HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-3-4, Page 1Volume 14,
Local Legislature.
.Churn aro holly new Pecos in tho Sixth
Parliament or Ontario, There are faces
missiug,to whose absence one does not
grow aecnstomed cosily. Upon the Lib.
oral side of tho Ketose wo look in vain for
the genial conuteuteuoo and kindly pros.
enoo of Iron. Janos Young. PopoIar
with o11, useful in committee and strong
in ((abate, his place is not easily filled.
The Province and the house has also to
noun( the absence of 3. M. Ferris. A.
politioiul of more than average fndopaud-
once of character, of consummate indus-
try and of mull skill and readiness in
debate, it is nob for any fathom of duty to
hie constitumtts that lea place is filloel by
mealier. facing the Governnlout bench -
us, the solmnu bat not unkindly ;m ulton-
autau of JIon. Alex. Morris is soon no
more Ile has (lone his country service
is his time, Lo lend in an enliuont degree
thy cousid(ration of members upon both
;ides, mid only kinds, thoughts of the
old mann are present with those who
rolled upon his abseuco. Then gaps aro
made in the fighting strength of the Op-
po-ition by the loss or Mr, Merrick, Mr.
Broder, and Mr. Carnegie. 1MIe. Merriok
had been for long a figure in the House
nod by many was ranked among the
coaling loaders of his party. row moro
(amulet noun than Mr. Broder ever sat
behind lir, Morodith. And ho had abil-
ity es well as popularity. Mr. Carnegie
was perhaps too bitter and too often un-
wisely aggressive, but ho filled a place
and he is misted from the front bunches
of the Opposition. '.Chore may be sur-
prises in store for tho House before the
close of the session, but the p. emelt eon.
elt0ion must be that the Opposition have
lost even more heavily in debating
stl'e:;gilt than fie numbers.
Fifty-eight ,nutllb°rs of tho new Rouen
aro ranked supporters of the Governmout
and thlrty.two constitute tho Opposition.
,lir. Paeaud is the youngest member of
the Ilou0o.
D. Creighton': faithful servitor has well
onrlasl his promotion to the position of
lir'.t li0utcuant of Mr. ,:oredith and suc-
c00ocr to lir, Morris, Mr. French, P, F.
C.arke, Mr. Chaney, Mr. Blyth, Mr. Wil-
mot, .cud Odr, horns ham also found seats
on the front Opposition bench for the
!het (Hum, and U. 11. Caeke and Mr.
:dotealfe maintain Glob: plum i11 the
stone row, Upon tho shale It is a bench
of :0ir o+pa 41y. olthotioli it, best
f 1 ,lis must Aunt it to bo vary week fu
comparison with tho front row on tho
Government side, ou which is ranged Mr.
Mowat, lir. Porde, Mr. unser, ter.
Rarity, Col. Oke. ➢£r. (Pinna, of Ilur-
on, ,lir. Harcourt, Mr, Macon, lir. Mur-
ray avi fair. Bronson.
Bat the able parliamentarians nre not
all "0 t11a front bone yes. Back on the
Govorumont sick ore such men au Mr.
Gibson, of Hamilton, Mr. Awroy, Mr.
Guthrie, Mr. O'Connor, Dr. MaLaugh 551,
Aft. 13 illantyuo, Mr, Dryden, and Mr.
Drury, while on too second row of the
Opoositiou is A, It Wood, by many held
to oe the ablest mai in the Conservative
reales after Mr. Meredith.
To= was a fair attar claim at the
opening of the House. After sorne peti-
tions had been presented the Premier
arceo and explained that owing to it snow
bleokodo on the railway Mr. l:vanturel,
of Prosaott, who had been Relented to sea -
o1(1 the Address, had not yet reached the
city, and ho suggest: d, providing the
Ho tee would consent, that an adjourn -
moot should take place nail March 2nd.
clrr. Meredith was willing, but he hinted
in a jocular way that as thoro had boon a
Matto recently perhaps Mr. Evanturel
was .1,(g•'.;e 1 in (mho; ler the killed and
woo , 1,..1, 'P% , Lem - , Ia,u. hed. with the
Opposition loader 11111.51 Mr. Pardue. quiot.
ly goo rved that that battle had talon
p1.100 mono Won aal, thou it laugliod
(ega(nat him, and it laughed ammo way
50(1:0 more when 2Lr. Hardy, looking
bee uud rho Opposition lender, iutimatad
that rho slain wcr0 many. Mr. Meredith
appoared to bo io (ewe lout humor, and
has o. idoutly loot v"tto of his familiar
re,idim'-s t8 risk a retort in order to pre.
volt • a laugh. In £act an exueilont spirit
nrevttilad in tho Hoose, and evmybody
will roj0ica if rho god fooling continues
mid the limn be not .ousecl throughout
the mission.
.P, lint p0tiiion of tits 0(1(100 was
jn'. s1 ,ted by ter. i)rydon, a1101 was for
the 0xte11nion to Ontario County of the
'Cor llbo ayat01(1 of lance transfer. Num -
eructs 311110121 £olluwod, and among them
ono for rho ext00(io1 of tho fr'anahiso to
w=I tee, which was graot0d with orios of
'Bear, hoar," and •Carried." There is
a fight tinning, 125031 this eubjuot, and
the'.' 10 00110013 tc 001(ovo that Mr. Waters
will find many mom eutiportcrs m the
11010 Parliament 111au Ito Lound in the old.
Tho Press Gallery mot aucl orgenizod
for the sossion. 1:, R. Parkhurst, of the
Mail, wlio had long presided over the
counoils of the premium, was re-olootod
President and A. C. Campbell, of the
(Bobo, was appointed secretary. Mr,
1'acaid, the new member for North
asex, n11d a 5erntor press eeprosentative
visited the gallery and received the eon-
grabulntl0ns of his brethreu.
T'bo Co. Orange Loclgo of North 2001h
have decided to oelobra'to rho next 12111
of July in Listowel.
Stratford is tho only city in rho PrOv-
i tion that dope not boast of a daily sheet.
5.11 thio roped, it is behind rho 1hn00.
'.Cho Stratford Public School board has
Clado an appropriation to provide instruo-
tions in mesio in the sobools of that city.
:Cho Woman's Missionary Sooiety of
the Methodist 055111011, 5t. Malys, hath
socnrod IlIrs, Boltsolloton, of Nayarit, N.
Y., the eninent llfiesionaity %Yorker, to
ve alog 0 5t tho Methocdistt(ihurtle on
,..Ar..12.1.1Vtozaato we.,,tur,;;.>uara_._-a„.opue,; . : .._._ -mow
1;4K".' IlUltOli.
Suer-•t'orbops in all Ontario that) has
not boon a harder -(ought battle in the
contest undid on 1110 22nd than 5n East
Huron—,a cloustituanOy twine gerryman-
dered, first 111 1172 and afterwards in 1882,
with an adverse majority of 60 at the lost
election and with a Itovlsing.harrister's
rpajority of at ]east 3.011 bad votes. These
votoo tiro Reformers proved at great ex.
poem to ba bad, nevertheless they were
left on tilt on account of a slim toohu1-
nudity and McCarthy') oath legalized
them. St1111ge's from various quarters
were pound into Rho riding. Some of
Giem appeared on tho platform, others
who did not or could not scoured the con-
eesoio115 distributing bottle:; with liquido
stronger thou water, incl money also in
nouns oases which have tomo to light.
Votor0 were brought from tho Northwest,
Motu tiro United States aid from various
parts of our Province. Iu \Viugham,
101151 four lolling -places, eight voted on
certificates in Howlett. Tho Mayor of an
ambitious city voted on n eerbifioato
twonty minutes before the closing of the
poll, virtually in defiance of the Reform
scrutineers, walking off immediately
afterwards. If the law is so loose that a
deputy Returning -officer can allow snoh
a vote to be taken in such a manse , or
that a votor, oven though he happens to
bo a Mayor, eon so oat, it is tithe that it
was alterod. Not a Reform clerk of any
municipality was allowed as Deputy
Rotuma -officer and even the head Ro-
tnrning.oflioor was partisan enough to go
into a polliugbooth and advise hie deputy
how to aut. Notwithstanding all these
obstaoleo Ulla Reformers with a determi-
nation au(1 aouratto for the last two weeps
bofore tho decisive day spared no effort
almost suspended work—in oarrying on
the eauvase, and the roe alt was the oleo -
tion of their caudidetoby a fair majority.
MI 0(10)1 1SY 0013 1pxa0Al500.
61.' n'rptt that lir. Farrow was heo,oi
by Dr. Macdonald by 75,—Clinton News-
711r. Farrow, 1110 defootod of East 11110.
on, 5, is rumored, is to bo appointod In-
sp0.etn'• of henu0ries in the now D
itm '.o. i. 115 Cbllego about to be r51 ,b.
Walkerton Telescope.
When rho 01100055 of Dr. 110odonnlcl 511
Enet Huron was announced the Orito
Oheered vigorously and the Tories follow.
o(1 suit when Mr. Porter was declared
sleeted for Went Karen---Luoknow
Heosei s chum and associate in cloak
scraping thud bumptiousness, Farrow, of
East Huron, is down among the dead men
this time. If _Hasson had got his demob.),
11e would be lcoeping him 0omlpany in
political oblivion]. His timo will coma. --
Stratford .Beacon.
Farrow, o1 East Duron, ono of the
most abject timo-eorvors i11 the las.
House, eau among the slain, Tido is
the man that candidly and honestly be-
lievoc1 that the N. P. 0331)000. the hens to
lay bigger eggs. Tho electors loft him at
home so that he would have more time to
prove his thco0y.—St. Marys Argus.
Tho defeat of Thomas Farrow in Bast
Hum is a regretable cirouinetanee in
this election, but it goes to show tho Con-
servatives that new blood is requirod as
a siandarc6beafor in the party. flow.
over, the exalang° of Hurons is 'pita
satisfactory to tho Conservatives. A pro.
hist 1las bum colored in East Huron, but
as a rule princess amount to very halm—
So if. rtli
iale.-Soif.¢'tlt Sun,
We r., sI to skate that in Ent Huron
we wore nut so fortunate 511 tho olcotion
as 121 oth0r porta of the .country. b'or
the first time 111 fiaeon years Mr. Farrow
h.0s boeu defeated. Dr. Macdonold's
majority wassmall, but it is large enough
,o cleat him. Though wo hove lost our
own riding by quo-tionablo tactioa in two
uiviaiono 511 the township o1 Grey we can
bo re11 satisfied with the result in all the
noir{ boring ridings.---Wingllam Advance,
Wo are cortoinly gl0dto lime that rho
East Ric1 ing hes been recleomod by Dr,
itl,edonald, by a majority of about, 100.
When tho contest ho tho Local resulted
nm - c :ably for the Liberal oandidatc, it
was then conceded that Dr. Maod0naid'0
el. Mimi (vas certain, and the Coueorva-
tivae pr,0lically abandoned the contest.
rho rk 11100 is a `0ntlemau of recognized
ability, and willboau acquisition to the
Liberal side of tho hoose, ---Clinton Now
Mr, Feerow's dofeot iu East Heron by
Dr, Macdonald is Imola to be regretted.
IIo leas been a faithful and zealous sup-
porter of Um Consorvativo party,, a valn-
ablo member for tbo Riding, and ono of
the most consistent and honorable mon
in public life. His su000ssful opponent
may bo a man of oqual probity of char-
aotor, but if he bo true to the past record
of Gritism on the vital questions between
tho parties ho .10111510 of little use to his
constituency, and still Less to the country
at large.—Goderich Star.
In East Huron, Mr. Farrow, the sapi-
Ont gentleman who claimed that the hens
lay more eggs and larger eggs sinoo the
N. 1'. came into fordo, has boon loft at
homo by a majority of 76. Ho has made
money for himself and ,5115 relatives 0iuoo
he entorod Parliament, and few outside
of his relatives and 11111110dint0 personal
friends will regret his defeat. In many
way0 Mo. Farrow is a gettlemat whole
wo Mord with the most friendly fooling.
IIoweVor, Dr. Macdonald is a bettor man
in ovary sospoct,—Godoriell 111g1101,
We oxcoodingly rogrot rho .defeat, of
lir. Fallow in East Hum, Ho was al,
ways oorefui and attentive to tho Cruets
eoposod in hila, and few rspresonbotivoo
over did mm'o for it people that he did
for 1lis, He WMMM univeranily x001100510(1 in
Um Ileum, and his Olnara0ler 50 without a
stain. That tool). a man should have
boon defeated is (atoll to bo regretted,
but it is•anot1100 iustlluoo of man's in-
humanity to man. hour years ago lie
hod a majority of 60, and this ti)no ho is
about 70 behind. Thonsands of dollars
aro raid to 11avo boon spent in the Riding
rid it may be that the Grit victory may
II short lived,---1fitoholl Advocate.
Tu East Huron a glorious viotory bus
boen snored, and we extond to Dr. Mao-
donald and hie friends oar moat hearty
congratulations. They all worked well.
Tho majority should, perhaps, bo larger,
but, oonsidoring rho foot that they wore
o00ventod from getting et boast sixty
names on -the voters' lists, which sh0ald
have been on, and that their opponents
got some on that =houlcl have boon loft
off, the result in Diet Huron may fairly
bo aloimod as a splendid victory, and if
other couotituonnos in Ontario bad added
as sensibly there would be a different
story to tell to-day.---maforth Expositor,
Tho L0nd0n Advertisor is responsible
for the following:
Mr. Farr,w, rho Tory candidate for
East Huron, denounced Sir Cher1es Tup-
per,. and declared his opposition to Sir
Charles as a party beadoo. Mr. Farrow,
who sat for East Huron for many years,
was in tbo repent contest dofented. Aro
we to understand the defeat of Mr. Far-
row as au endoreation by the Tories of
Bast Huron of Sir Charles Tupper as
loader? Mr. Farrow deolarod that purity
of life and character must henceforth be
guaranteed before any politioiancould re.
eoive promotion in Canada. Wo soy no-
thing about the fairness or unfairness of
Mr, Forrow's criticism, but we think that
it is pretty apparent that his party either
discredits his statement or rejects his
After struggling gallantly against groat
odds for many years, the Reformors of
Boot `loran 11avo at last sucooeded in re-
deeming this old Conservative eonntite.
oncy, rind by suoh a majority as places it
beyond dispute. With what appeared to
be greater odds than ever against them,
the Reformers entered upou this contest.
They had Mr, Farrow's former majority
of 00 to contend against ; they had a loos
of from 60 to 10‘; votes to contend against,
which votes wore lost through earOle,s-
110aa on our own part after the final re-
vision of the rolls ; and last, but not
least, they had a lot of boodle to contoud
ariai1101. [int the Reformers entered
with spirts irlt, this contest, and with a
SOterinination t, win, if success could bo
attained through hard and unceasing
work. The young men deserve special
t,^ais0 for rho invaluable aid they vendee -
ed, no. only in Wiugbatn but 112 every
muuiOipality. They took an active port
throughout, and it is largelyto their n11 -
ceasing and untiring offorts that the via -
tory 50 due. Taking everything into con-
sideration, the Reformers have every
reason to fool proud of tbo result, and
thoy may rest assured their chMMoe will
never give them omission to blush on se.
count 'of his oa.oer in the
hoot Times.
Q.: et III SL(tl.fl 1k No'o m
Dr. Barrett, late of the Upper Canada
Col)eggo, died last S•mday.
A diooiple of Pasteur is on his way to
establish himself in Montroel,
,ltev. Father Berko severely denounced
tine Quebec Wast bribery 0000 from his
Toonty-one persons were arrested in
Toronto, on Sunday, on the obarge of
cock -lighting.
Adam Flood, of Markham, was 00111
(flitted for treat on the charge of bribery
Tho St. Paul to Manitoba Railway
t1on,p my are to build 700 milds of road
through Dakota and Montana.
Protests aro to hs entered against tbo
olootiou of Sir Oharloo Tupper end 14Ir.
Mills (Tory) iu Nova Scotia, on the
ground of bribery.
Tho Guvernmont has clocidod to es-
tablish quarantine station in British Col-
umbia, and tbo Northwest at tho follow-
ing places :—Port Alberta, south of Milk
Diver ; for Assiviboia, south of Oak
Litho ; for British Col01ubia, twelve
Ulm from 15(0 boundary lino on rho Col-
olmnlbi:3 river,
Roy. Dr. Wild proaehocl on "Lent"
last Sunday night, and iu the 000.000 of
his sermon rom0l'kocl that he dill not
consider it passible that t11o1'o ecor Goold
bo war between Ontario and Quobeo.
"But," sold the doctor, with great em-
phasis, "if tlterooshoulcl be, et will whip
them iu about two days,"
A bashful youth wont visiting 113 101011
tho othor day. Thorn woo ladies' bright
oyes upon him and they somewhat con-
fused 11501. He wont to sit down, but in
his confusion he rondo bio oaloulotions
somowhat astray, and the part of his an.
Monty which should have landed on rho
ohair landed in a pail of cold .water: —
Dufforin Post.
San. Osborne, lecke51 agent for sovoral
oteomehip companies and tho Eric and
Vanderbilt roads. at Toronto, has disap-
peared. ).lis indebtedness is ostimatocl
el 56,000, He hag let iu tho Oonlp011100
rte represented for a ooloidornblo sunt,
ancl0ovoral friends will suffer through
endorsing bis notes. H1s family tiro in
Toronto, but aro not in the bosh of cite
301m Black, of Fergno, mut Wm, Mo.
Cutoheon, of Guelph, slcatm' tt livo•mifo
moo at Guelph lbnday night for 850 a
aide incl championship of Ontario, Mo.
Oticlheon olaimod the champiousliip by
1110 d0foat of Black hat winter, ho hoeing
met olid def0ated %elm wihou I11a01t ryas 111
no condition to 0katc. Black won easily
last night by sovorol Ings. It is under-
stood Blacks backers Muteo,l ubaliO0ging
any (thin in Cantuhl,
Calgary whoa district purposes to
borrow 83,000.
Mount Foroot Presbytorian Church is
putting in gallarie%
North Clarendon school boys play halo
ball 011 the imo.
There 100x0 08 lawyers in the last
House of Commons.
Many brut tl assaults on Chinese are
reported from Victoria, B. C.
Tuoro worn 32 rojeotecl and 51 spoiled
ballots 5a the Winnipeg el. Mime
The Parliament Buildings at Ottawa
will be lighted by aleotrloity during next
Iron. Ed yard Bbeka's majority in Went
Bruce is 1,190, Mr. Somerville's major,.
ity in 1889 was 809,
Ridgetowu is anxious to becomo the
oapftal of 0 now county to be formed out
of Rent and Elgin.
A by -how 00(11(0ing tho 0nmbor of licen-
ses in Hamilton was shelved iu the City
Council on 0tochnioality.
Knox Church, Galt is said to have the
largest membership of any Presbytorian
church in Canada, viz„ 1,005.
The D'tfferin Pest is about to change
hands ma'an, It is probable that Selma
G. l 000510m, will bo rho pay boss and
quill driver hereafter.
Because there was 59.75 interest past
duo on a mortgage on his property Jobu
V. Vanalastine, Reeve of North Fredor-
icksbnrgh, hos been unseated.
Rev. Rural Dean Cooper has the honor
of being tbo ffrnb Canadian clergyman
elected as grand eheploin to the Orange
Triennial Council of the Empire.
It is expected that Havelock Smith, at
pres':n in St. Thomas jail, charged with
the murder of Marshall Piggott, will be
admitted to bail as soon as the Assizes
open there.
The oonstituoncy of Alberta is abort
600 miles in length by about 250 in width,
embracing in the neighborhood of 150,.
000 square miles, and containing 55 poll.
Mg divisions.
Miss May L. Bald, B. A., a late grad-
uate of Toronto IInivorsity, has been sp.
pointed to the teaching staff of the Brant-
ford Collegiate Instituto, in succession to
E. II. Sinop, who takes a position in the
Civil Service,
It is stated* that three of the fastost
steamships of the Cunard lino have boon
pu1Ohasod by the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way Company for the proposed selvi00
batwocu 73rltish Columbia and Australio,
Cud that tho vessels will be plaeod on the
route la the spring.
Tho Nowt ound1,311(1 Legislature was
oponed on Thursday. Tho Spe+•oh from
the Throne exprossos regret at the (lisal-
lowaueo of the Bait dot, which was re-
introduced immediately after reading tho
Spuecb, the dobate on the add 000 being
adjourned for that pnr;,os0. The bill is
expected to pass unanimously.
Reports from Rattle river, N. W. T.,
ore not sotisfaotory. On account of rho
deep snow the Indians and white hunters
have mot with litblo success so far. The
coyotes tiro very numerous, and trapping
has been greatly interfered with through
their cowing in ahead of 11(0 trapper and
oa 07101( off rho captnrod animals.
Information was received fn Toronto
last week that the Lieutenant -Governor.
ship of Ontario, which has been held by
Hon. John Beverley Robinson rather
longer than the usual corm, has,boon
offered to Sir Alexander Campbell, and
has boon accepted. It is rumored that
Mr. Robinson will either be appointed to
the Sonataor selected as High Commis.
stoner to London in succession. to Sir
Chorine Topper.
Boon tho usually calm and unruffled
Berlin News etas boon carrier] away by
the prevailing exOttemenb. It seems that
nal offensive partisan publicly stated that
,. Cmiservativo spOaltor hos said what
was L bso, whc4 011012 the.Nows remarks ;
"Wo are not a believer in Muscular
Christianity, 51' if tho misorablo, dirty
blaokguard m:akos that lying statement
in any olbo'tplace but a public mooting
(sitar ire en the ad1t01 of this paper will
get hurt."
Some tinea ergo Patrick Maloney, Con -
peon street, Montreal, laid information
before tho Polido Magistrate against
some mi•ht:ens fur attempting to poison
hila by blowing arsenic through the koy-
llole into his ootl'ee. Sumo white powder
wee found lviug ar0mul, but proved to ha
only ohulk, ` The magistrate 005110ocl to
100n0 a 0,3(0,tni. Mid rho affair scouts to
have rankled in Ma10noy's mind, for
Thursday night ho 1300,35011 a young girl
ltam„d lloniee Lavigne, aped 13, of the
erimo, and on ler denying the accusation
h0 drew a revolve: and shot her twice,
Ho then pr0000d0(1 t0 the control police
Motion and gave himself up. On being
smirched, a revolver with two of seven
chambers discharged, 111 rounds of am-
munition and two daggers were found in
his potesession.
A Toronto carrespondont writhe : "Tho
temperance campaign fought oat at the
loot municipal election in this city has
roanitecl very suooessfully. In spite of
Oho most persistent canvassing of the eld-
ermolt anti of 1promisos to oat down the
number of licenses by a very small
amount, the proposal of Ald. Flemming
to roduoo it by one-thiva has been car-
ried, There aro, of course, 0noug1l of
badly kotlt hulloes to onoblo the lic0use
commissioners to wood out tho 11500seary
number of unworthy Roans° holders, but
tho liquor sellers wi11 make a groat alis•
take if thoy suppose that bin municipal
erused0 is going to curl here, Next year
Ito city Medicine will be fought out to
sotto oxtont wr rho 001110 55500, and some
of thug° who opposed the ream:lion Oahe
year 10i11 find tbolnoOI00s lett mut 01 thio
council. Tho liquor sellers hare I
their h)nin550, :a11(1 flit, 10(1(5) 121100 work -
Ors (leo hound now to havo theirs. For
tho prosont the pra0tical question is wbnl
cunondmenta shall bo macro hl the Crooke
Aotdewing the appr5111hing 1(3605ing of
the itogisleturc.
3. (J. Patterson's majority in North Ro-
me dropped from G91 to 148.
11, is wtdersto0it that the Departiteut
of Agriculture will be divided, Dr. Tache,
the Deputy Minister, being supe'aunu•
ated, and John Lowe, the present acting
Deputy Minioter, and Cl. A. Danooreau,
of Montrual, appointed joint Deputy
The Cluelph City band announce their
intention of giving a three days' band
tournament and demonstration, includ-
ing a military review, firemen's fate,
sooioty parade, trade procession, &o, to
110 held at Guelph about the middle of
June, Over 539,000 in prizes will bo
Cn Werluooday afbonuau of last weekArthur hunter, a young Married man
rosiding on Burlington P..eighto, ?Addle
grea0irg a wagon wheel, saw what he
thought to b0 a cap box on the ground.
He endeavored to , rho box by strik-
ing it with a „rulub, whin immediately
there woe an exp!1(:ion, and hunter got
the whole force of it in bin fano and
hands, which =00 terribly injured. It
is probable, however, that ho will ro.
Tho Dominion Shorthorn Breeders'
Association hove eleatod officers as fol-
lows:—Joseph Feathoraton, president;
Cornelius Flanagan, vice-president;
Thos. 0. Robinson, 2nd viae -president ;
Edward Bloz.g and Robert Pickordike
treasurer and seerotary reopeotively ; ex-
°cutivo oommittco—john Soott, Galt ;
G. D.' lhiathoson, Buffalo ; Joshua In-
gram, Thomas Crawford, J. Dunn, A. W.
Aikons. Toronto ; A. W. Ratings, For-
est ; M. M. Thompson, Montreal ; W.
W. Craig, Montreal ; J. Gould, Oshawa ;
J. C. Cochlea, St. Tllotnas ; W. F. Ro-
land, Stratford.
The London Advertiser says :—School
Inspector Eughes, of Toronto, is at it
Again. This time his bumptiousness
took the form of summarily suspending
fifteen children for whispering in schools
and these children cannot be reinstated
till their parents call at the Inspector's
office and rmeive a Mature on the ter-
ribly naughty nature of tboir obildren
and make a solemn promise that snoh
an awful breaoh of school discipline shall
not be repeated. Tho day used to bo
when, if whispering iu school involved
suepeasion, there would have been a
race to neo wb000 classes would begin
oraokling imm•dialely after roll, and
boyo a jolly good cloy of it in the woods
or on the ball fio!,1. But Lispootor
Iiughos probably docs not know moot
about school -boy human nature.
Tho Stratford Herald say :—"There are
heroes to bo Sound in every walk of life.
There is one named Sperling, who is a
mespenger of tho Express Company and
poses St. Mory'e on the ropier express
trams. While Liao eastbound train the
other day was ntsalding on the track tet
Forest waiting for the expres to pass it,
Mr. Sparring noticed two children stand-
ing on the switch a few yards from his car.
He yelled to them, but tho noise of tho
escaping steam from the standing engine
drowned out his voice. The engineer of
the incoming train at the same time
noticed their danger and whistled, put-
ting On the brakes one. reversing his en-
gine. Mr. Sparling, seeing that the
obli(iren did not notice his yelling or the
whistling, jumped out of the oar door and
ran and throw them under bhe standing
train as the engine swept past just graz-
ing them. Had the messenger's foot slip-
ped in jumping down on the icy ground
nothing could havo saved him from being
killed, as well as the children. The ex-
0110msnl of the lookers-on, who were too
far away to render any a sistance' was
intense, and when it was seen that all
wore safe thou oluoborod around the ex-
press 0'r to shako bond., with tbo mos.
mow and oougratnlete hire on his moo,
ow awl on his bravo not."
Edwin Woo—on, a eon of John Warren,
formerly of the Tin Cap, mar Brockville,
and who woe removed to Parry Sound
with his family some few years ago, re-
cently met with a fa al ae,,ident in that
district. He and a compniion having sot
some baro traps in alto woods, want ono
oveuin;C to take. a look at then. On
thoir way thoy worn oonfronted by a
largo book door whits% their dog had
started. The nn1m01 made an attack
1p0 3 ).Vernon, who held a It )tgan in his
hand, 1•le being on snaw0h000 could not
get out of tho way quiet: oomm11, and tho
11111ma1, madwith moo, strtolc ((0131 ltuock-
ed hint down. Getting up, he Omit (110
buck with his gun, which was loaded.
This 01)1100(1 it to go off, ilio olio -go enter-
ing tho young meat's ri;?ht log near tin
hip joint, shattering the bond. His
companion and 1110 dog succeeded in keep -
Mg the animal at bay, which sow) after-
wards disoppeorod. Warren had to lie
on the 0110w while his companion started
for help, and in two hours the injured
mows fothor come, Tho unfortunate
young eau was freezing to death, se the
weatber 1050 very cold. Tho old man
forgot to bring matches Cud the terrible
fear of boing frozen stared thorn iu the
fee°. Tho injured elan lcopt up good
apirito and was Rept warm by the dog
lying upon him. The j0uru0y homeward
was 0ommon0od, but the weather being
very oold and tbo 44110w four foot deep,
progreos %YRS very slow. Moos help ar-
rived, havover, and tho porky at onto
started to light a fi00 the avotuldod man
being 1110 only one who could strike the
Matchos the mon being benumbed with
cold. Again a start woe made for home.
It was an awful jo11mloy, the 1tion mado
being o,10 mild every two hours. He ]top
up well, and after ten hours of agony ar-
rived at the village, Medical old was
summoned, but upon examination it 1000
101111d t)lab 1110 unfortnnat0 young eau
could only livo a few .1101100, as the log
white) had boon broken WA) frozen to the
body. In 5111'ee hour's after arriving
home he died. - I11 had only boon mar-
ried 8531 mon ib.
Number 84.
Attwood wants a 11150x017 Sooloty or
Moohanico institute.
Tho Soaforth team beat the Godorielt
curlers, loot Friday, by 20 shots, in com-
peting for the Gibbon's medal.
At a meeting of the Belleville Polioo
Commissioners Oonetable John Newton
1V040 appointed Chief of Pollee,
Adam Hood, a member of 1llr. 13oult-
bee's committee, was arrested at Mark-
ham on Saturday,nhargod with inciting
two other min to bribe Vetere,
It is stated that no soon are 1130 stow
disappears work will be 0011311101104311 on
the Central Experimental Farm station
at Ottawa under the general direction of
Prof. Saunders, of London.
The Canadian GOvcrnmont is arraugiug
the goods to be spawn at the Jubilee Ex-
hibitions, w101011 ,rill ha held at Maus
chests., :7o taire, Liverpool (141d N= w-
custlo in the orlon owned.
A.rtieleo were ;eel it Now 7,111 on
Feb, 21, for ,, thr..' ;lone x0.01151155 match
between Edi, ur.i J.uvlan and J. Gau.laur
fur 52,500 0 sib: tool the clampio drip
of America. '.1.'l,e rc.01 5s for May 110.
Joseph Stonoholt:o aid Prod Cook, of
Bolgrave, walked to Mr. Martin's farm,
in Stanley, and cut and split 86 comb) of
stove wood, all maple, iu five dart; they
felled their own timber, eat up all the
limbs, and piled tae wood.
It is said there is a movement on foot
to have a 12010 ouuntyruined of the town-
ships of Huron find Kinloss from Bruce
county, together with four or more from
Heron county. Lunknow is making a
strike for the county town.
A correspondent at High Bluff, Mani-
toba, writes saying that there has been
80,006 bushels of wheat, 2,890 of barley
`08,008 bushels of oats, or it total 106,903
bushels of grain purchased and shipped
Mora High Bluff station this season.
James oven nod Henry Raymond
have been nrrerted at Port Elgin on a
warrant charging thorn with the slaying
of Wm. Wob•aer. Keyes kept a hotel at
Burgoyne and Webster was placed under
his charms h: Chicago friends, Tie was
supposed to be of wean mind, and soon
after his retention at Burgoyno he escap-
ed, but was speecli51' captured. It is sup-
posed Hint diming the two or three days
he was ab c11r r'u this 0'0 110010 he met
with a ecnoid f1• au tiro effects of which
he subsequontlt died. While Webster
was away K yco ualt 111„1 infosrn el his
son in Chic .551 of the clatter, and the
son hire .l 11',.Pmeonmei to assist 512 00ptoring
and ,to ,i:,.,,; nee: bio fathor. The wound
festered, and 1Veb ter is stated to have
been eaten nil;o' 1,yvermin, The prison-
ers wore tattoo t , Walkerton to appear.
Great military p1:'parations are report-
ed in R110010,11 1' land.
The Panama Canal Co. ban bought 80
locomotives in Belgium.
Charles Pickoue' son is bringing out a
jubilee edition of "Pickwick,"
Sam Jones is soil to have received 419,-
19;000 for ono month's work in Boston.
Diplonnatio relations between Groat
Britain sed Venezuela have been sus-
Tono'210t is the day sot apart for the
celebration of the Queen's jubilee in
The Emperor of China is the shortest
monarch in the world, except the boby
Ring of Spain, being only 5 feet. tall.
The tallest neoaareh in the world is Em-
peror William, 01 Germany, who is 6
fent, just sp1•passing his great-graaldneph-
ow, the Emperor of Raosoa, by one inch.
Tho Ray. Marcos Rainsford is probab-
ly the first clergyman to preach in a
sower. When a new sewer in Me north
of London was r.,eently boing built Mr.
Rainsford, 'elms • work iv ammo the
people of tilt neighborhood, wont into
the emoso one e) "(ng and hill services
for the c'nrkm:nl.
Ii1 a r.eriniu fawn in England a curate
Settled ilia congrooation ono Sunday
rooming by saying : "Hero enols+th the
first inning," aftar reading lesso': INTO. 1.
After the servleu the Mork add him of
tho oircuuistence, to which the .uperlor
Ojaellated : -Did I ? Wall, I was think-
ing about that fee catch I made yootor-
day I"
Tho gun 11 50.111 Jones ouenod I:s3 faro(
sermon iu Now York with the words ;
"Poopla sly to me, 'Jones, who don't you
preach Christ ? You only preach law.
To ouch I sty : "Do yon suppose I'll
brim; my God Clown here amouk you out.
throats P" Son. never dared stay that of
Chicago peopi.n. All that he called them
was "skunks." .
During 1110 none hooey slootetorm in
illahosko Co., a 01011 CST le upon at 00810
whose 11101'o111 1110 seemed to be °Moue.
ly hampered in a manner that roadered
bis flight impossible.' The noble bird
had been out all night and was enveloped
in a 00m551et0 coat of mail oo heavy and
thick tint ho was almost helpless. Ho
now adorns o fine cage in that citizen's
A bill recently introduced into the
Minnesota Legislature provides that all
railroads companies operating iu Minno-
sote. and oarrying passengers shall furnish
a spooial oar built of iron or stool for
each train of oars, or that a comport-
ment of such special car shall be built of
iron or stool, "upon tvhioh Mall bo locat-
ed all hoot and light producing nodi.
In ov0nt of n war in EnrOpo Germany
would require 400,000 horses ; France
875,000 ; Austria, 200,000, and Russia.
400,000. Should thorn be a war there-
fore, the powers would require 1,955,000
Immo t0 begin with, and more from limo
to time as the animals • 0lloul0 bo killed
or need up in servac0. E11g1a11d Iles nn
Blore home then it 1100(10, s0 that a war
across the water would stimnlato Sip
CAnadian horse market as well ae the
demand tor provie1on0.