HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-28, Page 44
SEW A,itlavvtist
Fountain pens—O, A Dencinan.
Saw logs wented—R. N. u Co.
Bobo strayed—Gea, Love.
Notice to ereditors—W. B. Dickson,
"Jubilee —Cairo, Molntoeh.
Political meetings.—Dr. Macdonald.
Card—Dr. Maedonald.
Wholesale slaughter—O. A. Powell.
Boarders matted—Mts. Drewe.
Locals—Aditm Good.
Tickets for sale—Rink Co.
2rt5stis 'Post
- .
, JAN. 28, 1887.
-... • •
A no less sum of money thau
$194,884 has been expeuded in the
past seven years for travelling ex-
penees toad cab hire for the Minis-
ters of the Dominion Government,
or an expenditure of $8.90 pet hour
for the working hours of a day.
When money Is plentiful and the
publics treasury in overflowing this I
kind of Oleg might bo winked at,
but. tardy the stringency of the
times and the deficit of about six
million dollars attiring 1122 to tho
face saye, if ever retreneluneet was
in order it is 110W. Thee the Nortli•
west rebelliou is estimated to have
entailed an expenditure of over two
million dollars, solely occasioned by
the entreaties of the white settlere,
half-breeds and Indictee not being
listened to. What de the ratepay.
ers thinker a deficit of $0,000,000 ?
Face tte music squarely and let the
truth get down to your pocketbook
and then decide whether the present
Government has any claim en your
Tern Standard is the name of tile
new Conservative paper issued at
Toronto last Monday. Its editor is
Louis P. Kribbs, for some time on
the staff of the Toronto News. En
its introductory to the public the
editor says :—
The defection of the Mail has left
the Couservetive party iu the To
ronto district without newspaper
exponent of its views. The causes,
whatever they may bo, that have
revolutionised the viewe of the Mai/
have not so affected the party it et
one time so ably led, and to that
party wo confidently °look for the
Support that hae been so liberally
tendered to the Conservative preee
in the past. To close the gap left
in the Conservative ranks by the
(mum of the Mail, we have entered
the field, and that we have done so
hastily is because the tune was
The Mail, although professing to
take an independent stand, chows
its leanings and. prefoxences se
strongly for its firat levet—the Con-
servative party—that it ehakes the
confidence of the public in its inde-
pendent views who imagine that Sir
John and the management of the
Mail are too great [cronies aud too
often hold confabs together to prove
that the repudiation business
amounts to anything more than a
blind to the public.
ed the beelines of to rate
trout the liquor traffic) by gating
audience the figures for Termite,
front which it eppettre that the people
of hi6 intelligent pity pay over the
whiskey couutere $14 per head per
yeer, end obtain iu the elute° of
"revenue" to the city treasury the
menifitteut burn of CO cents per
heed I And this, without taking
iuto tIVe.on,nt the expenditerea trees -
eery for police, prisons, etc., for
which the trans ie directly le -
Neve Monday evening the first
gun of the Emit Iluron eauerttign 10
connection with tho Donlluion elec.
tions will be fired at Bluovale. Te
announcement of teeetIngs for the
week ruay be road lu another col.
uren. The elootore will have till
opportunity of hearing both bides of
the political queations and a fair
hearing eltoulcl be accorded ouch
speaker. How the Norte:wait poi
I icy, the timber grabbing, the large
deficit, the failure of the N. P. to
benefit the farmer, the superannua-
tion on40 mid ether clot etieue will
be explained and defended by the
present representative of the Gov
ernment We dotal) know, but the
eloetore want to keep their eyes op-
en and have these questions of vital
importance clearly understood aud
have 3:0Imps given why the people'e
money is frittered away on party
• _ _
Hownes township and Wroxeter
village appear to be the centre of At-
traction in the attempted re.orgeni.
zatiou of 8x10 counties. The Lis-
towel folko say we want these two
municipalities to help make up tour'
County of MaitlAnd, and the people
of Palmerston 50y8 you can't have
them becau3b tte desire hem to
complete eur County of Letostiewne.
We step in right here 11 d nay that
0011 c.artoon thisweek defines
the platform of the Reform party
as hid down by the lender of the
Opposition in his able address at
Oweu Boned some time age. The
temperance conventions back up the
plank agroeiug to push the claims
of the temperance party and believe
that by returning the Refortn goy.
eminent to power more etringent
temperance legislation would not
only be enacted but Oho law so
simplified that its provisions would
• bo praotioable and made of HOMO
benefit to the country. In lest
woek'e issue of Grip the queetiou
of mantle from the liquor traffic
was nicely set off. The cartoon
Oboe's a shower of (min from a black
bottle into the 0a0adiaa Treasury,
while three large boles; near the
bottom of the oboe, through which
the money Is running, are labelled
Prison 8, tin tma Asylume, and
Polio. In his comments the editor
remerlts his addreee et the
Pavilion ex -Gov. St. John elluetratt
extele.etliereeseru#15,toummotturmautiotmatrttuarturttrumateuttructalumeeteaurreweetuaarrtusexasierompiettemeerneeet !so' nrInteuSw8r7vimreretet
ttlZkardait:Rt.-!:ttit:t:.°11‘7111111172,iflittoiN?:: Little, But 0, MY I
Walter ()liver, nit Deputy.lieuve ; , •
IR" ciiiiiiisittigc1=11,1',;:„H,A14,!.`"'"'
Bryan 2nd Deputy -Reeve; Thos, 1101(10
and William Prowl! committers. MI 1.
utes of last 0:tooting were then road anti
eonfirmed. Robert Bowen, A. itayinanu,
John Forbes Neil Richardson and TWO.
Calder made application for the Oleo of
Assessor. On motion of Edward Bryant:
and Win. Brown the comma went into
committee of the whole for the purpose
of passing a by.hiev to appoint °Mere
ana flx satries for the current year, Mr.
Milne in the chair. Bylaw passed in
due form appeinting Wm, Sponge, Clerk,
salary 9130 ; A. MoNair, Treneurer, 980 1
A. Reymann, Asaest.or, $80 ; Donald Me-
Lauchlin, Collector, 9100; Alex. Stewart
and Jaeob Kreuter, Auditors, 910 each.
Committee then l'Ole and proceeded to
general business. Moved by 'Phonies
Ennis, seconded by Wm, Brown that
Messrs. Milne, Bryans and Oliver be a
committee appointed to prepare plans
and speollicatione for a new bridge at
lot 20, eons. 9 and 10, and Butt tenders
be ealled for at next meeting of Council.
Carried. The following tieeounts were
handed in and ordered to bo paid :—Alex.
Ross, Thos. Calder, Andrew urnb,111,
James MoNair, Spence, Janne:
Lindsay, and A. Reymann, each 94, for
services its Dopety.lteturning Officers ;
Trustees of S. 8. Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4, 5 and 11,
actoh 93, for uso of school houses for elec-
tion ; A. Dames, use of hall for election,
118 ; Theobald Grubber, error in arrears
of te,,:res, 97.62 ; Wm. Meehan, overcharge
on drain, lot 35, con. 18, 65.12 Mre.
Laving, taxes remitted, 61.95 ; Mre,
Steele, taxes le:mit:al, .52.20 ; Wm.
Spence, births, deaths, end marriages for
year 1886, $15.50 ; Malfley, refund
dog tax, 91.00 ; James Lynn, repairmg
culvert, lot 14, con. 2, 50cts ; Hart & Co.,
election blanks, 98.19 ; John Dillon, dig-
ging ditch on lots 18 and 19, con. 11, es
por Engineer's oortifieete, Ditches end
Watercourses Act 1881. 9102.70 ; Dougald
MeTaggart, error in dog tex, 91,00; Thos.
Mitchell, eulvert at lots 15 and 10, con. 8,
$6, Council then adjourned to meet
again at Tnek's hotel, Cranbrook, on the
first Friday in Maroh, when patInnasters,
tto., will be appointed.
Srexce, Clerk.
Size and strength do not always go to -
other, 10113 sometimes site and strength
outdone weak end cowardly spirit, Very
often little mon and little women, too,
who are anted and spunky end deterinin.
tut Oen aecoMplieh to beep more than big
hulking people, who ere alms dumb.
ling over their OWe. feet. The Toronto
Daily and Weekly News ill an example of
the Humes thet lute been achieved by the
mall Ina bright and courageous papore,
both in nutlike awl in business. The
Daily News is tho youngest daily in To.
ronto, /Lad 50 011110110d or cacelled in cir-
culative by only two papern in Canada,
it having made sworn etatement that
its avarttge circulation for 1885 was over
20,000 per day. its chief elms are to bo
+right end readable ; its elief character is
in its fearless editorial style, which re-
cognizes neither friood nor foe in its
weeping denunciation of what is wrong
mid unjust, both in the parties and in
the general political eystem. Its eider-
ett are rivalled by those of no paper in
Canada, it hayilig made arrangements
with the leeching illustrated papers of the
United States to receive whatever outs
are desireble from their columns. In
this way the readers of both Daily
and Weekly News get the choicest pictur.
us been "Judge,', the celebrated New
York comic paper, from tho New York
Evening Telegram, New York journal,
and from the artietie society paper •Life
Besides these The Nom. has many orig.
Mal pictures d,awn and engraved by its
own artist, Last year "Dolly," a story
of Catiadien 10110 one of its• chief
feetureN succeedinA the Perm Sketolies
by Ole Fannin' Editor. A. story by the
smno anther will appear during 1887.
Talmage's sermons are still a feature of
the Saturday and. Weekly News. The
short laughable sketches, the absorbing
serial stories, the reliable market reports,
together with the brightly stocked news
columns, whore the doings of all the
people of the civilized world aro daily
chronicled, make up a galaxy of brilliant
journalistic features unrivalled by any
paper published west of Now York,
The Weekly News is only 61.00 per an.
EZLMe laut-ml irk 1*i. I num, and emelt subscriber 18 given a del-
__ lar s worth of books free as a premium.
irlie following are the 0311100 /Or the Theme who do not desire the n013117101
East Riding of Patron in the 1 ominion
elections of Sane, 1882 The riding com-
prises the same territory noir. In view
of the approaching election the -figures
will, no doubt, prove interesting. Thorn
is a vory notieeable dirk...vete, in the vote
recorded here and the election returns of
the 28111 of last December
ilf)i. 1
we want Howiek ane
d Wrxeter to No: 11 . ..... 71 (31r)
go along wale the 1ew/1011411 er. "I'l'at 4 •81
F211111112.8 mejority 153.
Turnberry; 11102018 1(11,1 Grey and the T0011BE111111..
V111098 Of Bill 8191.2121 io cempleting an IsIT°0 12 65 52 302 No 3
embryotie County, yet numutted.
How the Local Legielature will tie- smelt's nutiorittin.8.
eide between ns 13`11 don't preennee Nr. 1 42 49 No. 8
No. 2 31 47 No. 5
No. 3 75 '58
7. d
lw 0)
WI 16 No. 15
No. 6
to know but 118 inn representative
lives in' the disputed territory we ex-
pect he will "sit" on time outside
sehemea and if any division it: to bo
made the last named will have the
preference and Brussels Well be the
County town.
THE Montreal Herald, an inde-
pendent Coneervative journal, says :
—"Whither are we driflrng 11 Where
is it all to and ? lute what friglet
fel abyss of political and financial
bankruptcy hi the Dominion to be
plunged ere a halt is called in Ole •
mad career of those tvhe claim to
be "governing" the country? How
much more tnisrepresentation and
mal-ndministration will the people
stand before they Hee in wrath and
cast eta thoee (=leen epints that
have made the honored name of
Legislature a byword in the land ?
How many more charters mnst be
eold, how many more 'blind sham*
purehased, how many more settle of
politician's influence for money or
tnoney's wortb, bow matey more
"boodle" bills must 1.18:18 through
Parliament, how many more rail.
way aubsidiee 'Inlet be di.stributed
amongst members of the Commend
and Senate, how many more licon•
see of timber limite, coal lands,
ratchet), tee., 11111011 go to members,
how many more taxi& mutst bo
made and reeoustrimied to put
money eu the pockets of let, I"s. aiid
their friends, how many more mom
opoliee established, how muck) more
ring legislation, 110(000 the Electors
of Caneda woll floe en manse and
thrust from them the imfaithful
stetveras who, instead of protecting
the property eenatuneted to their
charge, have thetneelves plundered
it and promoted its plundering by
their allies and camp followers 2"
Greer COI:well.
Tho ecinnen elect of the township of
Grey met at Dt111108hotel, Cranbroole, on
Jan, 1701i, according to Statute. The
following gentlemen having enbectribeci
Ferrow'e majority 9.
No. 1 69 62 No. 6
No. 2 63 .86 No. 6
No. 8 27 87
No. 4 24 40
Sloan's neajority me.
No. 1 86 32 No.'5
No. 2 28 27
No. 3 48 21
Parrow's majority 24.
)13o.1 ra 50 No. 2
Fat:rowel niejority 19.
No1 18 46 No, 2
Sloan's majority 4.
Sloan 44 1 Farrow 24
Sloan's majority 20.
ralTOW. Sloan.
Howiek ........ ........ 470 817
Turnberry 207 228
Morris 592 288
Grey 803 403
Wingham 149 125
Brussels 109 90
Blyth 77 81
Wroxeter 24 44
1031 1571
Farrow's Majority 80
will have a liberal recite:Um ma in the
price of their subscription. The Com-
bination Offer—the Weekly and Daily— 1
is suitable for farmers who Intve leisure
during the winter, hut are too bey in
the summer to road a daily, and is a '3P13ftrol.ii is will Int the word. Our Dry Goods, Booth & Shece. &e.
for $9.00 you can got the Weekly for six
1 going loO tinow. SDrill:.('
great feature of The News. In this way
months and tho Daily for six months
• _. and a dollar's worth of books as prem.
1 The Yl'ookly for nme months and a dol.
▪ cra Tho biff break in Prices
F., Lunt, or The Daily for three months and
lar's worth of books for $1,50.
76 74 No ono owl be without a daily paper
05 40
470 317
73 74
Now the Slaughter Commences in Earnest. Genuine, (nearing
II ever goods were slaughtered, and genuine Bargains given ie
will be from DOW Wail 1st March, at the
207 228
75 64
09 05
— —
'292 985
75 68
52 59
303 403101
during the (miter months. Es. general
Dominion election is approaching, which
will be one 02 10' umet fiercely fought
coete.ts ever won in Canada. The next
session of Dominion Parliament will bo
an arena, in which the concentrated bit-
ternese of all the Canadian factions will
find vent. Tho Nowa presents rt coneise
and bright report of Parliamentary p10.
001311139, which is not dull and dreary
like that provided by its big and heavy
competitors, but whieh will interest every
farmer and every farmer's son in the
country. Be sure and subscribe for
tether The Daily or The Weekly. -Sub-
scriptions will be forwarded from this
92,25 5001(009 T1111 P004` and Weekly
37 .45
110 125
52 40
109 90
29 116
77 81
Zeotique Fiemeartier, a emend hand
dealer residing M 183 St. Lawrence St.,
Montreal, died from the effect of swallow-
ing throe false tooth about • four weeks
ago. Ile suffered intense pain and died
in great matey Monday.
An interesting suit promises to result
out of the recent eviction of 250 Chinese
out of Vancouver, British Colninbia.
Those 371811 wore brought M from 'Vidor-
in to work on a certain oontraot, but were
driven out of town by the citizens and
Bent book to Victoria. As test MB%
one of the injured Chinaman has entered
snit against several prominent reeidents,
wbo took part in this eviction, laying
damages o05,000, which, it' is belived,
he will recover.
A company of °sateen capitaliets hag
completed final einangentents for the
erection of a flour mill with 11/ capacity of
1,000 barrels per day at liocivetin, near
Rat Portage. Tho mill will be ready to
commence operittions to handle this yeatem
mop. An elevator having 0. capacity of
117(12 17. million bushels will aloe bo erect.
ed 84 Keeivalin, and smaller wee will bo
put np at the principal graie centree 111
the province, Mr, Mather, malinger of
the Keewatin lumber mina, is fit the
head of the enterpriee, and associated
with hitri in the practical working of
the Getman will be Mr, Mitehell, Olf Alen.
Political Meetings.
Du. Manott.u,n and TOON. Fienow,
Esq., M. P., will hold meeting:: as follows:
BLUSVALB, Monday, Jan. 31st, 84 7:90
o'clock p. 01.
JAMESTOWN, Tuesday, Feb. 1, at 7:30
o'clock p.
WALTON, Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 7:30
o'clock p. m,
MORRIS TOWN HALL, Thursday, Web. 3,
at 7:30 o'clock p. 111.
BLYTH, Friday Feb. 4, at 7:80 o'clock
Meetings at othor places will he an-
nounced hereafter.
To the Electors of the East
Riding of frill Oounty.
Gentlemen :—
Hi will bo your privilope 121 a few days
to elect a representative to look after
yonr interests in the Federal Parilitment.
As you ere aware I ant the candidate 101
the interest of the Liberal party. 0 take
tido opportunity to respectfully solicit
your votes and influence. I hope to be
able to address tho meet of you from the
platform, when I ellen state my view:4
upon the public questlons of the day.
I ask my friends to be active till the lest
voto will be 5101(03 017. the 22nd prox. If
this is done there is no doubt but Liberal
prineiples veil bo sustained mid East
Huron rodeetted.
1 have the honor to bo, Gentlemen,
Yont Humble Scevent,
Whighene Jae. 25, '87.
Telling Handsomely in our favor.
Bargains for Everybody at the (4 arliola Hemet.. The le uple's
Great ikftmey Making, Money Saving opportunity.
]?or Bargains that your very pocket book will talk about, when
you go home, Como to us. No doubt some will say that this is
another newspaper blaze but come and see us, and you will be con-
vinced that the Wan is among the Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes dce.-
this time when you see the panic prices we am quoting.
All Profits Given Away
to our Customers. This great cost price Sale for
We want, some Cash, these hard times, and if prices are any ob-
00M±..7-1 ..&1\1-1) sit, HI "Us,
We now advise all Bargain Seekers not to purchase any Dry
Goods, 130003 & Shoos, &c. until you visit this great Cost price
Slaughtering Sale as the
We are offering will Eclipse anything ever kerma ill Betimes 00
Huron County.
Gomm kown,,
and we will give you more goods for your money than you (tete' got
ear Garfield Hot ce the plat House for Bargain Hee-81'o.
The Great Bargain House,
Cost Price Sale
For Oash Only,