HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-4, Page 8„ 8 FREE? FRE- dattotrkonat teeth, are viaiting ia town. Mus. JzOittioX, of Iia& Sitginaw, is vie- iting hr oousin, Mrs. D. A. Steno, To better introduce into every house. Miss NEerav Bennetts, of Lueknow, was hold Visiting Miss Minnie Gerry tide week, Mits. CMS, Munro, of En:mum, wron., Deadman's was visiting at Geo. Love'this week, Ityneetnen the Cricket Cllith Concert noes Wednesday, the 9th. It will be 11 Powder good one, Baking We will give to every family, Nei.” :mt hitherto Used it, a ' W'r.'04s :7841 zsepli, sufficient to give A 0, trial, knowing that those who once used it will continue to de 80 110 p,efe ence 50 801111, cream toter and other baking powder. We claim our Ekhig Powder to be better and cheaper than the majority of Ohms offered for 80,10. Every housekeeper who has not used our Baking Powder will please call for a Filen SAMPLE. Kraulfacrured and for gale by G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Bookseller & Fancy Goods Dococ'r. rwaserciere BRAND TRUNK RAILIMAY. ForrinaIN Exretutow, W. 0. ik Traineletien Brusside 8851.10, uerth and Wall as follows: - Going South. Going North. Mail 7:02 a.m. Mixed 10:25 85,13 Express 11:41 am. I585611..............301p$11 5111801.1. ....... 140 pan. 1 58xpross.........0.80 p.m trA=4,400450004000' .10r4410.0..-00000.0.4 'foal Ritir0 atellIS, ohiel's amang ye taltiu' notes An' faith he'll prent it. Svelter, delegates to the County San. dey Soh el Convention, at Myth, were 5000015 00 remain at home owing to the snow bleckade. Serum meons who atimeded the Wingliam oarnival, last Friday evening, were forma to hire a rig to return on 140. count of the trains being cancelled. GORMNIMIT, comfortable houses to rent are o• y scarce in Brussels and wo believe it would pay well to build o row of neat cottages for this purpoee-if you lima the money. We would 10 pleased to hoer from our staff 05 orrespoudelbs a little more regularly. We will have more room to 111 01(58 to local and dintrict news now that the elections are ever. Oen train6 have been run ou tho tri- weekly system lately, viz: go north one day and try ad get lack the next day or the day after. The mails have coma in about the 31131 18 y. 11.858133 Ileteseas, of Detroit, was called home this week owing to the serious ill- ness of hi- father, W. T. Hunter. The o10 gentleman has 118. 11 failing for some time but hopes ate IL rlained of his re- covery, A seterme race, for 5 miles, between Town, of Seaforth'and Cornyu, of Wing. ham, will be skseed on the rink in the latter town on Friday evening of this week. Cornygets 5 lave start. The race will be a, geed one. WE hope the Constable will snatch every dog fighter balciheaded. We have ne room ..) Brussels fur this kind of "spat." The row on the street last Monday was rut by any means oreditible end if it is repeated an example should be lade of the offenders Gro. MaitTIX, well and favorably known here, has diepnsed of his photegraph busine.s to S. Aekin, and left 5hi8 week for Philadelphia, where he purposes tak. 10858 0011080 110 d13111i81ry. Cl4 0. is a steady.going, level-headed young man and will ;emceed all right. He will re turn to Ontario when he completes his eouree and pass the requisite examine - tion here, so as to be able to practice. We wish him success. Tim storm of last Satnrdsy night and Suadey 108.8 011e of tho worst known for many years. The enotv drifted until the streets and reeds running north and south were about full and traffic on the roads and railway was suspended for a few day . The ecaforth Maga did nut go Out tmtil To; sday and our first mail came to hand on Wednesday :bitumen'. In a largo niaeber of placoa the old travelled road is (1001135.1 1111(1 a circuitous rent., opened through the fields. 80806 of the pachmasters hove had the bad places in their beide plowee ar oh. rolled our. Per- haps the only redeeming feature of the storm was the frced xo from the stinging cold that so ; ften tteeempavio those "atnateur" blizzerde. FIENNES' INSTITUTE.-T14e following is the program of the East Huron Farmers' Inetitnte, lo be hem in Wroseter, on Monday, 14511 inst., commencing at 10 a.m. sharp :--"Robbing the Farm." by Thos. Shaw, editor of the Stook journal "Dairying," by Prof. Boberteon, of the Ontario Agricultural College ; "Perman- ent Pesture," Mr. Shaw ; "Raising Calves and oaring for them," ley Robt. Currie, of Wawanosh. Other questions of interest to the farming commimity will also be dismissed. A free entertain- ment will be held in the (wolfing, ett which addremes will be given by Profs. Robertson and Sham and others, inter. sporsed with vocal and instrumental musio. IL McFadden is the Putsident, and Wni. Bishop the Seeretary•Treas. TARE A Vorste.-On Saturday, Sunday andlMondey, 5111, 11511 & hie the Salvation Army intend holding a great banquet, jubilee, tee. The meetings will be led by Major Glover, flapp, Bill Cooper and 0, number of 'neat officers. Capt. Sharp is else expeeted. Thie h; the rather novel program mark;e1 out :-Welcsozne meet- ing Sweeney evening, et o'clook, pre- ceded by m grand muster of troops at the boraces for march. Holiness meeting Sunday morning, at 7 e.m., knee drill and ;mord sharpening at barracks • 11 a. m. old time holiness meetieg ; 2:30, full dress parade and mexch past, at Town Hall; 7:30 grand salvation meeting. Mon- day, monster banquet, or tem fight, com- mencing a 5 ; grand march at 7:30 followed by a 3ubilee and hallelujah hut:. ricer0 et 8 p301. The Nebo o to conclude with a helf night of prayer. Capt. Mc. Tettcrah is maneging thinge nicely hero and hi a, very efficrient officer. A Lance< audience, do 1)550 the unfavor. eblo weather, filled Sheftehnry Hall, on Saturday evening, when the third popu. lar concert took plftee. Sims Richards began the entertainment by singing 1'Tho last wetche, with all 101.8 accustomed spill, and as an miaow "1,Vhere'er St. George's banner %yaws" in a manner which delighted the audience.. Mr. Kelly than sang the "King and the Miller." This gentleman poesesses a magnificent bass voice, dear and resonant through- oub its entire register. There is no effort in the production of any of his notes and his phrasing is immunity good, being on- thitemetically encored Mn. Kelly gang 1'The Diver" with splendid effect. A. dnett teas then given by Mimi Ethel Woods and gime Riohards which was also encored. Miss Woocls is a youthful little lady with a pretty contralto voice of very promising quallty. Mr. Kelly followed with 'Sebastopol," a guitar solo which !Allowed him to bo complete master of that inetrument. The quartette "God Preserve our Native Lana" 10155 then sung by MiNg Byckrean, Mise Woods, Mr, Kelly and Sims Riohards, Miss leyekman then goo ft solo Foster's "Good bye," with much teat° and (Amnion and Was re -called for "Comin' thro' 510 The trio "0 ! hoer me," tt, delightful cam- osition wits 1..... filo rendered THE BRUSSELS POST BOOTS at year own price. Apes' Good, Lege week L. McLaughlin, of Paidey, was elating his 1008111, le. A. Mertin, L. D. 8. Senor like Honey for paneakee, A, G0011, SEND along the 10081 88111 district 001118.55 is always woloome. Ales. Gasmen 13231190, who has been ill for a long time, is gradually improving. Hoe Bleottite, straight from oven 34- A.003 Goo. WE blizzard of last Supday militated itgaiimt the la lei141/111e0 54 0)00 churches and Sunday Schools. Tue new Arm of Hayoroft dr Turnbull aro pushiog business right along and aro counting on a big goring trade. TWA Bsh eeVe ould go fur the fellows who drive over the bridge faster then a, walk. There are 1100131068 every day. MA11011. 180603 news aro very scarce. ELECTRIC! Soap, oheapestyet. A. Goon. &acme Board will meet this (Friday) evening. 'TEE stoma of last Sunday "downed" all past records. Comma, meeting will he held next Tuesday evening. G. A. .0103538. POWELL Were 0.1 Strat- ford and Toronto this week. ()Leven tend Timothy seed, at 35003103'ets's Stere. 81 - Ara, Fool's Day will be on Friday ; Good Friday on April the Stb, and Bast- er Sunday on April lltb: Tun Solomon Oity Sentinel, (Kansas) of February 23rd says :-Mrs. R. Laid- lew intends starting for Canada in a few days. 350253000 Lome -Several largo eums on Baud to lend on good security at 5;+, per cent. yearly. Apply to 26-2 mon A. Hueran. Brussels. 1E8111113111NT FUND.-PreViOUSly 110101x0W- 'edged, 85150.110. Tho cast of the four in. strumen's is $84.75. The fallowing sub- striptions =calved with thanks :-Sno. Hargreaves, 52.00, and IL Deuuiri, 61.0o. "Bon the old chariot along." 13oonre.-We aro in duty bound to give a Receipt to everyone who Pays their account in the month of March. Now le the time to Order your Lona Plaster, 34. 13 GERRY. Ow account of tho band being engaged tie play at the Kelly-Ryekman concert next Wednesday evening they will be at the rink on Thursday evening instead. Tickets must be purolumed et the stores. me they aro not sold at the riuk. RAILWAY men declare that so far this winter bas been an exceptionally hard one as far as 50010 storms are concerned. Last winter G. T. IL snow plows had made a mileage of 30,000 miles, while this winter they have already covered over 80,000 miles, TEE Solomon Sentinel of Kansas, says:-Quee a, sad accident occurred on Saturday. Feb. She Ileth. As David Deb - OM was unloading some poets at his ueighbolea, (Mr. Kehler's) his team be- came frightened and started to run, Mr. D. was standiug in the back 01111 of the waggon and fell to the ground striking his hes& He was taken home end the aieni aid VW summoned. He slowly recovering. AUCTION Salo of Hou-ohold Good ou Maroh 5th. Tho undersigned will dis- pose of hE household. furniture, including stoves, cooking utensils, dishce, bede and bedding, die., also a 58.1 bogey, nearly new, and a quantity of wood. The solo will be without reserve as intend rimy- itag iny family to Kansas. Pereons think- ing of pnrehasing by private sales before tho Au ton may do so. Terms Cesh, Z1-0 Jou w NOTT, V. S., Proprietor, Am the aniduil reeding, of tho Outarric Grand Ladge of the A.O.U.W., the fol- lowing 1805.1111568105mattere were decided amongst other logislaeion :-.A. vote of 070 148,41 passed to assist the Federation Lodge, Montreal, the matter of a din. ammo between it and the Grand Ledge. Tho Lodges of Manitoba, wero allowed to leave the Jurisdiction of Minnesota, and join thee of Ontario. It was decided not eta create a reserve fund of 5100,000, The expenses of one visit of the District Master to each subordinate lodge are to be paid. The amendment to deny mem. 130181015 to brewers, hotel-koopers, ate., 18021 'voted down. .6. courts of our Conservative friends Cavo felt it their bounden duty to "Stop TEE Pon," and we have 00080011011117mewed off their names. Some people have very peculiar idea, about 8 nem - paper, and you would imagine that they tlivak they aro buying the whole shoot. ing matoh, Femme and everything, when they pay ono year's anbacription. As well might wo go to a grocery and be - Mingo we purchased 44 pound and a half of tea expect that we controlled the groomes whole business. No newspaper is pub - for any person in particular, and what often may displease ono may bo 'Sony pleasing to hundreds. The circuit., lion of 51031308'' continuos to grow not. Withstanding and tor tho two nnmes off wo have added TWELVE. TER Pose is not 0011100110d by anyone but the editor, attd wohave endeavored 50 85111103 clan, newsy Miss Ryckman and Masts, Kelly nand purchased in 1840 at 58055. 415,000, is oho end interesting sheet to the puldie and Rialto& cencluding tho first part of the of the 2018)13 1010388t1115 aolleatione which Et* en( 0111105 4 that we ere tole. program. The emend part Wes veil:ally have come into the J10850551801 of the 11ng. ontertsining, • Torontn a inbe.' t Miami Athententn, Owns to tho 1310040 blockade the official returns for the Bast, South and 'West ridings of Huron did not come to baud in time for this issue. LAST Saturday W. Coate toolc possession of tho stook lately purchased from Jas. Annett, Mr, Coats has had oonsiderable experience in the grocery trede and will be able to supply the pane with the best goods at a small profit. I911,011TANT TO BE1141111SPE118.-The judg- mout of a full court has been rendered in the bee lawsuit, McIntosh vs. Harrison, which was tried at Walkerton last fall. It will ha remembered that an interdict was applied for by afoIntosh to restrain his neighbor, Harrison, from keeping bees on an adjacent lot. Tho question whether bees aro a nuisance was tried be- fore a jury and a verdict rendered that in such con as the one in court they nro. The judge reserved the diciaien as to grantingan interdict for the f ull bench of Judge% who have now granted it. This case will doubtlms constitute a precedent, end pave the way for similar Interdicts, in all incorporated village., towns and eities. Tho result will be to relegate apiaries to the country. and exclude them from oorporation limits. Heretofore, it was generally supposed that, in the absence of speoisl legislation, municipal- ities could not pass by-laws for the ex. °Melon of bees outside their bounds. If this decision is not challenged and re - 0008851 10)' appeal it would seem that no further legislation is needed to empower corporations to ;tan bydaws on the sob- ject. The defendant in this case has lodged no appeal, so far as ne•peters from the published report of the matter. President Oloyeland has approved the act to prohibit the importation eiel im. inigratiou of foreigners and aliens under °entreat or agreement to perform labor in the Mated States, The °Meet 011)1101 in inition, St. 11 tr. 'Oleic/mew the Groat, !s deseribed, with II. lustrations by Beene', in the February Century, This church geode Bottum graves of fifteen eenturion ago. Since Prohibition went into effect in Raleigh, N.C., the largest Belem has been turned into a alum f aotory, metal employe more 111611 1111441 111 )116 1111011815 113 0011114i11041 and domovalizess noae. SEAFTSBUST HALL OMB filled to the door Saturday night to enjoy the 'Popular' and so they did. The singers were Mies Ityakman, Messrs, C. Kelly and Sires Riohards. To say that Sims Richards sang well would be to repeat a common place remark, suffice it to say that he was in fiee form. Charles Kelly, sa uni- versal favorite from Ottawa to Sarnia, sang the "Ring and the Miller" and the "Storm fiend," rewiring encores to moll number •llie Vele° is of the deepest and richest base, and of wonderful complete Unlike mot 801111005, his articulation is period and in no 'way seems ,0 Riled the purity of his tones, every word is distinct a.nd natural. Ho has made an impress- ion on Toronto audience that will last. ilo elan gam several guitar smlom and ne this inetrument he is equally proficient. MP e Byclomen, in Foster'° "Good-bye," and "0 I Mio Fernando," carried the house he storm. Miss Ryoltman is te talented young singer and before many years will occupy tho front rank if sho is not already there. But the trio "0 I hear 130,5 0080 Paulin, was the crown. in:: pities of the evening. It was simply grand and the applause that followed. deafening. "nte bet telt> ever rendered in the city" was the universal verdict of the musical oritios alustered jo the front benehes.---(Toronto Nows.] actiolralt IN 0 Wm. Mrs. Druse was hanged last Monday et Herkimer, N.Y., for the murder of her husband. An eagle was shot at Sydney Island, B. O., recently, which measured seven feet from tip to tip of the wings. Napoleon Leviolette receutiy trapped a, beaver which weighed 43 /be. at Messrs. Gillies Bros.' limit; on the Coulouge. The eixe10e3' peieetriee 1'5.11f )n in Lon- don reeultea Littlowood, 403 miles Corbett, 380 ; Connor, 0150; Spicier, 040. The nett bale of hay ever seen in Site= Falls, Oak., reached there on the 8th of February. and people drove miles to see Eighty-three Free Treelere and 41. Pro- tectionists ileac been returned to tho Legislative Assembly in Now South Wales. A.n Austrian scientieet le rivalling Wiggins by predicting fuethr earth- quakes, which aro to be accempanied by groat Moans. May Agnes Fleming, the autherees, at her &eel' let about e50,000 5 her wan, the income to be used Tor their support and edumtion. 11 10 stated that under the terms of the now Triple Alliance Italy has to playa 200,000 mon at the dispose.) of her allies in the event of war. 10. bill has passed the 17. S. Houeeland Souate ordering Government contraotors to engage no workmen who are not elti- ('8110 of the United States. A Nev Jersey hermit, who died a few days. ago, loft an old gun, the barrel of which was found to be filled to the muz- zle with gold dollar pieoes. A. consignment of 600 gallons of wine and 100 gallons of liquor, intended spec. Sally for the Feast of the Foamy, has arrived in ()hiring° from jorusalem, A. dewed statement of the cost of miniug and putting a ton of coal on the ears of Pennsylvania, printed in The Philadelphia PreSS, gives it at e1.38e. Barn Jones says that more social gem - &As aro originated in chureli gossip than anywhere else, and that the Lord will forgive a eine00 ten times as galok as m seandalemon,ger. .A. stranger to the police of Chicago of- fered to 018)1 )15 to a murder if they Wotild give him 4)25n easne bet his offer was con. eidered too high 51114 the seasoe and promptly declined. The 'library of George Washington, Senator has ittrothwed a bill in the Michigan Legislature providing thet Canadian and other foreign etudeets in Michigan University bo oharged much higher tuition fees than American stu- dents, Mrs. Grant is in possomion of about two hundred letters written to Ito by the General daring his courtehip, which form, ie is said, "the most exaM and no- minee history Ed the Meadow) War ever made, Magus. Baring Brothers, of London, cleared a round mi11,000.00' 1 tho job of floating Guinnees's Stant Company, and were so pleased that they gave ou Christ- mas is year's salary to each (05 their em- ployees. QERVANT GIRL W ANTED.- st-OLgael.wAruytuoolo111:.8. 031)13(2,Methodist Lar. 811- ( 1 001) SEOOND HAND PIANO 01-4 IV,4, 10115051)5, fr WO 00 WS FOR, sA.Lu.-- Poi; 8.11411 01111AD, 41141,11.1,/, William Savage )lures of the clan of Yale '87, has a remarkable memory. He can give the full mune and address ed ovary student 111 tho University. 10,0 there aro 1,000 ttudents on the catalogue his feat is not en e8s3, ono. .A. St. Louis lawyer headed his letter to it Chicago girl with :-"My dear, dol. ing, sweetie, angelic, rosebud beloved Ida." It was jest :eoliths later that she brought the letter into court to help show what a, wretch ha was. A man in Ildwardsport, Incl., saw 8 woman fall down on tho street tho other dee , and he laughed until ho ruptured a blood vessel and fell dead. A woman who can fall like that is a dangerous person to bo allowed on the public street. Sir Edward Green, M.P., has promised in commemoration of the Queen's Jubi- lee, to give 610,000 towards founding a 8°1101°nd:tip in conueetion with the Royal College of Music, on condition that the inhabitants of Wakefield contribute an additional 62,500. The trial of Henry Dodson, charged with being a vagrant, came off at Augus- ts, Ky., on Feb. 23., before Judge Brad- ford and a jury. 51oo juay, after hearing all the evidence, retorted a verdict of guilty, and ordered Dodsou to be sold to the highest biddo", Itt publio auotion, for a period of seventy-five days. Judge Bradford has fixed Mareh A as the ditto of sale. This is the first csee of the kinld that has onourred in this county for a groat many year.. Thu proof showed that Dodson WU 11 worthless, insolent vagabond, who lived in a state of filth and miaory. He mistreated his family in every way imaginalie. • Will Calvo in March. E. J. 810.111 VIltIll 82 4v Let U, oon,s;ursy 0T --ELECTION NIGUT, 3.1 from platform in Central II atel, 1Virt Vouut,tiii 1.011. Will 11itt01. kindly leave the same at I'O'U House. IS - Al 1.0011 ALE.--FIF 12 Y 11. nerve c:f laud, being BMW nal/ 101 2, 11111 80, Grey. Ifor farther particulars apply to 1110313,9 WRIGHT, 31.0 jainesto an, V. 0, L0rU5 FOR SERVICE.— UNE • of th e host Berkshire Boon lh the Comity is 1811 031110 Queen's lintel stables, Brusiseln, 11111118, 81,05 to 582151180 time of suable, with the Privilege of returning. if nueesiowy, 0 APT, S1513 isT VON. 05. ‘,ITRA.YED FROM LOT 81, CON. 1,-; 7, Grey, I'm or about Fob. Oth, a, largo white sow. A.ny Information loading to her whereabouts will .:1 tlriukfully reuelved. Any ono detaining gltor this nottne will ba proscouted. 0AW181814010 00110010, 112 1511101 1', 0, -• T THE FIALA; OVER hinspus. A. Gunn 10 (Inc. Storn,lato tho Ausnule .11. would make a good Lodge • All or would loam: 1 ler an Ofileo. Apply to 5520. V 1.NSTONE 1000018. eet=reeer. Vaututie-In Meetgontery, N. W. T.'on attn. 20th, 1887, tho wife of Mr. Jas. Werner of a sou. - -- XJ,-1=3E11:i_ liessoze-lazeum-elt St George's church, London West, on Fob. the Uth, by the Be,. Genoa Newman, C. Hessen, I. R. D., St. Catharines, youngest 8011 of )Sr. S. R. Hesson, M. P.. Stratford, to Aggio, youngest daughter of no benne. J. L. Lizars, Toronto, Bamma-MoDoirean-On Feb, 221111, by Boy. J. Bisset (Prosbyteriate) Caro, Mich, Mr. jamb Briggs, to Miss eldmt daughter of Mr. A. Mc. . Donald, (late of Groy) Akron, Miele HOPKINS-In Elma on Feb. the 7th Mr. Samuel Hopkins, sr., aged 74 years. Feezeuttoics-In Elmo, on Feb. the 11th Mr. Wm. Fitzsimmons, aged 58 years. Moreem.-In Morris, 011 1110 24111 ult., Geo. 11. Moat, egad. 55 yams and 8 months, MARCH 4, BANKING. , McIN 'POSH& MoT AO 0 ART, A.rtnf TO RENT. LThe undersigned will 10100 the 100 acre farm, being int 84, eon. 10, G ro 3, kuoivn no the Joh utteu estate, fur a term01,30088 to sultabioperson. There is a. log houso, boric barn, necessary outbuildings, orchard, &e. on theplace. Possession will be given O Unruh iet. For further particulars apply to WILSON SvANS, Guardian fur Gm heirs. 38.40 Oranbrook F.0. .41A.B 81 r.IS GREY FOR SALE, .1/' being lot 14, on the 00511 80)1 .containing 100 acres, south partlot 1008 16 eon., Qom Wein 1;45 acres. not 14 ie partly cleared, the balazioe woll timbered. A. never failing croak crosses the lot and it is wall adapted for farming or grazing. Lot 15 10 mostly cleared and under good cultivation, the bal- ance Neil timbered with black ash. 111111 sell all together or in parte to suit the par - oilmen For further 5itrt hullers appl y 0010 proprietor >litho premises. %%islet 15 1100 arE.1.11041 4: GEO. 4518 JBAliKEP.S, -:- BRUSSELS Transact a General 13a1lking Busi cs$, bo hand disceun Led . Internet allowed on deposibi repayable 011 410144 end. Prompt. attention 5100 11 to :it'll:431,1o1e 'VEW FIRM. --THE UNDER -LI OWNED desire to intimate to the pub - lie generally that they have formed a co- partnership for She purpose of carrying on Carriage, Sign and Ornamental Painting, and are prey/100S to attend to the wants of the public 00 80081 reasonable 51180 8. Roes having had experience in enmo c.f the beat shops in Toronto and both being I)1000- tic.1 workmen we guarantee to give satis- faction, 1010iumtes1,1 , 58 11)8 oh acridly furnished Shop in Lbo old POST Publish- ing House, Xing etreot, 11100001s, SlifTil & ROSS. -------- • -- SALE. LEGAL AND CONVOANCING. & SINCLAIR, 3A RIS- f)tl°91i n Laile's blck 1russol,taeTo1orn. , 13.)1UCVN,(LATiE111'li 115 '0 .03t.II1011.'.°'',1s9 Hifr, Convey:tmer, L.fiin,(rt:1; block, Brussels. Abney to loan. A LEX. HUNTER, WARR OE the Pohrth Division Court, Co, numn, Conveyancer, Notary Loud , Loan and Insure:me Agent. Ftna18 itiveated and 50 11(111 00,1m:floe 1 made, (igloo in Gra- ham', Bloch, Brussels. ---- Tho following dvdrable awl (legibly sit- uated fermi. aro now offered for sale on moot lioeral 1001118 KA to prionand pay. melds. The land 11 of excellent quality, with g Improvements, aithin 1 miles of hoth Ethel and Honfryn rail ray stations, goat° fleas, grist and saw wills. soh •ols and chars:hes. PARCEL NO. 1.-L0t 111, 001100731011 5. Grey, County of Huron, :00 acres. About 70 acres cleared, 0060 )030 free from stumps, Good frame trwm st.81,1 es, house. good ar11Ya'lu"nc.'''.' ole, 1,41rinLN3-t 36, co noeseten 5, Cony, Huron County, adjoining NO, 1. Land pos- sibly not quite 00 (0)) but excellent grazing loud. 1180031800 00 go od water and timber, Almost new frame house and barn. About 50 acres oloared , about 40 :)1 which has been cropped. Largo drain recently normod past atlarsen ud' Throportiosivill be meld together or separately:tad much below their real value, Forties desiring good farms, ready for oc. oupatlon, oheap and on easy t00108, should applyna.1510000 to J. G.IKAollONALD, Street West,Toron to, or to J It. GBANT, Bruseels. eteleett (era 548.10 Farrar, Meneu 11. -Farm stock, imple- ments, cam, South 85 lot 30, 0011, 3, Morris. Sale to °eminence at 12 o'clock, noon. Alex. Foreyth, prop., Geo. Kirkby, mot. Tuttesneyeldenter 10th. -Farm stook, on lot 20, eon. 3, Morrie, Sale begins at 1 o'clook pan, Henry Done, prop., Alex. Dolgatty, ono!. WM:Wean:a, 11108011 3.8T1L-ParM Steak. 100, 154 80, con, 6, Morrie. Salo to com- mence at 1 o'clock. Jno. McCrea, prim. SkrelleiV, Thateu &mi. -Household ferniture, lot 2, eon. 8, Grey. Salo to commence at 2 o'cloolc. A. Stewart and N. MoDirmaid, Executors. .A., Ray - 100.10, WO. WEDNESDAY, 7lA111411 2511111.-Par111 Stook and implemouts. N. W. 85 lot 28, con. 13, MoKillop. Bale to 0011113e1150 at 1 o'clock, sharp. Angus McCallum, prop. Alex. Delgatty, sum xemetrseamiXas clourateene 11011111: OMEN. White Fall Wheat,. .. 75 76 Rod Winter 75 77 Spring Wheat 00 70 Barley 40 50 Gate 28 20 Peas 48 00 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 15 00 4ggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 4 00 00 Pobatom 50 00 Hay por ton 10 00 11. 00 Hidoe per lb 585 06 Droned Hoge 5 60 5 76 Solt per , 60 80 Sheep skins, email 50 1. 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 0110ICE FARMS FOR SALE.- 'V A low solonata, improve13 farms for sale In the towneeipGime, llierris and 000101105, Apply to A.. DELGATTY, 0o. Auctientler,Bruleals F, 0. , 'IAMB GUM.MED, PILED AND Berated on T..ot 11, coMO, ranted e nO4 break, bend or heat Go saiv, Wood talton for work. T, MCGREGOE, 8.1,S, CAPT. 3507 3150811, • 11) Commeud Salvation Army. FIRE A VOLLEY ! Tho Salvation Army intend holding 3 Days big Meetings, at 33 PICT S"..E ----0X-- MEDICAL Cita& 1l. HUTCHINSON I1AS BE• moved his office to rooms 04 er bli 0 Post:Aloe. Residence on 81111 Street. T MoNAUGIATON, 71. 1)., 0. 00.11.11. 0, F. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon and :toot:nob er. Othoo, Mock, Turnborry Street, M. F. CALE, M. D., 0. M. Member 01 1115 0011800 of Physicians and Burgeons 0( 0,110610 by examination. ninon and Itesidenc-Slidu St. East, Ethel Ontario, DENTAL. DEINTICK1P11114'. 0. L.Ball.L. D. S., Boiler Graduate and 00. 11, 0, le te, of Toronto, Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. Prices graded 803 185 low as good work oar be done tor. Milne over Johuston's Hardware lituro, Seaforth. '11.41 A. MARTIN, L. D. S., 3.31 10 '7D1. ea/ 90 senor eiraduate Royal Coll .50 c f Dente 8'r5 8180. Ofilou-Oargelil Blank, litniAc,:e. (Margo Moderate, nnra 13. 10 J. 508, 1.10 B. Gra, lust,. ot To- ; routo 0011001 ,1 en Latiy. 515 imer- I aliens guarantood. Oidec-uady's Block, Seaforth. Artilleial tooth, 10013.11111.17, 01/,10. guaranteed dt, for :::3 0 101.0'; 001. harsh 5, 6 & 7., 1087; Tho above meetings will bo led by AS GLOVED a. ADJ. @DOPED, hotter known as "Happy • Bill," rind all the oillaere of surroundieg corps, among others YOUR OLD FRIEND CAPT.-- BANQUET 81, JUBILEE .10 Tiln TOWN 11.031,. Pnocuatet.-Saturday, March 5111, grand muster of Troops at tho Barracks, 85 750 p.m., for maroh ; Wele,ome Meeting 15 55 o'elook pan. Sunday, klItrob. 6811, 7 mem, Knee Drill and Sword Sharponiug at Barracks!, at 11 am. old-time Holiness Meeting, led by Major Glover ; 2:30 pan. Full Dress Par. adv and March Past, at Town Hail, meet. ing at 3 p.m. Silver collection. 7:80 p,m. Grand Salvation Mooting. Silver oolleotion. Plonday, March 7051, Monster 13001quet, or Tea Fight, commencing at ti 5,110. ; at 7:80 the different Corps will assemble for Grand Meech, Jubilee and Hallelujah Hurricane at 8 pan. ; at 11:80 p.m, Half. Night 05 Prayer, for Christians only, Troops ftom Soafortli, Myth, Wing. ham, Listowol, tee, Tremendous timos expected, COME ONE AND ALL. Admission to Battled, and Jibiles, 1211, To kibiloo caily 10 com, DUSINE33 INT H. 71c1IRACTiE , I `-NITE • of llitl.rriaflO 1.1,. ,“'snr et 11)0 Groonry,Turnberry Street. 14V 'Ian <11 ICC)trprijg3pil:tuli0o.at 60E1 Lbuic°011q0 I painter. Estintittes alicerfully furnished. Charges moderate. MuNAIll, ISSUER OF MAR- . riage Lloonees, I:y appointment of Liout.-Ocycruor, Commissioner, an., Q. B, genveystimang Agent Fire 100110130t' CO 00100 15110 Granbr...ok Post Otlioe. M. O'CONNOR, FII11s, LIFE, Aucident cinfl Loan insurance Agent for S01110 of tho best and most reliable Ocm- poniesin the Dominion. °Moo Brick Torr. nee,Turuborry street ,tioar the station. I.D W. O'BBIEN, V. S , HONOR • • Graduate of the Ontario VeterinarY OollOgo has resumed the prat:Hee of John Nott,V.S„ ia11e prepared to treat all 1110- 011800 81 domesticated animahi on scientific itudapproved prineiples. Treatment of del haute Coals a specialty. O8Seo two doors North of Bridge 'Fornberry 011,61, ISS LILL& O'CONNOR, 110,805081 05 Damao, Venal ttod 10510- 10611 05 Organ, Fienn, or 001)50 trar- teeny and Thorough Bass, At3.4 ant vfl fitted for Teaohiug. Terms on nun. -,tion liattereneo-Ladies of Loretto Guelph. Rosidenee-No, 2, Terrain , mutt, near station. .1:2,0bert Gunn' ngha.m. SURA NC E AGENT, Guelph, -:- Ontario. BEIABBILL, ,e4 teh,,, 1 lin :thing his many ougtomera for their 11boral aummrt 1 tbn past wishes to 11, 511111 5)88, that nt his shoo in Smala's bleak lin lompe nothine but llreb-class raeate, all kinds of 58)11513' 011(1 eonsage meat Delivered to 601 1.8 rts of tbo tow frao• Cash pRia for Vas Stock. Hilles and sheepskins 51005 1(01 caeli. Q1ERVANT GIRL WANTED, - AT 010010. Apply to MRS, 135. W. MEL:SON, lint door to lieualtra Fo uhdry VAR ilI FOR BAIA . -THE UN - A.: dersigued offers bis larm,lot 11, ema. 4, Grey, containing 100 acres. for sale. There are about 05 (08088 0100(5)) and tinder 0001. There is itgood fraulo barn and log house, orchard, well atul all convonienees. Good fences. For full particulara sarly to ARTHUR MoINNIS, 313-1113o Pronytotor, Bru seals, retiree). vor The sUbsori n or offers for solo his valtiable Farm in the Township of Grey, coMprising lots 6 au a 7,, oon.,11 in nolo township. This tom oonteans 200 acres and is Within 385131150 (Om tho thriving village of Brussels, with 00011 018.001 road leading thereto. About 10/ aaraS aro cleated, free ;rent stumps and in a 10551 05110 halanen 10 InIlyY750 ot ' ooded. This' forin is porticular13' wall fended, nearly the whole of *tho fences being etraight and having boon eroded hi 1885 and '85, On the prordisoll there is n, tietn- fortablo log stalling house and &goo dframe barn with stone stabling underneath in which.there 10 well tvitb au :Outlasted enp. ply of excellent water. Thom is likewise a 11018 frame fingleulent house, 4485, wet/ • floored, Above and below, and neatly Bided tine painted. For pertienlers apply to the PrOpriator, 11.18108 11I000011, RogIOtnir 0111100 • 13.15 tiotriell,