HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-4, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST 1411. 4., 1887. aiivimmi4 uronsommommilmamiimiummannasegOadeRt2Z4VAIROV/614{WW4ANIAgagrpSMAZKYNA'arr4AMIWraleUTO. hnOV..1:1aNIrgra0,45=inittVWVt.:f.trilt&ICy, ,SL..31$91VERga101:2107 Aretierff,rnalMWM laVarh To the Electors of the East are et it hemmer and tonge, bet him Voto ,A,.1 tup),), Morris d Grey U1,9588 Factory there Kenna to be no pruby of j other rip 0,1wr of hid low); say Day ? Riding of 1111P017 Oounty. the latter cu tiug down Air. Cattier- I Tlto r y nunnti b» t'btRiue" • and patrons of the Morrie 5: Grey Cheese The anneal meetiug of the eh:trot:Olen (lantlenten :—. on's majority' of 18if.el, and we would 1 exeept by putting the nsiorin party ' niel Butter Factory was held in the Town 111,611w, cporicits”ll,t,00tagantzcitywaafstelironanoj It will he your privilege in a few days not be inuell atteprised to Hee the ffia at tiw head of the Governmeet But to eloot 0 reereeentative to look after member returned with three figural the queetiou entire itp, 11014 Mr. Ver. the affairs of the pest year were l'freely and fully illecussed, your intereste in the Federal Parliament, in 100 autiori•t. M y r. POI tor Las 00)8 alwitys 44(1)1111by Ins tem pereuce Tho Pre-ideut, Silo. Strachan, oceupied As you are aware 1. Sill the candidate in not helped Lth, ea000 any by beitig pimples ? True, he has voted for the chair, the interest of the Liberal party. 1. take . 1.), Stewart, Secretary, road the follow. 88110h0 giving facto emil figures from seine inetteuren ill opposition to ihe this opportunity to respectfully soliciting report : -- your "0)00 and infinence.h 1 ...opa to be an eurevised edition of the Hansard. lefulor end mime' to whitio 1,0 0 wes SEM:IMO. 9110 to address the most of you from the It full to the lot ef D. McGillicuddy hie Rhein:twin lint in 1588 wo fuel, 30's,;(1661.? 08 e!r" latform when I shall state my views , to eorner him up on this matter at f800l g.iivernment returns, that in lird. " " eminection will' the tie0.10 by Act '1'21 int reourtied hie tette to itiltie liquor this 10 110110 there Is no dnebt but Lidural to be sold to guests of hotels from L„,Totolg„t principles will bo sustained and 'Oast have been chosen instead of a reel- 12 to 1:30 and from 5:30 to 7 o'olock Iluron retiremea. tient of Binicoe Co. The We' t pen. on tho filibbittii, as if they *Received on shares I have the honor to be, 0011t10111011. Huron representative is a thorn in needed it •ei y more then peeving Total Your Humble Servant, the side of the Dominion Govern. boarding eleetvliere. On Hon, T. DISDIT1tSRAIRST14, P. MACDONALD, M. D. meat. White's 1011111 option law maiinu Balenee from 1885 Paid haulers In South Iluron, which is known usking that it require a 3-5 vete to ,• mahhig cheese Winghain, Jan. 25, '87. . /IS a Grit hive, mede so by the Do. cerry thie temperance legislation, " Petrone, in cash mieion Government, there will be a Mr Farrov.. voted for the 1)100100,:: Fnastiraontt, .iicein elieeee till ,c4411Z7tItiStnIttl31S. walk over for the highly esteemed iiiid %ellen Mr. 13Ii41(e moved that. the "i it:till:tie, tnii.,,c1 pass books —.._ Reform candidate John geltlillan. Jamieson Bill have precedence in .. Door for Service—Robt.3Kichol." Hauling elicese Hivrision.. ' A. 11r. Reith, of Elay townehip, is a the order of debate the East Heron Bull for Sale--jno. Oughton. . • e Piping .10.self eenatttuted opponent, with the repreeentative, by his vote, seid No. e Draining upon the nubile queetions of the day. I ask my friends to be native till the lad vote will bo milled on the '22nd pro. If a n0oet11)g held et Beemiller. Rad there boon any chance seen to oust Mr. Cameron a local man would 3 528 40 1027 08 21304 55 2502 '17 4108 011 21.0502 54 84 00 310467 85 40 00 210507 85 Turnips for Sale— e er Farm hand Wanted—Joseph 110o1 0. Dreegmaking—Miss McGuire, Wood Wantrd—W. 31. Kerr. 'Reform itieetings—Dr. Macdonald. Testimonials—Prof. Gustin. • Nrmsels 41.a5t. FliIDAY, FEB. 4, 1887. AT 1110 Reform convention held at Kincardine en Tuesday, Hon. Edward Blake was nominated as the candidate for West Bruce. most successfnl ngriculluralists in the Colinty and is universally re - Tin, Local Legislature will inset on Thursday of next -week for the despatch of business. There is 00 - thing of very great importance, out. siae of private Bills, to be brought before this ses‘don. lle. Ileteerme, the Rform canal sative side, who represented the _ ridiug for the pest three term.; of office. The Dr. 114 1) sharp, shrewd business men, with a well balanced mina, thoroughly conversant with the 111080 1)111 present position or tho promised support of the Coesorvot- Wo would like 31r, Flnow to ex. ive party, is in the field but he ay. plain to the elect:ire ',eked, wan said clines to discuss the political ques- to the delegatious from WIngl,ane tions with Mr. 1101Rn/tn. From that waited on him before 10 went present Indica tic) s ho 10 merely put to Ottawa, concerning the Wine up to be knocked down and we au- and Beer Ameuilmenis and if lie tioipftte the sturdy yeoman of Etil stated to thee. gentlemen that they let township will bo elected by over could not count on hie it ? F.00 or 1,000. lir. McMillen ie Take the attitude of t he Mail, whik well 'versed on the iseuee of the day too organ of tho party, and that of and has already put in part of a its satelites fro, 0,30 00,1 of the term at Ottawa. Ire is one of the e,i u try to the other and SVtll'y 1)10)1 14'111 W,•11.1SII, welo have their oyes upon, will see that their opposition 111 temperauce legielation lute been, first, last and always, most bitter. Huron County is a fuir example 11 you 14110(1) illustrations that aro handy. We refer to this motto), nut because a man has not 10 right to act his own pleasure and vote as he sees lit, but wo won't allow any person to trade on the eympathies luta support of eqeare dealieg wet fair minded electors if we can help it, aud whether one repreeentative 1(3 thoroughly temperance or thoreuell lei auti•itimperitnee we wah t. hie 411 .1110 and vote iu ale liense of Par liament to be Cie eriteriou awl let Mtn stend or fall by Ins prineiples. • larlISSCIS e...1 spected. Coming north we soon got into East Huron where the contest, is be- tween Dr. Macdonald, onVinglinin, on the Reform side, and Thomas Farrow, of 13111041/%10, on the Comer - date in North Perth, owing to fam- ily reasons, has resigned his puei- thin mei Dr. Johnsteu, of Millbank, has taken the field in his etead, 111 opposition to Mr. Heseon . • two political 50411)011 and 1100 .they AN enchange eays imealcal have managed peliticel affeirs. He free trade wile .1 fait of the is very outspoken ma the temperance question and is a tottil abstainer from all intoxicants. Li years that aro past he has taken n lively inter est in the municipal matters of the WWI] 1 11 1)111011 lie resides and has proved himself well able to handle public questions with vigor coupled with economy and. ability. In his profession he has had marked suc- cess and is highly respectod by hie brethren of the saw and cross bones. Tbe Dr. is a self-made Mall and will make n very worthy representative of Bast Huron in the .Dotninion House during the neet five years. Few naen 01011 oompare with Dr. Macdonald on the platform, in deal- ing with political questione or other subjects and his eau, firma delivery and convincing manner of "nailing" his points give him a etanding that few public men ever attain. The riding istvell organized and it 15 generally expected, by morn than the supporters of the Liberal eandi. Protectioniste when they were de• oeiviltr; the farmers of C4,,,w,13 with folee premises. Jug -handled pro- tection 111, however, a mueli more tieriouti matter to those who have to pay the ehot. teed that is wlmt our peewit tariff lies given. The ferni- er or laborer who buys a 1' eel is taxed by the tariff 85 per ; the rich man'e gold watet. pays only 25 per cent., and hie diamotele telly 10 per cent. The ebettper grades of cotton, of jeans and 01 ginghemo are taxed 40 to 50 per eetit., the duty ranging (rein 1 110110 11) 2 emits per yard; and 15 per cont. additiou- al, while silks and silk velvets are taxed only 80 per cunt. It is the policy of the Liherel party to shift the burden from the backs of the poor and place it on the wealthier classes, and to that end the iniquit ous tariff will be readjusted. Tun passing of a resolution, by the County Ouuncil condemning the date, that Reform principles will proposals laid down by the promot- 1)80v1011111 Emit Huron and that the ers of tho 500500011Counties of milli on the 22,nd will prove. it. Maitland and Lansdowne, which was moved by the Reeve of Grey, TMo editor of Grip struck the and etconded by the Reeve of How. iek, shows quite platnly that the DOW schema will not work and that the eleetors of the municipalities of sell will not countenance the med. 1418 t% 1" ' 1)01 dling of outside corporations in for the advancement uf temperance breaking up satisfactory existing II astho Cr"1-ttt A0t" the Scott Aob the local legislation. In the boundaries for the purpose of (oath. "" votes taken during the past sessions siring their own nests with County the. Conservatives, froin Sir Min towns with all their adjuncts. Bruit down, voted dead. against the 0410. 01011 Council backed up the resolu- tion passed by 1110 cotibby Council tailing or abolishing of the liquor with very raro exeeptione, and the Connoils of the other three I trilirla' while the action of the 31111000 V108 municipalities 1;1;011111 do lilunviio, There ie need of a vote being high handed in the cxtretne. Tlies; who is soliciting the Buffing - taken on this CO. town qnestion and I Fr""wi es of the electorate of Heat Huron, is wo believe the Local Legislature said to he supporter and atIlmeate of W11505111100 principlee, sup- posing he could be elected anti the Conservative government returned to power what good would it do for nail on the head, ail depicted in onr cartoon, who u ho goo the - 3.10. form party credit with doing more for the cause of temporaueo than Taxes " Curd mill end fi eight .... 91)10 " Test tubes, tape, tto 3 75 " Salaries 140 00 " Printing 11 00 " Brick ana iron platee 5 25 " Interest - 16 00 Pi 87 0 62 45 23 25 86 74 10 47 1310 14- :124 90 7565 65 200 72 40 05 8 05 5 00 1 00 7 50 14 56 2 25 8 05 " Lumber " Hardware " Hardware " Salesman's expenses Balance A. special meeting of the above men- tioned burly was" held in the Council Chambers on Monday evening, all the members present, the Reeve in the chair. The following accounts wore presented for payments :— Jno, Mee -dews on salary as cue - taker, 237.50 Mrs MoGarvie, charity, 26,00 Watson Ainlay, wo. k at Town Hall, 8,75 J. D. Ronald, repairs to engine, • 8,55 Thomas, Miller, wood for Hall, 0,00 Jas. Somerville, " " 3,48 Geo. Broker, expenses to Grey Coun- cil re settlement of Land Im. provement Fund, 1,50 Jew. Hargreaves it Co., miseella- Mom, 55 Walker tt; Humphries. repatire to Hay wales, 50 Moved by Geo. Broker, 0011011588 by Jno. Wynn that the above accounts be paid. Carried. Moved by Geo. Beaker, seconded by W. H. Kerr, that Jno. Meadows be ro-enga- ged as °embalm of the TONVII Hail and fire engine, for another year, at 2150,00 por annum, he to receive 81,00 for every dance held the Hall end 50 eehts for every other entertainment or mooting when no rent is paid for uso of hall and that ho have full oontrol of property ap- pertaining to the Town Hall. Carried. ' 3Yfoved by W. H. Kerr, seconded by R, Graham that the atonal grant to the Band be $1.00 to be paid quarterly, on condition that they give a weekly concert daring the summer months. Carried. Moved by W. IL Kerr, seconded by R. Challam, that ‚.re petition the Ontario Goverment not to take Brussels from the Co. Huron, as the promoters of Oho pre - posed Go, of Maitland would suggest, as we do 1100 deem it; advisable to form so Howielt, Wroxeter, Grey 11ua Bros- their opponents. Ile piethres the many. small Counties. Carried, • • I It f Tins concluded the business of the Total 310507 85 91;BETTLISD 100001710(0 4 56 74 Balance on hand as above 81 fi9 36 57 Accounts to collect Deficit for 1886 Total Interest payable February ancl March 168 00 10 00 2178 00 3178 00 Salary evening and the Council adjourned to meet again on the regular evening of meeting. The Northwest 1110)4 boon experiencing baa storms and very govero cold. Mr. Mereier's majority in the Quebec Assembly is now put clown at Owen. An adjournment of the Quebec: Legisla- ture till the 16111 March has hem decided on. 8.10110 1,200 ONO /e11110110 in Piotou County, Novo Sacitio, littve strnck en ac- count of a reduction, Ole 'Whyte 33000118014 1008 engaged oom deleting revival serviews in the Norfolk Street Methodist Church, Guelph. On rhurgany anor000n the Dose% County Council made a grant of 2100 to each of the oompantes of the 210, Essex Patklion, to be expended in the 500411680 01 3711011100 busbies, At the same time, in response 00 10 notice of motion given by Dr. King, the Council granted the sum of 3125 to the Kingsville ailvalry 000011 tor military beets, will say so too. Tun contest in the three ridings of Huron goes bravely rah, in 1110 west 101, 0. Outcrop 4411d E. Porter Total nhomrrins Bills payable li°800 00 Thos. Smith, lumber, .On., ingvand repairs 40 10 22840 00 Total STATISTICS. Total lb. milk received 1 172,958 " :Lbs. cheese made 108,780 " Average lbs, milk to a 11, 10 cheese 10.78 Average price per lb. for :reason 0 7.10 ots Average cost drawing per gallon 13003 Expense of making, with whey returned 2i de Factory °potted on May RAI:, 11100011 Oat. 23rd—running 341 dept. *This item is treated as ordinary rev- enue as capital items for about same amount on opposite lido aro treated in the same mariner. The above report was certified to by F. S. SCOTT, 1Auditors. 3'. M. MCINTOSH, ) Moved by Tho-. Strachan, seconded by Janice Turnbull that the report be ac- cepted and. adopted.---Oarried. Moved by Donald MoLauchlin, second- ed by .Ino. Forbes that Thos. Strachan take the chair and that the election of °facers for the current year be taken up. Carried, Jno. Robertson and W. H. Kerr were appointer Scrutineere. The following persons were elected no Directors :—John Straolian, James Ire- land, George Brewer, Peter McDonald (Oranbrook) and Hugh Lamont. There were fourteen persons nominated. F. 3, Scott was res.ppointerl auditor. Jno. Forbes was re-elected salesman and it to be allowed 22.00 per day and railway expenses when working for the Company. Tho question of what was to be done with the whey for 1887 was discussed in a very animated manner. It was moved by Jas. Turnbull, seconded by Hugh La- mont that the whey be sent home to the patrene. Moved in amendment by Donald Me- Lauehlin, seconded by :Jacob Nrauter that 010 )81103' be sold at tho factory. The motion carried by quite a majority. At a meeting of tho Directors D. Stew- art was appointed Secretary and Straoh- Bros. Treasurers for the company. Mr. Robertson has been retained as cheese - maker. The factory hashed e. very successful year and with a little exertion on the part of the Directors and patrone 3, larg- ely increased business will be clone this year. Prof. Robertson jytts unable to be pres- ent owing to hie having to attend m 1i'47112. ors' Institute rut Owen Sound. ILESALE li g J1? Pow Ell DODS Now he Slaughter Coniinances in Earnest. Genuine, Clearing If ever goods were slaughtered; and genuine Bargains given it will be from now until lst Maroh, the- • e ARK!. USE® Bargains will be the word. Our Dry 000)11, Boots & Shoos, &c. goinglike sninv in the Spring. The big break in PPlOOS Telling Handsomely in our favor, Bargains for Everyboily at the Garfield House. Thy potipb•'t, Great Money Making, Money Saving opportunity. For Bargains that your very pocket book will talk, about, when you go home, Come to us. No doubt sonic will say that this is another newspaper blazo but come and see us, and you will be con- vinced that the blaze is among the Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes &c. this time when you see the panic prices '.VC aro quoting. &i.,eucoal News. A Bill appropriating 3100,000 for the relief of the drouth sufferers peseta the Texas Senate last week. The annualboat race between the Cam', bridge and. Oxford University crews has been fixed for March 26. The Emperor William's fetes in Mareh will last seven days. Besides the Czar, Ole Emperor of Austria will bo 001(111.1' 101100. At a meeting of the barb.wit:e pool at Chicago a general advance of from live to ten per cont. in priong was adoptod, to take effect immediately. The exhibition whieli is to bo hold at Melbourne to eolobrate the settlement of Australia will (mon on the Jot of Augrett, 1888, and wain= 010 100110110. .A. company of Canadian capitalists bee undertaken to light Romo by oleetricity under a POW system. Tho plant of the company will bo operated by water power turrushoil by turbine wheels in the l0Ivoll weter-falbs. All Profits Given Away to our Customers. This great cost price sale for let "ASIR ONTalr. We want some Cash, these hard times, and if, prices are any ob- ject. COIVI AIT -r) SJW We now advise all Bargain Seekers not to purchase any Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, &c. until you visit this great Cost price Slaughtering Sale as the BARG-AINS wo are offering will Eclipse anything ever 1(110011 in Brussels or • Huron County., OtErME5EZ, TNAK--14 0,11a We Will give you more goods for 80)0 11)0)103' than 3'011 (ATV got 'before. • 17. -ler Garfield House, the great Honse for Bargaiu Itanteni. • G. A. POWELL, The Great Bargain House. Cost Price Sale For Cash Only.