HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-21, Page 22 THE BRUSSELS POST
While O1110e1 will work seven or
eight dere About drinkiog, sono
men will drink seven r eight days
without woridag.."
A. ete Thoneee bond -keeper escaps
ed coeviction on 0 (Marg. ) VO1
flees et te., Scott Aei ow grellud
that n' hat he hod rola was it. js.0
ob's Otl.
°whits to the ho.dility of two or ;
three of their ttumber, the hotel I,
kettle:1e of Guelph hove t-1, eitleil tee •
to chute up their hotel-, and etablee ;
as throtttoned.
Among the new department. of l
work being taken op by the ladies of
the lorouto W. 0, T 15, is were
among the sailors. They are koli-
ing for a suitable building to be used
is e. "Sailors' liciont."
The. Prohibitioniets of Mollie ore j
not much en000rneed by the Ines-
cage of the new Governor. They
11111f the Legielature to pass Krone
new !owe inipoeing heavier penalties
upon liquor sellers, but Governor
Bodwelt sive that what is wouted to
stop the traffic to "a sound public
opinion to urge onti uphold tho en
foreement of tho law," end that "an
inereaeo of the peoalty, would en
hence rather than diminieh the evil,'
of indifference and hostility."
TELT. TOE 13mrs —In IL sermon re
cently delivered by Dr T DeWitt
Talmage he gave tho following Re
count of Sabbath desocra taw, whieli
ended lit a trogetly :—In front of
the door of this church, summer be
fore lost tide scene occurred : Sob
bath morning a youtig mau was
entering here for divitte worship. A
friend passing along the street said :
"Joe, comet 'thole WO ; 1 am
going dawn to Outlay island, nod
we'll have a gay Sunday." "No,"
replied Joe ; have swami to go
here to chureli, and I on going to
atteud service here." "On, Joe,"
his friend said, 'you can go to church
any time 1 The day is bright, and
Learn, we'll go to Coney ea, and we'll
Tile lit efoteek Clob, bf N9 n' York
settled 11)10 71 nuntred Of their
ady trietide 11, Sh8.1,1,1!.3 113 al 1,•
city the otber night. and Neill lody
removed her hat before toltiog her
y..irog ladies button the norn t.oc
if lili 7171 .71,011 avening
d,,w1,111, [Act:, the retmt, opening
in 114)70 litee over a doing 017 me,
Bette Rossi of pearled not, crepe
hoot or embroidered India 1111.1ill11.
Full pinked ruches edge the skillet
of tieveral Pare -doll (od)r tort le
gottio$ recently importod. Ono of
1114.1 0,1'11 4 pine .1.40 ,i0r tiol 11.
ruche tonna eight intones wide, very
loll, nod plaited Ito its to form rosei.
tes placed close togetlitir
Blatits Lyon velvet brocaded with
gold leaveo Lo the materiatof some
receutly impel toil wraps for dress
%seer Tiley were in visite shop°,
lined with gold.colored 817110, awl
broad bonds of Mimic marabout.
fie cued with gold served its tritnui-
It is Inn rible to riled( what iodise,'
cord eitees ore made from thio den -
Lion, ljti 11 y011 110117, know, they are
very pretty. Pig sem anti rattle
77. 1(170 oltm, not to ineutiou the ubie
(putout) alligator, are tteen in little
hail& that, would drop off rather
than tootin the live creatures.
P1 ond velvet rediugotes ono
M11101170 aro again faloionable.
They fit the form very suogly, and
reach needy to the foul of the druid
skirt. '1110 backs aro arranged in
deep plaits aud are very full 7lyrtle
end chartreuse green, golden and
I seal blown, Mirk Vet -tenon red and
the heliotrope sliadee aro favorite
colors for these g 1.enen,s,
Swotte jeuuy .lutte 1 No matter if
your real mune sounds ttuything but
June -like, whethor you are short
aud fat, long and look, or as fine
looking at your ego its a well pre-
served jar of peaches, you have en-
deared yourself to your American
satter13. Yon have sititi--tod pot
it io ingot, too—that Ainericau WO
MOO are the youngest for 11.eir. age
in the world. The statemeut luny
be it little vague to some people, but
it soonds nice.
have videntlid tune.' Tho tempts
non -LB too :treat, flea the twain
'0801 17) the heneh luta sputit the defy
in d rue Imoneii.s and riot. The even
Ing train t-tal ted up front Brighton.
Th., ng 011474 ero on it. Joe, iu
his ithoxteatiou, whet) tile train 70(75
in Nil eq3Coa, 107311 1. pass itroutul
101171 0110 SOIL to n11 '1111r, :And fell
and was ern:died. Under tile lout
ern, ati. 1)14.0.11 1.4 (111 lift;
away tel toe groos, Ito 1417111 lo hi
mourerte "Johu, that was it bad
bUt,11,, .s pinr tithing inti et, ay front
church ; it was it very hail bileiness.
You ought Ian to have dont) that,
John. 1 enet you 10 1e11 1110 boys
to -morrow whim yen SOH thelll elute
ruin and Sablottli lireaking did this
for Me. Aud, John, while you are
telitue them, 1 will he in hell nod it
Will be roue fault. "Is it rob dim
for mo to poll mit front the great
organ ot Grel'e Word, with innuy
banke of keye, tho tremolo biol.) ?
•Itook not opou the wine when it is
red, when it moveth itself aright iu
the cop, for at the htet it. bileth film
neerpeut and otingeth hito en adder."
Tho Woman's Alieeionary Society
of the Methodiet Church are going
to estoblioli s. .boarding oultool for
Indieu girls in the Northweet.
Tho nunool session of the Grand
Division, Sono of Temperttuati for
Ontario 477011 1181(1 in Brampton,
commencing on Wedneeday of this
Fresh ion No tem.
liretelles and otlier V shaped COT -
Sago Iriaiming4 are intestinewith
much favor,
Silk astrachan is it very popular
trimming nuitetial for both bonnets
and wraps.
'11111 latest importetions of bonnete
show UC 14 entoller shapee than
Red is a favorite color for even
ing dresees, for entire costumes et
well as fov acoeneoriee.
Mauve, :so long it neglected color,
111 mice nacre fashionable. It is es-
pecially foe -oriel for home toilate.
The 10110)) 17041 dots not diminish
tome, as was predicted, hilt, 013
the contrary, is worn lorger thou
Moiro and Irteo.otriped %1l1 is a
new material for eveniug drosses,
and is shown ill nveral delicate
eltadett of color.
' .Pre110,11 Indies are wearing times.,
es of Oa wool ti is winter. The
Inteet fancy to to have. all the plaids
of the eltirt bias.
• Beetling Ignition Its on otobellish.
700111 for every sort of dross, and
eew deeigna seem to Appear daily,
for every conceivable 11(4(1.
unbit bovines at velvet aro tough
worn with skirts of striped fabrics
of silk and velvot. These eldrts aro
very foil, and 11111011 get ed in firm.
C'staattaintax ext -its.
custom `AILOAING
The ontiersignad begs leave to intimate
to the public that 110 has opene1 a bettor
shop in elm Otlioo blook, over Laird's,
bereer shop, whore he is prepared to at-
tend to the wants of the public mooting,
Iltting anti making clothing in the latest
and most fashionable styles, My long ex-
perienoo together with 8 amino Pi 01-
00015110(1 under one of the best cutters in
Toronto is s guarantee of being able bo
do satisfactory work. Satisfianion Guar-
An 8.year-old boy, 177 (75 found
drunk in the street in Kingston on
Monday. .
Van. A0011110110011 Pinidenui, of
Winuipoe, has hetet oppoiutoti
lion of Siteleitcheivon.
Receutly emoots 'Manley, North
EIestings, a boy twelve 301410 of age,
while ont in the wonas with 1171 axe
and dog, happened to notice a largo
buck deer. The dog at 1)1100 started
in purnit; tend 11111411y the deer slip-
ped ou 1110 ice, and his antlers be-
came entangled in some brush. This
was tho boy's opportnuity, and
reaching the spot, with a blow of
the axe he killed the animal. And
110 is justifiably prond of his achieve-
Pranklin Sproule, of Konnebeo,
Minna, who 114 17 brother of Sproule,
„ who wee hanged in British Colum-
bia, purposes bringing an 0.01E011
against the Dominion Government
to recover $100,000 as compensa-
tion for what he claims to he an
unjustifiable execution of his broth.
er. It is understood the first ac-
tion will be the proseuting of a p0 -
titian of right to the Crown asking
that suit may be entered. If this
be allowed, then notion will bo be.
gun againet the Dominion Govern-
ment. 11 11 be no1 allowed, then
nation will be taken ngoinst the
gaoler who held Sprotile after tho
miler for hie dtscharge was made,
its well ao against tho Shoriff of
Vancouver Island, under whose di.
rection the unfortunate num was
executed, ttnd through these repro-
sentativee ef British Colombia
against the Provioce itself.
A corrosporadent of Tho Summer -
Ride, 15. E. 1., Journal mitt:let—A.1a
honest, hut poor, conple, living op
west, were lately married. Pro
visions being rather ehort, Ilip. hos.
hand ittarted with his axe for tho
woods to earn ((0 1101100. 11011031.
While chopping the too glanced
from a troe, going deep into Ins
boot Nearly fainting lin deeppoil
his axo and started limping 110100.
wife, who was witehing tip the
brealtfnet dishes, happening to look
up, beheld 1100 husband with much
difileolty dragging Intneelt Immo.
She at once ran to Ids nedetance
And got him into tho hoose, when
the large red mark in his boot prov.
tel too much for hie ((neves. 11(5
tvifu woo obliged to get off his boot
alone as base she eonia, Ipeating
to find a (001171 tvotind, she erns
hapoly tailwind to Hee that what
both had imagined to be blood was
only red flannel—which ho had pot
on in lien of socks, whilo hie only
p013 70000 being waahed And dried.—
protruding from bio 1100 1,
Any amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required. Ap-
ply to
A. Hinter,
Dirision court Clerk, Brussels.
Money to Loan 011 ]?arm Pro-
perty, at
Brussels, Ont.
$ 2(376 Co 0
of Private Funds have just boon
placed in my hands for In-
BOrrOWCVS 010 1113,771 their loans
complete in throc, (lays if title is
Apply te E. E. WADE.
.C. E .WattoPsNel ye and Braln Treat-
ment, goornotood spooiflo for Hyster
Diszinoss,Coovutsion 0, its, Nervous, Neu-
ralgia,Readwoho ,Nervous Prostration Omni -
077 b y the 1150 01 alcohol or tobacco. Wake.
fulness ,NiontalDopronsion,Softoning of the
Brain ronulbinglu insanity, leading ho lois.
ory,docay, and death. Plemature 010 Age,
Barenons,Loss of Power in olther sex,I0vol-
untaryLossesandSpermoliorrhu3a cousedby
over-exertion of tho Broth, self-abuse or
ovor-indulsencu. Shtoh box contains one
month's troolmiont. 471 110814, or six boxes
for 62,sout by (mai, prepaid, on receipt of
Ti cure any nese. With each order received
by us for six bozos, accompanied with 65, wo
will sena 1110 pure hasor our written guarau-
tooto refund tho money it the treatment
doom not offoot 1 01110.flearanteee issued
onlyhyJoo. Hergroaves& 00.,Itruseols.
tf A.S. JONES,
Watchmaker 86 Jeweler
1I0s on hand a splendid 7017 of Silver
and Gald filled 'Watches, also Cuff Bet-
rue was0A. ro mom.
amed. niece 1
We have on hand tho following
Land. Rollers, Plows, Harrows,
Scullion, Horse Powers, Straw
Cutters, Turnip Cuttors, Grind-
ing o:' Chopping Mills, best
mako, and 1 Good Second
Hand Lumber Wagon.
We have started a Plana
and Matcher to work.. Parties
wishing to have ,rannber Dressed
and Matchod, or Flooring sizod,
tongued and grooved. may rely
on getting first-class jobs on the
most reasonable terms.
.Repairs of all kinds promptly
attended to at the Bsussims
W. R. Wilson,
Loan 8c investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LOWEST
• --
Mortgages Purchased.
3, 4, and 11 per cent. Interest
allowed on' Deposits, according
to aliment and time let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, Godo -
Horace Horton,
Stearlll Einfilownen to 3T€ n.
None need be Idle. Previous •
Experience not es.sential.
JAN, .21, 1887
Has a complete assortment of all the School
Books, Slates, Lead and Slate, Pencils, Ink, Pens,
Y. • - - • • - . •
As to See the "Scholar's CompanimL
.Foolscap and Note Papers, Envelopes, the, best
in the, 712.07'llet.
Try Th.e:Pogt Bookstore
Brussels, Ontario.
Wo Pity either Salary or Cbm-
100 Ken Wanted
To Canvas for the Selo of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stock.
The Ponthill Nurseries,
Largest in Canada,
07•ar 400 .4(.1.08.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class Reforemes'and
want to work. No room forlazy
men, but can employ any DEM-
ber of onergetie men who 'want
. Stone 6,5 Wellington,
TOrOfitO, ant,
szwer oF ZfiJJ
A new stock of Buffalo Robes,
Goat Robes, Horse Blankets,
Bolls, Whips, &c.,
Having leased the roll known and. splendidly equipped Boller
Flouring Mill from 'Messrs. Wm. Vanstone & Sons for a term of
years, wedesire to intimate to the farmers of Huron Co. and the
public generally, that we are prepared to turn out the best bram.N of
Flour, look aftor the- Gristing Trade, -supply any quantity of :Bran.
Chopped stuff, &c., and buy any quantity of Wheat.
The.mill is recognizod as one of tho best in the Connty an(1 our
long experience in this businoss gives us confidence in saying we
guarantee satisfaction.
Flout' and Feed Always -on Hand.
Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to.
Stewart & Lowiek,
Ave to the front this Full with a large and well selected stook of
Cooking, Box, :Parlor, and Coral stoves. In cooking stoves we wish'
to eall 81,4001111 1(110111101) to an entirely now line, ''P1111 Onnunth,"
"Tun WAnmou Xnio," and tho old reliable "Wow Coo01,7 woighing
400 pounds. The "REo.u., PkININSULA11," is a qualm baso burner, for
coal, that should bo soon by overy intending purchaser,•
A, Splendid Assortment of
_amps -Lana s Larn.ps
tope, Erolohos, Marin f,;, (4011114 Phis, TruilkS, Valises;
'Mager Rings, hell Plato Vest Chains,
114011h1071), 14101) a Mtn ibrortmenb oi wall,
nut tattd niekel ellookt.
tee Popairing Neatly and Promptly
xec bed,
(377017N'(1 1iO'l'lH
CIA'S, 0701\7 -Ma
in Stook.
And Satchels.
Limps and ell general bons() furnishings always kept in stock.
Plate. Goode. a Specialt3r.,
vr, 37(113 A. CALL,
GIVE'. US A CALL. Hayeroft Bros.
11. Deamio. HorAins,13L00:K.