HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-11, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST To the Electors of the East Riding of Huron County. — Gentlemen :—• it will he your privilege In a few days to elect a representative to look after your interests in the Federal Parliament. As you are aware I am the candidate in the interest of the Liberal party. I take this opportunity to reopeot£uilly solicit your votes and influence. I hope to be able to address the most of you from the platform, when 1 shall state any views upon tlw public queetions of the day, I ask my friends to be active till the last vote will bo polled on the 22nd prox. If this is done there is no doubt but Liberal principles will bo sustained and hast Intron redeemed. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your Humble Servant, P. MACDONALD, M. I). Wingliam, Jan. 23, '87. .e® 1w,Pa.avitvtistmtuts, Piano for sale—W,, M. Sinclair, Custom Tailoring—J. Melain. Mortgage Sale—tlowland, Arnoldi R: Mackenzie. Execetors' notice- J. 11. Young and J. G. Skene. House to let—Dr. Graham. Locals --Adam Good. Local—John Nott. Lacer—W. H. McCracken. God gave the Queen—Adam Good. Cost price sole—G. A. Powell. ttJ).0 1tT5$CX"a east. FRIDAY, FEB. 11, 1887. • NOTICE TO REFORMERS. A J3oodler is said to be in the East Riding of Eturon and every Reformer is asked to bo on the alert. Dr. Macdonald is offering a reward for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons filum' tampering with Ulretors or attempting to cor raptly influence any man's vote. teerieegeliaMOEIBEERISMZSIMANME-112i=eiloici=11=ennewr« In the House of Uollgress, on Jan, Senator Robit+lo has seouall a per. I U J $! ljlt (11 J� TT UP�T T(�1 I Uion of hie raihta suhaida � �J I�,J N i;1,.1.!!j„ j C4jj,: !t t U 91st, d1r. Lawlor offered clic follow Sir Aloluhe Oivon thinks the Govern- ing proiuuble and resolution : meat's majority will be small, Whereas the belligerent Enna of the A Brantford yotuut man hes gone crazy ! through disappointment in a love affair, Canadian press and the annouucenent 'there were 32 business fellows in Gan. that Great Britain will slrcrtly despatch ado and 220 in the United States during a fleet of war ships to cruise in the viola- the poet week. ity of our northeasterncoa=tline, indicate B. le, Kilvert, ex-M.P., has been 1ap- 110stflfty toward the United States, grow. Pointed to tbe oistom5 colloctarphip of ing out of our position in tho fisheries Hamilton. question ; and whereas, Admiral Porte L. McCallum, M.P. for Monok in the late Parliament, lute been appointed a SeSir Dnator. onald A. Smith will run in Mon. treat West es an Independent, but not otherwise. Maritime Province Liberals are con- fident of carrying 20 out of 43 seats in coming election.. Tho general of the oity of Montreal, te. ken by the eivia assessors, gives a popu- lation of over 183,00e. The new depot of the Canadian Pacific in Montreal is to bo erected on Windsor street, near Dominion square. Candidates Inc position as Dominion land surveyors will be examined in Otte, wo by the Board of Examiners on the 15th fust. D. W. Karn, of Woodstook, has been offered a bonus of 825,000 to removed his faotory to auotho, town, but where is not stated,. The January fire record shows that 811,550,000 worth of property was des- troyed by fi o in Canada and the United States during last month. The Quebec Treasurer is reported to have discovered that the late Govern. meat had a deficit of over $300,000 last year, when they wore claiming a small .urplas. A number of Toronto druggists have been find 820 and cost for dispensing fermented spirits in bottles containing quantities above the regulation number of ounces. It is estimated that during October and November 150 p' reons died of the measles at Leerier Slave Lake, Whitefish and Sturgeon Lake settlements in the Northwest. Tiaree young men of West Garafraxa some time ago for fun took from a neigh- bor's uloigh a keg of porter, and on the invitation of a Magistrate paid $21.70 for the joke. The Lindsay Council has prepared a petition to he Provincial Legislature asking that the Assessment Act be amended to provide for printing in full along with the voters' list, the figures of property assessment. Canadian capitalists will apply at the next session of Parliament for power to build a line of Railway, about 85 miles long, from Guderich to Wingham or some other point which will give the Canadian Pacific an outlet on Lake Huron. The receipts of wheat at the station at Winnipeg have been oonsiderably heavier lately, although it is -thought many farm- ers are still holding back their grain for better prices. There is now about 500,- 000 bushels in the elevators along the line of the C.P.R. Beach telly the Su -ural lane that d$io Goodaur is a faster and bettor man than Hanlon ever was, told says that Ilanlan tried to take snap judgment on the chempion>hip when he heard that Beach would retire. 13o will not retire, but will row no more races in other than Australian waters. There are enough unmarriedladies and gentlemen in Elora to make every clergy- man in the place rich—if they would pair off and get hitched. Not only would the clergymen be made happy, but the furniture mon, the coal dealers, and the general merchants would all wear smiles of satisfaction.—Now N P. formulated by The Elora Express, has directed attention to the fact t of Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific harbors are absolutely detonceless,1101 them to wit: New York, San Francisco, Boston, the lake ports, Hampton Roads, Now Orleans, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, Portland, Me., and the Rhode Island ports of Narragansett Bay, are in urgent need of immediate defense ; and whereas it is alleged that Great Britain and Canada are m possession of charts and oxemplifi• cation of all our harbors and coast defense whereas, Resolved that the President be retie est. ed, as commander.in-chief of the Army and Navy, to inform the 'louse of Repro. sentatives at an early day what steps if any are necessary, in his judgment, tepee. vide for this emergency. Mr. Bragg, of Wisconsin, suggest- ed that it was unwise to advertise to the enemy our ti'irotected posi- tion. A resolution was referred to the committee of approprifttions. In the U• S. Senate _Monday, Mr. }Ioar presented a resolution concerning the treatment of American vessels 1 from purchaeing supplies In Ameri- can ports, and ev-entimily the ex- clusion of all Canadian preclude by land or sea. It was referred to the Iforeign relations committee. The Zanesville (Ohio) Signal pro. poses to settle the fishery trouble', by purchasing Canada, In the Senate Ewt)rts introduced i Bill for the purchase of John Er- ioeen'4 "Destroyer" and ten enlarg ed steel vessels of the same type for defeudiug the harbors of the United States, appropriating $112,000 and '$2,000,000 fer the purpose respect- ively. Referred to Committee on I Naval Allaire. The editor of Grip in comment ing on tbo cartootl we present this week enys :— Tun Toronto News of last Tues• ' The Canadian case in the fishery day stays :—The official statement I difficulty is perfectly clear. The of,Dor'iinit,n rcccw"e re 1 expendi 1 Americans having of their own frog tare for Jauuary and the six pre 1 will—and onsseduess—abrogated the ceediug months is not of au encoar 1 fishery clause of the Washington aging character. It sh,lwe that the treaty, we revert to the agreement rata of outlay is increasing at a rate which will certainly result in another heavy deficit at the close of the financial year. The expendi- ture for January exceeds that of the corresponding mouth last year by $287,900, while the sxcoas of ex- penditure over revenue for the whole seven months is $788,272. Exceptional oiroumstanees, espoci. ally the Northwest rieiog and the settlement of the queetious growing out of it, were largely to blame for previous deficits. But Inc the pres- ort shortage no such excuse eau be offered. It is purely the result of the extravagance of the Ministry, who, instead of cndaavoriug to economize by dieoontiuntug super• fluous offices, and cutting down heavy salaries and useless outlays, act as though the resources of Can- ada were inexhaustible. There is no likelihood of any permanent re- form, so long ae the Administration is dependent for its oxtstence on the vote of the legislators. It is the need of keeping together it majority by plunder, which virtually eompels governments to this continually in• creasing extravagance. 'LITE FISHERY 'SQUABBLE. ExCITINO'meetings were held in the Gloucester Fish Exchange, on the 01st inet., when fiery speeches wore made. The American Presi• dont and Secretary Bayard were •savagely denounced. A resolution was drawn up and extensively sign. el, calling upon President Cleveland to strike while the iron was 'tot, and of once, by procirmation, plat in force tho retaliatory measures Specified in existing nets and not lose proaions time while members of Congress expatiated for self laud nice. The resolution also sag. gested the appropriation of enough money to purchase the Italian navy if procurable, Tlfis clause was greeted with cheers. of 1818 es the basis of our present. relations. On this we have taken our stand, and 1t is for infractions of this that we have seized Awori can boats. Our neighbor is doing a vast amount of tail talk and brow- beating, but thus far without avail. We aro determined to hang on to our fish in reepuuse to the Poet Laureate's cry of "Bretons, hold your owl,'' and notwithstanding the opposite advice of the London press. Wo don't thinlc our American cousins are au), way particularly anxious after all for war and we be- lieve as Canadians wo prefer peace to anything else. A war with the United States would be it most un- natural one as thousands of instan- ces relatives would meet in opposite ranks and slay their own kindred. The Yankees are realizing that they aro not prepared to bubkleinto Eng- land and inauy of the newspapers are making a good dealof sport about the American "Navy." attraiiilrt Nowt.. There are complaints of gambling at Tottenham. The Quebec Local Ministers are likely to be re-elected without opposition. Walter M. Deck. M,P.P., was banquet. ted by the Liberals of Centre Bruce at Kincardine on Tuesday of last week. The Stirling School Board has declared in favor of the Book of Scriptural Sake - tions. The Edmonton Bulltetin announces that the Indians on the Peace River are suffering terribly and that there have been a great number of deaths. A man in the neighborhood of Mount Forest lost a horse blanket, and on the following Sunray the foot was announced from ono of the church pulpits. The two and five mile skating races at the Hamilton carnival were both won by Wm, McOutcheon, of Fergus. J. Soun- ders, of Galt, won first prize for fancy skating and Thomas Riley, of St. Catha- rines, second, Tho Addrese in reply to the Speech from the Throne in the Ontario Legisla- ture will be moved by Mr, Guthrie, M.PP. for South Wellington, and seconded by Mr. Evanturel, M,PP. for Prescott. The last of the Indians eentenaed to the Penitentiary for complicity in true recent rebellion was released on Saturday. Big Bear, ohlef of the rebeliious Oross, with throe of his braves, was released from Stoney Monntainl'risou, after serv- ing about eighteen months of a ton years' sentence. All the other puisotc'rs have been pardoned previously. Geo. L. Stipp, of Lower Qaeefubnry, N. B., took to market recently a cargo of pork consisting of eleven hogs—seven wintered ones and fonr spring pigs, The respective weights of the bogs were as follows; 564 Ib.., 550, 396, 535, 543, 510, 473, and the pigs turned the scales res- pectively at 817 Lbs., 251, 316, and 819, making an aggregate botal for the eleven eareasses 4,938 lbs. C,.unt Gazzole, the Noble Guard who accompanied Mgr. O'Brien from Rome with the scarlet cop to Cardinal Tasaher- eau, has written s. letter of thanks to Mayor Langelier, of Quebec, for Ms kind- ness to him during his stay in Quebec and foe his letter of introduction to H. H. Cook, ex-M.P. for hast Simcoe. The Count says that in return for the kind- ness received from Mr. Cook on his trip to Niagara ho was happy to be able to procure for him, when in Rome, the fav- or of a special audience from the Pope. A man carrying a grip -811.0k went into Chief Druinmond'e post office building, in New York, a clay or two ago, and 5aid that he had come there from Canada, and that he had been swindled by a young man from whom he had bought counterfeit money and who had palmed off on him a bag containing paper. "I'm sorry he didn't give the counterfeits to you," Chief Drummond answered, con- solingly, "for then I might have looked you up for ]laving them in your possess. ion," At this the Collodion harried away without even telling his name, It was stated later, however, that he is Henry C. Hill, whose home is near Stratford. Not long ago he got the regu- lation letter from the "green goods" man offering to let him have some bee,utifol counterfeits Inc almost nothing. He answered it, 'and got a second letter, cli- rooting him to go to Now York and put up at the International hotel. He went on the Wort Shore road. A0 the ferry a lean dressed as a policeman asked him where he wanted to go, and when he said the International hotel, took him into a side street and pointed out a saloon, over which was a lodging house, Hill was met in the office by two men, who took from him the two letters, and put him in a cab, whfoh took the whole Party to another saloon. There Hill thought lie saw one of thong filit $500 in greenbacks into a small hand -satchel. When it was handed to him ho gave the man $127. "The best thing yon can do," the "green goods" men said, "is to drive for tho de. Pot and get off for home, and don't open the bag until yon get there," They bundled Hill into a cab, which took him to the depot. '.,hero he opened the bag. In it were two old newspaper's and about a pound of bard coal. The undersigned wisher; to intimate to the pnblio that having loomed the art of clout's garment nutting from ono of tho best Cutters in London, he is now pro - pared to cat, At and make up Cent's clothing in a first aloes manner and at reasonable prices. J. PJI c B A I til, '-''q,� MiLL ,STREET. , Ciust THE GREAT MAGNETIC HEALER, —at the -- QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS, FOB. THREE WEEKS. ..'analytics and other Invalids. beyond the reach of ordiumry skill, aro all bone fitted and some of them Marvellously mir- ed by his Treatment. No medicine used, Help for All. The most sceptical Con- vinced. No Case Hopeless. Tho Blind can be made to See, the Deaf to Hoar and the Lame to Walk. Charges vory Mod. elate. REaeEimma weer MIRE nHEE5. f'itellBM$Ult t, LIST 1 . George Welsh, of Gley Township, has been for years afflicted with a severe Urinary Complaint and could get no re- lief. Professor Gustin Cured him with- out Medicine. For the benefit of people ehnilarle af- flicted I wish to state that Professor Gustin has restored the use of my hands, which have been partially paralyzed and almost powerless for five yeare, defying all other treatment. JAtiES STnETroa, sono, Queen's Hotel, Brussels. Prof. Gustin yielding to the earnest entreaties of his patient,: has decided to prolong his pro- fessional visit at the Quecn't: Hotel, Brussels, for throe weeks more, where his Rer Flees can bl commanded by those requiring tbeul. Below al:., appended a few more of the many wonderful cures effected by him since last notice: -- John Raynard, lac til., con. 6, Grey, states from a healthy strong man I have been reduced to a state of incapacity for any work with weak back, general de- bility and diabetes. With three treatments from Prof. Gustiln,I am as well as ever. TIED BLIND SEE.—]fuphomia McDougall, of Grey township, has spent hundreds of dollars on her infirmities without any re- lief. Besides sciatic pains and and general debility she has been blind for four years. With two treatments from Prof. Gustin she has been restored to both sight and health and will be happy to give any information. Tiro LAME WALit.—Mrs. Daviel Henderson, of Ethel, has offered up her canes at the shrine of Prof. , Gustin's magnetic influ- ence. She was paralyzed on one side and could scarcely move. She wishes it made public for. the benefit of others. TO'xc.at. i� TO CREDITORS, Nonce's }Mob) given, pursuant to the provisions of obnp,107 11.0. 0., and 411 Vic., 11,,', o 10111.) to all creditors turd others having chiles malert the estate of AI.nX- Asnnn 6'ruwu,T, Into of the Township of Grey, la the Bounty of 'loran, Yonmai., Co- mmon, who Clod on or about the eighth CvY of nooembor lust, Piot, to ,vend by poet pre• pate to or B. Mattson ,'arnssels, Huiloltor for lriuloolm Atcnaranld and Alnxaudnr atew- art, 19sga iris , the lsecutors of the Inst will mud teatamellt at the Bald deceased till or Ware the eighteenth day of February. A.D. 1807, a 6tatrmnit of thele palace tett ad• dreamt amp full Particulars of their ululate duly ata, o+od with a statement. of all t(0ur- kiss Welly) hold by tom. And that after tho eaten 18th day of Fob- ,unay the ettid l;xecutors will i{.r.weed to hie.rtbuts the assets o1 the ,veld do:eased among the Parties outlttorl .thereto regard being lean only to tho claims of wh loll ho- tter/ shalt have boon given as above requir- ed. The Kahl Mx's:aims will not ba Bahia for trio assets or any Part thereof to. ally 1,01.- 08s of trhtso claim, notleu shall not 1131'0 Leon )Uvea at Cho then of sw41 di•trtbu ti on. Bitted at Itrussete the: nth ,'ay of January A. D..1857. W, L'. DICKSON,211 4 Soltoitor for Executory. James McFadzoan, of the 17th con., Grey, testifies that he has suffered so severely with dyspep- tic pains that for nearly six months he could scarcely oat anything and has visited the boat medical skill in Toren.o without relief. Two treatments from Prof. Gustin has removed all pain :and .his appetite is com- pletely restored. He recom- mends all suffering similarly to visit the Professor. The Professor has now a case under treatment which will put his powers to the test. A lady, from near Listowel, who is de- ranged, We will hoar from her next week. A son of Joseph Kellner, of Grey, aged 14 years, whose loft atm was paralyzed by lightning a number of years ago, has boon successfully treated by Prof. Gus - tin and his left arm is rapidly becoming as faithfuls servant as tho right. Reform lifleetingo. Meetings to be held as follows :---- TURNBALL'S Setoor, ROt'ea, 10th cote., Grey, Tuesday, Fob. ilium, at 7:80 o'clock p.10. SMITH'S Scnom, Hem:, 6th con. Grey, Wednesday, Feb, 10th, et 7:80 p.en. ETIIEL, Thursday, Feb. 17t1, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. CRANBROOK, Donee' )iu.r., friday Feb. 1800, 7:80 p. m. WHITFIELD'S Scaooi Morse, con. 12, Grey, Monday, Feb. 21st, 7:30 p.m. BRUSSELS, Towx HALL, Friday, Feb. 1lth, 7:30 p.m. MORRIS Tow\ HALL, Friday, Feb. 18th, at 7:30 pan. BUTTON' -S Smoot., Morris, Thursday, Feb. 17th, 7:80 p.m. GOSMAN'S Senora, Morris, Monday, Feb. 21st, 7:30 p.m. BELGRAVPO, Wednesday, Feb. 16th, at 7:90 p,m, Tlie eleotors at each Meeting to be )ld. dressed by Leading Reformers. Cordial Invitation to Alit :l Special €fur to i,tidles. GOD SAVE IFIL I,UEEX. FEB. 11, 1 887. OLE Aar NG SALE 0b' 30 I_DA..Y 80 Christmas and New Year's liter gains at the Brussels Woolen Mill. I have the finest and largest stock of 'Fine Yarns ever seen in Brussels. I will sell the best worsted yarns, which have NO EQUAL at 6 cis. per oz., and an extra fino quality of cashmere wools at 8 Pts. per ounce for the next 30 days, commencing Friday, Dec. 240, for Cash Only. Now is the Time to secure your bargains, come early and have your choice in Black, Brown, Navy Blue, Royal Blue, Light Bluo, Garnet, Card- inal, Claret, Scarlet, Dark. Green, Bronze, Light Green, Yellow, Orange, and a host of other col- ors, toe numerous to mention. But collie and see for yourself and be convinced that you have struck the Biggest Bargains of the season. Como oriel o o a111 510-... CD SAVE THE GEO. HOWE, E . VZFAEMNA' Over Throe Hundred Millions of British subjects will nuite this year in eelohrating HER MAJESTY'S JUBILEE ! the Fiftieth Year of her glorious Reign. What better way could the people of Brussels honor Her Majesty than by drinking her health with a good cup of Tea or Coffee. The Tea Trade Entirely Changed. Tea sold at the closest living profit. The Double profit on Tea entirely done away with. Do you drink Tea or Coffee ? Are you fond of a good strong cup of fragrant Tea ? Then try our Tea. We have got a great variety of Tea and as they are just received you Call rely on them being fresh. Young Hyson, Congou, japan, Gun- powder, Japan Dust, Orange Pekoe, &e., &c. How Do We Sell Them ? We have as good a Tea at 25c. as was over weighed on scales, but our Black, Green and Japan at 40c. and 50c. we firmly. believe were never sold at the prices before in Brussels. Geer A SAMPLE P01Nv. Yia ,'1 In orders to induce every family for miles around to try these Teas we have decided to give every ono who buy Tea from us a Handsome Present with their first purchase of Tea. If you buy a pound of Teal wo will give you a handsome present. If you bay 10 lbs. of Tea We will give you a present Ten Times Handsomer, and so with Three, Four and Five lbs. These presents consist of Handsome Parlor Lamps, which have to be seen to bo appreciated, Heavy Cut Class Toa Sets, China Cups and Saueers, beautiful Glass Oako Salvers, Cruits, Water Pitchers, Butter Dishes, Pickle Dishes, Bread Plates, Goblets, t.&c,, &c. How can we give such presents free of charge and yet sell the Toa cheap? Well, we don't expect to give presents all tho time. We will give presents to' each family up to 10 lbs., after that wo expect that people will be so pleased with the quality of the Tea that they will buy it without any extra inducements. In fact it simply amounts to ns selling Tea for a few manias without any profit. Come and see the presents, see the Tea ;ind gat the Floes. God. Save ,the Queen. A, ALIVE 031,1000i, The Cheapest Casio Store in Canada.