HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-18, Page 4c41, .Z- CviviiCm•14, 1E7i;ail alt', Mrs, V1'm. Mille ie spending a few ihtya
wi•h friends in Bratrtimd ut prevent.
The R, T. of T. purpose holding tem.
For Sale—M. Smith.
Local T. Fletcher. I p0rnnea revival meetings koro shortly.
Miss Maggio Selly is at present spend.
Locale—Adam Good.
Loeel—Walter Coates.
Auetion Sale M, Cardiff.
Brusscle Auditors' report,
G R q
• Nt
Servant wanted—Mrs.
Inter estingto Lterybody--T1ts Pon.
Cott Carriage and shoeing Chop—Watts
,; Mclaague.
Postponed Mortgage Sale-IIowlaud,
Arno!.ii f: Mackenzie.
4xus5els Vast,
t'PII?:il", ILIRC'H 18, 1887.
^T'n1t polltieal lialii!rleerp0 hoe
been aesoluing some peculiar elating
es since our last IC ne. In 13a1di
Wand 00. the judge has n'varded
the ,•t nt to the Conservative condi
data with a majority of one vote
En Last 13ruoo \1r. Cargill neglected
to resign his pnsi';nt1 as Postmaster � i AUDITORS REPORT 1b86.
and a new election will be brought
on there 'tt once, nomination being
held probably this month. Tho
Reform Convention of Wer. Enron
are pashtug the protest agtnnet To Amount levied
Robb. Porter, RLP., and it i+ stated
that 11. C. Cameron may teoe West
Bruce in the meantime. The elec-
tions in the Northwest resulted in
the supporters of the Govorntnent
being elected. Although there ep,.
peas to be some li•tle doubt yet,
about Algoma Mr. Dawson, the
Conservalive candidate, is reported
elected. The re.cuunt and protest
busine: a is booming bot in the most
of cases the reeul.e will not bo
materially altered.
Tait estimates for the Province
for the current year were presented
to the Qrovlticrel Legislature last
Monday. The total amoliot was
$2,980,708, of which $2,582,985
was for the current expenditure,
$878,775 on capital account, and
$23.993 for other purposes, The
total expenditure of Lost year was
$3,181,700, and as suppler. entury
estimates aro always brought in be
fore the e&r,;o of the se:ricin, no doubt
the outlay will be rally 'equoitl to,
or perhaps somewhat iu excess of
last year's. In most of the items
there is little variation, The esti-
mate for the maintenance of public
instillations, $600,456, shows an
increase of $28,478 over that of
lust yoar. The contemplated e's•
penditure on public buildings, in,
eluding re -votes, is $253,510; $Sri,•
561 is asked for public works and
$109,550 for colonization roads. $2362 40
Tho item of miscellaneous expend'.
tura is increased from $49,250 to
$124,442, ehich includes $70,000
for election expenses.
Ax exchange says :-1" allowing
close upon the heels of the terrible
tragedy at While River Junction
comes a report from Boston of au•
other railway accident with a death
roll almost equally large, and the
details of suffering end horror so
revolting es to be well nigh unread.
able. That these disasters should
be of such frequent occurrence, and
that no action in particular should
be taken for their avoidance, shows
the Llanlablenoes of governments in
granting charters to corporations
who naturally look more to their
pecuniary interest than to the safe-
ty of the travelling public, whose
lives for the moment lie entirely in ;
their hands. If the Government
tnuet needs, instead of aesniuing �
control of tho railway lines itself,
give thein to those corporations, the ASSETS.
least it can do in the Interest of the Mar. 2 To Bal. on hand vie. ;
887 County
people is to render it impossible32 07
for Hallway lY 80
such accidents to occur. 1:f a dia. Dy.1aw No, 7 80 47
By-law No. 8 01 10
aster like this loot nue were attend-' By-law No.9 45 on
ed byloss of the company's charter j BY, gory No, io 200 98
PrincipalNo. 7 ...,.,548 88
we would soon find railway borrers School19 5!1
'Crowd 268 05
• jug a few days with friends in Wingham.
Mis, J. 13. Sally is at present jtt Stent.
ford attending her sister, who is very
ill. .
Miss Dolly Shaw, of Brussels, is at
presant spendutit
few days
with friends
111 town,
silex Mord ck has resigned 1 is poli. •
tion as 13ailiff. Another one has not been
selected yet.
H. Cullie has routed tho Graphsoopie
Car owned by A, Lawrence and will tray.
e1 with it during the coming season.
Jno. McNeil, head pusher in 11. J. Me.
Grill's dry goods establishment, spent a
few days last woek with friends in Dm'.
Wm. Cookerline and Mex. Smith jr.,
both farmere who resided in Morris, have
removed to town and taken up their
Master Jas. Irwin, who has just recent.
ly returned home from Wyoming Territ-
ory, took dangerously ill last week with
an attack of inflammation of the lungs
and was, in a very dangerous condition
but we are pleased to state that he is now
on the mend.
Sty .3pS'�i"AZ uT. v.aa'G-M:,wui: R'S• 'J::..t . S:±14� J"u1�'nnHAiTrv,°L'W:7i '+.(-4405iG-.VIMME•MMIROV1t•T_%0271g3R.IMIZI:
Oen. King ltas disposed of tine of his 011Blf''i,ti 1 R� .lU l,tIJ.11i•
trotte , loo Mt Colo, from the neighbor- U 9
hood of Clinton, for rho handsome sunt
of $185.
The Soottie11 Canadian Concert Co, ( The andelwl'nad wishes to intimate to
Nato one of their concerts in the Temper.(�
anoe Hall on Wednesday night. Full I the publio that having learned the art of
Govt's garment Cutting from one of the
particulars next week,
Sir. Snake is doing a rushing trade in 1 best Cutters in London, he is now pre -
the phot.tg aph li,-e at present. He con- at^d to out, fit and snake nl' Ocut's
from p
gallery u* its
marl l J
m) yt removing n
a la
l t, to t,
and r
•s ogles manner t t
I)imsley to Queen street,! Clothing in s arta
At the meeting of the Ladies' Aid So' ; reasonable prices.
slaty, hold Ia-t week, in ronneatimt with
the Methodist o„ur0h, it was decided, as •
on former occasions. to have meals pre. { J.
pared for th Orangemen during their !
celebration of the Battle of the Boyne. 1 :.1-i' MILL STREET,
Ed. Maser .eft here this week for Lis- I
towel, where 130 has secured a situation. _._.
La. has been in the akar, and esof A. Imperial Lawrence, cabinet maker, and woe an i8
efficient workman. He also took art
active part in the band. He will be great-
-- .
Jy missed by rho boys.
THERE IS NO LEA'Pi11311 SO 0001),
WHAT We MAT Exe1'itr.—That Liberty
Hall will be spooially decorated for the
Qneen'q Jubilee.—'Phot the weather will
be milder fog Sunday evening drives.—
That the band will slay out once a
week regularly.—'Pltt Sam. will ll,,vo to
climb the post after the 1st of April.--
pril.—That the protest in West Huron will be
pushed with great vigor.
8159 e4 1880 By Balance on hand at
last audit $ 6 37
$459 64, " Paid Co. Treasurer421 20
" Ana'nt bal. at audit.... 32 07
$450 64
To Balance on hand last • 33y Paid Treasurer of
audit $ 21 66 Morrie $ 170 00
" Amount levied .... 800 40 `• Paid Treasurer Grey 14G 75
•' Amount to balance11 30
$898 08 --
$328 05
1{387 To Balance 11 50
To Balance o11 hand last By Paid Coupons $ 250 00
audit $ 21 81 " Amount to balance.. 39 47
Amount levied .. , , 367 60 •--
1389 47
$389 47
1887 To Balance 89 47
1886 1'o Balance on hand last By Paid Coupons 111400 00
audit $ 112 21 " Amount to balance.. 91 10
" Amount levied1878 89 —'—
$1491 10
$1491 10
1887 Bal. an hand at audit.. 91 10
1880 To Balance on hand last , By Paid Coupons 8 154 00
audit $ 46 71 " Amount to balance.. 43 95
•• Amount levied.... 153 24
• $199 95'
1887 To amount to balance.. 45 95
18F6 To balance in hand last By Paid Coupons $ 114 10
audit ti 17 19 " Amount to balance200 08
Amonntlevied.... 300 39
$199 115
$023 98
$828 98
To amount to balance.. 200 99
To from Land Improve
ment Fund, Morris 4207 62
" from Land Improve.
ment Fund, Morris 200 71
'• from LandImprove-
mentFund, Grey.. 75 00
$548 38
To balance on hand last 1886 By paid W. H. Moss,
audit $ 130 41 School Board $ 170 00
•' Government grant 170 00 " paid W. H. Moss, S 13 2002 90'
" Amotmtlevied.... 2052 09 "' paid W.H.Mose, SB 170 00
Amount to balance19 60
Mar. 2
$2362 40
To bat on hand at audit 19 50
To paid McIntosh t& Mo. 1880 By cash McIntosh-& Mc-
Taggart $291 78 Taggart $800 00
" paid discount 8 22 --
4300 00'
$300 00
To Amount levied. ... $1888 56 Bylalanooatlestaudit $ 10 67
" Town Hall routs.. 188 50 Salaries 838 00
" J. P. Fines ........ 5 00 " Charity 142 10
" Clergy Reserve .... 3 95 " Street Im`rov'm'nts 568 80
Boundary Line .... 20 77 " Fire Department42 25
'' 'Poll tax 8 00 " Hay Soalee 6 00
" Dog tax 46 00 " Town Band 100 00
" Hay Scales 122 00 " Printing 50 00
o' Non-resident taxes.. 60 98 " Taxes remitted46 00
" A rreara of taxes.... 41 23 " Fuel 9 43
" Borrowed money .. 291 78 " Moch'nies' Institute 25 00
" 'Poundkeeper 25 " Miscellaneous .. 130 53
" Licenses 2 00 ', Constable's Foes .. 42 50
" Rotund bridges app. 16 80 " Taxes uncollected 60 33
Election expenses 52 04
$259547 " Insurance .. 187 50
" Board of Health., 10 00
" Legal expanses18 00
" Bit., mar. es deaths 4 80
" Voters' List Court 27 00
" Thos. Selly, Dont.
" on dit. Co. rate46
" Ont.olectionbooths 8 00
" Southampton fire
•' relief fund 25 00
" Town Hall 181 11
" Bills payable 800 00
Balance 258 06
Mrs. Clegg, of Wingham, ie the guest of 1
Mrs. Howard this week.
Mrs. 9. Graooy, of Wingham, was vie.
Jung Moods in town this week.
Onr merchants are now busily engaged I
in displaying their spring goods.
Messrs. Tanner and Shane sang
conoartheld M. Wingham this week.
$2595 47
By Coupons by-law 10..4186 00
0 Collector's salary .. 40 00
" Treasurer's salary.. 40 00
6266 00
Amt, to balance.. , . 979 75
111246 71f
Total balance on hand..(91245 70
To cash on hand over
liabilities 8070 75
1.1, the undersigned Auditors of the Corporation of the Village of Brueeols, in
iho County of Huron, certify that we have duly examined the Tireariurer's 'Weiss
and a000nnts and Vouohore thereto and find the 8am0 to be cermet, abd a balance on
hand of $1245.76.
A..'titiltr5ten, 1AUntrot(1
lZ. 1.VIctiN n'iilt
„t0n, j
Dated March 2nd, 1887.
r e We have Three Thousand fairs of
Boots i11 stook.
We will make a Reduction on livery
We Sell .Oheaper
than anyone else, quality considered.
The Great Boot .C• ,Shoe 1--Iwise,
Adam Good..
'87. FLAX '87.
7. & J. Livingston have for the Farm-
ers in the vicinity of Brussels and Blyth
who intend raising Flax during the cern.
ing Season, 2,000 Bushels of the boat its.
which they are prepared to deliver at
their mills to Brussels and BR Ma, to
Farmers in Qtutntitiee to suit. '1'o ensure
a good erop, the Best Seed is absolutely
required. Order Early
For Flax grown from the above seed the
Highest Market Price will be paid if of
good growth, and harvested in proper
are solid facts
we are
season, •
3, it J. LIVINGSTON, to backupwhat weladfiertiise, and this i8ilone rea80n always
>p1 prepared
35 Proprietors. I talwttys StOotl at the top of the treo against all competitors
P: R. SMutli' S)1hiu Stook
ana. Aire
Space will only permit us to give a few quotations :-
20 yards Grey Cotton, yard wide, for $1.00.
2,5 yards 32 inch (grey Cotton for $1.00.
15 yards White Cotton for $1.00.
11 yards good strong Shirting for $1.00.
Dress Goods for 7c., regular price 15e.'
White Cotton usually sold for 121c., at 10c.
100 paws hisses Iiid Gloves from sizes 5i to 6, at 10e. per pair,
regular price 40c. and no humbug about it.
125 pieces all -wool tweed from 40c. per yard up.
Men's Felt Bats for 25c., just one-quarter regular price.
J tat' .,,Qe ST C �
it largo stock. of Men's, Youth's and )3oys' Ready-Mado Suits.
Suite _or $4,275,
Youths' Suite from $3.50 up,
Bois' Suite for $10404
The following dosirnblo and elogibly sit-
uated farms ars now offered for Oslo on
most liberal terms as to price and pay,
monis, Tho land is of excellent quality,
with good nnprov0menta, within 9 miles of
both Ethel and 3enfryn railway stations,
post ofoicos,griat and saw mills. sohools and
PSnorr,No,1.—Lnt91,n0n505et011 5. arcv,
County of}turon,a.00 acres. About 70 acres
cleared, over half free 1 rem stumps, Good
frame barn and stables, log house. good
orchard, fences, etc.
PABOEL N0, 2.—Lot 92, concession ,i, Grey
Enron Cottnty,adjoining No. 1, band pos-
siblynot quite so good but excellent grazing
land. Abundance of good water and timber.
Almost nowt mane house and barn. About
50 acres cleared, about e0 of winch has boon
omppel. hargo drain recently opened past
this land.
These proper ties will be sold togothor, or
separately and much beltw their real value.
Parties desiring good farms, ready for en.
(lunation, cheap and on oiteyy toms, should
appple atoace to J.O•, t15onONALD, 44 long
Street We 0t, Toronto, or to J.R. GB l N'r,
1e.tf 13rue sol r{.
In the Tozonshif' of Morris, in the
County of Huron.
Under the powers of sale contained in a
oortaln Mortgage to the Vendors, which will
produced at the timo et Bale, and in pay-
ment of which defaultbae Loon made, these
AMERIostsoHarn ., in the Village '08 Dnvs
Wednesday, 2nd Day o1' Mara,
at lo'OLoor P. M. the following property :—
The South ball of Lot number Twenty-
eight ,in the Fifth Concession, of the said
Township 0f Morrie, oontaini'ug, by ad-
moasnr5ment,ninoty-ntue and ono -quarter
Corea, mere or ion
'5hts Win is Well situated on good lending
road and adjoins the Corporation limits of
'Unseals, about fifty mores edltivated and
Wenn, pasture and wobdlnnd • Watered by
rho lover Ashland. Good frame house,
frame barn and stable. Boll ,generally clay
Tereus and Conditions of Sale,
The property will be offered for Bale to
of sale' payoonot ntt rof Meet,
nurehaee money to the Vendors, their Bo.
Bolters or Agents,' and sufficient within
thirty days thereafter, with interest At six
and a half percent., to reduce the balance
of purchase Monty to 81800.00, tvhiott
amount inoy remain on Mortgage to the
Vendors for Ave years with interest at mix
and a Half percent., payable yearly.
Tho Mortgage to contain a covenant for
insurance in the orth British and Mohnen.
tate Iueuranoe 0010(5ny to the full insur•
able value of the bulldinse,
The Vendors will not be hound to account
for, produo0, or show, or prove the contents
of any tt:oedm or evidence of Title not to their
p,sseosian,or furnish canto sof the eamo.
The purchaser inustievostigato tbo title
at hisown exponao. Tito other otnd'Itibne
of sale will be made known at the thou of
sato,or on application to the undersigned, at
0'or further particulars apply to the
undersigned, or to J. B. GIioNT, Brussels.
The Above hale is Postponed until
Wednesday, the 16th Day of Mara, 1887,
AT 0556E 515510 AND HOpn.
t3'The above Sale is farther ti'ooipone'd
Wednesday, 3oth of March, 1887,
At pante Plaee. and 1Tonr;
HCWLAND,ARNOLDI&MACKENZIE, (11101)001 14030'C7•oraeiorn' $olteltoe0.
:VoreiM„ysunory 28117,1097, 01.0 .13. Gerry's,.
P. S. --:Liss LACE', who has boon five seasons with us, age in takes
charge of the Millinery .Department. All we can say is this
you never bought Millinery from us before it is time you diel.
Goode Delivered, to ally parr of Town,.
Cash for choice doll Butter and Eggs,
t;:5' Large Stock of China, Crockery and Glaeewuc1i, &e. to arrive
in it few days.
We are making arrangements to roast and grind our own Coffees.
^•'T+^!f'!•�'..a' 31ni "'T s, jPo&mN. .„
Walter Coats.