HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-4, Page 3{ i; 14 Fr% 4, 1887. Mtn, MY FRIEND, (live me the tlriend with open heart, with frank and manly brow, Who scores d asItian's scheming art, And falsehood's traitor vote. Av, 0110 that, when tllo world's chill frown Fell darkly on the soul, Will lift the spirit up, and crown With joy life's mantling bowl. Clive ma the frioud with courage high, Who knows iio (toward feat/', And manhood, from his aprlking eye, Shines out scrono and clear. Not one that, when detraction's voice E!tillga as nn addo•'o fang, Will, soarot, in 011(113 wound (300t00, And in °telt bitter pang. One that, when all tho world forsakes, Wily but the closer oling ; Who counts alt sacrifice he makes A0 naught, if p(:ucc it bring. This io the heart for whish mine yearns, The friend for whom I pine ; Tho soul for whom mina ardent burns, Dear friend, furs 1. nod in thine. '.11111 ULD 111:.1 ON'S LAAMENT. ],'s, I've born d°acou of our church N i v i, onto fifty yews, Walk (t in the say of (10oty, too, Aad kept my conscience oh ar, 1'vu watolted the children growin' up, "-loon brown locks tondo. gray, But aovor a1IW soot/ d.in's yet As those I've seen to -day. Thi., chnroh was built by godly men, '1'o worify the Lord, 1., seventeen hundred oigbtyoi,giit r "Ila; couldn't then afford t'arileta and coshing!' and sock like --- Lite scuts were jest plain wood, Too narler for the al. . py ones ; le, prayer we alms stood. And when tho h330010 w. re givuu out, I tell yon it w•nv +a141111 '.6, 110ar our ]c„d. r na301 tit - taste', \i'ith tunic' -fork in hand ! '!'hen gu.dl old "L 111110,' '•dtears,” and all, ‘Vere heard on 'iabbeth clays, .l' d "ten and women, boys and girls, i'irul in the song of praise. But that old pulp1t 1 1 my pride— Jost eight feet lrOn the gtuand '0,.-y d roared it up un either side .\. nacre)/ stair wont down ; The trout and ends we, e fitly carved With Scriptor stories all--- Fiudiu' ,J Moses, .3 iamb's dream, The annual interest is $21 a min uta, O{isistairt01 7Y (i C4"ts. Normals claims a population of 1,000. A. Crttwthers, of Harwood, sold a 610 hog at 1 etorburo' recoatiy. It is rttuhored ie, ;\1cutrehl that Ct, A. Soneettl has berm made a Sena- tor, A. now now8pnp0a will bo started in Oakville in tho o''nrso of .a few weeks. At Nackawick, N. 13, a few days ago, a pbutiff sued for $15 and do. Nucleoli trot a verdict for $25. di M. Tait, of Moutreul, htts baeu .app noted jndgn in place of tho late judge Snowman, ,1f trio 801300mi. Gaut, Edward 11:'elt, b•4rri'(t.'r, of Cur. 011'0, b u. , r',u d tc .alt r'0 $10,000 against 1111 (11'11)33 for calling him "11'ibei 11- alt." I)uring 1,1s. yeas J. (1. Palter. R Co b 011.(1 ,.v..•' ono and a quarter unl 1 0) 0-.0 ,dg of freight at Beth. bruit. , N \t', 'I' I is 1 y„rl( d that the young la de •of 11& a. vnlle have boycotted the me111hers , 1 thur,,nti shaving elnb of rl 1'13 ba!vation Army propose to eruw a ?18,0(30 harrache 111 Bramp tot., 011'.1 )lave already raisotl $1,000 for the purpoee. At Gucip,: 011 Toesd'ty a mad dog w11'. loe.ti•(1 1(1 r4l'0 (11, then lad o00d t010t1.111 a window, tied to an apple (.3411, and allot Ten of the tw4lvc' members of tins Whitby Council for 1887 aro EnglielI aim. and 01' amen. of the Sons of England Society, Tho IllaIChnrd A.gricnitaral Cie•3y has h,"1 the co raga to declare a boycott mon: lit tun loon) press be, mimes it will not i:ublis!1 tho prize list (1 the s .ciety for Scolia.;. The Canadian Pacific Beltway pais 1 -(ln.l I., Ohlef Cr 113310 ,1 011: tt '24x‘2, 3(1'110'( 1p slz0, lla't'1 p103 I .3i;r 1410101011.(boiu•er art(n e !I 4 00 34:,111 !,, 1110 0bie1last (3(3(3)31(1,,4 t' 1r pus pnrpuso. 1) 'AR. Kay :'t' Kinonl'dine, lis,1 a remarkable silver •r.atchwhich has 1343 sinful Allem 's full. beau ticking away c'm,is% ,ly for 27 40s:1.00111 31(0!(10 to put a cheer, years, and ,luring all this tune it. The Bible on the ledge 1188 neither hoop cleaned nor regal - (1'11 0w'11 1 dill .;t't nervous when red, 41101 11 1.. cis excull11nt Limo. Ile shoved it to 111e edge). 'Chue,week byweek, Ilioparson 01,10'1, Rev. 7110.11obertsou, Sup rinte:n• The Scripter to expmmd ; dent of the Presbyterian Missions in 111410, man and boy, I've sot below, , the North-west, has raised about $6, And not a fau[t was found, 000 ie, this ci.y in his (liferent visite Of 00.000, I've 00013 groat changes moo, And fought ag'iust'um, too ; But first a choir was intordooned, Then cushings in each pew ; Next, boughten carpets for the floor, And thou, that very year, Wo got our now melodeon, And the big shandyle.'r. Well, well! I tried to keep things straight, I went to ov'ry mat tin', Akin voted "No” to all thoy said, But found my infln'nts fleetin'. At last the worst misfortnn' fell - 1 niust blame Deacon Brown ; Ho helped tho young folks when they said Tho pulpit should conic down. • They laughed at all those pious scones I'd found so edifyiu' ; Said, "When the parson rose to proaeh Ifo looked a'most like flyin' ;" Said that "Elijah's chariot Jost ]calf -way up had tarried ;" And Deacon Brown sot by and laughod, And so the pint was carried. This was last neck. Tho carpenters Have n0n17y made au end- 1Sxcuto my fuelin's. Seems to me As of I'd lost a friend. "It made thoir nooks acho, loolcin' up," Was what the folks dict say ; More lookin' up would help us all In this clegiu'reAo day. 'I']to church won't never seem tho 0am0 (I'm half afearod) to me, Under the pueaobin' of tho truth I'vo bon so used to be. And now—to 000 our parson stand Like any oonlm0n man, With jest a railin' round his desk -- I don't boliovo I can 1 --- PACTS ABO\ I''i'1'113 PUBL10 111:11'13'. '1'lhe grecs debt is $281,000,000. Tito net debt is $220,000,000. This is over $1,000,000 for every constituency. $2,000,000 for tho avorago On- tario. $800 for ovary family. $50 for every man, woman and It has 1E10(0(140(1 $75 a minute under Tory rule. 1.f piled up in silver 95 traine of 20 entre each would be la ude(1 to. carry it away. It worth1 peva a. highway for 105 miles w,i11.t dollar bills. It would talto seven years' wheat crops of all Canada to pay it, If used to numbest: whpat at 1 a bushel 24,500 trains of 20 care each would be required to haul away the wheat. , If the wheat worn loadod in wag. grins placed in lino its on a road the lino would 011011010 Ilia earth at the equator and lap (33331', 0n behalf of the work in that part of the 00111107, and other Hamilton contributions (430 yet to come i0. A young maul who wee to marry a Brockville lady recently found, when be reached lt'ranktown, 'vhero he oxpocted to take the train, that the railway was hopelessly blocked with snow, and in coneequenoe the ceremony had to be postponed until the following day. While the Na011vi110 University Singers were at Brantford they Bo- gan, after they had taken their plats os for dinner at the Kerby Iiouso, to chant a beautiful byte as urate, but were interrupted by a Chicago guest shouting, "Stop that d—n singing." The singers desisted n! though earnestley requested to pro. eeed. The interrupter, after dinner, was ordered to seek another hotel. Joseph Hickson, Goners! Mana- ger of the Grand Trunk Railway, its reply to Mayor Beatty, of Windsor, who asked that Sf0800s. Carney and Elsie, Grand Trunk employees, he allowed to hold their places in the Council, writes as follower—"Undor the circumstances, 1 will permit Messsrs, Elsie and Carnoy to servo in your Council this year, but alloy will hereafter have to conform to tbu e ulations." (1011 pang 9rg A. young orphan 'girl, aged 12 years, brought out to this country by Miss Rye, and who has lived in the family of David Flaudors, of Townsend, for three years, dish suddenly Thursday morning with well merited eymptone of stryelwino poison. It is said the girl threatenoti to poison herself before, but the fa. roily paid little attention to the re m13113. It is supposed that she secured the drug from a small parcel kept for poisoning rats. Coronor Rose doomed an inquest unnecessary on hearing the facts of the case. An amusing story is told 08 of the exporionco of au Orangeville yoltng man who conceived the novel idea of going down the toboggan slide on au iron seoop shovel. Mounting the 8110 - vel with his logs astride the handle, the descent began—also the fun. As the speed increased, tho shove! War. mod up by the friction, and its eider was soon actuated by an Irresistible impulse to dismount, but he had a through ticket that allowed no stop- offs. At the end of the trip 11e was carried Home, and 1s said to bo now taking his meals ins standing posi- 110n.—Shelburne Economist. THE BRUSSELS POST The mnuioi,al election at Sault kite, Merin ).,salted 113 follou•e:— Roeve, Wm Brown; Councillors, John Taylor, Wtn. H. Hill, Henry W»,lUo and John Albrrt Moore. School trustees, john Dawson, Ria41ard Oliapmuu, i3atntt01 Coulter and Wilt, Sharpe. A. Ipatorboro' curler, who had just played a elu1el}' ooutestetl "thirteen point" g3m(', gtavll the following; figures to pi (n„ that it was hard work :--In following and sweeping the atones, wh!uh was done with the most thorough fidelity, he travel led 5* m1108 ; a large part ofitbe Lug on the run and swooping with Ali 11 enrler'r energy. The playing of 111i4 *Auntie represented tho moving of of r 2} too , ,od Oho length of the rink, 4:3 y •'11, equivalent to 1'novi,.g ova 00 1.011 1 yard. Al- lowing t(a :1"• n 'MO lyse raided. Ou n r.v.•1..go (.,4(1 i al. at °1)011 01101, 110 ftti d q(. tons one 1001., *311).0.. I[l.at.,•cnet -ia1 Tt3' f.T.. The following aro the 114ures for the East Riding of 31:1'nn in the 1)on0ni011 elections of Jun 1189 The riding corn - prises the same • 1rritory 110t4, In view of Lite, approaching elootiou the figures will, no doubt, prove intorestiug, 10 a very noticeable difference in the voto recorded hero no 1 the election returns of the 20th of last Dcoton'tcr �°. g g fs v 4 m 1101ril'IC. No.l JJ 411 No.5 70 74 No.2 72 (13 No. 11 65 4e, No, 3 , , . , , 77 8!1 -. No. 4 81 55 470 317 Farrow's majority 158. 3301001103(1111. No. 1 G5 52 No, 'j .72 71 510, 2 09 102 -- -- 207 998 Sloan's majority 21. 310111110, Nt'.1 42 49 No.3 75 64 No. 2 '11. 47 No.5 0e 555 No.:3 75 53 - -- -- 202 283 Farrow's majority 1). 01(1.1. No.1 02 62 No. No. 2 011 80 No. 0 No.3 27 87 No. 4 2-1 4.9 Sloan's majority 1310. 100011,1.131. NO.1 ';G :19 No,1 '17 45 No.2 28 27 No. 3 48 91 110 125 Narrow's majority 24. nnrOIELS. No, 1 57 110 No.2 52 40 will have a liberal reduction made in the \priers of their subsarlptiol. Tho Com- bination Offer—the Weekly and Daily— is suitable for farmers who have Mauro duriug,tlmo winter, but are too busy in the summer to read a daily, and 1s a groat feature of Tho News. In this way for 12.0u you can get the Weekly for six months and the Daily for six months and a dollar's worth of books as a prem- ium, or Tho Daily for throe months and The Woekly for 114110 111.0111110 011,11 Or dol- lar's worth of books for 81.50. No ono (teed bo without a daily paper during the winter months. 9. pineal Dominica. election is approaching, wh1011 will be one of the moot fiercely fought contexts over 00(311 ie, Canada. The next session of Dominion Parliament will be an arena, in which the concentrated bit- torness of all the Canadian factions will find vent, The Nowo presents to aonciss and bright roport of Purlinment a'y pro• ooedings, whish is not dull and dreary like the provided by its big and heavy competitors, but which will interest every farmer and every 1,rmor'0 son 111 the country. Bo sero and subscribe for 0:th011 Tho Daily or The Weekly. Sub- scriptions will be forwarded from this office, 82.25 s010r0. Tutt PusT an,1 Wuady Ne 10. 13.s'(73. GRIP! 1 CANADA'S COMIC% :101^i NA f,, umnca!llat t for the Coming. Tear, (trip is now so well 1c,(0tvuas 10 r.spoi10 very little of eititor (te:+teripli,m r-•• prnietc, It is tits 0(31133 011100,1(3x40 :I: 12 ea3114A, anis it is furnished at about one-half Bic price of similar journals in tho United States, Grip's Cartoons, in addition to being strictly impartial when they Mot/ to politics, aro always wt the auto of pat- riotism and morality, The late improvement+ aro universally admired. Tho journal is enla'god to 10 pages, and it is printf,1 upon heavy toted and woll•calendered vapor. This gives both the engraving anti the letaor•press a beautiful appearance. And, uotwith• standing this on argument and improve- ment, tho price of Urip 114 0x1.33 32 ,I, 11.113 , 1.1111,13 Corms, 15 emirs. (rho price it commanded when but a four page shoot.) 75 tib 59 59 GRIPS PLATFOIIII: 801 403 1I('noo tt•lrllocr VrB,.4.0rov ; P.\TISIOTI >i wlrn0133 P.II('r1z. )sorn' ; Tlirrn 1ZTn01 0 Th0I17111. no not be without this favorite Canad- ian Cartoon Paper. Its price places it within the reach of all. Addross the Gnle PatxrtXc, .4331, Pvn- LI811Ix0 Cn., :Wand 28, front Street Wast, 109 J0 Toronto. receive the papa' tho ebalancelof 18nding 80, and to 131st Deoornbar, 1887. — SPECIAL i'1i13)1I111 Oi'i313i1. 77 81 All anbscribors to Grip, now or old, are entitled to a copy of the magnificent lith- ograph "Conservative Leaders," or the 111e companion pinto "Liberal Leaders," shortly to bo published, on payment of 5 cants for postage. THE POST AND GRIP will be furnished to subscribers, by spec- ial arrangement with tho publishers of the latter journal, both papers for only ;13.00. Farrow's majority 10. ILv113. No. 1 48 40 No,2, Sloan's majority 4. w11ox0Tlln. Sloan 44 1 Farrow 24 Sloan's majority 20. )1110At'ITUL.T10Y• Farrow. Sloan. Howick 470 817 Tnrnberry 007 228 Morris 502 283 Grey 808 - 408 Wingham 140 125 Brussels 1011 90 Blyth 77 91 Wroxetor 24 14 29 85 11,81 1571 Farrow's Majority GO _ Little, But 0. My ! Haw a Youngster 1vn(pped a Mg naval nail Distanced Ail Competitors. Si so and strcugth (lo not always go to- gether, nod 50metim00 01110 and 'strength 01101050 tweak mud cowardly spirit. Very often little men and little women, too, who are smart and opunky and determin- ed eau au0omplish a heap more than big hulking people, who are always stumb- ling over their own foot. Tho Toronto Daily and weekly News is an example of the success that has boon achieved by the small bat bright and 0onrageoas papers, both in politius and in businoss. The Daily News is rho youngest (lady in To- ronto, and is (smelled or excelled in oir- ot1011011 by only two papers in Canada, it having made a sworn statomCut that its average ,r, airo ulnatlon for 1885 was over 20,000 per day. 111 ahiof aims aro to bo right and readable ; its chic£ character is in its fearless editorial stylo, which re- uoguizes neither frioud nor foo in its swooping dontutciatiou of what is wrong and unjust, both in the parties (4(111 in the general political system. .110 pictur• .os are rivalled by talose of no paper in Canada., it having made arrang0nlents with the leaching illustrated plans of rho 'United Rotes to 13ece1ve whatever outs aro desirable from their columns. Ie, this way the reactors of both Tho Daily and Weekly News got the ellol000t pietnr• 00 from "Judge," the aelebre,te(l Now York comic paper, from the New York Evening Tologram, Now York journal, mud from the artistic society paper 'Life' Besides thou Tho Nowa has many orig. ival pioturos drawn and engraved by its own artist. Last year "Dolly," a story of Canadians 111 o, was one of its °hid features, suc0o0ddng rho Farm Sketoltos by .the Farm in' 31clitor, A story by the same author will appear during, 1887. Talmagge's sermons aro still a footuro of the Saturday and Weekly Nowe. Tho short laughable 011etoho0, 1110 absorbing sorial storms, tho roliablo markot reports,. togetl ' with the. brightly stocked nava ler t 00lmmns, w1to1'o the doings of all the people of alto civilisod world tiro daily chronicled, 111(1,110 IT at galaxy of brilliant journalistic ftatm:es unrivalled by any paper pnb11011041 west of Now York. The Woekly Nows is only 11.00 per an- 1,3(111, and molt stih0rriber 1s given it dol. par's worth of books /too as a' premium. JL • G It R1,Y. '.Chas. who do not dosiro the proMium , It lJj L� Ll1 Y SCA E BUILDERS' ISD HS CiLm 5 & ratty, Lath am Shingles. STOVE Stove Pipes. TIMED FELTING, A9.ABAST9NE P glNT, mixed Paints ! ALL COLORS, !C9 cao 311 rfytgr 1Fm F?, -SISI00:I3 ff TIF 3 0 Z e' 0 0 5.3 133 a 3 r sgs acs ;eq; tag •4a)I.tttU 01[4 11! it Grist and Flour Mills Tho undersigned having complotocl the change from tho steno to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in First Class Running Order and will be glad to see all .MMS old customers and as many um Ones as possible. Chopping (lone. • V31 OM and Feed xi1.sxt av QR 1 a a nd>: Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. MTTINE EAST HU it7(ta 1 e orks .T_ 1't./S , s DE3 '0 t- ..'l s, --.1WN1i 'A\CT'IJRlvl) OF— CARRIAGES, l— CARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, EXPRESS WAGONS, 13IUGGIES, WAGONS, ETC., ETC., ETC. All mado of the Bost Matorial and finished in a Workmanlike 111x111101'. Repairing .Paintine, promptly attended to Parties intending to buy should Cali before purchasing. 1.14wmur1Ncns.—Marsden Smith, 13. Laing, Jas. Cott and Win. Mc- Kelvoy, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, 'W. Little, Cr.13rcwar and D. Droeker ridgo, Morris Township ; 7.. Town and 'W. Blashill, Brus- sels ; Bev. E, A.14 ow!, Woodham, and T, Wright, 'Turnberry. 11,EM 411130]11 THE STAND--SOUTTH Ol?? 13111111Th:. JAMES BUYERS,