HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-25, Page 44 • _ u.srila2F,.......=rug=2-.:„...::_ Two Adiivaistwtrutz,. A (inane deal has been eaid of late On the estateielneent of a (J'11. lexittl--0eo, Broker. sex vative paper in lernseele. It bee To Rent-juo. Wynn. Wire aud Nall -IL Uerry, boon freely stated by nem of the r Local -Wt . IL McCracken. promoters of the Schema that they Don't ecuthis-J. 0. Mimic Implements -M. M. Card. did net Suppose, perliepe, there was LoSule-eals-City Curb= Shpoeon. , room ler two papery in tide teenlity Farm for Richard Canvassers Wand- .1). A. finial°. but they wanted to teach the editor Servant Wanted---,Yre, E. tf., Wade, of TliFPOST 11 lesson, end over his Millinery -W. Simpsen A: Hon, Ethel. ' Notice in Creditors --C, B. Armetrong. shouldere whip the /Inform party, calr.rameecrea.attaa so with pure malice tile Call Vali hag been pushed aud bouue; , in the ' 111 ,11. Le 4) Ci5t. way of $5.00 subseriptinne, songht (fly 1.11. ' '''' :-. — - __.. _. _, ._.„ for, It bee been said, and by some FRI.D.1.1', .31:111CH ;25, 1887. persons who know to the centrarYi tre.-.-----.-_---_,-. - --- ---- --•-e-... =nere that we fitated when wo took charge AT n meeting of the Privy Coun • of Tile POrT that we would make it oil Tuesday afternoon il teas decid- au indepoinleut jourbal. fins is un - ant the guest of ll,Irs, Tonne ed to recommend Lievt.-Col. Ouhnet true. What wo said ails, 1.Pulitt-t miss Annie Shane is at present in M. P Lir Leval, its Speaker r f tlie li sally we have no yew depert tire 0 Lujenaon Vrsitggs.lie_winste%. 1 i .11'ifaliNeVaitri'' THE BRUSSELS POST MAncit 25. 1887, ,lantillerenalteallaaaarr.ciarzustsaissisatissitneleattalisseverdszlis1f11711==liaidateelt===tOr011iesT7TnIpi.r,,,!..,,,,.„,,,,:i, lug, Eneohtel ; song, P, Ritchie, Geo. Foreeet, Menet Mary and ,lennie Ritchie reading, Bubt. Dioksou ; &Jae. tion on mouth organ, D. l'ffelenald.A. good reading by T11011, Ferguson was by time oversight omitted in last report. Jno. Bots occupied the ohair in his u an able and happy meaner. A. debate will be held nest Monday Iwoning, when. the enbjedt, "Resolved that annex aloe to the United States ;yenta be benelleial to Canada,' will be disouseed, bI.t h. P. Rally was in Toronto this week, Our merchants report basinese brisk at present, T. Poulton, of Bilffale, is at present home no a visit. Miss Jane MoQuarrie left hero this week for Exeter, Dr Cray of Paisley, is at present yieit • ing in Ibis neighborhood. Miss Bella Dair loft here on Wednes- day morning for Michigan. Miss Newton, of Strathroy, is at pros. Hemillion Hume. lic.et. Per tr, M. : announce but we will tile aye give ;wheel, , aid a vi -it to 11.111';;:cie la, liveeke. P. for IV( et ITuron, will . MINIS 111)(1 I local and diettiet netts precedence." f2vrit'OninitriVItVteucTi: I'll Ti1,2,71`; Dr. Weldon, M. P. fur Albert, N.B., i The real cause of the preseut oppus week. - . ' ' oq ; itiot is the smarting ever the de. • Jos. Ballantyne, after a long absence, second the address,returned to town to work for J. G. in tbu Brusools reeveship, the Moser. WE remind our readers that theMiss Tillie Carson, of Clinton, is at Local House electiou, end the re. neceesary number of shares have ereteoeient.spendiug a few days with friends cent Dominion conteet, nt which In w not yet been taken to procure theI Miss Maggie IfeQuaerie is vis.tirg the Reform candidates wero encase purchase mote" for the proposed friends inlthe neighborhood of Brucee.s ful. The Conservative papers al- at re mtee jel,die ffiyes retmenel to firele- Dii'LL'U "La 4-121.11tn:": :Par'," The ready established iu Den, in with rich this week after a prolonged visit people of Brussele should require no with friends in town. dog belonging to one of our residents mefortunatly jumped through one of the lights in F. Metealf's book etore last week. A number of Good Tempters from Kie- burn paid a visit to their brethern here on Tuesday last and spent a very enj, y. able time. The Salyntiou ..errny hes increased their staff by getting Lieut. Smale, of Ingersoll. Lieut. Simile formerly had charge of the army hero. A pleasant evening was spent by the young folks at the residence ot angald McKellar's, on Wednesday evening trip. ping the light fantastic, dm. The series of revival meetings. to be held under the auspices of the Royal Tomplars of Temperance will begin in the •Terrgiorance Hall on Tuesday even- ing 25th met. Under the powers of sole contained in a Jno. wii M. Slonnt son of Andrew -loan, oortdslnAloileilitget.to thotten lora, which has been engaged as solo 1 teacher in tn'sluor.4110118,1e=lt'Int:t1AtaiVerlien, tEeaX; will be 5011, by Public Auction, at the mEnrchib linetb, iu the Village of Ente- bbe, on urging to do their duty, nor should the farming community need to bo melted twice to lend a helping hand to this laudable enterprise. Re- member this is the Queen's Jubilee year Tanga probably never e as a 111811 whose defeat was 140 exultingly heralded than that of M. C. Cam emu, Reform =ablate of West Huron in the late Dominion elec- tion. Mr. Cameron has both iu and out ef the Roan dealt with the doings of the Government iu very plaiu Anglo Sexed and Luis not been slow to speak hie miud on the leading questions, particularly the Northevsel rebellion and the way the half breeds and Indiana were treated. 11 10 owing to this aggres- sive style of warfare taint Mr. Cam eron's defeat is counted RS one of the beat vietoecee wen in the recent cop test. W. D. BALFOUR, M. 17. P. for South Ems, and one of the prop- rietors of the henberstburg Echo is pushing a Bill in the Le& Leg itdat are oncoming the low of libel and its unfairness toward the 'teen - paper men of this Pretence The principal amendments asked for are that the plaintiff be asked 1, show presumptive evidence that iu tlice on the part of defendant wit, intended where is worthless perm brieeie it trumped up charge tl.ai the tenite be deposited or be guaranteed at in a number of instances newspaper men after having won the enit had to foot the whole bill of cests. That the reports of Court proceedings he privileged from the entry of a !alit at the end of to case The lie is. paper men are willing to take all they do,erve but don't went to be pestered every few months with it letter from some legal firm demand. ing that reparation be made at once or else u, Jibcl suit will be in stituted, hero there be not the sligette4 growls 6..r ;he 1,0(1 itn. potoliteciit. A entempeeary in. speedo ug on this subject flays The law of libel ladefective and news- papers at present may bo the prey of pro. feesional pettifoggers, and of persons in- fluenced by individual or personal malice. During the heat of an eleetion campaign e newspaper says sharp things about its political opponents and naturally rouses thole anger ; and for the sake of niece annoyance or bud an action for libel is entered for some trifling expression which is generally justifiable. The great curse of the law of libel in operation is that here and there in every community there are occasionally professional mon, mark- ed exeeptions to their honorable tease and calling, who take up worthless et/WM for worthless eborsoters, simply as mat - tore of speculation. In such cases the newspapers win but their victories are barren, and the coats wine out of their earnings because the nneueceseful plain. few eaceptione, have not been sup- ported. When the Sea(orib Sun commenced to shin it wee to row lutionize all this section of country and liberal things were cornocd on from the Conoervativos of Brussels, Morns and Howick. Tito editor oi the Sue will be the boot authority as to the generosity of this pro iced aid. The Gorrio Vitiate, Wiugbatn Advance, and the d• fund Blyth Advocate could tlee tell II tale it they saw fit, no doubt. INT6 don't purpose taking down our sign nor moving out. of town but, with Lite able assistance of our Reform imp - porters and those of our Conservat- ive friends who see fit to support us, we intend doing in the future as we have done in the past -what we consider to be right -and turn out a newsy local paper. Politics have been a canker worm for years in Brussels but this new remedy about to he pre scribed will fall far short of effecting a cure. In local affairs Tom Paso, while under our control, has never urged the claims of a Reeve or a Councillor because ho was n Reformer and as far as the appointment of officiele is concern- ed we have pursued the same course. Any nndertaking prompted by revenge and malignity rests on a bed fonndation and often canses loos and trouble to the prnmotere. (G- itte3". The marriage fever is becoming opi- demi°, we will have another grist to re- port next week. Wm. Knight has accepted of an agency for the Temperance and General Life Assurance Company. Ile will make good one. Benj. Johnston, son of Thos. W. John- ston, and Thos. Iislop loft for the West last Monday. They purchased their tickets from Thos. Fletcher, agent 0.2. R., and took train at Wroxeter. The Wingham Advance says :-Robb. Reilly, of East Wawanosh, a few doge ago sold his Pet:chorea mare to Marsden Smith, of Grey township, for the slim of 0200. This is a good pries but not more than the animal was worth. Michcel Keller disposed of his 50 sere farm, west -half lot 31, con. 7, to Moses Henry for 01,700. Mr. Keffer is selling off all his farm stock, ,.to,, next Monday and will remove to Port Euron, Mich., where he intends working at tho black- smithing. Poor•BALL.-Last Friday afternoon an eleven from Brussels school played the club of Slime's school a friendly game of foot -bell, ire Robt. Diokson's field. After an boar's play Brussels was credited with a gov.l. Tho following boys cam - posed the two teams (-Brussels. Thos. MeLauchlin, Thos. Kneehtel, Fred. and Wm. McCracken, Thos. Dickson, B. Plant, W. McIver, R. Wye, 11, Ross, .A. Burgess, and J. Meadows. S. S. No. 1, W. and Ed. Hill, R, and G. Delgatty, 3. Hollinger, D. Robertson, J. Bellantyne, I R. and P. Ferguson, W. Ilislop and D. Shine. W. Moll'adzean and U. McFad- den acted as immires. The literary entertainment MS 1101(1 iu Shine's school house last Monday even- ing. There was a Lege ttleenclance, the school being packed to overflowitig. Thu program was instructive as well as ene. ing, and all who took part did admirably tiffs aro poverty stricken. ihe newepap- well. Following is the program ;---Song, ore simply aeli that m chock bo placed tu Oeo. Forrest and Jennie Ritchie ; read- these ithuees , that the plaintiffs must ing Wm. Encelitel ; natation, Miss ;Mow clear evidence of malice in the ordi- Bella Bets; reading, J, M. Robertson ; nary and not the hithe,to legal semi ; soug, Jas. Mitchell ; dialogue, D. Robert. , that the plaintiffs shall jive securityfor son, ,Tas. Robertson, Jno. Motanehlin, ' 8 7 . 1 1 AX 8 7 . Don't veacl tido J. it; 3. Livingston have for the Farm - ere in the vieinity of 1311111001e mid Blyth who intend raising Flax during the corn- ing Beason, 2,000 Bushels of the hest im. ported .11OLLAND DUTCH SFEB, which they are prepared to deliver at their Dail.; in 13 uesele fuel 111 1.; Farmers in Quantal° to suit. o Edison( e good Cron, the Best Seed is ebeolutely required. Order Early, For Flax grown from the shove seed the [Tighe& 21 it Price will be paid If of goad growth, and harvested in proper SeaS011. J. & J. LIVINGSTON, 86 Proprietore, FARMS FOR SALE. Tho following 4°411'41(10 nua (-legibly sI tinted forms are 0' ((Revd for solo ou moot liberal terms de 130500 and pay. mute. The laud Is of eitoollant quality, with good ioprovo(nonts, within 11 miles (.,1 beth Ethel and Henfryn railway st &Cons, post oitIces,grist and saw mina schoOls and churehes. Pence!, No. I. -tot 21, Concession 5. Gral. , County of Huron, 000 aoree, About 70 woe eleored, Over holt Iron from ottunns. GOod ironic born and stables, log house, good orehard, fences, etc. 010001. No. 2. -Lot BS, concession 0, ro y Huron CountY, adjoining 1. Lend i.ol quit- to good but execilent graziti land. dbuoilaneo ef good water 00,1 10,11,5.. Almost ne w t ranie house and barn. ,5 boot 110 eon's eleerett, about 00 of whieh has been cropped. Large drain &meetly opened past this la n d. These is rove) tio will bo sold together or separately o nd 1-7.1110h hOlOW their Teal Tattle. Parties desiring good farms, ready for oc- ounation, chonn and on Getty tonna, should apply (stollen 10 J. 0. alien GNAW), 44 'King iltreet West, Toronto, 01 00 J. 11, OPANT, 20.51 Brussels. ORTUAGE tet LE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In.the Townshib uf :Morris, Ido County of Huron. Southern Manitoba. This speak w 11 for one of Blyth's young mon. Jno. has tile beet wishes of his many friends. We are again called to recordthe death Wednesday, 2nd Day of Marc, of another and highly respected person at Ili= on P. 111., tbo following peoperty 1-- being the wife of Jas. McGill sr., of East The South hey of Lot number Tweiity. Wawanosh. Desceased had been ailing1 0111 ooyriL ceg.fitniliiTieto by asi. for some Hole past and expired on Friday morning last, at the old age of 70 years. Her remains were interred in the English church burying ground on Satu'elay after. noon lett, followed by a largo concourse of friends. The Scottish Canadian Concert Com - pithy save ono of their popular concerts in the Temperance Hall on Wednesday evening of last week to a fair audience, although the attendance was not what it should have been. The Co. fulfilled th it program in a most .satisfeetorily 511 pleasing manner, the singing by M. and Miss Rankin was well rendered and heartily received the applause of the mid. kale& The juvenile dancers performed their part ivoll to tho best satisfentjon of all present. Other pieces were rendered in a similar manner by the Company, concluding with the "Sailor's Hemel e," whin was rendered. in isnuinner most pleasing to all. It is needless Ir us to make mention of the piper, Bat. Inland, as his fame is already known that Amer. icalms not his equal. The concert was brought to a close lei singing Auld Lang, Syne. 7110 e feel confident in stating that 11 the Company should ever treat us with a concert of this kind again they will be greeted with a full house. A Halifax dispatch says: The continu- ous strike of ooal miners at the Platen mines has created a coal famine in this city and very serious results will ensue if the strike continues much longer. The Cape Breton ports are frozen up rind no coed oan be obtained thence. The. Spring Hill mines cannot supply their orders from the upper Provinces. Hall - fax people, therefore, will soon bo eompel- led to burn wood or pay about '010 a ohaldron for coal, roeasuraniont,nitieby-niue and one•quarter acres, inure or less Una form is well situated on good leading road and tidjOilIS the Berperation limits of Brussels, about fifty acres cultivated sod baler( io pasture and woodland watorod bT the Eivor Maitland. Geed frame house, ,rame barn and stable. Boil !generally clay loam. Terms und Conclilione Of sale, Oho property win be offered for sale sub- joot to reserve bid. The purchaser must, , at the time 01 sale, pay ono.tonth of hie purchase money to the Vendors, their So Bettors or Agents, and sue/clout within thirty days thereat er, with interest at six and a half p000000, to redoes tlto balance of purohaeo motley to 51801.00, which amount ratty remain on Mortgage to the Vendors for ilvOyeare with interest at six cud a hell per neut., payable yearly. The Mortgage to contain a oovenant for Insurance in elioNarth13xitIsh and Mercan- tile hisurance Comma/ to the full insur. able value of the buildings. • The Vendors will not be bound. to Recountfor, for, prodnee,er show, or prove the contents 05 800 deeds or evidence of title not in thsir possession, or furnish tropic aof the same. The purchaser must investigate the title 00 bis own evens°, The other conditions of sale ba made knovin at the time of sale, or on applicatien to'tho undersigned, at TOrento, cror further partioninre apply to the undersigned, or tog. 11. GRaNT. Brussels. The Allure Sale is Postponed until Wednesday, the 1611 Dag of March, 1887, s..r mom 11000 101) none, h-%7The abort Sale IS farther rostponed until Wednesday, 30th of March, 1887, At sante Plneeand Hour. HOWLAND, ARNOLDI MACKENZIE, Croirt.ticitna. Sclicitcotst. Toronto, Pow cry 2131h, 18,77.11.5 Having been appointed as Agent for tho•Massoy Manufacturing Company in tho place of Mr. Thomas Watson, I will at all limes Machinery made by the Company on hand. such as have the SULKY RAKES, MOWERS, REAPE184 BINDERS, WILKINSON'S PLOWS, ETC. coats or be compelled to plead in forrna Jno, Robertson ; recitation, Alex. Per. iatupevia, and that; code shall not bo rie ; song, Cleo. Forrest, P. Ritchie, D. against a newspaper as defendant when a Ritchie, Wm, ltitehie and Misses Bitchier; jury refuses damages. Above all it should recitation, Alex. Forrest ; selection on be provided that no action for libel should mouth organ, D. McDonald ; reading, D. he allowed until the accused has first been Robertson ; recitation Jas. Portia ;di it. given the opportunity of retreating the loges, Jno. Bein, xrg.'nfon, Jbolla 13a1 - alleged libellous statemente. lastyrie; reading, Joe. Robertson ; read. (Alec and Storeroom in connection with the East Huron Car- riage Works, where all Repairs eon be had. YOURS Tama, VFW. but eomu and nee for yourselves the Now Spring Goods Just to Hand. Cheap Dress Goodeit all Liuea, New Prints, New Ging/lame, New Blasting, Now Shirting. Now (lottounilos, New Tablings, all CHEAP et the Red Store, Loa My 1.0l1y 1'," "Tat 1" „Be. cause I got bad tea." Serytt, yeti right, you should have gone to SitaNg'a where you got tho Best Tote in Town at the Lowest Prices. All my Groceries are Fresh and Cheap, Call and get Prices. Imperial Mil. THERE 114 NO LEATHER SO GOOD. 50 Wo have Three, Theugand Pairf I3onie in Mock. 'We Will tslsloe a Iteduetho, en Every Pair. We Sell Cheaper than anyone oleo quality considered. t8z"Better and Eggs taken in exchange for Goode. tglent fOT Park f.11"'S 1)7/0 The ("Mt BOOt & Shoe mom, , [Yorks. • i* 1-11 :171. Adam Good. 06211.3.1TOMPurxa..........0212RIP,72. 2...11.1113511. AUDITORS' REPORT 1886. 2IMEIP THOS. KELLY IN A (:1)0 ['la WITH TIM MUNICIPAL] 31' I3241'Sn' :- COUNTY. To Amount levied 5109 64 1880 siso 6 RAILWAY. To Balance on hand last audit $ 21 65 " Amount levied .... 006 40 32`,4 0; By 'Helene° on hand et last audit e 6 37 " Paid Co. Treasurer. 421 20 Am'ilt bal. at (Unlit.... 32 07 --• 04611 1487 To Balance 11 36 BY-LAW NO. 7, INT1:11EST To Balance on hand last audit 13 21 81 " Amount levied ..., 367 66 5889 17 1887 To Balance 39 17 BY-LAW NO. 8, INTEREST 1886 To Balance on hand last audit 5 112 21 Amount levied-1378 e11 81491. 10 1887 Bal. sit hand at audit,. 91 10 BY-LAW NO. 9, INTEREST 1880 To Balance on hand last audit 5 46 71 amount levied153 24 —.- 0199 95 1887 To amount to balance.. 45 95 I3Y-LAW NO. 10, INTEREST 1886 To balance in hand last audit 13 17 59 " Amount levied, 30(3 39 0323 08 1887 To amount te belance.. 209 118 BY-LAW NO. To from Laud Improve. ment Fund, Morrie $207 O2 " from Land Improve. ment Fund, Morris 200 71 " from Land Improve. mont Fund, Grey.. 75 00 0513 33 SCHOOL ACCOUNT. 1886 To balmuce on hand lad 11486 By paid W. IL Mose, 139 41 School Board 5 170 00 " Government grant 170 00 " paid W. H. Moss, S 13 2002 90 " Amount . 2052 99 .Paicl IV. IC Moss, 53 1.1 170 00 " :Amount to balance19 50 62862 40 1887 $2362 10 13y Paid Treasurer of Morris 5 170 30 " Paid Treasurer Groy 146 75 Amount to balance. 11 101 58211 ACCOUNT. By Paid Coupons $ 260 00 " Amount to balemee80 47 6389 47 ACCOUNT. 13y Paid Coupon,: 81400 OD " Amount to balance.. 01 10 11491 In ACCOUNT. By Paid Coupons...... '1 154 00 " Amount to balance,. 45 05 8199 05 A.CCOUNT, By Paid Coupons $ 114 10 Amount to balance,209 91' 7, PRINCIPAL. 6323 08 Mar. 2 To bal ea hand at audit 19 60 BORROWED MONEY ACCOUNT. 1885 To paid McIntosh it; Me- 1886 By cash MoIntosh& Me• Taggart $291 78 Taggart 131100 00 " paid discount 8 22 6800 00 ' 0300 00 LOCAL ACCOUNT. To Amount levied ....01838 50 O Town Hall rents.. 138 50 11 3. P. Fines 5 00 " Clergy Reserve 1106 " Boundary Lino 20 77 " Poll tax 8 00 " Dog tax 46 00 Hay Scales 122 00 " Non.resiaent taxes60 93 " Arrears of taxes41 23 " Boirowecl money 291 78 Poundkeepor 25 "' Licenses 2 00 " Refund bridges app. 16 50 02595 47 ASS.ETS. Mar. 2 To Bal, on hand via. 1887 County 5 82 07 . Railway 1.130 By•law No. 7 09 47 By -lite, No. 8 01 10 By-law No. 0 451)0 " Anil! , !,, balance-. . 971) 7121 By-law No, 10 209 98 .....____... Principal No, 7 548 33 ' School 10 50 Local 258 05 Total balance on hand01246 75 To cash on hand over liabilities 0979 75 'TTE, thoundersignee Auditors of the Corporation of the Village of Bruesels, in the County of Belton, certify that WO have duly examined the Treasurer's beam and accounts and Vouchers thereto and find the flame to be cermet, and a balance on lima of $1246,75, A. lInuter, 1 kma I 7113, literlaughtton, ) - ' °'s ' ByBelancolithistandit 0 10 67 o Salaries 330 00 " Charity 142 10 " Street Im'rov'intats 568 80 " Fire Department42 25 " Hay Settles 6 00 " Town Band 100 00 " Printing 56 00 " Taxes remitted..., 46 00 " Fuel 9 48 " Institute 25 Of. " Miscellaneous 130 52 " Constalfio's Few 42 50 " Tone imeollectect 60 83 " 11 15011011 expenses 1111 94 o Insurance 187 50 Bawl. of Itsalth10 00 " Legal expenses18 00 " Bir., mar. & deaths 4 80 " Voters' List Conrt 117 00 " Thos. Kelly, nom. " on dfb: Co. rate, 40 " Ont. eleotionboothe 6 00 " Southampton fire " relief fond 25 00 " Town Hall 1111 11 13010 payable 800 00 Balance 258 05 02594 47 I, 1 ABILITIE15, ley Coupons by-law 30.0188 00 " Collector's salary 40 oe . Teeartureee Salary. .. 40 00 $266 00 5114) 7e Dated March end, 1887.