HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-25, Page 5a
Fish. 25, 1887.
t ,7� 1ftict �nwLi��Uiy,
Skitling la the order of the day, On
Friday evening loot a sloigh well filled
with young folks might have boon Doers
making itis way to the Maitland akar.
ing rink Breesels, and others were on
foot. They wore badly dissappuiuted on
finding the rink olosed for the evening.
But nuvortltuless they say they lied a
good tim'^ as politica were freely disatioo-
ed by bath parties,
This polling division conte to the front
uobly and give a good oelid vote for Dr.
Township Council will be bald at
Tuck's hotel on Friday, March 1 A.t
this nesting pathmasters, &$o., will be
CeseeitT.---A grand collect bus been
arranged for the evening of Tuesday,
1lsrc•), 8, in Tuck's hall, when the well
known Sooteh- vocalist, Jno. Stewart, of
Halton Uo., Geordie Hamiltou, of Att-
wood, Thos. Town and S. H. Laird, of
Brussels, and several others are expected
to take pa, t. Keep yourself disengaged
for that oveniug. Bug -pipe inutile by
Piper llallantrnn, and duet's on 'the pi-
ano mud violin will greatly add to the
pleasure of the evening.
t QCAkif ern..
As usual, Iionfryn tea -meeting proved
a success. \Yo woro favored with excel-
lent weather and splendid sleighing. At
About 0:so p.in. the first table fell sat
dowi,, and froth taint until about 8:30 the
people kept coming, and were evidently
in fill aympa:hy with the inviting ap-
poaranco of the rich spread made by the
ladies. As 8:45 Rev. bar. Stafford began
his leeture on Richard Baxter, and for
one lour and twenty minutes held the
attention of the largo audience which fill-
ed the church, while ho pictured the
oharaeter of ono of the finest of men,
and drew and enforced many loasons of
rioh, pratetioul benefit to the largo num-
ber of young men and women present.
The leatut•o is full of instruction, and
rarely has it been our privil. ge to listen
to ono so replete with sound common
sense and so utterly devoid of anything
light mud trifling. Proceeds amounted to
+_avi„y 11
The tovruthip council will moat next
Monday at the Hall.
Building operations promise to be quite
brisk in this township next spring.
R. Loos has disposed of his farm on
north half lot 29, con. 8, containing 100
Rev. Mr. Tongue lime boon invited to
the pa.aornte of the Methodist Church,
Blyth circuit.
Miss Mary Jackson, of Lindsay, is visit.
ing her mister, Mrs. Jamas Duncan, of
this township.
J. 1'ybus' infant daughter died on Sat-
urday and wao buried on Monday after-
noon, Bev. W. Smyth offioiating. The
child wan about 0 mouths old.
Mr.. i? arruw'o majority was only three
more at In_ t Tuesday's election in this
township than it was in 1882, notwith-
standing the new Franchise Bill.
Joint Watson, assessor, has commenc-
ed his duties for this year. Mr. Watson
has tla, t.niuioiug business down fine as
he is gniug oven•• Morris for the twelfth
Tho new board of directors for the Bel -
grave eheeco and butter factory aro Jos.
Gollev, A. McLean, Daviel Geddes, Robb.
Reilly, and Walter Scott. Mr. MaOeon
ens °hosen President, There was man-
ufactured of choose last season 85,000 ills,
realizing about $8,000. They exited: to
do a larger business this ooming summer.
LIS:to"iv el.
The O.P.B. exhibition car woo here
last Saturday.
On St. Patrick's day Rev. Mr. Ker, of
Mitchell, will lecture on Irish wanes,
tongs and eccentricities,
B. SloCallnm and John Connolly,
teaohero in the High School, were pre -
edited with hMndsomo pieces of silver-
ware last week, on the eve of their de-
partl re from town.
The ministers of the various denomin-
ations oro moving in the matter of early
closing of the stores in town. They
think it will help the congregations on
Sunday au well as the weok evening ser-
Tho great quantity of stone and other
building material being brought into town
at present indioatos that a largo amount
of building is in contemplation for tho
coining season. Fully $50,000 worth of
buildings worn eroded in town last seas-
on, and there is a good prospect that as
much more will bo spent fu building this
season. Among those who are making
proparations for building aro Robert
Thompson, W. M. Bruce and John Liv-
ingstone jr., each of whom intend erect.
ing fine briok rooidenoos. Knox ohurob
congregation have in contemplation the
erection of a new thumb, to Dost about
$16,000. A subscription list is now in
(distillation among the members, and
some eight or nine thousand dollars Novo
so far been oubsaribed.
G by.
3r,ec'rio.t Nomrs.-Didn't Gray roll alp
a large majority for Dr. Macdonald ?-
The Tories aro terribly chagrined at the
defoot of Il'r. Farrow. ---Tho persistency
of tato Tory scrutineers in soma polling
divisios,:s of swearing almost every other
man gained many votes for the Reform.
crs.-The more Tory boodle the mote
Grit majority. -Tho liens laying bigger
eggs and the cows giving more milk
it:rine"t take worth a Dont.-Dr. Mfactinnn-
ald 11. 1'. for ;Gast Unroll.
Thu Literary meeting was bold in
Shine's school house last Monday even.
Ind ea announced. Thom was a large
attendance the room being filled to over.
flowing. Tho program throughont wee
instructive cls well as amusing and all
were highly pleased, Following is the
program :-Song, Goo..Al000lt , reading,
,I. I11. :Robertson ,• recitation, D. Ritobie ;
song, Jas. Perrio ; stump speech, J11o.
Robertson'; eons, hisses Dolgatty ; ilia -
mxststS P:T.Yds91'ae ..,:.cies. axamt a Ti insmaz%ztax+isaneva4FP sus. wags, ra{G1a1arv1Eo71„i0p4!.. ayaA•; mzxv,,x.r...S, i1. 4Q7 ...
Josue Jim. Bain, Mrs. Bain, 111itia.__
ahral, 1), l±itchin, ltobt. Diuks"rt ; Bmig,
Cleo, Alcock; rocitatiou, J. M. Robert-
son; elu,+tt, Mr, and Miss hill, reoitatimn,
Jim. than : rooitation, Miss Mary
obeli ; reading, D. Robertson ; dialogue,
D. Ritchie, Jno. than, Jac, Ballantyne,
Miss Mary Mitelrell: po111ioa1 stump
peooll, 0, Gaghan ; song, Jae. Mulhall ;
song, Geo. Alcook. R, Bishop gove alt
address on Foeeile which wan laid over
from. a previous heating. We might
abate that Mr. Al000k played the -aooan-
panimonts oil the guitar to rho songs
which he snug which wore received with
groat encore each time. D. Robertson,
the President, 000npied the chair, An-
othbr debate will bo held next Monday
evening, Feb. 28th, when the subject
',Resolved that Bingle life is happier than
married life'will be disouesed,
C7ai,nataian Ne W18,
Petitions asking for the repeal of the
Scott Act are being prepared in Glen-
D. 0. Cameron, of Lucknow, passed his
barrister examination at Oegooda Hall,
Jake Gandaur has engaged Fred II,
Plaieted to train him during the owning
Tho real indebtedness of the town of
Kinaardine at the present time is a frac.
tion over $10,0l0.
Wm. Phillip, of Galt, is the owner of a
common hen that has already a brood of
chicks at her feet.
Rev. Dr. W. J. Hunter, of Hamilton,
has r000ived a call to the pastorate of St.
Paul's Church, Brampton.
A.ppliontion to have Windsor erected
into a city will bo made at the approach-
ing session of the Logislatgro.
Arthur Pinel, clerk in the Toronto
post office, has been sentenced to seven
years for eteoling registered letters.
A eoal famine threatens Halifax, un-
less the strike of the Pictou miners soon
ands. The cotton fvotory closed down
Saturday for want of fuel.
A young woman has appeared twine
recently at the Clinton skating rink dres-
sed in male attire, and else is promised a
visit to the magistrate if she repeats the
We see, by the Hamilton Times, that
S. F. Washington, barrister of Hamilton
a son of John Washington, of Wawanosh,
has been putting in good work for the
Liberal candidate in South Wentworth.
A venerable wild goose has just died in
Beverly Township. 80 years ago it Dame
into the possession of Morris Shellard,
and eighteen years before that it was
captured by the late Mr. Harris, of Galt.
It was therefore, at least 48 years of ago
at the time of its death.
Saamuel J. Laughlin. foreman of Bell's
organ factory, has constructed a round
ornamental -revolving ease about 5 feet
high, with an ornamental top, to go with
the Bell organ exhibit to the exhibition
in Sydney, Australia. The case contains
twenty different samples of Canadian
wood, and the name of tho wood is let-
tered on each piece.
A. man dressed in woman's clothing
and calling himself Miss Foster, has
been holding evangelistic services in some
of the districts along the north shore of
New Brunswick. At several places his
methods and manner of exhortation were
so feminine that he was not dedeeted.
Suspicion was eventually aroused, and
Ise was at length exposed at ono of his
meetings and forced to dreamt].
Tho Canadian Sportsman has this to
say of the very fine stallions recently
brought to Luoknow "Messrs Whitely,
and Little, of Luoknow," has purchased
from Mr. Hondrie, of Hamilton, the fol.
lowing trotting stallions :-Boyel Abdo],
lab, 4 years by Jupiter Abdallah ; dam
MoCargo's mare, by Don Juan (thorough.
bred), and Angelo Abdullah, 7 years, by
Jupiter Abdallah ; dam Angetine, , by
Harold, the sire of Maud S. Price not
The scenery et Niagara Fallsat present
is said to surpass in grandeur anything
that has been seen there for some time.
Though, owing to the changeable weather,
no ice bridge and mountain have yet
formed, the ice crust on the trees and
foliage on both banks presents a pieture
of dazzling brilliancy when seen in the
•suulight. Niagara Valls at any season is
deserving of a visit, but never appears bo
so great an advantage as when affected by
the cold of a Canadian winter.
Tho mortuary statistics for January
show the number of deaths during the
month to have been as follows in the
undermentioned )enlaces :-Montreal 405,
Toronto 186, Hamilton 62, St.John (N.B.)
64, Halifax 52, Ottawa 50, Kingston 87,
Sore131, Winnipeg 29, London 29, Victor-
ia (B.O.) 27, Hull 25, Belleville 22, 88.
Hyaointhe 18, Fredericton 17, Charlotte.
town 16, Three Rivera 15, Brantford 14,
Sherbrooke 12, Poterboro' 12, W,00dstook
12, Guelph 11, St. Thomas 11, Chatham
11, Galt 10.
A few days Ago as Thomas Skelley, an
esteemed farmer of Adjala, was returning
from afunoral, and while crossing e, bride
in the vicinity of Athlone, tbo cutter in
which he was seated was swept away by
a flood of waber passing over the bridge,
and Mr. Shelley was thrown into the
stream. Nothing was known of tho af-
fair until the following morning, when
hie body was found jammed in between
the logs at a mill a short distance from
whero the accident occurred, The horse
was found in a shed close by, and the
cutter. which was badly wreaked, was
found in the stream.
The Canadian Gazette says :-Some of
ourrooders may, have noticed a statement
published to the afoot Ilea Dm Belph
Lesslie, a Canadian whoeo doings in the
Eastern world have attracted some atten-
tion in recent tines, was about to pro-
ceed to join H. M, Stanley in his Congo
expedition. It was stated that Dr. Loathe
bad boon telegraphed for to take up the
position of medical officer to the expedi-
tion for the relief of 3min Bey. We now
learn, however, that Dr. Leath) has been
unable to oomploto 1110 arrangements
with the London committee of the oxpe.
Clition, and ho has consequently detormni-
nod not to join Mr. Stanley. Dr, Lasalle
has recently been spending gems, menthe
in Burlin studying with Professor Koch
the culture and development of disease.
prodnoing bacilli. It is stated that bo
intends shortly to Bottle down mt the
other lido of the A ntlentio.
There was au extensive fire in Port
Arthur ou 1•'ridnv 111.1,0.
Tile D0101111011 Alliance will meet 011
the 0111 and 1085 of Marclt.
An enthusiastic Norwood politiciun
found this natb:0 posted on the door of
1110 place of bueinose one morning last
week: -"Positively dosed until after the
Karn & Co., of Woodstock, who recent-
ly had their organ factory destroyed by
Ara, aro going to rebuild at once. They
had on hand it contract from ton Tnglioh
firm for 8,650 organic.
The new Colonel of the Queen's Own,
Toronto, D. II. Allan, is au old North
Iaathopo "boy." The 'banner township'
has produced a considerable number of
boys who have made their marls: in the
The Government will grant a alto of
iwnd at Morley, N. W. T., to the Mac.
doag'tli Orphanage for the establishment
of an industrial farm for the education of
Indian children in farming and other
useful employments.
The trustees of the Helmet in section
No. 9, Township of Kitley, were sum-
moned before a magistrate recently to
answer the charge of refacing to fulfil
the office of trustees, but the difficulty
was settled before the magistrate arrived,
to the satisfaction of all parties.
Two men, known by the names of Jesse
Ryan and Hobert Steinhoff, worn arrest.
ed about seven miles from Wheatley in a
bush in the township of Romney, Kent
county, on a charge of murder, which
they are supposed to have committed in
Masao. They were taken to Sandwich,
where they will he held until the neces-
sary arrangements can be made to take
them a0ro00 the borders.
The Imperial Government has sent to
Canada an officer and a veterinary sur-
geon to purchase horses for the English
army.' Col. Goldin has orders to pun.
chase 800 horses this year. The Canadian
horse breeders have in ihoir own hands
the settlement of the question whether
the export trade in horses become a suc-
cess or not. If the quality is all right
success is, town ed.
A sad accident 000urred about throe
miles outside of Gaspe, Clue., on Tuesday.
Two young noon named Ascah started out
caribou hunting in the morning, and
when about two miles in the Woods, one
feeling thirsty, attempted to break the
ice, which covered a small stream, with
the butt of his goo, which discharged it,
sending the bullet through his nock, pass.
hin'and out through t
ingunder Else o h he
bak of the head. His companion being
unable to carry him home, rested him
ngainwt u tree while he went in search of
help, rind on returning found him quite
A novel case was disposed of in the Po-
lice Court at Belleville on Thursday
morning last. A baby was the cause of
contention. A Mrs. Keller had oared for
a Clapper baby and was to receive a cer-
tain monetary consideration for her ser.
vice. Mrs. Clapper wanted the child, but
was unwilling to pay the chargee, $3.
Mrs. Keller refused• to surrender the
child until the money was paid, which
canoed Mrs. Clapper to bringaotion to re-
cover tho infant. The magistrate order -
04 the child to be surrendered til its
mother upon tho payment of the amount
Tho introduction of the Tomes sys-
tem into the No•thwost hos been accom-
panied with a complete blockade of regis-
tration in the Calgary office. To begin
with new Bets of books are required to be
open, new forms introduced, and those,
so far, have not arrived from Ottawa.
But even if they were here they could
not be need until another difficulty is got
over. The new Act provides that the
registrars appointed con only take office
after an Order in Council to that effect
has been issued, and there is, it appears,
no provision made for the old registrars
to bontinuo under the now Act after its
proclamation. The • nooeasary Order in
Council has not boon passed, and business
at the office here is at a complete stand-
still. Since Mr. McLean went oast Mr.
Barris, ,of the land office, has been acting
as registrar hero, and we understand he
tolographed to the Minister of justice
asking whatwas to be done. Wo learn
that the Interior Minister replied that
Mr. Ilarris should take the oath of office
and prowled until further arrangements
were made. The only officer empowered
to administer the oath here is Judge
Rouleau, and he deolines to de so, hold-
ing that it would be illegal to administer
the oath before the Order in Council had
been passed. Therefore at present no
registration can take place, but we learn
that Mr. Harris is receiving applications
in order to ensure priority, but he cannot
issue certificates, Thu whole thing
shows that it piece of the wildest blund-
ering hoe taken place at Ottawa. -Cal-
gary Tribune.
The 13t. Clair River Tunnel is progress.
ing favorably at Port Huron. Tho test
shaft on the American Bide has been
completed at a depth of 98 feet. The
shaft is 0 by 14 feet in the clear. The
cutting was somewhat difficult, being
stony, bet the firmness of the walls is
what was desired, and which exports
' 0iafined would not be found, at they ex-
pected that quicksands and water pockets
would bo struck at a depth of 00 or 70
feet, The work Mina far has been slow,
bet hos been carried on without any ser -
lout mishap. The contractor is now
getting ready to begin work on the lateral
twat shaft to bo bored under the river.
Here is whore it is again predicted that
salons trouble in rho way of boulders,
quioksauds, gas and bottomless water
pockoto will bo mot with ; but the con -
treater is sanguine that ha will not as-
rpetu ecu any insurmountable obstacle in
ho progress of rho tunnelling. The up-
right, shaft was sunk by it small fordo of
sten, a steam angina bang used to hoist
the nutting to the surface, When the
horizontal ,,haft bee boon started a large
foreo of inion will bo employed 'to push
the work so rspilly as possible. Illtunin-
ation will be supplied by 01001, ioity or by
t)}o use of rognler mining lamps. It is
too oarly yet to give an extended article
on the progress of the 81)011010, as so far
nothing but preliminary work hoc boon
attempted. Itis oven impossible to state
whether the tunnel will' bo built, as all
the work to be done thio winter anil in
the early spring will be experimental.
But everything points t0 the feasibility, of
Il o undertaking.
Executors' Notice.
All l'artttie haring sl1140s against the
a Ntl4ta Ell the /ate rife, 1181',, 3,0T, of the
Village of AruSaels. in the Bounty of ifuro s
who died on or about the 91st any of
November, 0.11 1808, are, on or before the
00th +lay of 'Repolihis7,.to rend by host (!ro•
laid) to either of the unl t )trod - their
tdu•Istlau sed. gunman s, Add::es and Os.
corn, tion, with full 1'.u•niculzru for their
Claims, a statement of their accounts and
nature of securities, if any, held by them,
and in default thereof they will be perampt
nusly ex03uded from partici), tting an tbo
sold estate awl we hereby also give notice
t0 all Pardee indebted to the sold estate,
whether by Book Account or abort/hie'
pay tbo some to Goo. 'layer° ft, at the dtoro,
0 Datosor elfat Ilrus els thiss11581,�layt IlFeb., '07.
J. CHr• , SKEf'tE' }llxc:cesaxs,
fd-Oitit'U,t(a1; 4.11.E OF
In the Township of Morris, in the
County of Huron.
Under the powers of sale oontaiued in a
osrtaln mortgage tel the Vendors, which w111
produced at the time of Sada, awl in pay-
ment of which default has been made, hese
will bo sold, by Public Auction, at rho
AntnnI0RN Hamar,, is the Village of, Sinus -
0000, on
Wednesday, 2nd Day .of Maven,
et 1 o'onocaP. 00, the following property :-
The South ball of Lot number Twenty
oiglit,in the Fifth Concession, fit Inn said
Township 01 Morris; containing, by all-
measurement,utnoty-nine and mso-,luarter
aorce, inure or lose,'
Tine farm is well situated on good loading
road and adjoins the Corporation limits of
Brussels, about fifty acres cultivated at.d
b4an to paoturm 0111 woodland : watered by
the River Maitland. Good frame house,
frame barn and stable, 5011 generally clay
Terms and Conditions. of 8i.te,
The property will be offered for ado sub.
10o t to a at the time sale, reserve l. Tho purchaser must,
pay ono -teeth n( Ole
nurohnoo stormy to the Vendors, their So-
licltors or Agents, and su(l1 dont within
thirty days thereafter, with interest at Dix
anda halt percent., to reduce the holmium
of purchase money to 01800,00, which
amount any remain on Mortgage to the
Vendors for five years with interest at sex
and a halt por eon 1„ payable yearly.
She mortgage to 100001,1 a covenant for
Insurance in the North British a and Mercan-
tile usranno Com Inne
to the tall insur-
able value of the buildings.
The Vendors will not bo bound to account
fur, produoo, or show, or prove tho contents
of any deeds or evidence of title not in tb sir
Possession, or furnish oopie sof the some.
The purobaeur must tev1etigato the title
at his 01111 expanse. The outer nouditiene
°Scale will be mad'• known at tato time of
sale, or on application to the undersigned, at
For farther particulars imply to the
u n derelgned, or to ,f. It. Gate N T, firuesula,
• T"0ndoram' Scli,c.ttosa_
'Boron to, .Tannery 28th, 1857. , :(1.3
NE C tl
s Lea s.
We are nolo receiving Shipments of Early Spring Imports. This.
week we are showing several
--=411ESi 000D3!
suitable for Spring Costnmeo.
Every Lady in the County
Should see our Large Stora, of
30 DAYS 30
Christmas and Now 'Year's Bar
gains at the Brussels
Woolen Mill.
1 have the finest and largest
stock of Fine Yarns over seen in
Brussels. 1 will sell the best
worstod yarns, which 1laltc
at Ci cts. per oz., and an antra
fine quality of cashmere wools at
8 cts, per ounce for the Next 80
days, commencing Friday, Dec.
24th, for Cash Only.
Now is the Time
to secure your bargains, come
early 'and have your choico in
Black, Brown, Navy Blue, Royal
Blue, .Light 1311u', Garnet, Card-
inal, Claret, Scarlet, Park Green,
Bronze, Light Green, Yellow,
O1'ttng0, a11(1 a )lost of tidier col-
or!, too numerous to mention.
But Coli}0 and see for yourself
and bo convinced that you have !
struck the Biggest Bargains of
the 80188011.
Coe ono, Como ally
(Just opened up). They are acknowledged b3• all to be the 'Richest.
Designs ever shown in Brussels, and warranted Fast Colors.
car rTHE QWCK.
The following Goods have been purchassed at Bed hock Prises,
and marked at Clearing -Prises: -Tweeds, Cottonad,e8, Cotton S11irt-
ings. (Dundas make) Bmbioidei'ies, Cheviots, Cretonnes, '1'oxcte
and Towellings, Table Linens, Gray and White Cottons, Seer
Cloths, &c. Don't forget to see our Prints.
Our motto for the Spring anis Summer. will b.:l
TWAca tar
Our Stock this Spring will ogiiaJ, if not surpass, any ,turner 801;7
son for
'Volume, Pricers t :.& New Design.%
N. 13. --All Woolen and Winter (foods will be sold at Cost Price•
to clear.
The Great Bargain House.'
1`'i i° W`atoll for Our Spain; Mi11i11ery Opening.