HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-4, Page 5MARCH 4, 1887. THE BRUSSELS POST
sr cessar'atarcatSt r _estartaraTN.1tesmatarWJ'.F-'tL•./ ee ..Arassa suctsai&lrrsesz_ sets
7 .1. Henonth and wife r
• 1 l wedding.
The de 1),,n drutitn held hero i1) honor
recently vale.
l �fl ��f11�5, lutr1 uioi clunt
VI IA +l.
Another wedding to 01)11)0 off awn.
A literary enojaty le being organirod
John Cotter mud wife are away at Lres-
peter atteedi» iithefuneralofMrs, Cober's
There Woo 110 ee'viro in olther Of the
clvrohes last Sunday on account of the
Severn. storm,
Robb, Dilworth is laying down ntator-
1a1 for a new 1101)110 in 1110 village. He
has purtheNod a lot from \-Vm. Patton.
Bread is cheap now since the election.
Bras -ohs bakers are selling it horn for
7 Dents a loaf, and aro talking of Doming
down another cent n loaf yet.
port sage that an old bath., from tho
noble village of Cranbrook, who tired of
"single blesHodnees," and not finding any
of tho fair sex of his own locality to meet
his views as 10 what should coostituto 0
help -moot (or porhaps who could not
impress thoso who did with a just con•
ooptiou of leis personal worth) camp to sou
leis fair ' lnammorotte." on Saturday
afternoon and through the pleasing na-
ture of his visit did nut take into comaid-
°ratiorttlrovariable nature of our climate,
00 got snowed in until :Monday. Wo
hope the moral will bo impressed on
othere, vim.,: don't go on Saturday nights,
and it you do, leave before you got loft.
of 'Dr. 11 norlonald's Wootton, although an
inlprouitu affair, was a moat 0 ectese0nl
fall) and 01)0w0(1 that the Liberals were
In earnest. Tho pr000001 11 Was OVO)• a
mile long. At tho Town hall short sol.
gratulatary addrossee wore given by '..rhos,
Gibson, Iii. P, 11,, and A, L. Gibson, of
Wrosotor ; Dr. Blotto, of Blyth ; ]I, 1..
Wado and P. Thomson, of 13ruesel0 ;
Thos. Straohau, of Grey ; Jamoo Ilfitol>oll,
of ftowiok ; .1, A. Morton, of Wingham,
and the member elect, Dr. Macdonald.
OAlisuver,.-Last Friday evening a 00r-
nival wee hold on the rink here and was
largely attended, espoaially by spectators.
The following was the prize list -llest
000tnln0, gent, 13. Campbell; beat costume,
lady, Alias 'V. Fields ; best eharaotor cos-
tume, gent, T. Drummond, Teeswator ;
best 01m, actor costume, lady; Miss Wat.
son ; fanny skating, gent, 1V. Youhill ;
fancy skating, lady, Miss A, Talbot.
Thorn lvas n milo race in whish there
were tllreo entries, two Godorioh mets
and 1 Winglutm man competing. It was
There 1a quit0 a contort bntw• en the
bakorr, They 011) honed to supply ns
with broad at: 110 less t11:t1) three 1)r them 1
vlslt us, nelnely two from lit writs anis
One from Iilyt•-b.
Bees for tan pllrpnso 01seying enrpob
rags aro all the rage round, A very sue-
noestul oust was hold at thte resideneo of
Cha des Ritchie. After It good day's
work heron done tho young folks wore in-
vited to amnia the evening in amuse-
Quito a joke is being Hassett on two
young follows from the 14111 000. of Grey,
Homing of a party in 111e vicinity of Wal-
ton, waked from 13rus0010 in the pros.
peat of mingling with the fon, but much
to their dioappointteent when they roaoh-
ed tbo place thorn 1400 nn party that
night. 13oys never go to a party until
you aro invited.
Council meeting on Friday of this
Romombor the SOOttilll vocalists will
sing at Turk's Hall on Tuesday owning
of next week.
won by Cornyn. '.'hors was a g6m0 of Tho manta have been shovollod out
polo betw0cu Godorioh and Wingham, where they were badly drifted and travel-
whioll rooultod in a iia. Tho judges warn ling in once more possibly good,
Mrs, 1I111 and Miss Murphy, of Wing-
ham, and Miss Z. Smith, of BrueselO.
Music was furnished by Godorioh and Musca t: Writ -Wltrtcserli.
Wingham band. home Rule for Ireland The council will m et on Marsh 10111.
0101 the same for Wingham. Mrs. Jamas McGill sr., la vory 111 at
present. Her raeovery is vory doubtful,
Mr. Radford lost a valuable horse last
The roads are very heavy after the re-
cent storms.
J, M. Sloan, of tho boundary between
Morris and Wawanosh, goes to Manitoba
noxt week.
R.fionderson has rented the farm of
Mr. Colds. Ile has to talcs posseseiOu
next month. We wish Bob. good luok.
Tho tack of Cameron a 111 Porter has
not ceased yet. The Re'fmmors have not
lost all hope of Cameron yet and we
hopo their wishes may be accomplished.
Township Connoil will meet at Turk's
hall on Friday of this work.
The elections being ovor and the smoke
cleare11 away people are settling down to
the even tenor of their ways.
The snow storm of Saturday night and
Sunday last was the worst known for
years. All the roads were blockod and
required a great deal of shovelling in
order to nlalco them pas0ablo.
Loot Wednesday David ]organ, aged
20 years and 11 months, died after a long
illness of about n year and a half. Ile
had beau a great sufferer and diad in
convulaimis. The family havo been liv-
ing on lot 1.1, con. 14, silica last August.
The funeral took place on Thursday
afternoon, the interment being made at
Cranbronk comotery.
In a ]otter to the editor of Tna Poor
Arch. bc
McDonald, ; formerly of
ship, now of Akron,
Mich., says .-I in-
tend to write yon a latter in a month
from 110111 to give )'OU the news of tho
country anis what it ie like, with its ad-
vantages anti its disadvantages which
probably will takomoro throe ono ]ottor.
DO adds I hope you have elected my
namesalte, in Winghuu, for M.P. In
speaking of Ton 2000 he says "We could
not do without it." Mr. McDonald's
lottery will be interesting and no doubt
they will he eagerly read by his old
neighbors and friends.
Bobe,t McLachlan, of lot 21, eon. 10,
recently purchased a npleedid three year
old filly from Alex. Campbell. of Mawr -
(lino township, Bruoe C0., for which he
paid the hands0mo figure of 37226. Her
site it; "Sir ,Tohn" and her dam "Farm-
er') Glory,' both imported anitnal0,
Clydesdale breed. Last week Mr Mc-
Lachlan disposed of a than of maths,
pries winners at the agrionitura1 shows,
to Jelin Centiles, horso buyer of Hiucar-
dini,.. Tho high figure of 3350 was receiv-
ed for the team. It trays to keep good
stook and lir. McLachlan knows it as
well as anybody.
Tho debate was held in Shine's school
house lest Monday evening, and notwith-
standing the bad conditions of the roads
there was a large attendance and tbo de-
bate was very interesting. The subject
diseuesod wM "Resolved that single life
is happier than married life." 111. A.
Martin, captain on the atliirmative, wa0
assisted by D. Sitobie, R. Bishop and D.
Robertson. The negative by J. M. Ro-
bertson, assisted by L. Stelae, J. Porrie,
Wm. Iineohtle, Jno. Both and Wm. Per-
th:. Decision Wee Riven in favor of mar-
ried life. A..Delgatty occupied the chair
and Cleo. Forrest the vice chair. A. hterr
ltry mooting will bo held next Monday
evoniug 11060011 70, when tbo committee
will pre00ut a good programme,
Smoot REroirr.- Tho following aro the
nanlo0 of the pupils of S. S. No. 8 who,
at 0 wyittou examination, obtained the
highest number of marks In their respec-
tive classes :-Fifth slags -lot, Wm.
Harney ; .and, Neil MoL0uohlin. Fonrt11
Maes, senior• -1st, Peter McArthur ; 2nd,
Henry Creaks ; 8rd, Maggie McArthur.
Forth olaso, junior-lst, William Jenk-
kins ; and, Jenny Forbes ; Brd, Minnie
Smith. Third olase, senior -Isabella A.
Smith ; 2nd, Katie Lamont ; 8rd, Mar-
tha A. Smith. Third olass, junior -1st.
Oliver Smith ; 2nd, Annabelle. MoLauah-
lin ; Brd, Oliver Stowart. Second class
-1st, Edith Dennis ; 2nd, Sarah Forbes;
3rd, Sarah MoLauohlin.
S. Y. TAYLOR. Toaobor.
"W inghum.
Work on the sttpsrotrnuttiro of the new
0.P,R. bridge is being pushed along
Tho Conservative M.P. in Centre Druce
is a brother to John Cargill of this place.
Spaforbh beat our local club by It scowl
of 46 to 24 in tho competition for the
Gibbons medal.
A little son of Robt. Aikens WILE 111-
urod by being run over by a sleigh he 11'00
attempting to hang on,
1 n Rev. D. C. MoDowoll has both invited
to ontintia as pastor or the Methodist
church herd for the 110x6 year.
Chief Pottypiece will altond the mneot-
ing0 of tho Salvation Army to look afbor
the toughs who disturb the, 0e01000.
Tho following carol of thanks appeared
lost week in 1110 Wingghom Advanoe :-
To the flonsorvativolectors of the East
Riding of IXnron.--I dosiro to thank all
my Mends who havo stood by 3110 in this
contest. Wa have fought a atraigbtfor.
ward. trod honest battlo ; bot the odds
woro against 1)a, man: which wo had no
control and at which our stifling mans
'hood moons:. We aro thankful that 000
001)00 hoe Won throughout the Dominion
and that the grand old man, Sir John A.
Macdonald, with all his kind and trusty
Ministers -not ono wanting -still 10ig11
to direct the affairs of this bolol'ed Do -
Minion of ours. Again I thank yon all
from the bottom of my boort.
Bltlevalo, Feb, 24,'87, 2110s1. FAnllow.
The Uuitod Brethren have purchased
the William street ohuroh.
Peter G•a01001i has gone on a trip to the
Old Country. Ila will bo away about two
The revival services in the Methodist
church aro vary interesting. Miss Dims -
dale is assisting the pastor.
The Canada Pacific Railway car,
freighted with the prodnots of the North-
west, arrived at the station on Saturday
afternoon. Tlloro WAS a largo number of
farmers and others, who availed them-
selves' of the opportunity of seeing the
"Exhibits" and rooeiving explanations lass Oa (I() io.uty t4'Otctr.. at the time of sale, pay 000-touttl of his
from tho agent in (barge, Captain C. W. vur0ba0o moony to Oke Vondors, their eo-
Arlon, formerly0'clf Victoria, 33. C., and Tho St. Marys Argos says: -In Gnelph North's or Agouts, and eutnoiout within
Winnipeg. Prominent amongst the pro- they line bays 041 if thoy aro oaughthaug- thirty days thoronttor, w1t11 interest at six
duets was a 000tioin of Douglas fir, or in on to sleighs. Hera is a point for i1. a°d a 7)010 per0000,, to rodueo the balallee
g € . L 111 1)u0001aso 11101103) to 83800.00, which
0reen Pine, from Vancouver, 111111011 Marys authorities. They could easily •amount may remain on Mortgage' to the
measuvod'14 feet in circumference, and pay off the town debt if all the boys worn Vendors for ave yours with intoroet at Glx
showed its age to be 661 years. There fined whoa found hanging on vehitslen. and n bolt par aunt., payable yearly.
1, 1110 Olortrago t0 conentu a oovooant (00
I in
from PP Pe )vel to bo held � B � t
of grasses n porno , v in the \oral ritish and Aforonn-
] collection "t tun Insurance ofto
large c.L
was also af
of the 7.a. the Iumlcau0e Com .env to the fall insur-
dud- • the auspices
various peas of the North West, ma St. Marys, undo 0 1able value of the bund:ass.
jog wild pea andwas vino vetchos. Grain of r, of T°m (1uob' e, from Mar. 4th t0 11th, The Van(lo•0 wary( bo l:oatd to a000unt
good quality was exhibited, both cleaned will be conducted by tho Wellington trio for pradhOB, or Dhow, o0 pw0110 the 000tents
and in the strata, and tho samples of both _Boy. lIr. Coburn, the blind man el°. of any donde or ovidonae of title not in their
woro all that could be (100irod. A quant- pent, Capt. Watson and .Mr. Peel, of paes0ealon, or furnish copies of the Sam a.
ity of soft coal, from the Galt urine at Drayton. During the time stated, pub- Tho pure opo must lavustlgate the title
Lethbridge, was shown, which is at the lie meetings will be hold daily. of hie awn exams Tho O Cita r ea/ lime o
of sato will be made known at the time of
present tj1110 being retailed in Winnipeg Throe Stratford alderman have had 0,10, or on application to 1110 undersigned, at
at 07 per ton. Amongst 001110 of tho their names paraded as dead beats in it Toronto.
specialties was a maple leaf from. Van- book issued b ' a Chioa o Businoss Mon's 000 further pavettllnrt apply to the
1 1 g, nuderslgued,00 to t. e. 1iI(oN'P, 13ru00ele.
comer Island, which measerad 21 inches Protective and Detective Association.
across, synths thea woro displayed in
abnndaneo soveral specimens of wild
hemp and hops, water melons, sgna0hea,
vegotablo marrow, citrons and gourds
from Various places 111 the North West,
and the wonder was how these things
could be produced so very far north.
Tbero were also shown a large eolleotion
of miuernle from tho North shore of Lake
Superior, contributed by tho Pott Arthur
Board of Trade, also specimens of spruce,
cedar and Douglas fir boards, from the
0(10)11 mimeo. Thorn was also limestone
fr,m1 the Selkirk gnat ries, from whish
the 1.0w l.ost officio tut Wienipeg has boon
built. Thoro was wild fruit from tho
Northwost, apples from British Columbia,
and several other things too numerous to
mention in a small space.
Executors' Notice.
All Partite haring Ol a a+ against 1110
1101,11,, of 111e lam,' nips, HAY, n 0'T, of the
Village of It r000ab,, In the County of Iluron
1Yllo diad c n or about the 01e1 day of
Ne0umber, A IL Imes, aro, 00 11r begin,' the
11101 day of )torch,1147, i,1 rend by Post (pre-
paid) W of dm. of 11m 1101j,•rsig01d tnolr
(.hristlan and Hnrna"m,e, Address and De-
scription, with full Particulars for (holy
Chums, 000atemetlt of their accounts and
nature o1s0enr11lO0,lf any, bold by thorn,
and in default thereof they will b,, pnr0lnp1.
randy oxoluded from participating In the
said 0 state, and 1)0 11 oral)y also give nottee
to all Parties fed0band to the said estate,
whothor by Book Aec0unt or othorwieo, to
pay Oho saeMO to Geo. Bayern ft at the Hture,
00 or D0fore the above mentioned data.
Dated at Brussels this Seth day rt Yoh.,'37.
J. G, YOUNG, }L:xoa0Tauo,'
In the Totrntshil) of Morris, in the
County of Huron,
Under the powers of Bale contained In a
cortslu Mortgage to the Vendors, whish will
produced at 0410 111110 of Hale, and In I)ay
moat of whish rladisult1010 been made,these
w1l1 be sold, by Public Auction, ano
Flom, In the Vlllogo of l3nus-
6EL0, 00
Wetluesrlay, 21tgt Day of Alarm,
at 1 o'dnocx P. WI., tho tollowing property
Tho South half of Lot uuruber Twenty-
eight ,in tho Irifth
went -elght,iuthok'tfth Concession, of the said
Township of )torrls, containing, by ad-
rnea0urolunnt,niunty-mule and oun-(itlar1er
acres, morn or loos.!
This farm Is troll situated on good loading
road and adjoins the Corporation limits of
Brnssel0, about fifty mores cultivated and
Umlaute pasture and woodland ; watorod by
the River Maitland. Good train house,
!rams barn rind stable. Soil •0On0rally (lay
Tering and Conditions or Sale,
The property will be offered for sale sub-
ject to m morn bid. The purobasar mast,
Township Council mot last Monday.
At a meeting held recently by the di-
rectors of the Morris branch agricultural
society it was decided to hold tie annual
fair at Blyth, on October Otil and 7th.
Jas. Id. Martin disposed of a team of
heavy draught horses, this wook, to Jas.
Oahoun, of Hibbert township, Porth Co.,
for a good figure. Tho samo gentleman
bought e. hay fork from Goo. Lova, of
Mark M. Cardiff 10 arranging for en
unreserved sale of farm stook, imple-
ments, ($o., toward the end of the month,
as he intends tooting to Brussels to take
charge of the Massey lManf. Co's. busi-
ness in this section.
LlTiuoioY SOCIETY.- 12110 usual tlebato
of this Society 1000 11a1d 011 Wodnooray
evening of this week, at Cloggsgroen.
The eubjootdiscussed was, "Resolved
that we derive more pleasure from pursuit
than par00re1Orl." The affirmative was
taken by R. Dickson, Wm. Dryden, Thos.
Robertson and John Shurri0. The neg.
ativebyE. tallyho, Jas. Sharp, H. Moon-
ey and Thos. Kirkconnol. Jae. Sherrie
was appoiutod chairman and dooidod in
favor of the affirnlativo. A literary en-
tertainment, programa to bo composed of
songs, readings, recitations, &a., will bo
held noxt Wednesday evening, when ail
aro invited to atto1111.
No. 0 Limn.EY Socro'o\.-Tho usual
weekly meeting of'this society was hold
on Tuesday evening in Andorson's school
house. 'elle following officers woro in-
stalled for tho prosout )month :-Presi-
dent, Q. Anderson ; vice-Pree., Wm.
Cochrane ; Seo..Treas„ M. Blank ; Com.
of Manegotnont, Misses Martin, Ireland
and J. Pattie, A. Coalmine and W. Bow-
man. The subject for debate was "Ito-
aelvad that °hoose making pays better
than butter malting." Tho affirmative
was dl0onssed by M. Blank, W. Cochrane
and Jno. Currie ; the negative by Robb.
Currie, R. Armstrong 8.11d C. 13. Harris.
R. bbra011nn, the chairman, docided iu
favor of the afbrmativo. Readings wore
given by Mis0es Joan Ireland and Annio
Armstrong, 011(1 Jas. Ireland, R. Currin
and M. 3311001. Songs by Alex. Grant,
Jas. McLaughlin, 2ho0. Strachan and. C.
B. Morrie. A public entertainment, an -
deo the an0pi000 of this Soofoty. will bo
hold on 'T'uesday evening, Mara: 22nt1,
A good program is being prepared.
ts•Tlte above Rale i0 lrastpoued mdll
They allege that they incurred this pen-
alty by protecting the city against tL dis- Wednesday, 1611t of March, 188 7,
honest account and standing bot veer the At sante Platte and Maar,
city and an unscrupulous trader. This
viow has been =domed by tho Council
and a resolution passed nmaniinously ask-
ing the Chicago association to expunge
from their book the names of the alder-
men in question.
• Hirkton, though but a small place, is
foot becoming notorione for its big fires.
On Now Year's night,' 1885, Sp0011115s
grist mill wa0 destroyed by tho fiamos.
On a beautiful night last summer Camp-
bell's 011e000 factory met a similar fate ;
and on Thursday night last the splendid
mill erected on the si.o of the former
one, together with its contents, was to.
tally destroyed by tiro. The fire origin-
ated in precisely the senna place as in the
other one and was first seen by W. Leigh,
who forthwith raisod the alarm. All ef-
forts to extinguish the flames proved fu-
tile, and at 12:80 a.m.-about two hours
from tilt) time the fire started -the build-
ing fell. Fortunately for the rest of the
villago, the wind was blowing in 8 wester-
ly direction, which, for a time, endanger-
ed the buildings of John Hazlewood, eomo
thirty rods distant. A large quantity of
wood was in the yard at the time, about
thirty cords of which was burnt. Tho
common belief is that the building was
fired by some malicious devil, and public
indignation 013110 high. The loss to Mr.
Sparling as well as to the village and
around is very great as the mill was do-
ing a largo business and giving snlondid
satisfaction. It Was valued at 08,000 and
insured for 36,000. Muth sympathy is
felt for Mr. Sparling for the loss he has
At the Annual Convention of aha Coun-
ty of Perth Sabbath School Association,
hold in the town of Diatom', on Febru" y
Ot11 and 10th the following Memorial to
the Provincial Government was unani-
mously adopted, viz: "That the Sunday
School Convention repro0anring the vari-
ous Sunday Schools of the Association of
the County of Porth, assembled in Listo-
wel, February 9111 and 10111, desire to
urge on the Provincial ncial Government that
it is in the interest of all moral and roli-
gious effort as well as of good Govern-
ment generally. That tho Prohibition
clauses of tho License Lowe, whioh pro-
vides that 110 liquor shall ba sold during
Saturday evening and on the Sabbath
day, should bo obyed. And, as these
provisions 000 matte in the Ontario
Lioonse Act, the Provincial Government
is alone rosponsible, acid it is speoially
incumbent upon them to the that tba
ofiioors put the law in farad. Wo regrat
that in the North Riding of Perth the law
has boon unabsorved and almoet ignored,
notwithstanding ropeatod representations
hav° made to t110 Govonrment i1) regard
to it We aro macro award that quite m-
oonily distinct 0hnsgo0 of inat0ontiol to
duty, if not of actual0011nival300 with
law bronkors, havo boon made against the
Inspector for this north Riding division,
and that similar eharge0 have been
mado again and again during, the knot
four or five years without any apparent
effect. It has boon shown that chinking,,
in prohibited honre and in prohibited
places is the rule 0ne1 not the exception.
Wo, therefor°, mall upon the Government,
as an urgent and pressing duty, to ap-
Apoint such oflioors as will enforce the law.
nal that tho amid bfoniorial be signed by
the President and Secretary of this Con-
vention on its behalf, and a copy sent to
the Honorable Olivet Mowat, P01100 hfin•
fetor or Ontario."
Ray. R. 711trmto0, President.
Ts(:to Ilona, Beat'otary,
Tito roads have boon vory badly dart.
oil this week and travel almost Ouepend•
0d. We had its mail for sovoral days.
Mrs. !0yreman, mother of Mrs. Wesley
MoTaggawt, WWI very low with dropsy
but we are glad to hear eke is progrespieg
favorably, --Mrs. James Niaholeon is al-
to 011 1110 sielr hat.
v oct.e.or0' Sclzcitore_
Toronto, January 03111,1007. 91.5
fe9}9HzarYG773:5f mom.
-�^- r 'mw..'•9araallvtr�•a;,iza
Wo aro now receiving Shipments of Early Spring llnportr:. This
week we are showing several
suitable for Spring Costumes.
Every Lady in the County
Should silo our Large Stock of
Christmas and New Year's Bar
gains at the Brussels
Woolen Mill.
i have the finest and llhrgest
stock of fine Yarns over seen in
Brussels. I will sell tho best
worsted yarns, which have
NO E t'fUAL,
at 6 oto, per Oz., and 11,11 extra
flno quality of eashul.er3 wools at
8 ots. per ouueo for the next 80
days, commencing Friday, Doc.
34th, for Cash Only.
Now is the Time
to secure ,your bargains, (elms
early and havo your choice in
Black, Brown, Navy Bltlo, Boyal
Blue, Light Blue, Garnet, Card-
inal, Claret, Scarlet,l)ark Green,
Bronze, Light Green, Yellow,
Orange, Rlld a host of other col-
ors, too numerous to mention.
But !toile and sec for yourself
and bo cetkvincod that you have
struck the Biggest Bargains 1)l
the 8e1t8e11.
km on. tae all.
(last opened up). They aro acknowledged by all to be the 141t'hest
Designs. over shown in Brussels, and warranted Flash Colors.
The following Goods have been pnrehassed at Bed Rock Prices,
and marked at Clearing Prices: -Tweeds, Cottonaclos, Cotton Shirt-
ings. (Dundas make) .Embroideries, Cheviots, Cretonnes, Towels
and Towellirtgs, Table Linens, Gray and White Cottons, Seer
Cloths, (Cc. Don't forget to see our Prints.
Our motto for the Spring and Summer will be
Q0111 IdrlydIC ° is URIN htva
Om. Stook this Spring will equal, if not surpass, any former sea -
501r for
'Volume, Pgieer4 and. NOW Designs.
N. 13, -All Woolen and Winter Goods will be sold at Cost Prise
to clear.
The Great Bargain House.
1 4) We,t'tha for Our Spring' Millinery Opening.