HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-25, Page 2irotory of Dao�l i; ��� �ooaatiiasl kjELvfir.E,-Clrunc.lt: -Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 0:30 p.m, Sunday Sohrnd at 2:30 p. m, Rev. John Ross, B. A., pastor. idiot Otromen.—Sabbath gervioes at 1 I, a. in, and 0:30 p. ln. Sunday School at ''2:30 p. ln, Rev. S Jones, pastor. ST. Jana Cneacn. Sabbath ,ervices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. 'at day Sohoo) at 9:3O a.m. Rev. W. T. Ctuff, inennibont' This is the cruel way in which MkTuoarsT Cavaco,—Sabbath Services t 10:30 a inand O:SO p. in. Sunday one paper ] treats Re poetst "Yonr at 2 9U p, ni. pastor. lixhed but far the fact, that its 12oy1Ax CA•rn•,isc C1lritcn.----Sabbath ,words that burn' scorched the fug Service third Sunday in every mouth, at ors of the printers so that they le a.m. Rev- P. J. Shea, priest. could not put it in typo. Sorry, 001) Remove' LEMON every Thutsday yp evening, in Graham's block. Vashtl, but until •,o can secure a MssoetoLOna: Tuesday at or balers lire•p:oof typo Betting machine it full moon, in Garfield block. will be impossible to ventilate your A. 0. U. W Leee0 on 1st and srd 117 on. Say evenings of each month. i'onestrenz' Lome 2ndandlast Monday evenings 0. s L.leett�Momonth, int 8 every month, in 0. auge Stall. POOT Orr131E.--office hours from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m, MEruo nets T:iaTrr0T(, Reading Room and Library, in Holmes' block, will be operfrorn Oto 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib- rarian. THE BRUSSELS POST .0,=f,?4*404, • "Now, 11Ir, \Vitness," said a lar' 1)r•tin pipes, and all plaaoe that yen, "are you willing to 8nlo.0uly are soar r impure, may be olon.nead se ear shot the chair With .radon the with 11 we water or eorbohc acid, past 2 Remember, air, the awful. lyoat'eWorld's Wonder in Um marvel of nese of lei ur .' \Vi tures: well,I loaung, aupnrlor to ,CII otbort Nutmeats• 1 1 ytlwaps keep it In the 1(0003'. All druggleta, won't swear; but I'll bet yon ton Paper will etiok to the walls that 3.11i11111g it was." tiro washed fd n solution of ono A Greati310sefirg, Waat'e LlVOr Pills wet fourth pound of glue to a gallon of always be fauad a groat blessing to tllosa em 9(ed. with liver uowpl0tut, 1Yepell0ia, water tndi6f',ostinn and siolchoacbteho, 00111�1s 1450.. Remotes flower pot Maine from All druggists. rriudnw sills by rubbing with fico wood ashes and rinse with olefin tv Si Pr. 1Voet's World's Wonder or Mussily Lini- ment. ) ,ofrA hr every booth tar cute, burns, scalds, bruises, neuralgia, rhomuarlenr. A1way s gives satinfaotiou • All druggists. It should be known that '(Rough on flats" is common arsenic, a deadly poison, not to be kept or need carelessly. Postal collie slit lengthwise with Itonder,ln informing ,you al this wonder- the .o osOr-i media good lighters. A. fur remedy for ‘Coughs, Colds, Asthma, single card makes about two doze(( Bronchitis. Consumption, and. all afnotions of the 'throat and Lungs, we fool that we 6' a 'Rev. lulu. Smyth, poem, as ntt, wouldhave been pub - School lin Irishman received a challenge to :duilt te duel, but declined On being asked the reason, "Ooh," said Pat, "would you have we leave big (pother en orplurn ?" Itis with pleasure that We recommend our readers to try West's Cough Syrup. You of will tge yearn toa cuTm usuddeneolde, seful t this aeasoo chock coughs and lung and throat troubles. All druggists. 13 y (with feeling) : "1'1)1 au or phan and father's brnko his leg.- ..a eg-and his in j8,11, and mother's iu au inennn aeyluru, and if I go home without any money they'll• trash me." Pain cannot exist after tho patient has taken a Bingle dose of West's Pain King, the rnagib aura. Do not be induced to take a substitute, but insist upon having West's Pahl 03110100601d by J. Hargreaves ,C'oo„druggtsts- Strik(ng resemblauco,—"My ,fear Adolf, I wasyesterday iutreduced to a gentleman who is your very im- age 1"I can loudly believe that 1" •'HO is so much like yon that he even asked mo to lend liim five florins." The force of habit.—Patidut : "So glad yon have come, 11 ,ctnr, I am in sash fain C' D )tsar . "Well, where's the trouble 2" Patient : "1 suffer ti0 dre,(dfnffy from my corns." Deet•a- : "Corns, oh 2 (meditative ]y) jn:t.:h":v int yoltr 1001100." Ladies troiraled with Pimples, niatohoe Stough Bands o,• Prase, or Soren of any de- scription, should Oso MoGr0gor lc Parks's Carbolic °orate. tt will leave the skin in perlo01 heal, smooth. clean, and made color, Be sure and get tiro (;e-,uine, h A1cGrogor. Parke. Price •.;c. Sold at J. fervid thoughts in these columns." aro doing you a great kindness, as if you have any of the above oompiainta, if you will only try it we will guarantee eatisfee- tlau in ovaryuase Or money refunded. Ask far afochregar'e Lung Coinp0uud, Price 500, and01,0aper bottle at 6largreavoa' Drug Store, Brussel s, and "I cuOxhidabO s n ancd,frosted foot and hands Herr Schmid: (to his wife) : always judge people by tho first iw-Texegetes.walddeyondofr ev mm>liytiLonimtietiweAtsl pression produce<on , gilt frames, when cow aro hove never been deceived." Little covered with 0 coat 3'P white Oar• put oa coat behind. 0011 : "Papa, what kind of impres•! The Cuiueso Government is tak- eslon dirt I prodnee• it you when vett u;eh, all epeclts can then be wash- ing fiction ste]+x for the iminnve- saw me for the first time 2 e<, off with water witbonE harm. went of the navy. Cruisers have " 'Where is the lime of Java liner I3ALLs —,SLfr ono-]lalf unp• been ordered from English and situated"" asked a schoolteacher of fol brendorumbs with two eggs ora• German firms, and aro now in course of construction. Relations between Russia and Chinn are cord• icti. Mucilage of gum arable 18 a good applioatlou for a burn. Paint it on tind let dry ; thou apply t. second °oat sod let dry. x0110100 on a heals of revised rent- ale. - Tile lawinllioting capital punish. went for murdei' has boon repealed in Mediae and life iutprlsenwent sub- stituted. A Rome despatch states that the 1loly Office is likely to ratify Oard- nlalrPaeohereau'e Condemnation of the li,11ighte of Labor. Allen Thoru(lyke Rom line bought the suit of 01ot1106 which Washing- ton wore at his firet inauguration, paying $500 for the same. cl'lle English Government has jnet agree t to pay a young Anetrahan named Bronuan $50,000 for his torpedo invitation and tt salary of $7,500 for managing its manlike. ture. The richest colored woman in America,. ie Airs, Amanda Eubanks, of Home, Ga„ 0110 pays taxes Oil $400,000 worth of property, said to have been inherited by will from her white lather. A polieomau fired at a fleeing burglar the other day and the lot. ter's life was saved by the bullet hitting a button un the rear of his coat and glancing oft. Now we know why those two buttons aro a small, rather forlorn -looking boy. "I dnnno, sir." Don't you know where coffee (oafs from 2" "Yea, sir; we borrows It from the next door neighbour." STRiATSortn ,May 0. - vionsly well•boeton, chop fine some bite co cold boiled bite and mix ; make into balls and fry. Ladles suffering with sick headache 0•11l and a certain aura in west's Liver Pills. Sugar coated: 00 pills Sea All druggists. If the cistern or the sink smells offensive, two entices of saltpeter, T bad boon a victim of ono o dlssnlved into it quart of warm wat • the 00003 of blood diseases, and er and 01310011 into 1t, will 'reprove I soo treated by a number of the the objectionable odor. best medical men in 5110 County, cud my constitution wan Qom- To Cleanse a 011amo10 shin wash. pletely undermines, a friend advised me tutry Dr. jug's 2fed it jn oold water with plenty of soap, Wye, it rottore)1 ray appetite 1(0)1 rinse well with eluitr' cold wet au dared :no up aomt loco after •00wumenaginge it o all similarly bottle. aair strongly e£ ; thus you may wash its often as y1(exs G. CouNTnis, Of Starks,£ d. Counter, 7011 please 0.11d sill( keep It soft. Sold bye. A.Doa(lmau. Always keep West's Co05h Syrup iu-the AN ORIENTAL Josw.—A Turkish or 3',n throat orifi ueni s eeoesOeneut n 111'e. and a Russian 0fiieer once Fell into All druggists. a dispute ns to the superiority in Copper wire, number eight or discipline of their respective gold- nine, makes tt neat and handy litre. I can prove to you 0u the epot," says the Russian, "how perfectly our MOn aro trained." And lie cal- led his orderly: ,.Ivan 1" "Go to iteltenet's and buy 4013 a to the injury of the carpet. . .,, ,• iho bust spring medicine is nn v. t a The soldier saluted, turned on his I bed. Just what you need. Sugar touted. Tho vow postoft'ioe will bo open- ed at Dundee in about a month. Oceans Peruvian nae the nitm0 given to 0 baby girl born on the S. S. P0011vin11 throe days before 1a11(1• :SPECIAL ���� lug at Halifax Ittst week. Petrine Stellstad, the mother, Who is u young Norwegian, was 011 11er way I to join her husband, who settled at Itevilla, Dakota, hast autumn. Eight hundred men 1410 at work Yom" Largo Stock of China, Crockery and Glassware, ie -c. to arrive in a few days. in the Rocky Mountains 010ari ng S the Canadian Pacific track from the I snow loft thele ))V the recent Glides. We aro lnlbkillg '(('range llleuts to roast and grind <llr 01011 Coffees. The Company propose to build A n ' b clothes line, behind the kitchen or ! (able road tinder some of the worst liviug•iuow stove. It door not rust I spots in the moullta)ns, s+, os to ; '• ; the clothes es does Iron wire. i service. Ono. Door North of �P "--3P P t It is stated 3'u good sutthuritythat 99 tf if halt be sprii)Itlod on the floor be• Buffalo 1 3'c harbor thole ir1AIt Olt '�Ci ! t•'•!• 7 • km , "'SL n; Via.. .;,a,�,r� ai4, i'✓p�f,,. (SUCCESSOR TO JAMES ANNETT,) DEALER liFIRST-CLASS GROCERIES, `ROOKERY, GLASSWARE , N ;.e A03 9 SPWE[) LIS, FLOUR ,C,s.ND s tLT a Goods Deiiv °� . to a part of T an Dasii four Jnoice Roll Bitter and Eggs, EAS SUtIA L'1 u. a�YJ ria' :1wro.M CA, w prevent future iil•errnptions to the fore the carpet is nailed down tho „Sir- Buffalo bug will u pound of tobacco. 10 of West's p Li Pills token every nigh' on going to heel anti walked out aerate 253. Au druggists. „Now," „„id tile' Russian. taking ''The farmer's homely fare may be cod, lvhiah i e,ut his wntch, "nay o0.13)0ly is walk• t phun, but he generally 103008 of �y}' ? int; ✓:insight to the next corner, w"as r3' as uv", ye+• Hnrereavesk Ca's. Drug Store. RhFre 1(0 must turn—naw he is Ithau the average resident of the The class in natural 1 plliloaupby turtling -10w he is opl?'resite the 1 city eau asseverate of his fare. was being t::tooiued by Profcesor tie"'' •.Can you rove nu iiluatr•a- ti0n of the haw of gravihuieu "Yes," resounded Tom Anjerry, one of the 'students. " If a letter weighs more than two 2 oz. it (este white mosque—now be is crossing a It ie hal that corns can bo cured the ulg_rdan—now ]:e at Melte- ' by applying a poultice of bread met-s--uew 1ue in biving the tebnc- crumbs end vinegar as hot as can cu— unw he ie to the bleu:: below— be borne. The corn can bo picked now in,' to at the door—nus•'—and out without pain. "Soon" probab the Russian called out, :� :.is usual ly 010(5110 it day or two. double postage.' i manner: west's0ough Syrup, 111e household nom- i "i4nll 1" 0dy for Coughs, Oulds, Sora Throat, Kron - chitin ,Aetltma, m$uou se, lyboo1,ing•Cou gQb, "Sir." 0oasnmptlon and all Tlrrou.t and Lung (1rs- 0agn0, 55eto„;wets. and 81,05) per 4Ot,1o. A31 "Where's the 1 030002 ?•' druggists. "Here, sir.” The Turkish officer ebowing no • A dirty ycun!gater employed to do the odd jobs in e• fashi"uuble boot• l eigie of surprise at the precision of shop, obeerve,l to his not very cou1- tits Ruseo•tobacco movement, sly inietreas that people were al- promptly broke out : 0076 xskbIlg kiln whether he wax „Ho, hot my soldier can do that her son.. "heaven forbid 1" ex• every day in tho week 1" claimed she, with a look of deep And he called oat : disgust. "That's what I always "Aluchtar 1" say when they ask me," naively r0• „Sir „ - mnr1 e(1 the Juvenile. "Go to Ali Effendi's, and see flint Thousands owo thou recovery 110m you et men pound of tobacco. AI Rhoumatlaun to west's World's Wonder or y f. y .Family Liniment, It 1e conceded every- pipe 16 olnpty.' whereto bo tho host known remedy for "Instantly, sir." ltheumatlseu ,(:ate, Bra isos, Sprain s, Barna, ] Scalds, aria all diseases requiring ox'ern,al Following the tactics of the Rus- cppilcati0n. Price e5 cents and 50 cents per bottle. 90131 I,y Jelin liargroavos t, Co., sign oiliest, the `Pnrlt pulled out his nraseist watch and went on : Matrimony is: Hot caked, warm "Now liuehtar ee in the street— beds, ooulfnrtablo slippers, smoking now be is passing the Palpooch coffee, lfiud words, buttons, redeem bazaar --naw it Is noon' nod he is e(1 stockings, boot -bloke, happiness, saying his ptayers--(low ho is drink etc. Single blossedneae is : Sheet big at the stone fountain—now Ali iron quote, blue noses, frosty rooms, Effendi hails him and asks about iso in the pit°hor, uuregenerated 107 health—now ltfuchtar is paving. linea, he]less so°hx, c„fI'rn se eoteuod for my tobacco ---now he is comjug with icicles, gaits, percha biscuits, back by some other way—now he is flabby steal! drill rezer0, "rue' at the door—now---� coughs, and cokes, rhubarb, lniso- "(Bachial• 1” ' rp, etc, ate. "Sir 1" 11ea0ouowby you should purchase A10111 Lightning in pro100ente to all othor rem- "Where is lay tobacco 2" .'(too aro: Itapld result—cur00 instantly. "1 haven't found my gime yet 1" 15 i0 easily applied—no trouhlo3l-tie lost time. It dons not require constant use— ono application is effectual. Ono bottle will ramov0 mom vain tboli ,ray 013200 remedy ttcho,ttaadactto, 11011n1atien,, Bald ,sk (1c. Add a little salt to expedite the a button by John Hargreaves S: Co„ Drug. 1'- giets,Brussols. beating of eggs. "I'm rairfashed 01' a singing in To euro lila toothache try a bit of lay head, ,Jobe," said ono snarl to soda in the cavity. Itnothor. "Do you ken the reason Do not allow the wood box to fill n' that 2" "No." "Wool, it's bo- up with wet chips, apple torero and (acro it's empty," said' John. "Aye, other filth. man, that's queer," said the first hellebore sprinkled on the floor one,. "Aro ye lie'ur fulled wi' a at night destroys cockroaches, They ringing in your sin head, J'ah11 2" eat it and are p01000011. "l,n,,ltevee," answered Johu. "And do yon 00 diel the minim 0' that 2 1t'15 because it's oraokit." in existence. .rryit or Neuralgia, Tooth. HOUSEHOLD 11IYTS, A Profitable Life. Paw men hove aocompii0hod the am0 amouotof work and good in this world as the celebrate dDr.0ha0e. Ovor50,000 of his works have beau Boldin Canada alone. Wo want every person troubled with Liver Complaint,Dyen0110ia,H0ada0110,]idnoy a r Urinary Troubles, too all ni at your dru ggist and buy a bottle of Dr.Ohoae's LIvor Ouro, itwnlcure you. Mod Mine andltoalpoliook fora1.00. To cleanse a bottle which hos contained milk or any prepared fond for jufant8, cut up raw potatoes 1n long, narrow elicits, and put in the bottle with a very little water ; shako round and the bottle will be cleansed instantly. "What is McGrogor't Speedy Cnro for?' It is for D)epepsla, Liver Complaint, Iudi- gostiml, Biliousness, awl it f0 tho finest blood purifier in the known world to•day. ' D000 it give sathf action ?" We oannet point to one instance whore it did not, point does it have the largest Sala?" Bightin tba city of Hamilton, whero it is manufactured, there boa boon over one thousand dollar( worth sole in tho last year retail, and the groat majority of the Dales are by ono recommending it to another, Far Belo at 50c. and $1,00 per bottle by J0110 HA1la13EAvna C Ca,. Bruoaolo. Oilcloth maty bo improved in ap pearnuce by rubbing it with a mix- ture of half. auntie of beeswax in a saucerful of turpentine. Set this 1n fl warm place until they can be thoroughly nixed. Apply . with a flannel cloth, and then rub with a dry flannel. cxceuct zai 1•ele' war, St,- Patrick's day was goner/thy celebrated in pence thrOughont Ire - lend. Henry snowstorms have caused blockades in Spain au(1 the north of Maly. The Xing of the Tonga Islands has closed the \\Feeleyau College at Tonga. The ]3erlin Post believes that Rttoela will be driven into war by her political troubles. The pollee in 5t. Petersburg have boon informed of oxtonslve Nilltilist Air, but don't sun, feathers, ticks f preparations for deadly work. and pillows the sun draws the oil, ' The British Government has de. tusking an nnpleaeaotl smell, ' aided on an Itieh land purchase 101,3C TIC B. Gerry's. J.�'. i.J_ o8ftl 11'4 "`. =3, -=,ss, -,.--_,--_.7 r•a17,2raC- R.,.G Carriag ---e ' SShoeinga--7y T o .A.. - Ol'POSITI: (QUEEN'S 1101'E1, STABLE .F "x F : 'WO After putting in about a year in Brussels we wish to express our thanks to our numerous custom- ers and desire to inform them and the Pubiic generally that wo are livelier than ever. As the Spring opens 00 are (wronging to turn out the Best and Cheap- est Buggies, light and heavy Wagons, (pee. ever offered to. the people of this locality. Onr Blacksmith Work, such as Making and dressing stone ham- mers, tools of all diseriptions, plow work and harrows will stand the test every time. Wo have four hands constantly employed and our work is guaranteed to give satisfaction. In Horseshoo- ing we wont turn our back to anything iu the country• and in this department CU tondo has increased to such an extant that WO had to put on an extra hand. A speeialty matte of shoeing hors- es with sore or contracted feet, in- terfering, &c. Otu' work is speak- ing for itself and this is only put in for It reminder. The wood working department 1s under the capable management of Messrs, Walker & Humphries who turned out no loss than TIMI M Cutters and Sleighs last winter. Before pu.luhasiug elsewhcro call in and see our rigs and get our prices, whether you buy or not. • Bemember the stand. Ali We ash 03 ft fair trial. Watts & McKague, • Tro,D' and Steel Workers, S C 01. tar/ V OLL,-l-R A new stock of .Buffalo (lobes, Goat lobes, 1:10180 1311iiikets, l3°11s,1Vh.ips, &e., JUST TO HAND. A Spiondid Assortment of Trunks, Valises, And Satchels. in Stook. GIVE ME A CALL. 0 0 Wear spectacles and Lye -U Irises that will preset 0 your Eyesight. IP. ?LAZAR CS lllanlifnetnring optioiau. Into of the fire( ' of Lazarus eC Morris, 98 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, ]',nglane. bas inn pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec- tacles and Eye -Glasses which have been before the publio for the past 051 years. Lazarus' Spectacles never tiro the eye!, Last many years without change. For ,S'ale by 'I. L.JACKSON, BRUSSELS, s 0NT.I'. NOW IS '.t'II]. TIME I Hi! Ho1aLocal Few --x'100110 yet; CAN MIT -- Hand Straw Cutters, horse Pow- er Straw Cutters, with r'evorsablc feed, Boot Paquin, hoot Slicers, theenuino Port Perry Grain Grinder, horse Powers, large and small, and several Hand Powers— cheap, and Trod Pow- ers. Also the �Ce/l�e^b�rtvteddTRA.q A..Y. .5:.`((A O' -i-."U D S]IWING IIAOITTNI?., It Lads them all. BEST SA.TISFACTION Cr1Vb1N. Geo. Love.