HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-18, Page 68 ilmassissimragsmsnanatuispiossammaitzvssvp tt1ei71:per true Lattinni. The motion in favor of a third party was withdrawn at. the Ontario Allianeo meeting, lifter a spirited debate, The nliuisters of Aliuneapulis ars abont 1,c, on'giteize a Law autl Order League to enforce the liquor lave of the Sttue. lerl i cis Murphy's latest idea is to entertain at supper those who have signed the blue •ribbon pledge. [u Obicago ono night lest ,vuok no few ex than 700 person" mat down et shy table with him. Allowing; twenty feet front to e..eii saloon in New York City, it would • change uu unhrukeu lino of thirty rix and two -third miles of rum shr'ps, audbositles these there are 511 stares where liquor is sold. A. bill before tho British Columbia Legislature provides that + any person who is proven to be imbecile, or an Habitual drunkard, ++hall not have the right to manage or (hitting, of any real or personal estate: Also any such persou may, 00 petition by his or her husband or wife, or by any blood relation, by marriage, or by any public officer, presented' be- fore any judge of the buprenle Court of British Columbia, be inter. dieted and declared incompetent to transact any buaineee whatever. Twelve Rules for the Card of Ems. 1. Never put anything into the ear for the relief of toothache. 2'. Never wear cotton iu the ears if alley are discharging pus. 8. Never attempt to apply a poul tide to the inside: of the canal of the ear. 4 Never drop anything into the ear unless it has been provionely warmed. 5. Never use anything but >a syringo and warm water for clean• ine the ears from pus. G. Never strilce or box a child's ears,; this hue been known to rupt- ure the drumhead, and cause incur able deafness. 7. \over wet tho hair, if yon have any tendency to deafness ; wear an oiled sills cap when bathing and refrain front dioiug. 8- Never scratch the ears with anything but the finger if they itch. Do not use the head of n pin, hair pine, pencil tips or anything of.that nature 9. Never ret the feet become cold fwd clamp, or sit with the back to- wards the window, as those things tend to aggravate ltuy existing hard- ness of hearing. 10. Never put milk, I'M or auy oily substance into the ear for the relief of pain, for they sown i'eoome rancid and tend to incite inflamma- tion. Simple warm hater will ane. wer the purpose better than any- thing else. 11. Never bo alarmed if a liviug insect enters tilt ear. Pouring Warm water into rho canal will drown it, when it will ttenerally come to the eurfaco, and can be eas- ily removed by the fingers. A fow puffs of tobacco smoke blown into the ear will stupefy the insect. 12Never meddle with the ear if a foreign body, such as a Leadbut- ton or seed enters it ; leave it abed. I•utely alone, but have r. physician attend to it. illore damage has been done by iujudleionr fatte,upts at the extraction of a (crcigu h1:dy than wend ever come from it presence in tit: '1 Wage to be llielllritlbeeed. 'The beet sort of bravely—tile ectiree.t, filo rigl.' Doan, ,you feel th t it r4 pleasant er help ime r 0 then ti l: the daily t miss which melte.) Henri) Sweet when it (anis, and to bear and to fob(ar, that Lome may be. e(: mfuita'.e!^ and lovely to us' all 9 ,rt,_ 115 ' ba Med iteil patient •L;d eespectful to all old folks jest' beauso they r -re old. Let anti give you this bit of advice. 'Dou•t x104180 the little tiling;., my dears.' Let no try and help ourselves .first, and then, if we fail, WO can- not be accused of indolence. The two things that do most to. wards snaking a man-- patience end courage. Few aim bo pretty ; anyone can he neat. I liko to think that die was once ' a little child, for thou 1 don't seem so far away, and that helps me. Tont used to good manners, I thought L do live in the country, One is never foo old to bo rentepv bored and loved. Neatness and simplicity are the i beet ornaments, good habits are better then flee clothes, and the °I-51 7'1 i E• f -i 1 l.J ,zau«vwl.«a 1.1.11 ,1.41 0(Y a.,aT).a1¢.•F ^,1000r•i r' ^s�1.MIKa s.,•xvc C,11,1trlawlreitl sclamra aswre.WAti 121110=irua/041it L1Mptent i'ms }Y V J. o n r( �IIoU�� BOOK SES$i0NP4,L PAPERS '7z '73 '74 ,lye 1551.0 R fry AUT(le& YY OF 'THE )01,,\IN y 0,Z G•OVCRNMtS4'i'( 44,5 M. C. !CAM ERO �� , : ' N. T. SVR IT eta "Pi uhI rue. best elegant manners am the 1.ind 'I'll• next pleat ,.f In, 0,i,,., Sv«: est. ii -150.15 11. Pr..p.,.iti • it were made by different. dal• ;nv,'-, 1.) 11 (v.. .h•, mixt !unun tl me" inn; heli to Barrie, (;mderich, Shnthere, (i), 541)21110, 0051rviii., Dain;villi•, 1)•1111115..11 ,Ind Torouln The dele:,laiu. sere an mucin p'rtteea with the hearty r5 ceptiou 1iec•)rile 1 them by the 0111n Oars of 1,1,5 'I'orunto Catuity 11',15' that they decid011 by is hove inaj :r itv 4r. hold the font antlnSS1 el5'Otion in th'tt Cloy'. 3Fasation rslote..•J. Apple -green and ehestnut•brnnzd is a color combination fsvcnre.l in Paris. Uppou pretty French aro+s.+ ;puma la.dies wear are half vests of striped or deep colored velvet stsort ins) from the cellar band, and lithos to 4 b opening or n (Alt •LSV.V ja^kel 1,f• navy ha -quo) b 'tic, n•.l,;er of this ,jaunty short coal liuishs,l •• )t ) rover's n) the velvet, lined .ri Il swill, and d.•e,rsste:111,1l'their sr,uhnttea lett, ib 1'11 ,,,l' .. IL1., air 1f A love of good beo:cs is one or the best safeguards a men 0511 have. I Salt is like good limner, end nearly everything to better for a pinch of it. A real gentleman ie as polite to a little girl es to e, woman, t'enile of Exceptional Paste. The man who pronounces your dinner absolutely faultless. Tho photogruuller who eaya you are really one of the best subjects ho ever had Tue friend who eann'1t see why your novel is not finita equ•tl to "Vanity Fair " The v4 -itor who remarks that your boy .is the haudnomost lade fellow he ever naw, and that he boars a stoking resemblance to you. The eoquaiut,nce who regrots that be lies not your exquisite fu'- tislic taste. The individual who al5vayd laugh: voet(erously 514 your puns. Tho tailor elm says h is a pinna are t0 make a snit fir a IM•l11 With p figure lily tondos. Tilt. • ndin i 1,•e •aha, 5h o' -s; 0'1 your performance of Charles Stir face with the Sloavot•e10 Amateur Dramatic Association, says that you Orn really, doing the public a ern -'l 1•) seg 1.y 00 11,iug to becnne a profestitem!. The laky 5050 you overheard whisper to a fr)essi that y:n ore the uuutb1wns et wan k)10W0. nu 1, cumin up with p teals, or velvet stripped with wine, blue or (Ionian roll, it forms a tits ef114 and intern] costume io)let, noob'rntive but ole Rant. __ Amore the ribbons adapted fel ,SYear/•1/ 1'.ulplogrfen(to (1005/ Men. ,SEI 1111130r I)(IR111164 Orn handsome qua - lams 151 l7,na%:) 1001 aVeflltli'l5 bor(1•None need1)15 I(110. Pr2yiOnS ered with a narrow .•11tin s!)Ipe and Experience not essential. showing a tufted p)col edge beyond. These. colon in all the 001,1 shades of yellow. soil blur, cream calor, several lilac shed -s, the pale eller. trousa hut, and :1100 in many rich dark colors. 'C11nre are else bean. 14101 ribbons in boatel W-o+ove, and others showing gay plaided designs, these especially adapted for pr0duc Ina the Persian s:1 prominent 10 Preach millinery. The naw 110r 015,1,1 ribbons aro very beautiful. Some of those have plain, thick satin stripes In the 881110 color, and r. FLETCH E Practical 11 y (411,1 er? i' Jeweller L'hailhin) the l'oldie ht'yam, fits,o and eapp ,rt, and wishi „ 1111 10 xe.n re ,1)1))' 1>a tl'oaage, St -t ,l1 a; ,11113111 tint (11111i1100 111 (loll] anti lives 4Vetcheo, 'liver 1'ht'.i1 41'itrc• fr,,111 uotabfished slit rethibb•tn',kerr. holly 1vnrrau4od by n1, Clucks of the biles dexigna. • Jewelry : `1'oddin 1(10x1. iatdi'oe Chou Mous, lions b cs,t Ravings, fie, Also have in stook ca Cull lino of Violins and Violin Strings, pipes. fie, I„, ' N.B.--reaucr of.1f14orittger,icml8ce T. Fletcher, tiENTS 41'111'rltlr We pay either Salary or Can mission. r T0� Ion Waded To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. rr 111A1,,cif 18. 1887. c1.181( -I d I' h e tmd ereignc d'n 40.11,0115 J1 'adulate to tho pabiie that, helots opcnc•] n tailor shop in the rust Mee block, over I.sii'd' . bat bet shop, whey( he 1s}n'eparid to at tend to the trouts r1 1110 WIWI('iu cull int;, fitting and tluilciul.,•Iollr,llgin the lntoat 41111 um5t fa stnsnabt, ;talo:. ]13 nit es. peri r.ce to)(cti with b 150,15 [ I in nu ustiun uudui one n, the beet stall 1e L5 Portia() Is 11 4unh'nnloe of bring al it In du 4oiisfaet•ry wool+. 110.14410rt101, (11115)'. anteed. MONEY TO LOAN, ]11WI0,) in Leah on farm )'1'o- },ci'ty, at LOWEST LA'Z'ES. PEI l tTY: .(ND coli l'.l 01 FuN48. W. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Bt-naiwls, Ont. AA ONE1 TO LOAN. Any amount of honey to Loan on Farm or Village 11ro- perty ant s & 0i; PER CENT. YEARLY. Straight Leann with prigiltge oofrepaying when required. Ap- ply to A. Hunter, The k'()44thjl1 • Nurseries, Court Clerk, Brussels. the very wide ones are nunsualiy Largest in Canada, '/0 ONEY 'i0 LOAN. astractivu.�They slime in till widths, Oyer 400 .•lore's. Ira from two and a half to ton inches. --e--- Don't —..._Don't ripply unless you can PRIV.47'Ls FL' NDS. i d...1 atuas.c'fli(n,u lNleNVSI.furnishfiest-olasSPei'erc'n(.c4,auc1 --- -- runt to aur c, No room for lazy mored bronze, gold, or silver.O'illia hr.: 87 teleph mess mon, but can employ any nttnl- $20.000 A ;veil Icnown s .1510 v la ly r, rent Sia.ttf l,d ie agitatingfui bison, bet Oi altta',retic nttt lento 1,11,1,0 ly eaoit''l Tiff,• a sewatt:I:,il by ::p pa vi' 7vorl(. :1nui11:; 1.5, t ., .1 r n rereptinn a', ii .1,.; a. A..:lilann man i s rankle -1a mown of 111e meet vivid.0,15-,',,•015.1 robs- "n5 of Galloway 010(10 h11118. Stone & Wellington, detail of it, t 1 hell m re ath. to Is St. Thom is rheum' the 't On, 1 long tn•:nsgti, ti,iru .:ince • .Iii 1 Il question uestion :if intr•)(lacin r the electric �' . ur:serymen, man 8,1) t s, b i"g •1 , 5 n•• ilii! , It.: t furoate, (hots lieu 1,t.... 1 1 h i ,. u 0141's e.,.•3t•5b1• Win h•ISCA.fter 'Ill se flus of lanai es reel u4tru0c tips, clef in- uuif 001 ri„rotoi'no 1)11 he.., "--.. .. • ------ a(1,4 her 1!1.1,1•,4 e au^)•011.1W roses b,111 erriye:l111 dignity and it club. J-[ "OS ANL) BRUCEJ41 101:04 w•15,1 ee tree: jn;• lu,. d. --tea."• Fifteen native bol•, C,Ltso1isu5, oenaineuti Were earee,i ,.f r:,r.: S.:y- :,110 1),rtr,lit Jo till 11 tr.: mein • i j_pan s� Investment Wo 1,h. bete ;if the 0A155' ig,tu State Legis. 1..• Into ! j ..__.--- 1 - l rJLst•r, of lInntrarti, has been I' This Company is Loaning ltoucy 011 if arm Security at IIOWlisr% 1't,t1'l:s OL' INTl;l:l';s'. i 0 OlttNl) NUE IA l.; is, 5,ilm6 ,'. l... i5) 'eatees a ...1 1'1113 11 0111, 84 of nue Grand usually varied, 55)1 5 55 quality ere Orange15.ni,n W,,s rase nett attic bte„ui,(1 ly Gee ]u 011 Armies the b;tegout \Vable-4L14 night, -and the adjoti' 11100 0 did net take plate, till early 'Thursday tnuruiug, ei vote oflit:mks to the Bev. Dr. 11`i')d and 111e cougregatioe of the Bowl 84160E (hutch for the use of that edifice for the auuul.] et-rvice of the Lodge, and to the org.nist and choir tor nedetil,4 et the servient, trite passed. '11111 Uftleere elected, in addition to this,) already pub lisp+1,l !t • 11,. f 11„o- 0 ;- - I In inilhuery garnitare:s there lore 1)I "el •r i?•.1r-JJ).,•1,•14- .LIIIre• WI.... tri be at 41,1,) W'lvn.,f Ir'trrrh Pailiu ( innishi. 11 •,101.4 r,'lltuh will dead to the bat)1(- 1)-'pu4)' Grand (3h spltt•ns—Rous , )5)11 .)1 1110 use of birds and fssthers Charles 141 Perry, ielealord ; It T 511 spring and simu 100 bonnets. W. Webb, Grand VaOuy ; W E. :Every sot of uhsce:111 that 0:151 be Smith, Toronto ; a. 1'. ,3..riter, u;.iba<,1 ,vitt he seen iu flnwei.•,: Brantford' 3). Carscaii'l'm, Furcal; foliii e, 104181418, fr'1it and nim,' veto, 1. A. Dowler, 1lono Hill.; Tuo:ula, :ski . 1'h„so nt:ac:rirls include Brown, 5301(01,1 ;- Win. lI1r:7.y, 111. pieltl and •fJ,ii,;y' VSI Y, i•:, 1+111,.111415, A., Hamilton ; Janie•, H liposis cluula ntdc+ tontine, grape, tin>,01 Bilk knee's C orncri, ; Francis Ler tau,: , rtartm i l'•an Int l„ .01:4 T'L.i•zuce; ',1'm. MaD.t •gh, Sarnia; 5101'rr:. wit h 11, 1 4 ,:a', b•.d, 'iltt- J, C SI•ri or•, l)onnvlil„ ; N, lis mood dust nn 1 mete) pewit -mines .afee ale aneeI1l:tnl ; A. 1picher, 4'lt ' .Lille • Jn• I, r,y y so -t 1,-,1 -1,11,P.xy Tel u r, I1„0015, �Vullat u 1111 41 a , :! ilalr,, s, 1. pretty waite e ,5, t 51 1)eap ..Uylaed, Ire. citedlee• cad:, ': illi fop,. .J li ; .1. \, . '^u l ;,rca m, 1'4'irartou ; llerriog•bo:e n 41114. 5ti '11 . W. L0310.1,- Ark weight ; James war to trim Metes. 11)14 ,'55.. 1... 1 pro4eilt,1 h:rs 1 a, i:oeuran, 01, p• is 0o buldsr 1,l tool!,u•.•320 rat d. 1101 srs 1, Toronto ; 3, portents ' the With ,. d 1,x.., (10 rg,5 : .t, l aus"u, .c'u:hi1 i.•;,* ;l4.1gf.,1 Stlo, Tut mit!). 4;aruiiu:e, 1)4615 1, 4 .50 (25:4 ,:hint trill Dipury Grit u,1 lieaot.lry • •••',Vm I) : e d 50 541 t ' light Lce, T,nontu, n, 115011 10 pilo amt. nark 0.il0,4, is Deputy Grand Lecturers --•4 .i, the tick white sill; cord and 5 111 Duff, South tiimeee; W. 11. Moans; 1;1101),, which appear this sl,sneu in ti1'arwisk ; Isaac White, Welland ; every imaginable device, from 0.110 3, II. (Jollier, South 'Wellington ; simplcat Grecian bordir work to A. 3rdgar, 11,111sG1 ; L. 1,1'. 1llieliard, 4110 hrtost c)tboratu lat,pligllOo ,u gultsr made” ge',ds. In solid oolurs there ars 501.051 nails i ltd d 11114 4.1 the 001.108 rich i,1 taus, and also those delicately tinted. The dnre- gray and heliotrope dyes ..r' pant. +1111113' attractive. 111 4!31 line u; fancy thous there Jane very few sty -lee that eau be said to be -strictly 510W, yet t11uru .510 111241 a:: �.:., 5l res from the sttuderd pattsru4 to give Jho charm of novelty 511 shy uxlnbi,. Brampton ; 1'hoteau Richardson, nnabesgno patterns. Ialam:then • James Brodie, yawl, It is predicted that grey will bo 'deur ; and 'Joint Scarlet, Charles the leading color during the spring Baillie and Joseph Ness. and summer. This is a shade al. -'C Auditors-. C. Maoovoy, South wavy popular with French 40001'11, Ontario, and James A. Ifeys, Be atld Js a color pre.emiueutly becoul• Cathcoines. Auditors of the Orange Mutual lug to fan: Women 311111 roseate comploxtions, .Dark 5051011) can Insuranee Society—W. J. Parkhill likewise Wear grey With 4dvantagd, and J. Le Ilughes. This color, lilac home, is found A vote of thanks was passed to 31 most 11n14'e0Sally becoming, if 3-1. A. L. 'White, .P, G. 1\1., for his only pains be 'taken 1,1 eoleet Out faithful services. A committee tuns shade that luttluonives best with instructed to prepare a suitable the intended wearer's templestlon. teetlruoniel for Me White ".Cinder .}11)010” is in ti 4t 1 .-1 ill, 111•, li0.00 tura bite infia-e.l by a dog belonging to +sir. Lurnplon. A young man steering a toboggan at Paris seeing danger ahead rolled A01101 1' Purchased. off and. left the load of ladies to look ant for themselves A letter pasted in Aluskoka the 811.VINGS DA!4Tii BRAN CIL other day bore the f.l11Jwhu; std - dress :—;till•. Pr • D., 0OlnShiOner 3, s1, 011(1 5 per cent. Interest Crown Land•:,'14 Jro!2tn, allowed on Deposits, according Mr. Wilson, of TvaUtilne!ga, liv- to amount and time let. 104 22 miles from P,eli 1,,!l:., has a I pet pig winel - 11.1.” 1 h. 4) i') 1'e -- city last Satu}d•ty 11,1111 15150 lust. OF31'ICL.-0o The Govoruw_nl silte.1.)1 be test- Ssttare and �;Or ,!1,l no Muir die allowance policy Jte rich.ar1')111lemeins have been 11,530 to get ani0depeud.'ul uta let 1)5)1(1 Alan. i-10rc`i.Ce itob,). wife of n clerk in the Wilbur iron unties 25,1511 Itiug'tou, blas +'all• 011 1101) by ; i. L 11 :1f ,1511 .hint to r ' )10 0151.1406 i143•e•41e15fi. b,4wcu1 four. - - ruin' of Market tlt Street, (1 ,,0- • Horton, of Private founds ltlave•junt Lien placed in my bands ler in- reet111Gnt. AT 7 FEB. ('L'EN'T. Borrowers ran have their loans cotupleta i n 1 threi, days 11 title is satisfactory. Apply to E. E. WADE. HEALTH 118 WE,ATP7, 178,0.1!1 .}4'11i'0 1•'1r1 I'C itt4.1 tirAii, 'Trout• lump u ennrautcrd spaodle for Hysteric, Dizzinoes,tic.1vu15ioss, its Nervous. tiny- rinc:a.li,a,,:n,411 Xenu,. i.1•1‘1411.14 141 08 by theles 01 nlenhnl nr t,bneo, Wake.. ruleess,llos,l 1lluttiressirl,.5rftca. ,p "; the Prato reason i ne'il. in'ss.l(v lenatn, 5., luta• ory,11,eny and 1 nth i', rn1 alar, 1,•i,' Ago, Barmen, "01- 11ut 5r4 T sse n 1'11•a"0(,r ftp,1,- s rt. by over 11 . 1 1 11or snot awnig• 5 c. Lie) I s " L. ono moult's tl'aafull ui SI n box n "hnsra for wa.nnnt bl 1,1.11, n'..p•i,d, n•,,. •Ji.• 01 price. 44' 0)4))'(1: 5071&7,115514)5854 To ea rea05' 115x1' 1VJ5h u5rb erde r s orelv0d by lin roraiv lotus, acnwaimitlad ni till? wo wilteoud the pnrahaier on:,oilier, tnnl•nn• tectorcrmrd 5.115. yuJey Jr t)c 51-', •• anent .IN:4GH:11. I dncann151.,01, curs. (1155 rnul'5' iOfcd ohlvh V.Tnn ,. t,tv�:, �•r!r, .111 .. a fort 11/111 u' 1',i1,:!,50,0111,) 1,0 be divided ! r1 't 11 .1 , JI r :1,1 (T11i�.5.�1�1J1 '4 u1, tat t, lel 1 4) (, et l.''s'' is, � a live el 10., !Lava •li'4'rs rli� a�ittt,>'jl 't,.+Yf r� ''ya:4 (A' tie a tits,, tea Itis-. ,.,I•, 1iart•!1 ,3111. r•A 1,,.J Glm Jw 1,.a `loos ;aiy nv tin r,vvp,3 tt ih,td been sicat,..t 531x(; .)v - 1s w: uuti — asx! flu he 1,l half. 51 lip ahead. 1Vo hunt 0 on handt110 follatviur• Tho (brit i b1l 5 111, 11 m 0.11,01t15, I [Ja+.td '11011cra, :flotv4, .lflatrot 1,s, 1,1151, al.nttdbtll . , tlUl,ti , !t 1,l i' he I 1 etlfj1Urs, 1Io1'4U .1100001'15, btl'OW (,lase U'4 jubilee hay erecting ill Tn• route newb albs s fortiictori,5 Cutters, T'uroip Cutters, Grind- Golluao and lthtlt'1 eul.rl4) ul; the log o; Chopping Mills, boat 15,. '1'u3ru 5 155)5 oi the500(1raw rohldil prla0tsc,a101sttu0510,4J 1,h')) hafve ; 1111,111 Limber Wagon. boon ofl'zrod on the 1104 0.01, end. ifsass._ parried into tifl'uc4 would also be the 1 occasion of a good obi -fashioned • slake, and 1 Good Second Atothodist jubilee, A young gentiemuan of Rowe Is- \Vo 11at•o 53615x6051 I0( .I.7lttnex land, tvhilo 0hopptng firewood the 13011(1 l'atcllcr to Worl(. Parties and (1(del filket watches, also Cuff But. day before bis wedding tvlas to )alto wishing to haveJmnther Dressed place, inflicted as ugly gash •six 1111(1 Matched, or llloot'ing sized, I tens, Bleaches,.J2arin( a, Hunt's Tina. inches long in 111,4 .right foot. il1c1- tongued andgrooved may rely 1l'inger kings, Boll Plato fest ('ita.)es' mai assistance was soon .5ut11)n011ed I on getting 111191-clas4 ]0114 on ills : Neeklels, nle0 a fine ,asaortlne115 of Wail and five stitches ware placed to the I most reasonable terms. • e7 ,;. S. JON 11-{: S, •. WaIchma 0,11 86 Jeweler Ifas on hand a splendid stock of Silver wound. He was t'ieited b3' his in- tended bride that 0ventng, and it I was arranged that the marriage coo- :1icp,tirs Of all kinds promptly 0)00)))' would not be postponed. Ac- I a,tt0nded to nt 1. ho linitsst;T,s eol'ding)y next day they Wore mad, jjtnrlinitr. enc, although the groom had to be ssl81,001 to and from the hilar. W. ' mit suit nickel ('locks• t„ -o' ltopairnig Nelatly and I'ronmptl l i xemlted. QT'4.4 '13 14 i 40 )1)4r, llr,o(nt. R. Wilson, (0 -A's, y 110 ,5. t�.