HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-18, Page 2Ontario Legislature. Last Thursday the Local Legis lature assembled. D. Baxter, of Raldiulatid Comity, was elected Speaker, after which the Speech from the'1'hrono was read, SPEECH mien ]t TIIsi TOMEN.• .fr, Speaker, and Gentlemen of the ing this end, there, is nn such differ• Legislatit'e Assembly ;— euee as to the duty of placing with• I have great pleasure in welcaul in the reach of every eitiseu, who lug you for the first time t, your may wish to avail himself of its Legislative duties es nleinbel'S uC 1t facilities, a coarse of university eau. J?arliatlleu!, cation equal to that furuislled. by Tit: Year on which we have en the be universities of Europe or tend is ono of bpecial interest . the Uuitad States, A bill having throughout the British 17mpire as this object in View will hl laid be being the jubilee year of the reign fere yoq, it Her :100• Graotoes ;ifttjeety, who 1 1411gw1 tho anioearos to be sub for half a eohtttry has so fulfilled mitted to you is a hill for the grad. the duties of liar exalted station as to beano, the devoted loyalty and affoetiuu of her people I regret that): on unable to an- nounce t0 yen any progress towards the final settlement of the bounder ies of the Provence-. The legisla tion advised by their Lordships of the Imperial Privy Connell for site confirmation of their decision has Dot yet received the e(1:•Orlrt'eawee of the Dominion Goverumeut ; and my despatches of 18.14 on the nub• jest, and uu the subject of our northern boundary, ttre still nnau- swert:d. Soon after the last eeseion of the Provincial Legislature the Court of Appeal unanimously affirmed the judgment of the Chancellor of On- tario negativing the claim of the Dominion Government to the lands and timber in the territory within our boundaries as determined by Her Majesty in Council ; but liti gallon bore, notwithstanding, pro• needed ageiust the Province, at the public expense, and au appeal to the Sulreme Court has been brought, which has beau argued, and now stands fur judgment. `.there has been some recent aorta bpuudence hat,cen the two Govern menta which will be laid before you. The Dominion Goverumeut, hay ing declined to agree to any teothod of placing beyond question the pro- per juri-dietiml to deal with the subjects embodied iu the Provincial Factory Act of 1884, I thought it right to assume the jurisdiction without. farther delay, anti to issue proclama'.iou calling the Act into eft° ot. Suint falti,er i gi,dation is {011 11t1 t„ bo l e ed. d fir rho (ffeetunl and tett ,,.abh see t t4tng of the Ant, and will be brotl;in to your attention. • I ate pleased to notice the pr0mi rent place which was taken by this Province at the Indian and Colonial Expositiou last year by 1110,0n1i of the magnificent display there reedit of the Manufactures anti natural productit of the Province, ni' also by THE BR.USSFLS, POST For several Years Otero has bean (1Ls 1'011 TAT1,0IICN(J : ERE WILSON a'teavr)n'. mach dleeueeiou as 10 the host means of promoting the higher oda cation of the people, partienlerly in the department ocoupted by rho universities of the Province ; and it is gratifying to observe that, not- withstanding souse differences of opiuicn as to the tuethoda of attain net extorsion of the L•tnds Title's Act to the whole Province as tho public exigences may render ex pedient and the local authocitie5 do sire Tho revert of the SIatter of Titles on the operation of the clot in the County of York anti City of T ,ronto will be laid nefere yon, Measures will also be submitted for your consideration respecting the appointment and jurisdiotiou of police magistrates, stud to provide, amongst other things, for scientific instruction in tho Public and high schools of the Province as to the nature of alcohol and its effects up- on tht, hn(uan system. Your attention ie invited to the important subject of prison labor, and therein to the question whether the present system of letting out the labor of prisoners coufiuod in the Central Prison to companies or pri• veto persons by contracts may not with advantage to the discipline and reformatory influences of the prisou, and without disadvautage to the public, be abolished by law to take effect upon the expiration of existing contracts. Since the last Session of the Pro- vincial Legislature tenders were ad vertieed for end receival for the erection of the new Departmental and Parliament 13uiidiugs ; and it was found that the needed accom- modation will minim (t somewhat greater expenditure than was ex- pected. To avoid injurious delay, a contract Inas been eutered into for certain parts of the work, subject, to • a 0ouditiou requiring your approval of the contract. Papers relating to ' the subject will be laid before yon. With the view of giving effect to epatriotiosoutiml.ntofOne p.+plc, and following in this ra speet th ample of the ncighli ni lg New Pork, the pr000ediugs anther - hied by the rutinse of a form :r see- eionz for ascertaining the cost of ex- propriating the land in the neigh- borhood of the Falls of Niagara }Ave boon taken and ere nearly couplet. ed ; and a mensur, will b•1 entenit- tbu attractive and aitch 0 .;vend led for your consideration clodioat- od exhibit of the Edneratitma; De- ing to the public tet permanence the pertinent, evideucitlg the advanced truffle Ontario side of the great p1011101 which the Pleci100 Lolde world -wonder, and ocntnining pro - in cduaational scleuco sin.1 rp. vicious for securing that object pliar,cee. without material ,cost to the Pro - Amongst our agricultural Iwo viae:al Treasury. A report from the (trete, the exhibit of cheese and batter forwarded by the Ontario Do partnieut of Agriculture attracted much attention, and cannot fail to be of great value to this grouiug and already important department of agricultural industry. For the rumen of this exhibit much credit is due to the zealous assistance of the officers of the Provincial Dairy Associations. The splendid exhibit of Ontario fruit, collected mainly by the oflidera of the Fruit Growers' Association, will do mucin to ro- 1nliv0 orroueotls ilapncssions in the Mother Land in regard to tho se- verity of our Canadian climate. The Provincial Bre. Keepers' leeooiation also wits enabled, Ultra:oh (ho liber Couimrssioners will contain all use- ful information bearing on what is proposed. The public accounts tor the past year will be promptly laid before yon, and you will be pleneed to loam from there that the expenditure has been less than was provided for ,by 'the estimates, and that the receipts have exceeded the amount antici• pitted. The estimates for the current year will at an early date bo eubmitted for your approval. Thoy will be found to have been prepared with all the economy consistent with the demands of the public service, I trust that the Legislative labors of this first session of the new Par al asslstanoo voted la..t s(351on, to tiauaent may bo characterized by the make n brans ea.bilil rrbic11 reflects same patriolic.care and intelligence crtilit upon the Province, 1 as to the case of previous Iarlia- T am glad to learn that the mill- 010015 eral resoureer of the Province are being steadily developed 1 that now eat vlthiable discoveries have been made during the peat t yo..r, 4esp50 falls in nor 'Northern and North - The Lieutenant -Governor' having tithed., The Bostic then Adjourned until the let of Mara, 11Ir, Meredith, Loader of the Opposition, agreeing wtrlcrn districts ; trod tent iohnog to this arrtugelnout so that tate opfra(iotiis hate• trade linlmful tiro• g1 a o, The cohx 01 .:oielnera fur euttsuli,Ittt ing and revising the public btatntoe of the 11121 tell 301(5 have 1u:.uiy completed ilio work, embodying the 0111111, ir1 twos 1•0luulns, tato first of titch will he laid Lcrilre you lit 1,1(0(3 and tha 0cootot on • ria early. day, 7°haw; 101ntoot ontirl'aco ltmelldmerlt& which silo jndiciaf 01 disposed of et the Poterboropolice professional experiouce of the re- (wort Niece the 1st of May lard, *teen ve commialtioners ]las enabled A. party of eight left 13rautford tate commission to suggest , 5.11d T. last week for Anstrali,t, in the in. tin .t that yon will find 1t pr oticaltlo toreeta of Bradley, Garroteon k Co, to tulept at this r:' o'inn the legtsla• Miss Welker, of Landon, had one tion incce1)00(3' to hire to the public of her ankles broken r1 two places. the, 1 etsefst or ilio work 81Uieg the whip: en a toboggan slide at Mont. present year, rod.. M. 1'. P'e. may engag:l in the 13.) 111ini011 0100tio11 (711te.4te linty in pro• gross. Simcrc cetinty eati;:cil i' 01111 posed of 54. members. Mrs. T. 'Trivia, of Exeter, hat a canary that h'tehed oat a brand Of young ones laoot went:. 1'20 Soots Act ensue have Luau The andorsignsdbees! oayeto intimate to the public that ho has opened it tailor shop in the Post Wilco block, over I,aird's barber shop, where he is prepared to 01. tend to the wants el the public in witting, fitting and waking eluthlugto .111 latest and most hum tenablestyles. Melons ex. patience together with a course of in- struction under 000 of the best cutters in Toronto is a guaranies of b•,ing able to do satisfactory work. Satisfaction Guar - O. 4. • ONL;YTO LOAN, Any =quilt Of Aioiloy to I,na'i 0:1 Fart)). or Village Pro. party at c rx .PER CENT. Yl, .RLY, Straight Loans with privilege of ropaying when required. Ap- ply to A. Hunter, l7irisiou Court Clerk, Brussels. HONEY TO LOAN. honey to Loan on Farm Pro- perty, at • LOWEST RATES. PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS. W. B. DICKSON', Solicitor, Brassols, Ont. HONEY c0 LOAN. PRIVATE FUNDS. $20,0 0:—.) of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for In- estlllent,- A.T 7 PER CliNT. Borrowers ca 1 ha re thoir i,31110 CO1ne110tn tai Litt days if titin is satisfactory. Apply to E. WADE. DII.0.E.Wse'r'e`(ci ve and Brain Treat - merit 0. guaranteed spooiae for Hysteria, Disrinoss,Oont•ulstoas, 1(0; Nervous, sou. ed il71be use o al 011011s Or t0 b t500O Wakomuo- fulness,afental Dap ression,Softeaiugo f tho Brain resultino(n (usaatty,leadiu,l to xnie- ery,doeay and death. Pio/mature Old Ago, Ha roness,(r.oss et Rower In oither sex,'tnvol- untar),Lossesand Spot ulotorrbu+aDousedby ovor-oxurtlou o: the Drain, self-abuse or .over.indulgence. Sack box contains ono month's treatment, Slabex, 01 sIX bozos fare2,saut by n, tin, prepaid, 0u receipt or price. WE GUARANTEE SIN (BOXES To euroany'caee. with each order received. by usforsisboxes, aeeompauiodwith ea, fro will 00t„l the purchaser our written enaran- teotorotund 1y0 money if the treatment doe s not effect a ours, (innaantoos issued anlchy,rno, Hit1Sr0avus k On„crus sols. JAS. JONES, Vatoii aai CeP8Lffeweler Inas on stand a rspiendiel stock or Silver and Gold filled Watedsss, also Guff' Buf- falos, ilroachee, Jlelring0, Clant'o !.'ins, hiut;ur Mugs, Roll Plato 'Cost Challis, Noo1dets, also a stun 11.44 ,rtnuxltt of wall. nut and nickel Clock'', 1 in Stock, Rooiring Neatly- and 1'r0111p0y xonnted, , c(tUl.TIN'13 1T(7.II'tr, I3LOCK. AT GREATLY eelmoea Primo ! Nu have on hand the following : Land Rollers, Plows, Harrows, Seutllor's, I{orso Powers, Straw Cutters., Turnip Cutters, Grind- ing o;' Chopping Mills, host make, and 1 Good llocond Hand Lumber Wagon. TAKE NOTICE. We. slaw started a Planer and Matcher to work. Parties wishing to have "[Jumbo): Dressed awl Matched, or Flooring sired, tongued and grooved may rely on getting first-class jobs on the most reasonable terms. • Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to at the 13Busslans FOUNDRY - W. R. Wilson, HURON AND BRUCE Loan & investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowrsr li.,ta s of INaomi:sr, it[ortgftbes Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH, 13, 4, and d per cont. Interest allowed on Deposits;, according to amount.and time lot. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Stroot, Godo - rich: horace Horton, (11INT.l 1'r N3'Iif) r i . ,.u0 THE FES. 18, 1.887. Oa1TiRE Has a corrzplt;Zc3 assortment of all the School Boa7as, Slccte$, Tercel aril Slate Pencils, In7a, Pees, Chalk Crayons, `'cri.bbler's, ''c•, c• Ask to See the "Scholar's Oofpanion,' l _Foolscap ancZ ✓Vote•Paper's, .1.Jmvelope,s', the cress' in tlae, rrnCar7, t, Try The Post Bookstore. ;11 N:1(; 1; Ji. ca-:,;;ry.•R.•.-,..,.._r rsn;s•u-aaasat,mm,_^- •, -.••••••.•....,mnv-,.^cepa Stcrtdrtl:'13+1dor men1 i„ 1 .mai lbw. None need be Idle. Pr miens Experience not dssentiitl. y. ,9.' Gar'lick's Old Stand, R 1111 %1 O E D ,.c Has removed Itisstock of Groceries, (',oekcry, Glaswnrc, ,1C. to We pay either Salary or Com- mission. xt:xT Woos ro n. ,: 11ant:'s, 100 Ion Wanted To Canvas far the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The ;i onthill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Orcr 400 Acres, Don't apply nuless you can furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work, ADDRESS Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. SCU'Z'CIC CfJT, l.1.t. A. Dewy stock of Buffalo hobos, Goat Robes, Horse Blankets, I3olls, Whips, (.Cc., JUST TO HAND. A Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises, kJ' .A.9, G`O]TT'TS, And Satchels. (1.1\'Jl :NIE .1 CALL. whore ho will be pleased to see his old Customers and as many new ones as will favor hint with a call. I have just received a lino Stook of IIADDII1S, CRANBERRIES, OYST.LRS, ORANGES, LEMONS, NIJTS, ,rc., for 'Xmas Trade, which will be sold at exceptionally low prices. Mr. E. Grundy ncl y has started a Baking and Confectionery Business in connection. Parties can rely upon getting Good Bread, 1311115, Cakes, ,00, at all times. td'” Goods delivered to any part of the town. J. Annett. §isrr -r0 -Wear Spectacles and 1:3,0 -Glasses that will pre.tartc 1•otu - 1'iyrligilt, Manufacturing Optician, tato of the 1111u of Lazarus it Mortis, 2t111faryland !toad. Harrow Road, London, England, hat ep. pointed an agent for the Rralowned Spec. tacles and Eye -Glasses twllioli. have been before the pubiio for the nest 25 years.. Lazarus' Spectacles never tire the eye' Last many years without change. For Sala lift H.. L. •I.4(1IKSf).'.'i BuussEL$1 • NOW IS TEM TIME 1 • Ill I Hoi rr. LocalHouse'f ....-lvmsn71you ea\ foa— l-land Straw Cutters, Horse Pow, or Straw Cutters, with reversable • food, Root Puli)or's, Root Slicers,. the genuine Port Perry Grain - Grinclor, Horse Powers, i.arg(' • and small, and several Hand Powers— chuap3.111A. Trail Pow- ers. Also tho Celebrated 1 A - IVIO iq D SEWING- IIAOII1NIS.. Ct Leszek them all, • BEST SATISF'AC'TION GWVJ N,. Geo, Love. tAWAanes,E4,291 x ;1M1esr•----a ,ur12xa eam..<;.Wwm