HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-28, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
4irootory of Chnrohos and Sooiotiosr
Monti uo Cnaoou.—Sabbath Services
at 11 a, m. ani3'0:50 p, m, Sunday Sohool
fit 2130p. m: Rev. Johan Boas, B. A.,
Knox Omunon.—Sabbath services at 11
arm. and 0:30 p. nr.' ' Sunday School at
2.80 p. m. Bev. S. Jones, pastor.
ST. Jon1's Ontmeu,^Sabbath Services
Ait a.m. and 7 p.m. .Sundav Sohool at
J130 a,m. Rev W. T. Oluff, incumbent.
MarnouIS'r 011"01101.1.—Sabbath Services
ttt•10:30 0, m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. in.. Rev. Wm. Smyth,
Astor.Rosrsx _
Splrvioo third Sunday in ectesoraa very mouth, lalt
11 a.ul. Rev. P. J. Shea, priost.
ODD FRADOw'e Limon every Thursday
Arming in Graham's block.
\ilfasolxa Lows Tuesday at or before
WI moon in tho Garfield block.
AL, 0. U. W. Lopez meets on 1st and I
Pad Monday evenings of each month.
Fontana -es Loam 2nd and last 'Monday
ottenings of oat11 month in Smale's hall, '
L. 0 . L. lea .diondpy in every month in 1
((range Hall.
Pon Crt1101s,—Offrcehou03from 8a.m..
ti2somt Iia' 1xsmtmoxs Reading Room i
and Library in Holmes' block, will be ,
open from (3 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays 1
assd Saturdays. Maas Jessie Ross, Lib-
Japan Imitate of 'singing fish. It i
hits mnssil 0l scales, we suppose.
01.0 hoadoabo and all diver diseases yield •
;c sietuatolyta 'west's Liver inns. Sugnr-
co'nted, An Druggists,
Diner: "Waite(', 1 see you have
turtle soup on the menu. la it to
mock turtle ?" Waiter : "No, air,
A physician says : "If a child
does not thrive oil fresh milk, boil
it," This is -too severe. Why not
opnnk it.
Paan saauot 'exist after the patient has
fatten a single dose of Weft's Pain Bing, the
n la ouzo. Do not bo induced to tako n
sts,otitnto, but insist 0000 having 'West's
Bain King. Camino sold. by J. iIargroaves
40 Co., druggists.
"Have yon ever seen a ghost.
Poglkins ?" ' "N,•, Snippit,' was •
the spirited rel'ly, "and I never ea
A'CLicagoan went crazy because
lie lea •d Qnee.: Victoria was dead.
He evidently didn't used much of
an excuse.
West's Cough Syrup. .l stir, ouzo rte ,
00(1365, Culde, Breach itle Ssra Throat. sol
4 diseases n: the throe* and lunge- .cots.,
Mete. and 01 per bottle. All Druggists.
1t ld I: relnar liabhl peen ntrn.y
about d,bts, that their expanding
power ca 1tiutles t0 increase as OIle i
contract) them.
000nd i thatWoat'e Cough Syrup is the
01101 for Coughs, noble, and all 'throat and
lung debases, All Druggists. -
tin Aberdeen Critic writes : "We ..,.,.�.
read in Longfellow that hs wishes
C•Pll.l D031(1310
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\Ne 110 fake Care Ttoi t be. led (.WAy
()y l(ie Tories f fort) re practical J)reSeilf(' 90esltrl'i` •
' 11Rh Show Ire line of elenlnrcation_ Ge'tweeil 1.'.
PetrtieS, &rut uhol\ 'which iiie elec"f-iorl, i5 T (,e,
1 •�ouCil� 1
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POI -1.1.0 ' ID Mir I "N"
WOM++mmZSAn+t:m.—ss ssaacme,> .al[1:29.E.M..21
{nen ccnld maim lore lilts to bird." Station Information Office: 'Voice
Man does, air. Longfellow ; ho male- outside the window—"When does
ea love like a goose. the 4 o'clock train leave for Terry
Woot'o World's Wonder, 0r Stonily Lint- town ?" Voice inside the window --
mom, anever failing cure for rheumatism, "Three sixty." Voice outside (runt- toll him you have jntt gone down
tering)—"I knew there was no de- i town t0 pay a bill: "No, n°. He'll
know you're lying then. Toll him
something he can believe." "Well,
A Dutiful Wife.—Mr. Winks—
Great Scott 1 there comes Jinks.
Ho hie a bill against me. Telt him
I am out. {lir. Winks• --Well, -111
neuralgia, outs, hunts, Mutsu, wounds and
front bites. 85 and Beets. A11 Druggists.
Applicabla Elsewhere. --Hotel
keeper : We allow no games of
chance in thie house. This ieu't, a
game of chance. This man piaying
against me haus 00 chance. will cure incipient Catarrh. One or two
World's Rost. \\refit's :Liver Pins, a sure boxes%silicon ordinary Cataran. Ono to 01
pendenoe to bo placed on those
blamed time -tables."
100 on Yon Gourd.
Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly
and surely develop itself i uto Catarrh, Nihon
you can be urea for 15c. A few applications
our@ for livor complaint. dyspepsia, sick boloew(il euro ohroni' Datsun. sty Dr•
hoadacbe, and :ndtgosL•lou• tlO 113(0 00015• Chase's Censdian Catarrh Ouzo—itwlil euro
AIlDruggivt5., • you
: "1 thongll•t•yitu' were a vegot•Johnson—"Do you know young
ariau and now .1 see you eating J3.°"87",. O'Kelly--`'sus sir ; I
mutton 1"B : "Well I nim only ani know him." Johnson—"Can
iuTlireet vegetarian—I eat moat of son believe what he says . i at—
suc11 animals only as live °n veget- ' 'Pahl, an' it's jiet this way : Whin
able food." ilo.tells ye -the truth yo can belave
The a8lrear 1888, ivory Word he says, but whin he lips
Arter1hnabove yearf0'ended there need 1 to yez, ye bettber have no con
and person eafforfag from Rheumatism, fid0n00 in him at all,
Dtanrnlgln, Toothaoha, IIondaehe, Lumbago,
ataxy mouton ern, if they only purchase e, , Man at a water -cooler (pausing
btit;Cte of Fluid Lightning, to it cure(instant- rct{et>tively 1I1 file mi so 0fa lin •
bt. ('pin cannot stay where it is used Tha
1a i
na''e s Fluid hightails. Sold by Jno.Her- "What kind of orator is this 2" Ntt
gr SVCS 1000., (115331055.
Shopping in the country.—Olork,
"No ma'am ; these are two articles
tvd'ilon't keep ; bub the oysters, I
think, you will find at the postofoo
and tlanannal you can get ncr0s5 it well.
the way, at the barber's." 51,000 Forfeit 1
areGretlnrdllhlrlco^ t'arrbnllct:ernle, Having t1outmostnondameoinitosurer-
Wato you an old Bore, Out, Avrn, Bruits- forlty over an others, and niter Swami as of
Y tote of tho moat complicated and severest
s ortouglo on, Salt 'Mourn, Pimple, slotolt, oasoi WO could find aro fool justified in °wor-
se, Rough Hands or Fan 2 'lf n. there is but ins /forfeit, One Thousand Dollars, !or tiny
ono auto,. namely, McGregor ,L• Parko's Car-. ones of Cough, Cold, Sore 'Throat, Influenza,
boli° Oorato, 10 yon but try it, it will eon. Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Consumption in its
shin you, It costs but 15c, at lInrgreavice curly atag3os,Who'ping Cough. and all (lis -
Ding Stor°, - noes of tho throat and lunge, except as-
GuetOmer (to photographer) "I thine, for which we only claim relict, that
'cm can't oure- with West's Cough Syrup,
don't think the picture does mo
justice. Photographer : "My doer
.sir, if photography •did justice to
• evaryouo w11Otha'd his picture taken
the art world soon grow unpopu-
tire (reaesuringly) : "That 7 That's
well water." Man at the water-
cooler : "You are too sanguine, my
friend. Tbiti water may bo conval•
escent, but it is gross satire to call
11cGreg0r'd Speedy Cure.
When we say lieloOroggor's Speedy Ouzo is
tho only perfect cure,' for Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaints ,Indigoetion,and Impure Blood,
wearo telling the Plain 11 oto,glwhich hum-
drods amen hnndroas can testify, who have
been rostered to perfect health by its use.
Wo would therefore advise you strongly if
you aro subloot to any of tho above troubles
togivo Mc0rogor'oSpoody Cure a trial and
b$onnvinoad. It is sold. in 50e, and $1.00
• �xo�iloa at1Sar1roayeo do do'o.Drag8tore.
Pi'ofe8$0r (to foot of botany clams)
i,;alno Of our common treed.
Student—A011tr ma pie, elm, larch,
when taken a000rding to (Street one. Sample
bottles Hoots, and blots. Large bottles $1,
Genuine wrapped only in bate, Sold b3' all
miens 1100(0eO. 'W S) &00 , Toronto. of
"Well, Jennie, should we marry,
where then will your mother livo 2"
"With us, deux." "And in case I
should marry your mother where
would you live 7" "Witil my uu•
cue," was tho indignant reply. 'Well
then, as it would be °lioaper to take
the old woman, I reckon rd better
marry her."
When we see a man on tho street
with his necktie undor his ear, and
a woman on tho next block with the
nano etylo of noektio securely nest.
liog where it belongs, and looking
locust, sprues+, Ill Be; horec—(tttlz• too sweet for anything, WO bow to
Ing breath). Processor (prompting) tho superiority of the fair sex. If
Ohlistnttt 7 ,1tudent--All right, women ever do wear trousers, it's
sir, if you've hoard 'cin before, I'll.l dollars to haysceda they won't bag
stop. - et the knees.
The depths of •, loku.ti,ess to which
(Well a Quaker con 0111 -ink melt,
one readily believe in the doctrine
of total depravity. Two little Qualo
era quarrelled, end after saying
words at each other, two of them in
a tremendous burst of rage, with
clinched fists and blazing oyee,
1'11 say you're on another spree, shouted : "rI'heo's yon." The oth•
dear." er boy lookod at 11i.n in horrified
silence. Then he solemnly said
"I shall go and toll mother that
then Owored."
A Profitable a. mm.
New men have a000mpllsltod tho ee no
amount of work and good in anis world as
the celebrated Dr, Chase, Over 00,000 of hie
Works have boon toll ill Canada alone, Wo
want every person troublod with Liver
Complain t, Dyopepsio, Head ache, kidney 0r
Urinary Troubles, to gall ni at your drugg tet
and boy n bottle of 00.011010 0 Lfvor Ours,
it will euro you, Mediaino.and ltoolla nook
to% 81.00.
i7 know that Goorgo's short•oom•
itlg •-could be the ruination of him,"
said tho widow, when informed that
her husband had been made away
with in the far West "It was on
account of Lis short commings,
wasn't it ?" "Yes—os," responded
the cowboy, who was doponded to
explain all very gently to her ; "yea
he conte three feet short of touching 11ft 30010On visits and receptions 00
the 81)0101' composed of faille oombuiod with
and Pills m ya f mud is. taw velvet, with fur and gold -beaded
i1y for year or more, and cud, neOtiltOt'1D an trimming.
both; of those so useful this T r---""
would bo sorry to .11101 thous out ;l¢lneral i'a10on.
of my house,
O. W. Ynmtm, „(thin gbut pur o extracts from plant and
The last° for crowding rooms with
all sorts of ornaments, bric•tl-brae,
and kuick•knaoke is on the wano,
$000 Itesvaril 1
Wo will pay the above reward for any case
ihdt stion,lconstipation•orcosti mess, 90
cannot aura with Wost'o Vogotabls Liver
00010, whoa Mho direobions 1100 sgttrictly 00m -
never fadl'to give satisfaction, Leargooaboteoo
containing 70 sugar -embed pills, 'eats. For
sale by 011.drn,0(0(0. Co,rar° of 00unt01-
foils and imitations. Tho genuine menu-
Mcturnd only by JOHN C. \\7:S'l' es CO.,
A. handsome carriage 000tumo for
I;diterooruwallProebeeldr. roots aro nee c1 in preparing meOregor's Lung
Sold by G.A. Deadmen. Compound, the modern and now popular
r emodY 1m (tough -0, Oolde, BTOlahitis. 01oup,
Asthma, awl all affections of ppthesThroat,
Sangg ro na ubstances 000 (00 hided. vlrialllo
renders it sato for chil&on or adults. Bald
at Stn, and $1.00 Dor bottle at Hargreaves 1
Oo' s. drugstore.
Moss groan, heltotropo and yellow
fere Mho colors largely imported in
silk stockings for evening wear.
Thoy are to bo worn with dresses of
corresponding color, or with black
or white toilets, Black stockings
will remain in favor for day tls0 and
for the street.
Thousands owe their reeovory from
itheumatisnt to West's World's ',Voudor or
Family Liniment. 3t 10 oon00ded every.
wbero 10 bo Mho boot known remedy for
lthouniat(sm , num, Ureides, Sprains, Burns,
Steads, and all d(((ries requiring externa(
applioation. Prlto 110 conte and O0 gents per
bottle. Bold by Sohn Hargreaves at Oo„
Black kid gloves promise to be in
very general neo for Oven tho moat
dressy toilets. They aro without
ornament cavo plain stitching, aro
very long and in I000sti2Otair'o style,
There aro elegant new glevas 3311
pearl shades with heavy black stitch-
ing, ale° pale straw and biscuit
ahodos with black,
Gontlolnau--"Tiler( you are,
Uncle Rogue. Yon just hand this
order to lir. Smith, and ha will pay
you the money." Till CIO Rastas
(scanning the document). --•-"Am die
a verbal ardor nab 2" Gentleman
—"No. , If I gave you a verbal or-
der ho wouldn't pity it." 1'Jneie
Rtlstns (relieved) -----"Xie, dat'g
'zactly toot Dor, Sinif eayod. He
rayed of I brought, a verbal ordor
dat he wudden't pay. I reckon he
hain't got ranch confidence 113 yo',
Only three Indian naive flava
thus far been presented for the re-
wards offers in Arizona, and these
worn all in the hands of one man.
When asked to make affidavit that
they wore the scalp locks of hostilo
Indians ho replied : "Weli, two of
'am bad sot a cabin afire and 1u1iod
a settler, Wird the other wns °m 1111'
fur mo with his knife, but I can't
stay as 1111y wftg hostile." Tile- re•
ward wits promptly handed 03100.
Wear Spectacles
and 1•lye•Glasses that will preserve your
y 'e I_LA,.. A. U S
JAN. 28, 1887.
POI '1
Practical ifatetnllaker rft Jeweller
Thanking the 1'Mille for !past fu0e10 soil
support and 103011111( 31111 to euOarO your
patrdnegt?.. \Vo ore opening out fall lines
Goll and oil vat Watches,
Salvor 1'lattd Wave, Pram established
end reliable inolrors, fully wort Tinted b3
Clocks of the latest daei3,10.
\Vedding Niue',
Ladies (10(11 Icings,
Also {titre (11 stook a full thio of Violin
and Violin Strings, Pipes, ,Le.
t.x," ,7.11. 'WWI' of )(t,rriareLiceusn:.
T. Fletcher.
�I�'�'�l O,� 1
•111 .0trAM-:rs,Gaayaaranfl0e
,Disco'1t11t !Yh'
Next 30 .1.)li1's,
To make room for our Spring
Stock fru will 11151101;0 of al lines
tryaitd o 9 Mb (
Cl a•.)S,.Y Yet
at it largo Discoing t'or ilii.' neo{
30 days.
/VOW is the
tt> st.corC l>ltd'r,alll�..
Gall ill anti Oto ,,111' \,1.11 as-
Tutt 311)1111 IjP.i•• to o;(Ulaerali•
1.'t 1' A i.+: h i i1 S'1'01111.
Manufacturing Optician, late of the firm
of Lazarus 0S: Morris, 38 1lttrylaud 'toad,
Harrow Road, London, England, has ap-
pointed an agent for the ltenowuod :ipoc•
Moles and I1yo•Glasses:which have boon
before the public for tion past 25 years.
Lazarus' Spectacle:( never tiro the eye
Last many years without 0101110,
For Sale by H. 11. JACKSON
1.1 ! 1:o 1 a Jogai {louse
--wnI1o1I:1 `-•nl' CAN oitr—
Hand Straw Clutter,, horse Pow
er Straw Ciltter 3, with reversnble
feed, {toot P 1porsl, Hoot Slicers,
the gentiine !'ort .t'er'ry Grain
Grinder, 1lordt' Powers, largo
and 01081111, 11.1(01 Hovoral Hand
Powers-- Cheap, and '{.'rod Pow -
ors. Also the L'ilol,rntecl
It .Cxmds Wpm 11.11.
Geo. Love.
J. ILatkrialvEur
I.Ias removed itis stock of Groceries,
Crookery, Glassware, ,tie. to '
j. A. Garlick's Old Stand,
1001' /4010'1•, n. iE1n17.'1,
where 11e trill be pleased to sec his old
Cnstointrs and as many now 01100 as will
favor him with a call.
1 ]Mayo just received it fine Stook of
)tADDII3 ,
Cl4A001310311U11: ,
for Xmas Trade, wbiclt will bo Sold et
exceptionally low prices.
�f7'• E G7'all 1l7J
has started a Laking and• (1,i fo a..tlery
13usibess is oounertiran. Partis 0,1n role
upon getting Good I3reatl, Tuns, (takes,
<tc. (hall times.
0: • Goode delivered to ini'y part of the
J. A 1'd. ii et'1: •