HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-18, Page 2THE 81USS'ELS
p1a 1`, {'.._. Palau V.y 1'• not !welt m new craze ; If tate wall about the etove has
niraciory ui
chrobin 'O�teB Seela1taal !welt tt'(J ililt'i ltleiwIl men to elk around a beet) elnhkett by the stove, cover
table for !care trying to and out I the bleep patches with nein Hindle('
about each others' hauls, uud they will not, etrtlto 111roig1t
1,adiss suffering with sink headuuho will , either pttlill or ea11111111110.
and n. certain ours ihh West's Liver Pills L. o p 0t HMS HliouItl ho ObAngutl
Sager coated. Oe pills dao. All droplets. (111811 euoll h to insnCa haul uj; a
An old gout !entail d being naked 441)1]11 light.
1f they seem eloggotl
whet, tie ttiahcd tor dinner, repaid : they may be washed in strong nulls
"Ann 0 111) e, good c p1111) y', "tome and pat into Ute (amps I7gnin.
thitli to sat and a u1t111[iu " A. yoaig babe should net be fed
mors frrgnontly thou ones 111 two
hours, aid by the time it is three
months old, euro in three hours is
preferable A. chilli is not hnogry
every time lei reetl043 1111(1 Nene.
Cold bisuuita left over from tett
.1t1•1r r14Lg Uxt'nru.- Sabbath Dery:ees3
at and tt:;i0 p. M. Sunday Selrool
at 2:80 p. nt• Rev. John Ross, 13. A.,
K))0% (11103 014.- Sabbath Serviette w1 11
ro. m. mid 1)280 p. m, Sunday School at
2:30 p. 771. Rev. S. Jones, pastor.
ST. 3 onr't1 0110010.—Sebbatlt Services
at 11 a,m. and 7 p.m. 4uuday' 1011oe, at
2:30 a.ui. Rev. W. T. Oluff, incumbent. &Brays keep West's Ooagb Syrup in the
MATHERI5T Quillen:—babbatil Services house for sodden attacks of Colds, asthma
at 10:80 a. In. and 11:110 p. lxt. Sunday or any throat or ling diseases. Beet i11 use,
S011oo1 at 2:30 p. ui. Rev, Win. Smyth. An druggists.
pastor. Jonu10 Juno says that woolen
Roatav CAIa.a.lc Cu[•ren: ----Sabbath .v(+re b"rn to be troehled with mens,
SerVlce third Sunday 111 every 01017th, at I11111lthia 111111 31858 Inn111<10, 1117(1 1110
1111.110. Rev. P. T. Shea, priest. more cne incite against it the more
0113I'g1.Aawy Lonna otury Thursday i "ornlw she will call dowu upon her• may bo made better than when first
evening,In Grahams block, 1 i baked by dipping them in het titter
MASMASONICLODOP Tuesday at Or before „Alcoil placing thorn singly on the hot
full. noon in Garfield bleak. The best spring modicum 14 Ono of \Vox Ps
A. O.E. W.L000g on 1st and Sed Mon- Livord. JiltPills takenwhat yev vesnight on g i ng Coated, grate in the Oven long enough to let
day evenings of each menth. anvils 44-0, Ali drupg1 Ata thein got 1301! 5111[110(1 through.
I'OltvsllalT''Lonal: endandlast Mondayave a
To emir carpets nail several
evenings of each month, in Steals')) hall. It lH r ported m Boston that an
thicknesses of old carpet or canvas
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every mouth, , elderly ci'izeu of tont city, 5 w
110 as over the ed 0 of each stair. It is a
in Orange Hall. iuducrd lo try the tubo !+glbn slide g
POST 017108.—Oflice hone 400111 a.m• t loud is 11113 ilp with a broken leg in good phut to buy as re carpeting
to 7 11.111. - (:n l]Na rlP.n Ce, w'CUtA t0 �3 tom JOne9 than le deeded to cover the stairs
1'111 Library,
e' 1< Holmes'
Reading Room (1 141111 move It 00011 55,1401) 80 131 tit file
and Library inoloek bteok, will be "Co for wbug iu your nest s8lmou' WI1014 Will weer evenly. 11 emir
Oren fromete 8o'clock p.m. Wednesdays West's Cnorth Syrup, the household rem-
and Saturdays, :Vise Jessie Ross, Lib- odyy for Coughs, Colds, Yore Throat, Bron- carpets Oanttbt 110 obaugeli ,ill 11119
Wattle, Asthma, Inall Throat and Lunfluenza, Whooping-Cgdu- augh.
Consumption aid twoy y' oho Will ny
ot wear 110011 so
canon,Rsc to., fleets. 1111(1 $1.00 per bottle. All iong.
.......-�-._T"-'.'.". - druggists.
Va i tc..tierc. A boy can walk four or five miles Boat [ed cblldreu are prose, mud
irritable, and quarrelsome. bleat
(' t•l skating (11100, 11 day' 1s oniliel0111 ; the other
wea18 should cou.rIst of milk, toast,
cracked wheat, graham gems, oat
weal, 44l1teu, fruit puddiugs„ )1)1111
and end food. Eggs, fist[ and fish
Theu0uues owe their recovery from 411119 are bettor even than [neat, unci
Rheunati00) to West's World's Wonder or 81101114 b8 eaten at breast filet ; Phe
Nomil) Liniment. Xt 1n concocted every- - other m(al0 being fariiuceous.
whereto be the best known remedy for
Rlhoutuatlsnh,nu1s,Rroi0e0,S1raias, Burns, "What is M<Grogor's Spoody Curo for P'
Soaltle, est[ all diseases ('0yulring external It is for Dyspepsia, Liver Compleln1, 1,141.
application. Priced° cents and 10 coats per potion, Biliousness, 5311 it is the fittest
bottlo. dull by John Hargreaves d: Co., blood muffler in the !mown world today.
"Does 11 Alva antler nation P" Wo 0auuot
paint to ono instance where it did not.
Whoro does it have the largest sale 0"
Right In the city of Hamilton, where it is
manufactured, there hos been over ono
thousand dollars worth sola in the last year
retail, and the great majority of 1110 Bales
aro by ono reeommoudi[Ig It to au -Aller.
Nor sale at 50o. mad 01.0 per bottle by 0OI00
Hananidvlsa ,t Co.,13r000010.
A very excellent enrlrinative pow-
der for infants subject to colic, may
be kept iu the house and prepared
by the nPllrse Or mother ; it co0010(0
of five grains of oil of aniseed mud
two of peppermint on half an ounce
of lamp sager r1, bbed in a ulOrtar
with a drachm of magnesia iota a '
fine powder. A small quantity of
this may be giveu in little teeter
with good results.
HAM 0110 UITTE1.-0111 0)11111)1 n1 I
finely chopped (rooked ham, one of 1
bread 01'Llmbe, two of hot wet: led 1
potatoes, one lergo tabicoopout:rul of I
butter', three eggs, and a stleclf of '
I cayenne. Beat the ham, cayenne, I
I butter, and two of the eggs into the
potato. Lot the mixture cool slight-
ly', And then 0bape into croquettes.
Roll in the bread crumbs, dip in
beaten egg, and again in crumbs ;
put in the frying basket and plunge
alto boiling fat. Oeolt two miuntes, 1
drain, and serve )lot.
A. Profitable L6rc.
New oleo have accomplished the t ne
),mount of work and good In this world as
the coleb rated Dr. Chase. Ovo•a0,000 of Ute
work's have boon aoidfn Canada alone. Wo
want every person troubled with Liver
Oompleiut,D y0nopeia, Re0dnoh o,Kldn0y o r
rlrinary Troubles, to oall ul at your druggist
and buy a bobbleof 4 r .chase's Livor Cure,
itwillcuro you, 05001einonnOltcolponook
for11.00. "Infantile convulsions usually ac-
compeny teething, ludigoetiou, fev-
ers, whooping cough, icorrns, indeed
any (!sone° that causes a reflex ac-
tion upon the brain. 'When n child
is seized with convulsions act very
promptly. Get the child into hot
water as c00n as possible ; rip not
wait to remove its clothing, put it
into a foot -tub or a child's tub near
ly full of water, as hot rue can bo
safely borne, supporting it on your
two hands. Add from Limo to time
its much hot water as the hands will
boar. Keep the chill in iho water
until relaxation of the musoles is
produced, and have blankets heated
meanwhile and ready to wrap the
baby in." -
Mon was created firer. Woman
t ' h I'ah1144 and dot" some other
fellows sister all the way on a sled,
W;,1, a sort o'r ere 'i„n
A new poem 0011imeoee0 with the butt when his mother w'alht$ slim to
beteg up a bag of cra011ers from the
ii„,., .f Wish male Itw•uy from home.'
grocery his back ie eo weak that he
dltrs81) 1.
li sounds tie if 11 might bo rough 011
rate, but it isn't.
1Vrvel of
healing', superiorWon
to air t00or1 liniments.
Always keep it in tbe Louse., All druggists.
'How long shall girls be courted ?'
relied a, neespep'r. Not longer
than 2 o'cleoli in the morning, we
Druggist. -
thiuk, exetlp[lllg when 11 rd1110, or A trait] 50.44 delayed for an 11!01'
you have to 00[011 a train. iu Troy, 1, Y., recently, end a
Itis with pleasure that we recommend drain flier remarked to tbo 001131101-
°er leaders to try west's Cough Syrup.• Yen OY ,.11116 le a sort et twelve 011 110.0.0
01 1110 it especiallyuseful42 thin san0oi
of the year 4n caro sudden molds, eh cels
roughs and ]Aug :1110 throat trsublaE• All to 1110 pound }lfftltf, 14111'1 it ?”
drugg1)ls. • :,'flow's that. f" "Troy wait, 301.1
Agricultural papers give many know."
scientific articles bu cheep, fertiliz- Ror5onowhy you should purchase Moil
(:r1,. etc., bet they Lever SO 1110011 115 eltgost are.v]ItallidrTOBnit o(rliTas t1lAstantl}.
111111 at 1411 easy 5111• Of chopping Aim:. I111 0 sa uotiaraquirorcons(6nto u0
cordwoO3, ono application is 000010al. Ono bottle will
remove acro pain than any sibor remedy
in existence. 11.3 It for Nenrtlgia, Tooth.
ache, HoadacbO,ltuoumatism. Sold at 25c.
& bott'le by John ftuigrouves it C'., Drug-
A lady knocked dowu by so horse
]vas melted up by (1 gentleman who
kindly offered to get her something
to take. prnpesin, brandy. "Oh,
a Paw Pew, Mich. He guesoetl 11o," rho said, "piens,: bring um
:.t. some safety pints, I feel is if 1 am
Chilblain.: and fros1od feat anti hand, falling to pieces."
sur: 1 wit), is low ,11,11 0atinna u[ \V(ta l
1t t All
Pain oanaot exist after the patient has
taken n at:swedes('0: tr,rst51'niuliiug, the
illogic cure. Do not bo induced to tn10 a
!substitute, but Insist upon having West's
Palo )Ging Genuine sold by J. Hargreaves
.0 Oo.,0rug8ists.
A let er addrosdad to -a party in
"Fhtlier. Mich," w1141801 to t4 post
Hills(' 3xpert„and Re forwarded it to
\fa:aiur' 1 1'11❑11(3 m•uu„ Bonder, to informing you o. t1<1a wolI1100'
11(0 01 rsnhedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
nronohitis,Consamption, and all affections
"Why than'. yen (bred Whet)1 of the Throat anti Lungs, no fool that you
rang. ?” (0:i:! n lady 4') her domestic. i
v verenvof the ou a gun �rkuoluniaiimsa Ari on
"Ilk Cnllse 1 (11311' 6 beer 111e bell." 113{11 only try it we will guarantee sntiafae-
tiou iii ¢very iIits or money rOfundod. Aek
"U';rcufter 5)0:11 y(:1) 11011'6 1(00)' tl)i' 1 lnrAle(Srrsur's LungCouuouutL Prfon floc.
bo -!1 you 11111o1 mime '>l:il tell 1110 so." 1 n.ndel.00,per bottle et Hargreaves' Drug
I Store,Bwusseis.
"Yes, mum." , Alienate (of uncertain age)—Isn't
A maBle 18 6 \sol 1: Liver Pule will that '.Ir. 1)0 Smith ,just horrid ?
0.10530 bo found a groat blessing to those
afflicted with liver einupla.inl, dynpepala, Clara—Why, Iny 'dear, yOu were
.all dru
Indigution and sick headache. 371'inI
e 35e. completely in lava with him two
A Jubilee.--Judge_-..Are, y1oudays Ingo. Augusta—Se I was: but
awakea11)13• lllit:glttiug. cireete. I yesterday he asked me how old 1
stnuees in your cess? eltheiunl— 1 wee. 'Of course I said 25,. and
. Yes, your Heuer, :hie it, the 4011i what do yen think ho, did? He
time I have been mere'::«+i lin' wig rang his old chestnut bell en mo die
Parley, l
nn l I thought 11111) perhaps hard es he caul1.
we might gest up a little jetilee_slstaTron3l
West's World's Wonder ,.r 11111110 Li111-
o01,b. Useful iu every ,.ruse t, -r cuts, burns,
scalds, bruises,
6icca0atlef0etio )glad druggists.
•Jo1111117o Iiltrllnut got 1lhout its
[many whippings every day 118 there
ere school bona', and yesterday the
leacher caught him at his tricks as
usual." "Y.011 naughty buy;" she
said, 1'If you do that again I'll whip
yon." "Clleetnnte," he replied im•
pudenlly. "hickory, i+ bettor, I
think." rhe remarked (leh: tly, end
gave him about half a cord illness
the beck.
Ladies troubled with Pimple!, Blntcbes
Rough Hands or brace, or Yoro 1 of any de-
scription, should use McGregor 4 Parko's
carbolic Omuta. It will leave the skin in
perfect health, smooth clean, .end gime
color. Be Euro and get the genuine, made
by McGregor
Drug Storrice e Gu. Hold at ,l.
A Bethel justice was recently ap-
hh, d to for at werr)01 in- ir father
who desired that sus est) should bo i
alder bonds to steep the. peace. The I
justice declined to ),alio 1h(: w'arrant I
end told the fattier that his sols
would not isjuro him oven if he had
tbr0,11.e1od to 311 c0. '•1 don't ]blow
about that," 311:d the father, "he's
0f It 13111g troy bed Irre1,d,1'
"1 waI1t a coil! stove," seiti it olid•
(;yid man wii11 A well . 1 despoil.
What 1•it'd of it etove dl, y -n want?
Self feeder ?" aslied iho dealer.
t'Sn ff:wing Cfosnl l No' A pelf
feeding stove with coal at $7.50 a
tun and a falcine elite at. hand ?
'iron murk bo moan)•. I. want n
stove that yell eau fC ,i with a
*poen-•sun 1.!111 doesn't get hungry
more than once or twice .1413)101( anti
has enough humanity in it to heat
three ronmli tf!]F11 313< lhcrnlnuetrr
is bolnwV1.re. .1 eel f•fted'ing stt)vr.
1 N711.11 'lir. that :f rein bring 113) nn
the bottle."
Mad ikon it viotint et ono of
the worst of blood 040015ses, and
I was treated by n number of th0
best medical mon in the oonnty,
and my 0o,etitatlon was com-
pletely undermined, a friend
advlsotl 1,.e to try Dr, Jug's bled-
icin0, it res/prod my Appetit°
agdexed nae up complete after
using seven bottle, I strongly
racommOnd it to all similarly 0ffeotsd.
Fasten O. oon0nin, of Starks & Canntar.
Sold 1)70. A. Da6dman.
"17 guess I a131 pretty safe about
going to heaven," remarked Bobby
to eo1n14 i11r. Featherly. 11r.
Foatherly replied that be earnestly
hoped Ho and then inquired why
Bobby felt so confident about the
matter. ".Because," exclaimed
Bobby, "1110 8ay0 that it ain't safe
to trust mo where there's a fire."
A little Buffalo girl was not feel -
nig Very well and bel' perellt0 Aug
gusted that silo might bo about to
have chickon•pox, thou. prevalent.
14118 went to bed laughing at the 111er•
idea, but next morning went into I Tha Berlin police claim to have
her parents room looking very ser discovered a very ostensive Anarch-
ieus and cell "Yes, itis 0hiel(eu• tat 001)0371026)'.
pox, papa; I found n fodder in the el United Neaten Government of•
bed.'' • 1 ficial predicts a great ftuaneiul panic
In tllo hear future.
21ts `'Roumanian Government has
forbidden the circulation of Hasidim
nawspepere in Romualdo.
Germany is busily manufacturing
gene and Franco is preparing an
imllleuse quantity of melinito, t11e.
new explosive.
The French Chamber or ,Deputies
has voted to impose an import duty
of about 2.7 cents a bushel on fore•
ign wheat.
marry ; let each ttuporiutond some A.'.'o of 311th It cargo of forty-four
department by turns. ostriehee arrived recently at Gal-
lzenerui Neww.
Tho Michigan Oontral will put
down 326,000 new ties next sum-
H d't'1Jf11ff;Ari'::.
111,111:)01 flower pot stains from
Window )ills by rubbing wi til fine
wood 1681138 011)1 rinse writ clean
11'sie1•, -
Grinned w•ood0 should be washed
with cold tea, and then, eller beteg
wiped (try, rubbed with I!1)eed oil.
Let all • girls baste a share in
housekeeping at Matte before they
Avoid a Hell mixed diet for clnld-
rel), it taxes their delicate digestive
organs, and causes inflammatory
conditions to ensue.
voston, Teo. This is the second
cargo within twelve months: .Tho
birds aro foe ostrich farms in Cali 1
fornia, and carne from, Natal.
Has a complete assortr)ae)at of all the Schoo't
Books, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Init,Pcns,
Chalk Cr'ayort,t, Scribblers, S'c', 55^C.
A. to see fie i Echelafs Companion,"
1'1oolscap and ,Note Papers, Envelopes, the best
in, the market.
Try The Post Bookstore.
.F./16..14' OF TRW
A new stock of Buffalo Robes,
Goat Robes, Horse Blankets,
Bolls, Whips, eke.,
A Splendid Assortiuw<t of
Trunks, Valises,
And Satchels.
in Stock.
II. Delmais.
plro.ilty *7
g 1. R E1
Wear. Spectacles
and Eye -Glasses that will preserve your
P. _a._i A Z A:a l✓ S
Manufacturing Optician, late of the firm
of Lazarus & Morris, 28 Maryland Road,
Harrow Road, London, England, has ap-
pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec -
tacks and Eye -Glasses which 11avo been
before the public for the past 244 years.
Lemma' Spectacles never tire the eyoj
Last many years without 011111tge.
Fol• Salo by. ll. L..J.'(C'KS'O\'',
Ai ! 110 ! w Local House
---vital.( YOU CAV egg' --
Hand Straw Cutters, Horse Pow-
er Straw Cutters, with 3:oversa,blo
feed, Boot Pulpers, Root Slicers,
the genuine Port Perry Grain
Grinder, Horse Powers, largo
and small, and several Ha)1c1
Powers— cheap, and `.l'i'ed Pow-
ers: Also the Celebrated
It Leads t11oiu a11.
Geo. Love.
1'ABon 'IS. ?S1:,i
Executors' Notice.
A11 Portico haring 411011110 against 010
'3x11110 01 Elle 11113 1'1100, t[arrl)ui•'r, of
Village of Brammole, lo Ube County or 0)1001<
who died oat or about the stet day of
November, A. D. (0x0, 111'4, on or bolero tb1,
1011111a) of 01o1'uh,18117, to seed l.y Post (pro -
paid) to either of (114 under01gued tied'
t.hrluttnn uud 8nroanloe, Address And Do-
serlItion, with fall particulars for Muir
Claims, a statement of thou 1,0countw and
nature 01securities, if nay• holt) by them.
and In dofot11 tlloreol they 11)11 he perm pt.
tingly exoludntl from partic:Mating 141 110•
mad Ostut0,and we hereby oleo givo notice
to t,1I Parties indebted 10 the sold estate,
whether 0)' Hook Account or otherwisd, to
1103 the Amino to (too. llityorn11 1,t the Store,
uu or Defer 1410 111/0 1110011000d date,
Dated at Brussels (111:,10111 day et Fah., '07
J. H• YOUNG, E•mc•r•roas,
J. G. al(ENE, 1
1�0iiTUSGIi'SALE•` UI'
In this Township of Morris, in the
County of Huron.
laudor the powers of fat contained In a
certain 5101(5age to the Vcndorn, which wit,
produced lit the .foto Uf Pala, 1.11d • in pay -
moot of which default has been made those
will he sold, by Public Auction, 1,l the
Aar1101010((("11:1., in the Village et 15.171.11-
711 .0, 071
Wednesday, 2nel Hari, of
at 1 o'cztcicl'. the following property 7—
The South half of -Lot number Twenty.
olght,iu the fifth Concession, of the said
Township 01 3)50110, contniulng, by ad.
menu r0nlOut,niuoly•ntnn and one-quarter
15000, 10000 or loss
1'1 ,, le, el is 11011 alta)) re on good loading
read and sdjmine iho Culj.uratiuss limits of
Brussel)), about !lfty pores cultivated std
bAla n as partum and woodlood : watered by
11,0 River Maitland. Good frame )house,
frame burn and 01441le. 8011 generally clay
Terms and Conditions of Sale,
Tho property will be offered fol' sate sub•
joa1 tom rOvorve bid. "rho purchaser ,nn01,
at the, thno of sale. pay une•tou1h of his
norehano moony to the Vondars, their So-
licitors 0r Agents, 0 n eualcient 3)110)1,
thirty t1:11,0 thereafter, M•1111 iuloare,t 1,t Oa
null a half per cant., to reduce the balance
of pontoon. money to 01)00,00, couch
amount may x011,6111 011 Jfortgitpt• to the.
Venders for five yearn with 11,)00,1 1,,1 ei ti
and a half ver cent., payable yearly.
The M001,76gu to un11tall n ctventi)) for
insurance 111 the. feet1,1lritish and Mercan-
tile Insurance Company to the full Insur-
able 0011:o of the buildings.
1110110111100010)11!))! be Potoel to 051,011nt
for, produoo, or allow, or prove the con tont,
o1 any dcods or evidence of 11110 net in thole
possession, or furnish cook sof the salve.
The Purchaser 1nu01111 vt stigo(0 the 11110,
W his own expeosn. The other eouditio(s
of sale will be made known at the time of
se le, or on application to We undersigned, so
Bar inn .her particulars apply to th(
uitdel'sig1ml.or to J. S. CHANT, Brussels.
1 <"'Z`ht• al,ave Sore is postponed until
1'Vednes(1ar, 16th of .)larch, 1587,
Al 5111110 1.111er 5114! hoer.
'17'00<01111s' Mc:.ivito Oo.
Tor,nIo, d ailuary 25th, is"T, 111.3
v cv.^g ,1161 m
We are in fluty bound to give'. u
to overyona 11.110)
r, 'N'Y
l? ,n
Their Account
.aatc 074:S ccac
Now is the Time
last -' r