HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-4, Page 22 THE BRUSSELS POST T.r4L, • i•:•dYy9+."sll " .ti&,"4.0,? V fS' ''a i't ...d �. ^ •r But if it is impncelieable to ohttngo A New York six year old while the goaueule, 1x011,01 moderately, bdli'y engaged fit interviewing =t so -dant enough heat may generate hair whist) he bad pulled from life in the r'01010.to dry the skin hod bead wets qneationedits to what he elm hint; without a chill. wets tushing for Ito replied that At this titne of the year chilblains hie Sneday split el teacher had rend trouble 1.1.1ltuy who have to be inti Of in the leaun tha'; the 11 tira of the ,111910, the poor children oepeei:tlly (lead tvor,. all un,nbured, and 'be Wail Hid) iug fur the number, Lndwstroubled with I'iutploe, l,lotehos Rough Hands or rues, a• Berea of euy de - seri ,tort, ,rheuld use irctlregor & earke'n Carbolic (Unto it will leave the skin in perleet health, 010011th, clean, and good ogler. lie euro nal get the genuine, 101140 by 'i G,rvgor & ?irks. Price:lac, Sold at .1. liargruave s & , l e'e. Drug :hors. 1\1 + 1or) 8,1)110 01 --'i'1 11L3 of these \\reeleru desperadoes toilet be very stronv leen,' ub1(11011 Sirs. Seng a. ' \1'uy 1' asked her bus band 'Tile paper tu•dny says that two of theta held up a train yester• day.' '011, that's nothing. Even a weak woman like ,ant can 1101,1 rap a 1 nein when there is danger of lural'! one Lreadiug on it WouderiDi is toe un'oe& ur West's World's Wonder or Validly 01ciluent, 0110 bottle will effect more duras than four awes the outuber of any ether 1101,nent. 2.1 and 500. Ala druggists. No . xtravaliitu0o There. -A hard rip looking men who had n00001ed a 'Markham cloaca for tun cotta g'.cfit1.et_trlilt 011a1u nn, The Toronto llodicat'Temperance League has a membership of eb, lit 150. i;t, Lotto. has 0110 sttinnn to svery 1.75 inhabitants, and nets &Attrell to ,.ufferi1g torieents from the burning every 2,800. itching SOI pilaus. Keep It elueh The Chureli of England 'lampor- over the trust bite, aatnret011 with tt aUee $nciety publishes 1111" tlifft'r0llt mixture of elle drachm of laudanum, temperance papers. nue draolue of spirits of rosemary, OVor 00 young men Ottorldlli1 To- iu,d gnu 1111100 of diluted lead water, route. Uulversily have signed the The uupleasent eensatinus soon die - 'White Cruse pledge. appear under the 1)1110000e of this An Ontario County baker is 110 simple mined,, cased of doing a combination bread Many housekeepers object to the and whiskey trade. open grate firo that imparts such a There are five saloons 1n the ellt,erfut aur to the eitiitlg room on it neighborhood of the Toronto Post- winery night, or+t�7the score of duet office, and all of them praeporons. nud coal dirt. Nevertheless It grate The Galt Connell has decided £0r firs 1s sue 01 the healthiest wa38 of this year to limit the number of li beating a 01)0111, and intrOiuciug ft posses to six, 41 e ratme as last year. Ireo circulation of air, beeps the 88 counties and 800 districts, to room well ventilated. Steam beat [;ether equal to 08 cpun1ie0, in Ken would be excellent did it not, by its (neky, have prohibited the saloon. excessive dryness, frequently pro A new temperance magazine is duce unpleasant headnchi's, soon to bo started. It will bear the 1any psrsons, on coming trout name of Our Day, nod will be edit- church, complain of headache. This e(1 by Rev. Joseph Cnolt, (11 130st011 is caused by the action of the un wait answered wall : 'See bore, i.baut four hundred rural corm pare blood on the brain, due to the didn't you bit (3,1) for I. dingo only mulles of the Pr0vi1C) of St• i,,tnrs accumulation of c,u'boliu acid g110 ill LUNG' ,hlys 116S3). 2' •.[ believe I did, burg have decided to prohibit tho the Lair of pearly v,0uhtied °buroll• ,1y but do the very best I ons 1 sale of epirite within their j irtadie' es, The pernicious effect apou 1110 esu') keep 1313' e't_- '•1 (109111 to I'ss thwn three all i ane -third cotta per flay. Your dime is all 40110, \Ray will you suffer tvit:, it bad oold when r. tete 00sea Of West', aough Syrup will cure you. Invaluable for n11 throat wad lung troubles, Consumptives try 11. Swell Fuse 25c.. l urge bottles $ 200. All druggists. Sugar in Court.—'New, .young lady, you may take the tatted,' said the l't» ysr in a late in one of the justice-' courts the otllor day, 'Yes, sir,' she replied wilt a beatuing tion. The Ottawa Ar. 0 T Ll. purposes to erect three drinking fountains in their city in celebration of the Queen's Jubilee, if the City Council will help them. About 200 medical students are competing fur the prize of 620 offer ed by Hon. S. li. Blake, Q 0., for the best essay on the effect of lieu 1101 on the humanmind and body Neal Dow has prepared en article ' The dilate museum woman,\vha: smile. 'That does me rap 1 whisp for the March number of The 1>'Orllm writes with tier tees mina 11111110 a i sled a man on one of the benches defendiug both nue theory and prat great many foot notes. I •I'm her husband. 111111 site's 40 tiro of Prohibition, nod insisting • rortivor eomj,laint,nyspoysle, and lick 1 : 0gre old, bet the sugar on thin that in Maine prohibitory legislation 9.Oada0he 1100 West's Liver rine, A11 I lawyer's tongue will cost me .$80 tirusglsts. for millinery before the .1st of May.'is effective. 11. L. Holbrook has written a 'lleentlful e.port—beautiful,' said Toronto Council has paeaod a IoW book on 'liow to strengthen the the drummer. 'Six y l irds in t.vo 'inure and only missend two shots.' A quiet gentleman slttiog in a curo- er of tho hotel olfios, pot down his paper, rushed across the room and grasped him warmly by the band. Allow ale to congratulate you sir,' be stud, 'I am a professional 013' - self.' 'Professional eportsmau 2' 'No ; professional liar.' ReaslOnewhy you should. purchase 2'1111,1 brain and nervous system, is very aptly ilti..trated by :the drowsy, lint les u,il:ude of the seh,)lere in a poorly ventilated sellout -room, as compared with the bright and aid mated appearance of the children in a neighboring roots that Inns been carefully Ventilated. Vet s•i(011 01. reducing the n0111ber of liquor neon ses in the city from 2,10 to 150, and shop licenses from 04. to 40, and in creasing the lic0use fe'1. It. was air rind after a lively disecssion by 19 t Por Congha, Colds,0nd ailthruntan di ash' y !druggists.In answer to it letter from the Birdie : Pa, who's that a picture Guelph Onion to 1). Guthrie, 11 P. of ? Pa : Father Time, with his P., requesting his support to a I scythe. Bortio : Belt, Pa he's near- menerne by which all : 1,i;1;,n in all I ly bald. Pa : Yes ; Moet old gen- . Schools ellpl:o)•tell l , I Ligbtuiugxn preference to all other r0m- uha.tey' shall receive eciclltific tem• ' thutl;;ht Time had tt forelock. 1011100 are: EEayi'( result—cures Instantly, p0r0n013 Instructitln, lir, Guthrie: ror rh0uw0ttxtn ,0our0!ria, (•.uts,Wounde' It in ersily omitted—no treeble-.no lust r bur•;n uac West's \v.al:i':t \'rousse, At1 time. It does not require, constant her. - in :—"l bet: to seta Lunt 1911.1 I dr,141.1 els. One upplioutleuiys olfeetnnl. One bottle \vlll 1 t' l 11 k - l memory.' lie 0)11130 the most fash- ionable of strengtheners, that of ty• lug a string about the forefinger. by )(11)110 • tluu(eu aro. Dertio : But city, Pa I give the subject try dust attention, , 8110 Had J3cen There.---W11y nail •,iii (1 )111th -r favorably 0)3 don't Son avid Ian to- that new praulieable measure for the giving of grocery. ma ? Tuoy have a new suitable and correct inetru0tio3Y in : sign up, Everything Fresh. ''1'11at's Public Schools on thy important 1 exactly the fault l find' with. it. matter to al 1011 y'01l refer." Why what about a grocery store This wag tbn .tn•+.cer of lir. Fair- i cau'bo too fresh: Tho clerk. haul., ex 1J. 1'. f•,r E•1 s'- 7.,mbltln, t Cni:, 0301104 ('x101 u':on wawa W0r1d's to ilxe t u ,1131 1110,0111..3 by til I \\'n udrrtuaPplted, 0hr..p:`t 811(1beat. 2S Laulbtou Stott Ani .lys0cl't ion 1--- and ace. al! tlrugglss illy sympathies have been all upon Tough on Tommy.• 11'11t'ler 1 'int should tr' :and b '1'omwy } d } - d o u the teniporacce st(10. 110 4a1liwul• eut beitr.r boy. You are our only 1 by Vulc 1 And 0010 perfecting Want•ranee leg ;Guild, cut. we exptet you to, be•good. :_ younn 'lady was sitting with illation. What I Mice been I nth, looney : 1e ala t my Mutt that I tier laver iu It charmingly decorated n • rt0410 1 if I ! un your only child.. 13'e tntlgh on recce. On 1101 kueo WAS a dimiu ant ant, I bav0 rlll\O .ate' roninve 11010 101111 than any Other remedy in ie, fie 508. Pri• it for 1111 01001, basin. 130110, IOoaUacho,. en0mua -min. o t a 100. a bottle by John FlvagreaveS t4 00,, Drug- giOts,Brnsssls. 110 W• to Provo his. Devotion,—Ho (just been refused) : 'Thou life has he further charm : I shall kill my• self.' She : '\Voll, you'll excuse my lnenteonie g 11,,1)01 brother Suck Imo just opt:nud,a drug store; you know, and would you mind buying 1 the poison' V, ll(,,. '1 It' Avnald en. Tile Mi1r00AUY, (3 New Variate, SW Seed Catalogues far 1.887. '"Thu Longest Straw watt Best'1101111044 Barley I ever treed," deux Fowles, J00,Pn D14NN11), It 11ft0C3, 00 Cts, Plitt ist:883E3 . 51,10 OATS 1111) 841,0. MARSJ)EN SMITH. N. 13. -_ 4 will also dispose of one Tlorso live yearn old and one Colt three years old. 11. SMI'Ptl, GRIP 1 113[37. CANA:D A'S COMIC JOU1:tNAL, Announcement %r the Cocnani You. Grip is now so wslllrnownas to require very little of either description or praise. It is the ONLY CARTOON tuna I11 MUDS, and it is furnished at about one-half the price of similar journals in the 'United States, Grip's Cartoons, in addition to boing strictly impartial when they refer to politics, are always on tho 0010 of pat- riotism and morality. The late improvements aro universally admired. Tho journal is enlarged to 10 panes, and it is printed upon heavy toned and well•ealendered paper. This gives both the engraving. and the letter -press a beautiful appearance. And, notwith- atauding this enlargement and improve- ment, the price of (Trip is ONLY 32 A TRAIT ; 8111(4LS Corks, 8 Caazs, (the price it eonlmaaded when but a four page sheet,) GRIP'S PLATPORYI'1: Hr31e11 0)0110UT VULGARITY ; PATRIOT :0 wlruoe:r PARTIZANSHIP ; T1teTn WITHOUT T3131rZR,. Do not bo without this favorite Canad- iau Cartoon Paper. Its price places it within th„ reach of a11. Address the GRIP P1111Tt110,, Ars 1'mh- LIsnINc• Go,, 26 and 28, ]'root Street West, Toronto. New subscribers, sending 32, will receive the paper the balance of 1880, and to dist Deecluber, 1087. • (11401,1, 1, PRETl?'13 010FE.R. 1 All subscribers to Grip, new or old, aro entitled to a copy of the tuuguiliceut lith- O41'1Lp11 "Conservative Loaders," or the the 0ompaniou plate -Liberal Leaders,'' shortly to be published, on payment of u I cents for postage. 1•- Me1Rau 4. 1887 . 101 v 23r.OtOrthirrsure0110t1:':?o:,. 'ol E POST m �• . r ,. Ts .,it��,1 S C TRE Has a collzplete assortment of' all the School Books, ,Slate,s', Lead ancl,Sylate _Pencils., Ink, Pens, Cltallr.. CYi'ayons, Ser'iLllle'r's, 6'c., Vic. Ask to See the ttSoholal1's Companion( 3, Foolscap 01.ncl .N'ote J'ccper'.s, Envelopes, the best i71. the Market. THE POST AND GRIP will bo furnished to subscribers, by spec - Jai arrangement with the publishes of the latter journal, both papers for only 33.00. courage, peer Jack, and prove , yuttr . r 1 ..no.'. • (FIs 81111 1101313,. 1 devotion ,o w ) catnip 0118(160 ) y me to be good for a lot of brothers would. I would 1101 ll' A could. 1 regard acts iu itis past Iedar titan ; Slid slstors I haven't got. irotoiees for dm futur? " And Mr. 00 ls.dioa, Tito great ent'sbeauqtr for the 1 o0mu10sicn, 1)110 01 Wew.t's sugar.0oated 13 airbala' 300,1 defeated.. ,/AverAll Pills taken nightly. 30 pills 25 cents. In epealcil1lr (14 '0111.1 ,Risking Gentlomau 1 ). ale, sorry Uncle ar010044 WOit)eu,n pltya40030 recently Rastas that 1 can't do anything for told a correspondent that every little Jail this morning but charity, you while he wee obliged to [pros spine i know, begins at hums. Uncle aqua- lf his patients, 1,1111s, i11tu retire - Cue : All right, , 1233110 Smit -111 Ment fur three mouths or six months ht, sail. iu order to ('1300 them from the fatal I ho ee bon x111 0(itlia o 0118 ;ttsoh. reunite (4 drink, bat only fit a few i in stalle'•'i '.I:ui li,, hsps 111)10th lo 30 effect West's Cough Syrup stops tickling n the throat. stuns that hooking 0011110 and' gives a permanent, Orate, tied his expori, ill druggists.' Itis certainly Worth a taiga, r act:+ is that of runny other physic- l A perfect Defense. ---Grieved 1 n"tgOtsta. 11117 `il\CC) 8003)3 t 044,4 a�<ns t)u08)0.1mot Clara ---You pretend to love tee, and 00000.lnfl3'0111>4 tlenl, lt�3stt fo1)1111 witla� 1Iyet you will not take axe ant sleigh ridiu r, its Charll" x((11131 (till Lucy n rot 1 .10011nd 1111 ur.ek, u,pindod front n ,.ituh• a Liana. $llopiteoo 1•[opper last night. [Hard up 1'") 1' tl to 11)11 (1(1)0 1(1 (13 • 131(0311 110 George (not to by crush;;•l)-•--1Vell, Let a )t been un the boot of tortes. 30(1 kn0•,,, ticb:'rrutved lett 3)01203 At the inquest e11,1 was sharply of 1130, rhea's the eels;') I could0:l',si0 1,1.1 S'uu say yon [onset utive eieco. In an adjoining room, with the door open, were tho rest of the company. Says the little niece in a jealous laud very audible voice.. 'Auntie, ]cies nut too-' I`lenvs you to imagine what had happened, 'Yost should may twice, label, dear; two is not gramnler,' was the im- mediate rejoinder. Clever girl emousenda owe their recovery from Itheumo'isnl to West's World's Wonder or 8amlly Lltil neat. It i0 00000(100 every- where t0 be the host known r0m0dy for Shea -n ailti u,ftu3,, 13 raison, Spri:in0, Liurns, Stehl0,0ne all diseases requiring external ayptllallen. Price ss coots tied 00cents Ver bottle. Holl by 3011,1 Hargreaves & Ln„ [. r 11 , llbye1(Il(l pl, 11 .i) 30100, 11ut 111) 'tilt() (1)11.104,, 11 ",,nor, ore .00t, 113 it rule, Chop: who ,ilial( by ti'1. Neil 71°$01,',011 x11101*4. n 111.111111 11111" \viten the ho.i'..+ i•(1141.:•,1 by eithor 'uent(t1 or p!•l.1.0 1;11.,1• 11,1:-t,:1i:,1,IV af,•r tL 110:;1. ''•)all . .'1nh ., - tn1)) ,ttui':r, !1. .:.•:cr r'3; tl(1 h abuiit 70 !:, 1'tr. •., 10 1, 1,111', 1`0 1,,:(.',l't':'s. 1'01 ,,,,i+• t p- rn,•1113 \:vii .lint), 0'1.11 t1) tin:, (.nail ''rtthor, ' 11,.,1 11. 11'':0 1 .1 i1t113.,.1 I r Clic 1.:;:.1711 ., (el) -11 1!y .lc.-i".ng ju i301n1 , t u, pn; 1e. ,)•1', Once), r + wr ,i 111 tl.i not It" I you to -night, 1 1 Liu(1 . 11 ,i, 11}; t> tb 1 r.m \1110.1 fou Thy 0)01(081') cantly fur :lye? ,mpkllnt•\r 1:11. lull. this 11th 11,..1 Idt, 1,11'.' Is W(011.<1 Liver lrt4 they neve 1)oape1nit , you. SS1111131. 1.1 dre,,,,1vte. '\j'fi, •,:113_ •aid It 1 yl.11 0111 11)10 Oil iiroleer (tu former enstenner) down 1 '\Vhy, 114,4;, Le wart)')' How d'ye 0o rip, lir, .Lamb ;' 1 ,tin 111,0'1 yet,' glad IQ , 34 - 1o' 1.'•1111'1" fin Lyell 9Pll i+18.'1.0', I.. lafnrnd . t nr (((3,'' w0ttner- . Int r:a 1v fur tlnn.'•, ,'r tis \athuvt, 11'",lu't (ri.>,. )L". f',..11111, ; ltronc!n'w,Cm,anm;•tt m,. ..a .tit 1..r.... Y,oaO 8'1•0 ell fit 00lu u[ the eftite0,,1t 1I1,1tl1 , n ; 11011 we att:13. 1 lit linty f t) L n t! c 11 p 1 + rr : 1 f ttitl 0111 tet it tui a . o:.:l altls Etc- L,r \.111(. lr, I am \' ! been Lion iv vile 1r 111 � rt hu (k rl. tt,ae l ta0In0 ? 311, L.1111` : 211;: 0111 ter \Ru +t , 1, Lune 0014 imni l Video 000. and 11„S0 pu t'0Ltlu at rlargrenvtoe Drug 1�{t. Slurs, U1n seta. 1."1” ..ra 1. .L ,1;45 ]7rttnlnt : '.),t'I1 10 candidly, 1)oc- 0010 11 a 11 3 1 e0 ,( I4 1 h o nf„ tb° ( r.,, )1111 through :)' r 13,Sr. C)1 t1. Do m.,, o lndue,01 to Late n tor, tie yell think i .. right, nu.,P'il Ir (ou 1 lh1'r1'\\'f 1• 1x t O'1 t t 1t t•{ 111.01 ilv . )1; • •o•ell , (,, eel) It. e nlst11.1t(. but r r•... u`h tine weave 33(1 )1:0 `013 ^'utl tab 11010111 f to 't , ,.. 1711E tea•• I' 'n kiln (t a 't nn - ,Tut 0101 1,4 t•111.1:W1 •-f 4•. (103, 117111 L 3.1 1:111-.'p.. It;Yi, -i '1300011tH, (10 a 1 tumbler i 1 ttt \., t gargle, this 11 very seot31(14 to til, throat, \\'110'11 (nr'; (114(111111 o.•r')xues wet 1 from (813:31)10 to the \v"Yttnt1r it is • 110.,) to change it 111Ynlodiat ily. %lb I the thin with rt dry,. hard towel, lin. 1 til tine hotly 10 in 8.glow all over, druggist e.t. t well 1 yon can't hell[ yourself. The , Within;; for h- ' t•, 1 '(r iot- •Or helical 1iaror:1 .•flow;: that out of lmudn 1. (11111't see }roe with Miss ono lnindred alt ee like yours, boo 13119')) at the e elu x1 last night, per cent recovers invariably,' 'What 1 No Percy. 1.'ul let utin rt 4 on her enure cls you-w.lt? PVC trofitod any slot(, 1 Can,. Until she r0• ninety-trilt ne Gators. and ,lv, I'y 01111 of tracts what 5lin ted tit'- other week, thorn died, W1131•enan alive 1 you And what dill elm say ? Well, elm can't ilio if you try. There's no said 1 'needn't call any 10 Ire. lzuml)ng about statleti45:' AVIR, Ng, BUILDERS' IIARB ARS ! Man 84 Putty, Try The Post Bookstore. •uxzsnrx^•xsv tzxmla^ ..v.,..,: _ .,.sestdtIZS etaantsrc+,»:• ktti$8D.TAKII4G. "ir,. \[cG el ire pegs t0 m1.",n1 ar., to th0 Snakes of nreircls ,tad v)cild'y tba s'.u' has 301,10 t11ce,1 Mantle and nrossmakin, in the r0 ar of 1). A. e w ulo'a ;iter a, wlt0 re 00 , it 11r1. ;MM.( 10 Ott. ud to 11,0 W411.1 1) tin' I antis. A 4001101 guaranteed mutiny 11;e11[ 00mp0r- ahlo with that of the best city 1,09111,, and drosait tilting estoblishince tr. A 0%11 Svliolted 00.1 3(1011 3(c(1111111:, OUST Yi T ILORIN The undersigned wishes to intimate to the public that having learned the art of Gent's garment crating from ono of the best Cutters in London, lie is now pre- pared to out, 311 and make 'up Gont's clothing in (t first 01(.13 manner sant at reasonable prices. J. MCBA1N, MILL STREET. Lath hu i d;rl © B . -..... — �1•r--------------------------- STOVES T Stove 'iov e PU D1. 1114 ri 01:i z .flit a 61:1 l V i $�., : , ,° l ei 4>"26:. (Iry )urPeto "i 1 Y \T,I1 ..;ULUlts. .r_a'P]A7) LL1. -B. GE RRY . ua:•za. r:•sm Teadp • Spectacles 1- and.11yo-CIL'evrr, Ilea( \4!1) 3)l'00011'.' your Eyesight. P. -CTS Manufacturing optician, late of (etc fire, of Lazarus 11' Morris, 28 Maryland Road.. Harrow Road, Londou, Ragland, ilas ap- pointed au agent for the Renowned Spon tholes and Eye -Classes which ltav0 been before the public for the past 211 years, Lazarus' Speotacl"i never tiro the eye' s- Lt:many years without change. - For stile by 1r. L. as c: KSO , 131)1USS1•.L8, . uNT. 1;1(./11' SS T111'1 TIME1 IN. Q Ho ! g Local Uousg - r, roe et\ Hand Straw Cutters, Horse Pow- er Straw Cutters, with reversabl(1 feed, Mont Pulprs, Root Slicers, the genuine. Port, Perry Grain Grinder, lir)'„' t'o9erl, large tail 3uull 1, 111111 several 1,Ennd Powers-- 01)'.0314, and ''rod' Pow- ers. Also the Celebrated. SEWING MAC11TNT, It ]edits thrllx 0,11. l;ll;Tl' 14A'1'.1;,bA0`l'10N GIVEN. Cco. Love.. !ad, vg .aatatzraeevaarrxrate+rn:lrrn,en, vasmitarxama