HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-25, Page 34
MARCH '25, 1887
"My limiter, my toaster ! why dues
No long et the tavern annuls tho way ?
I've waited 111U1 watched net hour and
And there ho stands at the tavern door.
"I've dampen my font and champed my
hit ;
And this nmity post, I'Ve gnawed at it ;
Pve pawed the ground, Ivo shaken my
And neighed and snorted again and again.
"Pm tired and dusty, un1 hungry too ;
1 want any dinner ! 101 getting bine I
It's ten long miles we have yob to go,
And that my master must surely know,
'Oh, what makes the chimney sweep ?
And why did the codfish ball ?
And why, oh I why did the peanut stand 2
And what makes tho evontog call ?
Oh I why should the baby farm ?
And why does tho nnitton chop
Can you tell mewing makes the elderblow
Or what makes sho gingo; pop
Say, why does the terrible bed spring ?
Anil why does Rao adt1ci horse fly ?
Or what makes the pillow slip ?
And why do the soapbollers lye ?
What 'nada tho monkey wrench ?
Or why should the old mill dein
And who did the shoemaker strike? '
Or why did tho raspberry jam ?
Oh, why should a, tree bark
And what makes the wind howl
Can yon tell what makes the snow ball?
what makes a chimney foul ?
Nobody knows of the work it takes
To keep the home touother ;
Nobody knows of the steps it takes,
Nobody knows—but mother.
Nobody listens to childish woes,
Mitch kisses only mother ;
Nobody's pained by naughty blows,
Nobody --only mother.
Nobody knows of the sleepless cares
Bestowed on baby brother ;
Nobody knot, s of the tender prayer,
Nobody—only mother.
Nobody knows uf the lessons taught
Of loving ono another
Nobody knows of the patience sought
Nubody—only mother.
Nobody knows of the anxious fears,
Less darling may not weather
The storm of life in aft r years,
Nobody lc nows—but mother.
Nobody kneels et the throne above
To thank the heavenly Father
For the sweetest gift -•a mother's love;
Nobody can—but mother.
Ono by one am sands aro flowing,
One by ono the mom urs fall,
Some aro miming, HOMO 11.00 going--
, Do not strive to grasp them all.
Ono by ono the duties wait thee,
Let thy obulo strecigth go to each
Let no fUSIIPO dreams elate then ;
Learn thou first what those can teach
0110 by ono (bright gifts from heaven)
,Toys are sent thee bete below ;
Take them readily, when given—
Ready, too, to Id them go. '
One by -one the griefs shall meet thee, -
Do not fear an armed band ;
One will fade, while others greet thee,
Shadows passing through the land.
Do not look at life's long sorrow,
See how small each moment's pain,
God will help thee for to -morrow —
Every day begin again.
Every hour that fleets so slowly,
Hasi its task to do or bear ;
Luminous the crown, and hely,
thou set each gem with care.
Do not liugerwith regretting,
Ov for passion's honor despond ;
Nor, the daily toil forgetting,
Look too eagerly beyond.
Hours are golden hnko, God's token,
Beaching heaven, but ono by one •
Take them, lest the chain bo broken
the the pilgrimage bo done.
The Agrieultural and Art A,PSO•
&tattoo mot in Termite feat wook. A.
deputation from tho Veterinary Gol
lege wailed lilt the Board to receive
a reply to the petition presented by
them. Their proposed amendment
to the act in reference to veterinary
practice is 1113 f011OS'a :—"It shall
not be lawful for any person not
registered in accordance with the
mit of incorporation of the Ontario
Veterinary Association to practice
veterinary medicine or sergery, for
hire, gain or hope of reward, pro-
vided that he be within the diete=
of eiglittnidee uf, o. duly registered
veterinary preetitioner, and if any
person not registered, pursuant to
the act, he shall, upon a summary
conviction beforo any jnetice of the
peace, pay it penalty not exceeding
$50 and not leas than $10." The.
Council agreed that the proposed
amendment should be pessed only
on condition that it shall not wino
into forecaoxeept by virtue of a hy-
law of the County Connell.
The Treiteureen etaterneut elowe !
—Seeeipls—Caeli no band carried
from feet year, $1,007 81 ; registre-
;ion foes, $1,898 ; hard book, $215.-
25 ; rent acooent, $2,000 ; interest,
$56 ; prizes, grants end refrinde,
$65220 ; legielative grant, $10a
000 ; loan acuotint, 2,800;$Veter-
inary Oollege action nt, $50 ; mena
here' fees, ;$007 ; exhibition re-
ceipts, $9,577 84 ; error 10 registria
ion fee, $3 40 ; total, $28,409 50.
The expenditure amounted to $28,
377 'h1, loavig c b !home uf $112.22
$4.4,009 87;
$9,180 ; halals:a of 11040111 over
liabilities, $35,429 VI.
Massie! Shipley Rod Aylesworth
were deputed to wait on the Ootn
miesioner of Agriculture to ask that
the amend owing the Government
on aeoutint of improvements' in the
Apia -anima Hall be remitted, the
SSrOali114011 baelug the application
upon the fact that the itesociation
advanced some $4,000 for the erect
tion of a wing to the Agricultural
College isi 1870
In commotion with the seeond
tour of in -potion for granting farm
prizes, it was earned. to exclude
former gold tnedaliets from com-
Superintendents of departments
wore appointed as follows :—Horsee,
Itobt Vallence, Osnabruok Centro ;
cattle, E. W. Chambers, Woodstock;
Sheep, Horace Chisholm, Paris ;
pigs, Wm, Collins, Peterbero. ;
poultry, W. aleNeil. London; horti.
culture, David Nichol, Cataragui ;
dairy products, D, M. McPherson,
Lancaster,- arte department, E.
Jaoksnn, Newmarket ; do•
pertinent, Mrs, Hemline, Toronto.
Messre, Thomas Shaw and J. R.
Freeman, M. P. 1?., were elected
judges in the matter of farm prizes.
The following gentlemen were ap-
pointed a committee for revising the
prize list in the event of the .Do'
10110100 Governmbut grant being re-
fueled :--Mesers. Drury, Rykert,
Moore, Vance and the President.
In the eveut of the grant being el -
lowed the prize hat will be revised
ut a meeting of the whole Board
held. iu Toronto,
Nature meant to make women its
I wish A,daut had died with all his
ribs iu his body.—BouoiettnIt.•
There is a NOM= at the beginning
of alt great thinge.—Lemartine.
A latelitenablo woman ie always in
love with hersele—Rochtfoucauld.
A. handsome woman is a jewel ; a
good woman is a treasure.—Saadi.
What is 11 womitu ? only one of
nature's agreeable blunders.—
No man can either live piously or
die righteous withoot a wife.—
All women aro good—good for
nothing, or good far something.—
There was never a fair woman
but she months in a glaus.—Shak-
All the reasonings of men aro not
worth ono 001111=101 of Millen,—
A pessionate woman's lovo is al.
waye overshadowed by her feer.—
George Eliot.
Between a womem's "yes.' and
"uo" I would not venture to stick
For where is any author in the
world teaches such beauty as a
woman's eyes 2—Shakeepeare.
Woman is born for love, and it is
impossible to kloop her from seeking
it.—Margaret Filer Oseoli.
Tile re is only two beautiftil things
in the world—women and roses ;
and lady two eweet things --women
and melons. --Malherbe.
Miefeetuno eprinklee ashes on the
heart (.1. the Man, hut fallS liko dew
on the head of the woman, and
brings foeth germs of strength of
which she herself had no 0013aCi011e
possession.—Anna Cora Mowatt.
castrattiatiot Nev.
Four solid men met in 0 Watford
hardware store the other day. Their
weights were :-254, 247, 285e.
and 220 lbs., or 011 avapftgo of 280
The Qu'Appells Videtto says 1—
Mr. and Mrs. McDougall &mem
well of their country. Their eigh-
teenth child saw the light of day on
Monday last. •
Miss Hattie Fenger, a New Sarum
young lady, while attending Aylmer
school fell ou tho ice ancls injured
her spas Paralysis eet in and she
died from the effects of her injuries.
A man named James Sanderson
is carrying a collier'e tub weigliMg
8 Cwt. from Titorpeth to London and
back. He has nnflortaken to make
the journey of 700 mike in seven
Six babies were 01140e:06d in
Tottenham aunt' one Sunday re
cue tly.
John Livingstone, of Listowel,
voted iu five ridings at the Dotnin-
ion election,
The London West Mothodiet
ohnrch cleared $850 from Sun
Jones' lectures.
Tho township of Nepeau in Carlo.
tau county, gave Sir John A, Mite.
donald 895 =jerk,
A. II, Cranston, late of Galt, bas
teem agpoional 10 dritI4411111111$11 011
the staff of the Scientifie A nerican,
of Now York..
Levi Whitener, of Waterloo town-
ship, is the happy owner of a hen
which lays eggs measuring 81.x6f in.
and weighing 8S• cameos.
Tim Port Hope Times, to ire on-
LIMBIREIM river the Government ma.
jurity, displayed in hti pages no hate
than twenty four roosters.
Rev, Dr. Burns of Halifax, was
nominated Moderator of the nese
General Aesornbly by the Sarnia
Presbytery, who named tho next
meeting to be held in Parkhill on
the lad Tuesday iu Rine.
Tito Department of Agrieultnro is
utiliztug the wood ashes from tho
Government and Parliament build-
ings as a fertilizer for the expert.
mental farm. There is a yearly ac-
cumulation of about 700 bushels.
In Frontlet= a farmer killed a
neighbor's dog for worrying his
sheep. The owner of the dog ap-
pealed to the courts for redress and
secured' a verdict for ono cent dam -
Agee. Out of this cent he was oblig-
ed to pay the poste of the suit.
In many places in NOW Brunswick
the mails have to be carried by men
on snow shoes. There has not been
such it severe winter in the fall of
snow and low temperatnee since
1842, which was famed for its heavy
storms. The snow is seven feet
deep in tho woods.
A Kingston man before his cow
went dry, froze about thtrty quarts
of milk and packed it away in straw.
He has now, conseque itly, enough
ou hand to do his family till the cow
gives another supply The idea is
a good one, and might profitably be
adopted by many others.
The commercial relations between
France and Canada have of late been
rectivio .1. much attention from
Emelt capitalists and manufactur
ere. The latest serious move in
that direction has been the arrival
iu Canada of Francis Giroux, who
comes under the patronage of the
Board of Trade in Paris.
During the thaw of a oonplo of
weeks or so ago, a pair of geese be
longing to jos. LeGatgl, Aatemeeia,
suddenly disappeared. Seerch was
made itt vain for them, until nine
days afterwards they Were found itt
stream of water under the ice.
They got in a bolo winch was made
fcr a wateriing place for stook,. and
aware underneath. A plank was
placed on tho underside of the wet.
erhole to retain the water, and time
the geese were enabled to get out,
'When found, they were in better
condition than when they were lost.
The eeini•annuel returns of subs
ordinate lodges of the for
1886 show! that 1518 members
were initiated, 136 admitted by
oard and 186 reinstated, making 1,•
700 In all, while 1,410 wore expell-
ed, enspended, withdrawn or died,
making a net increaee of 874, the
whole membership et tho last day
of 1880 being, 14,875. Paid for
sick benefits, $23,596 ; surgeoe's
fees and nureing, $4,289 ; widowe'
ininnitiee, $12,748 ; roliet o orph-
5t110, $046 ; barying deceased broth -
ere, $2,788 ; Musing deceased wives
of brothoris $1,102 ; special relief
and charity, $1,580. The receipte.
from lodges amounted to $135,051,
of which $70,478 was for dime and
reinstatoinonte ; $25,408 for Mimi. -
autos degrees and cards, mid $81,-
070 for laterosts, vents, donatioue,
etc. The total assets of lodgett is
- Ontario,
Having leased the well known and splendidly equipped Roller
Flouring Mill from MefiSt8. Wm, \random! sV Sons for a term of
years, we desire to intimate to the farmers of Huron Co. and the
public generally, that We are prepared to turn out the best brands of
Flour, look after the Gristing Trade, supply any quantity of Bran,
Chopped stufT, &c., and buy any quantity of Wheat. -
Tho 122111 10 recognized as ono of the best in the County and our
long experience in this business gives us confidence in saying We
guarantee satisfaction.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to.
A Cam! 8mm:wrap.
zst 8,, 9? vrio,-,.
1324316VMMIe1ISIM-1. %
--UAN.LiFACT11111:E10 OF—
All made of the Bost Material and finished in a Workmanlike
manner. -
Repairing and Painting promptly attended to.
Parties intending to buy should Call before
REFEBENCES.—Marsclen Smith, D. Laing, J. (hitt and Wm. Mc-
Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Caraoron, W. Little, G. Brower and D.
)3reckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brus-
sels ; Rev. E. L. Fear, Woodham, and T. Wright, Tnrnborry.
Grist and Flour Mills!
Tho undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First Class Running Order
and will bo glad to SOO all 1218 Old customers and as many nest- ones
as possible. Chopping done.
omi, F, eed Always on 'Hand.
Highest Prico paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
•;;ii:J". ,,,,;„ , ,..,. c:,2
1 f. ..-. 11.-.:.'13:-'7,1, ;1;11::),1
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..o 1,,,elti,
The Sault Ste Mavi) badge le " s'er
commotion with the Gaundiati
fie railroad extension line froin Al- ',a. es --kttk• -
gotta Mills to Bluth Sto alsric (about 'TA g1
eighty-six ulnas) will consist of throe
Bections-'-first, tip draw -bridge, with
gentre pior shutments, en-
peretructrire 808 foot long ; second,
the bridge over tho untitinbannol of
rives, nine piers and two abutments,
ten opens of supersbrueture, 281) feet
centre to Centro of piers ; third, the
bridge north of St. Mary's 181aqa,
one pier, two abutments and two
spans 104 feet each over all. 'The
masonry is 'rock -faced auhlar, and
tho concrete used is to be made of
the best Portland dement. The
coping stones and ont-waters aro to
bo tfressed. The masonry is
all to bo completed, by the 1.5th Nov-
ember next, and the superstructure
ready for the passage of trains fifteen
days after.
,Ieed Oats (White) Seed got from To-
ronto last Hering. Prion 4005. por
Grass Seed Sowers!
TIM Blair .P:Vi:Et
PrIttl V:45 d'EnEb, e:f3.00 on %lino.
Alpo TWo Cult:4, one 3 years end
the dime rh-ing 11 years old. .
Marsden Smith.
Annottnoememt for the Coming Tear,
Grip is (low so wellknown as to require
very little of either deseription or praise.
It le the
011,5 CUIToGN MP1.111 IN CANADA,
and it is furnished at about onebalf the
price of similar journals in the United
states. Grip's Cartoons, in addition to
being strictly impartial wheu they refer
to polities, are always Om the side of pat-
riotism and morality.
The late improvements are universally
admired. The journal is enlarged to 15
pages, and it is printed upon heavy toned
and weit-ea.lendered paper. This gives
both the engravings and the letter -press
a beautiful appearance. And, notwith-
standing this enlargement and inaprove-
mont, the price of Grip is
Oxirs 02 a PEAR ; SremLE, COPIES, 5 GENTS.
(the price it commended when but a four
page sheet.)
Do not be without this favorite Canad-
iau Cartoon Paper. Its prion places it
within the reach of all.
Address the GRIP PRINTING AND Pula
same! Co., 20 and 28, Front Street West,
Torouto. New subscribers, sending $2,
will receive the paper the balance of 1880.
and to alst December, 1887,
All subscribers to Grip, new or old, aro
entitled to a copy of the magnificent lith-
ograph "Conservative Leaders," or the
the companion piste "Liberal Leaders,"
shortly to bo published, on payment of 5
cents for postage.
will befurnished to subsuribers by spec-
ial arrangement with tho pulAishere of
the latter journal, both papers for oulj
30 DAYS 30
Christmas and Now Year's Bar
gains at the Brussels
Woolen Mill.
I havo She finest and largest
stock of Fine Yarns ever seen in
Brussels. will sell tho best
worsted yarns, which bare
I at 6 ats, per oz., and an &Atm
I fine quality of cashmorsi wools at
8 cts. per nonce for the next 80
days, commencing rulay, Dee.
'; Tab, for Cash Only.
p,. t Novel is lite Time
...,,,,...:.: ......, if, 1:Fil .1,...,.,,, 7;:r. ,w,„:,,,...
"1 ''''' Blacknrown, NavyUgni ,i'l
. to secure your ' bargains, coni
early,and 1111170 your. chotiocej.i.
si'l 4 'r-1.4, .:iii.q Yi
• .,.....q !, ,-. ":-.... "i ,,.,t '!„s, 0,-, Blue, Light Blue Garner, Card-
inal, Claret, Scollet, Dark Green,
g o'El„., 0.T.:,l,.2. t :: ' 0,'! • E' -4.1 :•:“:e * Bronze, Light Green, YelloW,
,' (II-
ei o el e „.::., . 00 5 Orange, and a host of other col
0 r ors, too numerous to mentiofl.
211 1",.3 0
1),,t4 SFA
r- ce semlfe and he convinced that you have
)3ut come and see for yourself.
LA r T._
11," struck the Biggest Bargains of
)!P M170 C.Va
O° gome oliel Come all,
n r
pfq z GEO. HOWE.