HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-25, Page 1Volume 14. U'NOLIE JOE. To the (editor of Tun Pow. Tho press is a greab power in the kind but I am afraid tho pulpit will supersede it if some of the pastors don't let up on the free advortising business from the pulpit. It was }supposed that the eitiee had the patent right on thio )rind of busi- ness but I know other places, whore the 'ovulation is not counted by thousands, that will soon rival them. A person, who is gifted with a mathematical bump in Itis cranium, informed tee that he at- tended two of our Brussois ohurohes owe Sunday lately and there woro 12 an- nouncements made from one pulpit and 8 front the other, Following up this idea I road in some piper that tt 111011 living near Mount Ferost best his 1horo blanket and the foot was trade known from the pulpit and the reward specified. A. more conyeeient form would bo to have a bin'k beard and havo all the atnrounce- tnonts numbered and tabulated. Watch out the next time you go to church and yon will see whether it is so or not. 70 stay be all right bit it does not suit everybody. Political affairs hive been rife for a gond while but they will quiet down now t suppose end everything run in its nat- ural groove. During a political Dam. heartgroat of the conflict tthat hins are said in t would be better tmse.ld and owing to the continuatiou of olectione, the Provincial, Municipal and Dominion the electors hardly had time to cool off. Good work and energetic efforts were Out forth by both political parties and the battle was neither won nor lost by inactivity or earolesseess. This hos been n splendid winter for out -door work and the amount of t am- ino done has bean very large. This kind of a winter is a groat advantage to this see, ion of the country and will largely help in the work of the year. The amount of timber got out is gradually lesening every ywr and very conn the cordwood and stovowood business wi'1 bo a thing of the post. Time makes many changes. U\CLE JOE. A NEW SWINDLE, ny W1•blela Verniers are Gulled en the stet; us steer taint. It will be interesting to some of our farmer: fiends to know just how the roof paint swindle is worked. Tho operation is as follows :—A stranger appears to a farmer, states that he is travelling for a "roofing company, and in order to intro- duce their compound would like to send the farmer ten gallons free. "In order to snow to alto company that he is doing straight business. ho is obliged to ask the farmer for a written order for the paint, :ted ho will give the farmer in return a receipt, sohe can get the paint, which will bo shipped to hie," Tho reosipt reads :- "This is to certify that Ur. Blank is to havo ten gallons paint specified on tate card signed, free of charge and for noth- ng. Joss Soxrrsu" Tho paper which the farmer gives the •'agent" is "Fingal, Fob. 21, '87. 'New York Roofing Co. "Gosrr . Please ship me by Michigan Central Railroad to Shedden Station two casks of your roofing ocmpouud according to tint following agreement, viz. t— "I am to have ten gallons of your roof- ing compound free of uhargo ; for all fu- ture orders I am to pay two-thirds of the retail price. Any verbal agreement dif- ferent from the above will pot be 0000g- nizod. hooa Barons" "Retail prism, $2.24 per gallon." " this All its while the "agent" and the far.. have talking min a loon wn mot to been ug oo y about "ten gallons" and "two casks," and an idea has crept into the farmer's head that each cask is to contain only five gal- lons ; bot, bless you, you were never more mistaken. By and bye, a week or two after, two oaeks of the roofing palm, valued at $218, aro delivered. Tho •farmer is rather paralyzed, begins to feel that ho has boon duped, but manages to say he "thinks not. He never gave an order for such, au amount, and what he did order was to be without charge," "Certainly. certainly," says the attorney, "you have ten gallons free, but" and he: prodncos the farmer's order --for "two casks." The farmer attempts to explain, but the deliverer sayfl' he don't know any- thing about that. 'There is the farmer's o'do: for "two casks" and his signature, wlhioh hs has acknowledged. Thorn is the bill and the bill of lading showing that the goods have boon shipped. The goods have been shipped in good faith. Ile wants to know if tho farmer is in • the habit of doiugbusiness kn this way; if he malas a practice of going bank ou his word. As the knaves invariably select well-off farmers, this is liable to be a catehor. Tho deliverer fsn't particular about having cath down, but ha wants the matter settled tome ways 11 the farmer oan't pay cash he'll take his note ; if oho farmer gives his noto, that settles it -ho is bitten, and if ho remains obdurate the swindler retires. Thais the way they talk, and 0110 catch all lies in the lank of'aneoifloatiouo as to how much "two casks' ,shall contain. It is a very neat trick, bub sometimes it don't work, Ififta ors. Oou7.ant'tr N 0 tock. A brood mare belonging to Franoi5 Morrison, Malfillop, gave birth to three torso colts one dtty last Week. The mare watt in foal for Peter Mollwen'e Rankin Boy'. • Chaplain McOabo will deliver his Dole. hrated leeturo, "Bright lido of life 1017401• by prison," in the North Stteotlt0ethodist &leech, Goderioh, ou rho ovonfng of Wed; fleshy, Dfaroh 2nd, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEB. 28, 1887. A meealug in connection with the es. tablislment of a creamery on the 4th Dolt., Godo:ich tnvnship, will be hold in the ()rouge Iia11, on Tuesday, March 1st, eM 8 o'clock pm. The meeting will be addressed by Prof. Jas, N, Robertson, of the Guelph _Agricultural College (Dairy Dept) and others. M. C. Cameron having taken steps for a criminal Iibel againes the publishers of the Nsws•R000rd, of Clinton, for the pub- lication of a slander that he was taken home intoxioated en the night of the Lore al election, that paper publishes Mr. Lawrence's denial of the affair, and apol- ogises ' o Mr. Cameron. At the regular board mooting of the Victoria Strout Chuach, Goderioh, hold on Monday afternoon of last week, areso- lutiou was passed unanimously thanking the Rev. G. F. Salton for his untiring energy and effors on behalf of the church interests, and praying him to return to thh, field of labor for another year. The renowned horse breeder, Charles Mason, sold his eelsbratod imported stallion. McCartney to two buyers from Waterloo for the sum of $2,000. Ile also sold his imported Clydesdale stallion two year old, ' Gen. Gourlay," for the sum of $1,000 to W. Hawkshaw, of 8oaforth, and Simon I•ranter, of Tuokersmith. Mr. Mason sold a five months old foal from his imported mare "Jess" for $250, and a throe year old filly, Canadian bred for $276. One night the °look in a oartttie ]louse on Rattenbory street, Clinton, deliberate- ly stopped, while its owners ware calmly slumbering. Soon after ono of the mem- bars awoke, and seeing a light iu an ad- jaa•ut house, concluded that it wee time to got up • they did so, got breakfast ready, and the remaining members of the household got up and partook of the same, Thu light in the adjacent house having in the meantime disappeared, some one, wishing to know the time, be- thought themselves of a watch in one of the rooms, and it was found to be only 8 o'clock am. Tableau, At about 5:20 a.in. Suniay a fire broke out iu a large b ending iu Tseswatar own- ed by Jas, McGowan, of Luoknow. The lower story was oocupied by Sas. Mullen, grocer. The fire spread rapidly and was not controlled until two buildings and a part of another woro destroyed. Two were owned by Wm. McKenzie and the othe by Isaao Silliok, grocer. 11Ir. Mo - Kenzie puts Isis loss at $1,500, insured in the Mercantile f ,r $400 and the Mutual for $000. I. Sillick's loss on building, $500, insured for 9200 ; company not known. His stools is saved Jas. Mo- Gowan's loss not known, but insured for a largo amount in a good company. Mrs. Fleming, milliner, and Wm. Barton, billiard -room -keeper, tenants of Mr. Me- Me.zio, will lose slightly.. Mrs. Flem- ing's stook is slightly damaged ; insured for $400. As the pupilsofSchool Section No. 1, Tornberre, were returning home from ? aelibol on •onday, tiro 7th feat„ one of the boys, a lad about 17 years of age, took a basket, belonging to Frank Wright, aged 9 years, son of Wm. Wright, for a foot- ball. The child, in hie endeavors to get his basket, did not observe a team coming alpng with a load of salt of 80 cwt. Ere the man could stop his horses, they were on tho boy, and knocked loins clown. One of the corks of the horse's foot went above theeye and another through hie ohin and the whole load of salt wont over him. The teacher and.her brother were close behold and took the wounded child in their cutter, but never tied up his wounds. It was a very cold, stormy night, the wind was in his Mee, and notwithetaud- ing the ohild was covered with blood, they (aft him at the. a o a distance o f over 40rods frahs home, to the mercy of three small boys to carry him home. His head was greatly swollen with the oold, A physician was immediately sent for, and pronounced the boy to be in a very dangerous condition. Hie arm, leg, breast, oye and beck were badly hurt. One of his tenth was knocked out and a great number more were loosened. The doctor stitched up bis wounds, but he has novor been able to move slum. and there is groat doubt about his r000very. Peort a Goalie .17 Note+at. The Stratford Herald will embark in publishing a daily paper in that city 5000. Judge Lizars' retiring pension is $1,- 800 a year, while his position of Master in Chancery will net him $700 more, Mr. Crayshaw has billed St. Mary/ for $100 fortis mustang, which was clrowuod on the Stratford road a couple of weeks ago, Sheriff Hos • is sold the Boot & Shoe stook of 17. B. Cunningham, Mitchell, on Saturday. The stook brought 71;} (,ante on the dollar. Tho Blaushard .A rioulturul Society came within a few votes of electing two ladies on their Board of Directors at their lata annual meeting. All the Listowel hotel -keepers wore "caught" on Saturday night. They ad- rnitted tho charge to the Stratford Pollee Magistrate, and paid the find. Tho new Court House in Stratford is to be opened With groat pomp on the 22nd of June, The County Council made a grant of 9500; at its recent seselon, to de- fray the expenses of tho opening. The Hon.. Loth J. Beauchamp, the Ohio Gotigh, interested the .eitizonis of Mitaholl, Listowel land .other towns in the County with somo of his celebrated temperance addresses. Ho is a great Nord painter, • A. little boy in Mitohell, named Willie Edwards, when returningfrom 0chool the other day plaeod This tongue against a bar' in the Men bridge near the 00llieo0 Haus°, and before he could b0 relratott hot water bad to bo applied. The Perth Spring Assizes will be hold in Stratford on Monday, May 9, Thomas II. llobinson. a native of St. Marys, but now a resident of Toronto, is the champion skater of the Dominion, Ab a recent tournament in Now York wo see that he eeoured s000nd prize in a matalh against all comers, but he has re- fused to accept it. Tho spectators said the was entitled to first, but the judges awarded it to hie oompetitor, The St. Murys journal says :.—The news of a curious accident comes from West Oxford. Whilst a lady named Yarn was gating her diunor on Saturday she accidentally swallowed a portion of a plate of false teeth with two or three tooth attached. The plate and tenth are imbedded in the stomach, and although causing considerable pain, no serious re- sults aro apprehended. A. B. McCallum, M. A., the energetic head master of the Listowel High School, presidedat the political meeting address- ed some time ago by Mr. Blake in that town. Tho High Solhool board, whish is chiefly Conservative, at the first °epee. tunity reduced the salaries of Mr. McCal- lum and his assistant, who also is a Re- former. The teachers at once resigned, and as Ibir. McCallum is really one of the best teachers in the provinoo the people of Listowel aro annoyed at the aotion of the Board. The adjourned inquest on the two Rig- ney children was held iu Granton, on the 9th inst., before Coroner Hossaok, Dr. Ellis, the analyst, from Toronto, was in attendance, and in his evidence stated that ho had analyzed the stomachs of both children and found sufficient strych- nine in each to cause death. Tia jury found a verdico that Thomas George and Sarah Jane Ripley mama to their deaths by poisoningby strychnine, where it 01G1110 frnmorhow administered the jury has no evidence to determine. 4-leier&S1 Lelewet. The Russians are assembling a large squadron in Japanese waters. A resident of Chester, Ill., has a pet mow that talks quite as well as any par. sot. - Buffalo Bill is to take some society youths on a hunting expedition in tho west. California bas 4,000 wine growers, and at least 160,000 acres aro planted in vines. This rapresents au investment of 960,000,000 and gives employment or support to 150,000 pets0ns. Matthew Bernals, a flour broker, of Pittsburg, Pa„ borrowed $10,000 from his friends on Tuesday and started fur Harrisburg. He has not returned, and it is believed he has gone to Canada. The Queen has asked Lord Dufferin, Viceroy, to oonvey to the people her warmest thanks and deep appreciation of their loyalty to herself, as manifested by their celebration in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of ha seoess1on to the throne. "Happy Bob" Van Brunt, a member of the Elmira, N.Y., Salvation Army, who has been on trial fur several days for the murder of Will Roy, ]salt -brother of Van Brunt's sweetheart, was found guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced to be hanged on April 15th. The defence was insanity. , The bodies of five persons --a man, woman and three children—were taken from m cave in the Bad Lands of Dakota by a miner, and were forwarded to St. Paul, Minn. Tho bodies aro simply dried up, and -nob petrified, and are in 0 re- markable state of preservation. Soien. tit° man say they belong to a race which existed 2,000 years ago. Tho withered family will bo sent to rho Smithsonian Institute. Mac Baker, the fastinggirl of Monon White Oaunty, Ind., has ased the 116th day of the fast. It was found that she could retain water on her stomach, and since then she has taken food in moder- eSo quantities, and is improving rapidly.. Her tart is retarded by medical men es the most wonderful on record, as she is said to have neither eaten nor drank during the long period named. The change in her condition took plane when death was expected, There is near Central Park a gymuas- .ium for girls. Tho young women wear bbeuses, short skirts and trousers, and go through all the performances that men do. Their proficiency becomes very great. Ono ease will illustrate what a young woman can learn to do, A girl was promheed a sealskin moque by an admirer if she would learn to turn a book soma - smelt. She set dilicvenbly at it, and prao- &cod until she was able to perform the feat. Tho gymnasium is liberally pat- ronized and 10 in every way a succuss. A look inside of it is enough to aonvinoe anybody that there is "room" for the gymnasium. The hall isfilled during the sessions. Some girls are swinging on the trapeze, others are climbing ropes, others are vaulting, turning oartwheols and the like, and others aro pounding sandbags to work up their muscles. Tho exorcise oft- en converts delicate girls into strong and henithy ones, it is claimed. Boxing has become almosta craze among the fash- ionable girls. Ono thing said in com- mendation of it is that it im harts self- possession and confidence, Tho idea is rather novel, but, after all, it is not un- reasonable. Fencing has long been pm... Seed by society girls, and might to ac- complish as much as boxing in improving their beating. Nearly all, or at any rate a good sharp, of •the belles play billiards, which aro declared to be healthful, and also to improve the judgment, The claims for rho different things may seem rather absurod, but they neverthelese. have many believere. There aro dozens Of riding' 50110016, but they aro not now like some of the outer thing. They were very popular ehouglt,---(Now York Notes in Brooklyn Union. There aro 1,000 Y. M. C. Ate. in the United Statue: Senator Riddloberger recently alluded to Mr. Edmunds as "the eminent po11- parrot from 'Vermont." The Legislative Aseembly of Alabama has passed a bill making gambling a ±11- ony-the first offence to be punished by not loss than six months' imprisonment in the penitentiary, and the emend of. fence six years, There is a hniwister of the gospel in South Bend, Ind., whose total rash in- come for the past year was $203. With this 11e supported a family of six and paid car faro between South Bond and Loper - to every two weeks. The bill now pending before the Peen. sylvania Legislature making two-thirds of a jury sullieient to acquit• or convict has received a favorable repot by the Judiciary Committee, and seems iu a fair way to become law. The Rev. Stopforcl Wentworth 'Brooke, who has just boon settled over the First Ohnrah of Boson, has six. sinters a'. home in England. As ho is a bachelor, he is going to g,•t them to ammo over two at a time and keep house for him. A•ocarding to the Roman Catholio di. rectory recently published there are 418 priests in the dioeeee of New York, 812 in Boston, 287 in Baltimore, 282 fn Chi. oago, 270 in Philadelphia, 254 in St, Louis, 227 in Milwaukee, and 219 in Cin- cinnati. Almost without a dissenting v,dce, the House Committee on Shipping at Wash- ington, on the 11th inst., resolved to make a favorable report on Mr. Dingloy's bill to protect thefieheries of the United States. The bill makes liable to seizure and forfeiture any foreign vessels found taking fish of any kind within three mar- ine milds off the shores of the United States. Alter nightfall wild duoks infest the grain fields in the vicinity of Petah (]reek, Cal., 'in great numbers. They have neo ly clevasted 4(.0 acres on the Carry farm. Henry Goodman, the fore. than. after experimenting with numerous devices to frighten them awaf, at(;last hit 'upon the project of burning candles dur- ing the night. These aro protected from the wind with sacks, and the fields are kept comparatively clear of ducks. O'Brien's oirons was sold at auction in Philadelphia the other day. Empres-, a vicious elephant, who killed her keeper last year and has mangled two or three other keepers, was knocked down for $1,500 Queen, anot ler eloplhnub not quit • so vioioa., brought $1,••00 Chief, m vicious elephant, brought $1,80. A Bengal tiger was -old for $050, s leopard for 9180, an African spotted hynon for $43, a sable antelope for 9400 and a big lioness for 9210. There is a young man of Chadds Ford, Will Moore, who, a few evenings ago, played a trick on himself very innocent y, lie went to a lodge meeting at Centre. rills, and while preparing to go (tome caw a nice black dog standing on the hotel porch. "Jove!'' said ho to a friend, "that will make a nice matefor my Rover at hone." Ile went to the dog and pick. ed it up and carried it to his wagon, where he tucked it iu under tho buffalo robes. He finally reached home and took the dog to his room, where he made a Mos bed for it on the floor. When he awakened Sunday morning ho found the dog standing at the side of his bed wag- ging his tail. It was his own Rover that had followed him to Centreville and was stolen by its own master. A Lnndou cable letter says that there the belief that a war is coming with the spring still holds. Tho only word whioh is heard comforting to the psaoe-makers comes from a prominent G •rmnn offioial now in London, to whom Lord Granville, whois a fair( good ant 'it on foreign (tot fo e fairlyY 6 affai •9 as expressed his bead that' n h war A would be averted. The situation was oritioal, but he fait certain the cloud would blow over, as neither aohmtry wants to fight just now. The same Ger- man friend believes that Bismark will not be so happy as the could wish with his now Reichstag. Ile may, and prob- ably will, have his Sopbenuabe, but ho will have no subserviont tnajority to give hint the bobaono and spirits monopolies on which he depends for financial strength. Madame Novikoff, the Russ- ian woman of brains, also believes that war is not as probable as it was. Russia and Austria, she thinks, understand each other, and Bulgaria will come to nee senses and stop playing the spoiled child, very soon. Tho largest and fastest passenger ou- girte over built has boon just turned over to the Now York, Providence & Roston Railroad Company. Tho main driving wheels are 6 fent in diameter and set but 7 feel; 6 inches apart. This arrengemeut will make her rim easily 011 the ourvos. The cylinders aro 18 inches in diameter, with 24 inch stroke, The boiler is 54 in. tiles in diameter at the smoke stack, with a wagon cop. It extends to the very end of the Dab, and necessitates the elevation of the engineer's seat to a height far above the fire door, The fico will call for three tons of coal before the engine is pulled out of the round house to make her trips, and four tone will be carried on the tendon: The tank of the latter will hold 4,000 gallons of water, and the total weight of the tinging proper is 98,000 to 05,000 pounds. The weight on the driv- ing whaois will be 55,000 Needs,or 4,800 snore than the Conneotioub. She looks to he enormously high, as the sots up well in the -air, and her short smolt° stack adde to horapparosbllai lilt. Every- thing about hoe is of stool. There is not a partial° of braise or height work about her. She le expected to mance the run from Providence to Groton, Conn.{ a dim Mums of 625 miles, including a dead stole at Mystic r rawbridge, in just 025 min- utes, pulling at the same time Dight oars, four of .which will be Pullmans. Number 88• Live stooks are reported in good oon A moose almost broke up it prayer clition in Comrade, meeting at Newmarket. Abi11 has been introduced into the The journeymen tailors, of IIamiltm Ohio Legislature to protect the song hays aslhed for an advance of about 10 or Write of tho State, 15 per cent, all around on their present It is oonoidorod certain that 110 bill for rate of prices. The masters have not the fortification of United States ports yet met to consider the advance, but is M will be pieced clueing the present session of Congress, Itis rumored in Washington that there rs 0 probability of an extra session of Cu"g.asu to consider the extradition tees. by with Great Britain, An explosion of natural gas at the Black Diamond Stool Works, Pittsburg, lato Monday afternoon, probably fat. ally bo=oed a workman named Jamas Moly that the request will be granted, which will moan an advance of 91 to $2 on a suit of 010t110e. Tho Arthur Meehanios' Institute M now in a very tourisliiog condition, hav- ing recently added nearly $200 worth of books to their librery, which/low contains nearly 1,200 volumes, There is alsoa. MUM school in oonttantion with the Ins- titute of about 110 pupils, taught by the Kerr and sortously injured five others. principal of the common sohool. From present calculations Bismark The Galt Reporter sestet—Berlin is will barely obtain a majority for his hop• 1 determined to retake n big fight for soeur- tonuato Bill. tie regeirod 40 votes. H; ing conneotioh with the C.P.R. When ham already won twenty, and the remain- Guelph granted $175,000 to secure con- dor aro almost certain to bo scoured from motion it kind of knocked our eouut the wavering Center. 30 is certain the Y Government swill not obtain a majority suf oieut to adopt nnnohtoply bills. Herr Wlndthorst has bean re-elected. The tot. al Socialist vote shows an increase of 500,000. Tho National Liberals have gained nearly as many seats as they have loot. tlausjdian Newst. The awe sons of the Governor Goneral have left Montreal for New York, en route to England, The Indians at Vancouver, BA., have a band of seventeen pieces and they make music that is not to be sneezed at. A now system of weather signals for farmer's, by means of flags, will be in- augurated by the Canadian Pacific Rail- way in the spring. James W. Curran, of the Arthur En. torpris', has severed his connection with Ma, journal, and is to take a position on the Oriilia News Letter. Wallace Ross says he will not go to England to row Bubear for the cham- pionship of Great Bri'ain. Bubear may probably come to America. The several members of the Seaforth Curling Club have finished their comps- tition for the point medal. A. Young is the winner of the medal for this season. Tho 21st Essex Battalion have sent forward the order for busbies for the whole regiment. They will issue one thousand invitations for the ball and supper, to be issued under their aus- pices on the Queen's Birthday. Rove. Crossley and Hunter are holding special servioes in Windsor. The chur- ches have proved too small for the crowds, and they are likely to go to the Opora- house. Those are the most seacoasfnl meetings yet held by these evangelists. Cardinal Howard will lay the corner stone of the 'new Canadian College on the Via Quattro Frontline; Route, on Thurs- day next. Cardinals Gobbons and Titeohereau will attend the ceremonies. The founder of the college, Father Clem, is very ill and will he unable to be pees - Cardinal Manning has issued a pastor- al on the'relief of of the poor of London, in which he states that ho has been bo- strumental during the past few years to sending 590 children to Canada, all of whom were received in comfortable home. Good reports havo been received of these children and in every oase their prospects are bright. , In tholibel case brought by Miss Ver- milyea, a lady book agent, against the editor of the Str,lfo,d Beacon, tried be- fore Judge Rose at rho Toronto summer assizes, judgment was given formally for the plaintiff for $1 damages and such costs as the plaintiff will be entitled to without ce tificabo. Judgment given at time of trial except as too was costs. The case caused great excitement at the time. A Saskatoon oarrespondonb writes:— There is a great rival y bot•voen Regina and Moosejaw. Tho former tried to Dap. tore the Saskatoon trade by laying out a new and direct trail. Moosejaw now proposes to outbid her by erecting shan- ties for stopping places at different stages along the Moosejaw and Saskatoon trail. A railway would settle the matter and is likely to do 00 before long. Tho other day when the fi.P.R. exhi- bition car was at Galt station some little boys were playing around the platform of the oar, and while doing so incurred rho displeasure of obs porter in charge, Out of revenge for some boyish freak the porter struck one of the lads a heavy blow with a cane, cutting one of his oars open. Tho matter was reported to Mr. Callaway, District Ptuessnger Agent, at Toronto, who i nmediabe,y telegraphed the dimissal of the porter. At tho Cares Randle, on the eget bank of the Saskatchewan, about 20 miles south of Saskatoon, bhc cattle have been watered at the river during the winter. Thorn are sandbars near the wateing place, and since ing snow these ess look 1n many places the same as the ice - covered river, but the Durrant had washed away some of them, leaving the anow, so that when the cattle stopped on to it they want down and two ware swept away. The mon with ropes and horses extricated the Others. In tho suit of Holmes vs. Murray, be- fore the High Cort of Justice at Toronto J. Maclonnan, Q.C., for the defendants, appealed from the jedgmont of Fergu- eon, J., at the trial upon the question Whether a devise in favor of a Presbyter, Ian0htuoh was void under the statutes of mortmain. The devise was in a will made more than six months before the death of the testator, but it codicil was subeegaonbly atkladwithin the six menthe before the death, and the learned judgo hold that as this devise was not thereby altercel ib must be talcon t0 bo republish- ed nod the devise therefore void. Moa ktty (Wooclstook) :for the plaintiff, contest Reserved. town friends out; but that theyaroraipna. ly recovering is evidenced by tho feet that at the last council meeting a grant of 825 was male to the Board of Trade in order that the preliminary notices for a charter might be given. This only leaves $174,975 to be granted at Homo future time to bring them up oven with Guelph. The "Original New Orleans University Singers" gave an entertainment at Stay- ner on the evening of the 17th ins(, Just before the arrival of the comp tnyby the noon train it was ascertained that the hotel -keepers had resoleed not to admit them. On arrival they proceeded to the Cameron House, as their agent had pre- viously made a contract with the propri- etor for th it board and lodging. Tho proprietor, however, denied them the hospitality of the house, not even per- mitting them to sit at the table, which was served for dinner. Arrangements had meanwhile been made for their ac- commodation, and the singers were con- veyed to private houses, At Piato't, N.S., recently two boys, sons of Gordon Matheson, kee0er of the Marine hospital, wore skating on a non of ice which had grounded in a Dove about a mile out -lone the lighthouse. Tho rising tide and a change of wind released the stranded ice, which begat( drifting off shore. Noticing this the elder boy, aged eleven, got on a small Dake of ice and was pushed towards the shore by his brother with sufficient fora; to carry it into shoal r water, plunging into which the boy was able to wade t0 tete laud. Meantime the largo pan of loo continued to widen the distance between it and the land and the younger boy fearing he would bo curried out to se • jum95l into the water and attempted to swim. Chil- led by tbo icy stater and burdened w•th his skates and clothing he sank after making a few strokes and was drowned. Alexander McArthur, ofWinuipeg, a gentleman who has made a special study of Arctic explorations, accompanied by a drug clerk named Young, has started for Selkirk with a 1'ad of provisions of aboat 1,400 pounds, his destination being the North Pole. For a Iong time bit'. lfoAr thur bas been in communication with the Smithsonian Institution at 'Washing- ton and otho soientifio institutes in the United States with a view of making ex- plorations in the Northern s• as, and if possible pushing northward in the ulti- mate hope of discovering the North Pole. Before he left ho stater( that he would not probably returned for two or three years, and spoke of going to Baffin's Bay to look for musk ox. Ilia plea was to take dog brains from Selkirk, but as they could not be procured, he has deotded to take ponies and start across the lakes. The object fn starting early was to permit of the horses being returned before; 51 ice on she lakgs bre ks up. kis took with him rt lever Of credit fo $1,5000 on the Hudson Bay Company, York Ifectory, also a large supply of tr,mtots such as might please the native eye. From York Factory he expects to travel by a dog train. He also tools: a supply of scienti- fic instrnsuents, Mr. McArthur is 0;m- vinood that is plan is the only feasible ono to aoeomplish the enol. Edward rfanlan was in Boston Friday giving orders for two new boats, ttnd put up at George Hosmer's "Golden Oar," Asked about hie taco with txau'laur Hanlon said ; "Oh, that is coming off all- ri ht. Monday I shall go to New York where 'I am to meet Mr. St. John, the backer of Gaihdaur, and arrange for a matoh for $5,000 a side and the chem. pionship of America. I am not deoided as yet where the race will borowed and, of course, cannot tell to a certainty until I have soon Mr. St. John. I think how- ever, that it will take plass ie the vicini- ty of Boston, and probably at Want talon; Beach. The race will not take place un- til after ,inn° and possibly not before July. 0f the other matches that are in my mind I cannot say muolt just at present, as thoy aro all nudeoidod, with the excep- tion of the Beach race, whish I oonsider as a settled foot, although i have not as gob aeon the letter whiolh he sent to me. I will propably leave for the Antipodes about the lst of August, and of course fuel as though I ought to win the race, and will do my beet, ltfr, O'Connor and myself have challenged Ross' and Lee to a double scull race. This ollallenge has not boehh accepted as yet, but I think I will hear from them soon. There are also. tavern,' other good double sooll crows in the United States, notably Mellay and Hosiner, and Vantin and Toomsr, so that if oho match ie no0 made another 18 sure to be. Iranian said ho had not trained all winter, "As I am 01050 I weigh about one hundred and'seventy pounds stripped, and l: wont to take about twelve pounds of that offs which will not be a very hard task. I never .felt better in my life and expect a, very busy mummer. I think that aoquaties will boom the .o0ming season, judging from present indica. tions."