HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-11, Page 2Ctmiltri ce caiuuit1L
A Dutton grocer bee been fined
$50 and costs for infraction of the
The Presbyterian ladies of Wtnni
peg have undertaken to educate the
Chinamen of that city
A company with a capital of $5,
000.000 has beau organized t:1 un -
Scott Act, dertake tho construction of a ,tub-
Miehi'ffan is to vote on theties. marine tunnel between Princ0 1±+'1•
tion of prohibition, tbo Senateandi %verde Island and Now Brunswick,
House Representatives having pass provided the Goverucueut will gua-
ed the bill. raatea 4 per cent. interest nu the
Canon Wilberforce calculates that ; expenditure It is clsiu'ted that the
the 100,000 public bonsos 'lie Great tunnel will slllrten the distance be -
Britain made 10,000 woman widows tween Liverpool and Canediau ports
during last year. by several Hours.
Mayor Bowland has been made Patrick Burne, the coal merchant,
an honorary member of the Oen- has aseigned. Liabilities aro plea.
fareneo Uniou of the Toronto W.C. ed at $400,000, of which $115,000
T.U.S., in racognitimt of a donation is owing American coal companies.
to the funds, the first received. Arthur Lepper and Riehard Trotter,
Next !
It is stated that much of the
spirits imported into Indir. as per-
fumery is nsed as drink, and a bill
has been introduced into the Vice.
regal Council impoeing a tax on
perfumed spirits.
The Methodist church at Mount
Morris; N.Y., has offered n reward
of $000 for the apprehenkiou of the
parties who burned the barns of a
prominent Prohibitionist in the
Mr. Young, Police Magistrate of
Halton County, last week deposited
$200 more of Scott Act flues into
the county treasury, making now
$600 that has been deposited with-
in a few months.
Maps of the twenty-four Aesemb•
ly Districts of the city of New York
will be printed, showing the location u sa• tt.in the force of the blow
of the saloons and uuderneeth will (t g
be printed petitione urging the pass- 1.truck on impact) from 450 foot-
age of the High License Bill as a tons to more than 50,000 foot -tons
means for their restriction. ``at a range of 1,000 yards. Lie 08
Tho New York Sun estimates !pounder failed to penetrate the War-
asthat 6,000,000 barrels of beer are i rior target with 4i inches of wrong;h-
annually consumed in that city, that i iron armour, at close range ; the
two old and wealthy residents, are
responsible to the D lmiuion Bank
for the remaining $285,000. What
Burn'e assets are cannot yot be es.
timated, but their Awe value, will, it
is nuderstood, be but small in pro•
portion to liabilities.
In 18.59 the largess c•,rrted
by a line•of•battle ship`w'' one or
two 68 pounders. Tit,ilt
and sixty yearn previous, 1599,
the largeet naval gun fired a pro
jectite of 00Ib. Practically, there
fore, the eoience of uaval artillery
had remaiuo i almost stationary fur
two centuries and a half. Since
then grins have been increased in
weight from 44• tons to 110 bus, in
powder charges from 10 lbs. to 900
lbs., in weight of projectile from 08
lbs. .to 1,800 lbs,, in "energy"
the brewers receive an ever -
age of $6.40 per barrel, that the
dealers sell it for double this sum,
and that therefore New York spends
annually $76,000,000 for beer.
In his satires to the electors of
North Wellington James McMullen
said :—"On the temperance ques-
tion, I ani a thorough believer in
the right of the people to say by
their ballots chat reform they want
and will support such enactments
as will submit to them the while
question for their verdict, and I
shall be guided in my course by
their decision in the future as I
have been in the past."
Caanaaian JNoeets.
The total abolition or material re
duction of canal tolls is being pres-
sed on the Dominion Govorntneut.
It is rumored in Montreal that
Hou, Mr. Trillion has been appoint -
ad a judge of the Superior Oouri of
The Winnipeg City Council has
endorsed a propneition to eivi, Men.
Raba ladles the same privtleetei in
respect of voting possessed by their
sex in Ontario.
Walter Scott is the name of the
young man who perished in the Sim-
coe woolen mills fire. He leaves a
wife and two children. Young Ba-
tes, who was badly burned, is in a
very critical condition.
Says the Guelph Mercury : Wm.
Forsythe, Eramosa, found it neves
sary to shoot hie old create mere,
so well known to residents in Era -
mesa and surrounding places. The
animal was 84 years of age, and it
was not without many a pang that
the owner could make up his mind
to lose his four•footed friend, which
had worked •for him so faithfully for
many years.
The Winnipeg Board of trade re•
ports indicate that last year sub-
stantial progress was made by the
city, and that the outlook is brighter
now than over before. The exports
of grain are rallied at about $3,000,-
000, and the total business done is
estimated. at $26,000,000, au in•
crease of nearly $9,000,000 over
last year. The statement of vacant
lands made by the sub -committee
indicates that there are upwards of
1,000,000 acres of good land about
Winnipeg to bo had at au overage
price of $0,50 per acre.
About 4 o'clock Tuesday after
Poen as the fast express was about
one mile east of Hamilton outward
bound, iswoivan named itirs. Ripley,
who should have gob off at the (de-
tioli, hurried out of the ear and
down the Stoke. She had a baby,
two email CCatcllels and extra cloth-
ing in her acme. She jumped oil',
and, singular to say the child reeeiv-
1td only a slight scalp wound and
the mother, lhongh (tnmed with the
hill, was apparently net soriou.$)y
injured. Tis trans was a double
header behind time, and running
fest. A pony engine and car wore
sent to take the women and child
into the city,
110 -ton gun can peustrate 85 inch
es of iron at 1,000 yards. These
coutraste are sufficiently startling ;
but they are completely eclipsed by
the astonishing statement that when
tie two 110 ton guns of the Renown
are fired together from it single tar
ret, the mechanical energy sterol
up in both projectiles exceed 120,-
000 foot•tons—au amount of 'work'
equivalent to lifting the whole yes•
sol through a height of 12 feet.
Tho `Too Week netting)). Review
has the following in regard to the
burning of Kern's Organ Factory:
Tim loss is difficult to estimate. Tho
factory was full 0f material iu va
rious stages of mauufaeturs, tbeval-
ue of which cannot at present be
ascertained. ?Jr. Kern himself tie nire
that $50,000 would cover the loss ;
but thin is hardly even an approxi•
mato estimate. Tho building was
insured for $25,000, no follows :
Waterloo Mutual, 8,000; Mercan-
tile, $2,000 ; Citizens', $8,000 ;
Perth Mutual, ,$2,000; Economical
Mutual, $4,000 ; Fire assurance,
$8,000 ; Queen's, $8,000 ; _Mer-
chants and Manf., $5,000. Five
thousand dollars of the above is at
present in dispute, so that $20,000
is all that can really be counted
upon. Upwards of SO workmen will
be thrown out of employment, who
had all considerable money invested
in tools, all of which were deetroyed,
The loss is peculiarly unfortunate at
this time, inasmuch as the factory
had a very largo order from the fo-
reign market, which cannot now be
filled Mr. Kern intends budding
again as soon as possible, not in the
old stand, but in connection with
the east end factory. All the resi-
dents in the immediate neighbor-
hood suffered some by breakage in
removing furniture. While the firs
in progress John D. Hood, town
treasurer, W..li..Van Dagen, Robt,
Barr and another man were stand-
ing on the • sidewalk on the south
side watching to sex if any flames
were visible. While they were thus
standing the flames belched forth,
smabbing the glass, which full on
the party. All escaped without in-
jury except Mr. Hood, who was
struck by two pierces of glass on tbo
face: Ono piooe out his face severe-
ly and the other his nook, psnetra-
:iog a vein. Mr. Hood blod proton,
ssly, and doctors report it very little
short of a miracle that his jugular
vein escaped. A piece of glass
struck Ur. Van Ingon on the head.
For sumo time bit'. lluod'e condition
was (=Wetted very critical.
The Howe family redutly 1101(1 a
reunion at .Lansing, Aliell. There
were present nine brothers, whose
ogee rangbd from 71 to 04, And. coni
Mud footed up 524 yoars. '!,'heir
total weight was 1,4.44 pounds,
being an average of 1GG1. The
most remarkable thing about the re-
union was that it was the first time
that the nine fixation( had ever all
been together. Their parents, who
were over 70 when they died, had
never seen all the boys together,
^rv� �esa���•amvz--^^-,�tmaano,aaa�mmsraray.�r..;se��a(s]a�l�.••��ta:a(raa:w::,ak^r.�
US i'01f !
Pheundersigned beast nave to intimate
to tee coolie that he has opened a tailor
shop hi the Post einitic biooll, over Lsird's
Muter shop, whore he is prepared 4o at.
tend to the wants of the puede ineating,
iitGing and malting clothing to the latest
and most 6151400shie styles. My Long ,)x-
psrisI,ee together with a 0ourso of in-
struetion under ono of the best cutters in
Toronto is a guarantee of b.ling able to
de satisfactory wont, :fstisfaetion Guar•
G. a. ;NJir.fiS •
Auy amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
Straight Loans with privilego
of repaying when required. Ap-
ply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
1%101111y to Loau 011 Farm Pro-
perty, at
wetorATE AN,) cU3Ir.t\T wo'NOM.
Brussels, Ont.
of Private Funds have just been
placed in my ]lands for In-
Borrowers can lusve their loans
complete in threr days if title is
l��041 evristOY I'oesnesty.
Rle 1i cod, nixes !
Wo have on Mand the following
Land hollers, Plows, Harrows,
Scutliers, Horse Powers, Straw
Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind-
ing o: Chopping Mills, best
make, and 1 Good ;Second
Hand Lumber Wagon.
VITe haute started a Planer
and Matcher to work. Parties
Wishing to liavo Lumber :Pressed
and Matched, or Flooring sized,
tongued and grooved may rely
on getting first-class jobs on the
most reasonable terms.
Repairs of all kinds promptly
attended to at the Biressi:ts
W. R. Wilson.
Loan & Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at Lowlssr
Mortgages Purchased.
3, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest
allowed ou Deposits, according
to amount and time let.
MTGE.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, ixodc-
horace Horton,
Apply to E. E. WADE, Steady E'mplo.ytnent to Good An.
�yr None need be Idle. Previous
HAIR 1S 'Vtr iAIPRl, Experience not essential.
Dn.0.l'i,wa■1's'Tel ve and Brain Treat-
meat,a guaranteed epeuiac for Hyster a,
Disziuese,0onvutslo n e,' its, Nervous, Neu-
ralgla.lisadaelle,Nervous Prostration cal l-
ed bythe use of alcohol or tobacco, Wake-
fulness ,atenta1
ake.tulness,atenta1 DeprOSeion,s ensuing of the
Drain resulting i n insanity,leading to m o-
ory,docay,and death. Premature 010 Age,
Bareuess,tose of Power in either sex,Invol-
untaryt+oeseeand Spermotorrbossonusedby
over-oxertlou of the Brain. Belt -abuse or
over -indulgence. ISaoh box contains ono
moutb's treatment. Qin box, or six boxes
for de,sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of
To cure any'caoe, With each order received
by us tnreix boxes a000m panted with 555, we
will send the purellaeer our writton Verso -
tee to refund tho money if the treatment
dose not street a sure. Guarantees issued
onlyby Too. Hargreaves ,4 Oo.,nrus eels.
Watchmaker & Jeweler
Inas ou hand e, splendid 510014 of S1War
MO Gold tilled Watches, also (1ufT But-
tons, s, liroacltes, l:at'iugs, 'Gent's bins,
Finger Riegi, Roll Plato Vest Chains,
Necklets, also n, fine 55510(110(1 cif wall•
nut, and niettel Clocks, int Stiiolf.
t,-ee 1tepairfus Neatly and Promptly
110eon ted,
QUEEN'S EN'S 1tf.)ri;r, 11L00N,
0 -AS. TO ;S.
Wo pay either Salary or Com-
100 lien Wanted
To Canvas for tho Salo of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stook.
The Foothill Nurseries,
Largest in Canada,
Over 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men, but•can employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
Stone & Wellington,
.Toronto, Ont.
rear OF TIE
A. new stock of Buffalo ]lobos,
Goat Robes, Horse Blankets,
Bells, Whips, R*c.,
,S. Splendid Assortlilont, of
Trunks, Valises,
And Satchels.
C4•]VT::4 E 4 CA:1i1b.
a Dennis.
1?sl3, 11, 1887.
11FNIrnasnttrillG.W 9ra241246st,.evsss
ilas (a complete I1.5.sor'tment of call the School
Books, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Ink, Pens,
Chaps Crayons, Scrlbl>'lers, 'o., 6'o•
Ask to Soo the "Scholar's Campaion,f1
Foolscap and Note Papers, .Envelopes, the best
in Hie 7)U/I'he1.
Try The Post Bookstore.
J. „5:.1 PMIC°s'lr =9E!"
HUs ronloved his stock of Groceries,
Crockery, Cilaesware, (fc, fo
f. A. Garlick's Old Sia•nd,
Ns= r,01111 TO 11. 111.:011T.0,.
where ho will be pleased to see his old
Customers a15(1 ae 10511y 7]OW ones as will
favor him with a call. -
Minya just received a line Stock of
NU TS, &c.,
for Xmas Trade, which will be soul at
exceptionally low ]]rices.
Ji.2r• E, Grundy
has started a linking and Confectionery
Business in connection. Parties can rely
upon gutting Good Bread, Buns, Oakes.
fro. at all times.
t Goods delivered to any part of the
J. Annett.
gfq M8 rµ
sp. �,: t n roy
and. Eye -Glasses that will pros or4 c your
Manufactur.iug Optician, into of the firm
of Lazarus It: Morris, 38 Maryland ltoad,
Barrow Road, London, England, has ap-
pointed an agent for tho Renowned Spec-
tacles and lyo•Glassos which have been
before the public for the past S5 years.
Lazarus' Spectacles never tire the eye!
Last many year's without ellenge,
For Scale by IL. 1,. JACKSON,
Hi ! Ho ! Local House
---11'3111110 1507 CAN 5)01, --
Hand Straw Cutters, Horse Pow-
er Straw Cutters, with roversable
food, hoot Pulpers, Root Slicers,
the genuine fort Perry Grain
Grinder, Horse Powers, large
and small, and several Hand
Power's-- cheap, and- Trecl Pow-
ers. Also the Celebrated
:it Leads thele all.
Geo. Love.