HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-11, Page 5F1B, 11, 1887. 1a .,-.1a . ai r'.4r�' .a cacr.V l:stri t gam THE BRUSSELS POST The elootors are becoming more and more convinced of the ruhene policy pursued by the ?resent Cove'tunent, incl there is - nu don it hut Grey will give a larger mpe jorite than ever for trete 1)r, Wnl, 13awtittltimer who sold hie biro? lot 17, oon, H to Joseph Paloouer, of Mernington, has purchased 160 soros of land tenni David Milne, of Ethel, on the Hth coo., near Iienfryn, leaving $0,520. Nr. 13awtminiu ' will meet now build• hiss on the lot and go into cattle raising more extensively than eve?', Tho Listowel. Banner of bast week week says : • Wo obroniale the marriage of John bong, of Crnnbrook, to Miss Jennie Macl:lam, a former resident of this town, on Tuesday loot, at the resi- dence of the bridcee parents in Renese- dine, The knot was tied by the Rev, Mr. McAllister. The happy couple are at preeeut in town visiting friends and look well. Wo wish them a life of haps gluon. Next Sunday afternoontornoon the miniver. Hary Sabbath Scheel sermon bo panelled in Whitfueld's chnroh by Rev, C. V. Lake, of Trowbridge. On Monday evening a social will be held, After tea a good program of readings, recitations, dielugues and addresses will he entered upon. Tho musical selections will be under the direction of Prof. Comte. A good time is counted on and a welcome as extended to all. The Literary mooting came of£ in Shine's school house last Monday evening as announced, and notwithatandiug the inclemency of the weather there was a large attendance and all worn highly amused with theprocoediuge, Following is the program ;--Song, itobt, Diaksoe ; Reoitation, Jus, Perrie ; Reading, Robt. Birdman jr. ; dialogue, J, M. and John itoburtsou ; recitation, Jaw, Butz ; song, D. Richie ; reading, D. Robertson ; lec- ture, R. Bishop; stump spoeoh, Jno, Rob- ertson ; song, 13. Dickson ; political stump speech, D. Robertson ; reading, Harry Dickson ; reoitetion in Scotoh dialect, Jno. Bain ; song, Misses Delgatty ; read- ing, L M. Robertson ; readings, in Scotch dialect, Jas Mitchell : reading, Jas, Dav- idson ; song, Jas. Porde. Aloe. Delgatty ecoupied tho chair in his usual happy manner. A debate will take place next Monday evening, Feb. 14th, when the subject "Resolved that a limited monar- chy is a better form of government than a Republic," will he discussed. l$Rll se -rale, At 111e regular ofeudal meeting of the Methodist ehurcll, hold on Monday, a roselutlnn was passed expressing the kind feeling!; of the entire oherelt to. warda Rev. Mr. Cooke, and extending to bun a cordial invitation to return for another year, Thu Methodist (thumb proved too 000111 to acuenunadato the large crowd that turned oat to bear Rev. Mr. Coolie's ail. dross on "The Ross Bible " Thoso who worn fortnnatu enough to gain addmission were favored with a °boor, exhaustive mud table oritieism of the Scripture Readings, Rey, lir, Hartley was present in tho pul- pit and led in the opening prayers. Mr. Cooke took as bin text, The Biblo, and state?, by way of preface, that he propos- 'v hisopinion of the Read - tugs, morel to give o t Y g 1 . ! animus nt nus or 'u n free from an pelt££ a a bias. What he had to say world bo what the WM convineod lois duty as a Christian minister compelled hien t0 say. Nn party, or porson suggested the course he was taking, and no church, party, or individu- al was responsible for his utterances HOMO himself, Tho rev. gentleman then pro- ceeded to formulate his objections agaiust the Scripture Readings, grouping them under five heads, viz. ;—lst, Tho Read- ings aro not what they aro represented, by those - ho endorse them, to bo and do not faithfully represent the entire Bible. and, Many of the Christian doctrines are not taught in the book, or if taught aro not so forcibly taught as in the original Scriptures, 3rd, Many of those sorip- ture passages, which refute the erroneous dagnuas of :also religions, are emitted, amid tho-e 0n which bhoy baso their claims ore given. 411. That two very import- ant paint' are tacitly conceded to in- fidelity, i, e., that the Bible is an impure book, not fit to bo road in the school, and that the Bible, as is whole, is not inspir- el. 5th, The Bible has been dishonored and discredited by substituting for it these selections. That which has been joined together by God is ruthlessly put asunder by man. Each of these ohjeo- tions was most eloquently urged, and abundantly sustained by reference to the pae•:ages inserted or left out, as scansion required, and the whole logioally proven and fully demonstrated, The impression Was made by the speaker that there had not been any political or evil design in the preparation of the Readings, but eon- oidered it a grievous blunder, and wound up by urging a strong plea for the entire Bible in Ciao schools. Tnont Scuu'Tmtan RLinlxus,--Duro Euxron.—A great deal of controversy is being carried on at the present Limo about what is called by some who imaging they ho" ei Bible." If these parties ?ansa t Ro , Bible.' L had taken tho least possible trouble and read the inscription on the outside they would have seen "Scripture Readings," and if they had taken the trouble to raise the lid, turned over two leaves, opened their eyes and read, they would have seen sr.:,t '.i^-; 14ae the fellreving:-i'TIiis volume of iteriptnre ltoadiugs has been prepay: d under the direction of the Edu- cation Dbpartmont in order to place in the hands of evoyy teacher, in 0 unveil - lent form, those Pennons or T)11'1 Bunk beet an1::pted to the capacity of Public and High School pupils." Rev. Mr. Cooke, of llluerale, delivered what he chose to call a sermon on title subject, last, Sunday evening, He complained that Fath and Repentance were not fully taught, which he could not have s.,id had ho read the book, as there area multitude of passages. Ho also said that loyalty and inspiration were not fully taught, when, if it bad been reed by the rev. gentleman, ho could not hove Railed to notice nitmerous pas sages. A great number were present to hoar Mr. Cooke's remarks and as thel'3ook is only found in the sohouls it may not be out of place to give a short account of it. This book was prepared by the Eclat cation Department about two years ago and placed in tits schools, thus making an increase of 1u0% in the schools using the Bible. It is divided into five heads, the first contains the History recorded in tho 01d Testament, beginning at the creation, describes man before and atter the fall, story of Gain and Abel, the Deluge, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Esau, joss/3h, the oppression in Egypt, the Ex- odus, the miracles of the Wilderness, lives of ?lows and Aaron, Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon, down to 7eeekiah, the temple built and ro-built, and acts of Elijah and Blithe. The sec- oncl is devoted to Devotional Exeroises, and contains selections Mum Psalms, Job, •Proverbs, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Micah and Maliohi. The third is rho Life of Christ, taken from the four Gospels and put in historioal order. The fourth contains the _dots of the Apostles and the life of Peel, as far es recorded in. Holy Writ. The fifth contains thirty selections from the Epistles. The book contains all the doatrinos held by Protestants, and before this book was placed in the schools it re- ceived the approval of'tho principle Pro- testant denomination, yet we are told that a book that conjoins passages prov- ing all bio doctrine held by our religious bodies, the life of Christ, the wonderful uermon on the Mount, life of Paul and he history contained itt tho 01d Testa - ?tient is bub the dry, -lifeless, withered, or emntilated remains of our Bible. Yours truly, Lorna or '.!'hirci, Itlnevato, Fab. Oth, 18137. G• soy. tlooiai parties follow each other thick and fast lust now. Dnnorm M, McLaughlin has loomed a farm neer 1301gravo and has removed there. If Cousin Meek, whose ]:otters appoar- ccl iu 'Pus Pon' some time ago, could manse known his name in full ha Weald case i:iio ?minds of a great many i0quirer5. Foot hall is now all the rage at our wheels, and the boys of S.S. No, 1, to be in the fashion, have got is lino new ball. Their teacher is not like the ono men- tionon in Tun Poor of last week, for he will hand them a two dollar bill before lie will seg thorn ploy with a second class ball Polities is the leading topic. 0-r. 11Iao- donald, the ltofor'nz candidate, is reedy. ed with groat enthusiasm ett1518 m eting5. Liss Ito vv ce 1. T. 10. Walsh, agent for the Royal Electric Light Company. Monbreel, was in town trying to find out what he could do £££toot introducing electric light. John Kepas, of ,Elms, took an elm saw log to Hess Bros. saw mill that will be hard to beat in this eectisn of the country, The log through only 12 feet long contained 1,100 feet. Thu annual meeting tit o nt L T un of 0 County Y 1 L. O.L. of North ?grit was held in the Osage Hall, here 00 T ,eaday, lot snot., all parts of the county being well repre- sented. The followh officers wore pl- eated for the current year :—Dr. Bnrgoss Co. Master by acclamation. 1I, Lang, Deputy Co, .?£ester, re-elected. S. H. Rothwell, Co. Treasn,er, re-elected l 0. Anderson, Go. Secretary, re-elected ; T. Green, Co. chaplain, re-elected. Young Coulter, Co. Director of Ceremonies, rr- elented. The Co. Ledge presented tiro. John McKee, poet Go. Master, with a dos silver watch 00 a token of the high esteem in which ho is hold by rho Co. Lodge. l'rTeltont, • The Misses Sago spent last week visit- ing at Walkerton. Tho Principal and his pupils ware smoked out on 5tenday. Quito a number of McBee attended the political meeting here on Wednesday evening of last week. This shows that the ladies are interested in the welfare of their camtry. Rev, Mr. Sabine was at Hensel' last Sunday and his pulpit was supplied by Rev. Mr. Jamieson Presbyterian min. ister. Tho Methodist minister of Ilon• sall eirauit will preach here next Sunday. D. D. II, C. R. Reymann, of 000,11 - brook, was in this place loot Friday and Saturday arranging for the opening of a Court et Foresters. Ho succeeded well. The organization will take place in the near future. On Monday of last week James Carter invited a number of young men to help him chop and to encourage them Mrs. Garter invflod a number of Indies to help her sow carpet rags, After a good day's work was done, on both sides, the evening was spent in amusement. Tho residence of James Ryan was a scene of excitement on Monday of last week, caused by the marriage of his daugbbher, Mary to Wm, Phelan. The happy couple drove to Soaforth whore they were united in the bonds of matri- mony by Rev. Father Shea. They then returned to the bride's parents where a large number of friends and aoquaintan- aoe wore assembled and n sumptuous re. peat prepared, After satisfying the wants of the inner -man the evening was spent in dancing, oto. The bride was the recipient of a large number of costly and usofu] preeento. Morriita. Auction sales are looming up and sev- eral farmers will bo forded to eel! stook owing to tho scarcity of food, The entertainment to bo given by the Foresters in the Township Ball, on Fri- day evening of this week, appears to he the drawing card. A good program is ready and a pleasant time anticipated. Last Saturday afternoon Catherine Isa- bella, infant daughter of Waltor and bine, Lines, died vory suddenly aid mt• der peculiar oiroumstanoos. Site was ap- parently in the enjoyment of good health and bed eaten her donor its usual, but shortly after a fit of coughing came on and the little girl soon died. It is sup. posed thero was some internal injury caused by the eougbing. The child was 15 months old. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, Souoora lilernir.---Tito following is a 0013001 of the standing of rho pupiie of El. S. No. 4 for thee -tenth of January :--Set- ier Sl'ourtti-„Phomas Walker, bot ; Jantos Robb, Ond , Win, Forsyth, Ord, Janior fourth•—Hato Barrie, 1st ; Walter Bur- gess, and Rebecca Smith, tied. Senior Third -Jane Mooney, lot; Julia Sharp, hid ; Amnio Dawson, Mrd, Junior Third - 3)antel lefeQ rarrie, lit ; It ,ht, Smith, 2nd ; John Easton, lr,1, Seeoud glass— Hannah Forsyth, 1st; Walter Barrie, 2nd ; John McCutoheou erd, Goon Tryon, The imported Clyde,. shale cult "Dazzle,” brought to this noun• try hist September, from Ayrshire, Scot- land, by Speir 13rus., ryas purohasod by Masers. McNeil 10 Shine, of Groy tnwn- ohip, last week; 0000 was the price paid. The cult was a prize wionor in the old country and hes been pronounced a splendid elm by competent judges, in fast Spoir Brom. handle nothing but good animate and the new proprietors are too gond judges of horset.esh to be taken in on a horse Ileal, Mosses. Spelt have still hive s a111011s and two imported mares on hand, so there hi 0 fine opportunity for intending pnrohaeers to cunt themselves and save the coat of an ocean trip and the other necessary risk and expenses cemented vett such an undert ' akin 6=. The host terms can be macho with parsons wanting to invest Smelt W) anew On Tuesday even- ing a very enjoyable time was spent at the residence of Wm. Thompson, on the occasion of celebrating the anniversary of their twonty-frith wedding day. Alter a sumptuous supper a short congratula- tory speeoh was made by Bev. J. L,lierr, who thou called upon Reeve McCracken, Councillor Mooney, Messrs. Buyers, Bruce, Love, J. Mooney and H. Ball, who oath in turn complimented their host and hostess, who were trudging down the hill of lifo eo happily together and acknowledged themselves as perfect- ly contented in their nen marriage re- lations, hoping to have the pleasure of celebrating the golden wadding of all present. Then of -or a role from Goo. Howe all left for their horses well pleased with the evening's enjoyment. Mrs, Thompson was made the recipient of var. ious handsome articles of silverware. Ponrxio.tr,.—On Thursday evening of last week the electors of this township, residing near the township hall, assemb. led to hear addresses from the two oan- didatee seeking the vote of the electors for election to the Dominion Parliament. The hall was filled to overflowing with a very attentive audience. Oouicillor Mooney was voted to the chair, in Wh1011 position he endeavored to give fair play t0 all. Mr. Farrow spoke firab and re- lated what the Government had done in the interests of the public and gave an account of his last five years as their rep- resentative. Dr. Macdonald followed and showed bow the Government had wasted the finances, run the country in debt mud mismanaged affairs generally. Ho eritioizod Mr. Farrows actions es- pecially in connection with his putting so many of his relatives into office and the manner in which he hitt supported the temperance question. ifr. Farrow re- plied e- ttd in a10 minute speech. This was he first meeting over IrtIONVI in this lo- cality that went so fully in favor of the Reform candidate, A big vote will be polled. A� 0rr'sn.--Soto person in Bluovnle au fit to ac: (0 i,tterpetcr, or atebassm- dor, for Thos. Farrow last tvook, and an- swered tiro questions -I asked. Whoever he is he played on the sympathetic (hosd very adr.itly and wants to convey the impr00siou that Mr. harrow's non -at- tondanco it, church wan entirely date to the ill health of his wife. Me. Farrow has my sympathy and I regret her long and continued .illness, but how did it coma that air. barrow could got away to Ottawa for weeks from. home ? Was not his dost duty to his invalid wild, to whom ho plighted, rte. ? This same, nameless, individual makes ont a great case against mo because I menbioued those church natters, hot Mr. Farrow is a public man and his actions have it right to be eriti- oieed in a public monitor the sumo as any other man to a similar position and if Mr, 1. is all Ids"ambassador" says, and I believe much of it to bo true, the. en. quiry ami do no harm. Remover, I will make a proposittou. There are four votes in our family, I tvi11 pledge them to Mr. Farrow if hie pastor will certify that he was in attendance at Blnevale church six Sundays during the past year. 'Six out of fiftybwo is allowing a good discount to counterbalance his "pressing" duties. This should settle the matter. Still I sign myself, Morris, Feb. 7, '87. A Mtr'rnoaise, John M. Martin, farther to Jas. M. Martin, of this township, who is now and has been for several years a resident of San Promisee, California, recently met with a heavy loss, It seems that an ex- plosion of gunpowder took plane on a vessel in the harbor of that city during a recent storm and the 00001155i011 was 50 severe that it wrecked several of the buildings in the vicinity and Mr. Martin's residence was among the number. The San Francisco Chronicle says; "What is lett of John Martin's Cliff Cottage stands on the brink of the southern edge of the cove, It received the full fore° of the ex- plosion and present the most demoraliz- ing (W1(101005 of wreckage, Its northern end ie supported by long studding reach- ing down the cliff. Those studding havo been boarded in, and at rough sorb of it basemonb biros formed. Everything in the house attached with any firmness is broken. Burnouse rents are seen in the partitions between the rooms. In 005 instance the partition has been bodily alerting a foot from the perpendicular at the floor. All the glass on the seaward side was buret to atoms. As Mrs, Mar- tin expressed the situaSibu, es she showed tho reporter a dozen or so plates and as many cups, "Wo ones had enough crockery and glassware to keep a board. ing-house, but now we limn lead to bor- row in order to got our breakfast," On the handward side of the house is to be observed at Ammo in the earth about three . Mabee in width. Had the jar been appre- ciably greater the house would donbtloss have boon hurled to the beach below," ]4. Watson loftneef for liontlat l loot weep With 0101110r oar load of nettle. Mrs Tno, Farrow, of Wingham, is at present the guest of lies Maggie Kelly, Robb, Porter, Censert'atiee eandiclaie for West Huron, was 1n telvn this week. T1s. Alexander ham dfepened of his property to Jno. Bennett for a round sum, 2ua'o. ... nearta&',sK:tllere:na:usM5:K7u7ac=ten:^sr7'✓1Irra.r.! + opt'..f•nt^.a.a' 4 W„rrvea'eo,!vt " 41. Fred. W, Johnston, of Godefielt, 1000 in town thio week. "lo regret to 0(1)' that lar. Sloan le at prosont on the sick net and 'uuable to leave the hoee0. IIis many friends hepo to soon one hint around again. A ear 1141 of flux utas received et tide station n5. Friday last for the farmers who purpose growing it this coaling sum - mar, prior to the emotion of the milli by Mr. Livingston, at' Leaden, - A debating deb lite been urgani0Od in sewn, the young men tatting an active part in it. The first debate will be held a01r40 thin next Week fi11d p:nmiscs t0 bd! a very interesting nue. We regret very mush title week to state that Jno. 001110ugh is at present confined to the house with a severe at- tach of inflammation. Wo hope 11e may soon bo able to bo around again. Tho joint political meeting held in the Temperance hall on Friday last, (wonted considerable excitement in town. The hall was filled to its utmost Lind long ho - fore the hour to begin the meeting it was impassible to gain admi tta ee. J s sPh Carter °coupled the chair and introduced rho Rsforni candirintc, Dr.. 1Tacclonald, , who made a vary able speech. IIs Was followed by Thee, Farrow tvlto delivered his speech in a like manner, Br. Mac- donald then gave the closing remarks'. A few words were exchanged 'a between the two candidates but uothittg of a eer10118 matter. The meeting then broke up amid considerable excitement. The anniversary servioos in conooetion with the Presbyterian (lurch, held last Sunday, were a grand eucesss. Rev. Mr. Ball, of Vanleok, officiated and preached two line sermons, morning and evening to large congregations. On the Monday following 11r. Ball gave the pop- . ular lecture, 1'The men of the war and how they fought," and tiro tiny state that any lecture ever given in Blyth before has never been able to equent the leoture given by the rev: gentleman and those who may have an opportunity of hearing him should not fail to do en. Mr. Ball was ohaplaiu to the forces who went to the Northwest the time of the rebellion, was an eye-witn-'so of many of the battles fought. Although the weather was very unfavorable there was a large turn -out and all expresso(' themselves highly pleased with the 'waterer. Cn-'stubrap lz. T. C. Ilat'bobtle merchant is busy tak- ingstoak. Look out for a grand display of spring goods, - Mrs, 11. Garrow of Nipissing is visit- ing friends Isere. The northern climate seems to agree with her as sato look's hale and hearty, We wish her a pleasaut vi- sit. The congregation of Knox ahnrch have decided to move the ohnreh as far from the manse am n committee may deem it necessary. After moving the ehurels it 1H to be repaired.. One euetinn is taking an iate est in educational mutters. Two tewnhobs are employed in training the ycmngritlea how to shoot. We Meet that our ,Months may pull a steady bow acid make a bull's eye every t •p.1/`, IiTlatgleasseer E. R. Talbot, sue of our merchants, lima 191 )10011. 1llayar Mover sunt a cable 1le50100 co Queen Victoria in which he untended she congratulations of the people of Wingham on the =melon of her ra,0hine tho 60th anniversary of her reign. He received a reply, in whiolt Her Majesty returned thanks for their good wishes. The Times says :—`, ingltant is exper- ieucinga heap of trouble this year in sup- plying tho council board with the requir- ed number of members. As we stated last week, the ire raueies In rho 1st and. 2nd wards worn satisfactorily filled, while there were four nominations to fill the two vacancies in the Hrrl ward, and no nomination to 1111 the gap in the •nth. After the nominations .n the 0rr1, Messrs. McKenzie and Hanna declined, and in deo time Alex. Bell told David Fees were declared elected by acclamation. It now seems that Mr. (loss will be unable to qualify, which will nsoossibate another nomination in the Ord ward. There hav- ing been no candidate nominated in the 4111, the council will likely proceed to ap- point a representative for that ward. Perth Cous l'' loot' -)S. At the election for mayor, at 111(010011 held on Thursday of last week, James Dohg+herty, who was elected at the former eleet100, but resigned on account of his having boon at that time a tenant of the corporation, was re.eluded by a majority of 85 over Mr. McOlay. Arathor remarkable a0nidetnt happened in at. Marys the other day. A man named Crayshaw was 1riring a pout' when the animal shied at 80005 Wirier which was running across the road. In loung- ing through the 'slush the animal fell, with hishead in the water, and before he could be relieved he was drowned. A Stratford paper mays :—"Katie Mc- Kay, of Gederfoh, and John Armour, at Clinton, appeared et the Police Court Tuesday morning ottavg5(' with stealing 5181 and other goods from a store in Wingham. They were traced to London, from there to Mibohell and front there to St. Maye, where they were arrested by the constable there. P. 0. Tobin went after then and brought thorn to this eiby. They had to hearing before His Worship the B. M. S'a't of the stolen goods that were • found wore identified by the owner. They were sent up fon' £shah" Sethrday afternoon Stephen Nioholoou, of Logan, and joint Broderick, of Mitch. ell, had= altercation at the Royal Hotel, il[itcltelI, which, in the cud, em1111 to blows, Broderick, Petting for his 0)01) eafoty, with three opposed to hint, ruebocl into a barber shop near ab hand, persued by the Nicholsons. in et fit of deepen, bion Broderick seised 1 £'azar, which he used with terrible effect, inflicting a hor- rible wend on his victim's cheek, laying itopenfeoan the eye towards the unso, rho out extending some fou' luohos. The two brothoro of the wrsuuded man then jumped uponllrodotlok, and laid him out eenselesoupol the sidewalk. Nicholson's wounds wore mowed 11p. :Broderick ro- mained biieteible until alnday, whoa 5tnseioueness Was restored. fie is suffer- ingbadly from his injuries, OU GREAT r, J, LE � FUNL GG �, I:4I COT'TT1NTIT t -+Is w.L' ±'11. THE PUBLIC VERDICT: Neves' was such it magnificent 510010 thlbwa o'I th t market. in Huron Connty. Nover 111011 Cheap Goods offered to the People. Never s11t5' a sale s') thoroughly ;appreciated. E110111100 U1111lliiiig DM' '13ti.17 SOLD. ave been Made Ilappy. All the people of Huron County have found out that 300 aro the Great Dry C;•oods :Distributers of the West. We are still selling our Tweeds, Drees Goods, Prints, Wlnoeys, 'Underclothi ,g) Mantle Cloths, Woolen Goods, of every description, at Absolute Cost. Wo want to make room for our Spring Iulportrations which arc now arriving almost every day, and when our Spring Stook is complete it will lea tho idlest we have ever shown. Watch fro: it. This Omit Salo will last to the First of March. Everybody Cone and, See Us. G.A. The Great Bargain House. Our :tdtlrevs j:a Cnna;g;a oi'' liths£. n1VIn '1'1'latiltLRRi Data.. 131100SEL'.