HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-25, Page 3FEll. 25, 1887.
Laugh, and the world laughs with OIL;
Wool), and yon weop wow, !
Par Una breve old earth must borrow its
It has trouble enough of its own.
King, and tho hills will answer
High, it lo lust on tho air!
'rho °ohms; bound to "t joyful sound,
But chritilt from voicing care,
ltojoire, and men will seek you,
riovo, and thvy turn and go
They \Vita full measure for all your pleas.
But do not want your won
Be glad, and your friends aro many ;
DU sad, and you logo thorn all.
Thorn are none to decline your nectared
But alone you must drink life's gall,
Fend, and your halls aro crowded;
Fast, and tho world goes by.
lincoeed and give, and it helps you to live,
But no man can holp yon to dio.
There's room in the halls of pleasure
For a long and lordly train.
But ono by ono we must all filo on
Thio' tho narrow aisles of pa•in,
This is a free country
Well, may be,
So long as you haven't
A baby.
Young or old, Gm' golden
Or gray be
Our heads we're ail ruled by
A baby..
Fond and foolish the words that
We say be
When we bow to that tyrant
The baby.
The wino man's a fool and
A gaby
And a hobby horse for his
Own baby.
But, of fight in our homes, where
A ray be
Without the bright cherub,
The baby?
Then bellowed and blest let
The dory be
That brought that dear despot,
The baby ?
, LEA!.
011. rally round the Maple Leaf,
And wawa our bawler high.
Unwrap its folds, end on the gala
The Maple emblem fly.
The Union jack and Maplo Wreath,
What other flags are them
Per deathless fame, and spotless IMMO,
That can with them compare !
The Union Jack that dearer is
To Briton than his lifo,
The Maplo Loaf, a glorious flag,
In times of prime or strife.
But when the two miitect are,
What words ran paint their power
0" iwery trno and loyal hortrt,
When storms of battle lowor.
United side by side wo stand
Against a foreign foo,
We'll spill the last drop of our blood
Bre our flag is brought low.
We'll only bow to England's shrine.
Englantt of famed renown,
Wa're safe beneath our glorious flag,
Let other nations frown.
In honor of the Maple Loaf
Let every patriot sing, 1
In honor of the Union Jetok
We'll null° tho welkin ring,
In honor of our country Leo
We'll fill the pause between,
honor, too, of England's worth,
Ana of old England's Queen.
Man le not born to calve the prub
oI the universe, bat to find nu
what he has to do, and to restritiu
Intrugalf within the lineits of his com
It re not al waya tiro biggest Mal
that nialgeo 1110 moot noise. Tin
base in four its bin as 141,
violiu, but it oats only pley s000nd
to thu smaller instrumuot
I soo, in a back nonabor of tit.
Nicholas, that ono of ramyoung
corroepoodento appoals portly to Inc
in model to birds flying clown. LInt
all wbo have winged Bum eo wall
posted that .1 doubt if 1 Gnu dt1 any.
thing lo choir knowledge
'llowevor, 1 have seen a Californ-
ia pod, ft WOUtt.t1ON'e stud a hum
miug-liirti flying ((moo ward ; but in
slow flyors, win' largo henvy witige
And heavy bodies, the Wine are
used more or 1088 ;18 Porachutes
going dowu ; iu other words thio
birds spread their wings, nod red
upon gravity. This 1 have noticed
iu the ;rani hill cranes in thuir mi
grotiono along the Sierra A:Cadres
A nook, of Boy is hundred, will
mount upwards 10.0 batuttrot spiritl,
fienhing in tho endlight. Alt the
Male Interior; lona, discordant
notes, until they attaiu tu attitudo
of nearly a milo above the setnievel
Than they form in regular linaa,
and soar away at MI angle that in
five rutin, or so, will bring thorn
wiihtn One thousand feet of the
earth. Then thoy will stop and be
gin the spiral upward movement
again until a high elevation in
reached, when, away they go again
sliding downhill in tho air, toward
their winter nom°. It is very evi
dent that a vast atnoaut of intisett-
ler exertion is savud in this way.
In glom of thome slides that I hove
watohott through it ghtes, birth
would ease from three to four milen,
f should judge, without flapping
the wings. -St. Nicholas.
• ortolan an tnOlt Philo daring th
previon y. New lodges her
bowl luetituted duriog the year o
• lionbridgo, Orme/rod, Morriston
Coleman, Norsvood, Wellington
1 Onintibellford, Wolfe laland. York
or, &moths -horn, Northport, 'Uwood
!took wood, Strathroy
Wallinieburg, aoldwittor, 1P/truing
Oldie, North Amt ens
Too tons] tininb••r of application
received da-ing the past 12 Month
e 1 ooncluded to take dm objoet to
n i him. Too (Alp 10)31 jumpod ont of
t I bed owl diked a °top. 1 filled. tho
, I bath tub 131 111 water, titian> he pints-
, ad hitt hand, quickly over tho pro
, 1' e in
. $ahnraflOn ; but 11 stook fast,
'Simko, hiaan
; 1
.t dark tniug fed into the midair
United Workmen,
The Grund Lodge of the A O. U.
W. toot 111 the City Hall, Toronto,
on Friday morning, at nine o'clock.
The following officers and members
of /Ito Executive Committee were
to :-
Warr, it Tottuu, Woodstock, P. (1.
W. 11. ; G. al. W. ;
13, J. Li.ub doll, St. Clo/honines,
Grand Intro:nen ; E P. Crawford,
Brookville, Grand Over/roar. N1. 1).
Carder, Si. Tnomas. Gramillecord-
er ; Jamee Ittiohton, Rtdgctown,
Graml Receiver ; John C. Walker,
Guelph, Grand. Gulch • J. J. Utley,
Mon trettl, Grand 'W at chmun ; il. A..
Jame., Down/olivine, John Kent,
Toaonto, and R. G. Wright, Napa
nue, Carotid Trustees ; John Milne;
klesex Centre, M. D. AnW801.1, Lon -
dolt, ;laid T. O. Irving, Toronto, IN
n1L100 Chautinatee ; 3. B. Nixon, Ti
routo, Wanton Totten, Woodstook,
Clounuittee on Laws • J. R Miller
Toronto, P. 0. M. W., D. J. H,
Widttifield, Newmarket, Gould Mod
col Eno:minor ; and District Deputy
Grand Masten, . Henry Watson
Clearvillo ; A. D. Ellis, Biome ; 0
Beckmau, 21. Catharthoii ; T. Ohmic,
Bueliugton ; J. I.I. McLellan, Lam -
both • It, E Wisglor, Blom ; D W
H. ortyn, Kincardino; A, H. Bea.
ton, Orillia ; R. Askin, Markdalu ;
Thos. Bell, Toronto ; G. K. Rotten
bury, Coborug ; P.R. Homier, Green
River ; W j, Porto, Picton ; 131. I.
Bumnen, Controville ; D. Boll, Ot-
tawa ; C. Robson, Iroquoie ; Thos.
Elliott, Brantford.
often» 01031011113' 11033011.00,
Thu Grand Iviasterni report .says :
--111,13•0 have been oulleoted - from
the brethren during the year on tho
Beintficiary Fund, exolusivo of the
balenco on band at tho beginning
of tho anew, the sum of $167;067--
60. Of this amouot $5,076.60 was
for relief call There have boon 14
aasosements, as against 13 km »0Q7.
10)15 year. Tho steady inereatto in
the Order is shown by the fact that
we have added. ninoteen new lodges
to the roll, numbering up to the
oloso of tho year 271' lodges, with a
membership of 11,888 an good
standing, being an increase during
the year of 1,748, as against 1,670
the peovions year. During the year
79 death claims, amounting to
$158,000, ae against 58 claims the
previous year. The Order are now
carrying beneficiary risks to tho
amount of $28,600.000, being an
maroon of over $8,600,000, during
the yoar. There have been paid
807 death claims einco it became a
separate jurisdiction, topresenting
the largo stint of $614,000 paid to
the widows and orphans of our de.
ceased breathren. The general fraud
shows a balance of $10,944.8,0 on
hand at tho °load of the year, being
2,044.01 More than at the begun.
big, This is Omit tho tifnliO in
St. George's and St. Andrew's cross
Are blended into ono,
A cross which circles round tho earth
Nor sees a sating Ono.
Beneath tho oross our emblem Leaf,
Gulled from the nuiplo tree,
Is formed into a graceful wreath,
.A. type of liborty,
Then, rally round the Maple Loaf,
Aud wave our banner high,
Unwrap its folds, and on the galo •
Tho Maple omblom fly.
Tho Union Wank and Maple wreath,
What other flag hi there
Por aoathless fame and spotlOss name,
That eau with them compare !
.- •
Ono is never too tila to be ronaem-
bared and loved
The brighter the light that oasts
them, the darker will bo tiro shad-
Nothing as so crolaloue as vanity
00 130 ignorant of what becomes it-
Nothing is domed well directed
labor, and nothing is attains with-
out it-excopt poverty.
Give work tether than 1111118 to
tho poor. The former drives out
indolence tho hitter industry.
The man who has mode no 11115
talo is not in condition to know
when he has succoeded in anything.
Plungo boldly into lino thick of
life. Each lives in it ; 1101 to many
is it known ; and sten it where you
will 11 113 attain:sting.
Not our ciretunstancos but tho
1150Mina° our circumAances, de-
cides tho quostion of our gain or
loss day by day in our °Rattan $
ototreo. n
a1 tud woe inetently AttbuDirg,I by Et
inOW from Um coon, 3 r flantly.do-
o Another blow or, •11 the
2,015. We it 5-13 wont thou n
1885, and 519 word (ban 1884. 80
death., oeeo teed driving Om one
yam., an Inereaset of 22 over 1885
the nverego as in former yoars, The
avorage death 0,110 per thountud o
the roopectivo Grand Lotto° named
below foe 13113 944 seven years in as
follows :•-ROtalloky, 17 32 ; Ohio
14,03 ; Tel/116,8o°, 13 DO ; lodjtliit
18 27 ; Georgia, Mahatma, and Ms
sie,ippi, 12.40 ; Tones, 11 25 ; Alia- 11901) .nalt 1.
souri, 6 70 ; Coliforulo, 8 28 ; New 1. Maintain diguity tvithout
York, 7.95 ; Penneylvaims, 7 85 ;
Minnes°k3, 7 50 ; Nev'sda' 7 80 ; "2.
1waPrieretneclavarr a
flodtatinst discourage-
Wisooneiti, 6.72 ; almhigno, 6 15 ;
Supreme Lodge jurisdiction, 12.88;
Grand Lodge of Outario, 5.68.
Henry Robertson, of Oollingwood,
and James Bixon, of llamilton,
wort: appoiutud by tho Grand Mas.
ter to the vitooncies on the emu.
nye ; nit:Olen/to was appoint.
ed D. D. 0. AL for London district;
Clarke Moses, Caledonia, for Eno,
add J. J. Utley for Quebec Province.
After a lengthy thecussiou, $70
woo granted to Federation Lodge,
Montreal, towards the loss ib recent.
ly onstainecl.
The sum of $50 was also granted
to Jas. R. Nixon in acknowledgment
of, his sorvioes as Chairman of the
Committee on Low aud Supervis-
Dr. J. H. Wipdifield, Newmarket,
was re appointed Provincial Medi-
cal Examiner.
The following Btauding Commit-
tees were appoiuted for 1887-8:-
Law and Supervision -James B.
Nixon (chairman), Warren Totten,
Henry Robertson.
Finauce Committee-Joho Milne
(chairmao), AL. D. Dawson, Thos.
(3. Irving.
Logi lotion --John Robertson 1,111
for (chairman), Dr. J. Lt. Widdi.
field, al. A. JitttlUn.
Grand. Trusa•e-1). 0. Wright.,
Napanee, rmeleoted by thaelana tuna
tor three yeare.
Grand Ovaraoar .-lirv.E P.Orow t
ford, al A., Brooltxille, re elocted
by acclamation.
Distribution -John lieut (ellen.-
men), 11. Wright, Inc. Dtxou,
Inwood, 0. Moso., A. D, ranra,
Oredentio,10--11. D. ()ardor (008.10.
man), T. L. L. Lewis, floury Wan
soo, Thoe. Richmond and Daueen
State of the Order -Dr. D. W.
IL (chairman), M. J. Bee-
man, D. F. MoWcat, S. Redmond,
W. P. Colo, J. j, Ulloy.
Provinoial. Medital Examiner's
Report- W. J. Porto (chairman),
J. H McOlellan, E. Stouehouse, L.
E. Wissler, S. Damude.
Incidentals -Rev. E. P. Onsw-
ford, al. A (chairman), 3. 0. Oud
ham, N. H. Beechor, Robb. Forma -
son, 2. .11. Hoover.
‘1101t111111111e 11 5111,11:,'
'In it tiers 2 tiptotiled Ann t YU 11 11 1.
101111160, 11111)111(1 tno crack of the
'Dud ?' ricred the Captain ;
Inss bleu dea31 a inindred years.
Take yonr'old black kid glove, and
, don't try to paes it off for a wild
11131113)1 (11)31'» nere '
It was decided to pay the 00.901113-
00 of Di,,Lnet Doputiai svhed au finial duty In alum district, en con-
dinons to bo decided by the Com -
mi tteo on Lowe.
Tviii Women and a Mouse.
'Francis,' said Aunt Peouifeother,
in a turriblo whispor, 'aro you
I started from the bal. 'Oh, no ;
what do you want ?'
beta to have to get up,' said
she, petering over the bauietormi,
me, as 1 pond up at her, "but
Inero's something in the bed.
think it'o 00.300130."
Now Aunt Penniferttlaer has an
unconnoaltable degree .of tuorol
ooarage, and in that otrength of ,
spirit that holds its own against
grief and pain, or tho great mystor
ries, she is Magnificent ; but oort-
front her with a creeping thing and
a eland oould lead hot-.
'Why didn't you doublo him up
in the bed-olothes
'It has gob in the riillossacase,
Frances. Oh, dont lot him out 2'
jumping upon that throat) of mess-
sity-a chair,
41)ont soroom, Aunt Ponnifeother,
I have biro swum, but it isu'is as
plump as a mouse, 1 behove it'o a
rat. Pll take hitn to the window
and shake him out.'
Franees, be oaroful 1 Ob,
see him: Don't let him fly out l'
But the thing wouldn't shako out
and. se 1110 children 31,001 310W
arOanad, scurrying around in their
nightgowns and uttering littlo I
squints, and their. fother shouted
from Wow, `What's tiro row, Fan ?'
13 Koop your temper.
4. Be punctual and methodic:LI in
businese and uever procrastideae.
5. Preserva self poetics/lion, and
do not be talked out of conviotion.
U. Nevor bo in on unfitting burry.
7. Rise early an•I bo an economist
of time.
8 Procne° strict tomperanco
9. Manner 1 something with
everybody, and everything with
10. Be guarded in dbleourso, at.
unitive and slow to speak.
11. Never acquiesce in immoral
or peruidotia opmming.
12. 13e not forward to assigo rea-
sons to those who have no right to
18. Think nothing in conduct uu
important or indifferent.
14 Loivo within your income ; be
ova/. Raving ; avoid as much as pa
Bible either borrowing or lending.
15. In al/ your transactioos re-
member the final account with your
16 Ofsinne the bleakness which
we believe son see in others is only
onr owu obarlow.
(*encl.:Li No -eves.
Tho re nags Groom:11moms 1m4 nolo.
Od 1 NI 1148: printin I; °fib° at Gen-
Evictions ,u Dingle, County Ker-
ry, have 1)t» totopoyaruy tbllu
Tho Steamship Greet Eastern
was sold at auction at Liverpool for
Toe U S. Senato has passed the
Bill for the constrnetion of ton steol
cruiser% at a oost not 'excoeding
$15,000,000. For tho armament of
those vessels $4,800,000 is appro.
Parnellitee will endeavor to
prolong the debato on tho address
in reply to the Queen's speech until
tho conolusioa of the Dillon trial,
and will raise a discussion on the
trial if necesoary.
Lod November some machinery
was shipped from Cincinnati, Ohio,
to Port Huron to bo ,used on the
tannol, buttoned 10 00(3013 its dostin
otiou, A. trait' tho other day found
the machinery do nn ib itIassachu-
eotts iu ri car on Eade, traclr.
Hesse Arnold, of St. Louis,
whose livery stablee with 100 horses
were burned on the 10 het., was a
sentimental patriot. He built tho
hettrso ha which the romains of Abra-
ham Lincoln were Conveyed to tho
tomb, and duce that day it has nev-
er been used, As itr, Arnold dealer.
od that 11 ehould novor bo ptofaued
by any mendor nen. Tho hoarse
Wan burned in 11).> etablo.
A. ennutryman the othor night,
at a prominent Ohinago Hotel, blow
out fin gas, hut not beforo ho had
noticed it !into growl tag suspended
from tiro bunion Ho prepared for
slumber, but hie carnality got the
bettor of him and he lit the gas to
road the inooriptiot. It woe "Du
not blow out the gas or it 30>11 cause
inamocliate death." Thor() was an
extra clause in the conutrymon's
prayer blessing the emotion of cu-
The magic of Sam Jonas' name
drew au andienoe of 8,000 peoplo to
Mechanies' Hall, Boston, on the
13th inst. Tho size of the andiotee
is ostimated at 8,000 fer the roitoon
that a sort of shadowy and 11(1000'
113111 belief obtains in this comma-
nity that 1110 seating capacity of the
Hall is nxed al that limit. But
whatever the sooting capacity may
bo, 11 was demonstrated 111(111 11)0
hall wasn't big enough to hold all
who donna to hoar Sinn Jones. A
Multitudo of pooPlo stood up daring
the sorvices, and several thousand
tom altogothen.utlablo 1) 311131 ad- I,
iniseion to the boll.
Brussels, - Ontario.
- Hannan leasod the Well known and spiondidly equippad Boiler
Flouring Mill from Mossrtg. Wm. Vanstone 31 S0118 101' 11 term of
years, wo desire to intimate. to the farmers of Huron Co. land thc-
public generally, that wt• aro prepared to turn out tho best brands of
Flour, look' after the twisting Trade, supply any quantity of Bran,
Chopped stuff, &c., ami buy any quantity of Wheat.
Tho mill is recognized as ono of the best in the County and our
long orperionce in this business gives us confidence in saying we
gtutranteo galena:Um.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to.
Stewart 474 Lowiok,
Carriage Wor
made, of the Best Material and finished in a Workmanlike
Repairing and Pc tin., promptly attended to.
Parties intending to buy should Call before
Rnrnanxces.-Marsden Smith, B. Laing, Jas. Cutt and Wm. Mc-
Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, 'W. Little, G. Brewar and D.
Breekertridg,e, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Mullin, Brus-
sels ; Roy. E. A. Pear, Woodham, ant) T. 'Wright, Turnborry.
Grist and Flour Mills !
Tho tunlorsignod having completed the change from tho stone to the
Celebrated. Hungarian system of Grinding, lias now the Mill in
First Class Running Order
and will be glad to soo all his old customers and as many new ones
as possible. Chopping done.
Flour ana.ned Iilwayo on Hapid.
Highest Prim paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
4 'or•o4kb), 0.1
7 w
in .2