HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-18, Page 44
To The Electors of the East
Hiolne. of Huron County.
Gentlemen :—
it will be your privilege in o, 'few days
to elect a representative to look after
your interests in the Federal Parliament.
As you are aware I am the candidate in
the interest of the Liberal party. I take
this opportunity to reepentfully solicit
yourvotes and influence. I hope to be
able to address the most of you from the
platform, when I shall gate my views
upon the pubho questions of the day.
I ask any friends to be active till the last
vote will be eoIled on the 22nd sox. If
this is done there is no doubt but Liberal
prinoiplee will be sustained and Ettst
Huron redeemed.
neve the honor to be, Gentlemen.
Your Humble Servant,
gingham, Jen. 25, '87.
n°em nanvr>r»i3
Locals—Adam Goad.
Free show—C.P.R. Oo'y.
hlgga wanted—Juo. Roddick.
Stre ed—Lawrence Dobson.
Cows foe stile—E. J. McArthur.
Bathig powder—G. A. Dead:nen,
Scream girl wanted Mrs. E. 313e1son.
Reformers and Conservatives—Adam
,be 12TSS1Z5 n t.
FRIDAY, FEB. 18, 1887.
H .w to mark yonr ballot on the
22nd inst.
nos Farrow, 111o,ris townelnp,
Peter Macdonald, 'Windham,
To. T"lol.to News says :—rite
re election by acclamation of ell the
members of the naw Quebec Minis
try, who hold e,e:tt.t in th<; papular
branch of the Legisi;t;aro, shows
Mr. 'Mercier to be firmly established
in power. With ordinary prudence
his pnnlority it apt to be increased
rather than hu;sel)eti, as .ii: tend-
ency r,f politician. ;ttar'1 tum
SClVCe i0 the winning .:ilu h-, ..rang.
The impression Lis p.;ained ground
that the prospects of the Dominion
Government were-iulproving in
Quebec, bet the Absence of any op
poehtion to Merciel's (Jaime!' :loos
not corroborate this view.
Inn result of nomination ,lav
was very satisfactory to the Bream
party. :one of the Ontario eou:,ti•
tuences returned a member byi stet
ale/nation, but in Quebec live • sup•
porters of Hon. Edward Blake were
e) otod, and in two constituencoe in
Ontario two Reformers are running
inetead of a Oonservttive. In the
election of 1882 the result was very
different, as 8O Conservatives were
elected by acclamation and only one
Reformer. This is tale n ae a fore-
runner of a great victory on the
22nd, and it is believed that Hon.
Edward Blake and his supporters
will hold the Government ruins for
the cirt term of office
TRH time for talking in connec-
tion with the election in East Hort
on is about past and the result next
Tuesday depends very largely on
the faithful, enorgbtic and individ-
ual effort of every Reformer. It is
quite currently reported that several
Reformers, who are not very out
spoken as to their convictions, have
been approaebed by the agents of
a boodler, who is known, who have
endeavored to influence their votes.
Dr. Macdonald can be elected if
every Reformer stands by /tie prin-
ciples and if every elector who tee.
girds economical Government will
vote aecortlieg to hie honest convic-
tions. The light is not ao mach '
between the respective Otintiidates
in any riding as between the two
gree parties, led h3' Hon. Edward
Blake and Sir Charter Tripper, for '
rt is stated, even by Conservatives, i
that Sir Charles has the promise
'ale s er$ - ,•;
of1 1
i sra year so that the whole quantity re -
ale leadership. 1 l,e records are
ti ed for Luau �'n. 7, hen been sup-
d bed.
to Choose wiser end coneejeutious l;everend SIr. Itobertson says --
y "I lo. Andrews asks, where aro. tele In"
and poll your vote accordhngly. Banns t
1.• ,
plied by etching, 1. G, halter
before the electors and it ie for you tet f '
b ('o., of
o inferior qua ity ab
ovo (eseri
arvdng, senrcltint 'viatica heaps
and swill bends and revenonsly eevonr.
ingcrusts of br,ad and serisps ofmaat 5—
A11 About `•Brown." At hliunortesa, Birth),Broedvtew, Fort
Qu t pclle, Prince lbert, Bettneford,
Ajax in iho Goderfoh Signal of last Moose Jaw, medicine Hal, and trio rest.
week gets off the following on the youug nave seen them doing this. It might
have been because they wore very a
men "Brown," who dilated at thoTown uri.
Hall last Friday evening :— nus or preferred dirty cru.ts and decay -
ung in, at to tender, wolt•bred beef, but I
And, when I'm postale, such trust in
of did not thhl
buttonholing, I don't want to entirely lc acgamtting for choir aa-
disoredit platform work, for I've known tion that way. I know the eager look,
o{ caeca where platform speakers woraththe ehrnnkon form o and the wolfish face
means of doing a heap of harm to a polis- that speak of want in the adult, and the
Taal party, and, mobbe, I wouldn't have wa", pinched face that speaks of story
to go out of the present contest to prove
ration in the child ; and I have seen them
my contention. For instance, a couple of
Hills,near therort e places, audllit have hhe ad
weeks ago there appeared upon the scene I y
a Scull, mon whom I will call Brown, for tyutpathies drawn out towards the own.
the seas of convenience. I'd rattier call ere. I have seen Indians eating horses
him Brown than be bothered hunting for that had died of diaeaso when the flesh
proof of tun pedigree- -although fav pri• llae hall rotteo.the tr �tlaatoEstattimals ,iboutt
vete opinion Is that Green would better
slaughter -houses- up
ter•hoases.--when theentrails
suit as the cognomen of the embodiment L se
of verdancy that appeared in our midst, were fast decomposing—aye, and opting
He took the strings for Porter, and, in his then without cooking, or even washing.
own peculiar way, endeavored to "maks They may prefer such carrion to good
Dnngraven ring." He was young, fresh
beef, well tiled and coil when killed, but
and ally, with a month that belched forth I doubt it."
vitriol, a jaw that was harder than boil- Sudorintendent Walsh reports
er plate, a gall that approached the ab. "`rho horses that died from scurvy and
normal, and a determination to avoid carcasses of horses that died during the
the truth only suppose] 1, be attainable autumn and early winter were gathered
in a lineal desoenilant of the late Baron up and eaten."
Munehaaseu. Browu knew everything, Mr. Pocklington, in his report, says 1---
had been everywhere, and had comp up ' •In January, while visiting the Piegan
to Buren 80 rat us know tvltnt an ignorant
Reserve, 1 received a letter from Lieut.•
town hips were. lot we in ;he beakHeCol. McLeod that seventy-five Stonios
had saved us from becoming bondsmen were in Pincher (rook in a starving con.
to the half-breeds, by joining the vo:un• ddtion, I started for their camp at auto,
teere and risking his valuable life in de -
to found them in reality starving, er-
fence of ours. He never told at any of cept for nssistaueo given them by Col.
the meeting what corps ho belonged to or McLeod and other residents."
who was his captain ; anal to this hour,
Northwest Councillor Jackson says :-
although I and some of the neighbors "The man I speak of came down to the
nava mode diligent enquiry, 5 have failed fort the other day absolutely in rags, with
to disoovor whether his lot was cast with his two squaws, and said to a man in
the army of occupation, the reserve Fort Qu'Appelle (I do not mention his
force, the land transport 'service, the name now, but at the proper time, if nec-
army'tospital corps, or that be,: like the eseary, I can produce this man):—"What
cJinks, belonged to can I do for anything to eat ? Wo are
celebrated Captain
the "horse marines." When asked for
dyiug of starvation." Ila was told :—
his credentials he invariably raised his "You had better go to Regina, and the
hand to the upper portion of his jaw and, Lieutenant -Governor may bo able to do
pointiug dramatically to a scar .which something for you.' ("Oh I oh !") The
adorned his frontispiece, would make old squaw had an old piece of tea.ahest
answer, "There is my authority for the wrapping, which you could throw hail-
statement" but he never vouchsafed stones through, to servo as a blanket.
further information that would lead any These are the wards of the Government !
one in his audience to decide whether the The man was so thinly clad that ho was
wound had been received from a sabre frozen below his knees, and yet he was
out, a bayonet thrust, or a kick from a going to Regina to try and move the
Government mule. I can offer no opin-
eon as to the cause of tho scan, but a
gentleman whom yon and I well know,
(and whose rubicund nose betokens that
he gives his testimony as that of an ex-
pert), volunteered the into, motion that
the appearance of the scar bore unmis-
takeable evidence of having been oeea-
sioned by a collision between the front-
ispiece of the party of the first part and
a beer tumbler or decanter in some bar-
room brawl, 'Inc thing I do Imo v, cold
that is that no young man nam d Brown
received a wound at Batecho of the na-
ture exhibited by this young man, for the
list of the injured was published at the
1 time by the daily press, and the name of
John Brown is not mentioned as having
been wounded, nor yet as one who was
I "mouldering in the grave." So much
fol s,,10e of his i,e.0.,
rs„tl tl in and now
I'll say a word about hie style, 13e was
a rove alien to us oldheads. He entered
a meeting like a ayolono, and was just
about as windy. Ho was abusive in the
extreme, and whenever he thought he
had a gang of toughs at his back beaame
unbearably insulting. He respected the
position of no chairman, and violated
every compact that Was made. Many of
Porter's friends were disgusted with him.
and I heard more than one shrewd Con-
servative mildly remark that they be-
lieved the importation of Brown was an-
other 'auto trick of M. O. Cameron to de-
feat the Tory party in Nest Huron by au
increased majority. I don't know wheth-
er John Brown will remain in the eounty
or not, but I believe if Cameron can pos.
eibly prevail upon him to stay in the.rid-
ing and talk for Porter, it will be done.
So you see how a platfarmist omt bo a
power in making votes—for the oppoeibo
Indian Agents MoPhorson'e report: --
"The clothing for the chiefs and conn
tillers was good, except the trousers and
shirts, which were inferior and worn out
in throe or four days." a
Official Anelyiet's report:. --
"1st, Sample of flour from the Black.
foot Crossing. This sample marked No 1
is not sound, and should not pass ins.
peotion for grading, Hither the wheat
has been full of weeds, or tho cleaninge
of the wheat have been ground into the
floor, as thine is a strong smell and taste
of cockle, tares, ,ba,, fn it. Wo think
thorn ie frozen wheat In it also, but would
not say positively, We do not consider
this flour wholesome, and cannot put8 8
Brice 0n it."
"2nd. Sample of. Indian dour from the
Bargee Reserve, This sample, marked
No. 2. is the lowest glade of flour, and is
known by the trade as 'Red Dog.' Its
value in Ottawa is about $1.25 per potnlds,
compared with miller/Inc at 52.26, or
strong bakers' at $2.75 to 50 per 100
pounds. It is juet one grade above mill.
Official report 00 80105 Stour:—
"The contractors, 1. G. Baker rte (lo„
were, antler the contract, to deliver flour
equal in quality tc No,1 supdrflne, To.
ront0 impaction; and they have been
paid for doing so on the certificates of
the agents in the followhtg quautftios
and at the following rates: -1,755 (751be.
lacks, and, at 58 25 per seek, Btoac1
"Ono thousand two hundred and twee..
ty.five sacks at 88 .25, 1'legan Reserve ;
2,118 sacks at 37,50, Blackfoot Reserve
2011 stoke at 38.00, Sarceo Newrvc. The
heart of that man whose heart is stone—
to move the heart of that man to give
something to keep life in him."
oexxxoNs.1s're TRI, MOSES 01' TILE D\DL(N
nrsisa :—
Rev. Ufr. MacDougall, Methodist mi-•
sionary. says : -
"There have been in the past grave ir-
regularities iii the department, for expos-
ing which I was denounced as a traitor
and a liar end brought twice before the
conference of my Church, but the verdict
of tete Investigating Committee always
supported me. The Indians have bean
cleft -mailed by the contracts nob being car-
ried out as spooified in the treaty, and
the Iuc!ian is being defrauded, and se is
the Government, which is made to believe
that the Indians receive a certain amount
when they don't. But of course the In-
dian is the greatest loser."
Archbishop Tadao says :—
"The Indians, who should have been
The undersigned wishes to intimate to
the public that having learned the art of
Gent's garment cutting from one of the
best Cutters in London, he 18 now pre-
pared to cot, lit and make up Celt's
elothing in a drat class manner and et
reasonable prices.
P1; oZ Gr tin,
—at the—
.earalytics and other Invalids, beyond
the reach of ordinary shill, aro all bone•
fitted and some of them Marvellously cur-
ed by his T:eatmout. No ntedicino.used.
Help for All. The mast sceptical Cun.
vinced. No Case Hopeless. Tho Blind
oau bo made to See, the 1)aa£ to Hoar and
the Lame to Walk. Charges very Mod-
erate. REuni,tosn ONLY TIMER WEEns.
PHAP f''Gti$OU t#[1nTIN.
George Welsh, of Grey Township, has
been for years afiheted with a severe
Urinary Complaint and could get no re-
lief. Professor Gustin Cured him with-
ont Medicine.
For tho benefit of people similarly af-
flicted I wish to state that Professor
Gostin has restored the use of my hands,
which have been partially paralyzed and
almost powerless for five years, defying
all other treatment.
J,1aiEs STIET•r0N, sl(N.,
Queen's Motel, l:ruesols.
Prof. • Gustin yielding to the
earnest entreaties of his patients We have It very large stock of Womcns', Misses' and Children's
has decided to prolong his pro- wearing Boots & Shona. Now, we purpose keeping up this sale in
fessional visit at the Queen's
Hotel, Brussels, for throe weeks
more, where his services can be
commanded by those requiring
them. Below are appended a
few more of the many wonderful
c(uos effected. by him since last
John Maynard, lot 21, con. 6,
Gray, states from It healthy
strong loan I havo been reduced
to a state of incapacity for :lily
work with weak back, general do -
Can Vote for Macdonald, and
But both can came to our Store and get, FREE OF CHARGE;,
handsome Parlor Lamps, setts of Heavy Gzystal Ware, Goblets,
Cruets, Cake dishes, Bread Plates, Cups and Saucers, .Molasses
Pitcher's, Milk Pitchers, Water Pitchers, Pickle Dishes, tie,, &c, We
have tlt'cided to rush
during the coming year. Wo intend to keep double the stock of
Groceries that we have over kept and wo aro going to reduce our
stock of
ICA SLX:itCtuc41S
Wo have now in stock, and in process of manufacture, Five Thous-
and Dollars worth of Shoes. We want to bring our stock down one
half and to do so wo well snake it reduction on every pair of Boots
& Shoes, in the puree and any person buying four or five pail's will
get them at Cost Price. Wo givo a few prices to show what we are
going to do ;--
Ladies' Rubbers for 80c. per pair ;
Ladies' Overshoes, $1.18 per pair ;
Ladies' Leather Slippers 450. per pair ;
Ladies' Carpet Slippers 85c. per pair ;
Ladies' Polished Calf Button Boots $1.65 por pair :
Ladies' Polished Calf Lace Boots $1.65 per pair :
Ladies' Fine Boots $1.50 per pair ;
Cililclron's Boots 750. per pair ;
Children's Rubbers 25c. per gild ;
Girl's Boots, any sixe, only $1.00 per pair.
cared for and protected by the Gover• biIity and diabetes. With three
ment, were 'left a prey to the seductions treatments from Prof, Gustin I
of men revoltingly immoral, and when am as well its ever.
this was pointed out the friends of hu-
manity had another regret to register.'
e a egos at In o f er eaten the In -
diens were deprived of the pittance as-
signed to them, or it was given to them
as if they ware dogs 1 They were too
often deceived. At the risk of creating
great surprise I affirm that the metameres
were not committed without previous pro.
vocation.' Ihereinvoke the testimony of
one of the victims himself. The Rev.
Father Fafard said, in conversation with
another missionary, who, in turn, related
it to me :—'Such a one (naming an ()Ma-
id) sats with shameful brutality towards
the Indians. He will be killed some day.'
The person alluded to was killed, and two
devoted missionaries inereased the num-
ber of victims they were striving to pro-
tect. A gentleman whose voracity I can.
not question assured mo that some In-
dians had told him in 1884 that an indi-
vidual, whom he mentioned, 'treated
them like doge,' and the same individual
was killed by the Indians Nebo had lodged
the complaint against him,"
Rev. John Magian, Methodist mission-
ary to the Blood Indiana, says :—
"Tho causes of the present discontent
among the Indians aro legion. Some of
the men employed by the Department on
the reservations have boon granted their
positions through political influence, even
though they have been utterly incompet-
ent for the reepoativc duties of their of-
fice, They receive good salaries, and yet
the Indians derive very little benefit from
their sorviees. Promiseshave been made
to the Indiana by Government officials
that have never boon kept. The Depart-
ment has professed to give thoee people
food enough to sustain them, yet at dif-
ferent times their rations have . been ant
down. Theyhave been told that they
were to remain on their reservations, but
it was impossible for thein to do so on
their daily allowance. About a million
dollars a year is now granted by the Do.r•
minion Parliament for the Indian se
vice, bub a high official in the Northwest
has stated that not ono -fourth of this
sural, or the equivalent of one-fourth, ever
roaches the Indians. The money is Alt.end through the hands of jobbers, sup.
ply men, agents, and other speculators,
until the Indians' share is reduced to
very littlo indeed."
Rev. Mr, MacDougall again says :--
"Veey little rebellion in these mon ten
ex Oboe, years ago, and had the conduct
of Government of bctels of every depart -
/limit sent into this country been such as
to commuted the respect of the natives,
there would have been no rebellion on
total quantity cdoliveled and paid for at the art of thelndians last spring, icor
the above rates was 6,75!1 sacks of 88 would the smouldering induoncou thereofpomlds eachnet ; and this Department still rankle 10 the 'mints of many.
has been informed that this supply will same systern fa being cantinuect without
be snftelent ntitil the end of lite present change."
II 11 th ' th
THE BLIND SEE.—Elnphonlitt
McDougall, of Grey township,
has spent hundreds of dollars on
her infirmities without ally re-
lief. Besides sciatic pains and
and general debility she has boon
blind for four years. With two
treatments from Prof. Gustin
she has been restored to both
sight and health and will be
happy to give any information.
TIIE LAUD WALli.---Mrs. David
'Henderson, of Ethel, has offered
up her Banos at tho shrine of
Prof. Gustin's magnetic influ-
ence. She was paralysed on one
side and could scarcely move.
She wishes it made public for
the benefit of others.
James McFt acisean, of the 17th
con., Grey, testifios that he has
suffered so severely with dyspep-
tic pains that for nearly six
months ho could scarcely eat
anything and has visited the bast
medical skill in Toron.o without
relief. Two treatments from
Prof. Gustin has removed all
pain an(1 his appetite is com-
pletely restored. He recom-
mends all suffering similarly to
visit the Professor.
Tho Professor has now a case
under treatment which will put
his powers to the test. A. lady,
from near Listowel, who is de-
ranged. We will hoar from her
next week.
A. sonofJoseph Kellner, of
Grey, aged 14 years, whose loft
AMR was paralyzed by lightning
a number of years ago, huts boon
successfully treated by Prof, Gus -
tin and his loft arm is rapidly
becoming as faithful a, servant as
the Piglet.
til half our stock 13 Sohl tithe wt Will make it reduction on every 101ir
and to people who buy four Cold live pan's we will give a very hags
reclucti on.
G- 73D 7 i : T I:EL Ql Pi .
ADAM • 000D,
�•:, .r_arn.r •^an.....,.,.. ,_.�.,
.egg Emporium, in Grant's Block, Brussels,
Next Door to the Post Office,
1 nun prepared to Pay O.1s1I for any quantity of Eggs.
and Remember the Stand.
provisions of .hereby
5,,�O , andt10oVio.,
claims ['gainer the testate and
ttax t
attar n Brawler, late of tho Township of
Grey, in the (leant, of Duren, Yeemax, de-
ceased, who died en Or about the eighth day
of December last, haat, to aced by' postpro.
paid to W. 13. Dickson, dynamite, Solicitor
for ldCabedlm 1000errnid end Alexander stow -
act, Esquires, the &mentors of the last will
and teatamontof the Said deceased on es
before the eighteenth day of 1'obruary, A.D.
1981, a Statement of their names hod ad•
droasos and fell paetieulars of their claims
duly attested with a statemo''nt of rail asoitr-
ttioe (if any) hold by then. .
And that after th a setd 18811 day of 'Web.
rnaay Elio said Nneanbors wi1l preeled to
distribute the assets of the said demand
among8theparties entitled thereto regard
being had only to the °latero of which no,
tieo shall have been given as above rerltfir•
Who said lfsebetors will not be liable for
the emote or any part thereof, to any pa-
nne of whose claim, notion shall not bayo
been given at the time of Shell distribution,
Dated at Breve I\ e thss5flt dayof raituary
A, 1) n 8i. fi
Solicitor 105 l xoaulors.
Miss McGuire begs to announce to the
r,ndlee of erasers and vicinity that the has
commenced. Mantle and Dressmakiap in the
rear of n. A. So nle's Store, where site is pre-
pared to attend to ihewanto of Lha Public.
4 geed At guaranteed and my Work compar-
able with that of the beet city mantle and
dressmakingestablishments,A call Solcited
Executors' Notice.
Alt Parties having claims against the
Notate of the Tato Tiley, liaxcxtul»r, of the
Village of Brussels, in Lc Oouaty of Huron
who died on or about the Slst day of
November, A. 1).1886, are, ort or were the
Nth tlayof March, MY, to coed by Post (lull•
paid) to either of the undersigned their
Oltrlsttan and Surnames, Address and Dee
setiption. with full Particulars for their
Claims, a, Statement of their accounts and
nature of securities, ,3 tiny, held by neat.
and in default thereof they will be permit it•
choly emit/dud frompartteteatirig la tette
said state, and 100 hereby ileo give sales
to a>lPartics indebted to the sold estate,
whathor by Book Aosonut or otherwise, to
pay the same toL{ oe, Hayoro ft, at the sutra,
en or oofore the above inenttonod state,
Doted at urease s this 10th day et Ti ob.,'87,
J. G. YOUNG, i000eoT.»tn,