HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-25, Page 2,[x.niCittltiega$IOPNVav, icvayFi_i.",7i.t'-46a Tattev'v,efacuve-.•rre eiaw,,.. a '-." England has twenty hmnes for female inebriates+, Dr. Normen Kerr aseert3 that drmll1'nness is increas- ing amortwomen of that country and deoreasing atuing the mens A White Creme LPtlt!lt<I hie bean organized fu Carleton Piece, with about 00 metlibere nail tho lonely- f htellerweu say the suety Lied I . t.,cEtb'lht en 4'(C,1 ing officers : --fres., lieu truing augurs gond lislliny i l the river unxt f e+:f h ,;ng aide 1••. . r it, , i ta,f.tatina OItL r• THE BRUSSELS POST vttnttcti,nfl loiteg`5. , CSI'U11 2 LLO1t1NG I Parte le troubled with a marriage itlemia. Scott Aet tires ill East Tient have I � • , a.' tt . u,a ul�ade1 a 0411, ep 1 toes l h s're e o intimate amounted to $2,450, ' . t eos.attleeliana,aset.Laifd'; llev Sam. Jones will leotnr,i 141,1 wig: I ho f}t i.rup,rod to at• Loudon on llfarah 9 And 10. i . , , l ,: an of ,ho p r, :oil env. o>1, • Im. t wi nylu lno hates., $12 taxes on their barrecks bee I , , v 't, , p1os. \l etenRee ad lila Fergus Selvati 10 Army, t. ..a n i nr.e of nr• ;farm ; vhoe•Pree„ Dr, Iiohertenu ; Seo. -Treat., liobt• Mormon. On Tue=day in the Lower House of the alisaottri Legislaturo thojouit resolution providing that the gees. tion of Prohibition be bubolitted to 1 a vote of the people of the Swots was y 18,000.8is $60 a ton at Poet Benton, passed by a vote of 70 to 58. I alontitua,•and is herd to get oven at that Ileum. Windsor wants to be incorporated es a city. It will bo dubbed, "The Jubilee City " The bite-tt Loudon hat lining is 0. map printed on the silk. The Hand trial will be broogbb ou at the Lambton Spring Assizes, which begin at Sarnia on April 4, Rich: and Daniel Aokwith threat ed, within twenty hours, at John - sten Orr's farm, in Raleigh, 2,750 bushels of oats, Goo. Baird sr„ of Stanley, is one of the oldest teachers in Ontario. He has noon teaching in the same school for 27 yeal'd. aoasot, A. young man way fin0'l $15 70 for disturbing the ;alv.ttioa Ar,uy in Berlin The popnletiou of Brantford is increasing rapidly. It ie now n00r. Out of 800 idiots whose family history was carefully traced, 145 were the children of habitual druids Ards. In one case, whore both par - oats were drunkards, no fewer than seven children wore born idiots. Showmen Bern= is a Prohibit- ionist, but until he can have prohtb• hien he is trilling to havo high 1.L Dense, and his plan for high license is ingenious. He would have one liquor Hoene° for every 100 male adults, and these licenses be would havo sold to the highest bidders at auction, the first hid to be nut lees tbau $200. Mrs, Clevelaud gave an elegant lunch ab the White Honse in honor. of Miss 1=I1 stings, tho president's niece. Sixty of the ieadiug young ladies of Washington were present. Ateaoh plate was n corsage baguet of pansies in all shades from the most delicate lavender to the rich- est royal purple, interspersed with those of bright gold. An exquisite little cup and saucer of Sevres and Hungarian ware also stood at each plate, to be carried home by the fair, young grunts ae r:ouvenire. The vieude, were of the richest, but no wino was offered as Mrs.. Cleveland doss not drink it nor will she offer it to her guests. An Atlanta, Ga., despftich of Tuesday says : —For sevoral morn • ings a negro named Thomas Guy has been noticed calling :ironed at houses and private room., having upon his arm a large hamper bas- ket. This morning an uflicer stop ped him and examined his basket. 1 -le found that it was IL peralnbul ating saloon, 'Within the basket wore two largo bottles of whiskey, invention in of the city Dr. Eckroyd, of Detroit, formerly of Blount l+oroet, has fallen heir to $50,000 through the death or a brother in Australia. Amato named Henry Wiley, of Yarmouth, died on Wednesday last from paralysis, superinduced by over exertion at a sawing bee. While Chas. \Vakeford, of Scugog, was cutting up pork the other cloy he found a sewing machine needle buried in tho head of to hag, near the brain.. Prof. Philp, of Guelph, has been chosen bandmaster of the 27th (Lambton) Band. Mr. Philp has also been named organist for St. Andrew's Church, Sarnia. A. number of Dobbington young men the other day filled an old mon named Robertson full of budge ani exploded a handful of powder close to his face, burning biln tertibly. James Noxou, of Ingersoll, wee four wino glasses, a bowl of sugar, the recipient of a valuable Avtra, a bottle of bitters and teaspoons. There was also a till bucket of web- er and a towel. In the bottom of tho basket was a wooden frame with holes into which the bottle;, rxlitts• es, sugar bowl, etc., were fitted. Tho outfit was complete and the liq- uor sold was the best. He diedain- ed selling snob horrid mixtures as was he kneeling' agaric. trod his etraigbt rye and g' (=hall, were as fine I>e mad be 7)IInc'tu til:1i11It0n,. librariiLU Of obtained at any saloon in fewYork the .Dundas Mechanics' Institute, City. Guy's home cults exaumned and 50 jugs of whiskey were found therein. The negro't> outfit was not large, but was complete in every respect, and ho was probably step• plying a large number of regular customers and making quite aliand. some revenue. The petition, witch lute fur the past year been industriously cironl- ated by the World's W.C.T.U., is as follows :—To the Govern inmate of the world, collectively and severally —Honored Rulers, Representatives, and Brothers,—We, your petition• ere, although physically weak, are strong of heart to love our homes, our native land, and the world's voyagers. Some years ago he tnet family of nations. We kuaw that two of the professional Pnglish when the brain of man Ia clear his wrestlers and pat them on their heart is kind, his house is happy, backs. Not very long ago he eu- Itis country prosperous, end the countered it bumptious young In world grows friendly. But we know dial buck, who disputed the road that alcoholic stimulants and opium, nearLeantiugton against all coolers, which eraze and cloud the brain, 1 causing a sleigh and it hsevy loacl of clover to stand still. Lamtcrch gave him it left•Itander, which the dusky son of the forest will not soon for. get, l:ramersh is a credit to his comity as well ars to the conncil. ellen overcoat the other day from the employees of rho Noxou Mfg. Co. An address alto accompanied the gift. The devotion of a young man at tending 0 prayer meeting In our of the churches t St. Marys, the other night, was dieturbed by a moose '00unieg up the leg of hie pants while lis, entered suit for his salary, which was $50 it year. Ile bas been about twenty yours ill that position and has only been paid three or four years' oelary, , A. Chatham paper says :—Yester- day day lir. Lamarah, reeve of Itfersea, was staying at ]lir, Ryali's hotel. Ho is by uo means one of Pharo e lean king, bnt weighs 245 lbs„ and stands six feet in his stoolcinge. There are two others weighing the same, members of the Essex county council, the three are called the Essex babies. i1'Ir. Lantarsh is a Canadian of the fourth generation and descended from tho old V reach make misery for man mid all the world, laud most of all for rte and for our children. We know these stimulants enSopintos are sold un- der legal guarnutoes which make the Governments partners in the traffic, by accepting as revenuo a portion of its profits, and that they are forced by treaty upon papule - gone either ignorant or unwilling. We leave 110 power to prevent this great iniquity, beneath which tho whole world grouts and staggers, but yon have power to cleanse the J. D. Parkes, a substantial farm- er hying near Kingston, Madison County, has successfully trained a force of seven largo monkeys to work in his hemp ticks, and to break and prepare the hemp for market. They do the work more quickly and better Chau the negroes he formerly employed and at about flags of every clime from the stain one fourth talo cost. It repined of their complicity with this un- about four months of patient wont mingled curse. \Ve, therefore, to train the animals, hat row they come to }•au with the united vclees do their tasks with rare tutolligence. of representative women front (fury Tho monkeys were sent to ail civilized nation under the sun, be. Parkes by a brother, who is in buss sosobingyou to strip away the aafe ness in Cape rTown, South Africa, guards and sanctions of the law and who had soon the animals pat from the drink Oahe and rho opium tredo and to protect 000. homes by the total prohibition of this twofold to similar uses there, Bir. Parked has richt for ten more of the useful imitators of human workman, six of curse of civilization thxong rout all I thep1 to bo used by John G. Taylor, the territory over which 3etir Gov 4 a neighboring farmer, who is also ernment extends. 1 an extensive raiser of hemp. _�': .grime. 4 Y U\ Ll't TO LOIN. Aa}' amount of honey to Loan uu Farm or Village Pro- perty tl i; h aV ti I'lHtONNT. YEARLY. Straight T,ioaus with privilege ,v3i3:,1 rt"lllii'L'd. Ap- Il 3'tq A. Hunter, [)ii isiutt Court Clerk, I3russrls. lfONEY TO LOAN. 1Tonoyto Loan on farm Pro- perty, at LOWEST I1,rlTES. E`1C1t .'I',w .yli d'O1r1',tti't' 1+11y>S. W. P. DICKSON, Solicitor, B1rtsnols, Out. 1,4 t)NEY TO tOA.N. PRIVATE' FUNDS. $26,50 0 of Privea° Ftu tis have just been placed in Ino'_ hands for iu- V(i'4l uet>t. . - A1' 7 PER CENT. Borrotyt'1's coo li1Lve their loans c.>uloleto in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply to' l{s t T IS WEALTH, E. E. WADE. pn,O.P, w,Es'r's"e, vo mod Brain Trost- , ec+d +pen'ao for Hysteria, t'. fl,eni„”it} N .t'1 s, t - a I hooey,\CrV011% i'‘0hL- 1, e r •.- ,yi 0,1001 -.,aolmi-ort I a•a , 47a:1. • 4.11o0 tat 0 300"•10u,4 fawungui 1„0 tri-nht,g,l all11ll,lly i..00eg. t0da- -say,..,t.tsattl i, -.mature 010 d00, I. ofl'vKorfnuta..rser,Lavol- ,•.rr Tr000050 nd 4!'ormnL nrhm's eaesed by. 0.— er-t'u nr the Brain, 8...3 -obese „r m., ! 01.rma•, I;,01c 1„'s . 1:niun one :.'n�y'.•'n�„ent. >1Lta111:1t, or sir hOSpt ,..,t n>• n•'7,0,10 1, 0n reeeipgt of WI1 01 UHAN'Teel six Resits To en re ay clan, W.' Lb each 011c+ r 00001vod 11 .' 11, 'orals 11n:r0, 0,010 3112 11nd with Pt, 100 A 11•o0t chs nnro',.•,..sernnr+•rifer 001'>- (0)0 r..rn nd 110 mnuey it Ilse treatment ,I 11, 001 ef1NO10 euro. r+uarantees loafed .1313 47 ;:n,, rlarrroaves (>1lo., 13nlssets, PEAS. JONES, Watchmaker& Jeweler 11(110nhand a.splendid stock of Silver and (told filled Watches, also 01111 Jlut- t.ws, I1r0tadlle1, 7 trills, (dent's Pins, 1 nyur lt,iuga, Roll Plato Volt Chains, Nookoi,i, also a fill) t;am tment. of wall. not and n1010> Clocks, rasa J.topairi011 Neatly and Promptly I seeiltad. QUESN`S 11O't'14r, l3LOCtK. a A.S. 3 ON3. S. ry7xles'1111,sov rot:Nom AT GREATLY el:ace i Prinz 7 We have on hand the following ; Land Rollers, Plows, liarw'ows, ti1'mtilers, Horse Powers, Straw Cotters, Turnip Cutters, Grind- ing o;• Chopping Mills, hest make, and 1 Good Second Ilauti Lminbci' WVftgou. TAKE NOTICE. Wo have started to Planer and Matcher to work. Parties wishing to have Lumber Dressed and Batched, or Flooring sized, tongued and grooved may rely on getting first-class jobs on the most reasonable terms. Ropairs of all kinds promptly attended to at the BRUSSELS Powmno- W. R. 'Wilson. HURON AND BRUCELLLoan & rnvestlrlent Co. This Company iS Loaning Money on Farm Security at LowrsT` RATES OF INTEREST. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS 13ANZ BRANCH. 8, 4, and 5 por cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and timo let. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, (•lode- ricll. horace Horton, MANAGER. .04 G EN'1'+1 WANTED Stertcltr Employment to Good Men. None need be •Idle. .Previous Experience not essential. Wo pay either Salary or .Com- mission. 100 lien. 'Wanted To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stook. • The Foiithi:ll Nurseries, Largest in. Ca9tuddy Over 400 Acres. , Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any In1111- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDitlsss. Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, 2'orottto, Ont. $1(ir✓ i' Q ^ rhEN SCOTCL[ COLLIRR.. A. new stock of .1311f1'alo Robes, (,oat 'Robes, :Ilorso ;Blankets, Bells, Whips, l&u., JUST TO HAND. A Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises, And Satchels. in Stock. GIVE ME A CAT,,T.i. . Deitnion TES aq POST 51�m !.+'EII. 25, 1887. Q ST RE Has (t, corlaplcte assortment of all the School Boas, Slates, Lead aid Slate Pencils, Irl/L, Pens , Chalk Ci'ayohs, Scribblers, 6'c., (5'o. Ask to See the "Scholar's Jo1llpaiio , I I .i>°OOl.Scaap and JYote Papers, Envelopes, the best in. the Market. Try The Post Bookstore. X06,-,- —..mv- . DRESSMAKING. AKIla G. Mies McGuire beds to nnnounno to the Ludice of nrnssala tad vtciuity that silo has w,emenced Mantle and Dressmaking in the roar of ll, A, 0 n] ale's store, where aho is pro - pared to atte n d 10 11o wan is of the Oul,iIn, A g000 fit guaranteed and my 'work ecmnar- able with that of the Lest city mouthsntto and dr0asmalsingneinbli>hmonts. • A call solicited. 10.1 MISS MCGLiliOS. USN TAHMIRGI Tho undersigned wishes to intimate to the public that leaving learned the tart of Gent's garment cutting from one of the best Cutters in London, he is now pre- pared to cut, tit and make up Gent's clothing in a first class manner and at reasonable prices, J. McBAIN, MILL STREET. 14-0.0 Wear, Siicctaoies and Eye -Glasses that wiil preserve plat' 7:yesight, Manufacturing Optician, late of the fire, of Lazarus & tiorris, 20 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, England, has ap- pointed an agent for tho Renowned Spec• taoles and Eye -Glasses which have been before the public Tor the past 25 years. Lazarus' Spectacles novpr tiro that eye< Last many years without change. For Sale Pry H. L..r.'1(:KSON, IORUSSJIL4, - ONT. NOW IS TEE TIME! , Ali ! ilo I Local:km .—writ+.ins Tal' e,tu 01:fr— Hanfl Straw Cutters, Morse Pow- er Straw Clatters, -with rcversa,ble feed, Root Pu pers, Root Slicers, the genuine Fort Perry (grain Grinder, Horse Powers, large and small, and 'several Hand Powers—cheap, and '.Ted Pow- ers. Also tho Celebrated EAW°ici-Tn SEWING IUACIII:NJ'J. It Leads them all. BEST SATISFACTION GIVEN. Geo. Love..