HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-18, Page 8S
DP P D1Vir1N ,S IMPROVED "Tue. A t ' Daughter." Ai'lsten wants fire ),lrateotion,
'Ins. Trop. TnOMBeN, of SO+tfortu, is v}- ' 'ITo6ltley tetras +i visitor with a pocket
full Of bogus twenty -Ave pont pieces.
,+� siting in town • .
Belle �� t� owner. B' 't l i' 'ot s Llurry up' A melon at St Thome has .Heel ars
A. Vine Making Powder, free from Alum
and Ammonia. It it Much engage than
many of the so called Baking Powders
and Gan b'., had by the oz. or lb.
D0 not fail to nee it in preference to
soda, Dream tartar, ealeratus, &c., as it
takes th • 1t.'' of 'all those and makes
muoh Niroe , aetry.
tot' will be working against your own
Interest whet: you use any outer.
MANI'1'A""'Oitri, AND 000 tAU,a nY
G. A. Deadman,
Urltgpf,l, il"okseller & L'arlcyGoods heater.
e00TliSitli EXTENSION, W. 0, l� R. n.
'Trains leave Brusuals Station, north and
seethes followsGoing 5oat'03. Going 'North.
trail...., u02 am. hlixed,..........10:25 a.nr
/BPI"- 11 40 am. I Mail ........... .. 2:.,0 p.m
..s:SU p.m, 1 T . rn,o 8.........9,15 p.m
Ilor laont < e x14 1 • , �'
Adam rested for stealing a dead w&lnans clouts,
Good• Hamilton, will run an
Ova now Ktory, "The Actress' Dough-
menlitn ACase,
ori°a e mile, fr $1000 a side
tet, 1s.a good Ono.
ELEOTroN for the Dominion Parliament The Quobeo Local Ministers were all
House next Tuesday, reelected by noelamation on Saturday.
We aro greatly obliged to a number of The bookkeeper in Melfillinn's mill at
our friends for the Prompt settlement of Winnipeg, was murdered on Saturday
their accounts during the past wook• night.
Ova circulation is rapidly increasing• Ciiicoutimi nominations took place on
Tan POST leads the van for lanai new'. 1•tatnlyday, When throe cam -llamas were
Vote Or Dr. MaedonaI t and economical.
Wn. Smimu. won the skating race at
Wiugham last Friday beating Cornyrt.
By a email—nous vote Rev, W. Smyth
was invited to continue as pastor of the
church for another year.
REY. F. E. NuooNi•, of Lucknow, will
preach missionary sermons in the Meth.
is c oro t 10:30 a.m.
A young man at Rideau has boon fined
010 and costs for disturbing a Salvation
Army service.
The man Schnfiold, who was thought
to have boon murdered in Winnipeg, is in
gaol at Minneapolis.
Miss Templeton -Armstrong began a
course of union evangelistic services in
d' t h h noxi Sabbath a Port Rowan on the 13th.
and 0:30Ip.nr. A revolting ease of assault on a female
D. D. WmsoN, of Seaforth, Jolut member of the Salvation Army is report-
Leukio, and A. M. Taylor, of Toronto, ed from Carleton Plane.
aro in town this week. They An old man named Scramblin, 95
are addressing political meetings in the year's of age, at St. Thomas, foil down the
interests of Dr. Macdonald. other day and broke his left !tip joint,
A mit mile race is to be skated in Sea- Tho Newfoundland Government want
forth on this Friday evening between to reduce the subsidy given the Allan lino
Thos• Town, of that town, and W. Smitb, for carrying the mails, and will tormin-
of this plane, and ohoico. Town skates ate the contract,
0 miles and allows 1 laps, and the two The weather prevailing in the interior
others skate 21 miles eaoh. of British Columbia is the coldest known
JoaN Renault, Well known bore, hat for twenty-five yeare, and thousands of
secured the vacant store and co lars in cattle are dying,
the Post office block and intend to pair- At Melium° Hat • meetly. the Indians
• drove a band 'of antelope into a coulee,
and slaughtered thirty of them before
they could escape.
Chief Justice Stuart was sworn in as
Administrator of the Province of Quebec
during Lieutenant -Governor Mason's ab-
sence in Bermuda.
The Cosgrave Brewing and Malting
Company, of Toronto, made an assign-
ment on Monday last. The firm's liabil-
ities are estimated at 0100,000.
Joseph Rogers has named the two oars-
men ho is prepared to match against
Ross and Leo for 01,000 a side. They
are Edward Hainan and Wm. O'Connor.
chase eggs and pact: and ship them.
S With two local buyers Brussels should
gg } attend to the egg business in this locality.
D.1il4Cfla C�^C1S�'t Tub pulpit of the Methodist church
- - - --
as oaon y y
A ohiefe among yo takiu' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
} "Tim Aotresses' Daughter."
"Tin: Actresses' Daughter."
Cam -et: and Timothy Beed, at Mc lhAClc-
• ml's Store.
ONE week from next Tuesday will be
the 1st of March.
Tun valentine business it getting play-
ed out. It's a good job too.
ArmArthis week we hope to end more
room for local and dietriot matters.
ORANGES and Lemons 25 cents per doz-
en. 31- ADA,t Goon.
Mus. G. A. DEAn1u5N and daughter left
town thin weak for a visit of several
weeks to Stratford and Woodetoolt.
MONEY TO Lo0x.-Several large Sams on
kind to lend on good security at 51 per.
cent: yearly. Apply to
25.2 mon A. HUNTER, Brussels
THE report of the opening of the Local
Legislature, and the Speech from the
Throne, land the Moncrieff and Brussels
political uraatings may be read on pages
Tend 3, reapeetively, of this issue.
irk pear :tatlot for Dr. !Macdonald
on the vim •.
DONT Puget the political meeting in the
Brussels ?'own Hall on Saturday oveniug.
The spen::ers will be John Leckie end A.
w pled last 9und a b S. Fear in
the morning and Rev. J. Ross, B. A., of
Melville church in the evening. There
was no evening service in Rev. Mr. Ross'
church, owing to the communion service
in Knox ohuroli.
Mxa'ns. WaLnno & HmiannfEe carriage
makers, have opened out a branch shop
in Bluevale and have leased a shop in
that village. One of the flrin will attend
to all work intimated to them there and
as they aro practical men they will no
doubt succeed well.
JAoIEs Tunvnme has purcbased tho in-
terest of the late Thos. Hayoroft in the
store and tinware business, and the busi-
ness will bo under the style of Ha croft
& Turnbull. Jim. will be welcomed beak
by his old time friends and he and Mr.
Hayoroft will melte a good team.
WE regret to state that Nellie, the
eldest daurhter of George 5ayoroft, died
on Wednesday of this weelc after a severe
Hines. She was a bright little girl and
will be greatly missed. She died at her
grandfather's David Rose so., from where
the funeral tock place on Thursday after-
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Hayoroft have the
sympathy of their many friends. •
Vete for 05.' Dr. and do away with tate
Superannuation Fund.
Josnra McIsnoo has pnrchaeed the
harness businevs et 11. 'Martin of Wing-
-M. Tayl.:r, of Toronto, both well known !lam,
noel has taken possession. .ln •. line
here, at: invitation is extended to'Ir. just completed hie time with H. Dennis,
PaTowt•' his friends to be preteens and Rnron'o well known harness maker, and
take part ie the meeting• is a tip-top workroom, WO bespeak the
}thug patronage of the nubile to Mr.Mio-
Indoo as ha will thin out good work every
time, Joo. was a very energetic member
of the Brussels band and will be missed.
We wish him success.
AT a meeting of the Quarterly Board
of the Methodist church, Brnssuls, last
Monday evening, the following rorolutioil
was oarried unanimously :-Movod by
James Buyers, seconded by B. Gerry
that this Board sincerely regrets the sud-
den and unexpected death of our beloved
brother, Thos. Hell, who, for many years
had been a worthy and honored member
of tliisBoard and had faithfully discharg-
ed his duties as local preacher and class -
leader with much acceptance, and we de-
sire te9kt1lace on record an expression of
cur b,&, Welt at the loss the ohuroh
has sustained in the decease of our late
esteemed colleagno and brother, whom
we believe is now enjoying the well earn-
ed reward of the Master, in the prosper-
ity of whose cause he so much rejoiced.
Resolved that a copy of this resolution
be forwarded to Mrs. Hall, with the as-
surance of our sincere sympathy with
her in her sorrow.
Duren :aaplcs leeched. Adam Good. •
Esn .t Caoann. of Toronto, formerly of
Brussels, row attending nue of the City
school i+1 tl,o senior 4th a division of 00
sobulare, on a composition paper given to
the whole division and written in school
hours, she stoca 3rd scoring 10 out of a
possible 20. She is also the youngest
se'bolar in the division, Brussels scholars
will tell•
Ton following nines are added to the
Band 'fund this week: -American,
Hotel, $2.00; a Tory girl from the hill,
$2.00; Edward bIo1 ague, $1.00 ; Albert
lr MoCutaheon, 55.00. And feeling
confident that the citizens will bring the
list to rho required amount in the near
future, the band have sent away for the
instruments and expoot to have them tbis
THE (janadion Pacific exhibition car
will be at our station from 7:15 until
11:45 a.m. on Saturday, 10th inst. The
notice and stay are both very short but
no doubt n great many will avail them-
selves of the opportunity of obtaining, at
it were, a bi,d's-eye crew of Mamtoba
and the great Northwest, as well as its
products.: Do not miss this sight, it will
repay you:, and, we feel certain, will be
at pleasant surprise to all who see it.
hxnla ups made special arrangements-
tolsgraphio and artistic -by which q feat,
hitherto in:attempted in illustrated journ.
alism, will bo a_compliahed on Wednes-
day,23rdanat.-theday after the elect
tions. On. that day Grip will appear as
a 24 -page paper, with a large double ear-
then in three colors, giving (pictorially)
the result of the elections. The front
and back pages will Cleo be in colors.
This issue will go to all regular subscrib-
ers free, but will sell to others at 10 ccs.
Address Grip, Toronto, or ask your book-
0 r. Macdonald will Ruppert $dwntd
Blake In re -arranging the Senate.'
HYtennson.-Last Wednesday forenoon
a verylarge number of persons assembled
in the Methodist ohuroh to witness the
tying of the matrimonial knot between
Albert N. MoOutohoon,of Winnipeg, and
Mies Edith A. Town. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. W. Smyth. The
bride was attended by Mies Jennie Stew-
art and the groom by Wan. R. Stratton.
The bride was very neatly attired in a
oroam cashmere dress, with lace front,
bridal veil and white flowers. The
bridesmaid worn a becoming times of
Dream cashmere, trimmed with lace and
ribbon. After the ceremony and custom -
My Congratulations about 80 guests re-
paired to the residence of Thos. Town,
where the weddingbreakfast was par-
taken 01. The wedding presents were
numerous, useful and handsome. Mr,
and Mrs. McGatoheon were escorted to
the depot by 1r, large number of frienc`ts
and the Brussels band, and the 2:50 p.m.
train catriod them away. The intended
gpeudfng clow days in London and a
short bine he Chigago, on their way to
Irainni P , where they intend making
tr horrte. 'Mise Town was a very es -
By tho•acloption of AId, Fleming's by-
law 1n the Toronto Oita Ouuuvii, the
number of tavern lioouaos in Toronto will
be reduced to 150 on may 1st, and the
shop lioenaos shall not exceed 50.
Tho official organ di the ',ideation Army
reports „three sinners and one backslid•
et," et Wierton ; "some preserved and
others pickled," at Leamington ; and
"the Devil puzitled, the captain upset,
and God glorified," at Dresdon.
Forma. -lin Beat \Vswanoslt, ori the 1111
inst., the wife of Mr, T, Potter of a
McCoveunoN-TowN.---In the Methodist
ohurcln, Brussels, on the 10th inst.,
by Rev. W. Smyth, Mr. Alberti N.
'foluteltoon, of Winnipeg, to Mies
Edith A. daughter of Mo. Thos.
Town, of Brussels.
IIAYeiOoT.-Tat Brlleaels. 011 'Wednescln.y,
I'eb. 10bh, 1887, Nellie Louisa, oldest
daughter of George and Blanch Hay -
croft, aged 8 years., 8 mouths., and
10 days;
11ttcUoii e+al:us+.•
Some electors of Rimouski, Que.,
threaten action against Judge Pelletier,
the Revising -officer of that comity, for
wrongfully striking their names off the
voters' list.
William Beach has accepted Edward
Hanlan's challenge to row a rage for the
championship of the world on the No-
peau river, in Australia. Hanlon will
start for the Antipodes about the end of
August or the first part of September.
Before he goes he will row a race with
Jacob Ganidaur, of St. Louis.
Wallace Ross authorises us to say that
he will row Bubear in this country a race
of from three to five miles for $1,000 a
side. Bubear, it is stated, will soon
come to America. If he does come he
will have no trouble i" makiug engage -
meets. In the opinion of Hanlon, the
English smaller is more dangerous at five
miles than throe miles. Ross will allow
hint to ohoese the distoance.--Turf, Field
and Farm.
Crossley and Hunter closed their,even-
gelistio meetings in Piston on Wednes-
day 2nd inst., where they had been for
six weeks and a half. Moro than 1,000
professed to begin a Christian life. This
is ono of the greatest revivals Ontario has
known for many years. The Methodist
and Presbyterian Churches were united.
The whole town and country was moved
by the revival and the leading men are
among the converts.
TEM NORTH LAttn.--On Wednesday ev-
ening Rev. E. R, Young, of the Toronto
Conference, delivered a very interesting
lecture, ocoupying about two hours, in
the Methodist Church, on the Northwest.
It was very interesting! instructive, and
touching and was interspersed with
amusing incidents in his 9 years experi-
ence among the Indians. The rev. gen-
tlemen, by request, referred to the first
Riel rebellion and death of Scott, also to
the unfair way the Indians are treated by
the Government agents. He thought
Dewdney Was not the man for Governor.
Mr. Young had the full Indian costume
with him. A heartaevote of thanks wee
given to the lecturer on motion of Rev.
J. L. Kerr, and J. H. Young. Rev, Mr.
Young speaks both the Oreo and Sault-
eaux language but it has not interfered
with his °erreot English. A full house
is 0.8800ed to Mr. Young should he ever
return to Brussels.
CAntfrv.L.-Last Tuesday evening the
third carnival of the season was held on
the Maitland rink. The ice was a little
soft but there was a large attendance.
The following prizes were awarded :-
Best ohmmeter costume, lady—Miss
Rachel Alexander, Canadian archer.
Best character costume, gent -R. Cornyn,
Wingham, Richard II. Best condo cos-
tume, lady -Miss B. Grewar, Negress.
Beat comic costume, gent --G. Shaw,
Wingham, Hobby horse. Race, boy and
girl -K. Wilson and Saml. Plant. Men's
race --let, W. J. Cornyn, Wingham, 2nd,
R. Thompson. Ladies' race, backwards
1st, Miss Lizzie Jackson, 2nd, Mies L.
Veal. Gents race, backwards -let. W.
H. Yuill, 2nd, F. Stratton. Sack and
potato sane, 1st, J. Crawford, 2nd, 0.
Turnbull. The judges weco T. Edwards,.
7. R. Grant, J. Shaw and J. ltahony. In
the open race Oornyn won by about 14
tape. There was a large variety of cos-
tumor but as only it small number was
reported we omit the list altogothor. The
Me yonnglady,and made herself use. band VMS in attendance,
'OnneetlOn with the obeli' and Sun-
dol of the Methodist church, The Canadian News,
max bave. the heart good wish-
0 Y
11 fire (secured nt
r i Baud do at
a for their ton•tl oa
fiend A
. lofx
"era tst b ol6e
N.W.T., on Sunday.
At Port Hawkesbury, N. S., recently,
a man by the name of Brondrot fell in
the channel at Lennox Passage and was
three-quarters of all hour in the water.
About twenty persons observed him, but
none of them ventured to the rescue until
a young man ]lamed Joseph Catherine got
a piece of rope and an axe and crept on
the ice until he got where the man was
(the ice bending under him all the time)
and tied the rope round the waist of the
drowning man and then hauled him out.
On the farm of John McKenzie, the SI
of lot 20, in the 12th concession of Sey-
moar, there is a small mine of marl
which is said by experts to be ofgreat
value. There aro about eight Cores of it,
ranging from throe to six feet deep. Marl
is largely used in the manufacture of the
finer class of china goods, and from it is
derived an acid which is very much used
for chemical purposes. The mine is sit
rated only four miles from the O.P.R.,
and only one and a -half miles from Heal-
ey Falls, both points being easy of access
for shipment.
Charles Harper and wife, of East
Flamboro, while passing through the,
York street toll gate on Saturday evening,
were asked for toll, wbich they refused to
pay. One of their horse blankets ;was
taken from the sleigh and retained by the
tollkooper. They .returned to the city
and got advice as to what eonr80 they
had better pursue to recover the blanket.
On returning, the toll oolleotor (it is said
that it was Waddell himself) attempted
to take the second blanket, when a lively
fight took plane, Mrs. Harper breaking
her umbrella over his head. She jumped
from the sleigh and made for the door for
the purpose of getting the blanket first
taken. An attempt was made to stop her,
but against all the force used she a000m-
plished her purpose and went on dor way
Meson% A. Coon d Cos
Mamma) le ell, would mak,
/teem or would learn it for
Apply to WM. VAN
FEB. 18, 1887.
0ta1'°,blb0 the
aoad Lodge
canlgnod oftore it we -bred Durban
hull, sening 2 years old and w411111 1,200
pee ad o, for pale, His Fire 00. "Lord f,0v-
all; owned by David Milo 0. Who reason for
selling le because 1 inn Mooring to the
Northwest, For further psdtloutars apply
to JNa• OU}11TOli•
Fnmax, Fon. l8ne.--Farm sbock,.imple-
meets, &e., lot 17, Won. 8, Grey. Bale to
commence at 1 o'eloak sharp. Win. Baw-
tinhimer, prop., Capt. Stratton, aro,
FRIDAY, Fnn, 251e1. -Farm stook and
Implements, on lot 5), oon. 7, Grey. Sale
bo' commence at 1 p. m. Oalder & Mo-
Lauohlin, props., A. Dolgatty, aunt,
WEDNESDAY, MAR 'IND. -Farm stook
and implements, on lot 54, con. 1, Turn -
berry. Sale to commence at 1 o'clook.
Robert Moffat, prop., Josepb Cowan,
TounsaLY, Fon. 24Tu.--Farm stook,
implements and household furniture, on
lot 14, eon. 10, Grey. Salo to commence
at 12 o'clock, noon. James Dobson, prop.,
Geo. Kirkby, encu.
THURSDAY, PHI. 24Tu.-Farm stook, im-
plements, do., on lob 5, con. 8, Grey.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p.m. Jos.
Dennis, prop,, A. Dolgatty, aunt.
THunsDAY, MARCH 3rD. -Farm stook
and implements on lot 12, con. 7, Grey.
Salo commences at 12o'olook, sharp. Jno.
McIntosh, prop. A. Delgatty, and,
FnmAY, MA1101 11. -Farm stook, imple-
ments, &c., South a lot 30, con; 3, Morris.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon.
Alex. Forsyth, prop., Geo. Kirkby, snot.
An musing story is told of an 0001111-
10000, which ns said to have taken place
iu ono of our local stores on Saturday
last It appears, from what we can
learn, that the merchant had painted
Tome words on a earl which he intended
putting in a conspicuous place, and had
just applied some mucilage to the baek
of it, when a couple of ladies walked in.
Planing rho card on a chair so that the
adhesive substance might dry, he started
off to wait upon his customers. It took
sometime to serve them, and when they
had departed , the merchant looked
around for big card. Suddenly he re-
membered that one of the !adios had sat
herself upon the chair, and frantically
he rushod to the door and there she was
sailing along Dundee street, full of dig-
nity and grace, the earl, right side up,
swinging behind her as naturally as
ebbugb.it lied been built especially for
the purpose. It took but a moment for
the dietraeted roan to riled to the caret
and snatch it from its position,-Nspanee
o 0'G S5337I S 111SARii3SITS,
Co1mECTRD ed11011LLY Rtti110 WEEK.
White Fall 'Wheat 77
- 28
4 00
9 00
5 50
Red Winter
Spring Wheat
Butter, tabs and
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel,•.....,•
Hay per ton . . .
ITidos per lb .............
Dressed Hug;
Salt per bbl., wholesale....
Sheep skins, each........
80.0 l of , con, G, Groy.
114 'ABM EOR SAL1.1-'GRE UN-
llorslguetl odors his far (, lot9, eon, 4,
Grey, containing 100 aeras, ea]o. 1'li oro
oro about 05 aurae cleared a under crop.
'hero is agood frame barn a d log house,
orchard, .yell and all soave 1 110148. Good
femme, Por full partlonlnrs a
AtiT t•IUR Aft
28-0m0 Prop • tor, Brussels.
A- being lot 14, on the 1.0th ton,00nbtining
100 aoroa,seuth parllot 11 on AS 0011., con-
tainingmores. Lot 14 is 1prt,y cleared,
the balance well timbered. A4pever foiling
crook °routes the lot and it Toll adapted
for farming or grazing. Let is meetly
clouded and under good eultiv0Mon, the bal-
ano° wail timbered with blasjc ash. Will
sell all together or in parts to . fait the per-
obaser. For further 1 :wile oho apply to the
proprietor lathe pronil:OM, a blot is well
drained. tf GEO'.1 AVERY.
s0ONbn desire to iitheate to the pub-
lic generally that they have limed it 00-
partnelahlr, for the purpose of srrying on
Carriage', Sign and Ore:once 31 Painting'
and are prepared to attend to t to wants of
the public on moat reasonable, (Irmo. Mr.
Boss having had experience In nae of the
best shops in Toronto and both being prac-
ticalworhmeuwo gunrant50 t give satis-
faction, , E'spimatos and term cheerfully
furnlehei7,' -Shop in the old 11 sic Publtsh-
B ru 5seal .
)502111 a.B0tis.
10 00
5 70
1 00
Ply to
Son SALE 0nn.1r. Apply t0
31.4 W. ai. SDI OLAIB.
Will Calve in March,
82 ,t0 Let 9, Con. 5, Grey,
AT exon. Apply to
MRS. E. W. 11111,00N,
Next door to Ronald's Foundry.
K. sores of land, being East Half lot 2,
con, 2, Grey. For further particulars apply
81.40 Jameabo,vn, P. 0.
n. s,LET.-
ea half t 2
cleared. Gooding house, frame stable and
excellent orchard. Bplendiu amity of good
water. Terms easy for a period of Ave
years. . RICHARD LEES.
10.51 Box570, Lindsay.
ing11oueo,Satn0 street;
Lfi of the best Berkshire Bourn in rho
Oounty ia.kopt et the Queen's Hotel stables
Brnseels. Tints, 01:00 to be paid at time of
service, with the privilege of returning, if
uoces.ary. CAPT. STREITTO0.
. 28-
Transact a. General
Notes toll and dleoonir tad,
interest allowed on doporito; repayable on
Prompt attention given to collections.
mHRe, Se, a'aioo in Loolcio's block,
Brussole. Money to 140011.
• (farrow & Proudfoot, Godorloh) So•
Iluitor, Conveyancer, dm. Juice, trraui's
block, Brussels. Muuoy to loan.
1N ®'. CIC7)0 1
P0blie notice le heresygiven, Shat an ap•
plication will bo made to the ,Legislature
of tiro Prof ince of Ontario, at the next ses-
sion thereof, for an act erecting the town•
ships of\Vallace,171mn and Moirin0ton, fn
the County of Porth : Howlsk and Grey in
the County of Huron ; and Marlborough in
the County of Wellington, with the Vilhigee
of Milverton. Brussels and Wroxeter• and
the Towns of Palmerston and ldstowel fu
skid Counties, into s Provisional' county, to
be called bit Oounty of Maitland. with the
Town of Listowel as County Torre, trite
provisions similar to those contained in rho
Aot 00 Victoria, chapter 81, tot the formation
of the Uounty of llufferin. subject to the
approval of the majority of the Electors of
the said Municipalities, to be taken at an
Eloction to be held fox the psrposo under
said Act, in'a manlier similar to said A00
for the:formation of the Jaunty of llufferin.
DARLING dr MA1310)1,
Solicitore for Applicants.
Llelowel, 7au 0111, 1607. 27.4
1� 7, Grey, on or about Feb. 6th, a largo
white sow. 'Any informatlbn' leading to her
whereabouts will b thankfully received.
Any one detaining after this notioo will be
proeoeutad. LAWRENCE DOBSON,
112 IOthelP. 0.
Seed grain given away.
Canadian haifio Railway Company':
-C the Fourth Division Court, cu./Throe,
Oonveyencer, Notary Public, Land, Lean
medInouram:0 Agent. Ponds invested and
10 loan. Oo,lbetions made. 013100 1n Gra-
haul's B1nuk, Brussels,
11 JJ''
moved his o1Ilco to rooms over the
80050100, itesidonee en Atilt Street,
The following desirable and °legibly sit-
uated farms arc no,v offered for solo on
most liberal tel ins as t, pride and pay.
Imelda, Thu land la of exe011010 quality,
with good tlnprevouierts, within 11 miles of
both Ethel and 1letfrl•n railway orations,
pont 0'95 cos,111'0o1 and say; mill!,. icll' 010 and
0A150100 N0.1. -LM 51,onnc0asion r Grey,
County or Hassan. loo acres. Abent 70 acres
cleared. over half free f roan stum,s. Good
frame b'Iril And steblo0, log house, good
mallard, fences, etc.
PARCA:L No. 2.-1.01. a3, e0neosol On 5, Grey,
Huron County, adjoining No. 1. Lend Pos-
sibly not quite so good but excellent grazing
lane . tbuudanae of good water and timber.
Almost new trame.h0nao and barn. About
50 acres olet:red, about 110 of which has been
cropped. Largo drain recently opened paid
this land.
These n roper tree will be cord together or
eoperatolynnd loped below their real value.
Parties deeming geed farms, readyfor oc-
cupation, chomp and on easy terms, 0b0pid
apply at, oaon 10 7.0. Mao 0 0NALD, 44 King
Street Wost, Toronto, or to .5. It, GRANT,
20.10 Brussels.
Containing Samploe of the Products
and Soils of •
Manitoba and the Canadian
N»rthwest Territories
will bo 011 exhibition at the stations and
bonne below mentioned:
The Best Para'
1211.&. MoNAUGHTON, 1'i. D., 0.
PJ' •- fit. L. B. O. P. Edinburgh, Physician,
Surgeon and A000ucher, OlOoe, lira, Shies
bluok,•Turnborry Street.
you eon possibly have in your family is
the Motentua , "WITNESS," which gives
more profitable and interesting sending
matter, has more fearless and intelligent
editorials, and is, in all respects, one of
the most reliable and newsy journals on
this continent, There are, now•e-days,
unfortunately, but top few newspapers
that can be admitted into the sanctity of
the family hearth, but, the "Winless" is
one of the tow. Though full of enter-
prise in the matter of news, it never ad-
mits into. its column anything which
could possibly injure the mind of oven the
youngest of its readers, while its Question
ane. Answer Department, in which 'quer-
ies on all subjects of general interest are
replied to by competent authorities, ren-
ders it of the menthe' possible value to
all its oabsoribere. To oommomorato the
fiftieth year" of Queen Viotoriars reign
over the British Empire, the publishers reUeI h Ontario.
of the "'Menses" aro giving to all sub- p 1
scribers to that paper -either now 01 le -
hawing -who send ben cents in addition
to their atlbsoription, a magnificent
This file portait is highly spoken of by
many prominent Canadians who have al-
ready neoeived it, and consider it a
worthy likeness of our Noble Queen, '
The yearly subscription to the "DAILY
WITNESS" 10 $8.00, and to the "Woxxory
WITNEss" $1.00, an aciclitiouol 10 cents to
be sent irneither case if the picture be
desired. '
Send in your subscriptions without de-
Place. Date 1887. Arrive Leave. Date 1087
LuolmoW,•.Fob 18-1:15 pan. 0.10 am. Feb. 10
Brunetti... 19-7:02 am, 11:40 " 19
Listowel ,,, " 10-12114 p.m 8A5 p.m. " ' 19
Walkerton " 10-0,57 " 2:55 " 21
Pt, Meta .,. " 21-•4:25 " 10:00 eat. " 22
Paisley " 22-1045 am. 2:I10pan. " 22
Tarn 2810120 4:40 20
Ohosley '• 20-0:45 p,m.11:05 Man. " 24
86110000,. 21-11:45 a,115 0140 pin. '• 434
Haxrieton • ' 11-8115 p.m,12:50 • " 25
M. F. CALE, M.D., G. M.
limber et the Oollego of Phyaiolana and
Surgeons of Ontaaio by examination.
Onion and Bse Jeno -Main St. East, Sebo1
G. L. Bell•L. D.S., Honor Graduate and
M. 1i. O. D. S., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prloesgraded and as low
ae good work can be done lar.
011100 over Johnston's Hardware Store,
1.J A• MARTIN, L. D. S.,
)13301V TINT,
Minor Graduate /loyal College of Dente
011loo-GartleldBloelt, Brussels. Charge
W 3. Pear, I.. D 5. Graduate of To-
ronto School of Der: airy. All °per- •
uaons guarantee^.d, . 0111ce-Cody's
Block, eaiti
Artlfloful teeth, that gnmlity, ands,
guaranteed fit, for 4112.8.: pox sot.
' • of Marriage Li000500. Wilco at his
Gr0cery,Turn1erry Street.
and Oarrlag0,plain and ornamental
aint . moderate. cheerfully furnished
* lug. Licenses, by appointment of
L1out.-Goyornor, Commissioner, Sc., Q. R,
Ornyeyaocor and Agent Piro Insurance Co
011ie o at the Oraubreok Post Office.
CJ • Aeoidont and Loan Insurance Agent
for .0,115 of the best and moot reliable Oom-
ponresin the Dominion. Of1100 Brick Torr-
aoe,Tnrnberryatroot,near the station.
112 • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College has reeumod the practice of John
Nott,V.S„ end is prepared to treat all dis-
oaeos of domesticated animals ml ociontm c
ands ,pr°ved principles. Treatment of del-
icatefgals a specialty. OMco at John Notb's
V. B.
.LY:A Teacher of Mtteio.f Weal and Instru-
mentalon Organ, Plano, or Guitar. Har-
monvand Thorough Bass. Advanced pupils
fitted for Teaching. ' Terms on application
Rhforouee-Dadlas of Loretto Academy
Guelph. Rooidenoo-No. 2, Terrace, south
:oar station.
Robert Cunningham.
Tiro "NoliTEHRN MESSENGER" is ever
gaining in popularity, and is still Tan
CHEAPEST ILLuernamsD Pored PbnrlssEL.
Prizes of Books and Money aro given to
those who canvass for it. Paton ONLY 30e.
a year,wibh reductions to, Clubs, Sample
copies sett to any who may request
A. Good Paper £or the family in the
"Wealthy MEssnNoon," which gives the
ourront rows in a conoieo form, together
with illustrated'storieo, Tho small arm
of SOe.' will some a copy for twelve
AGEN'I''S W NTB11 ju eve•'towti'and
lame for 4110 the "Wx1'NEsu" Pubtioa•
tions. Soud for tennis.
�f t'V Retaher, thanking
his many an,tomers 101 their
liberal ou poxt in the past
wishes to inform them that at
his shop in Smale's block ho keeps nothing
but firot•oiase moats, all kinds of Poultry
end Sausage Moat Delivered to all parts o
the town free. Clash paid for Fat Stook
Hides andahoopskine bought for wish.
f have 1500 worth of Government Sale
that I will dispose of, Apply to
11-5 .)lilt. GRAHAM.
kJ. A low splendid, Improved forme for
sirloin the townaliip of Grey, Morrie and
McKillop, Apply to A. DIILGAT'1''Y, 00.
Auotioneer,Brussele P. 0.
Varna. For Seale,
The eithecrioer offers for Bale his valuable
Farm le the Township of Grey, comprising
lots 5and7con .Il in said township. This
farm oontaine 200 acres and Within It miles
from the thriving village of Bruseole, With
good gravel roadloali ng 'thereto. Abolit1511
'acres are cleared, free from stumps and in a
high state of enitivatien. The Wanes) Is
firmly Wooded. This farm is liartloularly
well fenced, needy 1110 whole of the Vinson
being straight and Raving6 boon mooted in
1880 and'80, On the promiseethoroia a oom-
fortablo log dwelling house and ogeedframe
barn with atone stabling underneath .in
which there is a well with an abundant sup -
111y of ocoollent water. 'Photo lo likewise a
now frame implement house, 40x20, well
floored, above and below, and neatly sldod
and painted. For particulars aptly to the
Proprietor, 'JAMES D1Cs$o0,
llogfotrar, /enroll One
11.11 ` Godorioh,