HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-18, Page 66
Oiradory of Cburohos ane Soototiosl
Unirlrrt.la Gnuneu.-Sabbath Services
a+ 11 la u1 and 0:80 p. nt. Sunday School
at :1:30 p. m. Rev, John Ross, 13.. A•,
Neer C'in;feu,.-Babbatlt ;aeeViees at 11
a, nt. and 0:00 p, m, Snndlyv Soltool at
2:30 p. m. Acv. 33. Jones, pastor
l•r. J -tai's OtrUltou,--Sabbath Services
• at,11 a.n:. Intl 7 p.m. ,Sunday School at
913(1 $erne ttev. 1V. T, Ulntf, incumbent.
11Iu'r:-.,n1rtcttctt:-Sabbiath Services
at 10:11) a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday
School at 3::10 p. m. line, Woo, :;myth,
Honor Cltntot.tc C•ucrcn. -Sabbath
F.forviee third Sunday in every month, at
It. wan, I3ev. 1'. J. Shea, priest,
ODD 1'on i Ows' Lonna evory Thursday
.outing, in Graham's block.
(1ttsOtad Logon Tuesday -at or before
fall moon, in Garfield block.
A, O. U. W. Lcoun ea lot and 3rd Mon•
clay evenings of each month.
1! onearittre' Lonna 9ntl and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Smile's hall.
L. 0, L. lot Monday in every month,
in;Orangd. Hall.
Posy O1 son•-O£llcc hunts from 8 aunt,
to 7 p.m.
Bilterf/uree" lswerror t, heading loom
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be
open from Oto S o'clock pan. Wednesday.
end Saturdays. Miss Jessie floss. Lib-
rarian. •
Varna 101 totem.
One reasou why large breeds of
fowls are better winter layers io be
enure their greater size makes them.
rose susceptible to severe cold, The
large breeds oleo moult early, and
aro in full feather when winter
comes, which gives them greater
hardiness. moulting oleo tapes for
growing feathers the strength and 1
food which should go to egg prodnc-
tion. The pereistout layers through
the summer are pod fur little o: I
nothing in Winter, but a hen that
• moulted in warm weather will if n•,: 1•
too fat, lay when eggs are seereest
and dearest,
hounat`dti owe their recovery iron;
Rheumatism to\ Vest's World's Vender or
Eamily Liniment. It in uoneerted every.
nieros o be the bast known remedy for
.peumattam,nute,Brtti&es,000.11,1, 01orus,'
Soelda, and ail diseases ro,utrmg extern
111ptioation. Price'A5ceraucents per
Soil by John Ilrgrtal'c•o &
If the wool of the sheep becomes .
wet it dries very slowly and only by'
chilling the animal through. Shel•a-r
from rain and snow, e'p(cially the
former, is therefore more important
than protection from cold. It a
$11001) is chilled eu n, to give it cold
or fever, tho fibre of the wool is M-
itred. and if this occurs in Winter
the injury is iu the middle of the
Seeco, where it will do the greatest
dttlnage and must hurt its sale.
A Profitable 1.1f e.
Pow men have accomplished the same
anouotof work and good in this world as
( a celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 10,000 of his
WOrks have bean sold in Canada alone, We
wArit every person troubled with Liver
Complaint, D Tempoia, Hoodaobe,1atdhoy or
011((nary Troubles, to nail ni 1t sour druggist
ajid buy u heal of Or.Ohnso'N Lover Oure,
it.tvlll cure you. Medicine and itoeipenook
One of the dlfflcultioe in growing
wool in for eoutheru latitudes is
that the quality of the wool deterio•
rates. When the climate is 'not
cold enough to make the wool a no
141:it L
4 ,,!/
frt. ltie
a,t kt '.W(10.4.14, -;t
7a({tis.' d^ r17/d �r 4k
7,0 9y v1 -t.4
The work of breaking a bores to
harness and light work can scarce-
ly be eomneneed too early. It re-
quires time and patience, I+or
this reason winter is the beet time
for farmers to esoretse colts, lead
ing them by the halter and accus-
toming then to the bit and harness.
When this is learned 1011011 the colt
up with some well•traiued horse and
mashy for the protection of the drive over level ground. The glid•
-sheep, nature, always considerate, lug of a sleigh over the snow makes
is less careful to maintain its quali-
ty. 1t soon degenerates into a kind
of hair and goon loses its value as
oyool For this reasou northern
sioeep growers will always have an
advantage over thele farther South.
Reaeone why you should purchase Fluid
Dtghaning iu preference to ell other tom•
adios aro:-Rapid result -cures instantly.
Yg i1 0aeny appl.lod-no trouble -no lost
fame. It done not require constant 01a0—
ono application is ofrectual. One bottle will
remove morn pain.than any other remedy
ih existence, Tryit for Neuralgia, Tooth.
noho,Ramapo/to,Ihlplamati0m. sold at 1150,
n bottle byJohn Hargreaves & Oo,, Drug-
There need never be ally scarcity
, of water in any district fit for farm-
uo noise, and the horse will bo
trained for driving before itis aware
that anything has happened. When
handling of the colt is begun some
thing must be done every day, that
he may not forget his ttaiuin1, ton •
til thoroughly broken
"What is McGregor's Speedy Cnre for)'
I2 is for D300pnpsis, Liver Complaint, Indi-
estion, Biliousness, and it is the finest muffler rffler in the known world today.
pees it give satisfaction 9" Wo menet
Point t0 ono instance where it did not.
Where does it have 1110 largest Bale 1"
ILIghtih the city of Hamilton, where it is
thou wind dollars there
orth has
in the lasr ono
t year
retail, and the groat majority of the sales
are 0y one recommending 1t to another.
Poi 81110 1t 500. Inn 81,00 per bottle by Jona'
Mg if what faits on house and barn H/ndhnovas&Co..Brueeels.
. %oafs is saved in cisterns and lloe.i. I Every year some potatoes are left
•''''`F'be barns needed to. shelter stock I under ground, as it In not possible
aid the provender for their winter always to get every one of the inhere
feed will shod water enough to last in a hill of tho varieties which sot
through the dryoet 'time i11 winter deep and scatter widely. When
or summer. For 1toaeo use rein plowed up in the spring they are
water le batter than most well wat- 1 often apparently little injured,
er, provided it has Bret been filter- ' though near enough to the surface
ed. Nearly all well water contains to be certainly frozen during the
mineral impurities which make it
unhealthful. for 'title.
'To ladies. Tlie groat beautider for the
corn hrtion Ono of West's sugarcoated
X4'fyor Into taken nightly. 50 pills Se cents.
druggists. ,babey in all eases where the germ is
Sottio kinds of trees have such a not injured to prevent growth, trio
strong dainty for water that it is
not good policy toplantthole near
drains or wells. The elm ie most
troublesome to drains, while the
common locust is especially object•
ibnable if planted near house wells.
Their roots will travel a distance of
two or three rods to reach) Ilio oat•
preceding winter. The tubera aro
not moved while frozen, and being
thawed in coutact with the soil, the
frost is removed very slowly. Pro•
or, and (4170 it a most offensive
Peed �ced Hoar dwellinga , but it may
far3to, Tho locust 10 not often now
1)o in orderto give a caption agoutis
digging dear locust trees, unless
they are first removed. This is no
easy task, as the locust when ant
down sprouts from the stump, and
its roots tbrovd Itlp euchre wher-
ever #trey are broken by cultivation
potato° has been only frozen ()nee,
and then not entirely. With the
ground well covered with snow and
the surface wet, frost often pone -
Crates only a few incloee below the
surface, even when the outside tom•
perature is down to zero or even bo.
low it,
A eelffsli follow -the fish vendor.
A. Ivan of metal --the stove deal.
The Standard remedy far liver oompbtint
is West's Livor Pills ; they never disappt,ln 1
you. 00 pills 25c. All drllgglsts,
Worse then It gross man --a (300e-
.Este") .,4..r1 aJ % I iD J..'O –B H -
His life tt perpetual grind -a mill -
is not1plr deb Cheapest ands ball, to
and 500. A11 1100gglsts,
Color for convict's clothing :-
];navy blue.
For Coughs,Oolds, and all throat and lung
diseases us0 West's Dough Syrup. All
When time hangs up his scythe
there'll be no mower.
For rhouutatiern,nenralgia,Onts, Wounds
or 00001 iso West's world's Wouctor. All
An auctioneer does Its ho id bid,
a poellitnn as ho is directed.
PorLiver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and sick
Headache tiso 'Vest's Liver Pills, All
So her father kicked you out of
life home. Was that the only reas-
on for your leaving-:' That was
the Nolo reason.
1Vn8t's Dough Syrup stops tinkling in the
throat, stows that backing cough and gives
perfect relief ;itis o0000tuly worth a trial.
ASl rirugg(sts.
At the Rosebud ball.-Deuuy
(trying to be agreeable) : "Don't
you think the debntant is ohaoming
Mi'e Laker ?" Miss Laker (from
Omaha) : "1 don't know. 1 aut't
sat on it yet. .1: generally like 'om
bettor with arms on 'ern.''
Wonderful is the afoot of West's World's
Wonder or 'Family Liniment, Cin bottle
will effect more 00000 than four tittles the
number of Any other liniment. 23 and 50c,
All druggists. .
Miss Dora (who has suffered it
dleloerttion of the wrist) : "Doctor,
what if 1 had died before you came,
would I have been a orippled ang-
el 2" .Doctor • "Uh 1 you could
have been dootoredin heaveu." Miss
Derr (in surprise) : "Why, do tloe•
tors go to L-ieltvou 2"
Baader .10 informing you et this wonder -
tut remedy for Canoe, fields, Asthma,
Brouollitla. Consumption,. and all affoottone
of the Throat son Lunge, we fool that wo
are doing you a groat satldnese, as if yen
havo any of the above complaints, 11 you
Will only try it we will guarantee satisrao-
tion in every ease or money refunded. Ask
for lfat+moor's Lung Compound. Price 00c.
andSI,AS or bottle at Hargreaves' Drug
sbero, )3itusaels.
liohard Color do Lion was ono of
the most stylish igen in Europe in
his day. When Ito donned his snit
of shining armour, put on a tio het -
mot, patted on a pair of laminated
steel hoots, throw a sheet iron 111•
stet gracefully over one aria, and
picked up a club with a spike in tiro
end of it, society diploe soul he trao
'dressed to kill.'
Mose Y. You seem to be best
man at all the weddings, Air. 13.
When ere you grliug to take ,t lend•
ing part yourself ? Mr. 13. : Oh,
there are as good fish in the sea as
ever came out of it. Miss Y. ; Yee,
but don't you think tho bait is gett-
ing a little stale
Why will you suffer with n bad oold when
elf ow doses of West's Dough Syrup will ouro
you. Uo isumptivole 11-) (lot Small 10100
e6c.. large bottles 81.00, All druggists,
"My dear," too whispered softly,
as they sealed theonselvos on obs
toboggan, "If on tiro way down I
should ask you to bo my wife what
would you any 2" "What would
you clo if I obould refuse 2" she
whispered book. "I sl ould have to
lot von elide," 110 simply said
Polo cannot exist latter the patient has
taken a single dose of West's Pain Brag, the
tangle ouro. Do not bo induced totake
substitute, but insist upon having roost's
Pain Bing. Genuine sold by J, ltargreares
dr 00., druggists.
Ironfonlider : "`Tia strike will
roost me a good many thousand dol.
hors." • Reporter : "All your tion
out, eh 2" Ironfounder : "Yes,
and there's n big lot of iron solid in
the blast furnace. Reporter :
"Novw, when did the mon strilro ?"
Ironfounder: "While the iron woo
hot, of course."
Ladles troubled with Pimples, ILlntolaos,
Bouppgh Hands 07 1(100, or Sores of any de-
Carbolic Cert t0,d u1130 02 will leovo rthe skin in
perioot health, smooth. °loan, and good
dolor. Se sure nod get the genuine, mode
by tlaGregor & Parke. Prion Lie. Sold at J.
Hargreaves & Cas. Drug Store.
'Well, John,' saki the judge to a
pigtail Celestial, 'what can I do for
you 2' 'Want to get name changed,'
'What's your name now 2"Sing
Bing. No goodoe, Too nauohee
Alderman.' Gotten changed to Wool.
ble Mwieeo.' 'To Warble Twice 9'
'Yep, Allse same as Hing Sing.'
Compelled to stroke : The strik•
ing mania reached a colored preateh'
or on a town in Mississippi the oth-
er day, and he arose before his con
grogatlon and said, 'Chill'en Ivo
been tryin' hard to preach do gospel
on two -dollars a week, au' I'zo gob
discouraged. You has either got to
raise the salary to three dollaro, or
I'zo groins to go out and skirmish
for hogs an' ehioltnn 'long will do
roe' of you, au tab tuy chances of
gwino to heaven.' lay an uio onitiluoa
vote of the congregation, it was do.
tided to cutltinno the (Wary at tire
dollars, and let him ukirfuich,
i?2011, 18. ! $ '.
3 Y'./`'W H,F,.�: !) F•./,. _..14 , 3j\'y/ tci
eere•ener•, >x •.,•••re:.m_ erre,
Mamma: 'Why don't you play
mill your nice dull, 1)ot ?' Little
Dot : tit's too big.' '1i1hy, pet, 1
picked it out bemuse it was so nice
anti ' hig,' 'Yon did ? Weli, I
don't see why people's can't ihinlr.'
'Can't think 9"Yee. How would
you line a baby what's born grown
It l) ?'
De on Tour Guard.
Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly
and surely develop itself into Catarrh, when
youonm be tired for 100. A low applications
will caro Incipient Catarrh, One or two
boxes ill cure ordinary Cptai'.t0. Ono to 5
boxes will 001.0 chrome Oatarrh. i'ry Dr.
Ohneo'sOauadtan Catarrh Uwe---Itwi1100i0-0
Contributor. -'flow is it noun of
my' contributions are ever used ?'
Editor.-'Yoot tout be mistaken.
1)o you write ou one side of the
paper only 2' Con, -'Certainly.”
Ed —•'Shen it's all right. Wo
write our editorlal'e ou the blank
side. Never be afraid of your con-
tributions not being used.'
A chunk of' a boy nskot1 ticket -
seller Ayres for a half -ticket to
Cheshire the other day. ".How old
tiro you ?' asked the ticket•seller.
"Ton years old,' said the boy, 'When
were you born 2' asked Air. Ayres.
'Ten years ago,' said the young
Yankee. lie got his half -faro tick.
I was attacked about two years
ago with asthma, and .l was as
bail as a person mould be, I tried
Dr, Jug's Medicine and got foliof
atter taking the seoona bottle,
mud after taking $oven bottles
feel (100 and no trouble,
701ts 1,1012/1.10,
sold by 0. A. Dearlrnau,
'In Java,' read young Hyson,'
'when a boy ie born the father
plants a tree.' 'Well,' grunted old
Bollen, 'good idea. If they'd adopt-
ed that plan in Arizona twenty
years ago they wouldn't havo to go
wandering around leu or twenty
milds hunting for 11 tree every tune
they want to bang somebody.'
:People who become displeased
with something they find in n 11048-
papor, should not lose sight of the
fact that the very thing that Oita -
pleases them is oxaotly the thing
that will pleasol'tomebcdy who has
just ((0 laneh' interest in tho paper
as 21003' ton vt. .11 js also worth 1.0-
nie01iserine tont no' paper is printed
especially for ono parson any more
then a hotel ie baht to please one
tinter t.
f'rvaetie,it I(ritr/ru"sher.f -ferret/or
Thanking the 1'ablre for past 102 ern :ow
gulp irt :Lod wialilnp Mill to »enure your
patrc,,lage. \Ve ere opening un1 fail lints
(ioh112013 stbv,.o 1V'ntabos.
Silver l'ia:•11 \\'oro, ben; established
and reibthle t r ke: •:, tlilty wtu'rmti^d L}
(gooks ef elle latest designs.
alevvei r\/ .
\Vedding bingo,
Lodi+'s Own. Rings,'
I'i„1`30 get fie,
A1st, htal o 111 stock rt full lint! ,+f i'101112 -N
and Violin Striu,'n,-i'iprs, 8'c.
1:r*-N.11,-Itononi,t\ fille l,irenst,.
T. Fletcher.
a; a sA R 0' 9 2 1..12'1 7.
CANADA'S GO_llit) .1-0R3S'.\.0,.
Announcolnomt for the Col* You,
Grip is now so well known as in require
very litho of chins' description 01' praise.
11 is the
MT 0(112000 0.11'011 re C-is:u,A,
and itis furnished at about one -hal( the
price of similar journals in the United
States, Grip's Cartoon+, in addition to
being strictly impartial when tiley refer
to polities, are always on the snip of pat-
riotism anti morality,
The Into imprmvonlentc are universally
admired. Tito journal is enlarged to 10
pages, mud it is printed Upon heavy toned
and woll.oalende od paper. This gives
both the ongrsvines and the 1t'tter.pi'ess
a bountiful a111211.rance. And, uoawitit.
standing this enlargement and improve-
ment, the price of Grip is
OtiLY 52 .11.1:110 ; 8I 1, 1,1: C,,001;i, 5 Cuss,.
I (the price it commanded when 11tt1 1a four
Iliege sheet.)
(3IIIP':3 l'1..A1'l'uli'l:
11 'moon w1 inner
11'121101'T ] Ir 1111 l(rl Turn(
1111n1 C r 11)tr.
1:,,-ttot be without this f!.- ._,ito rimed -
inn Cartoon Paper. 10, Fob- 1iners it
w otlnu Ler rtnr h of del
trc oso, Co., 20 and 2g, Front litsret Wool.
Toronto. New onllt:serib rs. rimrli»g 82,
will receive the paper the hal:knee of 1881,
and to 31st Decontbo-, 1881.
:Waal Ir 1'litslil(J.iI Ot'Pi033.
All subscribers to (]rip, new or old. are
entitled to a oopj• of the magnificent lith-
ograph "Conservative 3.eaders," or the
the companion plate "Liberal Loaders,"
shortly to bo published, on payment of u"
cents for postage.
will be furnished to subscribers, by spec-
ial arrangement with the publishers of
tho latter journal, both papers for only
7_EJ alt a Et wir,
Glass Putty,
" A
Lath, ng Mese
S .R. O Y I S
I:ove Pipes.
Mixed, Paints 1
.1611 00110148.