HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-18, Page 7MARGE 18, 1887. THE BRUSSELS POST
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I woodered on, oho wgt time hs alt the 'mon Nary, my ,00tia,r, look down upon inn, rift and doeli their heads against the going away to °blip ii Couple of small
A 1:4141,) Unjust I" WaH th0 ery of her heart as ohe ;..know t am weak:hut lllY tnotoor is neon high rocks, and roar, and shriek, and rune ladieN, more pertionlerly when 1
., ,,
"XS the voloo el thy child tliikt hi culling l'e rage MS ie lionnithing had made them oulid their convereation so intensely in-
s) et world them was nob much a wicked, ou- thoe wild with anger. Oh 1 I love to watch tereeting. Very odd tastes and fancies
eho, .and bhe unbutored
TIM MTS'])(138 OF ItICIIMOND HOUSE, boart roeolved in its bitternms to repay Georgia's voice died away, yob with it then, when tine great whit° waves
_..— acorn with nom, and hate with hate. her liana etill clasped and dark brook so florooly over the high rooks,
A !EAU iV OE WnoN0 ANA Itini7110104111, It was dark when elle came home. mystic oyes now up.turned to the far.
lasundowdair foeur,, ,tit. 8ParsaY1 id% my face.
. -- She had had no dinnor, but with the off stars, her thoughts wont wandering
conflict going an within she had felt no on thlif
e fieet words sho had said, as if it should. go mad and dash its
ily Mrs. MAX AGNES MAIM NG, hunger. Miss Jorusha's supper was over ''Mary, my mother 1' I wonder who brains out on the rooks. Oh, I do lovo
Author or. Lost For it Woman," ,. ,nlimatt Mild long shin clemusi .away, and, as that means. My mamma's memo was the groat, otormy, angry se
might be expected, sh, wee m 110 soviet nob Mary, and ono can't havo two And the oyes of the wild girl bland.
rerey's Secret," Intr., Etc..
framo of mina at tho long Demme, of hor mothers, I should think. How good th 1 , e o o o ar ono milted,
protoye. goloido, boo 1 1 meet ask Emily wino gs kindled, grow radiant as she Flpoke,
Well, you've got home at blot, have means ; she knows. Ob, 1 wish -1 do
EmTihlye oll,0.711todinni
Helene to make a wholo batch of Lady you ?" she began, sharply, and with box wish J was up there whore all tho beau.
I" of dismay.
CD t` LT)
you have, my little lady Goorgia."
Georgia was ilent—she had =rade, It p2.<41
heard Imu-sho was thinking of some-
thing else. She wanted to ask about
Charl0 0 pre
"Well," he said, with a smile, reading
ey, but-sho did not like to.
her thoughts like an open book, "and id
what is little Georgia thinking of so iu.
tautly ?" 0 all—j -611
"I -I -of nothing," she was going to W °"" ttossi
say, and then she chocked herself. It
Macboths. May all tho powers that be voico pitched lo a most aggravating key. tifal stars aro
would bo a falsehood, and Goorgia was
gonoroosly grant I may not be the Dun. oProtty tins onight this, I must say, Poor little Goorgia I ontaught, ,aq.
exclaimed; " love tho sea in a storm I life." oe4 CITI
"Oh, Georgia, how you talk I" sho proud of nevor haring told a lie in her
can she is to bend to the other world." to coin home, after trairipin' round like Monate chill; how many years will
what a taste yon have I Now 1 lilt° it, "And what does 'I -I' mean ?" (DM <I 0
'If she is allowed to grow up as she a vagabono on the fano o' the Moth all come and go, what a dory um?" °Ill too, but only on a sunny, calm morning "X was thioking of your brother Char-
capable of even Lody Maoboth's orimo, glt like this, when it is smooth and shining ley," she said, looking up with ono of
Char -
10 now she will certainly bo some day tho bloesod day. You (Theory° to bo artelostined to pass through botore_tlia
switched as long as you eon stand, you "peaeo which passeth all outlerstourin
X am dreadfully afraid of it on a stormy. her bright, defiant flashes.
him t" al I:71
Pity she has no olio better qualitiod to worthless, lazy, idle young varmiut you I iwieiallrtentor your anguished, world-weary
day, when the groat waves make such a "Yes," he said, quietly, "and what of
look after her than that cliengremble old Bo off to no kitchen and riee if Fly cria't
get 3mu, somo supper, though you When btealsfast was over next morn- i o t od liko I Now, 1 suppaso you had rather "I should like to Icoow how he is." Ell °
woman." horrid noise. What queer things you
as thick as pickpockets. I flattered hor
old lady," fiaid charley : 'he and 1 aro rightly sarvod• Other folks has to toil sou off for Burnlield. She hardly know 000 like this ?,,
have a wet day like lost Sunday than delicate, and his ankle 10 even worse hurt MI c.,. 16::.
"Butter mind boor you talk about tho oughtn't to get a morsel if you was ing, ticorsoa tookhor sun- moo a "He is ill -seriously ill. Charles is
for what they oat, but you live ou other horsolf what was hor object in oassino
' - - ----° "No," said Georgia, "I didn't; like last than we supposed. Last night ho was
Moves iu ine to an immense extent. An
beautifully, I flatter myself, and she be. folks' vittals. and do nothing, you in- HO quickly through. this village, without
Sonday ; it kept on a miserable drizzle, feverish and sleepless, and this morning
to the young lady, what do you eay to • dolent little tramper you 1"
Miss Jeruslaa name a for want of breath, stopping at any of her favorite hannts,
until she stood before tho large, hand. drizzle all day, and wouldn't ho tine nor
rain he was not obi° to get up."
'el: 17.1P 21
adopting her yoursolf ? You'd bo a sweat expecting the angry retort this style of soma Manoiou occupied and owned by right down good and have douo A. hot flush passed over Georgia's faco,retreating instantaneously, and leaving
with it. But I like a storm, a fiorce,
mentor for youth, wouldn't you 2" address never failed to extort from tho one great man of Burnfielit b'quire her very pale, with a wild, uneasy glit-
b . tear the trees up, and dashes the ram ter in her large dark eyes. Oh I If Ms 0
high storm, when the wind blows fit to
"Yon may laugh, but I really fee. a tho exoitable little borob-shell beforo Richmond.
The child sbood with compressod lips, her fault he had hurt himself first, and 11 0 geg .1-1
deep interest in that ,ihod,o said Rico- her, but to Mir surprin none came. ' Tho hotio was e - should die, she thought. It was through
n imposine strue u, e
of brown stone, with archod porticos, like mad against the' windows. 1 go
away up to the garret then and listen. ' then she had been obstinate and would
"N, ell, for my part," said Charley, 'I dark and gloomy, gazing into tho fading and vino-wroathed balconies. The
And I like it when it thunders and
lightens, and frightens everybody into not forgive him. Perhaps he would die,
C`F .--..:.
don't, believe m vixena, yonng or old, firo. grounds wore et:ton:do°, and beatitifully
but you -you always bad a taste lor
=peters." "Well, why don't 300 go 2" said Miss laid out; and Georgia, with the other
fits. 01, it's spleudid then I I feel as and she would never be able to tell him 0-' CD
Mg a lillOt in the whip; "bot she's some.
'Not exactly," said Richmond, sioty• your betters' leavin's aud be thankful, 0 ;.1.' th,, high fentto onoirchug filo trout
Jernslia, angrily. "Yon ought to take 01114117,n, had often peeped longingly
over tho world, as if I :should go wild She laid her hand ou Richmond's arm, CD 5 CP,
if I would. like to fly away and away all bow sorry she was for what she had done.
thing uew ; she snito me; I like her." bhough there's no null thing as thank. gooloo, ao sloe losautifial lloeots .,,thin.
fulnoss in you, I do b'lievo. Go I" Georgia., skilled in climbing, could ,t if, said, in a voice that trembled a little in tid '-.
being cooed up in ono place, as if -oh, I and, looking up earnestly in his facie,
-- ' "I don't went your supper ; you may eaH .3'
it . ii,,,,,,, got eye, and reached thug bean, to ooti howl feel I" said the here -
rained girl, drawing a long breath and spite of herself:
/USING Ali EAGLET. lenness. poront hor to tit :al. There was some. k. eopiug her shining eyes fixed as if on "Do -do you think ho vsill die 2" P cl)
, CHAPTER VT. koop it," said Georgia, with proud sul- but her junto soon of honor would not
'Well, if yon aint tho queerest, wild- think not; but poor Charley is really ill, .- la
' "In her heart so.do far-off vision. "No," he said, gravoly, "1 hopo-I
"01, you don't 1 Of COUrS0 not I It's Millie; mean in the idea of being a thief
Aro sown the sparks that kindlo flory war:
Ouoasson needs...hut fan thom and they blare.
o not good enough for your ladyship, by os a iiar, and inuanness was Ole blackest
est thing I And you don't liko fine days aalnocinev.e,,ry lonely, I dare say, up there
CormElb no mamma of means," said Miss Jerusha, crime in. her "table of sins.". Pe.rhaps at "2,,
"snows Genus tot o'or mind, with withering miss:torn. "Hadn't I bet- (mother reaeou was, Georgia. did not
"'"011, yes 1 do -of course I do ; not so
i "1-I should like to see him."
much days like this, cold, and cloar, and 0 Crq
SpirIt's o'or spirit, is trio 0108,' °Mot tor order sumo W11111 and cake for your caro much for flowers; sho liked well It was just what Richmond expeoted,
And natural action of u.a Inward 5111
Given by God," worship 2 Dear, dear I what ladies we t.)1o.f.,gli to -o. them growing, but as for
calm, bob blazing hot, scorching August just what he had uttered the last words CD c+
ara, 00 be Kira 1 Is there anything par. cooing 11 bouquet Inc any pleasure it
All that day little Georgia wept wan. ticnlarly nice I could got for you, ntria, mood afford her, she would never havo noondays, when the whole world looks to hoar her say. Her eyes were down.
Gering aimlessly, restlessly, through the eh ? P'raps Fly'd bettor rou to Burn- thought of doing it. While she stood like ono great flood of golden fire -that's cast, and she didesot see the almost inc.wooda, possossed by some walking geld tor romp plum mldin' or suthiu', gazing wistfully at the forbidden gsardonhis mouth. When sho looked up ho was pot sag c.o.
spirit that would not let hor gib still for hey 2 01, dear me, ain't we dajot,y, 0[ Edo, a SWOCb silvery voice close
lie the sorb I like I Or freezing, wild, frosperceptible omile that dawned around 0
• winter days, when the great blasts
make one fly along as if they had wings grave and serious.
an instant. She had kept her vow, sho though 2" biod lion crested her atteutiou. with tho
-they're splendid, tool" "I think he will be able to sit up this 1----1 cf-
bad resisted the power of a master Gooroist fairly gnashed her tooth and o -.la l I tation :
mind ; sho had maintained her free tuned nom with passion as ne iistonest, "Why, Cloorgia, is this really you ?"
"Well, I don't know, I don't think so.' afternoon. If you will come up after
will, and refused to do as he commanded aud, with a spring, she stood before the Georgia turned round and caw a little
I like cool, ploasant days like this 'int- dinner you shall see him. Meantime, ° ° 1".1 * ED
bor. Yes, sin felt it as a command. startled Miss Jerusha, her eyes glaring girl &boat heo own age, Mit, to a super-. tor, because I have no taste for roosting shall I show You through the g-counds ? 00 is
iatt eyb, a hundrod times prettier
She had thrown off the yoke ho -would in the partialdarkness Bled thoso of a 11or freezing," said. Emily, laughing. "OhPerhaps you havo never been bore be.
have laid on her, aud Mi
is ought to have wild.qat. Mts Jorusha, in alarm, lifted deo 1 moro interesting. Her fox= was I must tell mother about the droll things ''al (I) 6
forIel: changed the subject quickly, for
....yo.u..,19s,,c,1 Let rao see what else. Like
exulted in her triumph -in her victory. a chair, As a weapon of defence against plump and rounded, her complexion no knew it would not do to. particularly I -4o
But, strong° to etty, it surprised even tho oxpooted attack; but the attack was snowy white, with the brightest of rosy '-'',','''' ' notice her inquest. Georgia had often
herself that sho had not ; sho feltangry, not made. blooms on lin cheek and lip ; her eyoe Some sotts. X like tho band. Don't before wished to wander through the
sullen and dissatisfied. The conscious. Clasping her hands over her head, woro largo, bright and blue, and her caro much for any other kind." long walks and beautiful gardens 1
nese Mica she was wrong and he was with a sort of impressible cry, she fled moo gotten hair Clustered in natural "And I like songdowncast and troubled, and she said,
you prefer -men or s and hymns better.
around, but now her daok little faco was
0 II'
right-thab she ought to have done as from the room, up the sbeirs into her curls on her ivory neck. A sweet face And now, which do
he told her-wouldforce itself upon her her OVCll little chamber, fastened . the it was -a hwomen 2"
appy, innoceut child -like gravely :
and narrow her own conduct did look quivoring, on the tloor of the room. fon-with nothing remarkable about it iiyou 'do 1 Why?" ''No -thank you!" Tho last words 1-4 t
in spite of all her efforts. How mean door, and then sank down, whito end "Mon " said Georgia, decidedly.
siva its orettinossAnd goodness. "Oh, well -bemuse they're strongoo after a pause, Inc polizenose was not in
. isss°
now that she cause to think it over, and How long oho lay there she could not ooh, poi ! win 1110,,
. yon,,, comet, and more powerful, and braver and the young lady's lino. "I will go home
the fever of passion had 'tuna away ; tall; moths or pasoion swept through l,i'ie,et ,, i 1 41,, ,,,, h„,, , .,, r.,.‘,4 oossoiog ii „ bolder; W01111)11 aro inch cowards. Do m
now, and coe back by-and-by. You
had sho 110011 bravo and generous sho soul. Wild, fierce, and maddening rag- onto 10005010. "t was just wistong you
felt sho '400.11,1'400.11,1 have forgiven him. when id tho conflict within -one 01 those o
you know tho sort of man I should like needn't open the gate; I can jump over s J
would. Hero, stand op hero beside
he eo often apologized; it was galling clarions storms of the heart -known moo, to be?' the form. Thor° I don't miud helpingMe. Good -by!" ti 0 o
he was sorry for his fault oho kuow see cal 11n5 soon to run firo instead of little ono, getting op beside Georgia,. iivloell; ,what sort o.,
was gone, and pulling hor sumboonet (1 l''''S1 171
to be laughed at, it was true, hut valiso and felt only by thoso whose fiery, innd' "Well, I can't stay long," said the •
like Napoleon Bonaparto, ov She sprang lightly over the wall, and
ought to have pardonod hi n. llow they blood. / Alexander tho Great. I should liko to far over her face, set out Inc home. 'ettos
"Mobilo): sent me with some things to
both must doapise hor ; what e wiolsed, Sho hoard Miss Joruslaa's step on the that poor Mrs. White, whose husband conquer the whole world, and maim
ugly, disagreeable little girl they nitiot stairs, hoard her approach her door confidence to Fly and Betsey Periwinkle, 1:7, fster-. it
ovary one in tho world do just as I told Miss Joruslia wondered that day, in
got killed, you know. 011, Georgia! tnem. Oh, I wish I was a boy I"
think her. How sho wished she had and liston for a moment, and then go to what had "come to Georgey,'' she was
been better, and had mads up friends, box own chamber and Rewrote, lock She error saw, with such tiny bits of fiugers "I don't, then," said Emily stoutly: so still and silent all dinner.time, and 171 (1) h,-,,
she's got the dearest little bisby you
and not Mt them go away thinking lier door. and tom, aud the funniest littlo blink- "I don't like boys, they're so rude atm
HO cross and million and obstinate.
"Miss Jerusha says I'm ugly mid good hatod her ; hated all the world; feeling
In that moment the half.erazed child ing eyes. The greatest little darling
ever was I Do come down with me to rough. dAnd these two cooquerors were
not goo mon, either. I've toad about in her face, all unusual with the spark -
sat with such it moody look of gravity
i tod 0
ling, restless.olf. Well, they did not
for nothing and bad tempered, and so as though she could have killed hor see, it; it's splendid 1" exclaimed EmilY, lithimem,; Washington was goocl; I like know that the free young foresii eaglob
does everybody else. Nobody loves roc wero it in her power. Then this tin- her pretty Mao face all aglow with our oo A T p 4, 4 p T had been b; , had of its wings clippod for the first P"sj ° Foes!
o. • 1-1 roost.
or cares Inc me, and everybody says I've natural mood passed away -it was too thumasm. maul 1070041010ig'tl'i"g m..37'Beliiun7,:m/320; time that day, and that Georgia could
got tho worst temper they ever knew. unnatural to last -and she rose from tho 4q,so; I don't care about going," saidriI exult no longer in the thought that ale soeist,1 OD
People don't do anything but laugh at floor, looking like a spirit, with her Georgia, coolly. "I don't like babies." ca. wouldn t have done as be did
was wholly unconquered and free.
me and make fun of me and call me streaming hair, wild eyes, and whit"Don't like babies 1 -Ole dearest little at all. Now, whore are you going in
'Richmond Wildair was at his post ins. 0 0 Ct.
names. Mamma and 1Varren liked me, face. She went to the window and open- things in tho world! 011, Georgia 1" "such a burry 2" mediately after dinner, awaiting the
but they're dead, and I wish I was doad ed it, for her head throbbed and acheCi, cried Emily, h
reproachfully. Oh, I have to go to Mrs. White's. I
corning of Gdor ia. Ile knew sho would CD ci-
and buried, too -I do so t I'll moor =Meaning her forcheadagainst the owl "WelloI don't, thou. 1 don't see any- ave been here a good while already.
come, and she '(1. Ho saw the small, CD 1;,-.3'
dance again; 111 never sing for any one; glass, she looked out. thing me° about them, for my part. X wish you would come along.'
dark figure approaching, and hold tho
I'll go away somewhere, arid lower come How still and soreuo evorything was! Ugly littlo thinga, with thin faces all "No, ' said Georgia, decidedly, " I
gate open Inc her to outer. ri 0
back. X wish I was pretty isnd Murray;od. The river lay bright and beautiful iet tho wrinkled up, like Miss Jerusha's hands shan't go. Good by."
"Alt 1 you've come, Georgia!" be said.
tompored and. pleasant, like 34m rdark bright starlight. The pino tram on wash -day, crying and making a time. Emily nodded and smiled a good -by,
and tripped off down the road. Geor-
h"oTrheat, is right. Come along; Charley is < 1-b 0
everybody loves her ; but I ain't, and wavocl dreamily in the soft spring 1 don't like them; and 1 don't see how
never will bo. I'm black and ugly end breeze, and the odor of Choir fragrant you can be bothered nursing them tho gio, stood for a moment longer, looking
"Does he know I am coming?" asked P osei a 1.1;"
bad-tempered, and everyone hates me. leaves come borne to where oho sat. way you do." at the stotoly mansion, and then was
Georgia, soborly.
Let them hate me, then -I don't care 1 Tho silence of the grave reigned around, "Oh, 1 lovo them! and I'm going to about to go away when a hand was laid
on her and arrested her steps. "Yes, I told hini. HO expects you. tt 0
1 hate them just as much; and 1.11 bo tho lonesome forest seemed lonelier than save all the money I got to spend to buy
Here -this way. Theta you are!" Cr Cis^
just as cross and ugly as ever 1111(0. I over to -night, audso great was the still. Mrs. White's little baby a dress. Mo. Close to the wall some benches ran,
lie opened the door and ushered D 11 ieseel
1105 made so, and can't holp it, and don't ns that the plaintive cry of the whip. ther says I may. Ain't those flowors hidden under a profusion of flowering
Goorgia into a sort of summer -house in
lovely in thoro 2 I wish we had a gar- vines, and Richmond Wildair had been
the garden, where, seated in state in an
care for any body. Pll do just as I like, poor.will, as it rose at intervals, sounded. 0 p
I will s. 1 1 eau bate peoplo as much starblingly loud and shrill. She lifted doo,,, lying on oue of these, studying a deeply
rp.)as they can t that bate me, ani I will do it, her eyes to the high, , bright, solemn "Why ?, exciting volume, whoa the 701008 of thoorm.ohair, arm -choir, was Master Charley, loolting ci-
e-el e
too. I don't800 what I was ever born stars seemed to bo looking dowii opts,becimso ib's eo nico to have children fell upon his ear. Very in-
rather paler than when she saw him ..11
last, but with the samo half -droll, hod -
for ; Miss Jorusha says it svas to tom. pityingly on the poor little orphan child, flowers. 1 wonder Squire Richmond tentiv did he listen to their converno i 0
wont people; but I couldn't help it and and all hor wickedness and passion nover pulls any of his; he always loaves inn, only revealing himself when ho indolent, louguid air about him that
seemed to be itis chief charitotoristio. 0
it ain't my fault, and they have no busi. passe away, and a mysterious awe, them then tilt they drop off." found Georgia was about to leave.
."My dear Miss Georgia," ho isogon, pooi s
noes to blame mo for it, Emily Murray ' doop and holy, entered that tompost. "Well, what would be pull them for ?" "Good morning, Miss Georgia," he
with tho greatest empressement, Ole mo-
awd 'not ho SW her, "yon malto me proud ° 0
Why, to put on Oho table, of courso. said, smilingly ; "I am very glad to see
says God makes peoplo die, and I clon't toosed young head. The soft, cool o
soe why he didn't let mo dio, too, when breeze lifted her dark elf looks, and lin- Don't you over gather flowers for your you. Como, jump over the fence
by honoring so unworthy sal individual 1"t
mamma did. Momma was good, and I gored and coolecl hor hot brow like to mom ?,, 00100 iu ; yon con do it, 1 know."
as I ani with your gracious presence. 11,91:2
's Ides. Goorgia had often looked. "No.', Now, Georgia was neither timid nor
You'll oxouse my not gotting up,I hope;
expect she's in heaven, but I'm ao had friend
they'll never let me there I know! I at the dors Wore, but they never seem. "You don't 1 why, Georgia! don't .bashful, but while he spoke she recd.
but the fact is, this uuforbunate contin-
don't °are for that Alms'. I was made ed to havo snob high and holy beauty as
bad, and if they send mo to tho bad they poseeesed tomight. you lovo flowers O"
"No, I don't lovo them ; 1 Mc to 000 looted her not very courteous behaviour
of the previous day, and, for the first nation of min, being resolved to have
its own way about the mattter, can be tooel C±
place for it, they may. Em Murray'll "God made the stars," thought Geor- them well enough." time in her life, she hung her head and
indococl by no amount of persuasion and '1
Why, Georgia I 011, Georgia, what bluolied.
liniment to behove pettily, and (tawny 0 ,÷
go to heaven, booanso she's good and gia; "I wonder what Ho made them fot ? o
peaty, and Miss ,Terusha says she'll go, Perhaps they are the eyes 01 the pooplo
but 1 don't believe it. If she does I that die and. go to bemoan. I wondot if a funuy girl yon 6,10. Not love flowers! He appearOd to hero forgotten, or at
scouts the idea of boing used as a O7,1 0
What do you love, then ?" least forgiven it, but this only mado hor
moans of support. Pray take a scat, toel
know sho'll scold all the timo up them know how bad I am, and how wicked I love tho Htars—the beautiful stars, fool it alt the more homily.
Miss Georgia Derrell, and make yonr. teoi
i▪ t
she'rit go, even if thoy ask mo to, for I mamma and Warren are up thole, and o
so high, and bright, and splendid." "Como," he said, catching hor hands,
self as miserable as circumstances will
just as she does down here. If Obey clo and miserable 1 feel 2 I guess they
let her in 1 guoss they'll be pretty sorry woo t o sotry or e . "011, so do I; bub then they'ro Bo far withont appearing to 121)&0011,1,er confu-
allow " io"• )
Y (1±1, • off, you know. I love flowers better, sion; , , n To this speech, uttorod with tho ,IO- C+' CD
for it after, and wish they hadn't. I there is nobody in the world to like mo booms° they're usurer," Georgia laughed, disengaged her
most rrre, and with the blainio.sb and !toe s
'spose them two young gontlomou foam now. Some people proy; Emily Murray "Well, that's Oho reason 3: don't like hands and with the old mischiovous
most insinuating tones,,Georine, II:stand,o7,1
New York will go, too, aud I know that Sins, for Poo soots her; but I don'tknow thero-I menu not so much. 1 don't s irit 'twinkling in hor oyes, with one
with a conutenence of immovable gray. - 0 ‹,,1
care f r things 1 oan get so easy -Naafi flPyin leap vatithed elm! over his head
aty, and at its closo, inetead of sating
Charley follow will lough vvhoo ho sees bo,v, , .,...i
inc turned off, jost as he did this morn. tomo if I did, I &to so dreadful bad. She overyhody also can got. Anything 1 far out into the garden.
down, silo walked up, stood before him, (I) ,
Mg. I don't bellow) I ought to have taught ino 0 pretty hymn to sing; ie
. like I want to have all to m sole X "Brim& cried Itiohmoud; "onellent.
and stdd : ` cia C.:,
made up with him, after ail. 1 won't. soon S A s0 tl, playa , o 'vo tag° i don'b won't anybody also in t re world I done I I seo -ou ondorstand roans-
"loatetday you laughed at um, and I 0 PD
either, if his brother Says I moats If all bub the first vooso. XII 503' that, any,1 to have it. The 'Might, beautiful stars tics, Now, I would offor you some
Wali nngry. You said yon were sorry,
offer to do anything for him again aa , aro away off -nobody can have them. . flowers ouly I hoard you say you did not
and I -I cam to.clay to toll yon 1:
h. illtS mo alone I mey, but I'll never way. Lot's soo-oh, yes I I know two,
Ana, fol Ole first Nino in hot hi°, I call them min, and nobody can Ulm • caro for them, and as for the stars I
aro boyond °von toy reach." was willing to 71101(0 01) 1tionds again.
long as I live. 01, door 1 I don't See oho knit down and clasped hot hands, them from me. I liko the stars bottor regrot they
There I" C.12
what I over was born for at all, and 1 and in the soft light ot Oho beautiful, than flowors." t'foorgia-looked up with a flush that
Silo held out ono little brown band in ;
do wish I newer had boom or that 1 bad 50001031stars sho solomoly whisporod her "Oh, Georgi, yorc aro gown Whromindocl him of yesterday.
s. token of amity. With the utmost tiff- , 0 •V:
died with mamma, and Worrell." 11700 prayor. don't you know that's solfish 2 Nov,w, "You woos listoning," she said, ms. g it to oi
en y iatloy staintaitted his counton. I Pi %.1.1'
And so, with bitterness in bet hood, 1 I have any eiloasuro, I don't enjoy it 1 ' f 11 "0 t 0 " an° sufficiently to shako hands with , loos e
Look &minium too, your poor, wosS, lonely flt a Milan 1 havo somebody to enjoy ( tun u y ; a ss moo, .
"I beg yam pardon, Miss Georgia, I
. hor, which ho did with due decorum, and
Ole child wandeted on and on testlossly, ' " 011, Mary, tny mother, tnost lovely, Most mild, 1
as if to escape from horself, with 11501100 • shim; it with. 1 shouldn't like to keep all to, than, without another word, Georgia (D
of wrong and negloot, and injustice Vroin melon
forcing itself npon her obildish,Oinculti. Slum Mary, my 111000)7,1001c kindly on me,
d of my oxilo, X ll upon thoo,
MACH ; it doesn't seem right, What au eavesdropper, allow' int to ossinuate.
was nob listniug intonkonally i lam not
turned and walhocl away. CD g)
voted mind. Silo thought of all the Inor
sorrow and darkling,
bo still at any 5100,
nils, else do yon liko, Georgia 2" • I was lyinm g thestudying baforo you No no= was sho eon than Charley
11 •
"Woll,Ilike the son-tho great, grand, camo, awl did not choose to put myself
llow o 1 Nal, : droadful sea! I like th
it whon e waves to this 11100717071i01100 of 000105 up and TO 13 31 CONTINUED. m T
hard 01550101too and opprobrious opithebs Though slums should surround Mogy light foul my rofugo, my guard onamy, yok why
Miss Jens's& calloct her, and "unjust ! a