HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-4, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST 4 Ileo 1 ... a t, . , • this has boon a hard winter nn fish I10t tt + fl t TO THE LIBERALS OF EAST HURON. light, The Direelors nod members of tie ehttngo-and therefore lore rill A Bayfield correspondent writes that along the oast shoo of Lalto line.,,, car. ti tj of thv (trey I1,N: th \g'knl tiinl uti +{„ ,;I ,er o „ The battle x cr. A l r'.:ue victory 17m ice has courn and gone so uittnr with lic.clety eboulil it el an iutote . t iii ed, Tnee principle of „no ante , 1't Tho oleo 11;' s of tllo II11 0Ilult many haus Iles been won, Last Huron is redeemed'0OOd TOW had their Hots torn into slu eilr cad Ithankyoufury„ttl• valor noel your of- the j'�auuhuau ns tut ft./WIT n', depends ()matte .1.1W lino wor,trl``tsetteefoe,tr others hew lost their note altogether. • ISU(i(.'l'J 4 J()1 '1'Q JAMES ANl4Id7'7',) forts on behalf of your country and good of is o -a 11 llxltibint el The Outleri 111 breihorn cf rho heL. U. f,, Government. As your standard bearer la„ gels 00 the euhn110)11 i of the ily to 1 th putti••s and pnbhu opine levo issued ex4ensvu iuviiatotet Lu • in the conte t I cordially 01 1110 you for prnpured plan. 11'1„ •mill vine a inn anulel 1h1n1•rslly rppruvn its j,,, 1.odgos throughout Ontario to join with 01001 in celebrating the Doming 12111 of / ` j� /� r your counsel, star encouragement and t , 1 duly in G Ddctiol, They say truly that 1 f r 1,' tie L A S 7 GROCERIES, v r ��� , h°1Ping hand ? U tt all speak t6 It r,nre'eei into til') that low no other town in Canada oast afforclbetter �EALF.11 l your noble assistance, 1Vhero ew. did i p gentlemen It iN eNpt'cjally uojuet th:tr. tion 1 i+tl- attractions for w aelob,ation of 4110 sort, so nobly and so well it Moult be invidu• Queer, {;' _ era! Act should permit property to 1 k 1 Y and this fact and rho eM1011 f ti of rho pus to specify namon or to draw distinct- One American consuls ate doing Vote wherever 11 can qualify while brotherhood of the town should ensure �^ /y 'rte �% tions, but allow too to especially thank (01 enormous tt�tendan0e on that 00000100. �d R a Q � : � V these kind friends who mut from with• and saying some very ry r fly and an income Tutor may only go to the j� o • 1L v 1 out the hiding to vote and speak in my childish thing, 20 out neOtiup with' poll cabers 110 0001100, And alien �j� j� �y �� interest, at personal inewlvuni0000 and Election Expenses Ci--•-� �`• S �! -�"�..l�.AAf, 0.:u in of Crawl ,. stud tbn this tbrect is remedied the Whole nv- aspenss to themselves. Their sor'ines Flattery disputa, Some of the Sen Aot should be put right lu respect Taos. G1Ds0'( M.P.1', for feast Riding of aro highly appreciated and hereby thank- Huron, ill the a1CCt1017 1101(1 all Dao. 2811, fully acknowledged. I am placed under attars say war. Others suggest that .,f its qualifying provisions. 1880 groat obligations to the Young Liberals call Canadian paseene00 anti freight To Hall rent, @18.10 !)C)nlinlOi- Elections, " Livery bin, 18.00 of the Riding for their aetivo and Quer- tregle be excluded from their rail• Printing, 25.00 gotta assistance. Their work has been ,y„y lineae and thus try a -boycott” '111 folowing are the returns of the 1 " Postage, telegraphing Sex'p's, 10.00 an influential element fa the victory and to bring the Caunolre to time, and adjacent ridings showing rho vote in each " Personal Ospont4 25.00 0.00 for which I tender my soon', cuthnsiae- mu ici Iwlit Posting bills, --- tic friends my cordial thanks. I kindly somC level-headed old codgers thick L• )' - No1Tlx rEarn, Total $00.00 thank the ladies for their many sincere the whole thing is not worth talking JOIIN807. g about as the treaty tuns accepted by Listowel maj. 0 1 hereby certify tho above to be a true wishes expressed for my anecssm during Elsa 28 statement. the contest as well as for their' influence halt parties. This "boycott" busi Mornin too . , 20 �- T�o�osr, OT r p g ELEO1103 fors:(; roe en0s. DON"E. yet f� T3 exercised in my favor. I sincerely thank nose is it two caged sword and con. lfilveiton " 18 Brussels, March let, 1887. 84.1 as'._Y 7 DEE and car. who contributed in any legit- Lo(zan "� -� -- theway to win the battle and place 00800/1113' fun Cut both ways and Elltce the Liberal flag upon the eitidal of vie. our Yankee friends would find ii Stratford 124 - Al ;M1 tory. Hoping that my friends may Mev- out to their 00r00w and loss. The 278 35XII t) i) G' i ) 1 er have any reason tc regret their efforts Oongrose,natl had baiter give the Total majority forlo non. 210. �_ on my behalf. i'uthery question n rest and 1119006E enter, TnON. I have the honor to bo your SUMO subject that there is more Dowuio mai, 11111 i I_E O H (r R , Humble Servant, St.Mary's" 44 V. S2m.oa m.aela, 2d. L. money in as Canada will hold her Mitchell 52 11 Practical Watchmaker rL .TStcellea• Win haul, Feb. 20th 1887. own every time and won't bo bull. Fullerton ',g Usbornm i7,eviiieivvemeectThanking aha Puilic [ox past favors enol e=www.w. _ dozed into subjection to pinusC rho Blanchard .. 88 support and wishful atilt to oecure your Ni1jM3oftho American fishermen. TIibbert' 13'4 patronage.. Wo ere opening out fnllliuee .C1%7 'Agil,It bails a. aa.#S. _— 231 :1.14 in Loonls-A. Good. Oxo of the nlenrin and OOtleoable Total majority for Trow, 113. Local -Geo. Baekor. fon lures of the late election Cant- 700TH 1wELLp.CGTON. Saws Gummed -T. McGregor. Gonno7. ucxr LLs7. Free! Free! -(i, A. Deadman. patgn 10 1tlast Enron WIN tho pro- }Valines maj. 75 Election Expenses -P. Thomson. minenco Elven to the geestiun of . Palmerston 05 Card of Thanks -Dr. Macdonald.Arthur village 15 temperance. ':cars ago it was Amaranth 70 Clocitsof theletcst designs. Change of Business -Walter Coats. Salvation Army -Capt. McIntosh, thought an impossibility to roll for Harriston..,. 67 'Postponed 'Mortgage Sale -Howland, Mt. Forest , 59 Arnoldi & Moiionzto. any important officio nnlees your Clifford 85 Money was spent freely in treating Minto . 210 Arthur town'p 312 ( i �- "—T' and often the fellows who tool; in — - n { the treats went and voted against 225 088 Ji �.b`st�21(�, �1{D Total majority for McMullen, 458. the man whose money paid for 2LECT10Ns To EE MELD. their liquor. 11 a man spoke ou Nomination. Polling. Algoma Feb. 10. Mar. 3 temperance he almost nnologizOcl Northwest Territories Feb. 16 Mar. 15 1T is n pleasant thing to see with for doing s0. Times have greatly New Weatminstor Feb. 17 Mar. 4. Victoria District Feb. 17 Mar. 6 what contempt the secular press has changed, however, and a man 5111050 Gaspe Feb. 21 Mar. 16 - - treated the absurd wnr•ljlto utter- pedigree is not sound on temperance Vancouver District Feb. 28 Mar. 23 orini.eTED. wax Q v /7 • aures of the United States senate. principles Hoes Dot s:.:1ud much Ministerial. Opposition. + Canada has not enough fish in all shun' to n great tunas Counties. It Algoma Dawson iBufforty Ler harbors in five years to pay for is to bo 'loped thst the two great Alberta Davis 'fLaeorty (I) crikk one small war. And nor dignity as parties will unito"and notice a coin' Ca poo o Bolds Pigeon a people �thollf 1 not be nitwit by n mon cause of Gm Prohibition clues. E. Assiniboia Perley Dielcie little bad blood between It int of, no lion and carry is to a encressftll N'w tWost'in'r Chisholm Trapp (I) Saskatehewao MoDowall Laird doubt, very worthy fishermen,- issue. It is herdtrurit lar 11 great ((Gordon C. Hour, V. S. many b) keep this important matter Vancouver iPlanta .(Grant Curran —'-"-"--- above patty leanings lint it taunt be ((Shakespeare ((McCollum Lasr Tuesday was nel`tirtatioli done lolere rho success we ailu. at Victoria {Baker iPell(I) ((Humphreys tRobertsonI day for the elections in Aulignonish, is achieved. W. Aseinib'e, Davin Rose Piaton, and Queen's for the Provinc- _ .... ._. .._•.....Mr. Goa'tee's majority in IIaldilnnud ial Assembly, caused by the rekign- TOME appears to be a good deal is thirteen. attons of Messrs. llfacgillivray, 11e11 of uncertainty about the results of The Megaton recount has increased ente and Mack, alio were candidate). for the elections last weak. The Reform Sir John's majority to so aseleon. Hon. J. S. 0. Abbott waselectedMayor the Commons ut the late Auctions, papere figuro it down to about a tie, of Montreal Tuesday, by a majority of over 1,700. 14faeg111ivray (Liberal) in Antigen. w11110 the Mail allows Sir John a A Sarnia editor describes his contem- iN1, and Cameron (Conservative) in majority of 12 or 15. ;hero is a latvarsandwiecledbotweek aaweaselled-up inst Picton, wore elected without oppesi- good deal of anxiety over the mat.]soul and a diseased imagination." tion. llemeon (Liberal) and Collie ter Hud tie elections yet to bo held honored.heto nsiip of OtunabboeLi10ar has 111 Stock. tebl (Uoi,servntive) are the candidates in will be wniClied withn'o small been olooted M.P. for East Peterboro'. ueen's. amount of interest. We believe Its Deputy -reeve is Warden of the ooun- Q le _ better work is done when any Gov- of,the towwnsand Mr.hipLard, M.P.P., is a resident A LAI1001 number of the cities and eminent is not too strong but we MARCH 4, 1887 Pe 85 Goldandsilvor Watches, silver Plated Ware ,from ostablisbod and roliablo milkers, folly warranted by LIS. FEW. 13', t.1 if CHI 4, 1887. WED R 9 L..ND FEED, &c. Good.1 Delivered, to any part of Tovra. Cash for ()holo@ Roll Butter and Eggs, SPECIAL VALUE 1M TEA su s. Jewelry : Weddingr.ingo, • Largo Stock of China, Crockery and Glassware, &v. to anis) Ladies Gom Rings, in a bow days. Broaches,' Heritage, &o. Also have in stock afull line of Violins We are making arrangements to roast and grind our 011'11 Coffees. end Violin Strings, Pipes, Ste. cam' N.B.-Issuer of Marries°Licensee T. Fletcher. SCOTCH CCLUl. A new stock of Buffalo Robes, Goat Robes, Ilorse Blankets, Bells, Whips, dze., JUST TO HAND. A Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises; And Satchels. towns of our Province aro arraog• ing'to hold celebrations over the Queen's Jubilee, in Ole month of June. It would bo a good idea for Bru=sacs to follow suit and ab the Caledonian Society will. hold their annual games about the same time, we believe, it world be a good idoa to arrange for a big day Hud cols. brats the whole thing at once. 1f anything is to be done it should be decided on in good time so as to have our day clear of celebrations in 011110 places, Wo would like to the 45 or 50 tnajority. Another hear from our residents as to 010 election before very long is one of best method of celebrating the rho probabilitios. Jubilee. doubt if a majority of even 10 will suffice to carry on parliamentary work, especially when some of its members are its unstable as some of our logislators have proven them- selves to be. The first few weeks of tho Dominion House will pro- bably test the strength of both parties and prove beyond contradict qui' who will hold the reins of power. Some of our Ooneorvative brethren of the press will have to take down their signboards about 8561)12Ar. woke ago there was quite a boom aver rho proposal of purchasing the old race 000604 for a park. 16 was tnicon hold of in a lively manner and wo imagined the $800 or $400 talion in shares would havo provod an incentive to At: exchange says, very wisoly too we believe :-Tho Ontario Gov- ernment overnment did a wise and proper thing when it abolished the non- resident vote, There are grave in- conveniences always ; there is very often illegal expenditure of money in connection with attempts to get push the scheme to its full colnpte• tine voto • to the polls. 1.1 would tion. But owing to the elections, make elections parer rind much loss stormy woothor or something else the activity displayed has suddenly ceased and the movement has had a relapse. That the project was a good ono needs no proof and if rho townspeople allow it to fall through they are standing in ,their own expensive if mon wore allowed to vote only where they resido, '121isre is no need of a 1artisni) fight on tho subject. '.Cho abolition of the vote would affect both parties about equally --it anything Mr. Mowat rather lost than gained by reason RlEnrorn County Notes. Tho Goderioh Young Conservative! Club Ilea a membership of 180. Chris. Dickson, of Clinton, intonds to take a trip to the Old Country shortly, for the benefit of his health. Messre. Carling CC Mill ehipped from Exeter during the season, 00,000 pounds of pork to various parts of Canada. ,Duncan Ring, near Bluevalo, hem pur- chased the 50 auras adjoining his farm on 11e east, from Peter Cantelon, for 111e sum of 81,500. ',ens Oddfellows of Exeter intend orect- ing a handsome hall upon the premises recently purchased from Mr, Southoott, and Sinalliodmbe. S. B. Wohb, of Wingbarn, sold his 200 acro farm, on rho 14th con. of East Wa- wanosh. a short distance west of Wing., ham,to Goorge Thompson, Doputyllosvo of 'Pnrnberry, for 80,000. The director's of the IIullott Agricul. tura Sooioty bavo decided to dispense with the annual dinner this year. This will be the first year in about 21 that it has not boon'held. P. Brown, of East Wawanosh, has the centraot for supplying tho square timbor for, the C.P.B. bridges now being built at Wingharn by Forster di Kincaid. The timber is now being delivered. We regrot to loam that' Von. Archdoa. eon Elwood, of Goderieh, was struck with paralysis last week and now lies very low. At his advanced age rho hopes of his recovery are very slight. • During the past mason Mr. (dovenlock, of Sesfortb, purelnesod and sbippod cat- tle and sheep to tho value of 8230,22400. Tho great bulkof these animals were purchased and shipped from this county. L. Hunter, of llsborn°, has sold the Ano •Canadian heavy draught entire Dolt which he purchased some gms ago from Mrs, Mustard, of Brucefleld, to an ,1.me. Aeon buyer for alto sum of $300. This colt was lust 20 months old, and weighed the day it was sold 1,855 lbs. GIVE ME A CALL. A UCTION SALE.tl , 0t FARM STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS. George Kirkby, Auctioneer, has r0110i1. ed Lnstru0tfons from the nndorsigned to sell by Publfo Auction, on Soul o HAr, LOT 80, Con. 8, Morons, on FRIDAY, March 11th; 1887, 0,137TITS tt r: * One Door North of B. Gerry -'s. Tho following valuable property 1 span working Horses, 1 Mare 8 yearn old, 9 Cows, in calf to a tlioro bred Elio, 1 thoro'-bred ]3u11, 0 years old,8 Steers, rising 4 years old, 4 Steers, rising i1 years. old, 2 Steers,rising 2 years old, 2 Heifers, rising 3 yoars old, 8 Heifers, rising 2 years old, 0 Calves, 0 Shoop, 8 Pigs, 1 Boar, 1 Watson Deeeing 13intlsr, new, I Floury Horvoster, WOOD bird Mower, 1 Wat.on daisy Rake, 1 land Boller, 1 seed Drill, 1 grain Grindor, 1 Iaolc and Belt, 1 McTaggart fanning Mill, 1 Horse Power, 1,Separator, 1 Root •Cutter, 2 Iron -axle Lumber Waggon, 1 Wagon Rack, 1 set Bob -Sleighs, 1 Gang Plow, 1 Plow, 1 sot Iron Harrows, 3. Log Boat, 2 sets Doulelc Harneas, and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. Salo to bo without re050VO, as the pro- prietor has loasod both of his farms for a term of years. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, Noon, Sharp. Tonus. -Alt sums at and nndor 85 cash over that amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint rotas. 8 per cont. pox annum off for cash on credit amounts. GEO. KIRKBY, ALE'. PORSYTIf, Auctioneer. Proprietor. monis, Fob. 22, 1887, IN -alter Coats. ASH FOR ! HAVING OPENED OUT AN Egg Emporium, in Grant's Bloch, Brussels, Next Door io the Post Office, I tall prepared to Pay CWT. for any quantity of Eggs. r., 1 BRING ALONG ALL YOU HAVE 4. and ltelnelxibor the Stand. J;rIJ ,(4, CThbOFTHAN KS? 0 f�a] The undersigned desires to return his thanks i'or the generous support -accorded the firm of Hayoroft Bros. for t11e past eight years fiend expresses the wish that these business relatives may be con - tintled. GEORGE HAYCRT'1=T. zer =VT Win We take pleasnro i:n inJorming the public genorai;,y that we have formed a co -partnership, to be known under the flame of HAv011,o10r & TUPNBULL, to Carry on the Stove, Tinware and 'Hong) Furnishing business, lately under alio control of P Gaycroft Bros. Cur object will bo to deal fairly and squarely with the public and give them such bargains aio will speak for themselves, We make a specials of Evotronghing. Give us t, call, at tate old stand, • Hayoroft & Tuxa,bii,ll.