HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-28, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST JAN. 28, 1887. y `�;]�sr,�r�/'p11 1 I forth this wank. "WIRT" ,4L..a' l N Tuesday EN. Femme SnftA will celebrate mase in Mus, DnawE, Milt street, 20.1' Mee. Joni Neer is rusticating in Sea- Anan Goon is making groat prepare atiane tocolobrincothe Qneen'OJubileo, d0• v the County Orange Bowl/vns,-Two gentoomen oar be ac. nxx y FOUNTAIN P Lodge will be hold in Wingham, commodated with hoard by applying to Brussels mat Sunday, 30th use, l,axnSole Agent in Brussels for this Lenience given in oil painting. For e . e 1 to M1ss SArsns. 28• Corm Pp Y V;aluablo Pen,. which is tho Simplest, Ravi tiV. Snirmu attended Ore Tom lor- Oleanest, and Most Reliable of all Fenn- ane Convention at Clinton last Friday, twin Pone, No one who hos much writing to do should 1'.1 without one. .,J7vory one is guaranteed to give their. /lotion, and, with care, should last a lits• tiine, as it is a Goon PBS supplied with ink snffioient for several days writing. bee Gold Pen can be roplacerl should It icychance get broken. Prom My Own experience 1 can say, very bed for some day's, "t WOULDN'T WISH A BETTER" Mug Man BEaanrour arrived home G9 from Brantford last Saturday, She had G. A. Deadman, a very pleasant stay of five weeks with D'rrtrJ9fot, Bookseller &• Fancy Moods Dealer. her sister, Mrs, D. Watson, formerly of Brussels. �._.. ''''-"°2- -"7" MEsrins. Surra d: Russ, Painters, have GRAND BUNK RAILWAY. led,froluMoGillicuddyBros.,ofGodo- __ rjase.b, the building formerly used se TEE • 0000110:01111 xr01atON, w. o. & ll, B. Pose Publislling House, on King strtet, for a paint sloop. - Trains leave 100.010010 Station, uorth and TEE c0ustable is going to get on to the south as to1100e:--- lads who skate and sleigh -ride on the • Going; 1101131, tieing :forth. sidewalk. The 1011p1e who 001'610e to ire. ...... 0.02 a.ul. 'M lied . 10:05 0.1)1 trot over the bridge will be .made an ox. reas.....11:4.§ arm' Moil......... 1:ro p.m ample of if it is ketp up, as well. . 11,1.......... &'S0p,m.l I0J'10e:,... ...ea:ipan ROET.'A. Barth, of Noepawa, was mar- • t'x'=rar.•:.r�z=rs=sea'=--.miter,,,---",..alrras riod to Miss King, formerly of Ontario, {y. Pita my on the 7,h inst.. He is tuaohing in the 9,, ,y('`i 9L ita lf,1, lyte! town mentioned above att1 receiving a Cs. . • 'j�1 til tJ vl ilL' salary of $800. Mr. Bence ,s a son to A. - - _- - ; Bruce, of this town. • A elders ummrg ye tekin' notes A 1x011 mile skating race has- been ar- Ai ' faith hell Trent it. raegad to take place on the Maitland _ ,,.._ _ .-_ _ ee._ _ -._. skating rink on Wednesday evening of uoxtweok, between TUwn, Seafortb's fast . Senn, clear as honey. AMU Germ. 20- skater, seal live Brussels boys, each one J. R. Gniarr ie at the Queen city this skating a mile, for 550 aside. Week. J. K. Nonny, of Howiok township, has NEST Tuesday will be the lot of Pet)* been appointed Returning Officer for the East Riding in connection with the Dom. inion el„otion. The eomivation will, iu all probability, be held at Clorrie. Mr. Boddy ass ho town on Tuesday. As a recognition of the liberal patron- age received by the Rink 9'anagors at the Carnivals, the Directors have decided to sell loops of 10 Admissions for 78 001000. Ice in Splendid Condition, Roonis Comfortable and l yr snonr WEacoul.. A Fonuwiro hots -keeper aclmowledged the corn, last week, and wet fined $50 and 'costs before J. P's. ronith and Goveulock. evening. The other emcee were adjourned. Messrs. Vexsreve'e saw mill commenced work Scott and Wade appeared for the pros - this week and will rush the ,.awing right muter aunt prosecuted, respectively. along now. Davit, Wnerred, who hes been on the sibk list, i3 so far recovered as to be able to resume work. J. Senwei0T, of Belleville, was in town strel, and Prof. te:g.jns, 13..1., w111 be last we k attending the funeral of his present. A. large tarn out le expot,dd father-in-law, D. Sinclair. I and a gobd time counted cu. TEE County Sabbath School Convex,. ' J. I). Ramis, of this town, has sold tion bas been enstponed until the lit and I another of his celebrated steamers, two 2nd of '..Farah. It is to be hold at Blyth. hose reels and 1,500 feet of hose to the Geones'ruoseoi has put a br1 act van i town of Portage le Prairie. Their engine on the road for the accommodation of his (a Ronald) was destroyed recently by the Doter forget the Musical and Literary entertainment in Knox Church on Tues- day evening of next week, under tha aus- pices of the Sabbath 'School. A good program is being prepared. Miss E, E. Kenn arrived home on Thursday from an extended visit of aei The Maitland Rink, oral weeks. y Clean, newsy, local items is what we bast Tuesday evening ilia teuontl car. want. Yon amu help us by bringing to nivel of the season was held on tbo Mait- our notice interesting locals unknown to land rink. Everything was in first-class us. order and the attendance was large. The I' so'e s connected with Melville number of person.; tit costume numbered churco have h died during the past twelve close on one hundred and many of the months, wbnso united ages amount to cuetnmes were very neat and attractive. 408 years. The judges, Jno. Shaw, Thos. Fletcher, TUE rain and thaw of huhu Saturday 1)r. uloNau„irtan and R. Leathordale, end Sunday almost settled the sleighing commenced Choir difficult tusk of award - in this locality, Travelling hes been ing the prize” abort 0 o'clock and it was o,"lsid,•rably past 10 before they finished. The fo'tunnite skaters wore: Brit dressed lady, n11ar1ootee costurxie, "Sultana," Miss Rills Hunter. Best dressed lady, comic costume, "Topsy," Miss B. Crewar. Best dressed gent, character costume, "St, Andrew," AV. Comm W ingham, Best dressed gent, comic costume, "Tramp," F. Melton. Lady and gentleman's race, in temples, lot, Miss Lizzie Jackson and Frank Stratton; gild, :Miss Kato Wilson incl Jas, Stretton. Bo! 's race, 1st, Andrew Currie, end, Wesley Love.• - Obstacle ince, 3st, Robt. Thomson, 2nd, Jno. Crawford and Addie Cormack ;disputed.) : Ladle race, lot, Miss Lily Veal ; 2118, Mrs, D. Spragg. Girl's race, 1st, Mabel Smith ; 2nd, Maud, Thomson. The ot,stacle race was very amusing, the contestants having to trawl through a looped rope and get over and under two hurdles. Some of the races were hotly contested and evoked considerable in- terest, The following is a partial list of the persons in costume Samuel Plant, Olden Times, E. Armstrong, Clown, Wm. Janes, Richard II, Wm. Ballantyne, Chinaman, Mies Buchanan, Wiclred Fairy, Miss L. Jackson, Fairy, Clara Meadows, Irish Washerwoman, f.exio Alexander, A.merican,lajlor, Mabel ;Jackson, Old Woman, Louis Jackson, Old Man, Jack Ballantyne, Cloen, Jim. Burgess, Californian Athlete, Bessie Fletcher, Savoyard dress, Reggio Ile:olier, Page to Olierles Il. Miss Broadfoot, German servant. M se Kay, a winter's night, Ed. Molson, Tramp, Joe Rogers, Ring ,lames I, Mabel Smith, Queen of Diamonds, Agnes Town, Queen of Roses, W. Smith, Clown, W. Ross, Uncle rens, Miss, Ross, Aunt Dinah, WVin, 'Wynn, Judge, Kate Corinaok, Irish lady, Wm. Ross, Queen of Hearts, A (Jousley, Old Man, Miss Ida Thomson, Queen of Reece, Maud Thomson, Fairy Queen, Clara Thomson, Summer, Annie Young, Snow ball, Miss kiowe, new Drop, R. J. Clark, Parson, trlise Donaldson, Scottish Archer. Miss ltilla Hunter, Sultana, Lorne Hunter, Sultan, Flossie Hunter, Queen of Reses, Miss Town, Starlight, May Herr, Butterfly; Miss Iinechtel, Patbh-work, Tillie Knechtel, Garden Maid, Miss Lamont, Bride, Annie Thomson, Queen of night, Minnie Shaw, Queen of Roses, Oran Turnbull, Capt. Kidd, Mary Walker, Summer, H. M. Cormack, Cow -boy, A. Fitzpatrick, Yeoman Wardei, W. Montgomery, Toxmo Ranger, Miss Drewe, Nun, Miss Jennie Stewart, Bride. Miss Shand, Parlor Maid, Jake Whiting, Irishman, Miss Smith, Nun, Rachel A oleander, Irish lady, S. H. Laird, Orioketer, D. Ewan, Irishman, Joseph Laird, Irishman, Peroy Jackson, Cricketer, 3. Ferguson, Sailor. The baud did their wont iu tho host possible style and added very much to the enjoymelet of the evening. Persons were present from in6l lam Soaforth, Wroxeter, Ethel and other Rur � rounding towns and villages. On a000tmt of the generous patronage of the public at this carnival the Direct- ors have agreed to eel! tickets for ton ad- missions for 75 cents. This is te good will take well with the public. move and The managers of the rink were indefati- ruary. Mos. ;leo.Srtw is visiting at Blyth this week. REEVE M°Cgeoaei be at (1080x1011 this week attendieg County Council. ' Tnos. l'eaaow, M. P., wa. in town on Wednesday callieg on. his friends. Davis WALERA, peeve of Tuckersmith, was chosen Warden of Nitron Co. Mns. W. H. Lennie of Goderich, is vis- iting relativesand friends in town. A gearrx of leads of youngfolks attend - ad the carnival at Seaforth last Friday Satverroo Aran. -Next Monday even. ing big juldlee.is to be ht Id in the Town Hal,. In addition to tic 1- cul officers, Stiff -Captain Griffiths, the Welsh min. teuctonrer., and has seeped another baker. Money ro Lor.::.--5everai:iar;;e sums on hand to lend on good security at 0e, per cent. yearly. Apply to 25-2 mon A. R .TETI. Brussels. TUE band acknowledges, with thanks, the receipt of $1.00 from a lady admirer M Tor, nto. They would like to bear from all who received oiroelers, if they can only offer 25 or 50 cents. OsPT. STRATTON, of the Queen's hotel, was fined 950 and costs, on Tuesday, for violation of the Canada Temperance Act. Tile case was tried before Messrs. Smith and Govonloek. The charge ag inst C. Dames, of Cranbroolc, was not sustained. THREE Brussels yodng ladies were pleasure riding, one day last week, and, in attempting to turn the horse and cut- ter around, in front of the Revere House, woredumpsd into the ditch. No damage dote excepting a big scare, Ladies should always have a gentleman for driver. To those requiring aids to vision. Bo sure in asking for Laurance's spectacles that you get 13. Locomen's--as there aro ifnitations in the market, and see thab every pair is stamped 13, L., without whish none are genuine, Do not be de- ceived by any similiarity in the name. Ray. 0. Law, of Bel;nave, will preach , in Mehille ahnrch on Saturday at 1:30 Inc Christmas number of the Montreal p. m. Communion ser rices will be held Stile was a gigantic seethes, being now in on Sabbati,. Rev. 0'. Ballantyne, 0f treat dernnud at 91a copy, four times the Walton, will preach on Smithey 000011.0) pnblitl ,s' price, but it is to bo eclipsed and,on Monday. Tito enunal meeting of by tba ming Carnival nrnnber of the the omen e+aticr: will t t1(o place on Mon Star. This, the - Queen's Jubilee voar, day afternoon. will nit 10• soon for=otter. by Clanadjane, DR. B.tmienno, of 1,ondon. 1S,g11.n.1. is The C: oval number of the Star will 11.1 I :tending out, the first weds in March, •1110 it 108 lih1y on the mind of ovcrybody. boys, (reed 10 to 10 awl 111 na'dtl for TI eCan nil al Sine is to lie :.•"l.0 forty odd farno lifer and other emhl ,;meat. Those n li: moth 70:80;, with flee plet0 temple- dos£rone rf veining such help fine rennin. ,, t=, ts,eli worthy of a £ronin, and =uteri to apply early to E lwarii Duff, each goad value for the c.^'et r`, fhe whole, Dr. Barnardos Floes; Peterborough, wine paler. gable in their efforts to nuke every - will furnish all necessary;particulars. i Cn0nl'1on Nome oe TIM S!(A'rI ei SEA- I thing•pass off suocessfoily. TInt Huron Medical Association held • sox.-Crrrnd handicap tournament in the iia annual meeting on Tneaday 1110 11ti, :Mlaitle,nd Rink, Brussels, on Wednesdaytoboggan slide is •400 garde night, Feb, 2nd, To 71016rentee an inter'. I Tho Guelph ton d the dietano is traversed in ton last., in the Mechanics' Instituto rooms, g, an vstivg time five IIruasels hays have ua• seconds. So saga the l:ierald. Fire Hall burning. Lir. Ronald is now at Calgary testing their new engine. "ODD MAmcnEs."-This is the subject of Rev. C. E. Gordon.Smith's lecture in the Odd Follows' Hall this (Friday) atoning. It is reported to bo well worth hearing and we bespeak a full house for the rov. lent• carer. Lot the persons interested in se- curing theleoturo see that you amino. iate the intellectual. Tan annual meeting of the Morris and Grey cheese and butter factory will be held in the Brussels Town Hall on Sat. urday afternoon of this week. After the business of the meeting is through Prof. Robertson is expeoted to deliver an ad- dress on Dairying, cto. There will no doubt be a large attendance. Ton year 1887, the year of the Queen's Jubilee, is to be signalized by the issue of the greatest illustrated pager ever issued in Amorica • the Carnival number of the Montreal Star -a work of national im- portance. Wo aro told by those who know that it will overshadow and out- strip alt previous efforts in illustrated journalism. Those who cannot go to Montreal for the great Carnival will find all the events to the very life in the Car- nival Number of the Star. It is to be some forty odd mammoth pages with five Plato supplements. Soaforth. Theta were present Drs. Gra' barn, Nichol, Elliott, Hanover, Smith and Worthington; others who intended opted the challenge of Thoth Town, of Seafoith, to skate five milia for 900 a side, a fresh Brussels boy each alternate Hull City Council elected .A.M. E. B. Eddy, the well-known mainfaotlrer, being pros, neuro prevented by the,Mayor for 1887. 5Eorm, The meeting was a very inter- mile. Bona tido race, 11° fraud as Co IL ig considered probable that the Do - 'eating one, a number of cases being pros- looney is deposited and the rules govern- 11,101111 Covernmont will set apart a 5pec- eent for examination and several report. ing the race arranged. 11noouraye the cal da next season upon which Canad- One of the rare cases of float. boys by Soot 1)0050900. Term' of art- ,ung will be requeetod to obsoryo the Canad- a," Onset mission to rink : ladies and children, 10 or.kidney ki was ases(ina (inourable), a cry pc- Queen a Maitay. or fish skin disease a very pe- scents, gentlemen, 15 rents, I3rnssels 1linyorMalSay, of Iiamiltmr, has cabled oulinr ease of spasm of the spinal gnus- Band in attendaneo, 1'8.1 to Her Majesty as follows 1 -"To tho ores, and a ease of Ulceration of the leg, Oro old friend,. Daviel Dobson, of Kau. Queen's Most I7xoellenb Majesty': -Tho citizens of the oily of Ilamilton, Canada, present their congratulations to your efctjeety On attaining the 50th year of your reign," and has received ibis cablegram in reply :-"Hor Majesty thanks you and your fellow citizens for your kind and loyal congratulations. Talbot Torrance, late oditue of the Paris Star, -Transcript, and now editor of Cho Paris Review, has entered an action for. 95,000 damages for en alleged libel contained in a notice published in the Star -Transcript warning tho public that a ro he was no longer connoted with that Ings of Cho °o( s} for the last year, our Sunday School they �lresentad flhhrlea paper, and that persons paying eubacrip- betwee . Clinton year, as and the Dobson with a Splendid rocking chair, tions or accounts due filo Star•Transcript between.nCngwi and til 0th, ext mooting will 'VI held at Clinton on coating 98.00, for his services lasaas� poria- 18 himwouldstill be hold liable for the t8,'microscopic %now of e, portion; of a Call- SRO, writes :-We, are having fine weather, oerten Ster nap was ghown, and other there is no snow and the cattle are out in specimens. Dr. Graham, of Brussels, was elected president for the ongoing year, and Dr. Smith, of Scaferth, eeer0. tory. A vote was unanimously passed that the Noretary bo instructed to gond -tip DI ,1,tiec1 Mos. Sloan, of Blytll, it lette as ;Sympathy and coudolenee for their gtettt calamity, in the loss by doh of of their son Dr. Andrew Sloan. vote of thanks wore passed to the retir- ing president aud secretary. Tbo meet• t" are bo alternate the fields. I see you were victorious; at the Provincial elections and I hope you will do as well at Cho Dominion. There ARO great times here over elections bub i have not sworn against Cho old. lady across the sem yet 00 I take no interest in them. Wo aro having a great boom in eailways and surveyors aro at work in every direction and bonuses aro being granted, of course. We would be bad off without Tnn Pose, Mary reads everything there is in it. At a Christmas tree for n tendant. How is that for s amours Ancil 5ti1. Kingston shipbuilders are making ex- tensive preparations in anticipation of a busy 5(350001 after navigation opens, ( Col. Ilerohmer has been appointed As. sistant Comluiesioner of the Northwest Mounted Police, lie fa a brother of Qon3- missiouor Heroluner, Professor Goldwin Smith has declined to be a candidate for Linger, Man., ow. ing to the impossibility of entering upon a winter oaInpaigu et auoh sdort notice, s3or=r, Toonsoll.-In Brunie, on the2dth inat., the wife of Mr. Geo. 'Thomson of 't son, Thirteenth -In Dakota, on Deo. 23rd, 1880, the wife of 31r. Sorry Danford of a sou. DAVIDSON-ltUPP. -At the ro.idonco of the bride's father, on the 10th mite, by Rev, D. 13. Monne, Mr. Thomo,a Davidson to Mise Mary :lf., oldest daughter of Mr, Richard Repp, all of Ethel. 11:icIeroi n^Tneeer..- --Ab tiro Manse, Craubn,ok, on the 22nd inst., by the Bev. D. B. McRae, Mr. John Mein. took, teacher, Grey, to Miss Emily Theoll,of Morrie. 9=9TH. itIcpaniEN.-In Grey, en the :Mat inst., Maria, beloved wife of UriohMoFnd- den aged J7 years. Moonnouss.-In Newbury, on Jan. 23, ut the residence of her son-in-law, Dr. Graham, Mary, widow of the late Capt. Joseph Moorhooso, of Euphomia, mother of Dr. Moorhooso of London, and the 'Rev. J. H. Moor - house, of (Jerrie. 11,.timtboi P(u bc. TrnsnAY, Inc. Stu. -b'al'm stook and implements, an lot 20, con. 18, Grey, to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp. Gen. Pattolson, prop., Alex. Dolgatty, acct. 91ESti S.,3=.1.,S CORRECTED eAnO1'LLLY EVERY 1010011. White Pall Wheat .. 70 Red Winter 77 :spring Wheat 70 - Barley d0 Osts 21 Poaa 50 Sutter, tubs and rolls,... 15 Eggs per dozen 10 Flour per barrel 4 00 Potatoes 5' • 00 Hay per ton .. 8 00 19 00 Hides per Ib 0 pr teressod Hog • 5 1;0 5 85 salt per bbl., whole aleGO 80 Sheep skies, etch50 1 00 77 78 78 48 CO 00 0,1 00 0 THE PE4PLE's COLUMN. t`� SE 8 of Cho undersigned IB rsl ,o t n o Bucffalo3Lobo. Don's know the age, The owner cel, by paying for this nctic0 and. proving property, t-akoatire animal :tura}. 20 GEE. LOVE. (IIIOICE FARMS FOR KALE - A few splendid, improved farms for sale In tho township of ('trey, Morris and MoIiillop. Apply to A. 1)loLGAT'1Y, 00, Auctioneer, llruseols P. 0. A GOOD FARM TO RENT, OR ASL.. BELE, 2.i miles from Oran brook. For t urthor particulars apply" to A. RAYMANN, o• to WM. OSTT410 Ornubrook P. 0 . O000rd P.O. 1c Advertising space in the town hall can bo had by applying to F. S. 800TT, First Coale, First Served. 21 By Order of Council �11ARAI TO LET.--NOR'IH Lalflot 20,0011.8, Morris,' 100 soros, 40 cleared, Goad log house, frame stable and excellent orobard. Splondts supply of good water. Terms alley for a period of live years. RICHARD LEES. 10-tf 0ox870, Lindsay, OAR Fon SERVICE, ---ONE of the best Borkshiro Boars in tho County is kept et the Queen's .Rotel stables, Bressolr, TEnncs, 81.00 to b0 paid at time of sorvi05, with the privilege of retonuing, if noobsoary. (JA11', 0TIIETTJN. 28 - FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- eeroigueli ofler0 his farm, 1pt e, con. 4, Grey, containing 100 aorta. for snit). Thur. aro about05 aeroo cleared and under crop. 'I;bero is agooll frame barn and log lines, orchard, well end all co oveo(onase• Good rlrtlenlars apply foveal. For full - n L'1, yto NS A.':T1lU&yI rl 019, • 28.31' Proprietor, !intends. O'.6:ItC.HC 1 lir. of the East Damn 'glic ibex l os Line n Agricultural Snoibld, will d pial in the Town01ia18, , tom 0 tin101 og ab 1:lldpo J !'ho ineciv(I1g 8f 7, eom annual report, tolon1lon of officers ffices a ti the annnol ab11111hoses ll ill 015i errsgbt other the meeting, bnAlar will ho broughtI) afore Cho meotluil, A largo at- tendance is as to fet . D, St1LIWATCT, D. Mot AUG GLIM, Soo, Prone. President. 20- OIC 3E4_3 1M TO CREDITORS. ' No1,co is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of chum, 10711, S. 0., and 40 Vie.,. Chap. 0 (Ont. toall orodibora and others having elaima agalust the estate of ALEx- ANDE1t 8TEWA3tT, 1at0 of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Yoontaa , de. ceased, who died on or about the eighth day of panel to W. br B. et, past, Dickson,13russolgond `y e, Scoihoiior for etaloolne MaUermid and Alexander Stew. art, 'Flequiree, the Exoeutors of the last will and toatamont of the said dbooased on or bolore the eighteenth day of February, A.D. 1887, a statement of their na0Os and ad- dresses and full particulars Of their claims duly attested with a statement of all occur. !ties (tinny) ]Sold by them. And that after the gall 18th day of Vein mazy the said Executors will pr000el to disbribubothe assets of the said deceased among too parties entitled thoroto regard being -had only to 0110 claims of whlch no- tice shall have boon given a0 above requir- ed" Who said Executors wtl not bol liable for the emote 0r any part thereof t0 any pore 130115 0f whose 0lairn, notice shell nob ban been given al the time of suoh distribution. 1)30100 at lirnsosls the25111 day of Jantuary A.12 D„ 1887, W. T3, D100811N, 29.4 $elicitor for k)xooutcra • 1910 LST —`1111 HA1,L OVER .l hlttsoti, A. 8681'0, lulu tbo k1ntonlq 11,101, wotfld 011110 a ).boil Lbdga Boom or would lease It for an 0000e. App#Y to VANS1ON1) & SONS. AilARNI [N CTHEY FOB SALE, beteg 1o014, oil the 10th eon ,containing 100 more 0, s0ubh part lot 15 on 10 eon„ 000 tiiiitl 45 aures, Lot 14 is partly Olsarod, thobalano°well timbered, A nevor idling crook 0.Y081105t110 lot and it is well adapted for farming or erasing, Let 16 is meetly oloared and under good cultivation, the bal. 0500well timbered with block ash. Will sell all together or in parte to suit the pur- chaser. Nor further) 1mb:rulers apply to the proprietor m bbo pl'omiose. Thielob Jewell drained. V. GEO. AVERY, NE\V FIR iI.--'THE UN1)EIt ((xaman doaire to intimate to tho pub- lio generally that they hays formed a en. partnorsbi , for the purpose of uarryisgR on Carriage, Sign and Ornamental Painting' and aro prepared to attend to the welts of the public on most reasonable terms. Mr. Bose having bad exporieuco in some of 4110 bosh shape In Toronto and both being p400- 14001 worl,01soi 00 guarantee to give satis- faobinn, oetlmatea ton terms n hoorf,1lly furnished. Shots over Veal's Furniture Store, corner of lurnhe'r\ anti Mill Streets, Benohcls, SMITH it 16065` Ncyricus,... lublionotiee t0 hurley elven, that all erg lrlioation will be made to the Legislature of Cho Pro l iuc0 o f Ontario, ett the next Un - don thereof, for an Cwt erecting tho town- s hillsofW0llam),hlnl,l.IOU ad 3borrington, In the (Montyo} Perth 1 Howlett and Grey in the County of Aarou ; and el'ryborougll In the County of \Vainestou, with Cho 01115gee of Milverton, Brussels and Wroxeter. aunt too Tow110 of Palmerston and Listowel iv said Counties, into a 1' rovl:doanl 0onnty, to be milled the ()amity of Maitland, with 000 Town of Listowel as County Town, witu h,rovioione similar to those contaioo,t to Cho 0011(0 Victoria, chapter 31, foo the formation of the Uonuty of Dofferia, subject to the approval of the majority of the Etcetera of the said 0I'unicienoities, to be taken at an Election to be held for the purpose cinder said Act, in a manner similar to said Act for the fermiC ell of 111,1 Jaunty of Uuirorin, DARLING & 10.013310, Solicitors for Ap phonate. LIS tow el, Jun Alt, 1887. 07.0 a!Vation Army rmy GRAND JUBILEE ! . -----IN 'trig --- TOWN HALL, - BRUSSELS, Monci.ayl Jana 31, '871 Staff -.Captain Griffiths, (TILE \VJOL)310 MINT TPI r.) will be present and will give part o1 hie wonderful experience. Also PROM% WIGGIR, t PaL, Ono of Canada's Loading Musicians. Come all and hoar him for yourself, ADM ISS 10 N, 10 OlINTS. CAPT.. McINTOSH - -T' In Command. The Best Paper you can possibly have in your family is theMoimn001.':WITNBS ," which gives mono profitable and interesting reading matter, has more fearless and intelligent editorials, and is, in all respects, one of the most reliable and newsy journals on this continent There are, now•a-days, unfortunately, but too few newspapers' that can be admitted into the sanctity of bhe fainly hearth, but the "WIeenss" is one of the few. Though full of outer. prise in the matter of news, it 11000r ad. mi:s into its column anything which could possibly injure the mind of even the youngest of its readers, while its Question ant. Answer Department, in which quer. tee on all subjects of general interest aro replied to by competent authorities, ren- ders it of the greatest possible villus to all its subscribers. To commemorate the fiftieth year of Queen Viotoritt's reign over the British Empire, the publishers ' , - `Y " eve 111 to all gllb- • to " rr�l. s n i iv of the W giving scribers to that paper -either now or to- no,ving --typo send tan carts in addition to their t,ubsoriptiun, 11 magniileent .k� �g I�6�'I'@iltE D�' HER MAJESTY. 1 This file portr.it is highly spoken of by many prominent Canaditins who have al- ready received it, and amender it a worthy likens'e of our Noblo Queen. Tho yoarly subscription to tho "Deur 'SVrrsnss" le 93,00, and to the "WEHRLE WITEEns" 91.00, an additional 10 cents to bo sent in either MVO if the piuturo bo dosirod. Send in your subscriptions without de. lay to JOHN DOB -GALL tb SON, Mermen,. The "Nor.Txn ex lifessnomnt" is over gaining in popularity, and is still Tun CnE,LPusx ILLUSTRATED PAPER Ptln deinxD. Prizes of Books and Money 505 given to those who canvass. for it. Pinole ONLY 80e. a year, with reductions to Clubs. Samplo copies sent to any who may request them. JOHN DOUGALL th 50N, Montreal. A Good Paper doe the family is tiro "WsEusi Mossl.acoen," which gives the current news in a concise form, together with ilhistrated stories. Tho small gum of ISO, will 800111l0 a copy for twelve months. JOHN bOUGALL & SON, sco7.terial. .14301 'i.'S WAN7'l:111 in every towntand village for all of the "Weeezee" Pnblioa- bions. Send for tortes, BANKING. M0INTOSH & 1fnTAGGAIi'3', ��� 1311Ni(11113S, •;. 11..Uti5111.4 Transact as General, BatIR ng 13'#Isincss, wotoo to hand discounted. Tuboreet allovud 011 deposits reensebl• 00 (-tenane. Prompt attention given to ooiloetiono, LEGAL AND CONViEYANGINII. ..PTA]E & SINCLAIR, IIAItIt1S- ' v 001115, &o. 01110o in Lecl;loo; bleak, Brussels. gene), 10 Loan. �V B. DIOKSON, (LATE WITH v • Onrrnw &Proudfcot, flester1c11) 8o'. llclbor, elouvoyeneer, &o, were, c rant'a Monk, brussels. Morey to loan. LEX. HUNTER, CLEItE OF the Fourth Division Court, Oo, Enron, Oonveyenoer, Notary lublio, Laud, Loan bot loan. r00,100t1 one mate.ds0l11 invested ail Gra- ham's Block, [Inmate, MEDICAL CARDS. DB. H.UTOITINSON 11AS RE • moved his ofdeo to rooms over tbo Pootollloo_ liosldeoe on .;lilt Street. - I .i. MONAUGIITON, M. I)., 0. 1.16. C. P. I.diaburMit, Pbyoi,•ian, Surgeon and Aocoaoher, (ince, ylr•L, 81,io1 0 block, Turnborry 8treot. \\j M. P. CALL. 1)1.1) , G, 111. Member of tho Colloro of Physicians and Surgomis of Orltanic) by oxaminetiun. Office and Reoidooc-1fain St. Et.st, 1111101 Ontario. DENTAL. 1181NTT&4'Ci'.l'. 0. 1,13a11,31. D. Honor Graduate and 01.10.0. D. 8., Of Toronto, Nitrous Oxide Gns administered. Prices graded and es lbw as good work eon be done for, 08100 over Joh,0ten's Hardline Stare, Soarer tit. i1= A. MARTIN, L.D. S.. Ili Heiler U rml»ntu rt.,y0) Cnik;,e .'1 i?ental 8:141ee11ti. 0 nee 01:1101.111 h:auii, ihu e'101001es elel r 111 2.3 ICJ ALr I.% 11 J. fear, L.1) 5. (irn,lr:etc of To - r0 '0000 School of De n Leo y. All 1,1.1'x. 11t00n8 gnar:U,tevd. ('110 C'0,1 y'8 Attack, Soaforth. Ar•tilicial teeth, ar'.t,Ptid ,t} , ,111th g.,e'011t0ed at, Cur p, r , t. --- • BI;I:aINENS GARDE. Vir lifmarriage1Liaruay, 01,100 R his Gruas n Gros Or}•,Turubarry Street. GSTM. RO.DDIOX,110115L, SIGN 0 0 and Carriage, plain and ornamental painter, Estimatoo oboeriully furnished. Charges moderato. A 1IoNAI1t, ISSUER OF MAR - 1.Y. i Ingo Llo0nsos, by appointment o Lleut: Goyeror, Commisslouor, 6:0., Q. R. Orn'oyaocorancl Agent Fire Insurance Co Ofileo at the Oraubrook Post 0 411ae, Jhl. O'CONNOR, .FIRE, LIFE, 0 Accident and Loan insurance Agent for some of 0110 bast and most reliable idem - pontos intbcDominion, Office 11 rick Torr- moo,Taruberrystr0et,noar the station. 'Ill W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduate of Cho Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the preetio0 of John Nott. 0.5„ and is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals on ooiontif0 end approved prinolploe. Treatment of dol. ientofoaleaSpecialty. 05151 at John Nott's V. S. A/FIBS LILLA O'CONNOIt, TellobarofMusic, LVogel and Yestru• onontalon Organ, Plano, or Guitarliar- mouyy and Thorough Bass. Advnnmed penile Mod for Tonehing. Terms on appliontion, Bbferanco-Ladies of Larotto den+.rely, Guelph. ltsoideooe--No. 2, Terrace, - atth, Waal• station, obert Cunningham INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. -t• .lI. BLA SHILL, 13 atelier, thanking ills many nllstoneee for their •, t• iliberal pporb in the pilotWel r5n e.1' wishes to inform thelet'.,.tat his shop in Snit -dere block In keeps nothing but nrst-class moat, all kinds of Poultry and Sausage Mont Delivered to all 1•0100 0 Gin town free. C'oalt pearl for Be,. Stock Hides and sheepskins bought for trash. ry,l • ,TBAYED ON TIIE PEE ALIS E ,S l..J of the undersigned, lot 20, On. 15, Croy, 01101) 001,0101 Nov. 15th, it white ,Duarling rani, The owner is unmated to in ov0 pro- perty, pay 0\0100((00 and tells 1,41,1 away. GEORGE SRIIB LS, Mo,orion' P.O. 7TItAY.ED ON TIIE PREMISES or the 'undersigned, lot 20, con, 10, Morris. about the 10111 of November, 1881, a yearling steer, light red 10 Oslor, Who owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and Ulu) 111m away, 27.44' WM, 01111157011N, Walton F'1, 111. 1'O1. NO If,. T subocrioor offers for solo hie valuable Vann in the Township of Grey, comprising Iota 5tund7,0010,11inn said township. This farm contains 000 acres and is within 1.11, miles from Cho thriving village of Itrusstls, with good gravel readloallog thereto, About 150 soros aro Glowed, free Amu stumps and iu high state of cultivation. The balance 1s tinily weeded. This farm ispartleularly wollfanood,nearlybbs w11010 oil the foneos being straight and htuvinggboon erected ;in 1485 end '80. on thopramisasthcro is a com- fortable log dwelling bongo and apt) dframo barn with stone stabling underneath in which thyro is a wall with an abundant sup. ply of excellent water. There is likowiao a new Immo (mploment house, 40x20, well floored, above and below, and neatly sided and nainbod, For parttonlars Ba1wpdy to the Proprietor, JAellefl DI0100051, lloglatrar, IIuron 00., 10.11 . Ilod°rich,