HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-21, Page 80 g THE 13 USSELS POST JAN. 21,188Y. a,t _._ __. NEW l OouNTY Council Commences on '.Chea- F. S. SC*T WAS elected chairman of Aa a C. P. 1: train was nearing Yams• .'atq 11,E I •:l:�l g{ W BOOKS. � day at next week at Goderigh. I the School Board for 1887. ohivho Station, Quo., oil Thurso n last , N . BANKING. . R11001PIP1.MTOHEa Wag Visiting in Luck- I 12Rssoxsgtvou in Oil painting, I;'Or I Week, it Crossed it roadway and rale into Tho Cbubon of the Uorpurattou of the now tills week at his randma a. ton's (t:4:; a pl to fling-SA)isns. 28. a Covered vehicle oil which was Spatod It Cau lty. of iluroo Uln lute(ou tri the a0a1't 1 . __.... ' g Ply g party. y , y HOU �Wt)ithotlewu at.Gli.'llllib ba Tuosdtty Ci;N1USIi tt;?� A[OTAUCIAI'ifI', 9fiss KINCAIn •tint] Miss Waite, Of 1V1: have not heard from Several of out waciciiu fart , Tbo hursoa niiraculousl Mark--, for 1687. Nin bsm, ware in town last week. Corros ondents tills week owing to the cool ed without Itllu) ,, but the vehicle P 9 ADAA180N, g li g P ) 7 Co,.Uloxk, Ban .i ur or the DUYS Of tile ' A cia'"U u of commercial travellers non-6rrival of trains, was smashed and the linnates, who wore BANER11S BRUSSIMS i4TeSs all. were showed tilt hero last Friday, JAatiss D110,; ]IRS gone to Stratford to thrown same distance, were Somewhat eL1i Al TO LLT, ---N OIiTH , , SCOTT Agt Convention in Clinton today take charge of the Singer Sewing Ida• seriously, but not fatally, injured, A.' A yutf lot20, von, 8, Morris, 100 Rotes A0. .�'f (Fnsaoi ; [( Giive1'(bl .Ball%elltil The Wonders Of Prayer. 1 (Friday) nommano]ng at 10;80 a;m, � chine Oompany's !!sines. there. All Cleared. Go,•d leg boupo, trains stable and The r TnusR Tvooks from next Tuesday will agent las•not b0ou appointed for Brus- -.t dd•��� p/t I "Is, Hpl°utilu ang'{1Iyuf good 73'Ustiitess, The Uity south. Little, But V, My i water. Tactics easy for a par of tiva t•.- A 11)1111 t',' Iii1111�8..1)el'313 ttn(1 }31!16 I be nonllra4 lOR (lay and a, week later at- 11101 yet. loo Dean ))its done a largo _ . I I years. IIICHAlif) LilP18, Notoo toilond die°ountad, cation dog, ('trade in this ]ooalitY, •10-tf 00%070, Lindomy, v' , , Adaw a YpitngRlCr R'Ihthpwl a AAIB Itival IntoroaE ullpwad cu dbpoplta ropayublo un '.pif iicllltie,.;• Box WAN'rPU.--sin hxrelligent bay clay THE Howard Clifton Company payed ante ADAAtltRaati AtlQp»tAlpt+tore. ! demotic, C11•:ly, 1l . tSp)?LtP 0017, , by ia. I3.'i abtafn A situation by applying, nt once, to fall ]louses on Tlnnsday and Vvilay 14 OAR FOI; i^1 11VICE.-- ONJ at the Garfield House. G, A. Low RnL, evenings of last week. ,Solna Of elle mils• Sire alta Strength do not always go to, " Of the )last Borkshliu 13°ar° In,the Prompt Attentwit given to Col]°ctione, ',:'pipe' I THE few dail • Papers tbat were brought fast aeleotlona were eRealIqut. Brook. County Ib kept at tite queau's hits] atahloa . �r•n1 } ], p 6 t:etllal', and aOmotlmOB sl'GC and Rtl'011gtlr nrusaule, •TN.nafs, .1',1.00 to bo Pltid at time oI ------­---­--------­ y Cbrtyt in the Tfiburnaeles. to town by travellers during the snow house Bowler, the celebrated tenor, tinct enclose aweak mud Cowardly spirit. Very aalvipa, .with the l,rlvilaga Gf 1'oturufn l iP A `' ' aatllcrs for Arrows, by C. I�, 1 good t as• EQhL ANDL. GON'4 OANL.DING, —_ _ blocade'tvoro held at ,remiuni and were Mr. Clifton, lasso, ore both cod sin "ars, often little mon and little wonxou, too, nouesaiu'y. uAPf, 8T1t10TPa beget]), sought after. QtuaaEsr TIaIR ox RCconn:-Tho gou• wlio arG smart and spunky and detorin]u- t5]IliTgt-Oil• Tui( pews are being numbered ill the ial proprietor of the Stage to Senforth ed out' aoa0lnpllsh a heap ]'Gra thou big +AAA FO.Li ziALA.-•-VaN UN- �1'All1 & SINOL11Ift, i3A1t1iIS- r All Of ;grave, bj O, 11 Slmg- Methodist church this week and the beat telograph, telephone, and the speedy hulling people, who are always sturub. Y+ W Tune, &u, Oflloo it) LOcki¢'a block, name of each )arson renting Sittings mail train, wbioh Nyebaro not• had for lin s over their Civil feet, The Toronto darniguu(1 olYura bis Ymrm,lut 0, ono. 4, Bruasols. Nonoyto Louu. Le11. 1 S 6 Gray aeuUunit;t 100 Corea. fox sola. There —� __._ .�____...__._ 7� placed on the cards for that purpose. three days, t1 hy, on Tuesday, lie brought Daily and t\ t tidy News ]s tin example of utp lt6uut 0,i ,eras otaarad end u�dar Crop, t t 'll](' tiff 1Clllf F114V10R1', a� 11IC- ANhr•AL meeting of Morris find (Ire), the news Of the dissolution Of Par'liamel,t tale success that ]las been achioved by the 'There I. I.- '1•anip auto and log hC»ap' 13, DIORBON, (LATE AVITI1 orahurit, wul{and till auuvautnuccs, hued Kay. cheese factory will be held 0n Saturday and of the Dominion election on the 22nd small but bright ani] 0011rAg00u8, ptlpera' fcuaaa. Per full p arLloulµea upyly tp ! ! . (}arrow & Frotldfoot, GodarJah) So, afternoon of next week in the Brussels of February next. GAting back to 'old both in pulit]as ami it, bus]nasS, The Aa,i iUlt brotNnta, ltaibux, Uuuv nynuaer, &c, Of11ao, Ci.&UVA Abitf ulailt grace. r Town Hall, commencing at 2 o'clock. times here in Brussels, and even at this DmilY News is the ,youngest daily' in To. c-8.3mt ki_opriotor, brusselg, block, Drnaols. Money to loan, Sam Jolles Sermons, 30C. i TuR dandy painting done on the out- rate the news was two days old. ronto, and is equalled or excelled in air. LEX. N IiUN�1 Ii, OLLit1� Ub' r Iters handledby Messrs. Smith 4 Boss, THE Seaforth Sun says: -"We regret cull,tion by only two papor,; ]n Canada, tE\VIN (-•'r AND ANON ',YORK, �'!p .t • ,Pwolve select Sermons by 1i: i till's lICGBTVa i8 now prepared to do A tho Fourth Division Court, 0o, Huron, this winter, clearly demonstrates tbab to learn of the death of Robert it having mado a Sworn statement that !✓ --. Conva avoer, :lotar "bile, Laud, Loch L. 111U0l1?,', 30C., :111(1 11 v[tr10t Of the know their business in ever sense sowing in all its brauebes Also stamping Y Y y y y Z ltialalw, of Solomon Olty, ll anettS form its average Circulation for 1886 was over bath nine ami tho b'ronch paste, I!nabrold- and Iesui•auco AgaRt. 1 meds lavoston and 0(bCrs. I of the word. arty of this town, who digd on MOU(day 20,000 per tray. Its chief min's are to be cry in silk lull wool. Vai,ey quiltlug In lsmv- to 1°uv, Co.laacioil mad°, OMoe lit Gra • A HubreAl, mud literary entertainment, last. It will be remembered he said out right and readable ;- its chief character is es, vine etttch, llmtr t witbuos n;ado t0 or- hltm'RBlRak, llrlbgalg. in aid of the Sunday School library, will his business here a few ,years ago and fn its fearless oditorial style, which ro• drr, Tha uudeniguod will tunohotubfoidery - __._..._..__� G. A. ,De'adman, be given in St, John's church on Tues- went south ill order to roo6vor hie honlih, eo nizos neither friend nor foe fn its to sahalnrR nftp7 achebi hours to those wish- + 1V9�6lCAL OaAfi®6vr ill g tug toloorn, Unit and see the patterns at MEDICAL , Arm gist, Umlmelierlith'anct Goods Dealer., day eveplug, Fob. 1st. An excellent pro. but that terrible disease oomumpiion sweeping denunciation of what is wrong ArttH, MOUAUVA'S U J 18-tP Mill 3troot,Brussala, ••� -- grare is being arranger]. Watch out for from wbitch lie suffered knows no and unjust, both in the parties mud in .._u- :--. ___.._._- _ _ . c:oraxm an,m�n it. climate and ha suaoumbed. :Deceased ens the general political system. Its plains R. I3U7.OlIINSON. HAS To those requiting Ohl to -vision. 130 about 35 year's of age and leaves s wife as are rivalled by these Of no papor in 11AR111 CN GRE Y V03 BALL , tnovod big olIlao to rooms over the ORAND TRUNK RAILWAY. I sure in asking for Laurance'R spectacles and child. "Bob," as be was familia,ly, Canada, it havingra an arrangements � botuglot 11, ontile latucon,C0utaillhlg Postoffioo, Aosidonae °nMiltsircat — - that en get B. Lawumscil's--no there are known amongst as leaves a host of fript)ds with the leading illustrated is pets of the lac cares, south e pnrotot , n lc con., Cmr -- � ' af:. ^n: nv 1:xTRA'sI0\, W. C_ & u. u, - y g g I L cmtuiug4$ acres, cubo 1.6 . party cleared, A. til ONAUGI3TON til. YRic 0, imitations in rife market, and sac that and relatives to mourn his early dem]RE." 'entice] Stobed to receive whatever Cute rile limlanno'tvalltlmburotl. A never YnJtiu6' i o ;d. L. B. U. l'. IOdtnbnrgh, Pbyaiaina, i ever lair is Sttam d B. L., without The deceased was a brotli6e to Mrs are desirable from their Columns. In creek orossbs the lot mud it to well atlapto3 Trn#ui'allo Bxveaols Station, ucxth And 3' 1 lK' for Luwtua at grazing, Lot 15 is locality $nrga0n mudAcaoua rte O;Btuo, Mrs, i>hibl's south Aa 'allows: which none are germine. Do not be dc- Arthur Hingst011, of this town and was this way the readers of both The Daily eloarad andnnder good cultivation, tile list. blank, Turnbarry Street. solved by any similiaritV in the name. ° well known around Brussels. The Bell. and Weeky l�vcws get the choicest piatur. muco well tilubored whit blue]: ash. Will - Attttl tioa:m, a:ou+s \crib. WHY is it that the Stratford and God o• forth Expositor sitor {n Speaking of Mr. Laid- as from "Jtid a the celebrated New sell all together or to parts to suit the line- • A.I;, Ii'. CALE, M. ll U. Al. 11Iai1... .....-..,A:02 a,m, Mixed,,.........10.96 a.m lu 1 g 't chaser. Igor farthcrI ur touters tip �'131 to the ' d Ef(proa,..,...1r:35 a.m. Mail........:.....e•Oop,m r]cll line of railway, the London, Huron laR• concludes their remarks as follows : York comic pttpOt•, item the New York i, ro ,rlptar intha promisee. This of Member oPtiio Cnll°go uY Yhysioin.^.s an S1,ispd........... 8:50.p.m. I S{xPrees.....,.,.9.3S p.m and BTnCO and the C. P. R. can have -He was a good bUB1li0SS man, and a Evening Telegram, New York Journal, (]rattled. t1 GnO. AVERY. Surgeons of Clltattio bT examination, i ,SSM .. T �, trains running al most ovary day arta our whole -SO , geueruus, true friend and and from the artistic social), paper -Life I -- omao and Ii6sidpuc-Main Ht. East, 15tbul pp ` line la !looked for three mud font days in aompnuion, and his old friends and as- Besides these The Nowt, has many orifi- 1@ �0"VICE l _ outartd. Ci.C`( !. .civ (t�fl�c�, suceessi(m and no effort inside to open it aocfates here will bo deeply grieved to ]tial pictures d, awn and engraved by. its ll�� C • (�'J The managers of the road should be wak• learn of his early but )lot unexpected own artist. Last year "Dolly," a story The annual meeting of the East Huron "— � -` -----•- Apricultural Sociaty will be held in the .�. -:�.- ed up with a long pole. death. of Canadian life, was one of its 'hief DENTAL. A obiel's among a takin' notes I% is stated that the Oda Follows of --------a•• features, succeeding the Farm fikot013as Totvtt Hall, 13ruRanls, on Wednesday, Janu ___ 3' b ary lOth,18s7, uointuonotng st l:OOP.m. 'Pho F Au' fa]th he'll prent it. stern Star lodge, Brussels, are or. Cttua clank- 1! a3 pV t±t. by the Farmin' Editor• A story by the ieceivius of the annual report, election of IDY41N r_�Yaaix'n-S'. rmnging for it public lecture, in their hall, same mu bur will appear ,:luring 1887. ofhcors and other important business will - -" b Rev. C. E. Gordon -Smith, sou re a- Th o total strength Of the Northwest be brought before the meeting. Alargo at• M. 3. 1). ,L, D.B., rontor Nitrous end "-'— - �� �.__-� p g g g Talmage's sermons are still a feature of tandmuce is asked for. M.B. U. D. s„ of Toronto, NtUroua Oxide WATon out for aur new story, tional minister Of Stratford. The rev. monl}ted police is now 1,000 men and 9U0 the Saturday and Weekly News. The 1). S VOWART, D. MCLAOCHLIN, Gas adminastbred. Pri°os gtaaod and as low Messrs SIustiou and Langdale are away gentlemean has a vial] varuea reputvttion horses, short laughable sketches, the absorbing Sea: baric, 1roginent, a.gmod. a Cor ok all beton's for. tartare Store, for their holidays, as a pnblie lecturer. Next Friday even• The number' of firee in Toronto last serial stories, the reliable market report°, 20• Seaforth. -MRS (_,''LARd CREIOrITOH is away cisitiug ing is'the date of the leoiure, year was 274 ; loss S 1,164,163 ; insurance together with the brightly stocked news � , ., at Galt., Burford and Hamilton. OvwG to the Snow blockade there were $280,002. columns, where the doings of all the D �� k IR 51:--1 HLi' UNDER A. MARTIN. L. D. S., TaIUTY ears aro whnted at Brussels no trains running last Friday and Cosa- Sir John Macdonald spent his Seventy people of the civilized world arD Gaily 1' uranin desire to intimate ba the pub- �j o station for grain, flour, pork, &e. fluently no mail matter was brought in. second birthday in Kingston on Tuesday allrgniOlDd, make tip a galaxy Of brilliant iia goneraily that they have formed a ca - Mils. Intviv and rive rand children, of The .naw low opened u the road on of last week. nnrtnelshia for the plupnae of narryhtg on E311�"g`I w J^i , g P P P jotirclal]stic features unrivalled by any Gerramo, Sign and Ornamental painting' Listowel, are visiting Opo. Love this Saturday slid the first train at Brussels The %% ell -known Teetzel family, Several paper published twat of New Yo. It. and are Y!'spa, od to attend to the wants of IIrnor Graduate it"yam Callvgv td Dental week. was the noon train going south. The of whom live in Elgin county, have fallen The Weekly News is only1.00 per, tin- the publxtc on most roneonable terms. Mr. Surgeons. , Trip heather wise say the San dogs on road was acain blocked on Monday, heir to $4,000,000. num, mud each subscriber 16ivunla del. Rosebaviv had experieuco In somo ti trip Tuesdayaro a sure indication of colder Tuesday and Wednesday, and opened Rev. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter aro g best warphmens it wo oto mild both being tiros Moderateomou—G. t2oldL'lCelr, Ilrusse,:. Churg... 3 yt n y tar's worth Of .n oke free as a premium, ramtical t". Estimates es %ndtuC m giro sr ily Moderato. weAiher• again un Thursday, engaged m evangol'stic work at Piston Those who do .not desire the premium fanttmt, Cstiwatos and terms cheortully -.-- ---- - ---- HARP•Y Tovm rand wife are visiting DROEA9Eb.—Last Tuesday morning and meeting with marked success. will have a liberal roduotion made in. rho furnished. Shop over Voal'b Furn{ture ]DJ IN U:lf!-'r, Star°, corner of'Pnrnberra and lull Strapts, - friends in the southern part of this county Donald t(inclair passed to his reward, at A Toronto correspondent hints that a price of their subscription. The Cam. Brusvels. SaIITH a 11099. W J. Pear,L. D S.Oraduate of Ta- tliie week. thoadtanceddgo OJ nearly 6S Years: The new Conservative }paper, to be called the bivation Offer-�hoNeokl and Dail - . .- ____ - ---- --- tonic School of v°ntlgtiy. All opor- Y Y minces guaranteed. Office-Cady's CARNIVAL alt the rink on Tuesday even- old gentleman had been poorly for, some Star, is to appear m Toronto about Fob• is suitable for farmers who have leisure �� v_Y ..l'ECIL0 l t Block, Sufortit, Ing of next week.. It promises to be a time but, for his years, was a remark- ruarY let, during the winter, but are too bus in - v � Artiaci,lltooth, nrstgaulitr, ands. good one, ably smart person. He came to Brussels E. S. Hubbard, C. E. of Philadell,hia the summer to read • a daily, and is a Public Rotlao is horsby ltivan, that not ap- guorantcod Ht,for $1s.00por set. A Sim, sod supper is to be hold in the from Blaysbard township, Perth. Co., estimates that the cost of bringing water great foaturD o£ Tlie Nows. } Im this way of bhoton will het lin 6 to 6 tl Legislature enoze torn— -- 1 Brussels Town Hall this (Friday) even. eom'• 10 Or 12 Years ago, when he gavo up from then t.Ciail to Chatham would be for 62.00 you can got the Weekly for six Rion thereaf, for mn act creating the town. �la�5i�j �� � ����� mg, the 21st inst, fat min., anti lived a retired life since that about 6460,606• months dad the Daily for six mollthe ships of W alLtee, llhua and Morrington, In u . Surrit Bsos. have staked out theground time. The deceased c•as a very otmsist- The members of the Public School and a dollar's worth of books as a rom• tip oountyn t Ectth ; Howtek and Gray in � . I. for their new factor and are haulm thD Got member of the Presbyterian church board Of the little Villag a Of Hea slat P the COull tyaf Wollin rou; tin, Mch Ch Vii ll oN BBp� (�., McCR&CREN , 18S 4 L• R y g 1 P The or kly Daily for totes months and the Comity oft Brussgtal,, with Cho Viling d Y� material for building. and was highly rcapected by all who 'lave among them 43 a pildren, They The Weekly for ulna months and .dol- of M{lvertml, Brussels Rud Nroxoter, and v . of Mnrringp Lic°nae;. ±pmap Lit lit. Can old friend Wm. Mooney, of Mill know him. The funeral, on Thursday Call supply a pretty good school of their lmr's worth of books for $1.50. the 'Towns of Palmerston and Listowel ht Giccery,'Purnberry street. Raid Uouetiss, into,; lrpvfslonal County, to street, line been somewhat under the afternoon, was largely attended. Mrs. Own, No one used be without a daily paper bo called the County of Maitland, with the M. R011DiOIi, HOUSE, SIGN weather for the past week, ; Sinclair and the other members of the The members of the 32na Battalion ex-' during the winter months. A general Town Of Liatowol as Qounty Town, with and Carriage, plain and ornmantnl .ONm week from next Monday will be family have the sympathy of a large air- pent to ree6ive the badge of the Distin. Dominlun election is approaching, which Provisions similar to those oontained in the the last day of January, How are your ole of friends in their boroavement. guiahed Service Order for turningout to Act 30 Victoria, ebaptor si,for the forunatlov pahntcr. I attmatpa cheerfully imxntshod. will be One of the moat fiercely fought of the OOanty of Dufforin. subject to the Ohargeu moderate. resolutions panning cut ? METHODIST MISSONs.-From the 62nd Proceed to the North-west mt the time of Contests ever seen in Canada. The next approval ottbe majority of the mootorg of `- -- Mess Amma nim O. R, `'ANsroxia are via- annual report of the Missionary Society the rebellion. session Of Dominion Parliament will bo r oeald hfaoietPatitles, to be talten mt an MoNAIR, ISSURR OF WAR- itin„ relatives in Colborne township still of the Methorlist church for 1885.86 w•e The Preebyterfalls of Greenway, IIuron an arona, in which the concentrated bit- Elo°°toss to ba vela tar tip° pn soca uuaor rings Llcausea, by appointment of Doubt , aro to hold their services in the °aid Act, in a manner similar to said Act Lieut: Goyernor, Commissioner, &c., El. B. Goderich for a week or so. learn that the total receipts Of the Socie- Y teenage of all the Canadian factions will for the formation of the Uounty otirt lforin. Couvoy¢aaor and Agent Fire Inauranao Co. J. R. GEA. r having resigned the Prsai- ty for the year amounted to $189,811, and Eugliah cluroll in that village on Sunday imd vent.' Tho Naws presauts n conaiae D ARLIN6 g'l tAB1a 1+, 0M yc at til° Ornnbrtok Post instiv dency of the curling club, H. Dennis, of this amount there was expended for evamngs, the B]sliop having given leis and bright report of Parliamentary pro- Solicitors for Applicants. Ug00NNOR, TIRL .Vice-president, took his place. the support of misrfons 184,699. Goae• eonset Ltstatvol,Jau.uth, 1887. _7-e , L1FE, pP $ oeedinge, which is not dull and dreary T , A nocisic belonging to A. Currie, butch- rich District contributed $2,521 : North John P. Clark, of Detroit, is endeavor- like thmt provided by its big and heavy v q Accident and Loan Ingurauoo AggoaI, er, was badly injured by a kick from an- Street Church, GCderieh, ave 309 ; Ing to secure a thirt • oars' lease .of the -' --- for home of the boat and most xaliablo &e.11 - ponies $ } Y a0lnpetitore, but which will interest every ponies in tho Dominion. Office Hrfelt Torr• ottior borne an Thursday night of last Rattenbury Street Church, Clinton, gave sulphur springs property at Sandwich, farmer and every farmer's sou in theThe aco,Turuberrystroet,near the station. Weak. $489, the largest contribution of any con- Should he succeed he wi put' on a line of country. Be sure and subscribe for ��t Pap®�a SAW Loan WAnmRe,-The undersigned gregatfon in the district ; Ontario Street boats of his own between Detroit and that either The Daily or The Weekly. Sub- ou can ossibl y y 1 W • O'BRINN, V. S,, DONOR Will take a large quantity of any kind of cangregatioit, Clinton, gave $166; Sea. resort. scriptions will be forwarded from this o can ossib WI xc is yo'ir famtil (vas • Graduate of the Ontario Veterjmsry logs in exchange for furniture. Apply to forth, $137 ; Holinesville, $289 ; $ayfleld, Canada Citizenr—Thosewho have care• Office. h College has resumed the priatiou of ,Tobe 2G-3 Meg. W. LoNs. $75 ; i'urns, $143 ; ens North, $110, fully oonn6d the lint of newly elected $4,26 secures THit PoaT and tiVeolfly more profitable and interacting reading Nott, V. and is prop¢rad to treat un d3s- NE 1, subscribers Doming to the front Snnth, $46 ; Zoudesboro', $194 ; Dun- members cannot #ail to observe that, from Nows. matter, has more fearless and intelligent eases of domostioated animate on scientific t _ _ editorials, and is; in mIL respects, one of pPrnvo i prlaotplas. Trpntmout of dei- rig�t along- THC POST should be 'taken gtsnon, 6243 ; Aitbuxn, $191, and Ban- a temperance standpoint, the new .Logia- n foots foals a specialty. Office at John Nott's by evergona who wants a tip-top local miter, $85. Wingham District gave lature is in advance of any that has pro- ,— - _ — - the most reliable slid noway journals on V.S. paper. Try it for a year. $1.793. Of thio amen'! Wingham con- Ceded it. _ - D f35_ _ T� - this continent There are, now •. -days, PEOPLE should not forget the Auction tribated'$2U1 ; $incard' a, $79 ; Ripley, At the annual meeting of the, Montreal Gonnov.-Iii Brussels, on Jan. 17th, 1887, unfortunately, but too few newspapers AJISS LILLA O'CONNOR, sale of the two valuable farms belonging $120 ; Amberlay, $61'; its now, $106 ; Board of Trade a resolution, endorsing William Gordon, agea lib years. tbat can be admitted, into the Sanctity of AJ Ceaaher of Dfade•,",Vooal mad Instr» - to G. Armstrong, at the Central Hotel, on A•hfield, lOD ; Bervio 211; russets, the proposal toprovide'a residence.in the SINCLam.-In Brussels, on the 18th inst., ripe family hearth, but the "WIa'NESa is mentalon Organ, rinno, or G»itar. Her - to $ C , $ P n On of the few, Though roll of enter- mony and Thorough Bass. Advenocd pupils T{lesday of next week, at 12 o'clock. $8G ;Ethel, $8 Walton, $Ol ; Blyth, city for the Governor-General, and pled3- Donald Sinclair, aged 82 yemrs, 3 Otte for Teuebing. Terms on app htstion, MONEY TO LoAN.-Several large sums On 6168 ; Belgrave, $141 ; BluevaIs. 0105 ; Ing the members to give it all the aid in months. I pries in the matter of naive, it never ad- Rhfprenb0-Ladios of Lbyetto Sf ;bury.. Mand to lend on good security at 6J per Whitechurch, 660, and Salem, 94, their power, was carried unanimously. Br,A88xv,r -In Hull, England, on Christ• mite into its Column anything which buo]ph. Ros#dancu-No. 2, Terrane, south, cent. earl Apply to * Could possibly injure the mind of even the near station. Y Y• fiIIDnEN DEATH— people of Bros. The G. A. W. Tal. Company has elect- mac day, John Blashill, eldest eon of n S' _ 25-2 mon ' A. HuxTEn, Brussels. gels were -,-cry muoh surprised to hear, on ad the following directork :-Androw Al. W. and Charlotte Blashill, of Crau• youngest;of its readers, while its Qtiesbioii A wEDnING party was at the Queen's Tuesday morning, that Win. Gordon, who- tau, Hector Mackenzie, Wm. Cassils, brook, and brother to Win. Blashill, find Answer Department, in which quer. IZO b e rt Cun n i n gh a til hotel lash Wednesday afternoon. It's a ]tad been clerking in Grant & Cola. hard- Jtsse, Joseph and Wm. Wainwright, the Brussels, aged 50 years. ies'oll all subjects of general Interest are good job to have something to stir up a ware store since last April, had died ver two latter replaoing Jolm Crawford and - replied to by competent anhhoritios, ran- XIVSURANCB A -GENT, little excitement during these blizzards. suddenly on Monday night, at the res Jolla Harling. Andrew Allan was re• - = dors it of the greatest possible value to A avroren meeting of the Council was dente of J. W Fear. He had been both- elected president. 33=1=0 a3=7T.,s M1Z1i.Z.)>: ==S., all its subscribers To oommemorate the .G 1.1 e l p h) .•. Ontario. held on Wednesday to consider the case area with an ulcerated tooth nearly all The work of sinking the shafts for the fiftieth year of Queen Victoria's reign --. ___ _______ .__.__.—_.,.e_, of Mrs. McGarvey, as she wanted aid 'to snmmer and about three weeks ago quit St. Clair tunnel at Sarnia is being rapid- Con11ECTEv CaRnrtn,r,Y )tvsnY wP'.1M. over the British b'mpuo, the publishers I' fA, _,Y 1 M. BLASHILL, I lOse0nt0d-a depth of 60'feet haven White Fall Wheat:....... 76 77 of the "Wim,ves' are giving to tell Sub. ` r ; t ;i• t t W putakar, thanking take Herself and children to her mother Wolk oil account of the swelling in his Y P • P g in lTrebrasl(a. The council decided to faces After stopping for a f0ty days in been reached on the Canadian mud 40 feet Red Winter.. , 77 7S scribers to that Papel either now, or to. ti) his many customers for their help her. town hD Went to rho hos foal in London oh the Michigan aide. 'Tho soil is said to Spring Wheat.........., , 70 77 11Gtvin —who send torr cents in addition et�,���, liberal nuppoet in the past P to their subscription, a magnificent owl.'s9 to k he k tops that at Two Scott Act oases,. against the pro- and returned to Brussels on Thursday of be of stiff and Compact blue clay, very Burley .... . ... ...... . .. 40 48 n �� C•, his chop in 8m olds block he )coops nothtnp Prieto,g of the Queen's hotel, Brussels, last week. During that brief holiday do favorable for the work. Oats ......... . .......... 28 00 i bill Ivat-Claps Monte all kinds of roultry and Dames' hotel,Cranbrook, that were old habit, that be had kept under don. Ed. Cmae, of Hamilton, has aeeophod Plias............. GO 00 PI�"pTURF' OF HER MAJESTY. and Sausage Mont Defiverod he nil parts a P ".. the town frac, Cash p¢{d for Pitt Stook to be triad ori Wednesaa} were postponed trot for years, got Iho hotter of him and ilio ehallai1ge of Pettis Priddy, of Pitts- Bettor, tubs mud rolls.. , 16 00 • ' 1llaos anis shoppalline bought for small, until Tuesday of noxa week, commencing he appeared to give frill swing to his ap- g, o run a sories of three foot races Eggs per dozen .... , , 16 00 ' This find portait is highly spolcoii of by bar t 1 man prominent Canadians who have al- ae 1 o'clock p.m, • petite. Saturday evening Mr. Fear took .for $1,000 a side, the distances to be half. F our per barrel .. 4 00 00 . ready r'eceived it, and consider it a 7 r t'� , (lAiiNIv.1L.-The second outruiwai a! the :hon tip to ]pis rosidonce and bo was fadbh- mile, throe•quarter-mile and pue mile, Potatoes . , .. 50 ' 00 1'RAYLD ON T.)=IT, Pli;l; t11ISP 5 p worthy early ss of our Noble the of iho »n,loraf season Will be held on rite Maitland rink, fully attended. Daring ;be vight ho Had the winner of two raeea to take rile mana3'. limy per ton. 8 00 10 00 The yearly subscription to the "DnmY on or abort Nov. iltbtdi; 'Oat 20ltits alicarlin I Brussels, on Tuesday. evening of ne>s bad vomiting Simile. On Sanaa he SIC A Tile races will be run in Now York about Hides per I! . ............ 0} 00 " • ram. The Owner is to Provo pro.' week. The following is the rizo list :- occasionally B Y 1 WITNEss is $8.00 and to rho "4VEsr,nY giioeted to g p y Ane rooted fairly wall and on May 1. Dreseod Hogg ........ ..... G 60 5 75 WITimss" 81 00, mil additional 1.0 cents to potty, pay axileasee and talcs blot away. Bost dressed lady ill costume, a hand. Mondayevening about 7:30 o'clock ate a At Hamilton on Wednesda • night of Salt per bbl., wboleaale.... 60 80 GEORGM St3I9' LS, l 3 g t be sunt in either naso if tiro picture be Monortefy P. 0. 'Rome taboltgait Cloak, by F. C. Rogers ; plate of oysters, Tan or fifteen minutes 'last week some boyo found a child about Shoop skins, Gruel, , 50 1 00 desired, _,-_---,^,,_,_a , best dressed gentleman in costume, sil- afterward Mr. Fear bad occasion to go 18 months old lying aaloop in the allow _ Sand in ,yme subsoriptiouR Without, do- "I'1 YuAYli U ON THE PR + MIaES V •pr pickle dish by Grant & Co. I best up stairs slid on looking into the room on MoNab street north., St waa comfort- t lay to JOHN DOUGALL it SON, �' of tile undoraiCnH tat E can. 10, a�Jsea lady, comic costume, an elegant where Gordon was he saw his head was ably dressed, and had a pair of men's THE P EuPLE S COLUMN. MoNrnunL. Morris, about tho 10th of November, 1880, brodh., silk handkerchief, by G. A. Pow• thrown bank, his month open and he was sock's pulled over its ]]antis in lion of mit- -- -•- •-- -"` --- ,.- a yonrling etsar, light rad in color. The eB ;lest (tressed gentleman, Comic Cos- dead. The physician was Summoned and tens. It was taken into a neighboring • iI0I0R I ARMS roe SALI,.-- The "NORTBEaN 111EseENGER" is ever owner is requested to prove property, pay turre, oil a hromo, framea, by R. Leath- be pronounced that death ensued from house and is bei' kind] oared for, ohorgoa and tdlto him away, > P g Y A few splendid, improved farms for gaining in popularity, and is still T1lE 27.1+: will. TIERNEN, Walton erdale ; lad} and Pentleman s race, in exhaustion. Rehas suffered from die• Howard T. Blaokstcve,Bthe defaulting salo is the township of Grey, Morris an(l CHEAPEST IbbtioTRAknn PAPRR I1UsLISHIID. couples, 10 lags, let a pafr of gilt vases betis for the past 5 or 6 months, it may bank Clark of the Canal National Bank, MOR111oP, Apply to A. XWLGATTY, Co. Prizes of Books and No aro ivon to I' x lxz '< a' ✓ tblle. b 8tradhon Bros,` 2nd a hook of 80 ad• leave hastened his death, Mr. Fear tele- of Portland Me., was arrested at Wimni- Auctioneer, Brussels r, O, YT, gi Y, .those who oarivass for it. , Rlw oxLY Sea. mission tickets to rb k ; 1s0a' face, under phoned to Mr. Grist, of Stratliroy, With 1ie��g, on a charge of forgery, by C• M. 0 LET.—THE HALL OVI11i a year, with roduati6las t0 Clubs. Samplo The eubacribor offers tot ethic his vnh'able 12 years of ago, 5 laps, gent's Scarf whom Gordon served his time, on Tues. WarmDl, the Slieril'f of Oxford Co., Me., Copies ;Dont tO an Farm In the'Pownablp of Gray, comprising Mn0MRe, A. Geos & 00'S. Storo,'inho the L Y wle may request lots 0 an d 7, aon,11 In amid town ship.Thin pin by Jas. Jones, 2nd, 10 admission day to see )lie (Gordon's) uncle as to what and a St. Paul detective. Blackstone, it Maponto em0, would make a, loco Lodge them. JOHN DOIIGALL & SON, farm Contains 200'°res and within lb miles • ti6kilts to rink: obstacle race, Slaps, open he would do with the corpse, but he re- is understood, fled from Portland in Nov- Boom or would ionso it for an ftec. Montreal. from the thriving• village of Brussels, with to all, list got of diamond glassware by fused to have anything to do with it. Tiro ember, after defrauding the Banff of $701• Applyto wits, VAN8TON71 &-SONS, good gravol ro¢dleadiug thereto. About 160 Doeve McCracken, ' 2nd %.00; Ladies body was taken to Seaforth on Wednes- 000. The money was all spent spec!• r A Good ]papor doe the Tamil is rile hi hState of oui free front rumDa and in a race] l.p laps, open to all, fat set figured day afternoon and sent from, there by lation. AA GOOD FARAI PO RENT; UR "WEEJ(hY It'IEssRNomt 11 which g ves the nntly wooded. This farm 18gp a tioultatr7a glAPAwAro, 0 pieces, by ileo•, Thomson, tram to Strathroy, as our line of railway Two children of Mr. Wrignoy, of: .,C'A. SELL, 11 miles from Oraabr00lt, Far current news in a conoise 6 e well loused, nearly the whole otr the forces, ' `yl llaltdsomemirror and brush ; girl's visa not open for traffic, Whore it ill be {tranton, Were fatally pasonetl oa 'Tltae. furthor artiaularsapolyto form, together boin'straightand haviu been :ore°tea;hn ?er 12 'oats 5 la s, I.at ]land• buried nnPcr the diroatrons of two coos• da . Tlie were glolf and the father A' RA MANN, or to wM. OSTE1t with illuatratoct titorlos, Tlio eipxall sum lggc �lta'a0. On tliapromiseetLoroie mCom• raa6, tint_ , y , P, , Y Y ClanbrookP, O. . bOnbetd l', 0, Of 600. will seemed a dopy for twelve fortabiotog dwelling _bohse,aud .,goo aframe oma ahas'ed silver ua1 kin ting by C1toA, itis of rho dooegaed. Gordon was a good wont fat Dr. Lan , wild prescribedpoNd month., tarn with Rtend atmbliug uudornaath in ryry p? _. . _ .... . FL6toher, 2nd, 10 tLllmission tickets to hearto(l young follow and was more sin. ors for wot.uR. le dootor s Clark filled pTIC9B : fOF1M bOUGALL Jt SON ryhlohthere iso wail with an abundant euP- riuk, 'I:hD baud will 'be in attendance. nod against than sinning. When 1'e the proscription and it is feared he ntadO' ply oY oxcouoat enter, There is likewise n This will be quo of the beat Carnivals Of brut work hG had over $100 mil crash !tit sumo )mstako mild nt n p a daadl poison, 1doa1 treat]. cow frame implement house, 40x28, well P ,1 y P , Advertising apabp {u the Town Bail 'floorda above and Below, and heady aided the (lesson and m very large attenamile0 is a- ,lie rairse. from Loud., was without as one of the children died in live minutes can be had by applying to 3t,,Q. 8(7C'P!C, Alrl'.ISMI S W,04lE D in every town"and Ana palhtetl, Vorllartioultrs 'apply to the expopted. Fae posters 161, further par- a sent. Ho was about 3, years of age, I after taking the medicine and the other, I rives. coliko, i+prat'Sarred. ' I village for all of CIO "WI'PNES0 • u?Voa. Proprietor, JA ES VIOI(SON, and unmarried. , in half ail hour. 1 20 By Order Of Co'iuoil. I tions. Send lot' terms. 18•tf zteglstrai, Hurn (Ia. . (