The Brussels Post, 1887-2-4, Page 66 THE 131.6J POST
:ei1rznrn a •S^....^9a2'1:
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.Diraciory of Churohaa and Sooiaviasl
llgzvn,rn CnnriOlr.—Sabbath Servioes
011 a, in, and 0.80 p. nt. Sunday Sellout
of 230 p. m. Rev, John boss, 13. A„
Knox (`7lunen,—Sabbath Services at 11
of. to and 0130 p. rn. Sunday School at
2)30 p m. Rev. S. Jones pastor.
13T loan's Onsnotar,—Uabbath Services
t(•t 11 lion. and 7 p.m, Sunday School at
0;30 a.m. Rev. W. T. Oluff incumbent,
Mi urlmsT Oxmtclt,—.t3abbatil Services
ab 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m, Sunday
- • baltool at 2:00 p. m, Rev, WTn. Smyth,
1RnnnA UtTIOLre 010711011.--•Stbbntll
5a, vice third Sunday in every month, at
1:1 Bev. P. Shen, priest.
• Opp FELLOW'S Lonox every 'Chnrsday
as ening in Graham's bleak.
1'Slsooso Latolt Tuesday at or before
til' I ninon in the Garfield block.
A, 0. U, W. Lenon moots on 1st and I
0]<:1 !fonday evenings of each month.
Ponh:srat s Lonntt 2nd and last Monday
e.vuniugs of each month in Smalr':; hall.
lot Monday in every month in
Orange tinli.
Po,,,t grrra-2,--0Aicehoursfrent
to7pan. •
SlnottOstea' 3:Ne'iirc•t•rt Reitdii. Room
and Library ill 1ioltne • block. :tip Lo -
op' n Froin 0 to S o'rl.,dr p.m. i\c•,1„e+dnyn
and !-Snlurday Mosoc.,seie Itos3, I i tit.•
:i N'onlaTl arta sit ,t'llell it tined,
but she requires Nisar•'.
:idak headache and miniver 1041+11,1e. yield
Winiediately to West's Liver Pills. Ougar-
coated, All Druggists.
'Snowshoes are said. by Canadian
girls, to be just too luvoir t. elope 1
Pain cannot aatot after the patient bas i
Inasieouro. DooueotobeVeind ceditoiLeto 0
substitute, but insiut upon having West's
alln 1@08e
0.nuine sold by J. llotaroal•os
What is my opinion of misfortune 2
It is a man withuttt tut outsells on
a rainy Clay.
World's Best. Welt-, Liver Pills. a sure
enre for liver complaint. lain'. dyspepsia, sick
lio+omoh0, and indhp,'..1,11. sr pills rJ oto. ,
AU l,rne wts.
They are l,r'king leather out of i
porprsu 111:r ;.(,w. Tile• fish is
caught for the U„rgoir, ,
west's cong't ,yrup. t sure en to ter
Coughs colds, Bronalutig,',ore 'rhroot. and'
all,tllze us.e 97 the ibro4. and lungs :Mets.,
Meta and Piper bottle. 11 I)rnggists.
The fireman i, nut lowers a l;oo:l
gardener, although ho is aCcustelTl-
ecl to hot-1tolines.
Found: that West's Cough Syrup is the
li(is; for euughs. Oehls, and an throat and I
ldlfg disoasos. AllDruggists. •— --
,. 'rMipirTviimii"r'. ..>1686L'.A9P1ID642FR�4+.{i�.n;pr,7'T�9RIAr"�r'iIT eR.Y.6RM.KM1r"`.4AC1p1rT.Tl?lLi:9!
111E Goo5><
Att 12e
•r, wWlsKey
'/0 EGGS.
i d;, --e i(A IN,. Coote SAI' lays ihe
14@rdrice E.gys. Tee(3 hno wr
t lf'ils,,anz shell soon. lay 'fr.. e.g9
(, we're, after-TRol•iorriot1
("" A. r..'i\'� es ' `1
-�v �1b
LA in 0.,/ 'rill:
Ltt3—. GoosE
arsmrs-_,e>r, .®am.m®mmam:vmearsta,,,r,.,vmmx... -re=..o--.,,;r.,,,ra termomvv.,nwmc.:m :"rnrcemsr-_,:ccmnavaTi:,vo n ,v,.w....e ....,nr :
"Half toad sirens tvhe 003'0n tile
The little too i, the smallest on
gayeties of fashionable hfo with 1 the foot, but it has the largos& core.
these perils of a saturnalia," is wltuti A. ruse isn't liable to arrest for
the Chnrohmnu culls 'em. assault and battery if 11.: "bets"
West's World's Wonder, or Family Lin!- 1119 CreditOrP.
Mitt, a never failing ours 00r rhoumutietu
nhuritgia,euts, burns, iiruises, w0unda ant{ Thousands owo their recovery from
Oooatbites. 20 aidt0ets. .011 Druggists, Rheumatism to West's World's Wunder or
"Where in the ideal wife 2" asks
Family Liniment, It io onnoeded 0000y•
where to bb 0110 host Ituuwn 1000,1)' for
a lecturer. Well, if she is out look- Rheumatism. nuts, Bruises,ti,rtns, limon,
Ing for the ideal husband, her search r'oalds, and all disoasei rvqulriag nx'srnol
0 application, Pelee 23 oonto uud 5000000 per
will prove fruitless. bottle, Bold by John Ilxrgrooves ,tt 0o.,
.flI01.rogeret Parke' Carbolic (scrota,
"Doon believe that ehestuuts
Have ea an old Sora Cut Burn Bruise -
QQQQxn,Byrtiou,salt }Mount, Pimple, Blotch, keep off rheumatism, Bloke " ties,
Rough Hands or Faoo? If, tboro is but „
o�oure,uamely lloGrogor s Paxlte'e Car. replied Blnks, 1 always curry n
tir)lie °orate. If you but try it, it will con- comic paper in my pocket."
vloaa you. It coats but 25c. at Hargreaves'
Dtbg8tora. Old Mr. Jolliboy (the host who
Pathe, after all, to the well -bol- thinks the festivities too prolonged)
anced lnind,.consists in the ltuow. — "dome, Maria, let us go up ttnd
ledge of having so lived as to do- turn in. These folks want to go
serve the praiso of udighbors. home."
Tree us/ Year0SSG, A. ',rentable Life.
after thoabove year's ended there rend Irew neon have anompplishial the same
Igoe person suffering from Rheumatism, amount of work and gaol In tale world as
tirukgia,Toothanbe, Houdnahe, Lumbago, the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 00,000 of his
oj( any 'tante pain, if they only p nrobaso a works have been told in Canada alone. \V0
q ttie of FiutdLlghtniug,an itourestnstadt. want oveiy person troubled alto Liver
qrr�pp, P+•• ^, nootstay where it is used. The Complaint, Isyenepsiu, 'feu dual-., Ill„ -•y or
a$ mole fluid Lightning..old by Jno, tl ar- Urinary Trottbtos, 1.0 ea11 at at sou 1 S uggtst
g eaves a 00., drnggietl. and buy a bottle of Or. Chase's Liver :ore,
If it wasn't for the two -shilling demi 00x0 you. Medicine and l;eelpo noolr
thermometer this would be such it A woman who wit, lust. In the
mild winter that half the people woods of New Hampshire for three
would gu around without overcoats days said that lite moot
IAO ala Yon ',Huard. suffered from Wag In not li1IV111 burDon'tallowaoold in the bead to slowly •D+
wham, rely fttelfintt,Catarrh when lull
i ! lug along, and Phe hhun•',1 her
lfbucanbecuredtorleo. Afew applfoatdone good4 self a deal for net 1,1.111 rel;; n
lent cure incipient. Catarrh. Ona or two
passwillcureordinary' Catarrh. One to 0 h
oatldglass with her,
xee will care chrome Catarrh. Pry Dr.
Oliaoe'e(ianadian CeterrL Ours—itwilionto i.. WooP.Tooi, May 0,be,
von ` It sivame MuchMuchpit en'° to
A luau suddenly realizes what it �`' t'LOS tify in(awes of Dr. Jag's Sled
uOtsa...Jame, it. Is indeed a w,unlerful
iJ to be sent adrift when he wales y remedy. and to its beneficial of.
up Monday m Tnt1)! and finds six �z r ,? teatsbelieve
pe.toui life.
OT eight feet of new piled up in the leges t} an to no purpose, lly
clothes yard, . `IVOOD' O»: had eomplotoly run down, the
,9L ! hackdnqq cough gavel 100 no rust
@1,000 Forfeit:night or day, but, thankr to ur. Jug, one init.h
'having the utmost oontidenco in1t0 sopDor- i Ole has nearly restored my health,
foray over all °there, and atter thonean de of (OMB 1111T Seurmans.
Bold by G. A. Deadman,llruesela,
testa of tho nosh oomplioated and [severest
onAee w0 oonld find, 00 fool instilled in offer-
Bllrliet Of Dolt rias Go
Mg a forfeit. Ono Thousand Dollars Ser anyaba:, 15 , '
01100 se Cough; uch, Bora Throat, Influenza, "hoped that a•Od would paralyze
earl stage, Bronchitis, Oongh. and in its n
earlyatagai,who',ping Oougi,..and all die• hill if ho was lying. He. wits tett
0150001 the throat and lungs, except as• ill the biggest hied of a lie, had
1211010, for N1)1oh Wo onl claim mite! flat g gb
we can't cure with West's (lough Byrn , hardly were the words out of his
ba lllotri s^tats.. and sects, Large bot les $1. mouth before be was pariilyzad. Tho
ess'ratofDin;g1 ,nonly oneept doctors assort, however, that he
pride. JOB 0. Ws1ST 0 0O., Toronto. would have had the stroke juut the
"Yoe," says Jeanine, "I am one same had ho been tolling the troth,
of those feilows that can drink or Hie system was ripe for it.
:lot it alone. When I am whore it Sweet Sounds from the South. ---
is I can drink ; when I am where it The Post hes to reject a great deal
is not I can lot it alone." of original poetry. Now and then a
It is estimated that 80,000 !coal» bit of manuscript shows a tench of
,.oe.eould Lind i,ttiti'bands inside of a dialect that makes it very good.
'llnrtniglitt 111 Wyoming. and 1/103010130 , Such is the following—tile firet
Territories and wily t110 procession verso of a bit of history :—
doom't move is a mystery. 1 Fairos cluughtor walked clown to the Kiln
"HEM you any chestnuts 2" "No s shel100 0long!the`to shor!e to dinhe in er her akin
haven't reeaived`any yet, But ilhero'91 liar feat hit the bashket that' Roans was in.
to he a minstrel show in town to -1 This beautiful historieai pastingo 1
night. Perhaps you can get some! seems softened and mellowed by age
there." i like and old Crenlont.
`ravage war In made ng:rnit bon-
nets in the theatre, but there is not
11 '.:cit 11 171.0 bonnets in Pliti•c11—
ih" larger the bolts,. Tho dr,'wsy
N'a111 theta to Ilett beige sa that
they nut net, b-' nli- rved 110 the
minister. They are oousitlerato
euongh not to disiaurn:;•' the pastor
by th.zing it f •'r hit eyes.
Mineral t'oisore.
N0011tngbut pu r u extract., from plantsand
roots aro used In preparing lictGregor's Long
O'Immo u,1, the modern uud now p.,pular
remedy for cough a, 0o1,1s, fiis,ll,ltitie. Croup,
As0Ptna,a0all atTeotlons of the Throat,
01111g0, and Chest. Allininoral unisons and
dag03.0ns subetences azo avuldod, which
renders it sato .for children or adults. Sold
at 500. and 21.00 Der bottle at Hargreaves iC
The Buffalo Express hes Rept
track of it, and the story ab int a
y ,nag 1)111'6 uight.dress talnng Ole
]nti causing hue death while she
:.: t.oyiug her prayers ban been 0o-
pnl,lish' d reel J t caller' for the las
1,110:5' ars, '111' nilly change made
is :otiot' her 111 i 1 11. r•'•'•11.11 ,
,,1 1+':11 3 2 1 .:u e e•,i tier
1• uv, r 1111, t 1 ' 0 ,:•,cal+.
bolo Steward
Wo i11 pay the ubovo reward for any cuss
et Liver complaint, dyopopsin, sick headache,
Ihd,gestlrr,, collative ion, or costiveness, w0
n.t,,,,ut cure NY tb West's Vegetable Liver
',111R, SYhen ti,U ,llrCotfnl, s are etrtotl, o,m-
plied •,Iso, They aro ou•011' vegetable, and
I arer 'u11 to give rntlefuot:ou. Large boxes
o,8otoiniug 9u sttgu:.o0atuc pills, :Mots. Lor
sale 1,y ill drne6'wts. l.e^u,0 dl bunute,•
boils u,:Q 1t111, 11005. f"0 colo :10 0200.
11:20ur.nd 01133 00•,
To mato, Ont.
A 1111011 d:. 1;tt' also,, 0 , 101:0, taut„
111 Jila l.let•il, /Ms ,1,p11' d to thb
boort. '• ..A Lill .1 1. ,. 1,0 0l'etp00,
hl:, utf' 1r'.n1.1 l+110100V" tn)St "olid
t1uL kefat ter Iwo 003)l.'ion which
leads herr tc tear hand els ;lf hair
from his Mend and leave the Clarke
of finger n)ttltt 1 10 his fad+, " Es
shnutd put a stopper on hie jttte or
.lderreg0r's Speedy Cure.
When wt, say 1100 r0ggar's Speedy Care is
ooly porlect ouzo for ]lyspepsia, Livor
Oo'nt,laiett,Iullgostion,and fmpnro }Hood,
,.n are tblifug the 1,1,21 a fa 0to, of which hun-
dreds 10ubandred0can tnstity, WOO lusvo
bueu rustnrod. to perf0ot health by its ass.
Wo' would therefore advise you strongly if
you aro subject to any of the above troubles
to givel00Gre00r'0 Speedy Cure a trial and
IA muv1u00d. It is sold in 50e, and 21,00
bottl00 at f3argroayee a Oo's. Drug Store.
'(,xest esri-a:at Nr. v.-ra,
i'iariOna Raode 11000 occurred ill
Southern Queensland. fifty-eight
persons were drowned and much
damage (lone to property,
They nuke money out of 0011001
touchers hl 001170 parts of Now York
Sento. A. young 10071lan recently
appointed to tenet' in one of the back
districts rochoived $8 a weep salary,.
anti the trustee with 1311010 she
boarded charged hoe $4 a weep for
1100 keeping.
"''The first sentence of Oro Stye
Retaliation Lill contains 470 words
The Suez Oanal is to be mads,
ready this month for night trxtli
through its entire length by stea:ne:
provided with electric lights.
The largest theatre in the world
is the new opera house in Paris. It,
covers nearly three acres of ground ;
its cubic'mnes is 4,287,000 feet ; it
cast about 100,000,000 francs
Pt ofosser It. E. B;.rnard, of bran
clerbilt University, at Nashville
Tenn., hits discovered another comet
in Cygnus.
Icing John, of Abyssinia, throat
one Egypt with war unless a settle
anent of the Massowwah question is
made noon.
Germany ie reported as about t0
folly w Franco's example in erecting
barrat)lte along the Franco•German
froeti,r. Thin, howdvor, is denied
by French frontier commanders.
It is 1)010 declared that Jean
James, the famous llioeouri bandit,
is not dead, but living in the wilds
of Arizona. The alleged Assagsintu-
tinn wile all a ruse.
11,. 31. Simpson, of Ilillsdale•, Ill.,
bind tt few dare ago from blood
poisoning, Ca110Pd by a trifling bite
on the thumb, received from hi'
throo•year old child,
A. YIarylaud fanner is trying to
sell off hi- laud and get out of the
aeigltt) rho0d hemline, as he avers,
(rnitean's ghost walks over his preul
i 2001 uigllll:, ttutl goalie in an awful
Bt'v..Dr. Talmage's annual sale
of pews at the Brooklyn `Tabernacle
tools place on Monday, when pro.
vision 10008 made for an income of
$81,985, nu increase of $975 over
last year,
The disciples of Hahnemann in
Boetan are preparing to celebrate,
in April nest, the 'fiftieth anniver-
sary of the introduction of honiceo-
pathy into New England by Dr.
Samuel Gregg, of Medford..
A. yoke of oxen hitched to a cut-
ter was It :level sight in Simcoe on
A few days ago wltili: Thomas
A0000111, of Fenolon Falls, was pick -
in;; at bid ear, which had boon
sometimes totally deaf dtiring the
pet tete or twelve years, he diklodg•
ed a 11101101 bead about the size of a
huge poa, thought it appeared n
good deal bigger before it was clean
ed. Ile has not the least idea how
or when 11 got into his ear, bat
slew ire removal hie hearing lett
twee perfectly restored,
tSvlptdt a US
and Eye -Masan that will preserve your
Manefsoturiug Optician, into of the firm
of Lazarus ,r Morris, 38 Maryland Road,
Harrow Road, London, England, has 0p.
pointed an agent for tho Renowned Spa -
tholes and Pye-Glasses which have boon
before the public for the past 3,1 years.
Lazarus' Spectacle-, never tire the oyol
Last many years without change.
For Sale by W. t. JACKSON,
BRUSSIi1LS, - ONT. �.—
N-ow hS 'Pib,i :CI STI.11
if Ho 1 Lt flood. House
-"110000 001 Calx 1':}:q•.—
i'Iancl Straw Cutter's, I:torde'1'ow-
er 11'tr130 Cutters, with rt'v'.t'Rltbil'
food, Boot Putpors, 'Root $lisps,
the g1un,nn l':li'i 1'el'rt. (grain
Grinder, Horse Powers, Itlrnrd P 1m' n 111 E bl
and small, awl several' ilftlitl tit g w
Powers— cheap, and Trod Pow- w a S g rr R „,,d
ors. Also the CelobelitoclIT p p' ejw"
FEB. 4, ! l 7
t• t� g
' i�f •f�' "sd''''t
.'roetil'lr+ 31•atehnialu'r tl:' Jeweller
1'ha0kiltg the Pnb11e for past favors and
111312 rt and wiehiu11 01111 to 1,0,.)11'° y'otlr
tlatrunal;,+. We aye opening out fulllinrs
Gold and Hilves Watches,
Oliver Plated Warr, trent eslablishod
and reliable molars, frilly warranted toy
(looks of the latest designs,
!Jewelry :a
Wellcling hinge.
Lalli. s 0010 1111,as,
10•.I.Iu10, tae
Also havo iu stool( a full lino of Violin
and Violin Strings, Pipes, 0c'.
1 Reicher.
NR7111.111.R.Irar,aras a,,•:.::7vrua
L)isl (mut
'lb melte 1.1)11110 1't,l' ,:tit' airing
Inc]: vis' iii tt1:i,ISC 11 CI! in1e
hirer 1)i:?IIL,iI't f. . '.11' hest
:ill :lav: ,
NOC.C1 is tile
. to scene,. 1,:trg:tills.
(;all in noel sr.' '.rt• will as -
soviet' 'Wticl:.
; 'Ion 11111110 litres to t ittilllel'tit:'
, here,
.l'Uti'1' 1:U1' k,'L'111]T':.
Has removed his stork
(2 ockery, (A1ass:yore, ,Cc, to
3". A. Garlick's Gid .Sland,
01:x: 11121311 nt 1:. „u:nxh,
where he will bo pleased to see his old
Customers and its many new ones as will
favor him with a ca 1.
Ilutve just reoeivcil a fine Stock nl'
OIi.AN137'111I01E S,
fur Xmas Trade, which 1011l be sold °t
ekcepti00ally low priers.
11 E.(.'1'fr It ll rJ
has started a linking and Owl. ationory
I3 U91l1t•os ill
(3)11 110014011. I'11,1'1l1:a 131011 rely
upon getting Good Bread, :Bins, Cakes,
tto. at all times.
lo' 0,13 de1iergd to 1')Y port of the
- aJ . Er), I'1 n ett .
P.�bgav 151
'Tl lasr+t•2y.
SEWING 3tA am.;- 0.
It I,203 thong all.
Geo. Love.