HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-21, Page 3l
JAN. 21, 1887,
13,11)14Y STUNG !
:111 summer long, with gloves and veil,
I've kept myself protcoted
Yet now must toll a sorry tale
About one spot neglected.
My nose's tij the veil would touch,
And oft I speculated,
1Vbother, if bees assailed me luuch•
For 1 ant sore bee•hatec1
-lomelinles or other I 1i -tight get
A sting 011 the projection
Of my proboscis, through the net,
At the veil's intersection.
It seelneil,1 most unlikely thing,
'bet any fusee!. archer
Should thus exactly aim a sting ;
•S;o fear tools its departure.
G '..• i••,• 1)1010;00.1, 1,1, 140};1,1
'bath is more strange than fable,
.10;1 any deludes 001110 t., naught
1Jko the old tow( of Babel.
Aohilleo ooukl not w0uu10(1 be,
!rove in 0110 snot -his h0ol
Vet there, with direfata'3ty,
1Vas aimed the deadl steel,
1 11,1 I, imporviutts ' vo'ywhore,
Save at my nose's tip,
Week -0d a nvickod dab right throw,
That made me "tear and rip 1"
1t e•ma tet bright end lovely day,
That third of this November,
But oh ! the mi+chief was to 'nay,
.1st shall long remember 1
1Vitile I was packing up my bees
With forest loaves ae'l chaff,
And fueling perfectly at ease,
'1' n, confident by half.
.1. 1 Aldan arrow lilt; my nose
Jo tat its ultimatum,
And a not mild expletive rose,
"('unfound the bees, I hate 'cm !"
Thy nasal organ quickly swelled
To twice its usual size ;
1Vhile tears' 11 pain and anguish welled
From both my weeping eyes.
My none toe lovely phiz was 8110011
01 all its scanty beauty
.1 -ed for three days I went forlorn,
linhit for public duty.
1 now must have a glass -front veil,
Or a two face -protector,
And prove no more, as im this tale,
A stupid nolo. n gl' ctor 1
On not dream moray thy lifetime ;
"1'w,,i not given the ter a dream ;
'Tia a fragment of th' eternal
Which thou must, thou must redeem,
11rory hoar is more than golden,
Every moment is a gem ;
Tristanro up these hours and moments ;
!hare arc princely pearls in them.
131 not sottish ; earth's groat sickness
Neodoth self-denying men,
To go forth among the dying,
And to soothe the beds of pain.
1 }all the purple, don tho armor,
Take the helmet and the shield;
Drop the garland, seise the weapon.
31.1tice the htusto to take the field.
Lie not down among the roses,
Carry high thy cross and sword ;
What I It Sybarite disciple
Of a self-denying Lord 1
130 not weary ; for the warfare
Hard and fierce will soon be o'er
And the root will bo unchanging
On the green, unfadiug shore.
11y her who in this month is born
No gam save garnets should be worts ;
They will insure her constancy, .
True friendship and fidelity.
'''lie Fait -Eery -born will find
Sincerity and peace of mind ;
'Erse/101u from passion and front care,
11 they the amethyst will wear.
Who in this world of ours their eyes
in Maroh first 01>en shall be wise;
111 days of peril firm and brave,
And wear Et bloodstone to their grave.
11110 who from April dittos her years,
Diamonds should. wear, lost bitter tears,
For vain ropolltanco flow ; this stone
Emblem of iun00on00 is known,
Who first beholds the light of, day
1,11 Spr'ing's sweet flowery mouth of lliny,
and WOWS an emerald all her life,
''hall be a loved and happy wife.
Who 000108 with 51111111180 to this earth,
111(1 owes to Juno her day of birth,
With ring of agate other Hand,
Can health, Wealth and long life command,
'Cho glowing ruddy should adorn
Those who in warm July aro born ;
'Then will they be exempt and free
Prom love's doubts and anxiety.
01;0011'0. ..
IIIOar a 8a0d011ox, or for tilee
No ootgenial fnlioity ;
The August -born without this steno
"Pis said must live unloved. and lone,
e1(ll11 1l31:1f.
A maiden born when Auburnnloavos
Are rustling in September's breeze,
A sapphire 011 her brow should blind-
Twill cure diseases of rho mind.
(lutob8r's child is born f01' woe,
And life's vicissitudes must know ;
Ent lay an opal on her breast,
And hope will lull those woes to rest.
Who first oome8 to dile world below
With drear November fog and snow,
Should prize the topaz, amber 11118
Emblem of frioads and lovers true.
I£ cold December gave you birth,
The mouth of snow and ice and mirth,
Place 011 your hand 0 tnrguoise blue,
Success will Mone whato'or you do.
RRIN'I'S 1011 iIi till' BITS.
A. pair of old oastawey bode
veneered with gilt urate a pretty
w011 erlulment. Tu add to the of•
feet putt patch( s of 1 %bolt wool out
the legs to lllli113e 8110w.
Au old pair of 0nreete m.11au10111
od with ereepiug 111108 and pretty
doolghla 1(1 leaf make a very elegant
ernament. to Lams over a barroom
An old tin wahil' sprinkler cover
od oitlt a hale of viii stars ,sad
pulvrhrhzed glass diautouds and sue
Mended from u parlor chandelier is
very attractive A largo pink statin
bo arreltged ever the spout adds
very tn,tteri'ally to the effect.
An old creel scuttle tinted with
delicate sliltrloo of 8001101 and cer-
ulean blue furnishes a nuiquo relief
for a dining room wall. To brighten
the effect, place severed selected veg.
canines 1t) the scuttle, allowing the
tops to be aeon at a distance of half•
way (100085 the romp.
As all ornamental design for a
trout hall, take a dozen tomato 0(1118
and paint each ono a different oolor.
Tie a bow of pretty satin ribbon of
various shades about earth. Run a
gaudy string tliroua:h the lot and
hang thorn un 1110 wall close to 'the
celin,g 'One can hardly imagine
the divine effed of this exquisite
A Christmas Elopement.
11 was the night before Christ
Approaching a mansion, Aubxey
Monteith -1i graeped•his mule by the
0600 and brought him ander a sec
o11d storey tviudow. Much silence
was lying rouud about, mixed with
darkness, Aubrey gave a whistle
in slow voice. The window above
wont slowly up, and the owner of a
head put it out.
Thee came a voice like the music
of the spheres when they grate to
getber :—"Aubrey ie that you
a11d the mule ?"
"Darling Vinetta, it is us. Hur-
ry up, and climb down tine mule's
ears ; mount'behind, and we will
Dross the lino into Indiana and
tnatrimuny. First reach mo down
your little bundle. Don't make it
Ho dismounted and caught :
1. A hat, cloud up in a uewspap
2. A bundle, in a shawl strap.
3Another bundle, 111 a shawl
4. A oord-bound hand basket.
5. A. stuffed red baud -box.
6. A stuffed blue band box.
7. A largo bundle, rope bound.
8. A well-fed carpet sack.
9. Another bandbox.
10. A well grown valise.
As one end of a trunk protruded
mit of, the window above him, Au-
brey jumped aside and exclaimed,
"Dearest Vinetta, what are you go-
ing to do with all -.tbie'.botisohold
furniture ?"
"Why, I want to take something
"Well, darling, we won't be gout:
more than ono day ; besides I slid
not bring a railroad trunk. How
are we to freight these across the
line ? You need no baggage. I
have only an extra paper collar."'
"Aubrey, your are just beginning
to get acquainted with woman. I1ory
0(17 she travel without a ]'rine bag-
gage ? This lot is nothing?"
Ile had the. 'fallen across the pile
in a swoon. On reoovering, ho
said "Precious, these cannot go
vie, mule."
"But they must go. I ineist."
1 "It is utmtterably impossible,"
"Then, Aubrey, the procession
can't start. I have only taken what
I regniee." ,
"Well, I cannot transport 'em."
"In that doe y01.1 cenn01 take
"Then our elopement and male
riage are off ?"
"Clear off 1" she cried, between a
couple of sighs.
'Then so am I ; farewell forever l'
And the sound of metro heels broke
the Christmas eve silence down the
110130 (lnniunatleal flints.
Somebody has boon getting out
a new gIaminar, which contains
several excellent short rules. Among
these aro the following : —
Acoustics is always singular,
Cut bias; anti not out on the bias:,
Allow'ahould not be need for ad.
Cottee to see 111e and not come
and son me,
Bursted i8 not elegant and is rare.
ly oarrect.
Almost, with is negative, is ridic-
ulons, "Almost nothldg" is absurd.
Tho burden of a 8olig means the
refrain or chortle, not its sense or
1301101911 applies to perso8ta not
to things, and 1)08 110 reference to
Affable only (0pplies when speak•
ing of the meaner of superiors to in-
"'Methinks is formed by the im•
peseta:1d verb thiel, inenl>ing seem,
and the dative m0, and is literally
rendered, It seems to me."
A(huh0 th"u1d
(PIS bo 0110 MO
With 1110 infinite, Never say as
M./My do, "I should admire to go
with you," etc. This error is sing-
ularly faebionabie just now.
Allude is now frequently 111181080d
W1101.1 a thing is named, spoken of
or described. It should only be
used when anything is hinted at in
a playful or passing manner. "Al-
fnsion is the byplay of language."
lar oiler tilt Ne w'er.
Russia 13 busy stmegtltoning the
fortiflcations of Warsaw.
The Earl of Cadogan has resign-
ed the office of Lord Privy Seal.
The Austrian war budget is to be
lhhere00011 by five milli,'n puede,
Ougnot, It Frenchman, in 1769,
constructed au experimental loco-
Russia's revenne for the past
year came out over five millions of
pounds behind her expenditure.
henry Stanley will allow no prase
correspondents to accompany his
expedition for the relief of Bolin
M. Pasteur is soon to retire from
active prxatice to avoid paralysis,
with which lie is threatened. Are
there no microbes to prevent that ?
Baroness Burdett Conus gave
$1,500 in charity to purchase food,
clothing and coal on Christmas day
among her tenantry in Shioreditch
and Bethnal Green.
Dwight L. Moody will pees the
winter in Chicago and superintend
the establishment of the Lay Train-
ing school, for which $250,000 has
been already pledged.
Professor John $, Proctor, the
Kentucky geologist, says there is
enough good. Iron near Bowling
Green, in that State, to supply fifty
furnaces for 200 years.
The Ohio Penitentiary, whtclt
cost the State $210,000 a year tins
der Democratic management, has
become self snetaildug under Re•
publican administration.
A Maine wuodoman saw 11 rabbit
on the ice, and it did not run away
as he drew near It had hopped
into a shallow puddle of water and
had stood still till its feet wore firm•
ly frozen in.
Sinop Lord Wolseley has received
the decoration of the Prussian Or-
der of the Rcd Eagle, it is suggest
ed that England ought to bestow
the Grand Cross of the Order of the
Bath upon Field Marshall Count
Von Moltke.
Prince Krepotkin live at_Harrow,
Englaud, suppuring himself and
his wile solely on the proceeds of
his writings, for his 081atss have
been confiscated, and his wealth
has disappeared as completely tie
if it had been swallowed up In (piste -
Mr. Gladstone's birthday gifts M-
eluded' among other thi11gs, a rod
kerchief for his nook, ,at least a doz•
en bottles of hie favorite jam, one
mutton and three minces p1e8, and a
box of pills, the last named from
rho husband of the woman who for-
warded the mutton 'pie.
There are 25,810 doctors in Great
Britain, or one for every 1,850 in.
habitants. In Fatima the propor-
tion is one for 1,400 ; fu Austria,
Germany, and Norway, one. for
every 1,500 ; it) the Uuitod States,
one for every OCO, while in Russia
there is only ono for 6,226.
An English sailor who was at
Key West scouted the idoa of
diaries biting a plan, and to prove
that they never cliff bite one he set
out 'to swan across tho bay and 1
beak. He hod not gone 200 foot I
wh0ti be was dragged under, rued he
hasn't reappeared yet to con110110
the argument.
At last the bones of the British
soldiers who fell in Belgium in 1815
and were buried in two suburbau
oometeriu4of Brussels, now to be
dosed, will bo collected and trans.
ferrod to a cemetery at Evoro and
narked by a handsome monument
now being designed by Oount Lett-
ing, one of the best of the younger
Belgian sculptors.—all this at the
expense of Lord Vivian.
csnntadivat N(ewet.
Dunham Ocaornen has eorved
Belleville 38 tax eollootor fur tweet).
Tho 1foutreal Ilornld refers to
the Witness an "Our friend, the
A fihlburue woman found her
husband in Albion married to aeotlh•
ar wunlan, ain't will appeal to. the
1(0011 s fur redress
I-loury Morton, of 'feelings, who
ion:trued recently from Victoria, B.
C., status tl.lnt it valued there for 00
consecutive devil,
Mistaking a eeparatunl for a legal
divorce a (11 011 nitWW1 13erIlard, of
Antique, N. 13., =steed a second
tune and (s being; prosecuted for
bigamy in eseuegtlenoc. au
Mayor Scott, of gale ;reee % f x al y y 0 3 z'a
following the nc'tutl practice of giv 12 "3
lug n supper to the members of rho o
llonucil, will donate $50 to 1110 poor e. (1 h
of the townn o a o Gc
3701' eoutetimie pas, >t tvo11•k11u1u ; 1'
yotting lady of Belleville has beau
martins active preparations for her
marriage, which Wae 0 have beet)
celebrated o11 Wednesday, The
trousseau hacl beau prepared, the
itivitatinue i" shed, the e'tke deliver-
ed, and ovate the tspect.iut bride-
groom had arrived on the Nell 0.
But at the last moment the young
lady refused to go un with the 0000•
many. No reason has been assign.
ec1 for her rinlarkeble couduet, bat
it is whispered that a third pers1,1
le responsible fur 110. 011:u,gre "f pur-
At a Presbytery ulueliug at Bran
don, Rev. Mr. Cameron, :ho 01)01(1
malty years among the Indians
about Bsttleford, is reported as say-
ing:— "That the redian uprising
was in great measure due to the
character of the instructora and
agnate• appointed by she Govern-
ment. If the Government officials
had been the right kind of men the
uprising world never have. taken
place. In many eases their treat-
ment of the Indians was calculated
to have a most injurious effect—
treating them like dogs, never spoilt•
ing to them without en oath, and
paying no regard whatever 10 their
word. The reverend gentleman =-
merited that it '.world spoil good In-
dians to make then litre some of the
Indian Department officials who
were over thorn, and supposed to be
civilizing them."
aeie 1•40
L. rTJ
1.2<.1 k, " �4o Q•R '..'.00^O
Glass & Putty,:
Lath fa.inzle$.
Stove Pipes.
Mixed Paints Its
toD11 "o
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dig M
e the market. See that ev
SUOI}L' !Lu lo
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Grist and Flour Mills !
Tho undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebratecl•Huugerien system of Grinding, has 100the Mill in
First Class Running Order
and will be ;lad to see all his old enstomers and as many new ones
as possible. Chopping done.
Fleur all d Peed Always ora, Eax►d.
I3iglhest Prieo paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
or,;, s 7
_A..1!/S +' S B T.3,3-°' l -1(P., S ,
• All made of the Best Material and finished in a Workmanlike
Repairing and, Paiibting promptly afttncic'rl
Parties intending to buy should Lail before
varmaroen1s.—i,l:araden Smith, 11. Laing, Jas. Cutt and Wm. 371c-
K.elvcy, Grey Township ; W: Cameron, W. Little, G. Brower and D.
Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brus-
sels ; Rov. E. A,1! ear, \Voodluttn, 0.113 '.C. Wright, Tnrnborry.