HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-18, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST .FREE! FREE! To bet'.erirltfuduee tutu every house - #old iDeadman's Baking owder W o will give t5 every family, who not lhithedt,p its:d i„ ., IC res(• Pei ttflUpI(e stof1icio:it to viva tt a trial, knowing that those who ono, nod it will continue to do ale ill p efeenee oAPIA. crown nn tour tartar a d othrrr bolting powder, ttking 1', wrier to be bettor and cheaper thtin tho majority of othc,s offered for sale. ,.vary bon.ekecper who has not used. our Baking Powder will pleeeo call for e nom taupe. Mlauufaetured and tar sole by - G. 4. Deadman, f prnppfat, Bookaritcr & Jean ay (loads Dealer. .e n-zrl' ee .. _ GRAND DRUNK RAILWAY. ert. tramw t:xTENSION, W. G. t& D. it. Trains leave 13x088018 Station, north awl: aolcth as follow s:-- Collrnt Smith. truing North. Trait 7:02 a.m.1714;010:20 10.m hlspru5'-11:45 0,01.111(4 6,............ 0:00 p.m nixed.......... 8:50 p.n.s. 111 xprtes..... ..,.0.02 p.m r ictus (*terns. A. ehpol'e aiming ye Mallin' notes An' faith he'll pl--ent it. Nsoanros are booming. Berrien is a very scarce articlein town. BOOTS at your own price. ADAIt Good. Tnensiato of this week was St. Patriok'a day. Tmtornr and clover send at Bmker's.34 25 cent Tea, fragrant, cheering. ADAM Go0o. 86 - Naw cheese, lard, mud haddies at A. Goon's, 36 - TEE sleighing is very poor in some • places but snow is piled 3 or 4 feet deep at other places. Oio on end Timothy seed, at 1M1cCnecx- rees Store. 31- $1,00 ones Tun POST for the balance of 1887- Take advantage of this offer. HAxs, Bacon and Spiced Rolls for Sale at Walter Coates'. Fresh Pork Sausage daily •80 - Mas. T. O'NE1z sang at a St. Patrick's concert in Wingbam on Thursday even- ' ing of this week. Trio curling matoli between sides chosen by the P1'esidout and vice -Presi- dent resulted in a tie. "Hies and Misses" by the celebrated orator, J. R. Clark, in Brussels on MOD. -day evening, April 4th, Ton usual rvo,ling satrvico in Knox denrrh was withdrawn last Sabbath as the pastor was preaching at Craubrook. TETE reference to the auditors' report, last week, in tho matter of Geo. Howe's insurance, the amount ebould have read 8!137.60. MONEY TO Lowe -Several large sums on hand to loud ou good seourity at 4, per cent. yearly. Amply to 25.2 man A. IIr rrar.. Brussels. TEE advt. about the lost string of bells • brought the article to band on Friday evening. Tho right kind of advertising pays every time. TELL your neighbor that TCD P0*7 may be obtained for one dollar, in ad. vane, for the balance of tiro year. Se- d'yrethe looal'and district news. A Brussel., youth paid $1,00 and costs to the magistrate for using profane long- »»a�gge or the street, last Sunday night. :Clefs should be taken as a hint. A mean stock of letterheads, note - heads, billheads, statements, memoran- tjnme, tags and envelopes on hand and /old at close prices. Too Pose Publish- ing House. Tile County Engineer should sea chat heavier plank 10 put along our new iron bridge fora railing oe the present timber ileput together with too short a splice and will not stand any strain, Zone T. Senn, of Brandon, Mfan., ship- ped co car load of horses from thi,. station 'est Tuesday noon They were destiuod ttppF the Northwas along with a couple of ' SCldlions purclaceod nca: Elora. Loots old, for the new advt. of M. 11.1:. Cardiff, local agent for the Masscv Man - abatable Com: any. Tomato, nest week. ' Mfr. Cardiff intends moving into the ,thus° ted by tate 'family of jobt, Nott, Ton : n of the Maitlane rink have d.. lad to have 11:o rink open three nights each week, vis., Monday, \Vednes- clay and S+ttui,3ay, for the remainder .0 ttio season for skating. Curling every evening as usual. WE have boon femoral with e copy of '•n origieal poem 00 tho recent White Paver bridge disaster in Vermont, from the pen of Pret Sellers, Blyth, lie is al. so tho author of poems on the Donnelly mnrdcr, the Loudon steamboat disagtcr, and tho Christiane hymn book. W. F. VANsrono won the Burt medal in the curling contract. J. Kitohen boat A. Vori by 2 shot?.. W. F. Vanatono beat EL Clark 6 shots and in the final draw between Vanstnne and Kitchen the form- or was successful by 2 shots, Samuol Laird holds t110 Rogers medal this year. P11091 the ftnanoial statement of the past year, WO goo that the very respecta- ble amount of $2,256 was raised for all purpOsos. Tho Ladies' Aid oontr'ibutod 11813,02 to this amount. Tho Trustoo B eard hits been enlarged to 21 members and tiro outlook is of a very ehoerful character. CBEETNA013atcg. If10W111980 M00111NIt5.- T11e subscriber will sell the above ma- chines at 20 per Dent. discount for tho next throe ninths. Pull instructions .oivon. This is a rare chance and intand- ing buyers should avail 6honeolves of it. A full lino of cotton hosiery in all sizes and a variety of colors. Children's boob ery it specially. J, T. S. Ken, Opp00110 t ueen's hotel, lirroteeloa, 00 - Tire Bill to sottle the Brussels ye. Ron- ald dispute was roach in the Ontario Howie thio week. It Was presented by Thos. Giboon, M P.P. lase work G. A. Deadman very gener- ously treated 08 to ri nice 306 of butter made from the milk of hie thoro'-bred Jersey cow, lately purchased f+om A, G Van Egmond, of Egmondville, at a gond figure. Mr. Deadmen's residence re. eembles the old time Holy Land'' -the land flowing with milk and honeys Mfr. D, ie away this weep attending a large sal" of jersey cattle. Ounanoo.-Last Friday 111' W1'.txelar curlers COMO to town and played e match on the rink for the Gibbon's rnedal. The game MLR a close ono but was wen by the vtartors by ono shot. The following MS tho score 1- A. 5,1 rnek, Binh Ne N. Forsytlmnit• F. S. 'Wort J, W. Soudan, A, Currie J. Gotron A, Void, skip 12 J, Sono, skip......... 19 Rink 111,, •3, 9 i„0(•d J. I. :.land J, nous 1r, 1:'e D Ross .4, T'aaltri 0.1'nngdnne, old .0 00 T. Rao, slip.,, , 17 C011,011i50'P t alis over the C 1', R. ore now being run on Tuesday of each week in .(larch and April. Borneo going west can la. 23'19 eat also you 1111 nel'eeoat'y' information,. 118 to rel, 6, •0r, by our r111180. (remember you 1,11ve no (01150oone delay, or cxnenoe. no trand'er and no Quarantine. 7' Flctehor, Tickrct Agent, 0. P. 11.11rumots. tint. ODIT.-Lust Monday W. T. Hunter passed away to hie long home after •.n Illness of several months, aged 62 years and 4 months. He was born in Box- boro'shire, weotlaud, and nano to Can- ada about 80 years ago, settling near Galt. In 1672 he come to Brussels and continued to re-ido here until his decease. He was a hard working, industr•ions man and his honesty and integrity was taken advantage of more than onoo by unprin- cipled men. The old gentleman retired from bueiness a few year's ago and grad - call, weakened down until dee. In relieved him been the worries and cares of life. In Sept., 1859, he was united in marriage to Miss Ta, lor, his now bereft partner, who proved a true helpmate to him. Sev • en children are living. The funeral on Wednesday afternoon was largely attend- ed. Bev. 8. Jones, pastor of Knox church of which the deceased was a member, of- ficiating. Mro. Hunter and family have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement. Cet,oatlittn N o'sv#4. Francis Coleman, of Hills Green, Hur- on county is the happy posses -or of an imported ,mare, rising 7 years old, which had her fifth colt the other night, and all the colts aro living and doing well. The proposed skating race between Axel Paulsen, the Norwegian, and Frank Dowd, of Montreal, for the champiouabip of the world, has ,anon through. Dowd's bookers we. a unable to fu fil part of the agreement, viz., the finding of a quarter. mile track in or near the city. When a forme of Washington county, Ill•, the other day wentnvu a smoke house which had not been opened for six months, he was surprised to find about fifteen bushels of wheat piled in one corner. It Lad been brought there by rats from the bin "f a neighbouring raven, «'hose wheat was fifteen bushels short. The New Br'unswiok Legislature 0, en - cd Thursday afternoon and William Pugsloy, member for Ring's, was appoiut- od Speaker. The Lieutenant Governor's opening speech contained nothing of es. pecial note. Roferonee was made to Queen Victoria's Jubileo, and tho hop, expressed that she would bo spared to reign many yea's longer. The session will probably be u short one. The Domiuron fish hatchery on the Fraser river, B. 0„ has this season hatch- ed out nearly 5,000,000 young salmon, being the largest numbe, since it has been founded. ,.f this,' number about 500,000 have been placed in Nanaimo river and 500,000 in the Cowichan. The balance of the hatch are still at the hstehery awaiting orders from the Gov- ernmene for th. it distribution. A Detroit telegram says .1. Knight, a brakemae on the Grand.Trunk,was in- stantly killed eary Saturday mooning near the Milwauk+ o Junction. His train left thr. Brush street de of shortly after 2 a.m., and soon after pa-singthe junc- tion he was Missed. Word was wired from Mt. Olemens•and a party started up the track, whe'o they found Knight's body. Ile was terribly crashed and maimed, and no doubt accidently fell between the ca, s. Ho was 26 years of a. c and lived at Brantford, Ont. ` James McCarthy, M.C.R.R. station agent at Eden, and his bride of a clay made 10 most extraordinary trip from Es - van Creere to Edgar on Wednesday of l ,t week. ok. Ihoy We.0 married onToed- day Woodsleo and romainod in Essex C en h. that night, lint as Jim was to re. 50100 dudes o9, 1Ved"esday, and there bo - in, ito train by winch hu could arrive at Edger in time, ho secured 1)r. 13rien's three -wit, clod velocipcdo car and fully ognipred with trunks, bagge..e, ole,, brrrlo and groom not out mimosa the distr leo, four miles, in the remake, le ::bort time of no hoer and five minntes, 31? AiMeiceK3N.9 Miiss Jennie Gilpin, of Hawick, was visiting last weep at J. J. Gilpin's, Robt, Armstrong, brother to Geo. Arm. strong, has taken a eituution in Buffalo. Bob, will look out for No. 1. Miss Kato Pelton, of Innerkip, and Miss Wilson, of Woodstock, are visiting their sistor and aunt, Mrs, Robt, Wilson, of Wilson t£ Pelton. E. S. Cooper hoe gcoo from Buffalo to IIatnilton, Ohio. Ho expressed his pleasure at hooting of the sneeze of his old comrades in the Brussels Band. W. IL McDonald, L, D. S., has opened an offroe, for the praotiaee of his profession, in conjunction with Mr. Doan, in Wing - ham. Mc's. friends in Brussels, will be glad to know that be hes settled down so noar by. Goo. Miller and wife, wbo have: boon residonts of Brussels fur ncarly two years, removed last week. Mr. Miller will g0 to Sault Ste, Mario and .MM. Miller will romain in Clinton for a while. Geo. merle a large number of {Heinle in Mom and he was rrgevdrd as a fair and Agent for '.l'..1:, flayse square man. .Dated'2lst of lieb. Miss Donnie Powell, of Toronto, is vis. Wog her brother, G. A, Powell. Afro. 1lenderoon, of Tocewator, 18 visit- ing her oistor Mrs, Dudley. Wo are glad to oeo Geo. McKay able to bo about again after his eevere illness. Mise Clara Creighton arrived home last Monday from a vieit to Galt aid Elamite. ton. Mrs, E. E, Wada arrived home this week from an extended visit to friends in St. 'Thomas. C:.drt Johustot 10 111187 assisting Capt. McIntosh in the Bruseols mope of the Salvation Army. Miss Ruth Argo, of Eden Mille, and Miss Annto Watt, of Elora, memo visiting st,Roo, J. (toss' this week, John Celnpbl'll and family, of Sea - forth, formerly of 11110 pine,intend re- la0viag to British Columbia. Charlio Co"tnaok had a bac, change this week but we hope the spring like weather will be productive of geocl in .working a change for tho better in hint. It is reported that our former towns- man, John Halliday, may become a Iasi - dent of Brussels again. Ho has disposed of his business in London. Geo. Ilarrie, son of Rev, Jae. Harris, who resided in Brussels a few years ago, was married to Mise Nettie Pulford, of Aieherstburg, recently. Geo. is a red - dont of Chicago, Ill. Miss Look will superintend the millin- ery department in A. R. Smith's storo, Mise Butler, of Toronto, has Como to the Gn'dI1dI.Iouso, and Mis- Caen w311 take her old position at P. C. Bogue'. T. G. McCracken and W. S. Humbly, former residents of Brusse's, spent Sun- day in town. Tho- former is travailing for a Hamilton wholesale house and the latter for Mooro & Westlake, of Wood- stock. she Lucknow Sentinel says ;-On the afternoon of Weduosday, Feb. 23rd, a pleasing oerelnony, took place at the house of A. Nicholson, con. 1, Kinloss, when his daughter Mary was united in the bonds of matrimony to Charles Kneob- tel, of Wingham, Rev. A. McQueen, of Ripley, officiating. After the marriage about 75 people eat down to a sumptuous repast, and in the evening the young people, for want of room, repaired to Mr.. Morrison's, where a very enjoyable time was stent, until an early hour in the morning. dancing being the principle amusement. The p+eseuts given the bride were both numerous and valuable, among them may be mentioned :-Silver cruit, K, McIver ; silver butter dish, Mrs, J. Kehoe ; silver butter dish, .\. McLean ; two silver mugs, Mrs. Morrison ; break- fast set. Mrs, Diusley ; china tea set, Mrs. N. Nicholson ; glass tea set. Mrs. Farquharson ; two cloaks, F. Stone and K. Nicholson, and a host of others equal- ly valuable, but omitted for want of space. Mr, and Mfrs. Knochtel have the bust wishes of a large circle of friends for their future happiness. Pgwrnk,-In Carey on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr. Hugh Porter jr. of a son. Satin. In Grey,'on February 18th, the wife of Mr. Oilver Smith of a son. II.tc. -Limn.•=-Lir Grey, on the 16th lust., at the residence of the bride's -parents, by Rev. Mr. Baker, assisted by Bev. D B. McRae, Mr. Robt. Hall to Miss Rootlet, manna daughter of Mr. James Laird, both of Grey. MCDot1ALn-Cooai0E0.-In (Grey, on the nth inst., at the maidenco of the b ido's parents, by the Boy. Mr. Stevenson, of Molesworth, Mr. Au- ihony McDonald to Miss Eliza M. Counties, both of Grey. ase=- HaNTEn: In Brussels, on Mar. 14th, Wm. T. Hunter, aged 02 yoare, 4 months. .A.atetiters taktletrs- WEDNIESDAY, MAncn 281m, -Farm stook and implements. N. W. j lot 28, con. 18, MoKillop. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock, sharp. Angus McCallum, prop. Alex. Delgatty, 10110, PnmAT, Mann 18en,-Farm stook and implomente, lot 0, con. 4, Grey. Sale commences at 1 o'clock, sharp. AAbhu r McInnes, prop., Capt. Stretton, ann. TUEeDaT, Mame 22nd. --Farm stock and implements, on Lot 16, eon. 4, Mor- ris. Sole to commonee at 1 o'olook pan. Adam Scott, prop., Geo. Kirkby, ane, -4.1.7,y110Z45 3Jl: =RTi:10Tfd. cOltEnCTL''D 0.1nE21LLY SMUT WERE. 81'hitn Fah Wheat 75 70 Berl Win,ar. .. 70 77 Spring Wheat 00 7(1 Barley 40 50 Oats 2 s0 Poas., ,...... 48 00 Butter, tube and rolls, . , , 1,1 Or; Eggs par dozen 14 00 Flour por barrel 4 00 0' Potatoes ,.. 60 011 (lay pe. 0011" ..... . . ,.. 10 00 00 IXi1 :r per lb 5( 06 ,hissed Hng.1.. 5 50 55 75 8r,'1 ).' r b1,1., whole„ala,00 80 Sheep skins, each 50 1 00 • Election Expenses. ---or Miele' es lahealeeirre, An account of the expanses of Thos. E. Hays Eeq., a candidata 201: the Electoral District of the East Biding of the County of Huron for tho Legislative Assembly of tiro Province of Ontario, at en election held for said. Riding on tho 28th day of Dec., 1.880, furnished pursuant to the provisions 88111e Ontario Election Act :- Printing and advertising..,,.... $28 713 Personal expenses of candidata.. 43 00 Hall rent 0 (10 Horse hire, inau distributing hilIo and sorttinoer papers311 00 Poslaga and telegrams 7 25 Total '1)1) (11) E. C. ROiiERS, THE ?EAU'S COLUMN. 1 t.1ERVANT WANTED. - APPLY i X118 n0 intoe to maul. N10NTINGALS. "I O11i11"ORTA13LE HOUSE AND J LeT1o.slot, wall fenced authtr, ehndn tl'oon, pleasant netghbnlhnu • 83.10 pin a6urth, 21.� 5+ J, 1i, (WANT. aeTan PIr1A13--9"l1i6 UNnETR.- 3.) 6101(1211 Ilan a Tutu, Ito of tiro Kplendin Golden Vine 00 a for Belo for gond. Any porton requiring Knoit„1300 good lu tins 1110,' 03:00(1 apply to 31.3 J. ti. 1010111111T11 0,, Brinell._ 1HOICI: PALO!ei lfO1t ALL< A few ellandld, 1m.pruvod farms fur osl0 In tho 00wl,ehip of (Aroy, Morris and ;vex ,lop, 40(114 11, .1. TLB, t'0. Auatloueer, ISrueools 1', ,1 t''vs'A.WS GUM 111o'1.) 1t[Is FA) AND ) (.J iloguletod on slot 11, o,1, 0, Grey. War. rutted t" not bre tic, Ito ml or boat tho saw, Wood taken for ,varh. 0, Tin I"'.'Ni,t.:11.6' l.t0AittheFb0oo14 1.43or,hIothVho1Ill.oar-io N11: <0 Conuty 151:03161Yt the Queen's i1n6o1 stnbi5s (Orusools- ',1,1,6[5, 412101 h, 1 0' ,t!d at time of 60rvieo, 1,•!611 6115 i•rh•ilegV of rot0Tutag, if nooessary, CAYP, S'L'Lt IOT P,)N. 23• LIAR 1 'i'0 1t19N1'. . K. The uudorslgnud 1811l lenge tho 100 ac"e farm, being tut 34, eon. 12, 003, 11110w1, 1,e tiro Johnttt.0 estate, for it form of yea' Es t , , sultabioilra'sog, Phar. is n log hr'llee, balk barn neeee5ary outbuildings,orouard MARCH 18, 1887. ORTOACl13 SALE 01:' YALVABLE ralBE0 IROPS111I To nil 501,0 by Publlo AuotiOu i0 pnr- lar aucooftho 1'swor.4Rale eoutalned 11 n etrt0ia Mortgage troll, Tli0na9 rummy 10 61151cudurs , which will be produood at the .time of 8x15, in One 1'aroal, on FRIDAY, March 26th, 5887, At' 1.10'nnnr11 1oo1, 1,v V INT, tY B. ICO 0T, ru0(1o:, er, at toe t'onunc metal ,Hotel, 110 the Tillage of 113)89,Chu Pullet lug vada. able (teal 1,0060, 11'1111 man3011ud of 1-- 1:1).; - C) 500611 it;;;;; o1 iho ',01,1 Halt 1,1 L01 Number 11, 1,1 1.310 4111 Ctunar,eiou, of 1115 'lawn alit, of Wawanosh, l0 0110 (hlnu ty of }Luton. with a road ullowal,00 along the 'r, xt 01 ,1 of Lbo Nall PIlwt Half 0f toe i:, , said by ,,1' Lwow, 05mine,hncludi n; too eolil mond n110:e- 10,010, 00 180100, 10010 ,,l' lose. 1,1.011 1115 ,'r,,m14og im,, said to ho elnat0d 't 0rauhu 101011(11, (811„0 toot, and a frame 13,0,11. 1 5 Vr'ioh,m 1'0002, 0 Lltn daub of 0:: 111,1- dlat 15 roil not 010,10 pruwieus, 7111315or, ('07901102711311 LlhtnlAr,:-,t 00 hit of ton our cent, of too par5nuse moaey must he pail. 0 t ale 6(1,150t 5618, wens 0n5y terms 1m' tau bu1n1 o8 Clay bo urrauge<L Nor f,lrthem Rl1'tionisva and om,ditlot0 of solo spots to 600 'hu06ioner, and Mooers. "WADE & 81NC 18 n111„ 13 arrie,ore, 13raseolo, 01100,20 .a.1NNli,u L 5:10227', 1314r1.1e1sr8, C1inWC, and t0 Macdonald, harsh 6 3htllrgff1,: Vendor' Bullottors, Toronto, Metol :liar::. 3r 1, ,181 35.4 Ra 011 ,bopluee, I5a55u5un aill lin silvan' ------------------,----- ou - ----------_----- ouRTirohlst. L'ol•fer11.e partic11sra apply - rt-- y 5 y n01301.1 x t0 WX1,B0\ • vANB; e S '19 ry WtR A�1^per^y- Guarthau for the boils. Kia evtsrt, tial M A'1®p® h'tj 33.4. C:raubruol< P. O. l 1.ol11 iron BALL'.--r1HL.UN . FOR 1886. a. dereicned offers hie 0xoo110nt 190 aero farm. being North 11 of :.9, Von 8, Al orris, to r solo. 1 here are about 1)0 molts 010med, the balance hard we. 0 30,1.00. Tho buildings are m good repair. ruer0 is an osmium!, 34e115 cue sit tho Telma, .rt enneelneree6. The farm is oud7 •116(005 from Bra seals Cud in u gond locality. 12085000100 woulit be given ilnmedlately. There are 33 100808 of Fall Wheat i, hot' farther particulars as to prise, turns, Re., apply to tuts preprint 08, on the peemisos. EDWARD AUSEIOY, 05 3m• 1371,88,51'. O, Earns Fos- 1.41 Ie. Tho eubeerlour odor, for sale his valuable Nara, to the Towuohip of Gray, oomprteing lots 6 and 7, 0011.11 in said to wnsbip. This faro, contains 200aores and 18 within 14 miles front the thriving village of Bravais', with good gravel road Madi.lg thereto, About LA 000000recloarod,tron role ohm psand int high state of oultivatiuu. Tho balauoo in flatly wooded. Thio farm is particularly well fenced, nearly ilio whole or the Mimes bailie straight and slaving boon Grouted in 1805 and '80. em 6110 prole foestboro is a aom- turtablo log dwo111ug house, and a goo tframe barn with stone stabling underneath In which there is a well with au abundant sup lily of marabout mister. There Is likolvinon new frame tmplSrneat house, 40x1e, well floored, above and bo!ow, and umatry gilded and pal 10.01.1. For particulars apuly to tiro 02214010er, TA'kVES DiOnSON, Registrar, 1101011 0o., 13-tf (iodeiich. 1110 SALE! •lead Oats (Whit.) Feed got from To- ronto last Spring. Price Oats. per Bushel. Grass Seed Sowers! TUE Boar I Eon MADE, Price 03.73 Cash, or 53 W on Time. Also Two Colts, one rising 8 years and the other rising 2 years old. 31artiden< Smith. Extensive Auction Sale -trII- Farm Stock and Im- plements. Capt. Stratton, Auctionoer, has re- ceived instructions from tho undersigned to 11011 by Public Auction, on Dor 95, con. 8, Moan's, on Thursday, March 24th, 1881. The following valuable proporty, viz': - 1 Mare, rising 8 years old, 1 Horse, rising 8 years old, 1 Filly, rising 3 years old, 1 Heavy draught Filly, rising '2 years 013, sired by "Rankin Boy, 1 Yearling Tilly, aired by "nankin Boy,” 1 ,flare, 8 }mare old, in foal to "Hart'' Mosoongoh " 3. (darn, ()years old, in foal, 1 Ager, Marc 4 Cows, in calf to a thoro'-broc! hull, 2 Now Miloh (Iowa, 3 Steers, rising 8 yoltrs old, 3 Steers, rising 2 years old, 4 lici£. Drs, Mang 2 years old, 6 Gond Calsus, 1 Saw, hi pig to thoro'-brad boar, 1 Light Toronto 'hurler, almost new, oat 110 stereo, 1 Mowing Machine, 1 Sharp Sblky Ralte, 1 Beaver Drill combined, 1 Lum- ber Wagon, 1 Democrat Wagon, 1. Sewing Machin Wagon, new, 1 Single Buggy, 1 Oliuton Panning Mill, 1 Set (1,000) Fair - bank Scales, J. Set iron Harrows, 1 Potato Souftper or Wooder, 1 Gaug Plow, 1 Dog Churn, 1 Land Roller, 1 Set Bob-sloighs, 2 Wheelbarrows, 2 Sets Double Harness, 1 Set Single Harmer', 6 Good Plows, 2 Lauca•tooth Sa\vs, 1 Grindstone, 2 Sots Whiftletreos, 20 Cow Ohafns, 1. Binder Whip, 1 Grass Scythe and Snath, Pails, Pans, aril Housohold Furniture, Forks, Shovels, Chains, and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale without Reserve as the Proprietor has rented his Farm, Sale to 0ommen e, at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp. Tznats.-r ll stuns atandu31dor 95 cash; over that amount 9 months :relit will be given on furnishing appr00ed joint twine. el per cent, off for Dash on Credit amounts, A quantity of Hay, for' Cash, CA1'T, fi'i'EETTON, 141, CARDIFF, Auctioneer, Proprietor, Alex. McNair in ,flccortut with Township of Grey :• - fire I1L0E11Te mon 1880. Balance in ,land at last audit 9 1099 38 Co. Treasurer non resident tax, 17 83 Co. Tr'asnror non resident tax, 189 13 Boundary line money, 185 40 Thomas Fullerton, ...pork of Vlma, drainage tax, lob 1, eons. 5 t& 0, 1885 & 1886, 11 08 Thomas Fullerton, half cost of bridge at Henfryn, and removing obstruction, 8 67 McIntosh tC McTaggart, for note, 64 days, 200 00 A. M. Boss, Land Improve- ment Fuud, 148 01 Meluto 11 t& McTaggart, for note, 95 days, McIntosh & MoTeggart, for note, 75 days, Wni. Spence, Engineer Ex- press collected, Wesley. Young, J. P., boing moiety of fine, Davis and • Bellows, for violation of the Scott act, 22 r+0 A. Bunter, J.P., fines, Nebel and la,u02, 2 00 Treasurer of Outa.io, Clergy Reserve Fund, 10 10 Part Interest ou Land Im- provement Fund, 10117 41 Thos. Strachan, for Jas. Xis. hop, overrlrawei for C011. tract, 101. Bryan, solo of old bridgo timber, 3 00 Thos. Kelly, Treasurer Don, solo, 11. Il, award to Gray, Wm. Spoum, lhigiueer's ex- penses collected, 5 Govo neem School Grant, 501 Municipal Soh .ol grant, 501 Uncollected taxes, 41 Amount of taxes coliootod, 12824 Total, • $18114 02 pt<xr0ND3rnnEs. Roads and bridge,:, $ 2620 96 Gravel, Salaries, Charity, Board of Health Printing, Mlulioipal Election, Provincial Election, Solooting Jurors, Wire fence, Postage and Stationery, Dog tax refunded, Drain, con. 1, Goverumont drain, Drain, cone. 5 t& 0, Sido drain, 13irths, marriages and deaths, County tax, Paid money. borrowed, Interest on same, Engins it's espouses, Tattooist on R. Il. rlobenturos, Ditching, under (dm Ditohos and Watrrconrses, Miscollancnus, Moulton' Sobool tax, Govcrnmont ochool gratlt Comity school grant, Expenses of Voters' List Court, Co, Treas. nucollootocl taxes on roll, 1886, Arrear8 of taxes, Total, Balanoo 511 hand, 500 00 600 00 12 00 2 5o 110 75 00 00 00 54 20 ASSETS, Bank of Hamilton Deposit Brussels R, R. Mottrd, Balance on Hand, mem--pass, 13. R. Debentures, Annual rental Government drain, cons. 10 t& 17, 1:0 years to run, 507 84 Side drain, eon. 16, 000 00 Drain, cone, 5 t& 6, diminishes $5 a year, 8 years to sun, 145 00 Township of Howick, of drain dobonthros, 84 80 Il, the undersigned Auditors of tho y Township of Groy, certify that Niro liavo examined the Treasurer's n00111188 for the past year and the Voucher's ho. longing thereto and R11d the same cp. red, Trcasurrr's 6 AL1:)X. STEWA1L'd', 0(1iee '1 310033 KRA.UT1;.1I, AUDITORS, 387 17 079 00 118 211 18 00 78 20 00 10 24 00 12 00 15 50 80 '9 6 t0 84 36 507 81 145 43 150 00 16 50 4260 55 1300 00 , 23 4(1 170 50 120 00 t; i c1NTOSH 11 MoTAUGAI3T,1 BAN1IE138, •;, 13110SS131LS Transact n- General 13al1lalrl 13'Mei,te8s. No Los to baud dlouututod, doaToternst allowed 00 dererikl rnpayaldc 1,r.ltutd, Proust m1150.1011(41011. to ,ulll0180L,•, LEGAL AND JONIfir,YA J'CI6<illl. WI ADE &SINCLAIR,13s1R1tIS- Um, Rea Oaloo in Loeklo's block, Brussels. Money to Loan, 637. 13.1)10If6014, (LATE \\ I'i'II 1' • Darrow it Yruudfoot, G5doriclt) 100- 1!eotnr, tlnuvoyanuor, Rw. Jfduu, (2x411(•0 hlook, blrus.ol5. afouuy to louu' A LLX. iiUN 1 15 it, OLUlIII OF 1� the Fourth 1)101alun tlOurt, CO. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan andlnouremeo Agent, rondo invoetod and ,60 luau, (lo.lootl000 mad0, 0113oe 111 0ra- nnm'a lilrmh, Rruseele. MEDICAL CAI;DS, '13U'i'C.riINSON IIAS AJ movorloto ooleo to rooms over the Po0to30ca, dog)donue on 99111 Strout. A. hIoNAUGI'ITON, i\\1. 1),, 0. el e M. L.10, 0. 1'. 1':diubnrgI, Phynioian, Surgeon and A5oouch or. 00100, Mrs, Rhinl's hluuk, Turnberry Strout. Wi\1 F GALE, \l..D,0.Al. Mombor of the College of Phyelolano auri Someone of Ontaalo b1 examination Carle and ltoeiduuu-Main Bt, Last, LLhel Ontario. DENTAL. Le N . G. L.Bal1,L. D. EL, Honor Graduate and 00.10. 0. 1). S., of Toronto,. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. Prices graded and as tow as good work can be done for. 01l!ce over Jobuston's Hardware Store, Soafortk. A.MARTIN, L. D. u., E.• A3'1./4 TIdST, 001.5or Umlaut)) Woyal Coltogo of Dente Snrgeoae. Ofhee-G'arfleld Block, Drusso's, Charge Moderato, iD]tlN 3[4.4T. W J. Fear, L. S. Graduate of To. mule School of Oentl0try. All oper- ations guano teed, Olboo-Cady's Block, Seaforth. Artificial teeth, brat quality, ahta g0 arms teed fit, for 510.00 per 4ot. DURINEs t CARDS. woI3,ofl9McOarriag3ACIdI<EN, 1645L9,LEI1hifc5us00, 411100 ,• Gloorry,'ruoshorryn Stroat. UT NI, RODDICI{,1107)533, 3I ON palntoams C,tl'ria,11, plain oud orialnr0tal Charges Eotima.us a115121tDy Sarah Ls<l. 1/horgoe moderato. McNAIR, ISSUER Ob' A:IAIt- rlago L!Scttoas, by appointment of Llott.-Goyoraor, Commissioner, 30., Q, B Ornyeyrtneerand Agent Piro Xnsurenee Ce' biBoo at the Oranbr ok Post Office, C�Al O'OONNO1I', FIRE, LIFE , . Aooldont and Loan Insurance Anon for swine of Oho boat and most reliable Om, poutee in the Dominion, OSlloe Krick Torr. ace Turoborry street ,n ear tiro station. � 7 W. 013RIEN, V. S , HONOR . (3raduato of the Ontario Veterinary College has roomed the practice of John Nott, V.S,, anal is propared to trout all dia- toms ofdomnotieate<1 animals on ncient,O, and approved principles!. Tro,tmeut of del- icate foals u .spocinlay. Office two doors North of Bridge, Turoborry street. 189 LILI,A O'CONNOIE, Teaohgrof amnia, Voonl and -Irstr - hiontalon Organ, Piano, m' Gai(0r Bar- man, and Thoroagh Bass. Advanced puuils llttod for Toaching. Terms on Cpl • t notion Rhtorenoe-Ladies of Loretto 1' ademy Guelph. Residooeo-No. 0, Torrnou, south n001'' station. R,obert Cunningham • INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. Tar. BLASI3IT'L, 557 fin' 50 83 4960 161 601 00 601 00 80 88 41 51 12 66 917607 19 446 88 918114 02 $ 7000 00 589 45 418 83 $ 7000 00 Ch•an.1rook, March 0111, 1887, 13 archer, thanking ' _ r his nhany 7onetnmoru for their „liberal to (nloem intho tt+at at his shop 10 Bpnalo's block 115 kaope nothings, bub lr5t-clans moats, all kinds of Poultry and Saw:um Moat Delivered to all porta et the 600,5 tree. Cash paid Int Fat Stock. Hhlaeamishoopskins bought for climb. 'ABA FOR SALT; —THE 7)16. 33. ,larolgos'l offers Ids 0arm,lcd, 0, eon, 4, Bray, containing 100 sorra. for 81110. 'rhero 1120 about05 aures cleared and 111'der mop, ',:here is agond fralim hero and leg boosts, orchard, ,sell and all colvonionce;. (po0i: formes, For full pavtiatlais apply to ART WOK A1o114ND,, a_-8.300+ Proprietor, Smooch, A. �1ARAI 1N GREY FOR SALE, being lot 14, on the let 000,001130i:dug 100 acres, south part lot 15 on 10 con., 'oon- taining45 across. Lot 14 is partly cleared, the balance walltllnbarotl, h never follies; crook oroasostho lot and it is wall adapted for farming or,grazing, Lot 15 is mo0619' . elaarad anduntlor good oultivatioo flan bal. anoowelltimborecl with .black aeil Will sell alltogathor. pin parte to mutt the pur- chaser. I`t ortartllor 1 artionlasrrl1 apply to tiro protlrietorois the promisee. T1lielot is well' drained. tf G100, AVERY, NEW FIBnr,----TI3E UNDER- , 5001053) desire to intimate to tflo pub - lie generally that thoy hove formed a co- p.Irtnat9ltilfor iho pnrpo50 of 00irying on Carriage, Sign moo Orumnoutal Painting' and aroreparod to attend to iho wants of the11ub110 01, most relr5onable turns. Br. Boos having had oxporion0o In some of the boat shore in Toronto end both boirg 000- tioal8vorkreenw0 guarantso to glee satin- 05otion. Botiv200 and terms eileeiittly ftrn;ohod• Shop 1 in the '11dBORT Publ15h. ing 1101110, Ring otroet, alru0016, R61ITri, 111084