HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-25, Page 1Volume 14. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1887.
reabytery of Maitland. ?alai MUNICArloNS.
Thin Pruabytery held a regular meet. INFOR11 t TI0al IV tN PRD,
dng in Huron ahti oh, Ripley, on Marols
15th, with a good abtendanao of the mens
bet's, all the ministers being present and
many elders,
The Rev. A. Y. Ilarbloy, moderator,
°coupled tho chair. The minutes of last
meeting wore read and sustained.
The following were aprointed by rota
tion ae commissioners to the generel ,es
semb]y, which is to meet in Winnipog,
Manitoba, in June next ;.--Boyds. D.
Davidson, Muir, Ballantyne, Bose, Mc-
Crae and MoDonald, and the represents•
tivoelders of the following congregations:
Wroxeto><, Ashfield, Huron, Walton;
Langeidn and Knox church, Kineardiuio.
A committee consisting of Reade. W.
Leask, J. Ross and 3, L. Moony were ap.
v pointed to roviso the standing orders and
report at next mooting.
The remit of Assembly on co-oprratiou
with outer chur'ohes iu ilii-sion fields was
uc nsidpred, and the following motion
adopted—that tho matter bo lest with
Presbytery and District mootinga to
mate oath arrangements as may be
deigned best.
Roods. II. MoQuarrie and J. H. Ander-
son were appointed in concert with the
Kirk Session of vnaant charges to arrange
.for the supply of such charges.
A committee to superintend the studies
of Students, consisting of Roads, J. L.
Wormy, J. McNabb and R, Leask, was
appnisated. Revds. .. A. Anderson and
J. Cordon were appointed on the mem-
iuittee of bills and overtures at Synod
sheeting, which is to bo held at Chatham
in April.
Mr. McPherson gave in a satisfactory
report of the disposal of the property of
St. Androws ohmch, Kincardine, Reeds.
P. Leask, D. C. Cameron, their Presby-
tery elders and Mr. Harrison were ap-
pointed to consider the advisability of
preparing an Atlas of the Presbytery and
report at next mooting.
Reports on Sabbath School, state of
Religion and Temperance were read by
elesars. Stevenson, Davidson and Murray
re pi etivoly.
Tip so reports wereseconded and adopt-
ed end ordered to he transmitted to the
elyuod's canvoners on these topics.
Ctrs. Leask, secretary of this W. F. M.
Society, nation excellent report of tho
work of the Society during the year. The
Pra bytery, by roach leans, oxpressed
11, a•kt'atiMotion at the .videttce of
amass which had attended tho Socioty,
ithe ivo nay commended the work in
whiee hey aro engaeed. The remit of
As- ae ,by lomat marriage with a deceits.
ed .., ,'s sister was approved of --which
is to the effect dont church discipline
aholl not be exorcised when such mar-
riages are contracted.
Dr. Burns, of Halifax, was nominated
fou the modoratorahip of next general
A commission of Presbytery was ep-
poipted to visit Walton en a ease, of ro-
teronce end report.
Applicatious for, aid from the augment-
ation fund from the following oungrege-
tions wore favorably entertained :—Duu-
genison, Langsido, Chalmer's church,
Kincardine, I3elgrave, and Pine River,
A special mooting of Presbytery will be
held at Chatham during the sitting of
Tho next regular meeting will be held
in Rnox church, Kincardine, on the sec-
ond Tuesdaty of July.
The Woman's Presbyteeial F. M. So-
nioty of tho Preebytory or Maitland met
in Knox church, Ripley, on 15th inst.
A barge number of delegates worn present
from the various auxiliaries ; the meet-
ing opened with devotional exercises by
ti e Presidrnt, Mrs. Sutherland. Au ad•
dress of welcomo to the local auxiliaries
was read by Miss Elora MoQueou and
reepondod to by Mrs. MoNabb. An ex-
eelluu. paper was read by Arise Annie
Tohnstono, Kincardine, ou "Christian
Giving." Miss DavieR, of Ethel, read a.
Paper on "Christian Worst," whioh was.
well received. A dedicatory prayor was
offered b,e Mre. McQueon. The Secretary
read an interesting and cheering report
of the work of the Society. Tho Trea-
surer reported the contributions for the
year, which amounted to 8045. In addi-
tion to thio a large bale of clothing was
sent to tea Northwest for the Indians.
The officers elected for the ouurent year :
--P a ident, Mrs. Sutherland, of Ripley;
Secretary, Miss Annie Johnstone, of'Un-
cordino ; Treasurer, Mrs. Dr. Graham,
of Isrusssha A cordial vote, of thanks
wee tendered to the retiring ofdoore, Rev:
Mr. Sutherland conveyed the greetings of
the Prosbytory to rho Society, and wag
norddally rooOived.
DEMI Sue --By answering thofollowing
queatione you will confo• a favor on a
number of your readers ;-
1. Why is it that the Council has to
borrow money f••om the bank and pay in-
terest for it when thorn is nearly 81,000
- lying in the Treaeurer'e hands?
2. Why is so much money allowed to
remain in the Treasurers hands without
being invested, and for which no interest
is received?
8. Why has the Auditors' report of the
Publics School Board not been published?
It was not published last year at all,
4, Why doers the School Board ask for
$500 en early in tho year, making it nec-
essary to pav interest a month before the
money is needed?
5. Will tho School Board in their noat
monthly report of attendaneo, please give
tho number attending school under ago
and ovc:r age, and also outsiders attouding
school ?
0. Why take up so much apace in Trig
Pose publishing trashy novols that very
few of your seb•cribers want to read, or
have in their families ? A sermon from
Sem Jones, I think, would be an improve-
ment. It would be better for Sunday
reading anyhow, and many papers follow
this plan now,
Mar. 21, 1887. Broome.
(It always affords us a great deal of
pleasure to relievo the minds of the anx-
ious inquirers. The numbers opposite
tho answers correspond with rho interro.
gations given above.
1. They *won't borrowed a cent and
consequently have no interest to pay.
2. Inquiror bas answered this question
by asking No, 4. The School Board bor-
rowed the 0500 from the Council Board
and will pay interest.
8. Tho report will corns before the
next School Booth meeting and then be
published, It has not been received
since audited.
4, The ion" elates from April 1st and
consequently there is not a month's in-
terest thrown away..
0. We presume the School Board will
supply the inferno -Hon as webelievoboth
the Schutt' Booed mud Council Board aro
quite willing to give allpossiblo informa-
tion on tear work. Phoro is nothing
done in beers!.
6. Inquirer is "off his base" whon iso
rein '; t to natinned storks in Tile
Poe ao t aoliy novels. Some of them
ore the bo.,t. cil'oris of Rov. E. P. Roo,
and are real with interest by scores. A
cord seectverl from Manitoba, last Tues-
day, says:—"Wo did not get Tent POST of
Feb. ilth, \Vil1 you please send us 011.
Other for We did not get the end of tiro
story " tho vagrant wife," nor the begiu-
nipr of "Tito Aotrosses' daughter." It is
so interesting we do not like to miso it."
Every porsou is not "broken up" on Sam
Joues either, and a good many of his
sketches are not calculated to pot a per-
son i1 a vary religions frame of mind os.
the Sabbath. The sermons of tho Rev.
Sans, may Le secured in book form for 15
FIE upon Connate, N otters.
Michel Elford, of Usborne, near Eidm-
ville, had his right arm chopped into
about twenty pieces in a strata nutter the
other day.
Charlie Howson, of Clinton, left London
on Thursday of last week for Regina, tak-
ing with him two oar loads of horses and
Last Tuesday Goderioh, boat Soaforth
in a ourling neatest by 2 shote. In a
germ for the district medal Wroxeter
beat Harrison, tam more standing 31 to
Thomas Barry, of ;Heissall'; has pur-
chased an entire Olydosdalo colt, ideate
three yours, from P. Ou ton, of Claude.
boye, for which ho pails the bandsomo
sum of 81,800. •
A charter' Imo boron granted to W. MoD
(It ay, Martha Ann Gray, I', G. Sporting,
L. S. Spading, Soafortn, and W. IT.
Young, Eliza Jane Young, Blyth, seder
tiro name, of the Gray, IOuug e¢ Sparliug
Company, of Ontario, Limited, with a
capital stomp of 850,000,;
What will the end be P
To the Editor of Tmu POST.
Dean Sne—It has been said that there
is more politios to the euro in Caunda
than in any countrynndcrthe sun. Tho'ro
certainly has been a very prolific orop of
late. The isometry has been in n harvest
hent of excitement and in this respect
Brussels takes no back seat from any
town of twice its population. There is
this to bo said in its favor, however, the
free and sometimes volaeinent discussions
of public questions educates tbo people.
The examination of political abuses is
one means of hastening their r'amovaL
The people are the ,cal rulers of the
realm, and as their moral convictions
aro brought to bear upon rho politics of
the country, the standard of public life
will bo eletnted and politioal purity se.
sired. This is the work of all, at the
forgo, in tiro counting house and store, se
the editor's table or toaohor's desk, in the
pulpit, in the Sunday school, mod in a
woman's influents in many a happy
home, for
"Tho stand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that moves the world,”
Upon this platform I.ntand, and grasp•
buff the pen in behalf of my friends, my
children ants rho right I•ask is not this m
from country? Aro imnc, and women
too, not entitled to their own moral cou-
vietions and the liberty of expressing the
sante ? Can,wo not ammo to disagree,
you as Tory, I as Grit ? Can any good
thing result from a eauono meeting, 0,
from the crown of the hood to the sole
of the foot is the Reform party in an ad-
vanced state of putrefaotiet ? I ask with
all my heai,b What ie to be the Anal out.
Dome of all this politioai etrifo in Brus.
gels? Everything isoon on thesamo old
Bytom, till the very word •"politics" has
become the bone of contention_ in many
an otherwise happy home, I speak whore
of I know and testify what I have 00e13,
Our reeve, councillors, scboo'l .trustees,,
Mothers, tax collector and else, all, must
run this gauntlet. Whynot goo stepfurth-
er and oall clergymen . to your chnrohes,
appoint stownrdg, glass leaders, deacons,
elders, precentors and' S,nnday eohool
teachers by the favorite Brussels system,
viz, rho political ballot box. If it ended
oven hero, but no, friend risesagainst--I
use the word in o, wrong same. Tito
Bible gives a pretty good idea of the true
meaning—it speaks of a Mayr laying down
hie lifo for lila friend; "Dearer to him
than his own life.. Do you suppose such
a aro would go around in an underhand
evayinjuring your business, endermining
yottiagooil Mane, smiling be your Mee and
stabbing you in the back, simply and
s01el-becauao you differ asto ii it of
y Y vv re
the big. Ilton, wbo wnslil :tint reongisiau
your humble little soli if they shut you in
n kettle, shall 41 in Parliauwnt and en-
joy themtsslvcs, getting woJl peal for all
they do ? No it may not be scriptural,
but to my mind there is something res-
peotnbls in open annuity, in beginning
ybur remarka honestly by saying "Now,
I dislike thnb man and will do all T can
to btjuro'him." I do not suppose this
course would be upheld by the Apostles,
but bhero Is an clamant of boldness abou
it. Why a pirate runs up his slwlotn
and Dross -bones when in purauit of to
viotims's vases. Can we not be as nobs
and magnanimous as a pirate ? In tit
words of Sam Jones, "Stop your moan
Mess." YOnrs, DARE TO 00 RIanT,
March 18th, 1887,
8. I '8l't'hlt PRO'? 181 eta AS.
The following interesting items are
take from a letter roc, land by our towns
m .n, J. G. Skene, f}'um a former resiclen
of thi noigbborhaod, Ttoroadfoot
vvoll known to many in Horotr Go. :—In
the first plasm you speak of wailing in
snow and snow drifts, whilo at tem samo
time we were and aro yet enjoying the
moat beautiful of weather, baying had
very little cold weathor this winter, only
a few cold days at a time and very little
snow. Now the wheat fields are getting
quite green and scarcely over looked bet-
ter. Last year we plowed op 00 acres,
but it will be different this spring, ac-
cording to present appearances. The
boy's have been plowing for oats for the
last week and to -day started tho drill and
harrows. 1 intend putting in 25 acres
mud charts is 68 stores of wheat making a
Moo harvest. That, will leave us 100 or
115 nares for corn so you eau see we can-
not fool away much bums. 1 have not
much room for oomplaint with our last
prop although it did not bulk with form.
er years on account of the dry season,
bub the differouoo in prices make up for
the deficiency. Wheat is bringing from
OOc, to 05o., oats and corn from 25e, to
30c. I have oontracted 500 bushels of
corn at 8'c., bet I wb l hold tiro balance
for a timo, the wheat as well. We had
last year 400 bushels of wheat, 00o buo,h-
ele of oats and about 4,000 bushels of
tort,aittongh lfol out te tmeat deal of
corn, 1 fed 70 ho1,s and 8 head of steeds
for which i got te handsome sum. I
weighed one two year o • tear separate
from the lest, mud he just made 1,450
pounds on Yob. 7tlt. Tho rest wero
.. t.,tc:what Ii Ii or. I got 48.50 p„t' 10o
lbs. I sold all tho hogs bust 6, and have
80 others. I tuit,k tithe is sufficient in
this lino. 1 see 'h' Joint A. has beaten
you again, at strut according* to cornet. I
mut not forget total] yon, howovcr, • our
present prospectus Inr railways. This
pert of bus oumstcy as porfeetly riddled
with sarveys this wuttcr and according to
present appeal ttnees the railway boom is
something beyond description, no loss
than 4 leading roads aro striving to gain
the country between Abilene and Clay
Centre, but I will have to wait until some
other time boforo I give non anything
definite. The Stento Fee Co. is building
theirs south of Abileno tow, so we will
have direct outlet eontheast to the Gulf
of Mexico. There is connection now to
the south of this county. This line in-
tends going fr;m Nebra-kn to the loath.
went of Dakota, at,cl they mean business.
We are sure of this line at any rate and
there are prospects of them =akin."
main line through he o oast and west to
Douven. The) ars ae work an it 20 miles
west of as, and no doubt some of those
obher roads will be built, so you neo we
aro right in a railroad centro. Our min-
ister is to move in shortly—a, Canadian—
s Mr. Glendenning, a very fine man.
Give my respects to all enquirers
Number 87.T
m r tr ams ems 'a•„ b unitary li'tus, 1' Puauddont i'leveland was 50 yours old The Wa.iletock Standard says that D.
orn.ehtg env duviatal roads used its lieu on Friday. Smith, the efliciout Chief of Police, in.
of auy 10 ui s bcry 'luso, etvvoen two or Emperor William's birtltrlay woe cele. I tnnd:s to resigns at the mire of Isis 'hree
more intudeipalitics within ft 00 silty. boaters in it most Enthusiastic manlier by yours' term, which will be on the 23rd of
Mr, O'Connor lute before the Legiela• the Gorman% 1 next April. The Chief claims that he has
hum a measure to abolish distress for Joltn Bright bras written another latter 1 to do nearly two rnen's work for less than
rout. oontaining some severe reflections on the I ono man's pay.
A private Bill was rend a third time Home Rulo movemont, Adolphe Forget, whose wife was killed
and passed : -Mr. Gibson (Huron)—To Loudon underground railways during I by the explosion of a bomb during the
autbos•ize she township of Remick to is- the year 1880 oarnied 80,471,500 passer'- setting off of fireworks in the carnival
gars. Fares avoraaed 3.48 cents. week at Montreal Inas entered au action
Byte r'oturu made in the Surrogate against the city for 825,000 damages, on.
Court in Scotland it appears that Kers• the ground that the easy should nut have
nedy, the vocalist, left, after discharging allowed such a display of fireworks with-
al' debts and funeral expenses, 27,184 17s in the nay limits.
lid. In addition to this he leaves assets It is understood that a company is
in Australia to the value of £7,000, be. about to befortnedat Ottawa with a largo
aides 21,400 boritablo property. In all capital for rite purposo of purchasing a r
215,500, powerful water power fit the Chaudiero •
A new food for cattle has been patent- and erecting extensive mills for the man-
ed in Germany, which shows to what µfacture of pulp from ea:vdnat, which has
lengths food reform may ultimately ex. for so lone bonen a nuisance to both bum-
toud, It 1.5 stat,•il to coueist of we:Asaw- homiest e,, i forwarder,, iu the Ottawa
dust mix d with certain ohemicais and river,
t ante dobontnles,
a' .+ro•tic:r't I .,eav -•
o The legal rate of inti rat in Dakota
- bus been made 12 per e.
Imea.,rho Bonen Bill to increase the Gov-
ornor•'s Battery to 58,000 b,cs passed the
Ohio Soweto.
A gnarl has been placed over tie, vault
in which Ifeury Ward 13oocher'a •emains
aro deposited.
The Hod on Bay Compan%et f :rs this
1 year in Loud .n It ,vo brought much loser
prices than usual, t •'other matter," the a nulmsitiors forming
The despatclies from the Unit'•d States i n "v ry nourishing and wholonutue" fond
re]atiug to the fisheries dispubo aro to be for pigs, outdo and horses.
laid before thus British Commons short. The Thames Tunnel, long regarded as
y one of rho•Doll a
w or
of •C
huw ors
d took
Thu Rome Fanfulla says coh:ual seventeen years in construction and goat
Alohinoff has offered to go to Abyssinia £500,000 sterling. A new company for
with 50 0' 0 Cossacks for Bert foe under 1n
co neetiog the City and Site Borough by
Negate "underground" has, so the chairman tells
In Japan pspor i• made of a substance I us, completed a tunnel under the river
known a ' ntarbto algal," It is strong . in fifteen weeks, at a cost of little more tion Railway Co. are seeking a charter to
abd so transparent that it can bo used in I than 220,000. The second tnunel, or enable themto oonstrnot a line froth Bar-
i ' rather tube (for that is really a more se- lin to a point on the Canadian Pacific
Railway, in the County of Waterloo or
Wellington, extending southward to a
point in the County of Brant, and north-
werd to some point on Lake Huron or
Georgian Bay, and to connect with the
existing railway.
Local Legislature.
A Temporauno boort %brook the House
earlyin Th trsday's sitting. Mr. Gibson,
of Hamilton, opened bite engagement by
pre,enting a petition Morn 2,000 citizens
of Hamilton praying for the bntioduction
of Temperance toxo -books into the Public
schools. Mr. Creighton presented a pe-
tition to the name offeut, bearing 030
Owen Sound signatures,and tho Attorney -
General produoecl a docnmonb of a similar
character blaring 2,000 namoe. Mr.
Harcourt, Mr. Gerson, Mr.. Evauturel,
Dr. Chamberlain, Mr. Wood, of North
event, Mr. Waters, Dr, Wylie and others
followed suit, and loaded the Clerk's
table tvith prayers for instnttoblon fn rho
ovils of alcohol. The Government will
be amply susbitinod by nubile opinion in
any reasonable action taken in this 81.
Mr. Waters' veteran hill to antoud tho
Ditches and Wator Courses Aat was road
0 second time and referred to the Munici-
pal Committee, What is wanted is pow-
er to drains raihvity leads, whore, ifs the
judgment of the ongineer of a municipal.
by, It is uocossaey to secure outlets for
the drainage of adjoining municipalities,
lion. T. B. Pardon believed there was
ground for some such legislation, but was
Of the opinion that drainage of railways
lands would have to bo carried out under
the instructions of tho ongineor of the
railway company. It appears likely that
lefr. Waters will this tinea aocompliolt
something in the direction in 'whish ho
socks to legislate,
Tho Rousso referred to the Mode:lau l
Committee Mr. Waters' hill to put Eller
County Gouuoils the responsibility Poo.
the crooti on and ncaintenanco of all bridg-
es across rivers or dawns sopatrating two
tovvissltdps its s county, and over all
bridges uraseing rivet's or streams over
100 fent In width Within the limits of any
town, township nr incorporated village in
se cossatty, and cunnoating may highway
loading through a county', and over all
bridges, over rivers or streams fOrniing
boundm',y linos, and over all brblges of
100 foot ins length, or more, ' uv or r]vcirs
The ltooretar}' of the Duparttnent of
Railways and (.stride has received an tin.
signed latter cont.tining 82 (1esseiooce
money. The unknown writer stated that
the amount enclosed would bo sufficient
to pay for "a worn-out blanket he stole
when working as n navvy on contract 42,
Canadian Paoido Railway, Lake Superior
section, fivd or six years ago."
The Burlin and Canadian Pacific Juno -
p mc,e of Mass,
A postal card was received at Porko-
polis the other day, which was addressed
"To Sone holo Sail L' ioker dealer, Cin-
cinnatia, 0."
Hurry Donovan, of New York, an-
nounces that he will, on May 8, jump the
Niagara Horse Shoo Falls and swim Nia-
gara Fa11 rapids.
The last largo girder of the Tay bridge
has just been planed ite position. Tho change"—that is, he removed the mole
openiug of the bridge is expected about from the °hook to the erne, and planted
the middle of .Ione. 1 flesh from the arm on the cheek, Every -
In Bill Nye's opinion n man is a fool thing succeeded perfectly. Mole and
who will sit up eights and lose his rest its child are doing well.
order to rob trains, when b can go to the The lomat producing farm in the
Congress and gat In his little work on the world lies in the south-west corner of
surplus. Tonisiana, owned by a Northern syndi-
Th„ Monko of St. Bernard have had pato, and having for general manager
teeir famous Ito-pital put in telephonic J. B. Watkins. It runs 100 miles north
"eornmtiuicetion with several neigubor'ing and -oath. The immense creed is divided
villages as au aid to their efforts in ream- into convenient pastures, with stations Of
int wtyfar s. 1 ranches every six miles. The fencing
the duakets of the Sessions Court at alone cost 460,00o. The land is best
Edge' Id, S, :,, for the past twelve years adapted to rice, sugar, corn and cotton.
shows that ll:t. cold-blooded umurd' re have The cultivation, clitehbug, etc., is dorso by
boon committed in the county and brought steam power. With the help of only
to trial during that time. throe root, 90 acres a clay can be plowed.
The first steamer which has male the i The Wisconsin Assembly bas passed
passage of the whole length of Sao- SuezBills bearing upon the use of force in
Cana. by aid of the electric light, has I strikes and on the boycott. Tho latter
just accomplished the trip and took only t provides that any two or more persons
fifteen bon s to do it, instead of two who combine to injure the business of
days as hitherto. another or to injure his reputation shall
It is rumored in Landon that Dr. Par- be punished by imprisonment not more
krr, Mr. Beochor''s intimate fri.ndin this 1 than one year or fine not to exceed 8500.
country, will be asked to succeed him in The former provides that anyperson who
curate description) is now being con-
structed alongside, and there is no reason
to suppose that is will take more time.
A very remarkable operation, says rho
Woad, bas just been performed by Mr,
Ileetloy at the Weet London Hospital A
child was brought in having a large mole
covering nearly the whole of its cheek.
He "transplanted" the mole by "ex -
Plymouth oho oh. Dr. Parket is a man of
the Beeohor type, the second most popu-
lar preachor iu London.
Two Germane, ensployed in a furniture
faot"ry at Wesbesh, Inn„ are in receipt ..f
orders from the German War Depart -
moot to report at onto for military duty.
on penalty, of leaving their property can-
flscateci. Both decline to return.
Ono of the richest widows in Cincin-
nati lives in a garret room, lends her
money at 12%, interest, makes a couple
of sausages last her a whole week for
meat and refuses an offer of marriage
about every other day.
Thera were two slight earthqusko
tremors at Ohnrleston, S.C., about 9
o'clock Inst Thursday morning. They
were also felt at Summerville, and were
heavier there than in Charleston,. al-
thotigh no damage wets done in either,
A Western paper coutaius the following
touching wedding annonnoembut: "Mar.
vied, at tuts residence of the bride, on
Thursday evening, Mr, J. W. B.- to Miss
Mary 1:,_ H—. The wedding was striotly
private owing to the bridegroom being
still its mourning for his first wife.
Brother Telmagm is not au admirer of
the dude, especially of rho Anglomaniao
variety, Iu fe late lecture he said: "Wlsen
I eco on the streets one of those poor
creatures, spoiled by foreign travel, who
by the out of his collar and general be-
havior shows himself a poor imitation of
rho foreign soft -head, I say that his el -o.
lotion has been backward—from man to
A story from an Alaska paper shows
juveniio hardihood. It states that the
children of the natives run about during
winter bare-footed, and when thoy have
waded through snow or over au umisnally
long stretch of km, they, an 0means of
somewhait warming their feet, stand upon
one wltilo they hold the other up, remind-
ing us very forcibly of a roost of chickens
on a snowy day.
The absence of Lord Lorne from near-
ly all the sobial festivities of MOM dur-
ing the time that he and Princess Louise
have been staying in the island Inas boon
couch rentarltod upon. 6s a matter of
fact, Lord Lotus is engaged on n political
assay of considerabld magnitude, which
occupies nearly all has time. In the
tnotuntinio the Princess goes ov'orywhorc,
and is overywhero received with mole,matdou,
A syndicate of Pittsburg (Pa,) sports -
nen have bought an immotsc game pre-
serve in Ole wildest region of the Moen-
tains of Wont Virginut. It covors an
mom of 00 sidles, and within its limits
there is not a settlement, Bear, dear,
wild tnrltcy and other gams abound,
while the cool mountain streams aro fill.
ad with the speckled beenties, Tho tract
embraces 50,900 moos, one will be in.
crcasod by the addition of 20,000 memo.
it is 50 nnles from the railroad, but is
reached by a good road. P.ngliah plus -
guts crud wild boars are to bo added 1, will ton Otte ]ambo, all at present alive
tho .etnek of gaunt. and doing well.
prevents another from doing a lawful act
or compels him to do au act against his
will shall be imprisoned nob less than one
or more than two years, or fined not less
than 8100 or more than 5500.
Perhaps, the largest, best arranged,
best furnished, and most costly cyclone
pit in the country is owned by Ed. Brown,
of Eatonton, Georgia. It is situated
near the book door of his residenoo and is
large enough to accommodate his entire
Family. The walls are of brick, laid in
cement, the floor is carpeted, has a fire.
place and a chimney, and the room is
handsomely furnished. The family
could spend the night there with as much
comfort as in the dwelling. In ,prepar•
ing it Mr. Brown had an eye to its per-
manency and spareel no expense in mak-
ing it phnsnut and comfortable. To
guard against tit° contingency of the
lsousebl .wing over on it and,ituprisouiutt',
the inmates, is large sewer pipe bads off
from the pit in,an opposite dircobiou a
distance of 100 yards, through which the
family could escape. This unique under-
ground dwelling is thoroughly protected
against water rising from below or run-
ning in from above. Tbeecost was over
Coenadiarc. Nat vas.
Strathroy has a minstrel troupe, and is
jubilant over the fact.
Palmerston is to have a new driving
park and fair grounds,
The graduating ohms in medicit° in
Queen's, Kingston, numbers 28.
The Logislabnro of Primo Edward
Island has been summoned to most on
Tuesday, March 20.
Tho Manitoba railway company ex-
pects to build 070 miles of its Montana
extension before Nov. 23rd next.
S. J. Arnold, Reeve of Chatham town-
ship, bas been elected Troasnrsr of hent
County, vice Charteris, deceased,
The London War Ofidco authorities
want 3,000 Canaalau bones for artillery
trains during the coming season.
Nothing has yet beau heard of Col.
Cooper, the missing Treasurer of Bruce,
Hie defalcation is now said to exceed 815,-
The Salvationists in Winnipeg aro ne-
gotiating for tho pm:ohase of the roller
rink RS a barracks at a Dost of 89,000.
Arrangements for te loose have already
been made.
The election of tho Mayos for Bramp-
ton, in the rein of T. Milner, deneased,
took place on Saturday. A. F, Campbell,
editor of tho Conservator, was elected by
At tlso lest meeting of bine Petrolia
Touts Council, applioataon was ,nnaclo by
J-olut Macdonald for the exonption
froth taxation for ten years upon the
plant of n 11roposodsalt block,
Erma Abrahams,' of Nowarlc is the
proud possessor of Ave Southdown ewes
whisk have this season presetsteib him
An mantra: old man, who Iives about
a smile north of Dorchester station, star..
tied the uoighburs at an early hour on
Thursday morning by running up and
down the concession lino without the
usual quantity of clothing. His neigh-,
bore thought at first he was celebrating
the 17111 of Ireland, but, being an En-
glishman, on rafleotion they arrived at
the conclusion that ono of his old-time
spells had overtaken him,
The Tnro,to Ministerial Association on
Monday Ir, -'1 a, lively discussion on the
question : allow far is it right to intro-
duce into th'• Christian pulpit political
questions noon which the onngrsgatian
may be divided ?" All the speakers were
against tr*'r•,dncine 7tarty politics, but
wero ge.ea -sty in favor of ministers as-
serting their rig stn r0 discuss in the pul-
pit all questions having a moral bearing,
whethor of a political or social character.
Grand Moat"r Taylor has receivers a
letter from tile Under-Secretary of State,
Ottawa, se follows: --"I have the honor,
at' the instance of the Right Honorable
the Secretary of State for the Colonies,
to inform you that the telegram to the
Queen tendering to Her Majesty the loyal
congratulations of the Grand Lodge of
Ontario of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen on the occasion of Her TIa-
jesty's entering the 50th year of reign,
has been received. I am comman c': to
convey to you, and through you to the
members of the Grand Lodge, the Queen's
thanks for their and your congratula-
A young girl named Rosanne Cbarette,
12 years old, met with a very sad death
in Montreal on Monday afternoon in the
convent at St. Henri, Rosanna was play.
ing at "jack stones,' and had in her
mouth enc of thou* small whistle balloons
an ranch in use among children. Wbon
lifting up hor head to patch one of the
stones as it fell the toy want down her
throat, She at once made an effort to
fore« it bank, but this simply made her
condition worse for to o air from ]ser
lungs inflated tho balloon, which thou
completely prevented the passage of air.
The .poor child wont into omvnlsions,
and ch • sisters bus despair at ouch snm-
moned'm''lical aid, but too Into, as the
girl died shortly after.
The St. Marys Journal nays: --"As
soon as the fee is fairly off the river
Thames an officer of the 1'i h auci Game
Preservation Society will proceed to in-
spect the dams and flshways b:ttwoen St,
Marys mud r ondon, and rep at to the So-
ciety any infraotion of law upon the river
to that extent, wiser' prompt prow untion
will fallow. It is to be hoped similar
motion will bo taken at London with re-
spect to the river **nth of to -s ;sty, sus
that no ob+:ruction be allo,v,. i to the free
run of fish. Ilspeciaily,is attention th-
roated to the Casbmero dam;, whore a
good enough (to all appearance) Ashway
exists, but through a epeaies of cussedness
the fish ore not allowed to ascent, and
the pothunters of that scaly village reap
a rich harvest by breaking a law which a
Government Inspector is largely paid to
see respected."
Edward Hanlon arrived at Boston
loot Thursday and will go ab moo into
training for his ram with Gandam'. This
and the propoeod championship contest
with Boae n are the only matches he has
on band. Houton said that as Gawkier
had, been in training several tveoka, he
thought it advisable to get to work, and
bo could do nothing in Toronto for two
months yet, as the snow is now titres feet
deep there and ice two feet think. He
brought with hint as trainer, William,
O'Connor, of Toronto, late of the O'Con-
ner and Lnriglst double. Theybrought
O'Connor's single sands shell along, and
Ilanlan will home hits papeo boats brought
clown from Lake Qtfinstgurnond. Biaok,-
ly mud Miko Davie etre each building hint
a single. Hanlon will practice iu the
boat wilt which he won Iasi snuune,'s
race at Nantucket. IIo weighs 180 lbs.
and will train down to 100. Ho says
that it to can get back tlso form and.
speed he had last summer when be broke
the reeorcl net Lake Qninsigamoucl there
will be uo doubt as to wise will Will toe
rare with Clnudaur,