HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-28, Page 5JAN. 28, 1887. ' 4 dr1ldaii r. i' the beet ppm- we me. I',71e very sorry t �StritL Rats hoar ofFatthlerl ell's pen eller death. I remain, your friend, .. ... '. 03119, .Dn11800 thlt;lxel. No less titan four M. D's. Inoue village in ono day. Geo, trill has rented the hotel from hie father and is fitting it op. A. couple of our young bloods went down to Brussels carnival, Our Reeve, W. Milne, le attending County Council in Godorich. We aro going 10 try the magnotio ouro on our pork es it did nut keep wo11 last 71060110, Considerable spotting of our main street, considering the state of the sleighing. Our band has en engagement for an entertainment in Molesworth about Thursday, February Bra. Judging from prognostications Wm, Doig, our esteemed watchmaker, is on the eve of entering the list of benodicts. A lecture fn Robertson's Hall of t110 8th of Fab., on the siege of Derry and Monte Melee I wonder if the lecturer is a married (111421 ? The 0a7rament of the Lord's supper will be diepelsod in the Presbyterian ()Introit next Sunday. Rev. :Vv. Steven - den, of Molesworth, is expected to con. duct flue service on Saturday which will 00111111000 at 11 o'clock. )tlr. Wright, our butcher, through mitt - platted kindness happened with an a001 - dont. He thought 11101 a largo dog, be- longing to F. S. Scott, of Brussels, was in want of at "hand out" 0o ho gave Itim a piece of steak. The dog not satisfied with the piece given took hold of Mr. Wright's linger at the 0(4070 time. Mr, Wr)vht'lr•tetensvengenee, so tho vill- age may look for some saasagee soon. Grey correspondent makes a great mis- take when he credits the i:thol soribo with the atrocious attonpt at rhyme that appeared in the (trey columns three weeks 721)120. We (as Artemis Ward would remark) ''utterally disgust it." We don't try tho "tnnefnl ley'." Wo con- fine ourselves to the 1102Te items of our village and if Grey correepondont would onlylind ant the author of the lines in question and inform the public, so that the young man could ho forcibly convinc- ed of the error of his ways ho would con- fer a )meting ben051 on the pnblio and probably save the young person in ques- tion frorn o premature incarceration in some place of safety, especially designed by a kind Providence and our all wise legislature for snob people. Pensoxels. -Robt. Weldon ,jr., is still on the sick list. Report said he was 60111e hots.: during Lite poets week, but is a little bettor now.—RObt. Hail is repov- 0ring. Wo 'lope to see hint out before a great while.—Ed. 51001100n was worse on Monday but is some bettor note()—lir. and Mrs. Atwell aro visiting at D. h:ck- mier's, - Myatt'. 'I'. Cooks has been very ill during the past wook.—Joel Yanabalt- er, of 1(1' )11 ler, a former reeidont of our villago spout a fete days hero visiting old friends. Miss Maggot M7lrray ]las been o„ the site: ;1:,1 f.,12 the post few wnekg,— [.o11,11, i1113'11 ilal( 11ter of John Heffer- nan 111: been very sick fl'mn infla im- uth:,i of the lungs, but she i9 ((0w rocov- erinet--('lutrlie Davies, son of John M. Devises 1.1 very ill from iullannnetiou of the leusr,. /u1 old resident of Ethel, J. 13. Iiteithson, paid 720 a visit this wook. 1•lo contemplates a departure for Van- 50nvcr 1.111nd iu a few clays. %ammo. -On Wednesday afternoon, ,41172. 1.11th, te Happy event was celebrated at the remittance of Riohard Rupp, being the marriage of his oldest daughter, Mary to Thomas Davidson, of thio plane. The ?eh rooting ceremony was performed by Rev, D. 13. McRae, in the presence of a large number of guests.. Tho bride was supported by her sister Matilda, and the groom by David Weir. Tho bride, being a general favorite, was the ,recipient of many handsome and useful presents, Although the thermometer was away down below zero, and rho roads badly blocked with meow, some of the younger 1110m11er0 of the party declared their not Iention of having! a sleigh ride, so amid a prof me theater o, rico the 'bridal party started for Brneeels, 011 their return au elegant and sumptuous repast was served, and an evening spent which it will bo pleasant to remember. We wish the happy couple joy, happiuo5, and prosperity. May all their troubles be Little ones." 31170.11 Jinnses.--Prom a letter received from Chas. Dobson, by the editor of Tux POST the following items of interest are taken :—It is now over 10 months Mem we 06(010 11ore ko I thought •a liue from me might not be out of the way. Wo are liking Ranges much better now than when wo that mama as the months of ,tulle, July and August wore much warm- er than wo were ec1ustouod to and wee rattler ]lard on us. Since that we have 11ac1 beautiful weather, such as I never 9)tw before in my life. We have only had a fow cold days so far anti not a bad Storm, in fad the frost le nearly out of the ground and wo aro expomtb1g to oom. menu plowing and sow our gate very soon. .Oleo ground has never been cover- ed with 0110w (1110 winter yet the rude are as Hood as I ever ease them in Ontar- io in September. Cattle are out night and day, where the farmers have their fields fenced, feeding on corn stalks. Ca. tlo that aro being, fattened aro kept in s yards. ''hey can bo bought cheap now, about 4: mats per pound. Stook cattle aro (sheep owing to the drought hi so many parts lust ,simmer. Good liege two worth 4 cents 1)or pound, and they pay well at that, 'the corn crop was light around Mole hut I believe it was worse in many 0tiler. ports. It is worth ee met 25 punto Iter bushel. Oats about tine sante, wheat 65 cents, butter 15 00110 per pound and eggs 15 malts pee dozen, Wo have voted homlefor two now railroads; through this country, to be built right away, The Dn. ion hlteifto, which has had its OW11 way 00 lens, is going to build two more branch 01100 00 you goo we are likely to 1)e well railroader. If we have a good orop next 8011(0)1 wo aro expecting a boon, as the land to sero to go up. Tho soil here is good and the country rolling, We have pt'eadle- ingby the Methodists be our 0011001 liege, 000 prayer 010011050. Thom is auni0n Sunday Sollool that is well attended. nut Posy gots baro every Monday molting and weal'Q011 'anxious 17) see the nogg. le is fiulom',11, Jan. 22, 1+3737, erstar7 erA: o and popular Well service employee, was united in marriage to Miss J. Bradley, an equally ;volt -known and esteemed young lady of this city. The intoroetiug ceremony was performed by liov, Air. Berridge of St. Andrew's church, The bride was attired in pie blue actin, with a aroam luno over dress trimmed with poarls ; the that bridesmaid, Miss Farrow, sneer of the groom, blue satin, morn lane and pearl ornaments, and the oocond bridesmaid, Miss Fordo, of New 'York, pale pink esti», trimmed with pearl», There were quite e. number of handsome presents from the frienids of the bride and groom, inolnding a megniileent silver tea set from the l,Imw172ont boarders and employers; of the hotel ; a handsome fire screen from Mr. and 1tIre. G. Doran, of New York ; a well executed portrait of the bride and groom from 100. G. Vander. lip, of Toronto, and numerous outer, ap- porpriate and costly gifts, The invited poets eat clown to tho 6n7tptnous diener whioh had been provided In the epaoious dining room. Crawford hose propo(ed the health of 11na bride in suitable terns, which was ably responded cob/ the groom. The toasts of the b idesmairls ware re- opondod to by Mr, Code, barrister, The happy couple loft on the 11:45 train for the west, taking in Chicago And Detruit. The young couple take with them the best wishes o4 the hosts of Ottawa friends for prosperity and happinoae in their fix- ture career," l?Iorri.e. THE BRUSSELS POST ..-.....l.... .. _... __. se'Rerrt ^p..�r,. .RRrw7rirRrl,A pk'4{!7ta1.�q. CnaWRA'170777'i''M,KRa4'AsetrYWin7YWW3V6aaq'nMPtrosm,MyTeeaibPd'r5', .. mon will go to work in unmet and do ail in their power for to olcet the Reform candidate, Many thiage have Demurest of late to exposo the folly and falsehood of tho rinluelee n:romi00e made by the Tory leaders to the fern -tore and others, Let us, by all nleane, have a ohauga 01 Gnvornrnent, Llltt11, Reeve Kelly 1e110 111 Gaclericll this week attending Comity Council, Miss Susie Malloy, of Clinton, wan vis. Rag Wanes In town last week. Mrs, Jas. Sperling is at present 0)7500'- ing from ant attach of 0011730810011 of the longe. JOS, Carter has mo1110d the agency of the Glencoe llfanufeetering Co. for this town, It. Howard has 1ispoeed of 0110 of hie houses to A, V. Brown for a 'llandeouto 011111. We aro pleased to state that Jas. Logan, who has boon seriously ill, is slowly re- covering. Mrs, R. Brownlee, who has been s0r- 107(01y ill for some time, is able to be around again. A large number from here attended the political meeting in Clinton last week, which was adclrosoed by M. C. Cameron. Mr, Smylie, of Wingham, has leased the briok blook owned by P. Roily and will open oat a general store about the lst of March. The band gave a few eulootions on the tate street on Friday evening. They have been ifareasiug th•'ir number (tId are 1naking rapid progress. Tho anneal county Xabbet)1 School Con- vention, 1411i01177170 to bo hold in Blyth some time next month, has been p 1(15on- od till some time during March. Geo. Stewart has opened out a bakery and flour 411 food store in the pr0071508 lately occupied by iter. VanAllen Wowish Goo. mums in hie new enterprise. • Tho annual meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Sooioty will be had in the Methodist church next Tuesday evening, Feb. 1. Rev. Mr. Manley will address the (0001)ng. P. Kelly & Sol shipped 5 oars of floor to St, Johns, Newfoundland, this week. They are doing an immense trade at pree- ent, '.Choy have been shipping flour to all the Eastern markets. Mrs.Dr) Sloan. who wont to Arizona a short time ago to bring home her son, who was very ill, returned hone laet week with hint. We regret very much that 11e is not re00verin73 as well 02 1110 many friends would w(0l1 him to be and slight hopes are entertained for him. Itis our painful slaty this week to re- cord the death of Master Jabez Walker, who died on Wednesday evening, lflth intik Hie remains wore tattered in the English church burying ground on Friday afternoon. The friends of the deceased have the heartfelt sympathy of the com- munity in their bereavement. The anniversary services in connection with the Presbyterian chsroh will be hold on Sunday, Feb. title, whoa tho Itov. Mr. Ball, of London, will officiate, On the Monday following Mr. Ball will give one of his popular leoturee on the Northwest. The lecturer has boon highly spo1on of and nobody should fail to hoar trim. Tho council meeting tuns hold in the Orange Hall on 11lonclay evening last, the Reeve and Councillors being all present. Wm. Wilson wan chosen clerk for the on' suing year. Otll"r important business OM canna up before the meeting was dis- posed of. Geo. Rowed and Alex. Elder worn appointed Auditors for the torrent year. No other beeinoso being brought before the meeting it was then adjourned. 1131e1sevales. Thanks to the weather, wo non' get a daily train 0arviee. Groat anxiety was belt here during the 8(10W blockade lett the writs should be issued c41113 the election over before we would find it out. It is reported that that vorsstilo genius, Dan. McGilliouddy, of the Huron Signal, will stump the 1lidineo in company with and in the iuteroot of Dr, Macdonald. The Doctor Inas secured a good ally. In S. S. No, 10, Morris, the Ross Bible, like John Brown'0 whiskey jug, "lies 0e- glootsd on the shelf," while the more antiquated and possibly lees genteel Ring Samoa' version has been restored to first favor, There appears to be some few people still left who are not afraid to ex- pose their children to the "corrupting" influence of the entire word of God. That veteran political hustler, the ir- repressible Thos. R. Soddy, of B:owiok, who has been appointed Beturning.Oflhcer for the East Riding of Huron, for the coming elections, passed through tbo vil- lage on Monday. He le making a tour through the 'tiding on business connected with hie office. Mr. Boddy seem Howiok will "whoop'er up" on the 22nd of Feb„ which means, when translated into Queen's English, that the Conservative vote will not be a small one. R. R. Farrow, of the Civil Service, Ottawa, has, with his bride (100 MioB Bradley, of Ottawa), been spending the honeymoon with Mr. Farrow's relatives M thio vicinty. This Mr. Farrow is one of Dr. Maodonald's boodle brigade, whioh he trots out in 1318 oampaign opeoohos, and ono whom, the Dr says, will soon bo sup. arananat011 at the public expense. To judge by Mr. Yarrow'6 rugged appear - emu neither the Doctor nor any of hie generation will live to contribute any- thing to his euperannuatio) allowance. Quite a sensation Was created in the Methodist church, last Sabbath morning, by Lan erratic stranger of singular ap- pearance,'relldered still more striking by a shaggy co)10lcin weigh -oat and dilapldat- ed black loather shoulder satchel, which llo wore, Tieing at the close of Rev. Mr. Cook's sermon and demanding an appo>. 1nni1y to Melrose the audionee, Mr. Cook, who evidently know the atyl5 of man ho had to dual lvith, informed him that such a demand wa1 contrary to our uuwgos and could not bo allowed. In spite of this refusal, however, the man 50r516tod in dolieeriug what he claimed 17770 a commission to this people, until Ono of the muscular Christiana h77ndee flim out of decree those to wa0te his elo- quence on the wintry air. It tral@pires that he is a wo1derhl r hook -vendor ,or tramp by the name of Dr. Buell. 7:10 to a pious fraud of the (teat water and eon. 0idorablc more knave then fool. TheOttawa-Citizenof jam. tith says "At's deloek last evening, 120 Spark street wag the scene of le brilliant gather- ing, when 10. R. ;'arrow, a well7u)otvn Mrs. Adam Reid has been very ill for the past week or so but is improving a little note. Tho person who Jeasad 1331r1( M. Card. iff's farm is Alex. Cannon, not Connor as reported last week. An old and esteemed pastel•, Rev, J'. S. Fisher, into preach m160ionary sermons on the Blyth circuit next Sunday. On Tuesday, Feb. 0111, there will be a mammoth 770Ctlon sale of furniture at Isaac Rogerson's factory, Sunshine. Bargains will be given su that it will pay people to attend. Isaac Rogereon's works have suspend- ed 05812at1one for a time owing to rho high water and the mon have taken to the bush with a will. As the water is going down the greet wh08I01vi11 soon bo run- ning once more. LastMonday afternoon Goo. R. Stubhs, 4th lino, had the misfortune to hurt his leg 'chile chopping in the bush. Under the care of a physician he is progressing favorably. He is a member of the Sun. shine Court of Foresters, who will look after his interests, The Foresters, of Sunshine Court, No. 1060, have decided to hold a grand entor- teinment in the Morris tawn0:,ip hall, on Friday evening, Fob. 11. The program will be an attractive one consisting of musical selections, recitations, dielognoe, addresser, dc. Stabling will be provided for horse, belonging to persons coming from a dlstanoe. For further partioulare see posters or esquire of the members of the Court. LITooAuY 00CIlt"r.—Last week the 1113- ual weekly meeting was Hotel 111 Ander- son's sohool house. Janis BloLanehi:n was voted to the chair and the debate "Resolved that the mechanic is more in- dependent then the farmer," was taken up. Tho spo'dmrs for the affirmative were Win. Coehrouco, John Sample and Joseph Bowman, and for tiro negative, Jas. Bowman, Donald 1f(La11olllin and Andrew Sample. Decision was given in favor of the negative. Readings were given by Mies Sarah Armstrong, John alason, WVnt. Bowman, :yes. Ireland and Jas. Bowman. A song was sung by Jas. MoLauohlin. LITxnoxr Sooixrn,--Tho usual weekly meeting of this so0iety was held in their hall, Cloggsgreen, on Wednesday evening, 26th inst. After the ordinary'tranea'otion of buoinese Joseph Bowman was appoint- ed ohait'mau of debate, Tho subject dis- cussed was "Resolved that Mary, Queen of Soots, was unjustly beheaded." The affirmative was led by Wm. Bryden, as- sisted by W. R. Mooney, Wm. Molloy, E. Snilie and James lielly. On the neg- ative were Thos. Robertson, captain, as- sisted by H. Mooney, R.. Dickson, J. Sharp and James Shurrio, After a live- ly and interesting discussion the chair- man gave his decision in favor of the negative. A vote of tllanlc1 was then tendered to the chairman in appreciation of hie services, after which the mooting adjourned to meet again. next Wednes- day evening. The subject of the debate willbe "Resolved that 0omttry life is more conclusive to happinoae than city life." To the Editor of Dien Ser,—I of the Mothodi that body. I 1 a good malty y Mr. ]Farrow w zoalona worker, 0011777gw0r the bel' of times ho aheroll on Sul How often ha the same time heard in the p still oon0id0120 Afriend handed that work for the. to owing to the and many o1he to the above c judge w1106her on ns Or trot. T ovary time but 10011 a trial before Jan, 24, '137. • Tea POET, hoar that Thos. Farrow in making a str 01173 ploy for 11110 solid veto et 011012011 in the riding 011 account of him holding connection with levo boon a Methodist for ears and renumber wbon was, what might bo styled a ere but I think unless he e following questions it will bo conceded by his Methodist breth- ren that he has fallen from grace. Would Mr. Farrow please state 1110 num- ber inside the 131asvale day durhng the past year attended 017780 mooting in ? 1f his 120100 was 0000 ray01' meeting and 1f ho himself a 10001 51201701)012? d me at Wingham ueu'e- paper urging tat every Methodist should 01 Bro. Farrow, but oon(radiotory reports I, 1's, would 1)170 au answer 0o that we man Mr. farrow 1)170 a Maim 41011211 on 11Y100115)' believe 11, giving over)' you hang hint. &O., Btrruontsr. Geste _...- The much wished for thaw came at lash, most of the Dn011, 11(7.0 disappeai'sxl from off the 4lolds and the low lauds aro flooded with water, '1'110 y0nng men have organized IL Do. bating Society in Shine's 00h0o1 house, 12th col, They had a (lobate ou Ween. nesday evening of last week and will have another next ltioldey evening. They purposo ]laving a literary enter- tainment every other week, Now thee the Dominion oleetione will 00011 bo upon net wo hope that the young Dian. --bast Friday evening hIra. Tlr. lab McFadden died lifter ft lingering n008, aged 57 years. The funeral took piece; ea Monday, the interment being made at Millbank cemetery, The deem. ed Crag very highly esteemed by all who knew her. She had been 14 resident of this township for the poet 12 or Ll years. The sorrowing relatives have the 1011. pathy of the community. The Wingham Advance 'lays :---A 11ap- py time was Spent mt the reoideuoe of Geo, Hughes, Wingham, ea the 11th inst., the emotion being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Judith, to Joshua Bateman, 01 the town -hip of Grey. A la•ge number of relatives and invited guests were in attendance, and many and valuable were the gifts presented to the happy couple. The nuptial kn"t was tied by Rev. D. 0. McDowell. T110 mar- riage ceremony being over, another fin. portant event took place—tile baptising of the two children of Fred. Ilughe0, brother to the bride. Goo. Hughes has resided in this neige borh"ad for twenty- two years, and 11e and family are highly respected. Although he is a grandfather ho still hes the a5'earatco of it young man, and w0 trust he will livelong enough to be a great grandfather. Wo with the bride and bridegroom much happiness, and hope their troubles through thin life will he few and far between, COUSIN ALSCO ,\.0013.--D121n1111, Ewen. ---Seeing that you thought my last, or 1 might say ley first, epistle wurttle, of 1b - Bartlett in your valuable paper, I again take the liberty of sending you this by way of 0paaking still further of matters and things whioh prevent themselves from time to time, ospeoially to thooe like myself, who are malady looking on all the while, and tvhicll may be Merest- ing to many of your readers. Chriebrmes and Now Year foativities are not cele- brated in the .ams manner now as in yea s gone by, at Meet what used to be the rule is now the exoept:on. In "ye olden times" the bottle was uppermost, every act was rnrried out 111 a "spirited" fashion, so bo speak, and if such were 1101 supplied in profusion all p uceedings wore declared off, notwithstanding goose, tur- key and dumplings to the contrary. Now itis quite different, the bottle is found, as Or general tiling, in so many pieces 1)1 the chip yard, and what used to be a pleasure to some andrief to others 13 11.1W 11, :1W pleesi110 to all. Another matter 1 will ;monk of and that is 8)1010 fence. Of late years, or since the township lta1 boon pretty wen cleared, a heavy 1101 of 0110V1 followed by te high wind is a nalamity. Such a misfortune has lutpponed 1'eeeatly, and people havet,l resort to digging ant the roads or tearing fences and take to plow- ed fields in. order to got to market, to a funeral or to the ehmroho. Now, ate all this trouble awl risk Nebel] 'here is a simple reluody 4 The Legiolat. re of ('lie Yrovinoo has given the Councils of 1llun- inipalities, 511011 as Grey, power to enact by-laws to compel property holders to erect snow or wire fences along highways and to make a portion of the coat of melt £0noes a tax on the public, and T think this is 00 it should be. I believe to io just as reasonable to levy a tax to bnild wire fences to make rho roads passible in winter as to grade and gravel the same roads in simmer. A good many have built wire fences on rho roads leading past their places during the last two or three years, but the progress is dew cont pared with the amount that ought to bo done in order that the benefit be more univeral. I believe little or no fault would be found if our Council would bo more liberal in this r005eot in future and even resort to compeloory immures in inotanoes where such would be neeessay. By the way, eine my last wo, in Groy, passed through the turmoil of two gener- al elections, I mute the. Provincial and tho Municipal election% and, as yon fore- mentioned, we gave a largo majority on the Side of Provincial right0. -The munic- ipal olootion wes also a lively affair, as I anticipated, and the result to those who wore quietly looking of was not surpris- ing, Somehow about election theme there is a number of divides take piece. Tho Arse and most important of *met is the North against the Sont11. Then the South is divided against itself. It ie said that a house divided against itself will not thrive, so the South 0anuot be in a thriving condition, espooially at election time. Then there is another element, who will, in the first place, make their ohoico for Reeve and then will only sup- port such of the other 00nd1idate0 as work and vote for said Reeve. Now, nth pro. (feedings me these, whioh are certainly of a 0Onteutions nature, naval' Fail to Lave their marks. How different it W03 111 party tura. I nntiootho Groy ccrrespondetlt and the Ethel soribo—for soli they term each other—have been indulging in Rome cross firing lately oott00rning the recent muni- cipal elections. Now, it seems to me that such as these aro people of great Winds, so it will bo noticed how two great minds differ on *hie matter, There is 0010 poonliarity I have noticed with thio elves of public benefaotoro. They will "Wool" away at oath other for 11'00011 tend weeks in meth at mangler 710 would 103,1 one to suppose that 11211811 they met one or the outer would have to lick the dust or die in the frog, but it i0 quite the re. v1r8e, they ere the best of friouclo w1100 in atoll others 0ompany. 811011 proe.0arl- inge must bo 0e iential to the nunae`ie 711 their liminess. ' I see that another generel 010011011 10 1110 at hand, to ley mind cue of the (nest fm5ortent elections over held in Ca1771a, I notice that these who take a An illnp7({i011 of our excellent stock asked. leading part in such matters aro alreeely pare tl'ttla (my establishment in the country. bestirring themeohvos, T)1ct'o ism much, and more, at stake this tilne are et the Provincial elections, 00 that I am led to' 1lepair111g attended to with neatness 11nt1 despatch. believe that Grey will roll up as largo a majority, and more, fin' tiro, Ref7t'nt ' ( Will t111tt' mI,U V quolith ' of Saw Logs ill -,1CC11 1 t 0atid11let0 thio thee. I don't think either ,, l J g e a )¢r,C; for �tlrlltitUlif). Reformers or 001108rv0tivao would over I regret Ottal173 (110 Dr. as nue reproeuuta. MRS.* a `t'•(1 '1^' LONG F( . live t0 0t't4(wo. Comm 3(12,1: