HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-4, Page 211 TO try for the Hatt answer -c flpe1 ii t e (1r.IJ�itlull, ' telt` ttutreetltaway u•,••4th." 12 W1oo We have been pained by 4u untried word er deed to a+k 'There aro fifteen Y W.C.T U's. ourselves, "Have 1 not often dello reported for the Province t>I Ouulrim talo noels lord been forgiven ?" 1`110 W O.T. 13uiuus of thio Prov- 13 In conversation not to exalt ince of Qatari' here's united mem ' oureelven, but to bring others for• berellip nl 3,31$ word 1)urnlg last year the Ntuinunl 1.1. 7.'o be very gautlo with the Prohibition Locture J31teau, of 1110 yonagor 011033 2413'1 tree) 1130311 with United States, distnbu rd 10,000, respect, remembering that rye mics 000 pages m1' nelson TcinpernuoW lit• were young. erolut•e. 15. Never to judge one another, Dining the prennnt eesei"n of the but we attribute a good to )tire 1 ,itis' Cn`•umt,i:. 1 egi'ls''13 o, Bill. „!Iota we cam will be it, lrOdua d for the exteui1 en 10. To compare one manifold of the frencbiso to wunwn, nod for blessings with the trrtliu;l 14311303'- 0;e there etriuget]3 regulation of the epees of the day. liquor r Ole a The emblem ntloplril by Ole Gali. IAc31 011. pS€txiussct. \r.0 T li is :be daisy, and their --- motto "The Battle is the Lord's." (xiugerbloai male with oatmeal The Union wan started in February i113tead uf tier 14 a very useful '85, with twenty mimes on the roll, apertout for children, but they now report it membership 'Pu stop blee,.ltioi at the n',stl of RI place It small roll of paper or mug: The Provimital Seatotary has lin above the frot,t teeth, under 133,4 taken steps to place the Govern- upper lip, and prey+ hard on the meet's prt.p(n 13011 of the License saute. Fund, for the enforcement of the 111fx As A Piuoveertv13.—A rad- ii:teott Act. in the Melds of the In lead m,tutthwturer of Irnauee, has specter for Frontoune, independent 51 uovered that. the 119:1 uf milk at Of iho action of the County Crain. their meals, which he dins made ob• cll. lig :tory ou his workmen to the ox Tile .litatile�ex atteri1)' Connell, on tutu of - one litre daily, preacrvoe motion of 11. Boston and 13. Witter those employed in lead w.lrks from worth, passed 11 resolution anther• any symptoies of teed dise,teo. iziug the prepnralien of a by -kw to A rh,lple home remedy for croup empower the Treasurer to pay the is alum and Heger. The '.v.iy 40 0se Licerl'tl' Cotuulieriunlers of Ener, it is to l.,lko n kuifo or grater, and West, and North \1idd1eeex such slava off in smell particles ab tui aurae 118 may be necessary for the toaspouuful of alum ; mix taus with enforcement 1f the Calnid't Tam. I twice its amount of tenor to make partner Act., not to exceed the I it palatable, and administer It as 111110001 received nr, fines for viola i qul0kly as possible. Almost in tion of *aid Ace 1 s01nt33reoue relief will follow. J. W, llanuiug, Chief Officer ofA. leading Berlin phy..lcien, n the Scott Act .Ocpartmeet, lot'; justI Pref. 'Fauz81, has lately edvaticad i sued a circular to the Pr"vinoiai I the theory that those who must Lict'uee eilicere regarding the jndg smoke cigars had butter smolt° the mem iu 1118 "Regina v. 11eat11" i cheap brands. Ile Clean' to have case. Ile uoltlhldee by Buying 2-- I discovered that it i3 the higher "Should a witue'as ill any future priced tobacco that Gauges heart case (hcott Act) refuse to give evi I dieenee, so often complained of by donee on the ground that he will in , excessive smokers. P310,30 who criminate himself, yon will please i smoke cheap cigars are rarely injur• bring this circular to the notice of ; ed by thein. the court." Earned is usually caused by a The Prohibitiuu party of New j sudden cold. Stolle the Vend over Jersey 10 organizieg n Block cam. Lot herbs, bathe the foot ill hot pally to publisha timber of news- , watt -r., and put into the ear cotton papers. This commie), will hove 1 wool dipped in flair bol• end sweet its beadquari'lr, ill Liiz..lwti1 31. I Oil, 'lhid trllttnlellL is ofteie exoell- Newarlk, where :: publieii I,( bones enc for ftc:laclr0 ani tooth toile. Tho tvlll be malul;,iood. Toe company , hater is frequently entirely relieved will publish elm paper 0,30h in War. by placing the cotton soaked with rem SII" ex, ItIno'(013)tl, Somerset, camphor iu the ear on the Nide Middlesex, 'gents, Heaster, Essex, where the pnlnfnl Moth is. It is it mercer, leoiou, Iluriieoen, good plat, els') to tie a kereiiof over awl t,11111borl1ud 00u>141,8. A corps the ear, for earache, or toothecho, ofteml,"I.31Cn w•rite:e will furnish 01.Ineettehe. editorial articles for each paper, 1.' select a 003303 for a 3IJ t par• 111111 ('33011 nue will have a local ed w:> ., Gare should be t,tl,s,1 to hays icor nhtl 3)111t111erN 111nneger tt ho'8i11 la 8xp03ed ter 3911 Lilo external (101,40 'turn: under the dire0ti,,n nl the 1133 possible, aK in3press10110 113a(18 o11 Mend ntlieers'.f Ole c..wpauy. the ail• };reedy bltl003310 the a)::'v 11.1uttmaus, ei.D, 8 0 et.ty of the Liulnln Se.'tt Act A. ss"''i:ui l) 3101)303 i --"If we n ere -1113310.1 i11 our 1)0ofe1Ri0110 during the Inst three or four years ,s1int 4:1)3)3111 be our course 33011 ? We are 11,311r"'s l lig temperance 311e11 alto w wised and )'nlorl for the Stott Act, tieing that ns n etcppiug ,Merle, but alio, with incretten t ,irder, :ire 1l'tase ag for total PrehihitiOu. \\`110,1 agltiu Deafness and nnunpared lteariug we east our ballots for n P0rliame0 • aro frequently °aimed by au 140011113- lary candidates, by what. principle 811411 WO be eontr1lle:1 ? In ,4 short time we will dn,1b(11'at hold a con• venti(u, whet:, as temperance mea, 7,0 wijl decide nu ronin line of unit- ed Act1011, Until then, we tisk you not to promise y0113 vote to Any per - Fon or party. Let us keep oursel- ves perfectly nettamnlelled until wo know what t.i open before 115, and. Ilillii after 1,0 have menus, dart to- gether in eo0ventiuu." ons system. Likew•3')c ie. -tract a spneluus, well ventilated upartmout that has ill it no 1unecessary furn- iture. Greet care is Iloo,4sary 10 regulating the light of sick roue although it is not often 1100essary to exclude all light, This rule is, Q slroug light stimulates the action of rho brain, while a moderate light 1s soothing t0 it. RULES Fttf1 FAMILY PE111111. \lany persons au twining from I \\'e 1111(3' 1,04111118"01'41.33at our church complain of headache. Thin 1;a3 is l331uly.1 , b:'. 0040115 to'1'1y so is caused by the action 15 impure peeput'o for it. blood on bile bruin, clue to 1110 1.40- 3 l;vdr01"113' ill the hnuxe 13(314 an eulllnlation of carbolic acid pit: in evil nature as at::11 as censelvor, Roll the air of poorly ven13301«1 cimroll- therefore, we ,Ir' not to .'xpeet too es. 'Pilo permcieus cftect 333)111 tbo 14)11011. - brain mud nervous system 11 very • v. To lieteu rho t31'ff3reu4 IQmpe1' aptly illustrated by 1111u drowsy, list - of 11nuh iudiyidtlnl' lens attitude of the scholars 1n a 4. Who' 111"v good happens 110 poorly ventilated 1011001 room as July"111 to rejoice at it.compered with the bright and ,l01' 5. When lnaii1ed 10 p'141)' 1111 tug' plated appealu101 of tit childtmtl ret answer to moot ten. ]in ,t neighboring rtlqu3 111o.t 11144 0. 1f front sic3111,as:, pain, ur beau cm00fu11y vculiln1cd. ((00f41l lirnlity 1111 fuel irritahle, to ke01) 14 141t01411011 111) 111.) Venti1a1,1o0] 01' very strict wittch over 0110ee40e. charelies and 5011„le will prevent 7. '1'o (1l.erv1 taller ethers etre so , ntt1011 of the ivatteetion Rud eltop- ,-atlarin,,, and -'iter n word of ]rind' bliss that ie 'bee -eyed the nes ':nd svmp:1133y '5(1301 to their 8ftlrnou11 neeviee or eees3.11•, wants. 8, To ("331)1) for little appel lain- j A Conepietiotts example of the Wee of pleasing, and to pint little I.felly of Ronne law suit911338.1)1ell af- 0.nnevettees mit mf the way, I forded by the caro of two American 111 'C" t,lr, a 011co010t clew obi Carolers who quarrelled over a pig ulatioa of hardened wax upon 1310 external surface of the drum of the ear. Never attempt to remove this with the head of a pin or a hair pin. As an eminent doctor of Paris once remarked to mitt of his patients, "a 1130)1 should never put auythiug in hie ear smaller than hie elbow," Wax and foreign substenees stn nearly always be removed by dropp Ing Into the her a few drops of olive oil, a little warm, and, after letting it rennin a while, syringing the ear will] wot'ni soap Nods. THE BRUSSELS POST 17USI'011 'P'AI1.101ileil3 3 The undersigned bogs leave .0 intimate to the public that lie bas opened a tailor shop in the Yost Wilco block, over Laird's barber strop, whore ha is prepared to alt. tend to the wants of the puede cutting, aping and>nuking clothing in the latest and most fashionable style", 11,3' longex- peri.uco together with a course of fu• slreetton under Quo of the bust cutters in Toronto in a guarantee of b'1n3 able to do satisfactory work, list nfaatloln Guar- 11(1t00d. a. 11"d3 lb"ifa . �11 ONEY 1:0 LOAN. Any amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at G & tib PER CENT. XEJ.RLY. Straight Loans with privilege of replaying when required. Ap- ply to A. Hunter, Dbci31io t (Jot)'t Clerk, J33'usset.at. )10NIEY PO LOAN. Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty, at LOWEST RA. LE S.3 - -- PRIVATE AND caars•as0 031310.14. W. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. PRIVATE - FUNDS. $20,009 of Private Funds have just boon placed in my lianas for In- vestment. AT 7 PER CENT.) Borrowers call have their loans 00 101et0 in three days if title is satisfactory. , apply to E. E. WAD. lELLTH I WEk.TLTHH, Da O. .wl.er'e'TolvO and Brain Treat- ment, a guaranteed opooiaa for Hysteria, Dl08in0s0,0onvul0touo, (to, Nervous, Non. ralgla, lteadaclie ,Nervous l'ro erratic n caus- ed by the lino of alcohol or tobacco, Wake- fulness ,Mon talDOpreeeiou,9 often in of the Brain resaltingin insanity, leading to mis- cry, decay, and death. Pt mature Old Age, Barenoo0,L0os of powor In eltnor Sox, luvol- utltaryLeases and Spormoberrblaa caueod by over-OxertiOn of the Brain, soar-abae0 or over•indnlgenen, Mach trot contains ono mouth's treatment. 01 a box or N1A boson for $2,sout by mail, prepaid, on r000ipt of prion. {3 ti 1r11.4RANT1t4 9131 '11101:Bg To onto any ease. With each order received by us loreix boxes, accompanied with ¢5, we will sand the purchaser our written unarm- teato refund the money if the .reotm001 do0 cunt effects aura. (ine.ratlt00e Immo el onlyby Jno. Hargreaves h Or.,11rus eels. rI A_S. r) 0 Tc}13S, ' atchlakeil & Jeweler lies nn head a splendid stock of Silver omit Gold tilled Watches, alw Cuff Ent - tons, 0102Ohas, i"lnoi1,34, GunCs Finger Rings, 1011 Plata V,Nt Melee, Nociclota, (11430 11111110 tuA"rtiviot. of w311. nut and nickel Clocks, - r?:" Repairing Neatly 1t1d Promptly 1; a. ace ted. worth about $2, amt bolero they QITT',PN'S TIO.TL,L BLOCK. 1.?) Li el li•.1.141 plomnnres which 1were (lone with it rail up legal (costs 1 nl,,y "l,r,.i) 40 l:ut'•111 int! 4. to 1110 tune of $100. • Or . . .f cJ•'N- js. O r1N11 WILSON Pit EN 101(33'. (tliEATLY Ilea aced 'rice$ \Vo have on hand the following -Laud hollers, Plows, Harrows, Scufilers, Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind- ing o: Chopping Mills, best intake, and 1 Good 80cond hand l:luiuber \` lLgon. TAKE NOTICE. we brave started a Planer and Matcher to work. Parties wishing to have .Lumber Dressed and Matched, or Flooring sized, tongued and grooved may rely on getting first-class jobs on the most reasonable (terms. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to at the 811001111119 FOUNDRY. W. R. Wilson. FIUBON AN]) 111(3301] Loan & Investment Co. This Colupauy is Loaning Honey 033 Fal'ui Security at LOWEST RATES 09 INTEREST. :biet'tgaii es Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BI'tANCIT. 8, 4, and 6 per cent, Interest allowed ou Deposits, according to amount and time lot. OFFICE. --Corner of Market Square and North Street, txodo- rich. horace Horton, MANAGER. k01i\ i'S 'WANTED (3 r TSE POST FM, 4, 1887. rat. 4 31 7 31 1=== r-rti`":.'4,YA'u.TA OKST .1I08 a, complete assortment of tail the School Books, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Ink, .Pens, Caecal h, Crayo72s, Scribblers, 4'o., c4 e. Ask to See the "Scholar's Companion." Foolscap and JV'ote .Papers, Envelopes, the. best in the. market. Try The Post Bookstore 1.2102SVIIRCMPSIMAIO.z NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS Sdea.d,i Pnri,lr>r/nre,rl to (;ODrt .3Ir,t. Brussels, •- Ontayio. None E 1 er encs not essentialbe Idle. 1 CHANGE OP PEOFB)..LE TOR S. We pay either Salary 0): Com- mission. - 100 lies. Wanted To Canvas for the Salo of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The F outhill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class l?,oforences, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ 1113y mut- her of energetic men who want work. Annn.Lss Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. 8.167N' ZWE SCOTCH COLI„ I.Ii . A. new stock of Buffalo Robes, Goat Robes, Horse Blankets, Bells, Whips, &c., JUST TO HAND. .A Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises, And Satchels. in Stock. G1'\'Tl May A CALL. Having leased the well known and splendidly equipped Rolla Flouring 1\I'ill from ]Messrs. 'Won. VTaustone 5. Sons for a term. of ,years, 1v0 desire to intimate to the farmers of Huron Co. and the public generally, that wo aro prepared to turn out the best brands of Flour, look after the Gristing Trade, supply any quantity of Bran, Chopped stuff, &c., and buy any quantity of 'Wheat. The mill is recognized as o330 of the best in the 00310ty and our long experience in this business gives lis confidence in saying we guarantee satisfaction. Flour and Feed Always, on Hand. Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to. A Cann, SOLIOI'TTn. tewart & Low e PROPRIETORS. xe1=1.sax7.1VMPSne®nr/115.mm=m+.'e:ay .raaaa mxualvE.F STOVES ! STOVES ! 1TOVES ! 6' .° 'ar:.:,il,s7tlf1 jz.1 °1411,1 Eke! "q.s,b'I ' n • Arc to the front this P1111 with a largo and well' selected slcalf. of Cooking, Box, Parlor.', a11(1 00x1 stoves. In cooling stoves WO Wish to call Special attention to 1)11 e011(06ly new lisle, ''Tutt 01(10)113),," "Tnr, 'W$Rn)on awe," and the old reliable 'Wool) Cook," -Weighing (1100 pounds. P110 ' 13B0 3I PLNTNsvoalt" is to square lioso burner, for coal, that should be seen by every intending purchaser. .La '", s Lamps ainp Lamps and 11.11 general' house furnishings always kept in stock. Plated Goads a iectaitte GIVE 1]S A. CALL, . Q tan HOLMES' IlLOCK. xlayeroft Bros.