The Brussels Post, 1887-2-18, Page 315, 7.887. —iE 1=3RUSSF LS POST 3 Ea ward ]3htlto ul the next Dominion picker(, Oto we, of Guelph, xolcl a I has tab led ew 11x,0• f Alul�ersibtirg, h7 A ri I if (11s ( A J 13 (! 11 , J i�J �. T#/Y 7 1f y The ,, •.re to New York in 11 20 1 :9., d ,A O 1.� .L"3., 9.110.01 .S 14'd...1 .d tiS, �A Ck.0 Phenomena, Thu reaklese Hattie light lural„nie c c„ a l ' `I'dto oil well at Cornber ie down m stat as in fact ho had thud ;loth. He instanced the tnenufacture of ung, barring the poetry, The Gov. cigars, the e cu;t uu industry ustry end nleetsof Mr, Ilrown needed no own. gentleman fore $t 7( feet They ere drilling (bay Brussels, •- Ontario. A. PROBLEM. 0th Ana aloha t. t of Sir Tot A. teas guilty or branches of bueihete. At the Handy nod Nell were brothers: Noel wan older' than lianay ; And they wore busy division, e\ stick of peppermint candy. Ned was earllantly trying To make the division true, 1.1.1 be marked thio photo with 1 Esti hook Where the stick ought to break in two, nut, alas for litho Sandy Anil his poor painstaking kdivision-- gthor ! 'Twos a lout un One piece longer than the other. Nod. gravely looked at the pieces, And Choir quite unequal length, And ha wrestled with the problem With all Ws mental strength. Mel at last, he said: "0 Sandy ! I can rialto it come out right, If 1 take the piece that's longest, And bite off just one bite.” 'Their four. oyes beamed and brightened U this plan, so very handy, t)£ disposing of the problem, And distributing the candy. So Nod art the plows oven-- "rwas he simple -t way to do it ; .'>_nd be cheated little Sandy—. And they neither of then knew it. East Huron Campaign. 1rol4cnrrrr. On Thursday evening of het week rho two candidates, Dr. Macdonald old Thos. farrow, addressed the elretors. Alex. McKay was elected to preeido as ohairman. Dr. Mac- dt nnld made the opening speech and went over parliamentary affairs vete, carefully and intelligently. Re pointed out the many extravagances of the Dominion Government and the way they abused the power placed in their hands and proved to the r.ati'factlon of the meeting that: hitt opponent had received too many fatore from Sir John A. to dare to oppose hie wishes. Mr. harrow followed man hour's address and received a good bearing. He referred to the snot arguments as fit other meetings and attempted to prove that the. larger the debt the Lotter for the country. Dr, Macc1n1atd W114 0111011 011 10 reply, 10110n ;tlr, Farrow adopted ins metal tactics of ;u errnptiug. At tiro CI:ulhroo'. meeting lie said he de1(11 the face of ln•ieg clay to say ;hat leo ever intortnptecl a meeting. in spite of this assertion on Wad tiesday evening, he came to this meeting; and tried his old dodge. He is evideutly afraid of the plucky 111. D., and he squires under the castigation 110 receives. With every Itefrm elector on the alert Grey township will roll up a big Reform majority. Tho r b die can't purchase the "Grits" im (trim -mit of gross oxtravaganee and achange Cornwall 10111.1 400 betide, at 71 le very ueeeesa0y, if not Canada will ceete per clay were employed and net cop lhnue 10ng to 10101Lgly the to 1885 600 inti(1s were employed proud posltlou she does tu•dtty. In at $1 per day Cotton in '78 wee 186e the ('111 telitu10 WIl' 13;; 0111• 10 stela: per yard now it 0)112 ba Imo dollar's tad in 1.47.1 it wag iu' bought for 6e lied is cheaper than created to 23 mi Molts. Ile del not -over Bay that. 1111 Cho money expouded teas A Dr. uhargus $211 to set a plan's recl(lusely thrown away, ae in 11 let) brit u earpentor will mend the growilg country like Canada the broken beg of a table for 25 acute. expondu(lre mullah 1110reaee. A ret• it was net fair. Dr. 111aedowald. seeable illustration would be the two wonted the duty 1a1(ou OI) corn so laet itdminle,rationa. In 1878 the that the fishermen of Nova Scotia expeuditlnro woo $23,500,000, or an weld got common' cheaper and increase of $200,000 in Mr, blah l(oaziu'e time, In 1881) the cum waited is $5,000,000, which is wasteful and wicked. The ;honey, in many lestan0es, was expended by mal achniulstratiou, esttevaganoe, &o, Ile briefly referred to the oust of Civil Government, Public Works, oontrcllable expenditure and' the Superannuation Fund. He raid Ceno the Reform overnIt world do away wird it. lion. 0. W. Rosh moved thud it be done away with and it was eupported by the Reform party but voted dowi, by the Con- servetves. The best means to ar• rive at dais object is to elect Dr, Macdonald The iniquitous Frau abase Bill was shown up and corn pared with the Ontario plan of get, ting out the Hate, and the speaker, after giving the probable cost to Huron Oe. as $6,000, maid that if Mr. Blake was elected he would wipe it onl The Reform: Govern mint would not abolish the 'Nation el Policy but they would re DebutDebutthe tariff Extracts wore reach from. the Monetary Times and Journal of Comtnei•ce showing that the affairs of the Government were not in a satisfactory state. 17 manufActnr ere in Mitchell and a number iu Brantford and other .place, were well saii1•fied with the policy of Hon. Edward 131111(0. The Northwest 00• hellion was spoken of by Mr. Wade, and he said if tate Government wore not to blame why dict they settle 1000 claims of haltbreeds and In- dians alter the rebellion. The To- ranto'Neil of July, 1885, then the organ of the Conservative party, says :—"land they votoe, like white lure}, ur if like Indians, they had been numerous enough to command respect (111(1 r1V0rawe red tape, with- out doubt the wheels of office would have revolved for them ; but being only ball -breeds, they were put off with an eternal promise, until pa- tience ceased to be a virtue. We repeat again that the departmental system. under which such callous as easy as be thinks. and cruel neglect of the rights of a MUMBLE. portion of the community was pos. One of the largest political gath- eiblo, was wrong and should he can. cringe known in this place for some 8010)1," Mr, Wade urged n large time assembled in the Town Hall, 1 vote for ])r. Macdonald. Friday evening, The Hall was crowded with a very intelligent and attentive audience, conspicuous in the number being a large nnmbor of the gentler sax. Shortly after 7:30 o'clock B. Gerry was called to the chair to preside over the meet. fug. Tho first speaker was a 141r. I31own, tv110 came forward with a largo bundle of books and papers, but his address was a dismal failure lie quoted a jumble of figures and gave the audience several very elo- quent flights of oratory. Before he was speaking 5, minutes he count Nir. Farrow was very warmly re- ceived. He had au hour to address tho electors. He said the debt was large and at should bo reduced if possible. It Svcs not burdensome, however, no more 30 than in Mr. Maekeuzie's time, even After the 0. P.R. was completed. Our charge against the Ontario Government Was that the expenditure was in- creased 100 pee cent. but tho in. crease in the Dominion was not over 50 per cont. The debt i8 not going to be increased if under the caro of an economical Government. Tho 0.P.R. under 6 years of Ito• inenoed asking the chairman how form rule did net amount to any - hie time me. Clo stated that Dr, thing but the Conservative Goeorn• Macdonald, if elected, would know lout had pushed it to completion. no more about parliamentary affairs The taxation on interest is no more than the'man in, the moon, although than in Mr. McKenzie's time. The he had never seen the Dr. before nor debt will not increase if the revenue ever heard him epealt Ho said. "in exceeds the expenditure. Wo pay conclasion I will give you a few wanes from the poet Addison," and he etrnok °Elie good style, but at the conclusion of ,the second line he panted, and took occasion to re. taxes a8 w0 buy dutiable geode and the taxes aro put on the rich and not on the poor, and i1 you didn't buy goods oettido you wouldn't have the taxes to pay. Your teas, mark that he'd forgotten the refit. coffees, newspapere and notes aro .13.0 took his,seat amidst the derisive free from tax and gdode can bo applause of the audience. Mr. Nought 25 per cent, cheaper than Brownie the wroug timber to do mucb with a Brussels gathering, The only very noticeable romarlt he matte was that Sir John A. did right iu sending $1,000 to Riel to get out of the country after he had said "he wished to God he could .catch him," as it was cheaper than httviog another rebellion, Bleuget into power. In England BatonMr. Wade commenced his the poor people pay 56 million dol. .address there calla a jangle as to lore in taxes against about 0 mill - whether throe epeakers should bo ions by the rich. In Cartwright's allowed to speak on the Conserv• loans tete country lost $11 on every arrive aide when there were only two $100. The number of business • on the Reform, bat Dr. Macdonald• failures were not nearly so many in allowed thein to do so. lir. Wade 1884 as ice 1878 taking rho number complimented the chairman and Qx• of traders into account. Mr. Far - pressed his pleasure at seeing so row spoke on whet the N. P. had many ladies present. Ile was pros., (lone for trade and bow manufact• oat because he wanted to see a good nrios had been built up and em. Man elected to hack up the TIott, ployment given to the laboring cines. ' bell, years ago. The Grit party is an organized hypocrisy. In speaking of the Riel rebellion he referred to Laurier as the rubel. Ifo said had Sir John not hanged Reil he (Far- row) would never havo supported him again, and woe betide tho country if Mr, Blake and tho robol A. C.11lejrrist, of Guelph, kite sold 7,000 heads of cabbage to a party in elle States. W. E. Sanford & (10., of Hamill. ton, have n contract to make 8000 red °oats for ilia Dominion Govern- ment John Counter, of St. Goma, 11H, n conte :et 1,11'.4,3‘11111( 0111 500 11a2..11 of sea(110;18 for flour barrels tine aviator, Lietowel's large furniture mama faoterors, the Messrs. Tress, ar-• going to establish a big branch ,in Toronto, dint our hoof cattle might be fed on John Wilson, jr., of Maidstone, cora, as the English buycr+e liked c,tptnrld a largo American bald corn fed bete best. 13110 10 did not eagle last °eel(. He broke its wing with n shut. • Ool. John .Murray bee resigned rho-pusitiuq of sec. trees. of tho Es believe anybody could ten the dif faroueo between corn fed and pea fed animals. In fact the pea fell beef was the better in the opinion The duty on teal would be taken 011 queei0g Agricultural Society, which if the Reform Goverument got into he has hell for over 30 years. power, hut tins tax trete on the rich' With a view to weeding out the not the poor, and h•would binder poorer clues of horses, the Wont too sale of wood by the farmers. 13e never enjoyed the luxury of e. coal stove and did not expect to. The Reformers had a andtlen con version eoncerniug the N. P. and he did not know but it was perhaps a death -bed conversion. The speak er sail he intended going in.o per x091(11 fes next week. The Somite and Superannuation Fund were briefly referred to and Mr. Farrow ccucladed hie address by asking for the suppori of the electors on the 22nd. Mr. Farrow presented his case in a very fair manner and hod a spleudid hearing, although some of the audience wondered how he could bo any 010x0 personal in lee remarks next week than lie was on Friday evening. 110 BE CONTINUED. worth eunuty council have lecidod to petition the Ontario Government for power to license stallions. Seaford' young ladies have a baling school, and au exchange is umkiud 0neugh to insinuate that "a euro cure for dyspepsia will he in gran demand in that vicinity pretty soon." The devotion of a young man at- tending a prayer meeting iu one of the churches in St, itbary'e 1110 other night were disturbed by a mouse running up the leg of his pants while he was kneeing. Beecher Bearee, a lad of 15 years, ecu of Daniel Beards), of the 8111 cue of Malebo-le, got hie face lacerated in a frigbtfnl manner a few days ago by a dog with which he was playitag. One cheek was nearly 4:0110.:e.ox101ra News. I tore off. The eonnty of Lanark has Ladd The now Linsday council 18 more kindly di•geetel t,nvard the Salva• tion Army. The 131008 Connty Council has this by -late, as it 14 claimed that rsfueed to recommend the introduc• loxes are useful, when not too nue tion of the Torrons system of land mertme, 111 111111014 large quantities transfer. . ' of field mice and other vermin. During the year just ended a i Arthur Gravelle, the yooug pro. single Nova Scotia. house sold 70,' )rietor of the new paper in Ronfrow, 000 p11100 01 skates to the upper Ont., went to Chicago wlrh $700 in provincoe of Canaan. cash, and after a few,clays of quiet Tho three young women arrested observation xn the Stock Exchange at Chatham on suspicion of having put in his money and came int and beo:h instrumental in causing rho home with $80,000 He i0 bound death of a child 1 tv0 been diechar therefore to ink or soar in journal- ged. ism, He used to he an expert ohec- A Simooe covetable is very ane- key' player, and some have thought iou8 that a 10a0 whom he handcuff- that this simple training fitted 'Mini ed at Loretto the other day and has for than chievemont in Chicago. not Been since ehould return the Dr. 1•Vhayman, veterinary Burgeon handcuffs. of Port Stanley, while giving a pill Thai population of Montreal is to a stallion had his right hand bad 155,540. In 1881 it was 150,758. ly bitten. He took hold of the ani - The 100rea80 has been almost 85,- mal'8 tongue with h18 left hand and 000 in less than six years, or 23 stuck his right hand and aria into per cent. the animal's mouth, and shot the Tile fine now Goldin, of Ayr, hasbeencompleted c)f Davi" cdownill closed its ja wH throat,0!) tho v0 's horse , and is ono of the finest in Weetern bitting 118 own tongue almost in Ontario, the residence and grounds two, and a crowbar had to be used costing nearly Q40,000. to open its month. The hand was Knox Ohtirch, Gait, has a meta- badly bitten. berohlp of 1,003, and raised $7,.ID is doubtful if a more unique 068.80 by envelope collections lest hoarser was ever witnessed on' a year. A. balance of $160 91 over theatre stage than abs grand horse - and above congregational expenses was declared. ehoetnrning match at tate Detroit 0111 over 31,000 in bounties for fox scalps the last two years. The county eouneil has just repealed The case against l:Quinn Rounds, Dopera house, between Michael J. of Grenville Mieh., charged with bell, of Bufof falo, N.Y., formerly ohn rof assault and battery in. repeatedly Toronto. It was certainly the most putting this arm ar0uud n young novel contest ever seen in Detroit. lady's neck and Kissing her, has The opera, Incise wait packed, Camp• been earthed by aha payment of boll was ace0mpanlsd from Buffalo costs, at the request of the girl's by about two hundred of his friends lather. Rounds is a school teacher and there wore large delegations near Ciryatal, and the young woman from Chicago, Cincinnati, Toledo, was one of his pupils and boardedToronto, Pittsburg and other cities, at leis house. Mayor Chamberlain made an ad - A. young lad in Iiingeton is the dress end introduced the contos• possessor of a tame pigeon, which bents. Sherman E. Bunnell, of follows him wherever ho goes. On Buffalo, was selected as judge for Tuesday it followed him on his way campbe 1, Wm. McCarthy, of De• to school. As soon as he saw it he troit, anted in the eama captaoity for' carried it hada to rho house. Af• Dano. hr1 hal Daly, of Chicago, ho had been in school some time was selected se referee. On the the teacher saw the pigeon making left of the stage Dunn and his five ite way into the schoolroom, and the assietante were grouped phetnre- lad had to carry the bird home a sgliely around their two forges and e000ncd time, anvil. On the right of the stage On Race Point, Cape Cod, there wore Campbell and his five assist• used to be a big bell with clock ante. When the referee called work that would mournfully toll 0 "time," in a jiffy a pi00e of white whenever it was set going. The hot iron was on the anvil before bell was under cover, but project- each of 1110 men, and the house re• ing from the house wee along, nlee• Bounded with the ring of the ham- ly balanced lever, with a big sponge mere as the blows rained down mud on the outer end. There was a the rod Was bent to the proper little roof over tho sponge to keep curve. It was noble work for the the rain off, but when a rain came two teen and their assistants for one 011 the _moisture would saturate the hour and fortysoveu minutes, when sponge, and the weight bearing the Dunn completed his one hundreth lever down would start the machine and sat the bell to tolling. If tho fog soon disappeared tho sponge dried out and the lover stopped the J J 4 CHANGE E O PROPI,�I.d J TOES Iftavilr,' leased the well known, ;and splendidly (•quipped 111(11(1 Flouring Mi11 from Messrs. Wm. Vanstone (l. 1luus for 11 terri). of y110,05, WO 11014011 10 i1111101110 to the farmers of Huron Co. and the public generally, that the aro prepared to turn out the best brands of Flour, took after the Gri$ting'Trade, supply any quantity of Bran, Chopped stuff, &c., and buy .any quantity of Wheat. The mill is recognized as one of the best in the County and our long experience in this business gives 118 confidence ha saying we ga 1l41'taut('(. satisfaction. Flour and Feed Always on Hand. Gristiug land Chopping promptly attended to. A CALL SOLICITED. Frousawirirt StewaTt ,Low :ok, PROPRIETORS. EAST HU BON Carriage ks ki.A.1.Vi HIS I3D --MANUFACTURER 01 -- CAB IIA.GES, DEt'I0GRAM EX.PRbESS WAGONS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, ETC., ETO,, ETO. All made of the Best Material and finished in -a 11'or1:1n€ullikt• manner. Repairing i'i.ng canal Painting promptly attended to• Parties intending to buy should Call before purchasing. 1larEnLNcl.s.--Marsden Smith, 13. Laing. ,its. Cuft and Wm. Mc- Kolvoy, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewar and D. Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Iilashill, Brus- sels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Woodham, an? T. Wright, Turnberry. . REMEMBER THE STXND—SOUTH OE BPIDGE. DAMES BUY -FES. Grist and Flour Mills ! The undersigned having completed the change from the stone t0 the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in• First Class Running Order and will be glad to este all his Old customers and as many now Ones as possible. Chopping done. Flog and. Feed. Always on null. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good. Grain. VY/M. MILNE. acosaolaa x:,3„7,,..: rt, kT 1 1 10 moll 11 @r lit 1711 MO '--1l "`-'4148aril 11 ffr9 'r 1„et T! ln shoe, boating Campbell she shoes,' m , and the boss previous,reoord by r N bt forty m111111;08. Consi(lerib10 money changedthands on the result, most ;;i. bete lleiug made on time,