HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-4, Page 7MARcil 4, 1887.
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A WA 0J voseooG.AND REi?tl)1 $1,
Mrs. MAY AcNr
Author of a ,(,ext torn \roman,""Nand
L'orcr s Secret," rt7tc•., T{to.
Draguu," as Misa Jernsha was Moor.
vainlystyled. And such a bold ,did
the..,,: , c, .....els take on the mind of rho
yu'iu:; girl, that she really began to look
upou Miss Jerusha in tho light of a
domestic tyrant—a sort of female Blue.
board, whom it world not only bo right
and just to defy and put down, but
morally wrong not to do it. But though
this \ corgia's inward belief, yet, to
ber creed; bo it spoken, a sort of chi.
valrons fooling led her always to defend
Muss Jernsha on these occat,ions; and if
any 011.: ',vent too far in enoeruug at ber
Georgia's little brown list wad aonblod
up, and flu offender, unlese warnad by
SUMO prudent friend to look out for
squalls, stood hi considerable clangor.
Then too, the chief delight of the
Burhfiuldiaus was in seeing her dauo,+;
and Crcurgia, nothing loth, would mount
au cxeonihore platform, and whirl, and
pirouc tt. , and flash hither anti thither,
amici thunders of applause from the as
ton„ilwd and delighted audience. Ileo -
sing' 1p., too --for Goorgia had really r.
beautitut voice, and know evory song
that over was hoard of from Costa Diva
to ,hm Crow—was a source of novor .
failing delight to the town -folks, who
wore troublod with very few amnsa-
ments iu winter; and Georgia was novor
really lo hor clement save when Llano.
ing, or singing, or showing off boforo air
And so the little explosive gronac;e
became a well known character 1n1 urn.
fluid, and Miss ,7erusha's injunctions to
stay away from it went the way of all
good advice—that is, in one oar and out
of the other. No sort of weather owed
keep the eprito in the house. The
fiercer too wind blew, Georgia's high
spirit only rose the higher; the keener
the cold, tho .more piercing the blast, it
only flashed a deeper crimson to herr
glowing uboeks and lips, and kindled a
clo•.u'ei teeth in her bright back oyes,
and the founded liko a yonug antelope
over the frozen ground, shouting with
irrepressible Il M. Out amid the wildest
winter storms you nugllt see that small
dark figure flying along, with strearning
hair, bending anti dipping to the shriek-
ing blast that could have whirled her
light forth away like a feather, flying
over the icy ground. that her feet haruoy
seemed to touch.
Georgia, wild, fervid child, vowed she
loved the storms; and on tempestuous
nights, when tho wind howled, end
raved, and shook the cottage, and roar.
oil through the pines, she \would clap
her haitrl iu gloo, and run Clown through
it all toward tho high rocks near tho
sl"ore, mid bund over thele to `eel the
salt spray from the white-crostod waves
dash in her face. Them, coming back,
• she would scandalize Miss Jernsha, and
terrify lily nearly into lits, by protest.
ing that the white caps of the waves
wore tho bleached faces of drowned
men holding a rovol with the demons of
the store, and that, wheuover she died,
she was determined to bo buried in the
sand, for that no grave or coffin could
over hold her, and the knew she, would
Have splendid times with the mermaids
and mormou, and old Father Neptune,
and Mos. Amphitrite, and the rust of
then, iu their coral grottoes down bo•
Now Miss Jerusha was by no moans
strait -toted in spiritual matters her-
self, but such an ungodly belief as this
world shook even her, and, with a deep.
lyhorrified look, she would lay down
her knitting and begin:
"Oh, nzy stars and garterst doh talk l
Don't yon know, yon wicked child, that
there ain't no sich place as that under
the suit? There's nothing but mud,
and fish•bones, and nasty sharks liko
what swallercd Jonor, down there. No,
you miafe:ninit little limb, folks alters
goes to heaven or t'other place when
they die, and it's my belief you'll tako
it trip downward, and sarvo yon right,
too, you wicked littlo heathen, you 1"
"Soo here, Miss Jerusha,” said Geor-
gia, nuriously, "Emily Murray says
Micro's another place' -sort of half -way
lions°, you: ktiow, with a hard uamo;
11tee sc.c—pug--pug—no, purgatory I—
where puoplc tliat ain't been horrid hod
nor yet lrorrid good, goes to, and after
being scotatiod for awhilo to tako tiro
yon, that bolioves in gods and goddesses
and purgatory, anti sicli abominations,
grow up. No 1 if you ain't carried off
in a flash of lire and brinatone like
King Solomon or some of whom, you
may thick yourself safe, my lady,"
"Well, I don't caro if I am," said
Goorgia, "I do bolievo in mormaida,
because Ivo soon them often and orlon,
if t coral
lc h live n lest tt u c c
and nowt a lv n 1 t
ll tho sea,OC t1S Poo
grottoes motor t to b a a o
read all about ib. And I know there
aro witches, and ghosts, mid fairies, be-
causo I've road all about Mono in tl,e
' Logonds of tho Hartz lllountaius,' tlto
nicest hook that evor was, and south
Hallow Eve I'm going to try 901110 tricks
--you Seo if I don't."
Tho libtlo girl's oyes veru sparkling,
and she was gosticulatiug with eager
earuostnoas. Miss Joi'tisha hold up her
bands in horror.
"Myy couscicnce 1 only hoar hoc 1
Oh, whatover will bocoute of that toot=.,
young gal! Why, you wiokorl child,
whore do you expect to go when you
dna ?"
"To hoavon," said Georgia, decidedly.
"Humph 1" said MISS ,Jornslia, con-
tomptuonsiy. "A nice anool you'd malt'-,
wouldn't you? More liStaly the other
place. I shill havo to speak to 21L•.
liarobones to take you into his Bible
glass, for 1 bolievo in my soul it ain't
Bolo to sleep in the house with such an
"Well, you may speak to him as foot
as you like, but I shan't go. A sour,
black old ogro, all skin and bouoa, like
a consumptive red herring I I'm going
with Emily Murray to that nine church
where they have all tho pretty pietcues,
and that nice old man, Em's uncle, with
no hair on his head, and all dressed up
so beautifully. And old Father Murray
is just the dearest old man evor was,
and hasn't got a long solennl faro like
Barobonos: Come, Bots, let you
and I have a.waltz."
Aud soloing Betsey Pcriwinklo by the
two forepaws, suo wont whirling with
her round the room to the groat astonish-
ment, not to say indignation, of that
amiable animal, who docidedly cheap•
proved of waltzing in hor own propor
person, aucl began to oxpostnlate in sun-
dry indignant prows quite unheeded by
her partner, until Miss Jorusha angrily
snatched her away, and would havo
favored Georgia with a box on tho
car only tho recollection of rho theatre
manager returned to her memory, and
her uplitb'd hand dropped. Aud Goor.
gia, Laughing hor shrill, peculiar laugh,
danced out of tho room, singing a snatch
from some elegant ditty.
"St;:a tlioro over such a aggravating
young 'nn 1" exclaimed Miss Jerusha,
relapsing into her. chair. "I certainly
shill has to speak to Mr. Barobonos
about her. Gracious 1 what a thing it
is to be afflicted with children!"
Trio to hor word, Miss ,7ornsha did
spook to Mr. Barobonos, and that zea-
lous Christian undertook to tako Georgia
iu hand; bila tlm0 young lady not only
flatly refused to listen to a word, bob
told him her views of matters and things
in general, and of himself in particular,
so plainly ant decidedly, that, in high
duci,;con, tho minister got up, put on
Inc lith, and tiok himself off.
And ro Miss Georgia was left to her.
own devices, and stood in a fair way of
becoming a vezitable savage, when an
event occurred that gavo a now spring
to her mimics, and turned the current
of her existence iu another dired:ion.
"alis boyish form was ntiddlo ileo,
I'o,' font of strength or exovefso
Shupod 10 proportion fair."—Seo'rx.
Miss Jerusba's momorablo "house-
cleaning" was over, and tho cottage leav-
ing been polished till it shone,' and every.
thing inside mud outside reduced to tho
frightfully clean state that characterized
everything belonging to that lady, she
was properod to sit down and enjoy rho
reward of her labors and the pleasnro of
an approving conscience. Fly and Betsey
Periwinkle, who had been in au excos-
sively damp and limber state for the
last now dams, and whom Miss Jerusha
had kept tearing in and out and up and
down like a couple of cotnots, were at
last permitted to dry out, and might now
safely v,nitnre to call their souls their
own again.
Gnur;;ta, who rather li'rod a fuss than
otherwise, quite unjoyoil tho house-
cleaning, and spent an nnnsually largo
portion of her valuable timo at tho cot -
two wluilo that domestic revolution was
in full blast; now that it was over, alio
begah to mimic llor slightly vagabond.
ish habit of roaming around tho.cauntry,
always np to liar eyes in business, yet
never bringing about any particular re.
sult cx, opting that of mischief, When
b adnesy out of them, they go up 11 ; Georgia wished to enjoy the pleasures
heavon and settle down there for good. ' oofrol11ed1nli,to rho bench, where,ten,
Ie that so, Miss ,7erusha 2"
"There 1" said Miss Jerusha, dropping 1on top of a high rock, oho meditated on
hor knitting in eonutornation ; "I alloys ' too affairs of tlto State, or whatover other
Vail no good would come of her going to snl']net happouuii to weigh on her mind
Lurnficicl fund taking up with nnbcliov- at too moment,
ors and other Ivagraats. Oh, you wick- Otte Morning she Started off. for her
oil, dreadful Intl° gal l No • thnro niu't 1 favorite seat in ordrr to bane a mind
110 siolr 1,nro; 10 worse there aitt'b 1 I1 , read ltd"nag iuvhiglodg a use Jernsha out
you baci road that pretty chapter I gavo ' of the "Pilgrinee Progress" for that por-
yw11 its the lliblo lust Sunday instead of • tainting. in lion
this ml heli bng eing Hofartying Betsey I'criwiuklo s tail to Inn removed from Bnrufiold, its soli far
hind lag ami nearly setting of her crazy, I was ra1'cly, if evor,
disturbed; thero-
you wouldn't bo Stolt a bonighted little I fore, ,groat was Georgia's utu'priso ti 1011
heathen as you aro." ,'caching it, to find a shad spot under
"Well,' .I didn't liko it—there 1 All y 1
al,out two ugly groat boars eating a' lot her own favorite rock already occupied,11 half, E Y g g Mi+s (Moroi'', canto to a suction h alf,
of children for calling somebody names.
I don't liko thingcs like that, Those ain't and,
tllo now c�omor, ltep ng on , gr tmeontt,a191,0
110 fan in >;coding about them, and I d a Tinder tho shadow of the overhanging
hoop soohar read Robinson Orusoo ; ilo rook, on too warm sattcls, la a tall,
sae a nice gid man, I ltuow ho tvas• flight, fashionably dreesod youth, of six.
And when I grow up to boa big 'woman ttunr or, thereabouts, with handsome,
I' tofid t]bland-andlive
oro m se --'yen age 1 ut , i n of brown curling
Mie ,lerusha gavo a eontemp100us I hair, a high i'orehead, duel unttsuallyauccl
snort. tlrivtnctltically small hands and feat,
"You grow up indeed f As if rho Lard 11"' lot'nier as wbita as a lady's. '1110
wend(] lot a Wicked little wr0tch blto
I'm going u out his
th y if 'f I d b teillloss, a mens o
pradoulivating expression of his face was
a mixture of indolence and drollery; and
as 110 lay there, with his half.0losed eyoe,
ho Molted rho very Mauro of rho dace
fir,' Alcune,
'\roll, now," thought Georgia, "I won.
der who you are, and whore you came
from, 111 just go and aslc him, though I
do bolievo boli asloopp if lie is, I reekoa
I'll wake him in double-quick Wine."
nob bolo' in the li h .
ndGeorgia, s b
est dogreo troubled with that disease in.
c dent to youth, previous to tato days of
'Young Atm:rica, yclapt haslifulnose,
marched alp to rho intruder, and planting
bersolf before him, put her arms akimbo,
and assuming a loolt of stern investiga.
"Oh," said Goorgia, puoker:ug up hor
lips as though elle worn going to whiablo,
"yon mean they turned you out?"
"Precisely ; exactly, Tboy couldn't
properly appreciate me, you lulow. Goorgia clapped ber bands and laugh.
Gowns never is approoiatod, if you ob. ed her shrill, olfieh laugh at6itis.deepoc-
serve, but is aiwaye negleobod, and ate efforts, and, taunted by this, the boy
snubbed, and sat upon, in this world, motto a sudden apriug at the top, missed
Look at Shalcospoaro, and Oliver Gold. i hie foobing, and tumbled off backward
smith, and all those other old fellows on the sand below.
With a bar ]arnation of alaz'm
s oxc_
that got up worksof1]Ctiou, and see tho p ,
hard times and tribulations they had of 1 Georgia, with one Hying lea ,sprang
"And how long are you going to stay
hero 11" aslcecl Georgia.
"That dcpones upou as long ani 1 ba•
have nicely, and don't endeavor to ear.
pendicular and almost porfootlysmooth, j noe
only suited to sailors aid other agnatio
Monsters used to climbing impossible
placee. nn
tion, began: rupt too intuits of the ri:,iug gcuorabiun
"Aboral Seo Hero, you, whore did yon of Bornfield, I suppose. I've been a
cone frutu ?" perfect angol since I came, and would bo
Tho dung geutleman thus addressed at all times if they didn't aggravato vie,
leisurely opened a pair of large, dark My mother was vory disagreeable."
eyes, mud quietly eurveyed llie inter. "My mother was not—mamma was
rogator from littut to foot, without dis, never disagreeablo," said Georgia.
tithing hiu,s_11 in the sli.thtost dogroo, "Indeed 1 Wonderful old tidy she
or betraying tiro smallest intention of must have been, then. Is she living?"
moving. "No; shoe dead," said Georgia, look.
Vory properly provoked at this am ing down with filling ayes.
gravathlg conduct, Georgia's voice rose • "AIM excuse mo. 1 didn't know," derod glance around.
au u;tave higher, as she said, authorita• amid the boy, hastily. "And your ' "Well, I knew you couldn't do it,"
Lively : I father 2" cried Ouargla, who, now observing that
"Cau't you speak? Haven't yon a "Dead, too." i,u was not killed, recovered all her
tongue ? 1 suppose it's the latest im• "Possible I With whom do you live ?" I aggravating love of teasing.
Moor off the beetling rook, and alighted,
catlike, on her feet by his aide. The
lad lay porfoctly still, and Georgia, ter-
rified buyuud measure, bent over and
tried to raise him, and not succooding
in this, soddenly bethought of Miss Je-
rusha'a infallible plan for all distresses,
ental and bodily,an catching him
m d, tc g
by the shoulder, gave him a sound
'This vigorous proceeding had the
afoot of completely restoring Master
Charley, who had been for the moment
stunned by the force of the fall, and,
opening his eyes ho slowly raised hum
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self and looked With a slightly bewil- gra �.� I:
pr ,gounint in politeness not to ahswer "MISS Jerusba." "Ugh, you tantalizing little pepper- ' �y
of y on'ro spoken to." "Miss .lerusha—who 1" pod ! that's the sort of remorse you fool 4 d
This speech sourced to bring the young "Skamp. Site lives up in that cot. after nearly depriving the world of one C`1`
geed n: au to a proper cense of his errors, tage." of its brightest ornaments. 'Pon my y-1. 13 dirnaii—j
, up on his elbow, he took off his "Slnamp l Thuro's a pretty name to word,I never was so nearly extingatshod
hat 1 1 began : talk about! Old lady, is oho 2" in all my life. Ain't you ashamed of
,.err young lady, I bog ten thou. "Yes ; old and ugly." yourself, bliss Georgia, now that you've rye
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