HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-11, Page 3FEB, 11, 1887.
Gayly the candidata
Who has rot tharo
Seniles as he 11'alit0 about,
Bead up in air.
Sadly tho other ohm;
(toes to Ilio hole,
Pulls it in after him,
Monrutul his soul.
Gayly the editor,
Seeing the above,
Seniles as he cilias it out,
Scuds it above.
Sadly Constant 'Seeder
Parts with his dime,
To road the sla'o ellestnnt
The seventorn hundredth time.
0111 for an editor
Who would no. lied('
Chestnuts of long ago,
Jokes fro can't boar,
Sadly we sigh for him
And we have wired
"Couto oil" and "take a rest"
You nlalco ns tired.
In frosty weather when It 011pwa,
For breathing you must use your Vows,
And not your mouth, which you must
For through flue space that 11011(44 your
Tho cold air rushing on the longue
Pneumonia snakes for old and yongus.
When warm AVOiti a sudden draught
Or yon, in spito of doctoral craugbt,
Nay sleep beneath 1t marble shaaght.
C:'r 1611 -wool underuoar. You'il sweat
hnnetimos, but then you'll never goat
:1 void, for wool stays warm viten went,
Don't hug the stove and make your blood
inactive and as thick as mood,
Or you'll bo nipped off in the hood.
Always your foot keep norm and dr).
Unless, insured, you want to dy
And seek a better Houle on hy.
Witco hinds aro cutting as a knife,
Anti whistles 'round you like a killo.
Button you coat and save your klife.
Don't lake 11. t .]rinks to loosen phlegm ;
It's bolter to di: ponsu with thegm,
Ind tints the tide. of drinking suel.,e1.
I; tan's or nolo "r iculd+aro uuuh,
Hub :;now 011 till Mil tingly smith.
Or el -c they frozen may becumb.
Mit the wt other tots too rough,
dust crawl within a large.sizetl mongh
.And sleep like Leant till spring you
When do I beau to cowry ?---14011,
'Tis idle to dispute with fate ;
But if you choose 11 hear 1110 tell,
Pray (],ten while I tis the date.
When daughters (taste, with eager foal,
A mother'o daily tail to share,
Can make the puddings which they eat,
Anel trend the stockings which they
When maidens look upon a man
As in himself what 'hey would marry,
And not as army soldiers scan
A sutler or a commissary.
When gentle ladies who have got
The offer of a lover's hand,
Consent to share his earthly lot, ,
And do not mean his lot of land.
Whon young mechanics aro allowed
To find and wed the farmers' girls
Who don't expect to bo endowed
With rubbles, diamonds and pearls.
When wives, in short, shall freely give
Their hearts and hands to aid their
And live as they wore wont to Rya
Within their sires' ono -story (louses.
Then, madam, if I'm not too old,
Rejoice to quit this lonely life,
MI brush my beaver, cease to scold,
And look about mo for a' wife,
Ifo sat hoslda her near the stove.
A prey to bashfulness ;
To her bo spoke no words of love,
Nor sought her stand to press.
No snaiduo ever had barn wooacl
By hint ; the fact rats plain,
P01 snottily ho sat and eliewod
Tho knob upon his care.
hmnotimos Ito at tiro ceiling gazed,
Sometimes his glance would stray
To her, but when her eyes alto raised,
Ito looked anotl1ar way.
.\nil thus they silent sat till 5110
Said, "Joint, I ought to state
That pa and .nut are cut to tan,
And won't rotuln till late.
"Now, while they're abs0nt, do not tease,
But pray remembea this :
Hy leant] you must not try to Ngueaze.
Nor steal from 1110 a kiss,"
At once the knob that ',traceable cane
John from his month withilrew,
A.nd said, "I won't t don't think, Miss
That.I'd do that to yelp"
A. doopor silence then ansued
Than had prevailed boforo ;
John vigorously bis cane's knob chewer(,
A frown Sono's visaga wore.
And thus id1ay sat till half -past tom.
And when 101(1: rose to go,
And asked "Cho might call again,
Jane onrtly anewevod "Nal"
prison the saute territory now. In view
of the ap 1roa01111114 eloctt011 the figures
will, no doubt, provo intorastiug. Thero
(a a 0e17 noti0oable dilforenoe in the- vote
recorded hero and tho election returns, of
the 28th of last December
11 y A H
g w
No, 1 00 40 Nu, 0' 7(1
No. 2 72 08 No, (1. .... , 445
No 4 77 39
No, 4 81 55 470
1 arrow's majority 153•
TILIIM Ji1t11(.
-No 1. 01 52 11
No. '1 (19 102
Sloan':s majority 21.
Nr. 1 42 40 No.13 75
No, 2 131 47 No. 5 09
No.3 75 58 •
THE BRUSSELS POSToteetteetetteeettemeewmeteteeteeisteretteteerelaiatottoottatiriatetteatteratoueettroareetaaveatoweetetiesioateetiereeeretemettes
wire's and such M n0a1'city o+ Wow, r
teat, 111 (" llnftu'li)(g 1r(ly lti y 11.10o "` ' A .+-1+ ON_ A.• 1 J _.
of getliog rill of otlrososue epcalcer
101 that 81111),, play htughnd 01111 Brussels 00ugh4(1 (11(11 (1(4411 I1Io r• tired
vory 11)12011 chagrined, with title re
mark ; "':['ho time will come when
you'il hear me." For four years
lie sat in Parliament Inn! said 00th•
Ing, and then 100110 a ape0011 1110
depth and elog110110e of which as.
10nish411 his hoot -ors. Ono failure
should not discourage 11 10811. Fail -
urea often show (13 tv1Ipra our faults
lie, and (00011 Us to overcome thein.
Many men, if they merit with ob.
staoles, give up their business and
try something' else. In tide way
they fritter iota), their 0(100> i15, and
never taocumplisll muo11 at any
Alnoug tho '"nether GooseMotodies" is a famous rhyme about a
man who scratched out both his
eyes in a bramble bush, and who
immodiatoly wont to another brain.
bio bush and eoralcllStl them in
again. The man never amounts to
much who hes down and dies at the
first bramble boob ho finds in his
path, Pluck, with moderate tal-
meta, oftou accomplishes more than
high rate ability, or (MAIge0iu0,
without that quality. The lack of
pluck la Om oauso of many 1n0n's
want of euce058. One thin(; that
made General (fvraut what 110 was,
8e a 00111ma1der, 11'(('1 pluck-; !1101 it
is said he neva knew whoa 110 :vas
beaten. Tito business man may
moot disaster',. "the bank laity break
the factory burn," but such things
should mover 0auso hint to despair.
IIe should gather all his tncl'gies
and revive his fortuue out of the
wreck and usher.—GEXER s STA
ltrowiug State adds 10,000 tops
more, Five other States contribute
eOMO 00110 (Ingot,
"The Sagdwiolt Islands crap, un'
del' the 81rtn1ln5 of the trolly which
permits its sugar to enter duty froo,
reaches 55,000 tons, but it is said
that the use of all tho available land,
and the poor quality of native labor,
6110 prohibition of Ohiueao, and tho
hprice of white labor, fix the
limit at the prosaut figure,
"Of the boot sugar supply, Gar.
many produced last year, 1,1115,000
t ,73 7.1 tons, Australia 557,000 tons Woo,
607 223 ltuseia 080,000, France 825,000,
Belgium 90,000, and holland 50,-
000 tons, Our chief contribution
to this crop Is from a factory at Al
verado, California, producing about
1,000 tons, but it is to be believed
that thio 511.1 be0otn0 an important
Paosfic coast industry, Beet euga
Is largely importod into this country
for refining purposes, and we go
also 501110 date palm sugar, calla
commercially "date jogger."
'17 45 "Our yield of ample sugar, i
which Vermont still loads, was abou
140 126 25,000 tons last year. Sorghum
although much syrup is mode from
tho largo acreage, at the West, luta
not yet come into the market as an
100 90 important cotnmerolal source of cry
atnlizecl e1g0r, tho largest crop hav-
ing boon but five 4houeand tons;
our scientific agriculturalists, who
17 t#1 give good reasons for looking at this
i as ono of the groat American crops
of the future, havo yet to justify
"' J their faith by their works, The
S'arrow',, majority J.
No, 1 02 02 No, 5
No. 0 0'3 80 No. 5
No, 827 87
No, 4 21 414
floan's majority 100.1 .
No, 1 '0 32 No. 1
No.28 27
No. 3 48 `'1
@'arrow's majority 2.3.
No.1 57 50 No. 2
Farrow's , us,jnrity 19.
N0. 48 40 l No, 2
75 03
52 014
1103 408
Sloop's majority 4.
1101111 44 I Parrcw
Steaks majority 20.
Farrow. Sloan
RowlettRowlett470 317
To nberry 207 328
Morris 592 283
Grey 904 408
Winghani 14'14 125
Brussels 109 90
1315111 77 81
52 10
29 35
1031 1571
P111' +w's Majority (10
manufacture of commercial glucose,
. or artificial starch sugar, lune of late
years reached enormous proportions
in this country, am0untiug in value
00 a third of our cram sugar crop."
--American Farmer.
1,113ElteL POLICY.
ltoepoueibility to the people.
An hnnc,t and efficient Executlro;
ehi0h would pr0vent rebellion in
the West and discontent in the East.
lleforui in tiro civil service ; u
good and efficient outfit ; abolition of
the pi -count superannuation aye tem.
The right to natio: our own tree.
Reduction :.f laxation no 50011 as
Reduction of dutins on raw ma,
An earno01 effort to promote roti•
primal trade with tho South.
1fu11 recognition of tho federal
character of our constitution.
No more taxes.
Fn11 recognition of Provincial
Home rule in our Oominiou.
Justin to all, favor to none.
An end to Jobbery and corruption.
Rocinelioi of expenditure to a
small amount.
Determination to put down che-
wy:diou of race and °rood in favor
of Canadian brothoruood and nation
Eternal justice and equal rights.
Civil and religious liberty.
Tolerance and forbearance of the
Strong towards the weak.
Morality and temporanoe, morali.
ty and religion, hand in hand.
A.dvancemeut of the 00co.
lIarpor's Magazine has tho fol.
(awing la relation to the sugar of the
world :---
"The world's production of sugar
is probably well toward Dight million
tons a year. Of this, British India
and China produce, nod thsmsolvos
commute, over a million 40115 each
of crane sugar, their exports beim;
small, and ther0o of very low grade
"Thu ostsmated product of all
con1trles aystilablo for export woe,
in 1884.5, a year of largo product.
tion, 2,102,000 tons of oaten and no
less than 2,557,800 of beet sugar.
"It is ostit'nated that the Drano
sugar crop marliotod thio y0ar will
incroa10 to 2,218,000 tons, awl that
41(0 beet sugar crop wilifall off 520,.
750 tons—partly the result of to low -
or aoroago resulting from tho low
prices hoot year.
"Cuba produces more' than a
quarter of the wbolo export supply
of caro sugar, last year's product
boing 027,006 tons, while this year's
will probably squat her largost crop
(1875), which WAS 609,000. Of thio
more than half (in 1885, 880,586
gross thus) comes to this country,
which gots nearly half its total snp.
1 :rot reliniu from that island of
PY 14
• revolutions.
East 17Itionora in 1!410`-02..
The following aro the norm for 'the
gest Hiding of num in the Dominioln
eleoti0nsof June, 1880, Tho riding Com.
"Louisiana produced last you
bat 04,000 tons, but its normal pro.
duct i8 Bearer 125,000 toile, to
which Texas, ono other' chief sugar.
S'1'AIi2 IL11Ii't'.
'.['110 young 111ar1 starting out in
life locks around Limn, nod, seeing
men who have' 5ucc0oded its tlloir
various profeesiona or callings, is
naturally lnoiined to emulate them.
q hey secured Success, why cenn•11
hr, do tt,o Banta ? Gazing cm soma
lofty mountain height, lr0 fail to apt
pleciate it8 trno alsitu(o, and are
apt to thiol1, that the labor of climb•
1 jug is loss than it really is. 1\'e
1egm to second, and, rafter toiling
1 for some distance up its rugged
Isides, we pa(so 0114, panting and
breatllleea, sen tho rough paths
stretching far above us to whore the
summit pierces the litany clouds.
So it is in attaining success in life,
We aro apt to underrate the efforts
roquirod to obtain it, and to over.
look those principles by which it
must be secured.
The mail to business Bnec050 18
along no easy highway. Oiroum-
stances, ladoed, may favor some,
and thoro is a diversity of talent
among men rendering some moue
likely to suoceed in certain callings
than othore, but there are qualities
which, no matter what a man's na.
tive ability is, will push him for.
ward to the longe( .for goal. Among
these aro energy, perseverunee;
pluck, honesty, sobrioty, economy
and enterprise.
Ons thing should bo impressed
on the minds of all in starting in
life. Do not lot your employer feel
that you are afraid of doing too
much. All duties should be per -
mimed with olaority, as if work was
a pleasure and not a drudgery, and
ono should bo oyer willing to 0001.
ply with all reasonablo demand(,
Snob a man will 110 pushed forward
while Om grumbler and lazy malt
will bo g1v00 11111 cold shoulder.
lo our clay, as in the timo 'of Sol-
omon, the world ham no use for a
sluggard. An intense itetivty is ono
of the chernetorietics of tho 10:144
identh (topiary, and, in thte alae, to
obtain snc00as requires a greater
degree of ou,Jrgy than at any other
period of tho world's history. The
railroad, 01 0ms11ip, telegraph and
telephone, all ail( in Malting tho
transmission of intelligeuco and the
transportation of goods both easy
and rapid, and tlooy . havo called
forth tho sharpost Mind of c0mpb
Litton, The man who would root)
an equal reward with hie neighbor
must be abreast of the titnee. Ile
must piano boforo his patrons tho
vory latost and bost in his line, or
they wall desert him and go where
they can bo better sorvod. Tho
morning paper brings him tho
ma1k01 reports, and ho must inform
himself concerning thorn, for tho
differenoo of a fraction of a cont M.
buying may give hie rival the ad.
vantagoin selling, and thus load to tt
a sorious loss.
There is an incidont .iu the life
of Disrtnli that may teach a lesson
to th000 who wish to succood in bun -
inose. Disrteli's first spoeob in
3?arliameut was a dismal laihlr0.
There was such an abundanoo of
(4e-etcn-;;o.l r' 144,
A epectall decree from Home apt
points Archbi,(hop Fabro vice chan-
cellor of Laval University.
Wildam G. Lee, of Upper Alton,
I(1,, wbi10 eating dtuneruu Tuisa:1,y,
woo !tilled by lightning.
Mt. bextou will motto in the Brit-
ton °mumonsa 1'1,oluti011 c harm
ing jury packing in Ireland.
A great revival is in prugreos in
Di'.:Valwago'a Choral. So far 2,-
000 per80na have been converted.
Queen Victoria will receive a jub-
ilee addreaa from the 30 or more
survivors of the fa eons Light Bri-
gade of Balaklava.
The Egyptian Government has
raided the blockade of tho Soudan,
and commerce with that region has
been Ie opened.
The U. 13, Howie Committee on
Territories havo favorably cunsider-
ed the bili for the organization of
the 'Territory of Nebraska.
Charles Gilman's 8 year old child
which had boon sick borne time at
Minnesota Junction, Wis., vomited
a stake a foot long and died shortly
lir. Parnell's malady is reported
to be Bright's disease. Itis though,
improbable that bo will be able to
stand the strain of his Parliament
ary work.
During the year ending Deo.
81, 886,755 immigrants arrived in
the United States from the princi
pat foreign . conutries—Canada and
Mexico muted—against 828,151
in I885.
An ett0mpt woe made Tuesday
night, at 3inoinuati, to assassinate
Judge James W. Fitzgerald, of tho
Police Court, by some one who shot
at tho Judge as he opened 11is front
Tho Sultan of Llor0000 refuses to
sigu the 0011112100Ohal treaties with
England, France and Gormany tin
til the abuses arising from foreign
Having loosed the well known and splendidly equipped Roller
Flouring 'Mill from Messrs. Win. 'Ironstone tL 501134 103' a term of
years, we desire to intimate to the fanners of Huron Co. and the
Public generally, that we 010 prepared to turn out the best brands of
Flour, look after the (fisting Trade, supply any quantity of Bran,
Chopped stuff, &c., and buy any quantity of Wheat.
Tho mill is recognized as one of the best in the County and oto'
long oxpericnce in this business gives us confidence in saying We
guarantee satisfaction.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
(171310ing and Chopping promptly attended to.
A CALL 80'1,1111'TED.
towart & Lowick,
V M S IR ±iJ S,
• x.11 made of the l3est Material and finished in a Workmanlike
Repairing C6md Fs'l Lt3721 promptly Ctlt1172deCZ to.
Parties intending to buy should Call before
REFERENCES.—Marsden Smith, 11. Laing::las. Gutt and Wm. '4Ic-
I%olvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewar and D.
Breckenridge„Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brus-
sels ; Rev. E. A.. Fear, Woodham, and T.'Wri ht, Turnberry.
Grist and Flour Mills !
The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First Mass Running Order
and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many now ones
as possible. Chopping done.
lour and Feed ..(way$ an liana..
I=ilghcst Price paid for any quantity
ofGood Grain:
t.gruINFILD=41...Mittir4M421.121111/1=XXONVONty.,1,7067.21LTRXIMI .
prtetoetion of natives shall Intro boon rtti
ter =?
romuv011, title :r;; t
Oflioors Smith and Johnston, of t„
Groot Co., Ark., In attempting C.1
arrest (s noted desporado nomad
Puter Snood, south of Littlo Rock,
wore both killed by Batted and his
brother. Both Cho Snoods went
badly hurt, but they osoapod.
Tho other clay 1 slaw a dog trying
to bury a live rabbit which Ito bad
caught. IIo held tho rabbit in his
mouth while ho dug as grave with
his paws, When the grave was
prepared ho put his unwilling aeon.
pant into it, covoxmd 0 up carefully,
and, after patting tho dirt won with
his paws, retired to a littlo diatom°
end lay down, watching it. Pros.
ontly bunny, doubtless thinking that
tho moin0nt of oscapo had arrived,
arono from (tit tomb and started off
011 a run. The dog soon caught him
1111 buriod trim again. Throe times 1
tho little animal roaurtecte1 itsol i
1 Lows
0 8f5
0 r” •-
le le le
117 "le
f, am;�
and oaeli tnno the dog caught ault, °; p..1.7;
buriod it, bob on tho fourth trial a tt
concluded that tho rabbit was A lit- , mN r
He too lively for 1t 0orpso, and killed 3
it before prnoaediOg with the 0650. ' itte
gnies. .
'SJSI.9a 1u(I TI\