HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-18, Page 5PSIS.' 18, 1887, THE BRUSSELS POST :.-A' ]1L iGpy9.#1,1 ,22,, ' minaS-ISiC+S°tt31tFk n.so•car4E>Y8Y'pYp't :.rLY<+z,n`d aap,7',.7=.,v,mcww, ' j�j 4 caller! to Toronto on husiness, Rev. J. „.y,z"a '?rtGt ,yyell�$, V.1dr.tndoumadeashoptaddressto the ohikron. 'no readings, recitations and dialogues were all well received, The singing wan under' tt a generalship of Prof, Couttn. J. K., Baker occupied the chair to the natie0action of nil, Proceeds $18, which ought to give the school in that neighborhood a lift in the right di. motion. Wo hope that paronte will take who hint thrown out by one of the apoak. ors and be oftener found in rho school, Annivoreary sermons wero premhed on 'Sunday by Rev. C. V. Lake, of Troia - bridge, and W. J3, Kerr, of Brussels, The two oandidates addressed the r iottors of tho south east portion of the township, in MoKay's school house, on Thursday cvoniugof lash wank, Dr. Mac- donald opened the meeting and showed cloarl, and distinctly how the Govern• meat had run the country into debt, wasted the finances and parcelled out our timberlands to their owl. supporters. He quoted foots anil figures for tits statements and backed them up by the Bluo Books. rho Beeler also n roved from x t m ITaunard and tan Ions t ale of the Howie, that when Mr.Farrow rot\ was put to the test and his vote called for at Ottawa Ito voted direct- ly in opposition to the interests of the temperanoo cause in some important par- ticulars, one was on the clause in the Mc- Carthy Act of allowing the disposal of ale andliqunrsbetween curtain hours on Sun. day. 1fr. Farrow then spoke and related what the Government had done for the country in a very confused fashion, quot- ing n great deal from pamphlets. lis quoted Itir. Patterson, of Brant, to show what the N. P, had done for oigar-mak. ora. Ho slid not attempt oithor to deny or exrnao in any way his conduct toward the tenmporauco party in voting as ho did on the McCarthy Act. The speaking was closed byDr. Macdonald in an able speech of half au hour. Ho answered Mr. Farrow in a telling manner. This polling division will not be behind on eleotion day in giving a good solid vote for Dr. Macdonald. n lE3ty1;h. 7a, Ford, of Mitchell, spent Sunray in town. :1t, MrGrugur ryas in Tarotito this week, Mins ;mesio Nottthoott is at prosent On the sialt lint, Miss Maggie Taylor is at prosent visit- ing friends iu Paisley. Miss Annie Shane fe visiting friends in Godoriolt this week. Miss McNally, of Exeter, is rat prosont visiting friends .in town. Miss Grano Robertson, of Clinton, spout a few days in town last wok, A. M. Emigh, station agont at Aylmer, spent a few days at hone this week. Barry McGos, of Toronto, is visiting his brother, Jas, MaGoo, this week W. Sloan returned to Toronto this week t to afterstho 1 Buaa tss College. 8e. Moo. SV Southao[twtsin Tl t Exeter last week Otto idung tho funeral of her father, Mt Oke The el°ctions aro creating considerable excitement in town. Dotting is at pres- ent being done freely. Miss 21. Lucas, of Alvinston, and Miss McLaren, of Sarnia, ars at present the guests of Mrs. Parke. atm. Moffat purposes °rooting it new house in the spring. Tenders havo al- ready been advertised for. Cast your barer for ler. Olticdonalti stud the Reform cause nor the sake oft/ntarlo. T. F, Callon purposes removing into town shortly, having rented his farm to Itobt, Henderson, of bast Wawanosh, Miss Jeunin Phillips left town on Thursday nm,,, wing for Washington, where she intends visiting friends. Wo wish Iter a safe jourucy. A ple'snnt opening wan s'm:ut at the residence of J. B. Kelly's on Tuesday last, when a number assembled and trip- ped rho light fantastic. A load of Foresters drove from here, on Tuesday last, over to Sal:shine, wb.ero a grand Foresters' supper was hold. They report having a good time. The annual S. S, Convention, which was to bo held this month nod which was postponed, will bo hold here on the first l'oesday and Wednesday in March. Ef- forts arc being rondo to make it a grand. success. The annual band concert will be held "n Friday, Feb. 25th, whorl an excellent program wilt rte presented. This promis- es to be the best of the season and every- body should attend. Wonder if Sam is going to net the dude this Lima. ' Wsnnrxo ilimLLs,---Dougall Turner, formerly of Blyth, but now of Ilamilton, • has taken unto hhuself a life partner. We wish Bougald much joy, and hope he will soon make a visit to Blyth.--• On Wed oday of thin wool: David C Dean,of Myth, wee un rd n# in the bonds' 1 hal bs of Y ut matrimony to rites Maggie Parker, of Bast Wawaaosh --Geo. Broiling has gone and claw likowiso, marrying a lady frau the neighborhood of Listowel. Nei, he debating club, which was organiz- r•.tl hero n, short time ago, hold its first de - bath atnThursday last, i ubjeat, "Whish was best for rho country, Free Trade or Pro:catio n." After a lengthy discussion 11 m,:::. dvei,ind in favor of Plata:Lion. Tremor sail that Senator Murdock tried to bring some Mary arguments in favor of Dace Trade, lint President Shaw's ar- aliments completely shied all, thoreforo knock; ug tho Seuator out in ono round. G' frtAy, A largo barn, GSx80 foot, will be ere°. trd by Thos. Davidson, con. 11, Host spring. On Tuesday evening last a large and merry sleighing party from the 14th eon. paid a visit to a resident of Morris, where they spent a very pleasant evening. Thos. ]Mill, merchant of Bark's Falls, Muskoka, was here for a few days this wook. The northen country appears to agree with hint well judging from appear. emcee, The Livermore (Cal) Herald, in speak. ing of G. Porrio, of this township, says : —Berrie, Rho athlete, gave a little oxhibi tion of strength at Phil McVicar's black- smith shop, on Monday, as a marker for our strong men to practice on. fle took hold of a 105 -pound anvil by the horn, with one hand, and lifted it onto a brook of wood it foot in height. Vote for I►r.Alacdouald and anpport 11 Government that believes ht fair play to all. A very large audience assembled in Tnrnbull's, school house, 10th con„ on Tuesday evening last to hear tho politioal issues of tho day discussed by friends of the oandidmtes. Thos. Straonann, D. D, Wilson and Ar. Y. Mcl;atml, appeared for Dr. Macdonald and no ono appoarod for lir. Farrow. These go:Alonnen showed clearly, from the Journals of the House and Blue Books, how the tnonios are squauderecl by filo Tory Govorument rat Ottawa, how the North-West rebellion was brought about purely by thoit: neglect, also how the N. P. came short of what was claimed for ib by tho Tory party, and the tntics of their leaders im order to keep themselves fn powor against time expressed wishes of the people. The mooting closed with oheors for Edward Blake, Dr. Macdonald and the Queen, The debate Deno off in Shine's sohool hose last Monday evening. `.Toro was large attendance nattl the dobato was very interesting. Tito subject dismisroil was "liesolvod that a Limitod Monalohy is to bettor form of goverumeut titan ttmat of a Inc ublic." Tho captain on tho af• tlrrnativo D. Ritchie, suits snpportod by Jas. Perth), Wen. Kneobtol, T. Stelae, E. .1.. ]4fa,tin, Juo, Betz, 5, Int. Robertson and /no, Baum. Tho negativo by Wnt. Perri°, captain, supported by John Ma- Laushlin Thos. 1 c'gnsgn, A. a'e'rie, R. Bishop, 1). Jtohortsen and A. Hislop. Deciaiolt Wan given in favor of ]'timnitod Monarchy, lbobt• Dickson occupied tho chair and Geo Martin the rico chair, A. literary mooting will be bold next Mon- day evening, Feb, 2Jst, whou It lengthy program of tooitations, readings and Wogs will be presented. Tho S. S. entertainment, on Monday night, in Wltitilekl's church, wan quite a smtccess notwithstanding the stormy night, Rev. R. Paul. of Ethel, was present atmil filled tiro gap loft °poo 1>y the nbeotnc of Boa, C. V, Litho, of Trowbridge, wtto was 1 Weirton. Dr. Macdonald is going to get a good vote bit this part of the riding. A number of the boys from Slab town got up•a surprise party and took posses. mon of Rao house of Thomas Johnston last Friday ovoniug. The sacrounent of the Lord's supper will be dispensed fn the Presbyterian chm•oh noxt Sabbath, Rev. Sir, lfnCoy, of Egmondville, is to preach on Friday. • Ibiarat. S' 6''attvtt,larrish. Thomas Taylor has purchased the farm belongiug Id the Auld family for the sum of $0,500: Mrs. Jamas McGill, sour., is oo tho eiok list this week, and her son David is clown with congestton on ono long.A. Carlton. who Wite over rho aau• 1 lately, was lohiging with tfive horse,. but lost four of them on his way, l the other in now io New York. A game of font -ball was played an Monday, 14th Inst„ between the Grits and Tories, at school house ibm. 10, in which tho Grits boat by 2 out of 3 games. A. mooting was holo in the school bonne of S. S. No. 10, by IBI. C. Cameron and his friend, Mr. Frasor. Thoy passed away tho ]tours in a good way, telling the fasts on the right side, find in the Grit side. - erbll�-2. Oysters are sew cheap iu Etiacl. Now is the right time to invest. Thefuueralof Maud Robertson, young. eat child of our hotel -keeper, Joint Robert- son, tookplace on Saturday, the 5th inst., and was largely attenclod. lllr• Robot• son has the sympathy of the entire com- munity in his loss, Voir vote anal Influence for Dr. Mac- donald who will vote against heaping up denetas and estravagan co every year PEssommms.—J'. M. Davies' children aro slowly recovering.—Mrs. A. E. Annie is reported some better.—Hire. 5. Hewitt is very ill with inflammatory rheumatism. —David Dunbar appears to bo pleased with recent events to judge from tho smile visable on his vonerablo counten. once lately.—People every day regret the loss of Mr. Isaac, as considerable dissatls- faction has been hoard Iatoly.—Mr. Smaldon'a funeral sermon wan preached in the Methodist chorea on Sunday ay. ening.—Wo regrot to hoar of the Mimeo of Thos. Ratliffe, a former resident of our village.—Chas. Brown, who has boom in California for tho past yam:, svgs in our village on Saturday. WirOletrtwmt•th. Cosi mcc.—On Thursday evening, Ord ult., a concert took plane #n Molesworth, in which ]Ethel braes and string band took a prominent part. The program consisted mainly of instrumentaland voc- al music. We unfortunately cannot give thenamen of the different porforst5lr-s,1 an the chairman .omitted giving names. Among tate songs daeerving of spacial no. Coe w° may mention a Gorman song, eut#ttled "Lovely Dell," atm by a little girl monad '\rand Milne, one untitled "Sold Jtvarywher°," which wolf deserved an encore. It was answered by ting sing- er of 0tong ontitled "Didn't she seem •to like it ?" Ethel may web be proud of having an amateur braes band, which in 80 short a tiro has attained such pro- ficiency, as the several piocas rondorotl by the band worm given in a style that would havo done no discredit to bands of moot longe' standing. The string music, uu- dor tho leado:ehip of D. W. Milne, was of a character not often heard in our conn. try and was a .real throat to all, Two pieces by Mr. Milne and daughters, aged t'espoctivoly 10 and 12 years, with 1st vio- lin, 'cello anti 2nd violin shows that l;tlh. el hos plenty of ntusioat talent. Thoper- fo3manoo inalnded besides n number of other songs, a dialogue, in which thorn wan rather 01013)) straining than Was Pem- sielant with good taste. On rho wholo a vary pleasant craning was spent by all, We forgot to mention a gohtical speecih was delivered Hoar the cloning of the mooting by aycnng gottlomatt from Igo- towel, attar which tho audiences sang tiro National anthem and all departed ,for home. Procaorls 082. 3:Eas taring. Mumps aro bothering a lot of the olmilI- '011 in this township. The Spring Show will be held et Ile grey) on Thurmley, April 14. Afro. Charles Ilingston and son ha gone on a visit to her old home int Vieto is Sgnaro, Markham, neoompanied b hor mother, A. K. Robertson arrived home fro tho Old Country last Monday. Ito w accompanied by his nephew, They ha a very rough passage, It ie said a boodlor is in this towneb endeavoring to purchase votes for Tho Farrow, The Dominion Governmo t numb have a vary poor opinion of the in tolligooco of the panple of this townehi Last tvook Richard Armstrong, Brd ton nabbed seven (Dons in a hollow tree 1 tate bosh. They were all despatched an the aggravate weight of the seven amour cat to 02 pounds, This is the kind of coon hunt that (aunts. Councillor Bosman roc0ntly pLurobase the 100 act's farm belonging to Robt, Mo Farland, being lot 22, con: 2, 112,05 was the sun paid for it. Mr. Boom ]las now 400 aures of 1n11r1 in this town shipandn m frosts treat crodf 1h t on hi eat tgy whou it is stated that bo starts life 20 years ago without a coot of money This last farm was purohasrd at a bar gain and Mr. Bosunan will, no doubt, do well with it. Lxtnu.miy SOaxirr,—Auothor mootin of this Society was hold at Cleggegroen on Wednesday evening of last week, Tim subject for debate was "Resolvent ell t country -life is more conducive to happi nese than city -life." Robert Armstoa was appointed ahaitman. On the affir mauve worn R. Dickson, Wm, Brydoa and John Shurris and on the negate Janes Sharp, Wm. McKay and Tams Sherrie, The chairman decided in fa ver of (1,0 affirmative. Some little time .was then spent in song, readings, recite,. tions, and after which a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the chairman and the meeting then adjourned. Holt. Edward Rfntto's Government will tie Pr tWho temperance u thoroughntemperance 1. right to lmie own opinion. What might ho rega•dod by o"" oe Ito eloarent linea. vo agos )night be rooeivod in t4 very differ - r. ant light by another, but one thing he y eaunut dotty in that ovary dnntrino Of the Protestant faith is oloarly set forth in m thew) "readings." Aa any possible as scripture selections must leave ant a part d of the Bible, it 10 quito possible that some would miss, what thoy :award as very ip clear and very important to the state- s, monis of semi Bible tt•t,th, Whatever n objection Mr, 0. enceeadod in establish- - ing against the •'scripture reading," must p, pear with equal form against any Biblo selection. If therefore he wishes to ap- o pear a consistent man, ho should in fu. d turn abstain from selecting dctatoiled. *moon passages snob as texts of sermons or pul- e pit loasone, and should bogfn let the lint verse of tho first cltaptor of Gonasis add d preach from every passage without a - single omission, othorwise some logician, 0 equally zoaloue with Mr. C. for the whole Boom), Bible may .fl n t re ll the i o vale of Y which he has upon >nu the heads n N the n f ) a 1 P s provers of tho "rtes) Bible," and over9 d wholnl him with a flood of bin Own logic. If Bible nelections 11( wrong what right - has Mr. C. to plane in the hands of the obildren of his Sabbath srlmool the select - Ione, known as International Sabbath g School Lessons ? And if they be right , why doos he condemn the "soripture e readings" for the use in public schools ? a• Until Mr. C. answers those questions I - must beg him to kindly al -01100 me from g joining with him in the 'No Popery Cry' againet the scripture readings. Yours truly, A. Y. HABITAT., ve Bluovale, Fob. 15th, '07. ratan. ENTanTAnouEN'r.—Last Friday evening the Foresters' held their Musical and Literary entertainment in the Town Hall. Notwithstanding other attractions else- where there was a large attendance. After oysters and outer refreshments had been partaken of, Isaac Rogerson, 0. R•, was palled to the chair, and, after a brief adIresn on Forestry, a very interesting and amusing program was entered upon. Vocal and instrumental selections were given by Mrs. Jas. Seal, Misses Rogerson, Laithwaite, and Miss McClelland and Ohms. MoClelltm d, Thos. Kirkoonnoll, D. McDonald, A. f6ingsbon and E. W. Gerry. Readings and recitations were contribut- ed by Dr. McKenzie, of tielgrave, and R. Agnew, of Sunshine. There were also severs' dialogues by the Sunshine friends. Tho four plays presented b "Sam. es" and hit cellon e ll a wore very 11't P mirth ro- nl[im•saul dr la rattip-top. u e c le "S 1 "blam." saswell ftp to his ausmess, Hett,ty votes of thank) were passed to tiro per- sons who assisted in the program, and tithe persons living aitjaaont to the hall, for their providing for the lion=•es, &c., belonging to the visitors. The proceeds amounted to abotit $50. The evening WOE very pleasantly spent suer great cred- it is due the Court for the success attend. Mg the cntorthinm,nt, 1-11ircorral c.. Thos. Nixon has leased hfa oarriago shop to Mr. Walker, of Brussels. Dan, C •-n''0, a. raw mill man near Bel - more, was accidentally killed last Satur- day. Ho was riding on a load of logs and the binding pole becoming loosened at one encs flow bank and struck him on the head with such foreo as to knock him senseless to the ground. While lying in this position a heavy Ing front the sleigh rolled upon him and crushed ]rim to death. The position Morris "11'lothodist" takes, in last woak's issue, would be amusing if it was not for tho sad speetaole he pre - amts. Ho is amusing, when, with a de- groo of self rlghtoousnoss that to Pharisee oould oonroely equal, he sets up a stand- ard of righteousnena by which .lee proposes to test Itir. Farrow. Disregarding the fact that Mr, Falrow's oharactor, con- duct, walk, conversation, general bearing, &o., )Dino up for discussion and investi- gation and aro passed upon each year be- fore his lioenne as "local preacher" is re- nowod by tho official members of tho church Co which he belongs, he demands that his "shibboleth" be pronounced or else 112r. Farrow tnbbood. It is also amusing to claim that because Mr. Far- row is a public man therefore his church relations are matters for publiodieauesion. Now if the number of times Mr. Farrow attends church during a year is a matter that affects his standing in the commun. ity or detracts from his ability to serve the interests of this riding all right ; bat if it only affeots his standing in tho church in the church is the place to dis- cuss it. But it is sad to see one, claim- ing to bo a brother, ignore tho dieeipliuo of his church and trample upon the di• vine injunction of Christ, "having aught against hie brother" ho flings it in his fano before a carping world. Is the zoai whirls prompted snob a course, horn of religion—or polities, which ? If you Want to see the Northwest Huls. management done away with vole for Dr. Macdonald. DMAtt Stn—ln the Blttovnle nerve cci- umn of last week's Pose:, my name is mentioned in connection with the address given by bhp Rev. llr. Cook° on the "Ross Bible." Note, I have nothing to com- pisin of in that foot, but it is quito possi- lats that my presence there may be taken as approval by one of Mr. Cooke's position regarding the scripture readings now in use in the public schools, Mr. Cook ob- jected to the "I:oadtnge" on the sovoral grounds, so oleat'ly and correctly set forth by your corrospauclont, Anna bit' Cooke established, to his own satisfaction, ovary ono of his objections -nut by showing any errors or defects in the selections -4M by allowing that the roadtngs crier not con- tain Olio whole Idiblo now, as no ono who ' approves of the "readings" does now, or over did, slalom that they contained trio whole ]bible, ft stentod to one that Mr. C. was boating the air. Ho laid great stress 01 tiro aviation that alto passages left out taugb.t such doctrines as repentance and faith far morn dearly than those 1 toniainned in the snlootions, On this question the ter. gentleman haga perfect 1m 1 OR'1'(4Au e, !1,11,1: 00' • VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In the Tozetltshih of Morris, its the County of Huron. Tinder the rowersaf -Bale contained In a certain Moxtgago to rho Vendors, wbiah will produced Attie time of Sale, and in pay- mentof which defauithas been made, those will bo sold, by Public Auction, at the Aunitm»A7 MOTEL, in the Village 01: Bans - rams, au Wednesday, 2nd Dag, of Mara, rat 1 o'aLnom P. 101., the followiug property ;— The South bolt of Lot number Twunt.y- eighb,in the Mitt Conoessioa, of rho s id Township of .n orris, containing, by nd- ineasuramont,ninety-cine and one-quarter ncros, more PT loss This farm is well &]rusted on good leading road and adjoins the Corporation limits of Brussels, about fifty mores cultivated ni,d below° paaturo and woodland ; watered by too ltloer Maitland. Good frame Manse, frame barn aand et'lble. Boll ganornny clay loam. Terms and conditions of Safe, Tito property will bo affixed far slue sub- oattoarr v b sora i7. Ito r rat e J u s r fiat r Ott tho time of sale, a ono -tooth vre,of Soo uurahn o rat nn � t s o to the enders their Y \ eir 30• linftore nr Agents, f and it withinu thirty dais thereafter, with tern3t sex anti rhalf neret., En reduce the balance of purohaso money to 3780J.oU, which amount may ramain on Mortgage to the. Vendors for fl: o years with iutorest at six and a half 3)0000., ,pnyablo yearly, rho Mortgage to .oto Sala a a.,vennut for Insurenco in ton North British and Maroan- tilo luetn'anoe Company to rho full Maur - obit; yahoo of the buildings. The Vendors will nut ba ho i i to aoeount for, produce, or elm \r, or prove tllu contents of any (loads or uvMimeo of titin nut iu lhair possession, m• tdroistt ample sof Ito risme. The purchasermust in•astlgdte the title rat Ms own Dupont^. "Tha ono', conditions °Teale willbomode known at the time of solo, or on applioattin in lobo undersigned, at Toronto. Nur fer•.1a•^ rartfal:lore apply to Otto t undersigned, or or. R. taflnNT, Brussels, HOWLAND. AR NOLDI & MACKENZIE, Fre=.. Lora' Solioito_ s. Torun to, S,mannry@8th, 1017, 31-1 CLEARING SALE OF —FOR - 30 DAYS 30 Christians and New 'Year's Bar gains at the Brussels Woolen Mill. 3. have rho finest and largest stock of Fine Yarns ever seen In Brussels. I will sell the host worsted yarns, st'}rich have NO QAL, at S ets. per oz., and an extra fine quality of cashnioi•a wools at 8 cts. per onnco for the next 80 clays, commencing Friday, Dec. 24th, for Cash Only. Now is tb I -c\1 2lyC to se01n;0 your bargains, coma early and havo your choice in Blade, Brown, Navy Blue, Royal Blue, Light Blue, Garnet, Carel. ileal, Clttl•et, Searlot, Dark Green, Bronze,. Light Green, Yellow, Orange, and a Host of other col- ors, tosm numerous to mention.. But co21)0tmntl see for yoursolf and bo cont'incctl that yon have shock the Biggest Bargains of the season. Come ai.el flame allL GEO. HOWE3 GO tJ OUR GREAT tCLEARC ]lb:1 'COT\TTil\TTI s WITII THE PUBLIC VERDICT: Never was such a magnificent stook thrown on tic? mitrketi?in Huron County. Never Stich Cheap Goods offerod to the People. Never saw ft sale s'1 thoroughly appreciated. Eur --Dila Ri1311iiH Oi HAVE SOLD. dyed o ! eople Dave been Made nappy., All the peoplo of Huron County have found out that we tiro .rho Great Dry Goods Distributers of the West. We are still selling our Tvreeds, Dress moods, Prints, Wi oeys, Underclothing, Mantle Cloths, VTQ of every description, at Absolute Cost. our Spring Importations which aro now and when our Spring Stock is complete over shown. Watch for it. len Goads, We want to maim room for arriving almost every day,. will ill i the finest tan hitve This (.imttt `;:ale will la:4 to t.lu' 1''irnt; ni 14mn','h„ Elroy ori Ooze and lei Us. G. A. PO -WELL, The Creat Bargain House. Our Address is Comm Oi 14<lxo too 'l'tn0Y•ml;gn'1 Si'ti., 1.31ttlss0lh4: