The Brussels Post, 1887-2-25, Page 6riroctory of Churches ani tooietiost'' I., , 477„•,.1 pe't;1-- •('heel(,
lu iii" I,,,,.k of n•ttu:e A ;11010
leav, st" �fteu rend.
A luau dtiee 11114 111!7';! 18 Ow11 11
117!,0;,! ", 1„ah a tt'niu
li;t>Cuunctt,--Sabbiathilorvieesat11 Jrctcough x,Cold 0,and all throat and inn
Jftu,v'.mlat thloltcnl.—Sabbath Servioes
at 11 a.M. and 6:30 P. m. Smlday Sohoul
of t2:30 p. n1, Bev. John hose, B. A.,
wet. owl p. in, Sunday School at dic+ear,x use w,it' tone, Syrup. 111
2"30 p rl Iiev S Jones ilaster. drugslete.
a' .11 tut and 7 pan. Sunday Schou. at
Dai) a,w. Rev, W. T. Cluff, incumbent.
1410'rm. ase eitorwi.—'abbot'» services
1(130 n, m, and 6:30 p. In. )
Fol.00l ai'2:30 p. ni. Rev. Wtn, ((myth,
1to:aty CAo•rae140 Unettcli: --Sabbath
gel:vice third Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m. Rev. 1'. J. iihca, priest.
Oma FELLOWS' Lovas every 'i'11111'srlay
evening, in Graham's block,
MASONIC Lopes Tuesday at or beforo
fol( moon, in Garfield block.
A. O.U. W.Leoaa on 1st and 3rd Mon.
day evenings of ttaoh mouth.
k'etlsTElrr' Loealc find and last '(Mond,(•
evenings of each month, in Siutde's ball.
L. 0. L. 1st, Monday in every mouth,
in Orange Hall,
POST 011rme. --0 iOe hours from 8 a.m.
t0.7 p.m.
MEcmimcO' IvsTrrtrrn, !leading Room
end Library in Holman' block, will be
cry,oufrom 6to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays
sad Sttturdaya. Mies Jessie Ross, Lib.
Sr. ,3O O',1 (31071t011.- -Soh nth Rervioes '1 10 ':. b., 0•.111 a iunr
htr, 111• li• 111(1 c;(r1 h''-1
`lint 1 , :1'idh;.:'a 1", „•es 0,1
'111• l"n" "1'.11' Kale.
'11.. at 01 tin [ 1111 '. •a,r
tare 3•'r 11• ,• 41 ,ny ''te*. l:a v:• :rod
dull it.
For rlleinnatial.l, l'441110 1, 3',110, W004111
or borax esu \vest 6 Worl.rn \% 'e.0 r. Al
1'0„1 IV,', Walt;euItl 1,11 C.i th v+, Wait
0r ; ,•111,1 ihltive, }:d no'I NO1 it your
The C,n•1et 111 a par:'.!"x. It
cetue 1" a• ay, etotl et th'':ii..' (1111
got. to wall.t.
Por Livor Complain l„D.1 n,V,t't, and ale
Rooda011u use West's liver fills. 9.1
A+d13 cuts evidently repro
sent the onto. a. Liber y (11.giteu
iup, tl, •..•1111,
,"Phis x' des lee.” sail! the herd
of the !,111,7';' its be we; 'pat (''8 Lt
the 0104.31.1,11,.'.
\Vest'e Uo111113 Syrup stops tickling In ih
throat, stuns teat backlog 004311,( 61341 give
perfect relief ; tits eortalaly worth 0 trial
111'aj4aaiosi lore Les.
The simplest of models is proposed
for cheap cotton frocks this seneon ;
plain gored skirts with a gathered
flounce rand a long overskirt alightly
looped at the side and puffed at the
11,1011, and tt round, untitled waist.
A full chemisotte and velvet collar
and cuffs is all the adornment sig•
gested fur a frock of this style.
.4. Profitable Life.
Few men have aoeoutplieh011 the same
a,��tttt°nut of work and good In tills world as
tt)1, celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 80,080 of biz
rhe have been said in Canada alone, We
w-itu1 every person, troubled with Liver
(1g't•plaint,Dyseepeia,Roadaoho,Eldnoy or
tjbtary Troubles, 6o call ni at yourdruggiet
alld buy a bottle of Or,Ohoae's Liver Cure,
i.�t lilcareyou. Medicine awl But tpe1ook
tat 81.00.
The most favoured colour for un-
dressed gloves is 1(g11t pints, of flesh
tine, All light shades are worn,
however. For demi-toilettes the
light shades of putty euutiuue in
vague, 08 they, correspond with
dresee0 of all color's. Luing [Aloe '
eeoves,of dressed kid, bordered xi' ti
tr band of fur, are used with bloc!;
(')huts of velvet, 011111 an 1 1 ',(:ltd
Thousands ow0 their r4.•.. t , L••uin
R3cumutlzm to WeeCe World l\ 1 ,r or
roily Liniment. It 10 0ullcaded 0.1.0'..
ore t e be the best ka1wn remedy for
- 'toa'uatiem .nota, D ru 18es, 5 n uiu s, 11 ori,+
Scalds, ,p,loaand . ries t:5c ,09 a' 1 6 t rLel
clipt1. doh(
Py .l'ed eont:+nni Lcents Lar
li,talo. dol( Ly John Rargrt,tt es S 00„ 1
Druggists. -
tiounets remain very 0:..s.: L. the
Ode, the trimming, being Ina, i •':1
top by the milliner in varlan+ :yap
40 ,suit her fancy Bud the fee,: of the
wearer. While it is anticipated
that 11111buus mid piece velvet Will be
seandard ti'lmnlings for spring and
summer, there are men.. saucy
grluz06 which will he 1-.,11 with
flowers and for veiling fi,9e'?. .
Cc on Amur Gunr0.
Don'tallow aoold in tbo head to slowly
and surely develop rtvellToto Catarrh, when
yeueanboourod for lac. A few applications
1411 oars incipient Catarrh. One or two
boseawillam•e ordinary Catarrh. One to
boat's will cure chronic, Catarrh. ry Dr.
tlli0ee's Canadine Catarrh Cure-itwil :ouro
For wear with 1)1'11011 Inco skirts
aro corsage.1 of'blaolt vulva: -01'1011
liy another Hersage almost high,
which rnll:-iet of a trolli el' very
this co tage'culeera-only tees shoal
dere end neck' nrl•the upper. liar:
of .the arm, .nnd,tetm1113Ie6 711 pan]
pines which 3!1.•7ee, :en 1110 upper
edge of the Iuw Corsage. t;etnetim0s
the uotwork veiling the :+ltiulic of
jj t, instead 1•a gold.
Was attacked al:Ont awn ;.c.4.01
OF,/ with asthma, and 1 was as
Laid as apemen could be, 1 triad
Dr ..• :g's Medicine aud of Mid
after taking the wound. bottle
and after taking x01003 buttlea•,
tec1 fate anti no trouble.•
E'.dby( ADec1,
To ladies. 'Pilo groat bt-01)11,11,0 1:r the
o plexian. Ono of West's sn0areoated
LF srpillstako,t)lightly, to trills ..a cant,.
All drum,•ists,
The spring impoltatheh acct 1' "
01'le millinery 11(0(,002 repeat 111 t 11411V'
many of the tillares already- FOCI) 1(1
the winter hornets and large liner.
Snell bonnets and largo hats will
butl,t be worn during tllc coming
season. Importers predict the go
neral use of fancy brai(is, though
Many 1117111• straws ere shown in 1
All ,lruggiats.
An enveiop1 is like a 0011111U. It
can't go anywhere without addrose.
If men could see themselves as
othil's tit a them suicides would be
more irequel't
Thu standard mined), for 1n'er complain
it West's Liver Pills; they never disappoint
you, 00 pills:_10. All druggists.
Doctors 4ay thee diseases win be
communicated by ktosiug. Love,
for inot,lhlce.
Whey 011111011 aro allowed to vote
there gill be a good deal of buetlo
about she campaign.
Way win you suffer mit, a dad cold when
n f ew notes of West'snuugil Syrup will cure
you. Invaluable for all throat and lung
troubles. Couaumptives try It, Small 6100
Sac.. large bottles 41,00. All druggists,
T'z11u philosophy cuu.iate 10 hear -
111g with resignation 411u 1r11efertuu
es of our neIgbbero.
"VVey d” poets wear 1011;; hair ?"
asks all 101.0 ter. C.,e;d LU laevo it
0111, mar, (till's
Wonderful is 31(11 effect of West's World's
Rondo' or b'awaly LJc 411, 1, Ups bottle
will infest 31311.11 a 01e0had to, 111000 the
number of any utn..r 1;LL:roas. ... and 3uc,
Ali drug ,sta.
A Gillen; ,nit pert .- :11(A
0a1r. W1i11' 1, up. I. is 711 the
nit): , 1 1 1',,pb,y
yl Yalu 01u rog 111., 111•, ll'S To.
th:Iun 1, f'. •t ,.11.11 . 1i .l1:•1111
for 11 diT.11%'•• tl" :•,' 3,4 ,,,,t ..01\1'11,
Paid 001111, 111 r ti,.' ('9lean1 has
taken a slug r o . t 6 1',111: 111144. tha
magic 0918. J.'e not Lo induced 60 1)0(10 a
0ub51110 ,,,u.'.osis( upon_ Luting '3os;'s
('0111 Bing. Genuine sold by J. llnrgreayeo
re Co., dragglels.
If you want to become nequalntod
meth the Fuel life of no Se011i0111)00:
Ply, an to one of their 11:11:e. -
"Well, 1'!l be battered 1" exclaim
od the a.tailisbed (lhicngo Atiarcbist
when he heard the verdict.
Ladieseroubled wltb Pimples, nlnte11e8,
Rough Hands or Paco, or Soros of any de-
50riptiva, should use maeregor k Parka's
Carbolic, Gornto, It win leave the skin in
perfect health, smooth, Glean,
, and good
calor. 60 sure and et the g
by ltc(iregur a C• Parke, Brice 251. Soldat J.
llargr0avec.1) (10'44, Drug Store.
Nobody ever heard of a dumb an
arch;st. Anarchism is to a very
large eased(di.enee of the mouth.
'No set -unto it is the negative
n:,n lr, is alwe 1' 'leg hi..
"noes" kilo other poupio'a businese.
\Vhen a 111nn is twenty five lie
knows something ; when he is fifty
five be WisbeS llo knew something.
In Ena,;laud s pUliticilttl "stands"
fur office, but it; line country he
"run.," and he !lea to hemp lliln
self, too.
'loader ,in informing you 0l this wonder-
ful remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
31,Lohit,s. Consumption, and all alreotions
01 iso 'i'luvat a•11 !,nags, we feel that wo
axe'dt 11:6 ybu a grra4C 10 dROLP as TT you
1 the above complaints, if youwin .,l: tv3 it tv 11 0 .
1,1 s',lI,fte-
r 0, .t yr,cu 1,00 OS refunded, Ask
1111 a 1 7:•111 ,. ,.' Quad. Pr1,.,1 50o,
aid 31,09 t er bottleat llargreaves' Drug
Stora, Drueu,.ls.
No ma to ';,flat tato 1:a,er mill
may d0, tie heed,ergan lean }gill
couliunu 10 grind' the music that
1a1 passed.
'l'lle trite hero is the man who
titre tell his wife the tenth when he
comer/ home a: few hours after the
regular tlnle.
lteetemuwhy you should pllrobase Plaid
Yrt'I'tning h, liTfIIeran CO to alt 0011,10 rant-
oltloe ora 1—Itttpid moult-011reY instantly.
4 is easily applied -no trouble -no lost
IWO. It door not require constant uso,-
np application if. o0oatual. Ono bottlo w111
relieve more pain than any other remedy
id existence. Try 11 for Neuralgia, Tooth-
nehe,liaadaohs,i111eumatism, Sold al VW.
a bottlo by Jahn Ilaagraavoa tat Co,, Drug.
An advertise wants "a strong boy
for bottling." It (secure to no that
t would bo onsi,er to bottle a weals
They d0 not sty "etodt c11 ache"
n Boston. "Weskits neuralgia" is
the proper word ; but it gets there
all the same,
A fashion journal sayd :--"1;ow,1
011 chairs have had their days."
Perhaps so ; but beaux 1111 chairs
are still having their nights.
dark shades of colour. There is an
effort to introduce lower -crowns, but
high square (myna ars dhow• on
1 the hate and nearly all the ben -
nets thus far opened.
at1e1Wup thing ---A show bill.
A vice that few pursue—Advice,
Weather profits --alio coal dealere,
Pain meet exist W11.611 Watt's World's
Wonder is applied.: Cheapest dud best. 20
ana CCc, A11 druggists.
Egotieln is frequently all in a
The ."to eiated 1"sass-•.A lcyrt's'
eAii E0
rIm DA Y.
W t`
OMID AA„ R.:11 (3. 17 0��I-}
,:.-.Jam w..N aw�sa=. e-• -:.-� x .:-:.,w.: •,. «.w, . �eR® �u r �_ p A„ ..F.r..,,
/111 adverti',er calls for a "large
pelf !calor." He should make the
acquai lltetice of a fall tramp on hie
say South.
It is raid that women dross etc
tl'l1V1tg11) tly to worry 0(1,01' women,
The man who Gressel extravagantly
generally worried ilia 1111100,
A small sword -fish eau kill a big
whale. Fish nature 14 not unlike
human uutnre. Tee whale blows
ton much to bo a fighter.
?was at the tailor's coflv8431i011
where the delegate arn„e and saki
that what the country wanted was
100,04111'08 and not met).
"What is 11IcGregor's Speedy Cure for?
It is for D y spoliate, Liver Complaint, Indi-
gestion, Biliousness, and it is the finest
blood purifier in the known world to -day.
"Does it give satisfaction 0" Wo 0annnt
point to ono instanoo whore it did not.
Whore doe, it have the largest solo?"
R'ght lu rho olty 01 Hamilton, where it is
manufactured, there has been over one
thousand dollars worth solo in the last year
retail, and the groat majority of alio sales
are by ono reoonmending 10 to another.
For Bale at 50o. aa0 81,00 or bottlo by J0801
f3A•n01EA00s E CO..Brussels.
No love is so intense 88 teat of
the 18.year old youth for the 26•
ye1Lru,(1.girl. He guts over it, of
course, but while its 111 '.motion it's
sixty -•miles au hour, including stops.
131131 chis1 rho reason a corteiu
1 lkart,ed piece Wi6
111. td: )a ,.,,i 11(100110 tool: Sump learn-
ing there, /mil few bron4311 any
01":,15' with them, so it accumulated.
Little Girl : "Mammo, wliy docs.
I' tee 101 1011 00if ell the water
flows 1i,1e it 1'" nelensees., child !
Don't you know its foil of spengc8?"
There ore six poets 111 the lirllish
!louse of Lords, It is suspected
thee they were selected under tho
b':llef that tt'(i1 new p001tin110 would
l 11veut them from writing poetry.
"Whet lt, a hero 13" 110110 an ex.
0hauge. A hero is a men who can
pass a crowd of boys engaged in
making en010 balls without turning
his head to make Euro they have no
designs on hull.
No, it is not hard to write funny
paragraphs : all you have to do • ie
to procure n nen, 3301ne paper and
ink, and thou sit clown and write
them as they occur to you. It ie.
not the writing but the occurring
that is hard.
Ti,o t. ' f 13'e Bur; 1040 of tent
graving at Washington 10 somothiug
of IL joker When asked what would
probably bo the design of the tax
stump for oleomargarine, he replied'
ilia a "stuffecl, goat" would be moat
upenepriafe. That would best re,
preselt3 a "bogus butter."
eaa:aetetela4sex Ter owe).
Halla!! will 1cave for Australia in
Auguet or September,
7.11 011,,;(111 331e lulthuritiea flee the.
buys $1 al?tl omits for hanging o11
The LTtclliue corporation aro
tlbuut to et tot a complete system of
waterworks to coot $80,000.
(leo. N. ille.tllel)ou, nF Sarnia, has
presented tho citizens of Embru
with a baudeoroo set of curling stones
(10 pi0ir),
l'etitione an being circulated by
the W. 0.' 11. 1;., wilting tho Ontario
Government to appoint a polico
magistrate for Bruce, with re salary
to bo paid by the County Council.
Ilanlm slid Teomor have 6halleng.
ed Roes and Lee to row a throe mile
race for ,$600 or $1,000 a aide, giv•
ing the latter crow five 8oconds'
start, They will ro,v Haden and
Math for tho 811,n10 money on oven
Thompsou Magill, proprietor end
editor of the Leamington Poet, died
on Wednesday morning, Feb. 1601),
418 o'clock, after a ahert illness of
about a week. He had been a reel -
dent of lbs village for abOlit five
years, end le that time had made
many friends. Ile !saves IL Wife to
mourn his lute.
leineardlno'e tow's council has
rlppeinied it committee to ro'pert
upon 1110 best scheme to celebrate
the Queen's jubile + year on 'he 24111
of May next.
The sehe'll tl'ilstea.l of 6110 1ie1110
of West Wellington met in Uraytnn
recently raid formed 1101n401v05 into
nn aesuciation, to be known as the
West Wellington School '1'rustoee
Association. The (quoit it 1,) dis
cuss the present School Act and to
suggest any improvement or altera-
tion they may deem advisable.
A Halifax, N. 8., dispatch says :
----Maud Williams, aged 40, ata,
found frozen to death in her room
iv the heart of the elty Tuesday.
She was almost nude. The room
was filthy in the cxtletu1 awl total-
ly destitute of fire, fuel or food. Her
bed was a heap of rag's. Sho seems
to have frozen to death while crouch.
ing before the empty grate (tering a
bitter cold night.
Pierre Gadbois, a Montreal young
elan, was engaged to Miss Frost.ine
I3eaupre, whose perente Were dead,
3111d Joseph Hi -tractile was appointed
hll' Ilust('e. In July he requested
her to he bio tva'e rend 123,e c003ent
ed. They fixed the c r-mon 0 for
s'. ill ,31110 111 .'.11!114, ('11'• m90
ringe, 11owevsr, eas hru!;eu off b,3
the young huh'. and (3 9,104,1,4, who
befit vod that her tutor tied influent:.
cd her not 10 111::rry 117111, intltttn6e,l
legal prncee%lir ;1 34111401. 1Ir, el ::
110hio for $1.600 der sees Sir.
311,00, meteeete who L•1 aril rho care,
dit/miser-a it.
The follooviug g,'ut4o, ( 311 11
110eu admitto,l 118 ;0:14,1, ;As at 1-3.v l)y
the Lave Society :-Grndual110 -E.
Lllin.t., D. lieu(y, 8. 8, novelle),
G. A Campton, A. Cnnelantineau,
A, W. Anglin, Hairiculants—W.
It Garrett, W. C. 11.te0?artly, N. W
Ford, J. H. Hofftnan, J J. Warren.
Juniors—VV, el. Campbell, 10. Park'
1•r, J. S. Denison, W. G. Dwane, F
ti Martin, J. B. McLeod, J G
11',, riner,•J. E. Co dr, F. VV, 'GVi1Sou,
A. 13. Atlnetrone•, 0. VVateen, S. A.
C. Greene, Et. It. MMr:Connell, J.
Anderson, F. Elliott, J. W, Win -
nett, A. S. .BoYCLIBm, J, H. D.
Helium. Articled Ciel ire --W. II, P.
walker, G, S. MN:at/nald,
It will be remembered that in the
burning of the Copeland !loose,
POmbroke, sfnne 37.10 since, a mall,
who passed by the Immo of John
Har(uoy 011310:3''(1, loot his life. Alt
the time of his death Catterall Nees
u011ssased of a P. 0. ban!( book,
which allowed some 511,000 lying to
his credit 111 the savings bank, Send,
as no relation 4,1111^11(')13 t11 031141m "..;.
amouul, letters of a'lunu)istrvtiou
were taken by the ll.;,,c.,ey•Gcneral
of 1110 PrOvinen , Outerin. Adorer
tisculouta made 111 the •v .110014 paper]
caught the eye of :1 men who had
ltuu\vu tho (180eassd, Bir, Cameron,
rued worked with 'line hi various
0111311tles on tho Gatineau end Upper
()keen. He came forward and told
a curious and interesting talo, Ho
said that the deceased and himself
were both from Nova Scotia, aud
that Cameron W119 not rho real name
of tho deceased, he llaviug for pri-
vate reesons ag81m01 it on leaving
Scotland. He etalod numerous
places where deceased had worked,
and also that 14111. Macfarlane, which
Was deceased's proper name, had a
father living in Scotland, As a re-
m:1t of this information, bir. 'Mao-
fariano, the father, hoe been com-
municated With, end Ills Honor
Judge Ross has made application,
accompanied by proofs oe relation-
ship, for the 111071oy to bo paid over
to the father. This, it Ia under-
stood, rho AttorneyGenetal le will-
ing to ,do, and p obably, all legal
forms and ceremonies having been
complied with, the money will bo
handed over in 11, few days,
The ending of the !Vast Ontario
Peeil)4i bile near'lleinetefor(1 10 nL
most computed, end •7011( (cork has
been :.115110ud08.
Jas, Anderson, Springfield, can
b •a+1 so ear 311 llevin ; ox spring
lambs. The first wee lambed about
Feb. 14. This is early.
Tip O'Neil. one of the St. Louis
Browns, is at his home in Wood -
stook, O,tt. Ho keeps in eonditton
by skating tun miles each day.
The report„ recently published of
inteuso suffning among the inhab-
itants of Nort3teru Newfoundland
from cetd 131,'1 slar0ati.,n are denied.
A. eere101 process of addition
show0 that the Senate hat/ Dost Can -
lids linen 3344 eslltbliShmont in 1868
the 13eedeorne sum of$..400,000.
The Snlvetion Armv it el in reel
Inn °biatiued 11 tenant from the city
to build its betracks near the career
of St. 'Uex'ln,lor and O":aid et roots.
'filo huddler; i• to coat between $12,-
000 end $16,000.
A new 1loseil ll for the Lreameent
of patients atilt wing 'ram infectious
diseases hes hew) entered in Iron.
trent '.313(8 b1,1 iia33, welter eon tai 11)'
[Cellw ne13ati 'n 1.,.- 1.31 pat/outs,
will 0 !..4 3.1,•11(1 tell„u ti 'Hied
fun 1)3.1;1 h C,,iuwi'i t Lo,'1tlau',
11119 peeeed, n, e' --.J 11 1111 '•(. tl'113 11!:
exa once of ,tee, ltsft.) Inn ,111:1 1114
rate,/ 0!11114. 1 ire the C.the 'I t', 1.''t-
011.14 iL _,nil': ,_ , til. 1 ..pp 111.1 14 it
4/. t- t'', t:, irq:;ie) „ edi.,g
The Watfo:,l Cotincil 11-.1 decided
to pay $4 to the (mail `ylie would
first reach the engine (in Cabe of
fire) ..11+1 telex 1: t) the fire .:1111 hack
to the hall. Alae 50e. to the lnitu
'011,1 'o,,nt 1 11:•,1 '"(1101 the fire tel:Lrm
and riug the bell for 18
Jas. Carroll, formerly of L'iddulph,
has started a general eturo at
1-htger'o P11.s, the 1igheet peek in
the Selkirk range of the pocky
Monutalns, with a prospect of good
winter's employment, 1:I•, write.'
thero 11111 beet: w fail of 0110w of over
thir,y Let.
The Sarnia lion prints a long ac-
count of a Plynlpton family named
3nl,nel,'d, hying (111 the Sixtll line.,
,eCI the '1..7 ;nearthat they have
been obliged to •!cavo their !louse
bee'Inoe ,33 the terrible things which
have 113tppeuod there, things appnr-
eutly clone by spirits from the other
world. They are now living on the
London role(. Ono story.10 that ie
bud on which some Member of the
family used 311 sloop, would eleveln!
tinges d10(111g the day take fire --
beret Out into ltenl(s from no 10(0'
pe t ?,1'.', 1111 fhb being near it.
Then tl ; elec c which had ticked 0n
th• 1 ,,t aur many It long clay .old.
dot,le thee 1' into ItS 1 014 to jump
.,If its resting place clear ir,(o the
middle of rho room, iujnrin4 ono of
the children. Ponos of glome were !
broken by nuseen hands, and the I
wildest hind of confeNion s0tnetlmea
°courrl d atn0nl; the 111eee:1 of 1(!!'111- I
toxo, the rocker bowing to the sofa, ,
tho table dancing ;t hornpipe, aud
the arm chair walking over into 11
col'r)er of the room. The most
naystoricus kind of things kept hap -
inning, all manner of articles \voulct
suddenly Iritic 1113 their heels and
raiao Cain. The ()look which j\amp•
od into the centro of the room, it is
said, to lay just where it came
down, unlashed to 1,701100. No ono
would touch it, and they steered
clear of about everything else ivhiol)
showed any inclination of being
possessed of Old Nlok. Plympton
1141111 stirred up over it, and the
people being so well kuotvn hoe add-
ed a sort of halo to the story that
makes the majority take (oneider-
eble st0cit'iu 31, The fact rettlailla
that the family has loft the house
and that io presents a 11108t woebe-
gone, haunted appearance.
Fko, 357. ! l;hi,
r5jy ,(� � ,..
t TY t ,pl'itAl`'Y^'t_...� 40 �'4'✓• $aua
1.1r(l'!7('117 Il edf,'ernet/01'1' ,1' d r•311 /±03
'Chanhlun the 1'111,10. :01' past favurn 1:1111
011111/11 and 3130111110. Stili to ,.1,•ur1 your
pati'unul,h',, 11'31 are :.,nine 0, (nil !71110
(luldeini Iiivel 1Cn:ri r>,
Itivcr plat,.;! \Vary, fret,, 'abiisht41
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Clocks of 13(1' 1014.13(4 designs,
Jewelry :
Wedding 311113;0,
l,adir0 tictn pings,
1':.1r111ga, tCc,
Alm. have in snick a full line of Violin it
111111 Violin String.,, Pipes, ,1.1,.
!"t 33,13.-I10,101of Ma, rioteLi,enstn
T. Fletcher,
At17;3 G 1_-Q, -1 1 lt27.
Announoomomt for the Coming Yuri
Grip is uow so w'oll tummies to require
very little of either descrlptiun or praise.
It le t110
ONLY CARTOON 8,13E11 I\ CA1111,,
and it is furnished at about on :-11111! the
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States. Grip's Cartoons, in addition to
being strictly impartial when they refer
to politics, aro always en the side of pat-
riotism ,and morality,
,The late improvements are nnivernally
admired. The journal is anted -god to 16
pages, and it is printed upon heavy toned
and woll-oalendered paper. This gives
both the engravings and tho letter•pross
Lb beautiful appearance. Aud, notwith•
standing this enlargement and improve.
•lent, the price of Grip ie
0x111 60 A YEAR ; 81007.,: Go,'it:e, a CENTS.
4110 price it amnianrled when but a four
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1)n not be without this; 1;0.r0;1, C'aL4d-
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All subscriber! to Grip. ne'v or 03.(. fur
,r ti(ledto a copy of the m""„ilh"'r7r lith-
ograph "Conservative I.r.u!ere," '.r the
tine companion pude "Liberal 1.,1'013'1,),"
shortly 10 1)0 published, 011 payment of (3
cents for postage,
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Stove Pipes.
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_B. GERR.C..