HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-18, Page 5MAItaH 1.8, 1.887, THE BRUSSELS PAST
. &Hirt t10.135,
tluetva t,,
Nino spring like mother,
Th"S, Conitis has been quite s10h for
some time, but ho is now slowly recover-
The anso.sor, tho implamentagout, and
the fruit troo mon are Imre, spring ex-
pected in a fow days.
Throe Nixon sold bin 100 now faun
In th i3rd tine, ;1iw•t'Is, the other day, to
Wm, Gouley for 111,050, ca -b.
Rev. Mr, Mcgnarrie, of Winghanl,
preached in the Presbyterian olturol last
Sunday iu the absence of Rev. Mr. IIart.
ley, who wan in Turon:o attondieg filo
Dinninion Alliance Convention.
Mr, Britt, of Seaforih, wan horn loot
work viewing rho situation, ,o., with a
crow to opening up 0 tanning business.
Should he deeds on locating here, he
will buy out tho Guest tannery and
plant from Mr. Tinmllut.
We understood that tlnc Korman re-
cently delivered by the Rev. Mr. Gook
nn •'-1'110 ROSS P.ibWW" will shortly appear
i; pelt:Odra form t otothor with 0 hand -
lug the ptsvngos of Scripture
which mnko up each lesson in the "Sorip-
IuroRoa,lingn." It will, we bellow, be
placed on sate in tho book slot 0s,.
C. W. Leech talks of going to Detroit
next weok. Thou to no young man in
tho neighborhood who will be minted
more and whose place will be morn cliff -
milt to 1111. Charlie ie universally re-
spected for !tin good qualities of both
hoed and heart and his many friends are
at unit in wishing him success,
and took ul', lots 01 and 02, ten, 1, Mor-
ris, wltiah he okayed and farmed. 110
also awned tote 51 °1111 :i.+„ eta,. 1,. Torn.
berry, making In all Ot31 's, 110non 0
took mnab part In municipal or parlia-
mentary affairs, although he 001, a
atanneh 1101ornlet• an11 w011 infarmod on
the oubjuot, liver since flue East Huron
Agrioulturul Society wan founded he was
a 1grrotor and mamfostod a good deal of
Interest in agrioultural mettore. In 1865
the enbjeot of thio sketch two united in
marriage to Minn Ilamilton nod from this
onion thorn non lire none auil one daub.
tor, The mono of 'teeth was ,ttlributablo
it is said, to 0141100r in thostonla011 and
for the poet two yearn he was in vary
poor health. Tho fm oral was very
largely attended,Olthnngb the roads were
vary bad, and woo motor tho direction nI
the Foresters, to wltioh order Mr. ,solfat
belonged. The intormont was male at
the Wroxelor burying grounds, Roy. Geo.
Brown officiating. The loceasod was n
nnomber of the Pr'osbyterian churoh for
many years and WAS a very regular at.
rancher and ono of the 13otrd of Manag-
A tire broko out in Ike 13earer block in
Wingltnm about one teo'n011 last Sundry
morning and completely destroyed tl.e
whole block. Wingham has one of tho
best systems of water works in tho oho -
try, but just at the critical moment a
8xna11 pinion broko, and it was thought at
ane time the whole town would go. The
Boaver block was °wood by Robt.11c-
Indoo, and was occupied by Smith &
Pothiok, hardware; W. G. Collins, repre-
senting W. J. MaMacter, of Toronto, dry
as, 0. W. dr. J. Henderson, dry -goods
�akL1tU at. and groceries; Jerome. dentist; S. G, Me.
Gill, lawyer; Srook,alslure, photographer;
Miss Maggio Reid, of Varna, is visiting the Meohatics' Inetiteto G h'awcett,
her sister, Mrs. Dan. Canpbrll. tailor. Tho stooks iu tho adjoining st tree,
A littlo child belonging to Wm. 131411rne0 which suffered by romoval, belong to C.
died very suddenly last friday. The E. Williams, druggist Gordon & MaIu-
fuoeral on Sunday was largely attended. doo, dry -goods; A. \V, Wobetor, tailor;
The Sabbath School entertainment 1t'bt. Orr, general store. Vey littlo is
held in Duff's church, an Tuneday even- known about the details 1 insurance, but
ing proved very successful, and refl.•otod it is believed that everything is pretty
credit on those as:dotinng Ut t rryin' nut We,l covered. Among the r,mpanios in -
the program, its troll, as on all interested terosted aro the following: -Smith & Po
to the undo'tal(iop, it bong 1_'io first 0f thick, stock, 53,000, Roy l; endorsors,
the kind ever hold in this church. TI11 freak, $ 500, Laicashiro, 01,000, Citi -
evening was beautiful, and the roads were sans, $2,000, British America; Gordo.' de
good, so the church was well filled and McIrldoo, stock, $5,000, fiance -hire ; Robt.
the pleasant words, and happy (ounten- Orr, stook, $2,000, Fire Insurance Asso-
aeces told that all wine ono Tine them- dation, also $2,000, Wellington Mutual;
selves. At sola o'clock refroshmolts G. E. Williams, $2,200, L nmashire; M -
were nerved tmtil even the most °pion- clutnt0s' Ins ituto, 50011 Nort torn Aeeur-
roan must have said enough. Altor order anoo; Robt. Molndoo, on bnilding, Wel-
had been restored the chair was taken by lington, $3,500, Economical, 59,301, San.
ltev. Mr. Ballantyne and rho following 00e1, Mutual, $400. Sawn 1 Nickel and
prog.am fulfilled to the delight of the Walter Creon w re ooriourly'njeredby
waiting Midi. nee;—Singing by the choir, tho falling in of the roof on whio'1 they
"011 wo are the reapers;" a brief addross woe standing.
by tho Superintendent; singing by Flora •
Campbell ; recitations by Frankie Neil E th r 1.
and Kate Sellars; singing by tho choir;
an interestink address to S. S. teachers Tobogganing is all the rage in our vil-
by chairman ; singing by a group of lege 31181 now.
&cholas; recitations by Hattie SabineThrre woo a great demand for Toe
and Willie Neil; anthem by tho choir; POST last week.
address to the children by Rev. Mr. John Heffernan is going to Montreal
Jamieson, In his usual illustrative and next Thursday with a aa -load of hemm
pleasing man00r; surging by Mr. Mo- Wm. 1101110 is ru9'li'1.1 things 101140
Dougall's family; recitation by Henry milling line as he is now running n ght
Campbell and Geogina Smith. A vote of a1t(1 day.
thanks was tendered by Mr. Watson to Our butcher is likely to have opposi.
spcakrre, reoiteIo, singers, &c., after tial in the future, as report smith that
which tho choir sung a parting hymn another of that perauas!ou has arrivo:l in
and Mr. Jamieson el"sed with prayor. town.
Ail parted feeling that 011011 happy inter. Ephraim Cebor is visiting some of the
eating gatherings were well calculated to large corriage shops in soma of the cities
unite teachers and soholars closer iu the for Um purpose of gutting some 110W ides
bonds of love and sympathy end to on. in carriage building.
conrngo them on in the great wort( in Mrs. A. W. i''auabaker and MIS C.
which they are enh*aged. Davies attended tho Presbyterian Society
of Maitland, held in Ripley this wook, an
Morriss. delegates of the Woman's Foreign Mitt-
sionary Society.
The following resolution was carried at While John Sanders and his son Will -
the last meeting of Morris Grange :— •ism were chopping in the woods last
Resolved by Morris Grange, No. 948, that week, the axe of the latter glanced and
we condemn, in the etrongost terms, the inflicted an an ugly ant in Mr. Handers'
practice of manufacturing and selling to leg below the 1(ue0. HO hits not !woe able
the farmers of Ontario light weight bar- to do anything since.
refs of salt, and 'go, as a Grat.50, hereby Our Literacy Society is becoming an
resolve to patronize no manufacturer or established foot, and, from thio interest
salt dealer who iathus engaged in defraud- evidently token in it by all, it will not
ing us and our fellow farmers. R. A. soon, fall through. The question for de -
Graham, Master ; Wm. lobistor, Sec- bate for next evening is "ilesolvod, that
rotary. more knowledge is obtained by reading
;LIB. Jackson was seriously hurt last than travelling.
week while delivering wood at the Blyth The forco of bad example omit) more,
salt blook. It appaara that lie was do iv- Silver corners heard from. It in said
ing wood into the yard and unfortunately (4 young gentleman of tho neighborhood
tho load upset, throwing him off the of Ethel got loft through Sunday's rain.
load. Mr. Jackson was in a somewhat storm of the 8th inet. We thought he
perilous position as he was thrown Int, won d have taken warning, but it moms
tweon the sleigh and at standing wood ho did not see the point as he thought the
pilo, and was unable to extricate himself weather had changed. Tbis brings into
for some time. Modioal aid was sent for remembrance the horse that was at our
and his wounds were attended to, and ho place yesterday.
is now on a fair way to rocovory. Tho tea meeting held in the Methodist
The members of Ologgs-green Debating church on the 0th inst, possed off very
Sooirty having challenged the Sooie,y of successfully. After tea B. Gorry of 8rus.
Anderson's school house to a publics do- „ole, was called to the curter, which ho
bate, it was arranged to hold it in the ably filled. Rev. It. Piul made a very
school house, 3rd lino, on Friday averting, neat address on "Tho eloments of success
March 25th. The enbjeot is Resolved in life." He was followed by Rev. 0. V.
that the late itiol rebellion was justifi- Lake, of Trowbridge, who spoke south
ablo." There are four speakers on each tinl0 on "The benefits of religion."
side, the Anderson club having thcaffirm- Ethel choir did their part well, Mies
taloa. The captains aro Malcolm Black Simpson presiding at tit) organ, A social
and Wm. Brydon. W. H. Herr, of Tun was hold on Thursdrty evening. Tho
Pose, is expected to take the chair. total proweds amounted to $72, whioh
A Musical and Literary ontortainmenb clears off tho remaining debt,
will be held in Andorson'a school !louse, GOLDEN Boxiis,--Last Wednesday after.
13. S. No. 0, on Tuesday ovoniug, 22nd noon Robt. Hall, son of Wm. hall, owes
loot., commencing at 7:130' o'clock, under married to Miss Rachel, escond daughter
the auspices of the Debating Society. The of Tames Laird, who resides a short dis.
program will °0110101 of recitations, dna- tame from hero. Tho 0010mony was per-
loguos,.readings, vooal and instrumental formed by the Rev. ilbr. Baker, brothor-
m110io, &a. The admission foo is placed in-law to the groom, assisted by Roy. D.'
at 15 cents, children 10 cents. With B. McRae, in the p000onc0 of abort 50
good weather an onjayablo time is antioi- guests. Tho bride was very bocomingly
pitied and a largo attend: moo will no attired in a garnot vnivt dress and taus
doubt be piossnt. C waited on by Miss Lizzie Hill, George
No. 0 LITERARY Sooner.—Last Totts- Laird attending the groom Alta the
di,, evening the following subjeab was do nuptial bow had been rico tho young
bated :—"Resolved that tho rich aro people of the party (trove to the metro -
happier than the laborillg°lasees." John polis—Brussels—atnd after a short stay
Currie, Robt. Strachan and 0. Smith returned to the residence of Mr. Laird
dioeussed 1110 affirmative and M. Black, Where the ovo.ing wan ploa0nntly ewe
Thos. Strachan and. Tan. Bowman tine Tho brido rsroivod a moo lot of wedding
eogabivo, Wm. Cochrane oconpied the presents. The young couple will romova
chair ,ted decided in favor of the mega, to Mr, hall's farms, ilth con. All their
rive. Roadinge wore given by Miss Lona frioods wish doom many yea's Of wean
Smith and Allan Goohrano and songs by and prosperity.
Alex. Grant, Robb. Strachan, and 0. Sonatas,—An from appeared in your
Smith. Ethel eorroepondonoo, also ono in 00.011.
Osorutns. When Geo. 10. 131aiffutt, who brook column which from the slangy
dial last month, passed away this two. style of lsnguagn used would point at
ship lost ono of its most worthy inhabit, oligo to the fast that both pieces wore ill-
a man universally rospeotod by all rifted by ono and tin Bane individual,
who knew him. The deceased WAS born
in Haddiston Co., Scotland, wild came to
Morris in the fall of 18611, having spoilt
Ono year in the (0!i0eee Valley, U. 8.,
rubbiu;-down from the autobrutr1 Prof.
Gna.hn, tho rublettg.pont ha'lll5 mow lite
:asto turd notion. if any prawn will
°awfully petueo tbu fow Itoms in Ethel
oorrespondt,nce from week to week, and
find anything as disgu-tingly slangy, es
111e two hems r fo red to above wo will
nt onoo drop our writing and leave ]t to
our Craubrook soribo, who, now that ho
naeort0 that ovary parrot i0 gr1thlg slangy,
could well supply all the rotpliroments,
it i0 nuwa to u that Ethel hat agoselp.
ing olnb. It must have boor formed
:Moly and moot hold its soesionc Sator-
dty nights and on st .rmy Sundays.
Craubrook oorrospoedont 0001115, to think
that we delight in wounding the passor-
oy. Now wo moot: triad that, not oven
of 1110 ono who didn't pass by but stop -
pod over. Art to boxing Ethol cOrree-
pondent's aura, Custos 110011111 seems to
think he had better ,1010galo the job to
the Council and wo think s0 too. As to
Wring us to the north pole, why wo
thought ho had had enough of the snow
for ono winter. We sincerely 110, a that
after Custos Morum peruses this present
Item and former onto in the lithol nor.
respondence and comparos thom with the
two articles, so rrploto with Billingsgate,
that omanttod from his not-over-iertito
twain that ho will never write any moth
about "gentlemen," "gentlemanly feel-
ings," " fanttdioae tastes," 50., art ha can-
not well be a judge of things so foreign to
his nature. We world not have 0hrnntc-
led tho fact that Custos Morum got left
hod it not been that w0 wore under the
impression that one who had seen so
molly summers fado away with the dim
past would 11 rye been well used to getting
1 ft by this time and would have heel his
feelings under better control than to have
let his Ebenezer rise in the way he has.
Flo ! 1 Cnetoa, what must your ladv
fri ods think of yon now? Thsy wifl
scarce'' allow you to weather it through
tho noxi storm, asp Melly if it is ono of
your own raising. '1'o return, to the
charge of slang. Did Custos ever hear
what the put called the kettle. Now
when tho pot boils over the worn gener-
ally goes off, and wo hope that Custos
Morum'& moral health will bo bettor after
moll a goner 1l pundit( of his mental ow.
tom. Tank forte i:: it in not infectious
Or WO 8110)1111 at 0001 stop reading Tns
POST for fear of the main, in. contained in
tho creations of rho sickly intellect of the
so milled Custos Moron:. Query would
not Ego sum stultuo be a batter titin in
future ? People who read TUE POST aro
of South Sea Islaudore and know how
to disarimivato botw•'on a decent item of
IAMB and an insulting personal attack.
As to applying for another rub down
from Costo we don't care about going 80
for but coo it hove ono of about the sams
kind, and from nearly the same source,
by tickltug tho hind logs of D. D. Wilson's
egg t -am. Tho charge made that the
item, at which such umbrago was taken,
w t8 sent to 'EnE POST by one of the mer.
aantila pareuaeiol, is a mistake which
must be acarodited to the fact that C ir-
t e Morum, dons not, as a general thing,
!sok straight at things. Custos almost
winds no up as he loaves us no names to
apply to him, such a8 South Sen Island-
er, gypsy, sorpont, canniba , snake in the
grass, ad nauseun, so we will simply call
him Nothing ! 1 I in emphasis, and ovory-
ono will'join us in thinking that we have
bit the mark exactly. If we did state he
had sot left we dirt not Hay rima ho had
to chop wood to pry for his board, we
Limply told tho truth, the cruel truth.
Custos Morum talks of snakes in the
grass. Just think of his innocent and
unsorpent-like qualities, in Hooding one
of his choice abolition to the Ethel
column 0o as to lead the readers of Tue.
POST to think that an Ethelite was guilty
of euoh slang. We don't wish to finish
lilco the aerials, viz., "To be Continued in
our next," all depends.
Yours in sympathy,
Sac. Or e0-cALLEn GOeslri\a attn.
N. Il.—Tho bfontllers send their kind
and by the manner he agoutis ono would
suppose that ho had Clot his Mood in good
(taunlatfol slime be1g left out in tiro
cold without any aid in the &hope of ,t
n little astray. Tho building is to bo
4500 feet, with 20 foot p0:10 nn the ODA,.
side, Thcro will 1,,'1to le otebl1"5 model'
to the
the t whole ht' Contrary 1 h.
1 c uldtng• n y
nmol mode there will only be one threat: -
1 ng floor and Mr. Davidson thinks it will
bo a very ronveniont building. Wm.
Dark does the mason work and Thos.
Newamno the framing and Uhio 10 a suf.
11oient guarantee of what the work w111
The usual debate was hob. in Shine's
eohool house lost Monday 0veuing. There
was ,t good attendance and the debate
wee interesting. Tito '1ubje„t di:woe4 d
wns, "Resolved that Wellington wan a
bettor goneral than Napoleon." Jae.
Pos'io, loader of tho ,tffirntativ0, was as-
sisted by A. Perrin, R. Bishop, E. A.
Martin and Jno. Bain. Tito urgativo by
D, Ritohf0, aeiioted by Joie Both, W.
Perris, Win, Ilislop, J. M. Robertson and
A. Hislop. 0Dacisi011 was given in favor
of Napoleon. Soo. Grant ooeupiod the
chair. A literary mooting will be held
next Monday evening, March 21st, whon
a good program will be presorted.
Hymeexor,—On Wednesday afternoon
a jolly company met at the comfortable
residence of Joseph Coombs, 2193. 0011., to
witnoss the celebration of the bonds of
matrimony between Anthony McDonel,l.,
of tho boundary, a well known steno
mason, to MISS Eliza It , youngest
daughter of the host. Tho corunsouy wan
performed by Roy. Mr. Stevenson, of
Molesworth, to the orthodox style. Xis.,
Jane McDonald, sister to the groom, wa8
bridesmaid and Joseph Combas, of Blyth,
groomsman, Tito wedding presents were
numerous and handsome. After all had
dole ample justice to the sprond propar-
od by Mrs. Combas tho young folks whil-
ed away the hours with music and danc-
ing and s0peratell fnr+i,:,ir bonito about Naiitilyt�`��.8 a.m. Thursday, fooling that a pleasant T r p dq 3 8
time had been spent and that Mr, tutu ��99 11 Fi AAAiii���l ' 1388
Combos' residence vasa tip-top place to
have it. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald have
the hearty congratulations of their friends
in their new relation.
C t-xtnb s-ootO.
Jame. Brown's child is rec0v0rirsg from
Mrs. John Bothwell till nontinues ill,
there being serious doubto as to her re-
The nonplus of Joseph Backer, who
mono to a prenlnturo death on Tuesday
morning, 15th inst., after a week's illness,
worn taken to St. Clement on Thursday
morning for intormout. The deceased
leavesawife and throe children to mourn
his los. Airs. Backer has the sympathy
of the entire community in her sad and
unoxpected bo pavement.
Thefollowiug is the report of the Sotnior
Division of Cranbrook school :—Fifth
class -John Wilson, Ella Ilablcirk. Fourth
class—Letitia McNair, Jane Monarey,
Michael Kreuter. Sonior Third class -
Lizzie McIntosh, Mary Brown, Joseph
Oster. Junior Third class---llobertl
! Locking, Wm, MoDonald, 1Vn1. Huother.
E. Vr000a Saxvlt, Teacher. '
Auction sales aro plentiful and stuck of
all kinds bring good pricos.
Most of the teaming is now done and
all are wielling for spring.
The roads are very bad just now, aon10
places are baro while in other plocso
there le two or throe foot of snow.
Robert Work, of Lonon. Dakota, form-
erly of this township, has promised TUE
POST 0 letter on Dakota in the soar fp-
T. H. MoBafn, who taught at Stnith'0
schools house, was renewing old no-
puaintauaes last week. He is teaching
near Listowel.
A grant deal of aruusenusnb has been
occasioned of late by the gam: of "jump
Jim Crow," indulged in by the literary
goniusos of Athol and Oranbrook.
Alex. Brimne: and wife, of Muskoka,
aro visiting at John Barkers. They in-
tone removing to Oregon. Miss Ada
Barker to also home from Toronto on a
vi0i t.
Quite a number attendod tho Formers'
Institute emoting at Wroxeter, while at
good many whoiutoided going 00nieined
at home on account of the bad condition
of the roads.
Thos. Smitih left 0)13 Thursday for Mon-
treal with Janice Smith's two abildre+n,
where they wiil attend school. Mr Smith
will arratlgo for 501120 nota maehinay for
the now planing mill to bo orootscl in
FooT-nano, Race. --•On Saturday, 12th
inst., the pupils of S. S. No. 9, McKillop,
and their t0aelcr, ias. Hogg, played it
fri:ndly match game of foot -ball with the
pupiis of S. S. No. 8, Grey, and their
teacher, 0. Bowerman. Tho game was
played on the grounds of the latter club
and roeultod in a sooro of 2 to 1, in favor
of ilia No. 8 boys. There worn no (Bs.
punas of importance, a friendly feeling
prevailed throughout, and 001110 fine
playing was Bono by both towns,
Phis wool( Thos. McLaughlin received
word from Scotland that Joseph Wobetaa,
who wont rover to ).mrclntst) horses, road
shipped throe etalhone on the llth iust.
Two of them aro thoro'-brad 0lydes and
tho third a Ol'evolaud Bay 00eoh nurse.
Tim latter 1110 Bonur:d in England and
twill bo, auoordin' to the `iescriptfoo
given of him, 1t splendid animal. The
horsoe are oxpootod tut 13rusoeln about tho
2011 foot. if Ilia vessel has a good voyage.
Tho hoof referring to Tb:o. Ditndson's
now barn, published o Dew weeks ago, was
ZE. Q.r ,
Carriage &Siioeing
t..7 H. O P_
.43.o":l-W/•� -
After putting in about a year
in Brussels wo wish to expose our
thanks to our numerous custom-
ers and -desire to inform them
and the Pubiic•generally that we
are livelier than ever. As the
Spring opens wo aro arranging
to turn out the Best and Cheap-
est Buggies, light and heavy
Wagons, arc. ever offered to the
pooplo of this locality.
Onr Blacksmith Work, such as
making and dressing stone ham -
mors, tools of all di acriptious,
plow work and harrows will stand
the test every time. We hive
four hands constantly employed
and our work is guaranteed to
give satisfaction. in Horseshoe-
ing we wont turn our back to
anything in the country, and iu
this department our tiafle has
increased to such an extent that
we had to put on an extra hand.
A specialty made of shoeing hors-
es with sore or contracted feet, in-
terfering, leo. Our work is speak-
ing for itself anti this is only pelt
in for a reminder.
The wood Working 'lepitrtinout
is under the capaiblet management
of Messrs. Walker .te;. Humphries
who turned out no less than
Tillmt'rr Cutters and Sleighs last
Beforo 1)urShashlg. elsewhere
eall 311 anal see our rigs and, get
our prices, whether you bny or
Retnembaer the stand. All we
ask is a fair trial. •
Watts & McKlltgue,
Irc)tr. naval Stool Workers.
.i O±L
X' „„lir.'',..
10 you want the Local, District and Crencral Newt ,v,ni uan':. ,lo
bettor than accept of tliis offer.
Now is the Time h Subooribe,
and Iron eau do us a favor ily Telling your neighbor.
mzu» tilrmu.xw.a srar•'n Jmc¢nY'tum:..-m,HSR'ue m,rvra_swAtiA 'rrr-�^2Y1ac'W T,• -_.-'earn=
Egg Emporium, in Grant's Block, Brussels,
Next Door io the Post Office,
I tau prepared to !.'ay (1.4511 for any quantity of F.jtgs.
and Remember the Stand.
5tv`r a5139 C
'Pilo undersigned desires to return his thanks fur the •'.,5lti`re».11.
support accorded the firm of Hayc1'oft Bros. for the past eight Years.
and expresses the wish that these business relatives may be con-
RC= 1111.4 Mra, rieLe
WO take pleasure in informing the public generally that We hove
formed a co -partnership, to bo known under tho name of H.&Tol olr'r
8.o'J'unnbumL, to carry on the Stove, Tinwaro and House :Furnishing
business, lately under the control of Ilaycroft, Bros. Onr object
will be to deal fairly and squarely with the public Haid give them
si1511 bargains as will speak for themselves.
Wo 1j151113It'spocialy of Tvetroughing. Cit`cn a 1, (1111, at Ole 11111