HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-4, Page 5e�lr"
FEB. 4, 1887,
E•;ailut t,.(IUs,
c,vane) voolc.
Rev, Man Stevenson, of Molesworth,
preached Lore lardeinuday.
The annual oongrogadionat tneeting of
Rime Unwell was hold last weak,
Charlet; Demos, who was summoned for
trial, last week, for violating the provi-
eiona of the Canada Temperance Act was
not proven guilty.
Several members of the Foresters Lodge
attended the fnuerttl of their brother Fe -
router, Thomas, Sloan, at Blyth on neon.
day of tide week.
The trustiest of our school have engag-
ed A, Revntann ee assistant toacsher for
tho next live months, as bho attentlaneo
w0,0 too large for one toucher Mr. Ray•
mann commenced work this' week.
• 0
Mies nary Ireland is visiting friends
in Mofiillop township.
The tatta111 has sounded and the two
political parties aro arranging their forc-
es for tho battle of the 22nd. Tho 0 of a
majority given to the Conservative can-
didate li years aeo should be wiped out,
- The i'oreet"rs hold their Musical and
Literary eutortainment on Friday even-
ing of nett wcok, in the Township Hall.
After tea a splendid program will be tak-
cum,' ems -Ming
addroasoe readings,
recital 'em halnyemsand vocal and u -
atru,neetat music. If the evening is fine
Glove will be a largo attendance without a
Ilratssnir.—Last Wednesday Thos.
Sample and Miss Isabella Robertson, of
date tiemeihlp, wero united is the borels
of ,••edinek. Tho nuptial bow was tied
at the manse, Blyth, by Rev. A.MeLean.
This event will not take the public by
ell prise as people imagined Ton meant
business. Mr. Mind Mrs, Sample have
the best wishes of a largo circle of friends
and acquaintances,
Sunt , s
'rn r..—A sherd time ago, in the
evening two ,non drove up to the Metho-
dist parsonage in a Cutter, and demen-
ded the privilege to put the herso in the
stables, Tho minister readily consented,
and went with oto of the men to pit the
horse away, and while thus engaged a
double team canto into the yard, turner,
round and drove away, but when the
preacher and his friend came book to the
bongo t't hi" surprise ho found ten bags of
rafts, for Ilia horse., (27 bushels in all.)
These were sent by the members of the
ithur.sli and congregation. Tho minister
had take)) upon himself to prepare the
ehIl it e , f•n• ilio Christmas tree entertain•
*neat, :noel the friends did this to shote
their appreeiaion -of his work. His horse,
if he (meld nndorstand like the boy would
like for t',hriettnas to conte three or four
tulles a year These :tete of kindnoss do
much cool. By the bye ho was not for-
got -tee on the Christmas treo for some
Unit-, n. lady no doubt, put on a beautiful
pair of hid mitts for him. May all those
Fri- na-' ,•fusty many blessings, and at lest
eternal life,
iivl> #ki.
J. '.'r'xlkcr, of (Aman s, r.,ent anuday in
',','nikt'r rot:trued to Detroit
the; .;cel:.
1'. Belly .. Co., etre puttiug a new boil-
er in :heir sawmill this wook.
Joe. Eolith loft here an Monday last
fur London, where he has %cured a situ-
Wo aro pleased to state that Jas. 'talar
shall, who has been very ill, is able to bo
around again.
Mies Ruth Jones returned home last
week after spending a few weeks visiting
friends in Thorold.
]neve Jt S. Fisher, of Holmesyilio, oe-
oupicd the pulpit in the Methodist ohnroh
on ",undo) evening last.
A joint political meeting will bo held
here on Friday evening, when melodramas
will bo delivered by Masers. Farrow and
A. load of young folks drove to the resi-
dence of Mr. Jacobs on Friday evening
last end spent a very enjoyable time in
tripping the light frantasttc, &o., till the
wee sant' homes of the nicht,
One clay last week the youngest daugh-
ter of Goo. (•1. Rowed, while riding on a
Sleigh was severely hurt, the sleigh run-
ning over her log and severely injuring ft.
Tho little patient, however, is improving
gradually and will be around again in a
few days. This should be a warning to
children not to jump en sleighs.
It is our sad and puiofnl duty this week
to record the death of ono of l3lyth's most
popular citizens, iu the person of Thos.
W. Sloan, who died at his father's resi-
dence on Friday, 281% alt. Deceased had
been in California and Arizona for acme
time to try and improve bis health, but
finding it of no avail returned home a
short time ago and iuccombed to that
dreadful disease, oansumption. 13is
funeral took place on Monday, Jan. 31st,
and was the largest procession over wit-
nessed in this neighborhood, young and
old tanning out and paying honor to their
deeetteedfviand. Tho deceased was buried
with forestry honors, of which he was a
member. The friends of the deceased
have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole
oouviitmity in their sac. bereavement.
The annual mooting of the Blyth
Branch Bible Society was held in the
Methodist church on Tuesday evoning
lash whon. Rev. Mr. Manley and the rest:
dont cjargy addressed the meeting. N.
H. Young templed the chair, and after
few brief ronnarlte introducedthe prineip-
al eponher, Rev. Mr. Manley, who deliver-
ed a mist pleasing and interesting lec-
ture. Mr. Manloy gave brief sketehcs of
Palostfpo and also proved that the Bible
wag no` of bnman but Divine origin. Wo
camtotGapeak to highly of Mr. Manley us
a iirat•class lecturer and we fool confident
in etatiyg that ho will moot with groat
ttpprociltion wherever he goes. At the
close of his address n hearty vote of
thanka vas moved by the Rev. A. Mo -
Loan, stoonded by the Roy, Mr. Kon-
nody and unanimously (myriad.. Revds.
MaLean J,nd Kennedy made a few betof
romnrles apeakiug iu high tonne of Mr.
'Manley :at a leetarer. At the close of the
meeting d resolution teas moved and 1111.
anllnottel carried, that whereas the
Secretary ,of this Society, Dr. Sloan, not
being ablete attend on coconut of be. place party above religion.
n��a�usraau�tisttSdwFt�ramraarr., Jptrp-.�
w7 tr?4111tusu diterStelSulr7 _ .5 ^�mr saue8oce
___..._ _.. C;. -a -a; i', Maud Wilton, and nulling tllgms:teem res.
The quarterly meeting of the Mcthr 11,1 :speeleblc lithe:,lt.tco 1t out a Iv t 1 i', h•^, iu
Mlle! t'ilollit, will be hind At it r'e'route pa per anlleitltag correspondence
R e'e C1110'011,uaxt tlnbbatlt morning,with gentlemen. If theso girlie, who, of
commetlning at .I4130 o'cloclt, l nomew, give fa:altieeitt ualniet, know hew
rattvemenb in his family the Bocloty ex-
tend their hesrbfelt sympathy to Julnteelt
mei family in the ear bereavement which
they hove nustained.
a1.o,t: VVot'wa.Ilolelhl.
Julttl Eliiie, le now visiting Mende In
Brookville. •
Mrs. Jentms Nethelby, is SOW very Wok
and her recovery is very doubtful.
Jas, Roth, last week got hie fingers se-
verely frozen and 114 now not able to
Robert. 13. McGowan, and Miss Maggio
Mdlowen are visiting friends et I aieley
this week.
George. Qaino, has engaged in the
agent business and is selling washing-
butohines as ohoep as they eau be macre.
We wish him greater success than ho had
et his powwow last week.
Mivsos Sarah and Jena McGowan,
when collecting for the Bible Society Inst
week were at a certain house, when thoir
horse broke loose, old leaving the plaoe
wont home but broke nothing.
OVlel ton .
•fobnny, eon of David Campbell, has
returned home from a two weeks visit to
The infant non of J'ohu MoGavin died
last Wednesday night after a sovere nod
painful illness, The fnnoral on Friday
was largely attended by friends and rel-
surprise • prise art took possession of the
A. tui party 1.
Menne of Chaff. Ritchie on Thuredy even-
ing of last week and after spending the
evening in dancing, eta , all returned
home well pleased with the night's fun.
On Sunday evening a mannamod Alex.
Skimmings, who it in "said partook too
freely of anti -Scott Ave was found of
the roadside on Monday morning with
hands and feet frozen. This dogs not
reflect much credit on tho parties who
gave the whiskey.
Num.—The ahuvo was received too
late for last weep. Ed. Pose.
Listowel .
having dissolved
Careen c G
J. E. (a
partnership 0 new firm has boon formed
between T. L. Carson and S. McKee.
At the County Council meeting last
week Wm. Bess, Mayor, was re -appoint-
ed High School Teustoo for Listowel.
Tho Conoty Sabbath School Conven-
tion, will meet hero next Tuesday and
will continuoixs session for two days. The
Sabbath School pupils are making prepa-
rations for the event, and it meeting twice
a week for rehearsals in the Town X-Iall.
On the 28th alb., Friel. 11. Green of
Kansas City, was nntrriod tet Listowol to
Miss Ha'tie A. Hawkins, sister of A. St.
George Hawkins, editor of the Listowel
Standard. Miss Alma Hawkins, sister of
the bride, was bridesmaid and Frank
Green, of this city, was the groom's best
man. The happy couple left Listowel by
the afternoon train on a trip to New
York previous to locating in Kanaas City.
. On Monday of lest week, the prelimi•
miry hem inti of tho charge again -t R.
Tremain, for alleged perjury in the Hal -
look -Leslie ease, w .s hold at rlratford,
bet, ro 3. O'Loaue, Polios Magissrate. T.
13. Rolls J. W. Scott, Mr. Dickson, the
•timrtltaud rcportor at the previous trial,
and oto or two others were examined,
end after the evidence hal been all taken,
Mr. Tremain was committed for trial at
the ;tering assizes.
Among the Morris items of your last
issue appeared. a letter, which, notwitli-
stencling the feet that it is signet. Meth•
odiet,could scarcely have been inspired
by it spirit of charity or brotherhood.
The writer insinuates, rather than as-
sorts, that Mr. Farrow is guilty of num-
erous short comiugs and proceeds tocate-
chino him in a manner entirely out of
place for auyeno, save Mr. Farrow's
pastor or class loader, and demands a
satisfactory public reply to his questions
on penalty of being regarded as having
"fallen from grace" While it is to be
regretted that such writin,; as this should
bo resorted to for political purposes, No
particular injury will be inflicted upon
anyone but the party the interests of
which are endeavored 10 be promoted
thereby. This kind of thing acts like a
boomerang in the hands of an unskilled
savage. A man remarked to rue, about
Methodist's letter, that "such contempt-
ible articles me that would make him sup-
port Farrow all the stronger" HIe said
no Methodist wrote that," and this men
is a Methodist and voted for Gibson at
bho last election. Mr. Farrow, no doubt,
regrets his inability to bo in his pow
every Sunday, and were he guided by
his inclinations instead of by his sonso of
fluty and affection he would be there.
Bub it is wall ltuotvu that Mr. Farrow
has an invlid wife, whose delicate health
conflues her to -the house almost through-
out the entire year, and for weeks at a
time to her bed, It is also well known
that Mr. Farrow's daughters aro aotivo
workers lin olmroh and Sunday School,
holding positions demanding regular at-
tondanoo. When Mr. Farrow, consider-
ing his first duty to be to his wife, to
whom lie plighted his troth "to love and
cherish through sickness and health" de.
ries himself tho privileges of the nubile
name of grace in order that he may
minister to the wants, epithets] and tem-
poral, of his situ wife, who otherwise
would be left alone, he is practicing vir-
tues which Should elicit commendation
in place of condemnation. That Mr.
Farrow does not officiate) more frequent-
ly es a local preacher is not so mash the
fault of Mr. Farrow as.tbat of the church
which bas outgrown that time honor-
ed'inetittition and reduced the size of the
eirouils so that the ordiuuotl minlstors
can now do the wholer . ?,3r. Far Bow
is a member in, goodg,
Bluevale church, He is still a local
preacher, he partakes regularly of the
saormnotts of the church, BM voice 15
hoard in the fellowship meetings. FIo is
loyal to the Methodist doctrines mud
melees iti ha interests. IIo gives Mot -
ally to the various fonds of the church.
No one W110 item(' Mr Farraw's fooling
The Grey boys extend their wannest
congratulations to Jno. Molntosh, teach.
stat Shine's school house, in his naw
position as a husband, it 5001119 tho
boys will got married,
Last Saturday morning the infant
daughter of Levi Panahaker, lot 21, con.
11, died, aged 7 months. The funeral
took place on Moseley afternoon, inter -
moat being matte at Brussels cemetery.
Last week John Oughton, lot 22, con.
G, purchased the well bred Canadian
stallion, "Voting Prince of Walce," from
Duncan AfoLaucthlin. Mr. Oughton in-
toiuta taking the animal to the North-
west in the spring.
Chao. Bishop, who recently taught in
S.S. No. 11, Goo. MoMinly, of S,S. No, 5,
and Angus McDougall, of S.S. No. 16,
aro reading up et the Soatorth High
School, for junior and stonier matrionla-
tion, Wo wish the boys success.
The boys of one oY one school sections
requested their teacher to aid them in
getting a foot ball, when to their surprise
and indignation he handed thorn a very
insignificant aunt saying 11a bad some-
thing that would get away with hie ready
money. Tho boys are wondering what
it is.
From a letter 1e
itett b
Y Miss Mary
Mitchell we learn that W.
oDou all,tt
former resident of this township, who
has had charge of a gang of 30 neon for a
new telegraph lino, C.P.R., was present-
ed with a handsome watch, with his
name engraved on it, by the men under
his charge. York Colony is Mr. McDog.
all's done in the N.W.T.
The leading event on the west end of
the 16th line last weep was tho marriage
of Alftetl Williamson, to Miss Isabella
Cod'ins, which event took plane at the
residence of the bride's father o1 Wed-
nesday of last week. May they enjoy
health and prosperity, and may their
g eabost troubles be little ones --little
troubles we mean.
A sleiyoung folks
from the
vicinity load a f Wingham og oamo to the residen-
ce of Geo. Forrest, 14111 eon., on Friday
evening of last week, where they and a
number of the young folks of bho
ty, spent a very enjoyable time until al-
most day light. 1t is needless to say that
they were most hospitably entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest, who aro the right
hind folks for an evening's amusement.
Tito marriage fever is becoming almost
epidemic in this seebion.
Dsoems.-The debate oamoloff in Shine's
school bongo lastMonday evening as an-
nounced. 'Tore wte a large attendance,
a number of ladies being in the aadioaoo.
The debate was very interesting, the sub-
ject being" lle5olved that country life is
moro condncivo to happiness than city
life." The affirmative was taken by R.
Bishop, assisted by Wm. Perrie, Alex.
Perrin, Wm• Hislop, and D. Robertson.
Tho negative by Jim. Betz. assisted by D.
Rirhie, Jas. Perrio, F. W. Martin, J. M.
Robertson, Jno. Bain, and A. Hislop.
Decision was given in favour of city life.
Jas. Mitchell, occupied the'ehair. A lit-
erary meeting will be held next Monday
°Toning, Febrt.ary 7th, wheal reeitatinns
humorous readings, singing kc. will forth
bo program. A. ;rood. time 10 expected.
I(1Cturcean C etteeet-s• Notatr,:,
William Peak, of Stoney, recently sold
a two-year-old colt for 5210, sired by
England's Glory, to Mr. McTavish, of
Aon, Tbontas. White, Minister of the
Interior, and Hon. John Darling, Minister
of Agriculture, will address as meeting in
Exeter at an early elate, in the interests
of 1, Coughlin and H. F. Shoop.
a?north C fratennv Note's:.
Elms township Council is moving in
the matter of wire fonees.
2. Dougherty, tvho was elected Mayor
of Mitchell at the recent municipal elec-
tion resigned oleo.
3. G. Gorman, of St. Marys, has re•
mewed the Canadian patent on his cele-
brated wrought iron fence for it. further
term of five years.
The Dominion Government has ap-
pointed P. Wholihan, registrar for South
Perth, the returning officer in the ap-
proaching elootion.
Dr. Trow, 5011 of lames Trow, M. P.,
who has been in England for some time,
has passed as a member of the College
of Pbysioians and Surgeons, of London.
' At the meeting ofthe Conoty Council
on Tuesday of last week, Mr. Levereage,
of Fullerton, was elected Warden of the
County, over Mr. McMillan, of North
Easthope, by a majority of one vote.
It is proposed to run as line of railway
from Tiieonhurg or Brownsville via In-
gersoll and Timbre to Stratford, and the
Ingersoll council are considering the Sues.
tion of assisting the sahome,
Mr. Clutdwiolr, one of.tlte widest known
and ablest teachers in the county, has
resigned the principalship of the Surat.
ford public schools, to become the inspect.
or of a life insurance company.
Two rinks of St. Merys curler's defeat-
ed two rinks from Goderich by 27 shots.
The Bright sudors played St. Marys
club afriendly gnome at St. Marys on Jan.
17, two rinks aside. St. Marys won by
6 shots.
The following o0iners were elected in
connection with the Blaushard Agricul-
tural Society Preselent, J. 1VIcoordy ;
Vice -President, .iiazlowood ; Board of
Directors—Geo. Bondy, Win, Sansburn,
Tuo, Copeland, C4eo. Spamrin, W. H. Gill,
Day. Creighton, W. A. Beatty, Aaron,
Sawyer, W. Hanson ; See. -Treasurer, R. 1 year.
Beatty ; Auditors, Wm. Roger and A. A.
ridionlousthoy stake t'henteelyte and what
risks they run, they would thin] twice
before doing what they have,
Tho annual meeting of the Elms, Fenn -
en; Mutual
ere•ensltlutual Fire lneur:tuco Company was
held at Atwood, on Deo. 18th. Thorn
was it fair turn -mut of members, conoid.
caring the state of the roads, Wen. Shear-
er was called to the oheir. The Auditoria'
report wee read and adopter. It showed
that the Company, daring the roast year,
had added 86 now policies, covering risks
to the amount of 5100,346. 'rbo three re-
tiring direatore, 14, McAllister, J. 13.
Hammond, and H. ti. Bothwell, were re-
elected, and Thos. F. Gibson, was elected
to complete the term of tho late William
Hammond. On motion of Mr. I,00inhead,
seconded by Geo. Cleland, a unanimous
veto oftlutnkatvnogiven t) tors
for the efficient manner in which they
have ounelected the business of the Com-
pany ter the past year. Atter meeting
of the Diaootors elect, Win. Shearer was
ee-eleetod President ; James Demaldson,
Vico-President ; Robt. Cleland, Sooretsl'y-
Treasurer, at same salary an last year -
550 per =nem ; and Wm. Keith and W.
Heard, Auditors. Applications for in
saranoe were received and =wanted,
amounting to the the sum of 58,300.00.
On motion ed the e Direct-
ors were authorized to charge the sum of
fifty cents for each application for addl.
tional insurance. The meting then ad-
journod ti)l the that Tuesday in March
SAD Dadra —Ono of those tragic events
the news of which make the blood run
cold, happened in Blanshard vacantly,
the victim being William Sansburn, an
old and respected resident of tine town-
ship, who was found dead near his stab.
los, about three o'oloek Friday afternoon.
It appears that the deceased in company
with one of bis eons and Andrew Detwel-
ler, hie brother-in-law from Fnllartot,
wont clown to the stables after dinner to
look at the horses—two fine Clydesdales
of which the owner was justly proud.
Shortly afterwards Mr. Detweller and
his nephew loft deceased and went to the
son's house on Gita farm. In the mean-
time Me. Sansburn had taken out "Ohne-
ley Ross," the older horse, to exeroiso
him. Notieieg that the yaungor ':arse
"Lad in Blue" was not in the enclosure,
it is surmised that Mr. Sansburn turned
"Charley Ross" loose, not being aware of
the fact that the door of the stall contain-
ing the younger horse, was insecurely
fastened by being propped up with a slick
on the outside. In running around the
yard, it is thought that "Charley Ross"
knocked down the stick which scoured
the stall door and out Dame the younger
horse and both animals commenced fight-
ing.' It is alleged chat Mr. i'meburn at-
tempted to separate the =Muffs and in
doing so was wreck on the head with ono
of the horses feet and instantly ki'lerl.
Tho Rest to discover the tragic event was
Mr. Detweller, who wits returning from
the deceased's sen's hon -o, and noticing
the Horses fighting in the encloenro, ran
up to find his brother -in -late lying on his
hack dead. Deceased's sou WAS the next
on the spot nue with the assistance of
soverel neighbors the noun who had walk-
ed out of his Rouyn in the beat of health
one hour pre'•ious wag carried in a corpse.
Jen examination of the injuries sustained
by deceased resulted in Jiudiug that ho
had received a terrific blow on the fore
part of the lead front the horse's foot bo -
sides being severely bruised about the
face beyond recognition: 'rho horses
Gismo out of the melee with a few slight
C7al,eaatc'diasl IN• trve r,.
A ,V111111g titan named McLeod was btsd.
lyhusl es Lev .1 t t'. i, ('"r'ot's :;w1/•
ntlll, Ban stale, tluni:eke. 11.• fell leak•
ward me the saw, htflieiing n 1'rriblo
genii from Isis i rltt shoulder to the left
hip. The ea'i erne gunum d np tt'irt
wool and flesh, But for his overseer( be
would undoubtedly have lost his lite.
It its proposed to establish a new aye.
tent of cable cars in 'Toronto, Tho idea is
to establish a circular route in the city o:t
etreete not 000npiect by i.he presort Street
Car Company. A company Inas been Gar -
met, with a capital of e2.0e0,000 to rnt'ry
out the project. The matter will oeme nn
for dimension in the Council' ,I: truly.
Wm. Fnngse, a young tuna living et
No, 23, Napier street, Hauultot, land for
three years been greatly troubled with
an ingrown toe rail. Ho went to 1)r.
Pllilp's aloe for the purpose of having
an operation performed, Chloroform
was administered while the operation
was being performed. The unfortunate
Profs Gltiet5,t,,
—at the .
Paralytics toad other Ltv:tads, beyond
the marsh of ordinary skill, are. all bone.
fittedand some of diens :Marvellously aur•
ad by his Treatment, Ne reedioino need,
Help for All. The most ecopticii (lon-
viateed, No Cash Hopeless. The Blind
can be made to Hoo, the Deaf to Hear and.
the Larne to Walk. Charges very iI,id-
arol,' Ram:masa m.ti.r 'roams mom,
roan never recovered eonseionsneso, al-
tltougbtlto combined skill of five physi-(•,• ,rhe iVdsh of Gruy '.Pawnelnfp, has
clans were exercised to try and saves his ,mon Lir years nllli tai whit a severe
life, rho died it short time afterwards. been
Complaint awl condi get no re-
lief. Professor Gostin (]taxi him with-
• out Medioine,
of ore Meetings.
Meetings to be held as follows : -
JL.RNBALL'b h".anal
. Heves, Uth sou
Grey, Tuesday, Feb. I ,til, at 7:30
ti cle.:t p. 111.
Per the benefit of people similarly af-
flioted I wish to state that Professor
Gostin has restored the 1,o of my hands,
shish have boon partially paralyzed ani
almost taw Bless for Lye rs defying
i a o v yea
all:Aber treatment.
JAxns Srnurs'oa, son.,
Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
SMITH'S 12018006 Horse 0th c:na. tarry, 1
Wednesday, Fob. 11,111, ttt 7:30 pen.
ETIIIIL, Thursday, Fob. 17th, at 7:30
o'olook p. m.
Cl1ANBROOM, Dotes' Meter., friday,
Fob. 181b, 7:80 p. tn,
WHITPD1ILD'S ammo", House, con. 12,
Grey, Monday, Fob. 21st, 7:30 p. m.
lit, p.m.
7:80 p.m.
1701811IS Towx 17,LL, Friday, Feb. IRth,
at 7:80 p.m.
BUTTON'S Scntoni., Morrie, :Chetre:lay,
Feb. 17th, 7:00 p.m.
GOSMAN'S Sefton, Morrie, Monday,
Feb. 21o1, 7:30 p.m.
BELGRAVE, Wednesday, Fels. 16tH, at
7:80 p.m.
Tho electors at each Mooting to be Ad-
dressed by Loading Reformers.
Cardial [civil alien to Ali, :t Special
One to readies.
rt)D SAYE 'U'iUE i.NEEN.
Tho Quebec Ministers are to bo ro.oiec-
ted on the 21st February.
Tho coal conspiracy case at Toronto
ended in a verdict of acquittal.
Mr. Blake held a meet euacessful
meeting in Montreal hest Monday night.
Sam. Jotos 15 to deliver a couple of
lectures in London about the middle of
The movement on foot in Toronto to
aeoure shorter working horn's for shop
girls is taking definate shape, and it is
expected will probably result in suoeoss.
J. D. Williamson, merchant, of Guelph,
who sailed for England on a purchasing
tour Jan. 10, died in Edinburgh three
days after his arriyal. His body will be
sent (tome for interment.
$114,740 is the sum it cost the rate-
payers of Canada up to 1886 to furnish a
house for Air Charles Tepper in which
he might live in luxurious idleness in
London. Ile is a,11 expena1V0 animal to
Manager Cushman has arranged the
following dates foe the Torontos in April :
Ninth and 10th at Cintohmeti ; 14th, 15th
and 10th et Pittsburg ; 19%, 200 and
21st at Washington ; 23rd and, 25th at
'.Cho following is the now diroctoratoof
the K. of L. I3ieouit Works, Chatham :—
N. 11. Stevens, Charles Ltuntieg, Joseph
Poets, George Hope, Dr. hall, William
Carswell, 0. B. Bunn, 1C, Clatnpboll told
Jno. McLean.
Tho Germania Savings Bank Jeremy
City, N. J. closotl Saturday morning.
Cl. M. E. Schroder, secretary and tree•
surer, is missing, and is believe to have
gone to Canada. A. deficit of 530,000 was
discovered 111 the oath aeoaunt.
Tho Duke of Argyle writes, to the Lon-
don Standard eentondieg that thousands
of English an'tieans pay double turd treble
the amount paid by Irish workmen for tt
hone, filo land of the latter prodnning
enough tc feed their fanniliee for half' a
1 ,:lir Charlet Tupper has entered the
D Tub following gentlemen were re -sleet- Doutiniml Cabinet. pts Minister of 1'!.
ed officers for tie present year, in contee- I muse. 1fou. A. W. Ifforeelete heeoning
thin with the Newry Agriattlttlt'at 5oaiety: Pestiphelol'•Ganlal'Etl anal Sir Al(xanclor
—Ptosidont, Jno. 13. Hamilton; Viee- Campbell "string from the klintstty. Sir
President, Wm, Horn ; E. Ileum", Wm, Charles and on, 11 r, 1tIbL elan has loft
Forrest, James Duncan, V. Coulter, J. Ottawa to' No11'va Fcutia to uuntguratc
Gray, Inn. Ilowat, John Graham, J. W. I the campaign thorn.
Boyd, and Robt. Ford as Directors. Amt.
address at the Sabbath sobool saevioo 011 I store las, Irwin and Geo. Riahntonc..
Sunday, Dec. Atli '83, could doubt that Secretary-'Creastrtor, .t Morrison. el
his heart is in the right pl
is sound in the faith. Th
to establish Mr. Farrow'
support nt every ltobho:1i
A Maditobm paper MOTH Hutt the Don1-
inion Gorvornment will shortly omit for
I teudes's asking for the delivery of sand
son or that ho surplus of 52SU was reported in hand. 1 grain for settlers in the Territories. Tho
neo luta ought 'rho St. Marys Ames man takes off Lia ' abreage to bo pot tinder crop for the nom -
al claim 10 tho coat end deals out the following :—A ring epring will be far in advance of last
5t tylia tines not coupled giddy petters of St. Marys, giv- 1 year therefore tho number at husltole re.
ing their names na Flora Wheeler (imp guided will but oonsidorablo,
30 DAYS 30
Cllriittuas and New Year's Bar
gains at tho Brussels
Woolen Mill.
I have the finest and largest
stock of Fine Yarns ever seen in
Brussels. 1 will sell the best
worsted yarns, which Have
at U cts. poi' oz., awl an extra
fine quality of cashmere wpr.ds at
8 cts. per ounce for the next 50
days, commencing Friday, Dec.
.4th, for °rill Only.
Now is the Time
to secure yule" bargains, cone
early and have your choice in
Black, Brewn, Navy Bine, Royal
Blue, Light Blau, Garnet, Card-
inal, Claret, Hearlot, Dark G•roen,
Bronze, Light Grew, Yellow,
Orange, and a host of other col-
ors, too illntler'olld to mention.
Prof. Gostin yielding to the
earnest cntreatits of ,lis D:bt401te
hate (lecid(d to prolong itis pro-
fessional visit at the Queen's
Hotel, Brussels, fir throe weeks.
mono, where his services can he
commanded by thoaw requiring
thorn. Below are appended et
few more of the many wonderful
cures effected by hint since last
John Rtynard, lob Li, cue. 6,
Groy, states from a healthy
strong man I have been i'o•l:teed
to a state of incapacity for any
work with weak b:lcl:, general de-
bility and diabetes. With three
treatments from Prof. Gi•i'i:1 i
arm as well 118 even'.
13nt cornu and sec for yourself
and be convinced that you have
Amok the Biggest Bargains o
the season.
� ., mug DA � Come ►��� a��
GEO. 1-101ABE
TEE i3LmND 81113, ---Euphoria
McDougall, of Grey township,
has spent hundreds of dollar:; on
her infirmities without any re-
lief. Besides sciatic 1)911(1 and
and general debility she has ham
blind for four years. ',V ilia two
treatments from. Prof. Gusf,in
she has been re8t0r'e(1 to both
sight and health and will ht'
happy to give '1111y infe1',thLtlell.
Tun Limn 1}Ana.--Xfr:;. David
Henderson, of Ethel, has offered
up her canes at the shrine of
Prof. Gustin s magnetic influ-
ence. She was paralyzed on cue
'side and could scarcely trove.
She wishes it made public for
tho benefit of'otllers.
av,ssarmem.:ssniusawras ao
Amos McFadrettn, of"the 1.7th
con., Groy, testifies that he has
suffered so severely with dyspep-
tic pains that for nearly six
months ho could scarcely eat .
anything and has visited the best
medical skill in Torou.o without
relief. Two treatments from
Prof. Gustiu has removed all
pain and his .appetite is com-
pletely restored. He recom-
mends all suffering similarly to
visit the Professor.
Tho Professor has now a case
under treatment which will put:
his powers to the test. A. lady, -
from near Listowel, who is de-
ranged. We will hear from bor
next week.
A. son of Joseph :Kellner, of
Groy, aged 14 years, whose left
arm was paralyzed by lightning
a number of years ago, has been
successfully treated by Prof. Gus -
tin and his left arm is rapidly
becolning as faithful a servant as
the right.
To WHOM 1T *IN 00ene nte7. --t
gives me pleasure to state that
my daughter, Mary, who h:ba
been crippled with rheumatism
for the past 13 years, and latter -
by was about helpless and dying
by inches, 1. believe, has been tin-
der the treatment of k'r.if. Gas-
tfn, the Magnotic Healer, and is
now in a, fair way to complete •
restoration, Sho .is nowable to
move her limbs with cto111ptb1t1 ';' -
0a80 and. I attribute ;}lie graft
change to Prof. (ustiu'it, ty,rtt-
ment and believe hien to he
worthy of the confidence of :,tie
Public, espeeially those suffor,.ig
from any such disease.