HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-2-4, Page 1Volume 14. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEB. 4, 1887.
East Huron, and that the amounts bo de -
•1 ti,1611,A i Y)f1lDEit t)1+ it II
LIG1i. le10:00, ;6:1211 tor South ilnrou; $G27,2$ for
While in Brantford a few cloys eineo, a
press representative 00he11 on A. I9. Clem.
outgo Jligh Sioetary of the Canadian
order of 1?creators, who lute just taken
poses•(ion of his new offices itt the Hayti.
Block, opposite the Poetollioo. The
p1'n0(1801 a1.0 commodious, neatlyfinlshed
vat in every way admirably adapted to
Om wants of this flonrishin't and popular
ergen1'latiou. 'tills growth nits )leen hU
rapid siuoa the founding of the Ceder, i1(
1070, that 1111. GalnnnLgo clpvotes bis
whole time to its interests, and 14 small
stat'& of aoeietaito is coquirorl.
Atter inepeotiug tho of110e (1n1't•rund-
In;ee, the t (versation drifted into a re-
view of the history of the Otdur and its ing the Hatiblc bridge, $550, he accepted.
!ding, and the following interesting fade That tho t' lido. of L. Hardy, $340, for
building eighiuen mild river iron bridge
bo twee; sea,
That the twitter r of David 1''(01(011 for
building the Beavee tdoadows bride, $151,
bo accepted, and in case ho refuses to
eigu agrceme t' tiro contract bo given to
I,- Hardy at bis tender of $300:
That Road Colnmis,ioner be instructed
to have bridge between Grey and Elea
built at ae early a date 08 praotioable, pro-
vider) the couuty of Porth pay ono-ualf
the osts.
That sovonty-flvo doliars bo kept book
front contractor for Brussels bridge until
Conn,tiesz0LLUr is antl:tiled as t0 lee com-
That an lion superstructulw be built on
bridgo at Cliutou.
Thrit tho tender of Hunter Ilros. for
building ou0110etructnro of Clinton bridge,
$1,80', be bee peed ; security to be rc-
quir0& from contractors in all Oases.
That in respect to petition of John dny-
dor and forty-five others, also W. II.
Steep and eight on abbot's, rugarding ap-
proach lo11•,lm_"'illy hrid,.•r; 111•,6 rot
action bo taltel, 1t being tho opinion of
theconllnittao that tho township of Gode-
riehshould mloutaiu the road mentioned.
800110s Ann tanners.
School inspector's echoer for Woot
Huron adopted ; Clerk to publish in
county paper- notice of County Council
moctiu: s and School Examinations ;
posited to tho credit of tho license Rand,
and that rule No. GG be softpoItdud. Tho
talo was not suspended.
On notion of Uumpllell ttml )fanning a
special oommittoe was instructor) to pre -
paw and forward a congratulatory oa-
dress to Iler Mujosty the (,Queen on the
jnb[Ioo year' of hor reign.
ex'1'eICI'B now Ano("1't:n 1 aaner1...-
1;utn A,00 surest.
That the tenter of L, Hardy for build.
Ing abutments of Clinton bridgo at {,CI) per
yard bo )L0ooptod.
That the tender of L. Hardy for Morris -
bank bridge, $117; be accepted.
That the teeter of L, [lardy for bullet-
tro'0 elicited :--
Tile C. 0, 1'% originated in tho feeling
I het a lovely Canadian SOoioty was 110ed-
e(1 ; (11,e entirely in(lepend0'.t of control
'rout the 11uit011 States or elsewhere, ant
rho fact that il0arly six thousand mem-
bers have already enrolled themselves in
it•: membership proves conclusively the
justification of this Clatolusion,
Tao mombors aro banded togotiler to
f0810r genuine, planeload eloal brother. hood, and
1(u iivato that spirit of fraternal interest,
so nce0lf01 in view of our mutual depend -
mew 'el each other. White other societ-
ies lo: ve bad rho salvo ((0010 (Linea, yet
fail:nee halm resulted in consequence of
n (1(04010 (1 from a 8oancl business bailie.
These warning notes have boon heeded
Ily :iw founders and manager", of rho 0.
O. F., and the result is that the funds
are: ,e•000uticelly handled, the 1n0mb0r-
shfp charges are low and the 00cnri11'
given to 111Bur000 is "gilt•odgcd. " In the
lang'utgo of the Society's pro0peutns 1 -
-"Ii (tints to slut out sectarian, political
or ti net intjedicoc that would interfere
with the true peace and happiness of a
t(10ied hrothcrhand."
1':acl1 Court provides for the attendon0o
of a 0lulfili physician enuring illness or
Eli. ability, and give, a weekly 01100111100
of ;tour $3 to ;t5 during the Onto a 11011-
her 10 111010 40 0001t,
0.1 tho teeth of m number the Conti at
nate • mot :%1 enee 1(01)1,14 tat, fu'lora) ex• that i(te'i'r of Seaferth Sun for county
p" n•re Oto sum of from u ('10 to $10. print b • 11(. t ; C .d it being low(i; ; here II Llli'it• curl )torr 100 dnngbb; t•s etc (. ;, 1) 01fe1't
eluded 11) tllelr-oxd10ary 11011(13 without
other ielflnnurlttii 11 than their ordinary
salary, 5, A. 100003s,
110 •LAW1,
W. 'N, 'Watson and A.. Dicksonwere ap-
pointed auditors. hoard of audit of
eruninal justice 000o0nte, F. W.Jobnstol
and.Poter Adamson.
By-law of 18811 - retpeoting hawkers is
t:s}maled. But 1111 lityleicere, whether by-
yoni,) vya00(_ or 141 lout 511011 pay rho emu
of $255 for hawkiug goods other than goods
of the growth or manufaoura of this
Provinuo providing the mine urn havrlo•d
by tho manufautnrer or his bona fl,le ser -
rants having written authority in that
behalf, ate) that for infr(otions of this
by-law a fine of $10 and not 100x0 than
$10 be 1n1120800, This by-law to inclnd0
a 1 persons who being 1111011110 for 1(0080ns
not ,osid,•ut with i1 the cormty, gall or
offor for sale, tea, dry -goods, or juwt:h'y,
or carry or 011)000 0;1101 406 oc ptalcorns lit
141 (111 foodafterward s to be aftward (IOliveced
wl Ilio 0)1the county, to any jl)000011 not b0-
ing a wholesale or retail (feeler in 0(1011
('00\T17 110.10, COM. 11101,))('(1 111:1'4RT )'11031
10T 131:x., 1080, 'r0 MN. 213T11, 1887.
Expended 011 ltuthwoll's b'idge $332,
Bayfield, $2,50, 'Turner's $10.00, Gully,
Goderioh tp., $12, Bannockburn, $10, Ex-
eter, $20.70, Jagmondvillo $10.20, Chisel.
hues. 3p:1 Wroxeter, $28, Gticv'..s, 01300,
AUon's 0, (}ocleriob, $0.01, Auburn, $7.50,
Duff's $4.50, llingsbriclge, $33, Swoner•
ton's•, and Black Creek, $20, north of Bros -
sots, $1, 18 mile $4.75, Holpo, $5, I3rua-
sels, first payment, $1,000, Grey and
Elm'(, $15, 01'teve'0 $70, Wingham, 117
Jamestown, $50, Bonnullor, $20, Brum
sols, second payment, 6$500. The above
aro to 1st January, 1807. Tho balance
of report rt -fors to plans of bri.lg,is under
eoetteeidetion, et0.
1211,1(ti e 10(•(01'.
Tweet e pl'00ner: at present—Pix notlee
threo of thorn. 1u80ne : W. Bully, (17 ;
.Hugh Hull, 01 ; Hugh Mcl:wan, 536 the
other thleo are vag 161118: Ltobt F1, tchor,
04, ):Iowiok ; Aloe, MoNab, EIict, Thos.
Clark, L omen(, Ont., tllo 1(1011 100 are
yonng mon. Of rho six female:, Stroh
i 1 ml••\ and :10(11 y Seeth are insane , Est-
00'lurt l3'oi;ld 1)n1.1(11 0117,
When you reflect that the whole 1 eldf.
bread population i1( tho Nort11weet, men,
women, and children, was about 4,1000,
audio' these about two thousand had
101)0.standl`1)8 and unrodre0sel grievances
0f 11118 00)188, the case beoomes _ startling
indeed. Take the population of Ontario,
about two tnilliono of People, and sup, o0e
that ovor800;000 souls amongst our popu-
lation 11e'f e :eh one cm •'•4) 0 tial g '•3'v.
;nae a rainst the )000 nment of a great
100,113' years' standing, and I want t•'
101)oe. how p000010l and gob 1, and con.
tented and happy we would bo. (Loud
)applais1:( W.• w0nld agitate, 1110 would
prate -t, we would be di•tnrbed and tis.
coetented, p.01 we 14110 1d be 1111 •orthy of
our name tend of the position acrd libor•ties
out lolefe,th'•r0 won for cls if we 11101001
sit porfectiy quiet for yea, 0 outlet abso-
lot • u• gleet without finding the first at.
iumpt 1 eotnvu the griava,,c. n 01 .10 la: go
a portion of tho pn; ulatlon.--Mo. iimet:,
A Frightful Waal 1. or llottey.
A double franchise, a double list,donblo
lmchinery for making the lists, unit dil-
ferentsystems of app. 111 ---all these means
enormous expou00.. Tlu•„o htmd11111
thousand dollars 00 voted last session on
account of tho expenses of tho Franchise
Ad for the yea,. Wo du not inu•w ho;,
mt1011 more It {s going to 00 4. They
011,11't even toll n0 1(0(1 I1)11C 1 the printing
is to bo. They make jobs of this print-
ing, giving it to their sttpoortore at ]sigh
r10ee, in many caa0 1 am
informed, '0100 and thrice what like
work 1a, teen rime fur, and admitted to
be ia1'goly in oncee1 Of the cost Of the
Ontario Vete, They cannot t.•11 us w' a'
they aro going to pay the devising-011to-
110. We asked that (tllestion the se,0401.
before last. They ,,,id they could n •t
toll, but that nest 000141ou they wool I
bring'iow1 a me0:2nre which ,1(0)11,1 fig
the rate. Rio x010. et this -t0•i0n what tho
rate teas to to, but they said they had not
decided. '.Tiley do not leg theme Revising
officers, who aro to be so thoroughly iu-
dependent of both shim, what their p;y
is to be They 0• to tho R •visin;'•oliic-
\clording to your tooth,
1., -Si'''. 1.14 1c:..
f"(a)l”) -a7flpi0irl.
Cho., 1311L1 • i th3 serun 1:161g 0..i r•e
1)r.. i oo-1em:tit •, lid '1'hu1 1 iter te'.
lit e'ci,
The a,ut,utr em(i)t t11m, tor- t:,opt.
1.at411.0-tem, r'. rnty noel Thoth.- ,1,1,
wool,) 0:0(0 swords i1 an 0pull1(10 /tin -
tett 1111110 L' °reste'Irs 0(11), 0 , 11.101i(ltly
evening drew together about 1100 mon and
75 ladies. By 7:Ii0 uvory avellabl1 epees
i1( the hall 1118 taken and late 001110rs
were )na)tle to even sptorize inside rho
doors, The candidates appearodpromptiy
o1( time and after a little wrangling be-
tw•0ou themselves, as to who should
speak first or rather last, Mr, Farrow
wet, called on by Oho chairman, 111r. Max -
w°111,1%. Farrow OOmmouced by calling the
attoution of the electors to the faithful
manner in which ho has discharged his
duty tome cis thorn during the fifteen
years that he had been their representa.
thee, .and trusted that his fidelity to their.
intor,sts in the past, would bo rewarded
by the coutinuai1c0 •of their confidence
and support at the coming election. 13e
dismrsod at length the National debt,
National Policy, and 0.P:1t. and wound
up with a slight re00ren00 to rho Biel re-
bellion. The case ho made 1cu rho goy.-:
crllm1'nt was briefiytilis:-That tlotwitll-
standing the large expenditure,of the
present administration the buden of
taxation, that 10 1(130 lutorest on tho 1n'ea-
0(lt• debt when divided, per capital,
(nnong the population, had not boom be
crew„o(1, 11111 2104 in foot a fraction lower
than ill 11LOILen%i1's regime. That the
ratio of iut:lwaoo in oxpmnlitu1U rs lean
e11a11 the 010110 or 1(10101011 4.1 1.0(011110,
That under the 1 cforiu a 11 11,111latielt
the 00 01.08 via'. the (1000. Ther in (p!te
tho Grit tray of ruin nod 1.3111a11010y,
the m•1,101 of J,111111 woe neves' &, high
in the mot'oy 00113,011 of dm world. to-
rie•ati of 'ivin' the,e 1 1 1
110) a1 div 030)01121 (h1llw Dirt ha i deur:
It. r.. 1n1n111 ni been mooned 111 tli,. last
10.11 t)(td i' .)1.11) money ea the
1„ 0(I' le,n•hct is quoted only ;to il:41g.
t:1) .Ot f1010ti00 of it pent lower now tial)
it 101,1 in 1074-8, In proof of the bone•
emit! hunt of the N.P. ho cont at:0 1 tine
)())(1'3)'of f)1llurei which nta,knd the
,.tint of Reform role with tho10 of the
.aura Juugtll of lino under Tory lime. Ho
ulnisM1(3 that while the failure, ht 1110
framer period aggregatod $20,000,000 out
of 13,000 traders rho latter period slow d
e1(},; „5,000,000, with 70,000 0)11000, He
e1ai 0ed neat prrdso Ito the governmcLnt'B
',hid construction of the 0.P.10, and its
1u,4rless admfn10ttratiun of ,justice againot ,
rho Northwest robots, and concluded by
'Aborting rho electors to rally to the tlup-
port of an administration which had
proven itself so worthy of tileireonfi(len1O
and r1181ttne(1 ins seat 11nt(1 elth1siaetie
applause, )hie limit of onoltonl' and thirty
nmmnt08 having been reached,
The D01,101. 003 warmly. 1(r0ot1:r1 on
coming to tho front of rho platform and
after a few preliminary 1'01)1111'110 struck
off into a severe arraignment of rho telae.
dolcll l admitlistratin. Hereto:rad brief.
ly t1 F1. I"arrows 1101)11411:0 011 1110 N.P.
a11(1 chimed that it had in n0 way bone.
fitted. the farmer, citing the price of
wheat 1(1 187.1 de. 1)1 contrast with alto
jn'c1cnt price, as proof and also that the
1nip0) 1,) aro more under rho National
1'ohq)'than hefbro it • becalm. law. Ile
maid down as 111.0 that the '•couannlor
bnays the dtl@v,'' and that aocordiegly t1)0
urden of taxation Wee exceedingly grlev-
nu4 and 1100 1001)1> 111011 rho 010111(1040
itesr, titer , 1 u ns pr000 of the that 1t0.,'.!!null 1L -t'; irwn u0rris • ',14. ?alae 1) i1
0110 , flu, of the , "1, , t'a'n
1,4(11 s
i' i 3 t n t , l alt .11111 ;, the p0 •.( ''. 1 !. I'. 1 - l 1 r1 1111101' will 6166 tt o C.o:k:Atm
111120 , 1 1 t1 I 'itn of d e:ire:el not 1 - 1(6. 1, ;. , 1
1(o(', r. ,
„., .'ort ,a
th Ur i,. thou„n :3 d,1• 11.... 'L
•:•lei, u0 nC f - I'tf/••r- I 1_ n l! nt jail 1 - I i ,Ient,,r01`001111r ed ..-Ll •:, "°
• ti i t
F.. 11(
Le jailer,
1 Oct t,o:at
d T` 1 's1'ion 1 't•"-
. t (
,thtt(.t i,,,,t1,
,.) 1.4 e•
I 1 thn who 11(111110:0 lasering, the
WV, a' 0i'. 11:11c1 amp10 security from
rate y L who h control, 30 (toll-, nd
sere .1 0„uasd:l are pravi1.11 ez 11. 200
1 hen uncal t0 111010 for 4441000 b nefit it
is (1(81g1101. '1'he nlaollioery is si10 (l1(
and yet in lterf'•ct accord with recent leg.
Wa11011 to refur01100 to mutual 11010111
met 1)1enrt1n00 ow:0014t100s.
Ane tateen JI tottmeaw dee.1re11n or toe-
ther information. as to the advantages of
fungi, or as to tho methods of organizing
a Court, can apply to R. Elliot, Listowol,
[I. 0, R; A. McNeil, Teterboro', 3I, Sr. C.
tt. ; Mayor No^lands, LI, Tress., Wing.
loon ; or A. E. Ganuntgo, H, Sec„ Brant.
1 ) 110 10.11.1 10 token 111 0101'01100 tr
rim t 1311 (o,nty Clerk of .Perth,
nor cl 1.110 vie nl lr of 1110 County of
14 -1 .t 0:1'1 11.1 the C'.141'1 nod Won.
der 110,011'' addres4 Lo bn presented to.
I" a 10t,i, A ,. 0,.1(1)i(1 1,4t31,1r,Los be pro.
curial f.r each littera and 11,cnitle the pro.
retie, of 1n,nie02",10ty,
T11at $20 bo grained to tho Prisoners
Aid Association of To10010 ; also int.
inanityfrom hawker's 11000008 to Jas,
That bill of J. P1(00,0 o1( as look -u
keeper at Bayfield 1885.0, $40 00 bo paid,
ford, and of Fwd.. Croon hauling gravol to
As evidence of the good accomplished Swonorton's bridgo, $2.00, •
it may be added that already wee one Iii regard to account of High School
hundred and sixty thousand dollars Cavo Trustees, of Clinton, $91.82, for dopa: t -
been paid out in insuranoe and for sielt "vont examinations—domot consider the
benefits, and volumes could bo written of 0, linty responsible, and that it bo not
Um comfort imparted and the sub-tatltial paid.
aid extended to thousands of dependent Tbat rho following accounts be paid :s-
cam in their hour of flood. In addition Supplies for Court house, $21,76; E.
to this Chore is a reserve fund on hand of Lusoy, lock-up keeper, oaforth, $50 ;
,)early thirty thousand dollars. Such a eopplios for jail, 0. N. Davin, 513,55 ;
showing rotioots the highest credit on 6110 do., D. B. Straolten. $+20.00 ; do., 3. 51 u-
eon:demon who h0v0 o„utlticted the affairs kips $10.20 ; do„ 11. SC, 31101ienri0, 7,-
40 snocessfttlly, and gives the stro:gest 54, do, , .'15.005
possible metn81)00 of a air,1' mon:; future that 0(1001(1:, of Dr, Smith, Seidel*,
and 0 000801413. widening Held of "n 1a..$ 111't .amitl1ti,uof Hall, 110.110, he
1)01)11, not 311(1(1. •
:o h (laid Fraser and 1.'0010r, e0'1000u- e.er elbow -room, f ,r Lilo- 01101'-il)Olea0iU'3
O O LiY j.. Council. c13 2- •• Iarray (hauts000y solaria(' ofcials,Acce d forte 'zy for 7 , rleh . 1
F.,,, C .wagant rent.+ are being ],rid to far-
13::1.olt ,(tions, Cliolito. 01 11 sell"ire^ 1(11os, of the Gve•umeut m (1)0'01 ((1
1110 C101211. C0411ei] n.:.r a .'?; b G^,,1,011( aoi, Comtn,, 513 rf) :h
+ 01.11 Vl Obtatyb a.1( cedar to lead offices
fee Lb„ a,ldi1i0lbs that have boon thus
001.1( 1'' L1,0 C1;111301110 , 1.11 11 not do.
e.••iteimit bundiug 14 now being erovied
1 4 at a probable e (,'- of •11.0,000,
.1.',111)111 additional a00u010 „de.tion for
tit. friends and relation„ o1 dot Tm•y op -
cal pt t en. first la Ido9 00 Conn, roam.
I •spcct-' Tom fuenithee e report of
the dote of 1111 11.10 s (0 cat011 school in bis
T1( 211')01118 115001.1.
The 1:011,0't sllo0e,1 that tori,,'( the pt's
ho invested 118,000 on mortgages at nil'„
weed ted on investments 10rctof0ro
falling due $7,700,50, leaving on the 131st
Deo., 16810, the large sum of $22,11.1.70.
at proecnt the county has over $8.1,00•4.
00 awaitng investment. The estimates
for 1110 year 11+80 woro $31,018,84 ; actual
expenrlitnro $30,009,00, leaving tho 1101
r,ur('lllq Over aotual oxpe 10110)110 on gen.
oral accounts, $1,07)1.15.
'14fl'IL SERYl1:F 101! PLOYE ES.
0)10 ('481141)110 INC311401(00,
In 1878 utero woro 480 omplOyee0 in
the several departments at Ottawa. It
was charged against the administration
of that day, b1 rho Tory party, that tho
011mber was far in 0xcess of the actual
require/nettle of the publio service. 1111E
no sooner dal 't110 present party attain
power titan rho atoll of Ow Civil Serene:
2010 i,lcrea00(1 to an alarming extent.
T111 imm0080 parliamlont and deo
meotal bui,dingll u; 011114401 11(140 lou
since failed to baldish accOnmladatl 1.1 01
,1(1 Tuesday )14,11114 Ian).
10, 1111 -f, tri CIL ,1'd met
i )-Lvid 35,111.11, w.(4 elected Warden.
On motion of (,n,111 and :a, 01,100
(0a,, (3 131'.1 f(,1.' boo teary
4)n n 1)110)1 of lay 11,1 Tomb,. '3,(00.
bt1i, , .:lodes, mol (lair•, ' 1 1' ,•I .Iie11,
were appointed on tho Board 01 county
lis ,rt,0•ts. -
OGibi) 00114 gl71.11te11 tV 11111 it ( 11411 1(430)1(1.
110,1 ttul lantana L1n 1 c'neh
0:1 1.100'') of Co:. alai V1,113,01 1. lc:30 of
;a:i•on,uilm y 11,1u tie ,pl•Op0ia,_.,(i 1 (lode,
rich Cot auship w 44 ordered L., hO e :}io11„-
11(1 00 1:11.'(111 11011,1 1(0(1 bat cone, Bolo ,
On 1(101.10 ofllihto and, 1011(11 the
\Vitt•dvo and Olork teem interi0e(1 t0 po.
11 1011 filo Legislature, on bnlnull of the
Comlcil against the ta.10111,l away of rho
townships of Croy and -I1(neiak and tho
villagoo of 13ruescls and Wroxotor 10:.01(
ilii- county.
• Tho motion Of Dr. I0011ins and McMib
Ian that tho etlualisatiul 110 left over to
rho Jeno Session, w111 carried by a major-
ity of 18,
The petition of 1110 county Scott Act
Al00olation for the appointment of a
Police Magistrate, on n10t10n of Cilo1hi11
and 13tothere, was laid over until tho Juno
1 nOOting.
On motion of 3 016 16 010 0 and Whitely
the nee of the Court Honso was granted
for tho purpose 00 nominations on rho 15t11
day Of February.
Oat 010111on.o0 Gibson and Griffin $000
was granted for tiro building of 11 look -tip
a1 Poet Albert.
00 motion of Johnston and Illohluoc11io
ilobett Coats, of Clinton, 10ov. ler. Me,
of Gocloriob, mncl Dr. B. Smith, of. Sea -
forth, were appointed J-Iigh School Trus-
te s.
On motion of Sa0nd01w and Moiuilo°
.tho m0n0y asked for by Lioonse Draper);
tors and (kenm isle 10re a4 M11111108 at1t1
expenses be granted, vis 1 $270 for Wast
101.4 Rio 111111
„ 1„ I.. 11y• 1 ..T..-.3!, 1'1(1:,
$S!1 ; 3"n.ta l3a.l.er, ('.ret f 1•,.,(.) ,'1
D, 1'1:,o:oon, Mei:twit, 7o13,ii i, t
d11,:. 3011:1', 1o0e , 11i.t 1lood1' Cora:,
iftte41lr,.r:301 44;101', .1.9,45, That;
4`1 il, ' 1 . L ' ! '0 7• , ? 01 the t-111 John 3 4.1.:11 1• r; -
10. Ton,, 1', ,5, 1lo)r, tor, 130,aid for ea- c21,r eat, 11h0nt 14 has boon fetor,) 3, -}r-
1r1m00 •>a1)11nu11 11 Cio1 i rat , '7:11. iu ; .,;,:e t, 1.11 ,ort wltlt tho 1'oloy el' 1.1 :
at Lacte•, „1,1'0. ;itnni.amry $1,_U - I0, 'Olio follows) is 't (, a rt (it'.'
i •� 1
lle0h - -,1 <,'1('.. 'tun): r 1":4:1„ 11 ( .'1(-;d of the r'tlli)nye 000,1,1",:, it:
(':•.,E01.,..'1!, ",' 1,1(1:0(1 - - 54,11:110:', (,rel , (+12, :luring the Mackenzie, 1.,;;1)11)', nod
i 11' 1. .ere, 1,11'4.0 -,, !,t :„.,415, nod 1 t 11''Ttrt'' r100 1 •
1.1''..00 , ..1611 311-'1(• 1.,1:9••40r 41111, 141 )1(1011 (.t 1::,'...I.0 -11;0r.
11)1101(;1, 1::311: moue. 13'10
'1,3,101 t 3'rcaouter'eVim :11 be )'1 1..' ' teeeileietel's 0311(1, 11 1
In the mitet"0I . 't'hat, I:1 view of tjr..., 1?.'it,y' (01,0,1,41 otliee i2 88
largo n1110011'60' 1;141. t, hand, the 1 ',la U t, 1 .,telt of J astir,' 13 ::0
of 0 p(1 v, pair bo 1200111,1(31, and that rho Militia end Uufence '32 23
\Val lag, (10r1, mrd fres-aver piece tho Sul of Start's 1)opartux•)1 MI GN
111(4(10 no favorably a1 poesi)'le. Dopar, moot of .)movie)' 12 251
On )notion. of ells Jol matou $10 was .1)epertment of Indian Ail'airs.,00110 4:3
(3011001 for flowers about Oout't 010111e, Auditor-Gelwral'O 011:1::' .....,11111( 13
By tho tenant for a grant of 1+20,000 for a Fivaoun Depaetnlont 57
IIolt:roof Refuge, that ,Imitation bo take)).
By Joan 11oMitlan Inuit; $211 bo granted
each electoral district iti tho comity for
Farmer', lustitntes,---Carried.
C. Prouty to be paid for gravel to Blatt:
Crook bridgo, $113.110.
That $400 be paid contractor (01 (1010111)0
of Brussels bridgo.
01,1)110io for Juror.; books, Tax Register
and general stationery, $52.770. H. Hale,
filing saw0 for jail, $4.20. E.. DOW 111 g,
boots and shoes for jail; $0.75:
Account of II. 1(1. Raooy, for blocks anti
pulleys for pile drifor, $'111.311, that it ho
not paw.
l tianlake, fur 10843)(1•, $22,01.1, 'td bo
That On account of largo filcrea60 i1)
111e )vont of m1a"e Irelt of schools,
�) ( ls,
especially with refereneo to examinations,
that a memorial bo sent to Minister of
Education asking that duties of P. S. tis.
, ae 010111111er5 and reactors of paper0 be iu-
Doper"meat, of Customs 97 :11
Dopartnuntt of lnlaaul Rev,uu( 20 111
Doptortment of Public \Vorks111. 148
Dopartmellt of Railways and
Cau418 . , .. none 81
Poet -officio D opartmont 11 0 1111
DellarWent ofAgricultln•o..,.do .197
DOpartmunt of Marino sad
1" islulricts 1211 13:1
.31e1:00rer (louoral's 0111ee 15 abolish
Total - 100 1,100
All iticream0 in 001.011 y001',l oi' 700
To the Scnittt0 tloro aro GO employees,
and in rho lionso of (;01111101)14 depart-
ment 237, Huts 8h0wiug a 1otR1 of 1,107
11e'ann0 engaged by tint (invernlltitt at
Ottawa, M1(1 610 expense 1110nr red i1 011p•
po'Ling ouch a 00tin)10, tho office 110008 of
tho majority being from tel o'clock in
the morning lentil four teelook 111 the
allot:loou, has to bo borne by the nkxpny-
c)'0 00 (1(01 c1(11)0ry.
of the 10(11' 1. ,n, the articles hr roost
common nso paying a higher duty than
1110)'ich n0a1L's luxuries. He regarded,
with alarm, the fact that our imports ex
end tho exports and thought there mutt
be so:nothing raclieally wrong with the
management. of atrnii's, 110 doniftmoed
as hl1quitoas the (:government's methods
of distributing patrona0o amongst its
supprartOrs, by 111041)114 of civil- serl000,
supers nntatiou to+l ili0bursoneut of pub-
e.• (l timber liuli«>., it -e! 1^c.1. down
asth0 platform of 1114 party : o -Reform of
the St 11ith,, 40 as 10 /WOW 13 a responsible
hotly , r.1t:ane0 to anti promotion in civil
nelvice tat,' 1000 cling omelit an(lrluali-
lioutinu ; abalitiou of the superannuation
schema as nt prest•ot const,t1 cd ; m-ac1-
jnst111ellt of the Cnrill ; rndua:ion of ex.
pelehIneu: t110'11631.4 00 ho lowered us
0001 ass the liabilithet of the country will
admit ; twmpOrauce legislation as string.
out as expedient ; 111101)10001 1111ru .,.
every luau 21 ear, of age, til• ,n, 1. tio
one year in the cnnutr•y, to have a vote,
'10:o Doctor n0ncl11d„d hie spcoch of 00.0
11011r 1.11(1 thirty in Minos byraphily ennm-
ora(ing'tho 1ari)1 .tutnporanco •tete of
tho Reform party and stating )tie ono
attitude= that (1n ti)n. After instruct-
ing theelootora toeginle oarly to the pal
on the 22nd and tfltrk an X opposite his
name on their beget papers he set down
an130 the lusty cheering of his support -
'(re. Tiro 11100111)4 brute: up after the -:c
'd)ee18 were given fortho Quoon and the
On Tuesday evening Tinos. Molwen's
hotel was peeked from kitchen to dining
room, and from parlor to bar room, ]tall.
way, at11Jrway and up nearly to the gar-
ret with a j'-stling, perspiring mass of
femora and £ tumor's sons, struggling,
r •lid for the mo -t part vainly struggling,
to get within ear shot of the candida'es
whom eloquent voices wer0 ringing
through the not very spa0iolo front par-
lor. 'thus. Str,mhnu occupied the chair.
MSir. Farrow led off, cot, ring somewhat
the sante ground that ho had gotta over
Blue ale., The Doctor followed, giv.
ing something in the netm•o of a roply to
i\Ir. Farrow's speech of .the previous
reonin0, The speaking concluded with n
30 minute reply by 1116•. 110100ow. The
011100 1.0 01' between 10, ,30101.1e,i;a:t (.,1-
T:eared to b.. the N. P. --"who (11)04 1110
duty ?" iti Farrow 111 e 3 the farm.
(101.1 11m11 a lacy 10 Ia;1a00ot to
rasa, et,' them and r..)0 ,' 1 y,: 01. tor, 1I, 1:119,:401 1.1 :,e '.1,t •ti s 40:••,
1160 Ltte11: L 1LIj }l. ,1I.1 .1 1.:11:,0
,:OW, NI said 11 tees rot ..peaking ptrtic.
1l ,rly in his own int:300010 i1( saying this
but ;Mt telling them whet teas their hoot
int rest•. 'rho Dr, replied- by saying
that }.0 "eyed 1111 0-100,3 on a farm uo-
101l,:t,:.tl1,C08ofr ;1 ycen;
harness malting s0veral '00,11 carpenter-
ing, 10 tellies!, )hie 1, 15 yeses practis-
ing m0:110110 and expected after the 222ud
to be o member of Parliament. Tho
meeting broke Up at 11 p.tn,
Tho mooting hold in rho school house
here on Wednesday evening tvas very
largely ettonllod. Jmnte4 Smillie was pall.
cid to the chair aid opeu011 the meeting
with it short addre es, Dr. Macdonald was
the first speakor and for an hour he dia-
latod 0116110 issues of the Cloy., the groat ox
travagenoe of rho Government and the
reforms to be instituted if the Eco, Ed-
ward Bioko were placed is power. The
Dr's. address Ives a capital ono. liar. Far-
row calm; next and occupied tho sumo
time as the forme' speaker i1( giving an as
comet of his atoWol000hip and „ttomlttod
an esphmatiou of the large 10018013 in our
expenditure, tho timber limit grabbing,
,to,, and asked for .a big soto 011 tho 22nd.
D. 1). Wilton, of Seaforth, Made an effect.
leo speech of 10 minute), IIS showed that
when he applied for a timber limit,
through Fete l arrow, ho was refee.1,1 eel
tho limit givento a 4I+ Wald), of Ffani-
toba,a0)0107nm:l1 support e. Mr, Far.
row stated that the people of our Domin-
ion wort only paying at the, rate of $10 er
head in1hedivision of the 'National CPO,
1011110 Nov • 01(111 R'ali:', 011011'ohe, •mill
L._v1 to 1pi,nt' 511)1} p7r head, To recuta11011
of this the fa:losvim,: extract is taltan (("(00
m pnblisod l0tt •r written by Janco 83110010e
a form •r res}do: t of Grey, who {s nos is
...,171,11:,!!", lora ami 11:1,) hero 'hero f..• newly 1l1 '.;.
> 1 1.161 . 11.1: 0; Neu ' t; 0i.:e+
haul trete, u.,.ol „110 p0nny directly to.
wattle t1,1,11.1or1 of. the (10;:' :1..n: of
Ode tentutry. The reveu110 .3o fee 1)101
lawn one, nod principally from the tent
end 0,arof (30)0)) Lattds, het e•1 tho in.
;ono 1 010 li 0l ass.,vt y tette me i.0a 3
ree.l10' 60311 (I Lt -+:3,,t :e,1
both,: re.Alt, although c 1 to _'d b1 rnunn- I!
pa nes notd large land holders, who dread
0114:1.011.04e11 •0a limy world a pts,, Ci
anti incorporated Peens have a municipal
4:1x but all ontslde ;,colt (‚011:':':':11111!':)
have 11,1001'101A fheii` Papua 00 the rale.
Lhc m'3otiu'('1 0ed (01)0(1110o'al,o1c,
,00)DIT 1ONA1. 1,0(4 0148.
.701110 F. itji late, of Toronto, ie )taint
on it visit.
Miss R. l'. Ball is home fur her vena-
tion. Tors. I ngerlol, of Toronto, and
two children aro visiting at Al'., Ball's.
Tim Molitre•tl earuivol comme111104
next BLonclav, Cheap railway 111601.4 are
offered on tho Cl 3.10. tend (.5',R. rail-
• Wool. We:see .-.-'Tito tmdersigued wish-
es to contract for 40 or 50 cords of stovo
wood, beech or maplo, to bo doliverod•1hi8
winter. W. Ii. Kann,
Pose 1 ttbhshing 'House,
Wl 1100 in receipt of to long slid in1or-
001i11g lotter'from our old mud ostoelutul
friend Juo. 13vnhfl., who with his good
lady to 0pnur440g rho wfn1o: in Sootland.
Wo llopu to give part pf the anutOnts of
the lotto. in (1 flttur0l issue,
Number 80.
A heel 6.1! Foresters went to Blyth 101
Monday to attend the 1n)0ral of Thos,
Sloan, 1100011d sat of 1A'. Hl.,an, of that
village. 71i'. Sloan WWI a vett' promising
ynttng than and fess universally beloved.
Thio is the ',mond death inside of a month
in this family,
'I'nw editor of alto Mitchell Advertiser
Can't forgot about the kiss sent to rho
Brussels band. Morels what he says :...
"Tho kiss sulewribod to the band fund by
a thern1ing y 7'1„y 1^d3' nr 131.17 tit;
not yet been paid, or, at least, not ac-
kuow1odged by a legal receipt from the
Secretary. Ilio qu•stio•t now' arises,
who hat nntherity c 1 v01boot ? Tine
seems to bo tho mast important subject
on the lis).” 31r .101)00, you should at-
tend to this matter at este a,11(1 tmke 0110
trouble off 11,'• A'tv'ort1::',r 111331's mind so
that lm run sleep at n3(1111.
01( Wednesday of last
weak Wm Doig, the popula' jeweller of
isahcl, and Mise I 100) . Elliot. 0:001 ):,uteri
nl marring, at the residence of t}tebride's
patents, neer et 10aworth, by Rev. 3410.
( Stevenson, 110,1 r. were 80 or 100 guests
present. Th. bride was waited on by Misr.
L!stsie 1101son, of 130,180018, and 311', 1(1c.
Donald performed similar duties for the
groom. Tho wedding gift; wore num11r-
0us,landsono and useful. Tun 1'oem ex -
tondo its congratulations to the happy •
(0)11,10 and with their largo oirol0 of
' fu t,: , wiellev Mem mr1011 h"ppi.'nos.
Tun Aut1. Lust Monday evening the
13rn-sets eorp14 of the Salvation Army
held their jnllileo in rho Town Hall.
Stall -Captain Griffiths (the Welsh Min-
strel) and Prof. Wiggins were present and
added very materially to tho interest of
the gaathering. Their mnsh1a114eeonlpani-
nle1t0 on the organ and bas:) viol were
rendo,rd in good style. The extto'1Cn00
of $I1. Wiggins is a telling ono, showing
how Ilia life )vas wanted for 20 yo^so 08
he 10011 10(1 soothe by the (1001011, strolf; •
brink. Tho proceeds of the ju11i100 want
to a fund to protide a home for sick ollie-
Drs, to be lar.'at':d in Toronto, Capt. Mc-
Intosh i4 0(101110411103 very rieely as loader
of the Iii i:. 11 1-„ mingent.
Tm1 fib,a.vrlioo fitentiard says: --Jan
aregetnet. b. et ell molnlew buy. He
travels :10.1 shoe firth of Hy-
man 8: C30 • - 1111 0pont Sunday
Elite tite, 1, •1 „'L 31;.:Llav rr"•,_(11
1,1 '1 butmt
0 , :It -raht
t t rl If ',
, 1 i,oi.uR11 1'.. 1 ine-
pt44 21.• • t t Oleud-
it 11,, . hid a A'1141,1,
hilt crit', tic:.,,' . \i 3111e the
train 1.,1... -n ; ,a :1 031), le,. with 14 cou-
ple of fell' : s t , •1lers, nl0 t) 1114'0 a -
lootc a1 ,1 1 13.17 1 ', e-1. After a
tuna Jlo (r -d up for home, mud
they Ited fet alt d, -•r upon 11(0 sr:,wbanks
with ext rein, a(Jli';y, 'i (3(4tin
was passim, wt .L raw of speed of about 20
miles 1n boar, ;dao eeteel70.1 that :ta would
not be left behind anyhow, and Ito ;trade
fi•7n1011'Int10 l410ll fn• thn fly - brio en/ 1'i•, tteq.
He missed the stops; struck tho nide of
the oar, 018 sent eddying around in
space like m t'mis-saw, and finally landed
on the small of his book 021 the 51100 in-
ouie,11ea1 towards the train. 113 1:14m
precarious ('osi1lon and a critical mom-
ent. The 010w 111111 loose and yielding.
His 110,3d was only a few 110001es off the
rails. He could feel himself eradually
Blipping—slipping—_slipping, and )vas
powerloss to stave himself. He felt surd
that bis last hour had come, and said,
"Woll, I'nl a goner this time." Persons
on the train, who noticed his leap, ruohod
out on the platform and looltad on with
bated breatlo. It 000 a ttlriling_ moment
silt one (101 ns -00 a lifetime. Slowly
slipping Imo etur011y with staring eyes
an(l pity:det01 1101,0041 it LL (111.14411,1:. 1 11111
B1,40 M4511't to die that way. The train
(1rs ell 3fLO 1(0 MO (111810.0 himself,
1 01 ed al tho tinter:Mgcoaerom,
, 1 yell-
ed at ilia: . 11petiono. '1St 'ry,111erl
Fut going tt„ 11 t1111 train 0” ',da
1m 8p011. Wu he ,h, )11 a -(e ?i
1i t ,1:r, 1 !1 0 bind' ,and
LIQ; ,11
11(1..10}; :111 ;,t:4
(111 etas' J ,.1 ,
row :net 1', l.1( n.31it r'1 n at,
'111111 V[ (-e I.: ,41111 (1 1' 111
310001 thea h.., 1 tor stn. t: (11.)•11^'
7,17T110,t '.0 1.0 ..21.100
'1' I-•.. (' Lir, 10. 1 1-71'1
at :leton,
The q1(: u ( •n (11100-
1,)1t,an Ili13,tr....)a...1tl1:33.1•,
'•1':a n,' .t .i:r;121(3,„ 1'. 'il. (.(
("limit,.t 1..0 .[ pone,,�t (.,4 to
a,,.t, 1 ,:li,,a0ul d.., 1 it... 11'1011
1!: „_, I 1(l :dtnrnt 111. tie", ' ,veer of
hoe ledge.
The ,.ire, 1 (1••t 0f tho Wt -
clanies' .11:,tita''., havo Llc; t'1 . Wm,
13oberttem, :0, 316., of ('he,t.,n•Ittdd, Ont.,
01010 first 11nu(r103' 110111120' r,1 reengni.
Elan of 1110lit•t+•:(ry 111(1 41(1 011111, 115tain.
Hon. Feleverd Blake defiles the Liberal
Trade Policy as follows: "I believe in
the view of the Moderate Protootionistl(
---gut ample advantage to the )mule mann-
footway. Free Trade, as I havo reported-
ly espiailoil, is foo n4 1n1p(4sihlo, and the
108110 is wlother tiro p 010111 tariff le per -
feet or defeatism and 1n11'st ”
Frank S. Deere, a St pa01 detective,
formerly a menthol' of the Montreal p0.
lice, has been hunting the I-ioltdloy gang
of c1nntcafeiters, noex Port Arthur,
vine boon ofi'e'od n t'mvarcl of $2,000 by
Oto 0aliteli011 Governinont for their
capture dnnd or alive, 31110 mounted
'toilet say that ho tame amass therm
or 10tondtty 'and a desperate light
euene(1. 'Three of the dosperadoes here
killed and filo remainder captured. Dame
is said to harp liftocl one of the lion up
bodily and thrown hint on the ground
with such force 114 00 k11) hill).