurroo.
tion of inarlmala nafn1'0 is about to bo
effected, and we si110erOiy dopa that soma
twill takc hem and follow in Lha 11101,15 of
TO 1(; r. 7). 1l. JlrPiae,
DEAR 280100 8185) Ti:Acesz.—We, the
members of your Bible olass, are met to-
gether and have taken the liberty of call-
ing tsp' 1 you (itis evening to show our
appreciation of your labor and tho inter-
est you have talon ill expounding and
teaching to us the Bible troths as eon-
taiuo11111 Clod', word. Wu aro fully
aware that WO have given you cause, for
discouragement by our cnrolossn0as and
inclifferouoo in this interesting and all
important study. However, by God's
blessing, wo trust that wo havo profited
by your teaching and that you will yet
realize that your efforts have not boon in
vain. 77o wish tonight to express our
gratitude in a more tangible forth, and
ask your acceptance of this easy chair as
a slight token of our osteon, and what)
resting upon it may it load you to think
of tho fest propareel for the children of
God and may It sometimes remind you
of us for whom you are so faithfully lab-
oring. May tho Groat Teacher so teach
us all that when the labors of this life
aro ended wo may all enter into that
peaceful rest.
Tho rev. 90ntleman replied in a fitting
manner. '1'1)0 evening was very pleas-
antly spent and the young people enjoyed
themselves very much.
i u 11((11 Sec. OF E. G. 0.—I1 was 1119111,
the starlit sky vas lovely, the watch
dogs bark wan hushed, nothing broko the
stillness save tho rustling of Tea POST los
I unfolded its pages to read your letter
and now in ro0ogmti"n int your ""sym-
pathy" and the "salutations" of the' Club
permit ala to drop the rod of criticism on
your literary Som with the 11opo of par-
don should I fail to moot your approbn-
tfan. It was too long for your memory
to bridge; its logical construction r0minda
mo of it, soap bubble ; its slang interlard.
ings together with its foul oxpreesiouo
and barbarisms would lead one to %op-
pose tint its author ha(3 been a fresh inu-
portatiol from the notorbnls 'doh market
yet alln(lo to and its false fabrication
points to tho days of Ananias. Why, in
the name of common sono dict you not
consign it to the wasto basket where the
eaglo oyo of the critic would never havo
soon it. Look at tho along in it, tho con.
tradictions, oho borrowed Latin, the
mean allusions, the faiso statements, oho
vain quibbling 31514 the conctitcd tone of
lb. Look at "D. D. Wilson's egg team."
and then holt Mt yourself driving a NEVI
of eggs undo' the improsaion that they
aro (tauten. What about your power of
dieorinlin=(tion now 7 You seem to bo hl
a groat goe.ndilry as t0 the w11e•Osbouts of
the E. G. C., while report soya that you
meet 'With the Club at each sas01011 in
your 0wil store mud moreover you aro (ie-
cturingg 1n print Mat you aro tho Soc. of
said Club. What is oho matter with your
hood ? Woll, report says that oho Club
has not brain lln0wor commit to cope with
present diffienitios so It draft was made
awl the Club huu'0aecll io nlanuber0hip.
Their mentos T. 0110,11 not mention but will
9ivo yon n description of somo of them
'LCnnrding to import, be it remombored.
Mr A is said to boa dry .goods roan in
whale 08tab110hmon1 nothing false aan ho
soon excop1in911i0 teeth, noel wlooac baso
Voice 1000mbl05 ohm soma Of a fog -horn.
Mr. 13 is young, and boing bashful I will
not tease him. Mr. 0 is 0 --, who, Uy
00 way, is 0little boot—on fun. I
novas 01(0peat011 those gontlemo11 of Writ-
ing the Rom whlioh hos given ciao to this
controversy, so they Irmat bloom report
Tho Wh,c100r Elootri0 Railway Comp-
31ny will'mm11151100 reln.ying (hp 1(8ak
with C mails thin 180011.
l` V
_%' OR.--
JL1l ---
If you want the Local, District and General News you can't do
better than accept of this oift'r.
`row i1 oho Time to E o Soso 9 be,
and You can do us a favor by Tolling your neighbor.
�,csam:r:,.cx�v.._....r.� enaa�cau�z...,a:aek•.ors._-ctcr:x,ryrn��,...:c•;a
GA O e
o' Emporium, 7e) grant's Eft ok, r sola-
. S' !
Next Door to the Post Office.
I 11111 prepared to Pay CAGB for any quantity of Eggs.
and Remember the Stand.
5Eit. , yr l ill : 4£.,lHl K
0 --
The n)udt'r„igncd desire. to r(tul'li his thank fit, tilt 1
support a,ct 111'(11'(1 the. firm: 1,r lIn 'croft Bros. for the p.1.-J.1':i 1 , :1rs
11 ( S ,
and expresses 1111' wish 11,.11 10119,' 11 18•1en rola ;.0
tin 51311.
• Gi;OI1i41I'RA 'VC RIFT.
0— e
J,•, vL'im.i• 'r",�'3 ,A7'„1'11,Alt,.o
IVs Wks. Uo;,tsuro in infortlaiug tiro gencrall t11:.: lame
1 publicr y 11 1-C
formed a ct1-pf"tncl'mllilp, to b1' known under t:lirl name. i.:
l TuaNatr1.i., to carry on file Slow, Tinware and
business, lately antler the control 01 Intl. y ft Bros.. tx
will be to deal fairly and squarely with the public and. rive 1(81'1.33
such bargains Its will Speak, for themselves.
4iv r
�Ve. make 1t lulataly of 1.,1(.unuglnn„• Give tits 'a cull, fru, ('1111 4.1