HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-21, Page 1ereeette Volume 14. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 1887. Number 28 ]f3rttt:rettlee tiGltool Board. ----- The sleet sleeting of Breamis School Board for 1817 was held on the 171,h Met, Rev. John 'loss and John Hargreaves having taken the declaration of office, the newly °looted members, took their seats at the Rated. ' Tho Board now consists of F. ei. Soots, Mrs. Smith, Thos. Flotohor, Barre Den- nis, Rev. 33obn Ross and Jno. Hargreaves. Moved by.Thos. Fletcher, seconded by Harry Dennis that P. S. Scott be ohnire man for the present yoar. Moved in amendment by Mrs. Smith that Rev. John Rosa take the chair. There being no seconder to the amend- ment the motion was oarr]ed. Minutes of last regular meeting road and confirmed. Moved by T. IPleteher, seconded by H. Dennis that the following accounts be paid Hayoroft Bros. 13. Gerry Wilson Pelton Wm, Roddiolt A.list of those who did nob comply with the law during the year 1886 was laid be- fore the Board It Was Moved by Harry Dentis seconded by John Hargreaves that the Secretary be instructed to notify the • parents or guardians of those children to attend the next meeting of this Board to show eauso why they did not attend ac. (.sating to Jaw. -Carried. .(loved by Thos. Pletcher, seconded by Barry Dennis tbat Mr's. Smith, Rev. Mr: Ross and John Hargreaves be the proper- ty committee,—Carried. Moved by Thos. ditcher, seconded by 'Larry Donnie that this Board meet the lot Friday in every month in the Council Chamber commencing at 8 o'olock p.m.— Carried. Moved by H. Dennis, seconded by Rev. Ino. ]ton that this Board advertise, by tender, for 66 cords of good green hard wood, Leech and maple, 2 feet long. Ten. dem to be received up to Feb. 2nd, 1887. Curried. Moved. by H. Dennis, seconded by T. Fletcher that a committee consisting of elrs. Smith, Rev. J. Ross and Jno. Har- greaves ascertain the subjects taught in school and report at next meeting.— ( tarried. eeting.—(tarried. The 73berd then adjourned. $180 11 48 fl 00 3 60 Tia tMt fl' uron fax leatSleaa The following aro rho figures for the East '.hiding of limon in the Dominion elections of .June, 1882 Tho riding com- prises the same territory now. In view of the approaching election the figures will, no doubt, prove interesting. There le a very noticeable difference iu the veto recorded here end the election returns of the 28th of fnst December :— a2 rn now ea. No. 3 70 40 No. 6 No. 2 72 03 No, 0 No.3 77 39 No. 4 81 55 learrow's majority 158. -TUR1911E11RY. :10.1 65 52 No.8 No.2 09 102 a o , r11 76 74 05 40 470 317 73 74 207 228 Sloan's majority 21 NORM. Nr. 1 42 49 No. 3 75 No. 2 41 47 No.5 69 No.3 75 88 -- 292 Parrot's majority 9. enEY. No. 1 09 62 No. S 75 No. 2 68 86 No. S ' 52 No.8 27 87 No. 4 24 46 :403 Sloan's majority 1 0 . wrneuAnt. No.1 00 82 No..t elo.2 28 27- No.3 48 21 119 Harrow's majority 24. 1n103(8EL8. No 1 337 50 No.2 02 100 las, Canna i ho following oilloors were elected : Proehlent, Donald MnLanohlin ; 1st Vioo-Presidenle Wm. Grieve ; 2nd Yiec.Presidenb, Rate ellbsou ; !Braden,(Utas. Iiisg0ton, Jas, I'or- guson, Robt. Miller, Goo, 11. Moffatt, '1', ]folly, Alex, Stewart (8th eon. Grey,) David Milne, Thos. Davidson and Alex. Gardner. Representatives to the Agricultural As- sociation, D. Stewart and Jas. Ferguson. Nominee for the Agricultural Connell, nomad,Jae, nomad, Saugeon, Co. of Bruce. Auditors, P, S. Scott and W. II. Barr, The next meeting will be held on Feb. 5th, at 2 o'clock. The Directors of thek. Grey Branch will meet on the same af- ternoon, at 1 o'cloc The prizes awarded in 1880 in center'. tion with the above Society wore as fol- lows :— Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Implements. Grain, Rol ts. .Fruit, Vegetables, Dairy Produce, Domestic mamtfaceurios General Ladies' work, Fine Arts, Plants and Flowers, Spooiels, Ferguson that the re•port be adopted. $184 60 71 00 73 00 20 00 18 50 92 10 37 On 1.7 00 I2 00 -211 25 19 00 15 25 9 i0 1157 6.1 ' 10 00 14 25 et 50 Total $500 26 Tho prizes awarded in 1884 was 6478.90 making an inorease of 0107.86 in the last two years. ' 3arnlers' inatilute . A meeting of the Directors of the East Huron lierntere' Institute was held in theAmericau hotel, Brussels, on Jan, 15. The following Din °tors wore present -1(3obt. Gibson in the °Lair, Wm. Me• Kolcher, T. B. Sanders, Alex. Gardner, Same 3e alkor and Dun. Robertson. Moved by T. 13. Sanders, seconded by Alex. Gardner that the next meeting of the Farmers' Institute be held at Wrox• etor,early in March.—Carried. Moved by S. Walker, amended by Alex. Gardner that the Secretary make all nee. eseary arrangements for holding the Instituto.—Carried. Tho Coluniitteo appointed at the last sleeting of the 1netitut0 having repotted t0 the Diroctore that it 11T0 b054 to pur- chase books nvith the surplus looney, it was moved by T. B. Sanders, seconded by Alex. Gardner that tho same commit- tee proceed eine got books as soon as pos- sible.—C'o•ried. Moved by 'Von. MOKeraher, seconded by Daniel Robertson that the books bo divided in two luta, 0318 lot to be under the care of T. B. Sanders, of Wroxeter, and the other under the care of Samuel Walker, Brussels.—Carried. The mooting then adjourned. IFet•tle Conxater Notes. At bho London Assizes on Monday last, the libel case of Hogg vs. Crabb°, which woo postponed by mutual consent at the fall sitting of the same court, was called, but at the request of defendant's counsel G4 the case was adjourned until next assizes 65 00 paytoont of the plaintiff's costs by do. fondant. 288 A regular meeting of the Presbytery of Stratford was held in Knox oburah, Stratford, 011 the 11th inst. Rov. A. 08 Henderson. of Attwood, was appointed G9 Moderator fs hIor the next six menthe. r•.. Penman's resignation of: Niosouri was 403accepted, to take effect on the 30th fust. Mr. Campbell, of Granton, was instruoted to preach there ou Feb, 0th, and declare 37 'ee the pulpit vacant. During the vacancy Mr. Grant, of St. Marys, will ' tot as 125 Moderator of ses0ion. Several other items of business were disposed of, and the Presbytery adjourned to meet in the 40 same place on 2nd Tuesday of March next at 10:30 am. barrow's majority 19. 1L0011. No. 1 48 46 No, 2 20 77 Sloan's majority 4. hnoxnTRIt, Sloan 44 1 Farrow Sloane majority 20. nt111101Tnr.ATIOI(. Verrone Ifoviek 470 'Curnbe ry 207 ' Morris 592 Grey 303 Wingham 149 Brussels 100 Blyth 77 Wroxeter 24 1631 Farrov s Majority 60 tenet Ilitrot Aglictiltural Society. The aminal meeting of the East Hut'o1 Agrioultural Society 10110 hold o1 Wecl- n00day afternoon of this week, at the Central Hotel. The President, Donald MoLauohlin, °coupled the chair, The minutes of the last annual meet. ing was read, when it was moved uy W. [I. Mocraolton, seconded h Jas. b'ergo. son that the be sustained. Carried, A fluat0fal statement was road by the Secretary -Treasurer showing $1,210,28 :vs receipts, and $1,1.91.35 as expenditure, leaving a balance on hand of $78.98, with about $120 to pay in prizes Moved by Alex. Gardner, seconded by 00 85 81 24 Sloan, 817 228 288 403 126 l0 81 4.4 1571 (11 connection with the chargee made by Mr. Idington, Q. C., agai11033 William McBride, Bead master of the Stratford Collegiate Institute, S. George Hodgins, Commissioner, has made the following report to .Lion. G. W. Ross :—"My re. porton the result of the investigation ,which I recently held in Stratford, in the ease of Idington vs. McBride, is nearly ready for your consideration. In the meantime I desire to inform you that up. on a careful analysis of the voluminous evidence in the case, my 00110111010118 are that the evidence presented has not sus- tained any of the charges brought by Mr. Idington against Mr. McBride." • The report in question has been eines for- warded to ee Steel, Chairman of the. Ool. legiate Institute Board of Stratford. Ae East Saginaw, Minh., on 1Voclnes• day last, Engineer John A, Hewitt, who was injured in a aolli0fon on the country lino between East Saginaw and Detroit, seared a verdict of $22,000 for damages. Ho ascii for $60,000. A prize recently offered in London for the best list of the twelve greatest living Men resulted in Gladstone's being placed at rho hemi, and it is rather a tickler for our national vanity, says The Beaton Herald, to And the name of Grover .Oloveland placed ahead of the Prince of Waloe in Clio polling. Tho Japa11000 Government has de- spatched an official of tbo Ministry of Commerce to Norway, 111.ordor to study `the cod fisheries, the preparation of oil, etc., in that county, the cbjoat boing to develop these industries in. northern Jap- an, whore large members of and appear at certain imams. UNCLE JOE. 74, 1110 Nditer of TRE PueO. According to promise I will give my oxp rionoe of 00010 of the different kinds of people who attend our churches, and I hope it will be a benefit to some people, for yon may find the portions I attempt to describe within the corporation limits of Brus.eIs, The first ono I notice is the criticising 011urole goer. Sometimes this individual belongs to the feminine gender and some- times to the masculine, oftener to the former. She o riti'oises the preacher. He 18 too long or too short with ha sermons ; he puts too much energy into them or else not enough ; his gestures are awk- ward; ho hies too close and talks too nn11o11 at tire' "sluices" follies of the day, and 80 on to the end of the chapter. She dues not even forgot to rap him over the knuckles for his bad grammar, dishevelled hair, peculiar shape of collar, ,to., die. Thou the choir takes its innings. The sopranos sing to' loud, the bees dues not sing loud enongl1, the tenor is out of time aid the alto out of tune. They sing new tunes and long anthems, talk during prayer time and according to this critic would bo entitled to a "cookie" if they slid anything right. The p w neighbor comes next, and our criticising friend finds out that Mrs. So-and-eo is wearing the same trimming on her winter' bat that ehe had on her summer one ; that her jacket is the same old one with a lit- tle fringing of fur and that the style of her dress is the old fashioned leasgno in- stead of the out givers in the latest fash- ion plate, and so it goes until ono after another has been given their "bitters" by this miserable, grouty, peaty creature. 1011 call toll them without having a label put on them, only keep your oyes open and you will soon find out. By the way, if you find any difficulty in Bottling on someone, looks in the g ass and you may gaze un the countenance of one who sits in the orieio's pew. The sleepy head is a regular attendant at both morning and evening services. He manages to keep hie eyes open until the minister gives ons his teat, although he may have yawned 7 times and looted as if he'rl been sitting up at night. The s(rmon has a very soothing effect upon him and 110 does everything a wllfto tuna would do when he is asleep, except snore. Just Hero I have my doubts as to who -th- ee rho caretakers' do their duty in not providing a pillow for "dozers" to recline upon, for it is torture for everybody else to watch the see -saw Motions of this sleepy head. It must be very inspiring to the parson, who may have spent days in preparing his disootuso, to have some of his audience settle in a comfortable corner and enoose while he proclaims the truth. 1 believe some people are meta - ally sloppy and are not hardly responsible for themselves. 1n a case of ,that kind I'd have a little pocket of Cayenne pep- per; a pin or something of this kind that would open their oyes. I've heard peo- ple, whom I thought were asleep, say that they amid think better and enjoy tho sermon better with their oyes shut. This may be true, but Uncle Soo sees no need of them assenting to everything said by a conbinual nodding of their pate. I once heard of a man being set down hard in finding fault with sooials and tea meetings being held in the church, as he did not like the Lord's house to be turned into a kitchen or din- ing room. His pastor took the wind out of his sails by telling him it was almost as bail to make a -bedroom of the sanct- uary. Ohl you old sleepy heads wake upl wake np I Give the preacher a chance to talk to you and make up for this time lose when home. Ther is you a on get o 0 Y g Mr. bat Ion t wearies any y names butt o them another chance gv , you know who they aro Don't you 7 Next 1 coin to the giggling, simpering church goer. They are nearly always old maids or else half grown girls, recently introduced to long dresses. They look as if they sot their mouth, ,before the 0110-' rnr, just before starting to church and while some only wear tt Mild, "angelic" smile, others carry it 10 pounlor, all gig- gle, with an orifice in their face extend- ing from one to tiro othor of their auricu- lae' appendages. (I bog leave to state that the word anrionla1'1s Greek or Latin and rofore to that part of the body very prominentin the mule family.) It stakes a person tired to 900 It person smile one of those Centennial smiles. Nothing par'tienbar to senile at, yob they smile. Tile sermon is one very apt to eauso other people to shell tears but Miss Giggledom still smiles, and no matter whethor rho 8er0100 is short or long, no matter a:bother it is a special discourse or not elle snmiies. I like 01111011110 and 1 like enjoyment, pleasure and ]sappiness but I believe often these fashionable smiles or these shallow-hoacled gigglers aro about half miserable all the time their phiz is "ornamented" with so muoh of nook pleasure. I hope this member of the vat ]ono congregations 1vi11 tape in her sign and not make a ohow of herself any longer as it is not only a give away on hee'eelf but embraces silo whole fatu- ity. If it were not slangy 1'd remark "Shoot the giggler and simperer." Had I time I would like to tell you about the dirty pew, occasioned by Langone pre- tending to have 0on0 raped for the church, and a small spark of manhood, using tobacco in the edifice, If you don't think this statement is true ask some of the sextons about tomo of the book pews enol hellgive you a ohaptor that would sicken you. 1 say shame on the foul 0reseame who would defile the house of, God by 50013 conduct. One of the best hays I know to break them of this filthy habit is to rub their 11080 in t110 mess they melte, I would also like to tell yott about the chatterbox, ortallting maclhine, until Mite last Amen is 0polten. A1- Montreal is flooded with counterfeit ten Most anybody could perform. this trick dollar Bank of Cotnnteree bills, an it requires very little brains and It is The rumor that Herr Luderitz, (ler. probably owing to ibis foot that these persons are not publicly expo: el. Then there le the stingy church goer who al. ways manages to keep a few coppers at stand for the collection and always as - man explorer, died 111 Africa, is denied. All bite curiosities in the chateau of Langoaie, Lu Touraino, I'ranco, have been sold. A 8iug10 statuette brought $3,200 stenos a horrified countenance if the Almost the entire state of Toutsis suf. preacher refers to the 11eceosit3 of mare fering from a six week's 1r(utll, In liberality toward. church fonds. 33110 8p- many places there has been no rain sineo ]taph written on a miser's tombstone the early part of September. would make a good pattern to out them John Caulfield, the man who cut ofd' a suit from. It was :-- the rim of a Gainsborough hat which a Here lies old twenty per cont., woman in front of him at ono of t'io The more he got the less he epent ; Chicago theaters persisted in wearing, The more he gotth0 more 11e saved had to pay $5 for. Ins fon. If ho gets to heaven will all be envied. Fort Jackson, near the mouth of the I will leave the late comer to church ; Mississippi, is in danger of being under - the ono who knows to much too conform mined and ruined, awing to a change of to the maga of the place of worship they attend, and those w1110 1.10m0 to church to show off their good clothes, or advertise (.01110 millinery, mantle or tail- oring shop, until some future time. If there's anything in the above too strong please all it oils as 1 have been speaking ley mind porhap•', too candidly, but I. earl vouch for it all. My pose script Tait week was more than verified its far at; the weather is concerned as I don't think we will see much rougher weather thin winter. I al. ways take the weather OH it 0011199 111141 if it does not shit me I tako loss of it. It is a bard winter 011 poor people though, and more than one poor body, especially in the eiti08, will find it ]lard work to keep Jack Frost out of doors. People say this northern section would not be anything if it were not for its winters but I'd talte less snow and calm - 0e heather for my choice, if given an opportunity of choosing. I don't mind w foot or two but when you have to shov- el paths to the stable, the clothes lino, t110 front door, and get the snow off the sidewalk every day in the week from November, sometimes to April, it makes you long for a country where the snow suovel is hand painted and hung up over the piano in the parlor. Good-bye until next heck a5 1 have to go out and do the chores. Yours, de., Theme Jon. £3rttetdels Council - The Council met, as per statute, on Monday, Roovo McCracken and Coun- cillors Wynn, Bahia, Graham and Kerr subscribed to the usual declaration and took their scats. Tho minutes of last meeting 31140 read and approved. Moved by W. II. Kerr, seconded by R. Graham that F. S. Soots be Clerk for the year, at the same calory as last year. Carried. Moved by Juo. Wynn, seconded by Geo. Broker that Ronald McNaughton be Assessor, at same salary as last year. Movedin amendment by Robt. Gra- ham, seconded by W. II. Kerr that Dan- iel Stewart be Assessor. The Reeve vot- ed with the amendment. • Moved by W. H. Kerr, seconded by Jno. Wynn that Thos. Town be Collector let same salary as last year. Carried, . lMIoved by Jno. Wynn, seconded by R. Graham that Thos. Kelly be Treasurer, at same salary as last year. Carried. Moved by W. H. Kerr, seconded by Geo. Beaker that A, Hunter,be one of the Auditors of the village accounts, and that he receive $8.00 for his services. Carried. The Reeve appointed Ronald Mo - Naughton as the other Auditor. Moved. by Geo. Broker, seceded by Jno. Wynn that Thos. Ballantyne, Thos. Maxwell and Thos. Pierce be re -appoint- ed fence viewers. Carried. Moved byWynn, Jno. seconded byW. H. Kerr that Thos. Bradwoll be re-ap- pointed eanpointed pound. keeper. Carried. Moved by W. kl. Kerr, sononded by J. Wynn nail J. H. Young, Thos. Town and Alex. Stewart be re -appointed as Board of Health, with Dr. T. G. Holmes as Medical Health officer. Carried. By-laws Nns, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0 and 7 for 1887 wore read confirming the above rep- piintments. The Reeve and Councillors Graham and Herr were placed. on the Street Com- mittee and the Reeve and Councillors Wynn and Bloke( on the Fivanuo and Charity Committees, Council then adjourned until Monday evening, the 31st inst., at 8 o'olook. t4'915aet-2L1 N°Wlw. The cholas has broken ont at 33003108 Ayres. Austria has made largo contracts for military equipment. The Governor of Herat is charged with intriguing in favor of 1tn00ia, Arohcleacos Farrar says that "in India obo English have made 100 drunkards for one Christian." The Archbishop of Paris luta presented to the Popo an autograph letter and a gift of diamonds from the Sultan of Tur- key. At Reading, Pa., Alain Rohorbaels tools a large quantity of frozen dynamite into a btaoltonlith shop tie thaw, when it exploded, killing him iubtahtly and tie- 111011shing the shop. Patti's voice is so delHeate that if she gets her little toe wet 4110 can't Bing that evening. Her salary Rues on jest the some, however, 10111011 may have 00me• thing to do with it. The belled -buzzard that Kae been spoken of in the Sotth for years woe Elliot the ether day by J. C. Carrington, at 'Tunis, ,Toxae. Tho bell Was well toned, of brass, and about two Moho" and a -half a eeee the baso. It Wag Hung to the bird by a copper 1000, twisted around the neck. There was no chaffing, the skin being protected by an abundance of clown ; 1879 was scratched on thenar'rov, who gabs from tbo opening of the servioo flat top of the bell. The town Connell made the usual grant of $100 to Cha fire brigade. The (Expositor gives the following re fero ieo to the opening of Ito now Salve, tion Army barracks in that town :---The now barracks rsoently built by the Sal vation Army in this town ryas opened and dedicated an Sabbath last.,. The building he not yet quite completed but is is habitable and comfortable, and le a strong evidence of the foal and ease- lamellaeofthe members of the Army. The dedication service(' were begun on Saturday evening and concluded on Tues- day everting. Commissioner Coombe, of Toronto, head officer of theArtny in Can- ada, arrived 011 Saturday and remained during Sunday, taking it leading part in all the services. Adjutant Cooper (Hap- py Bill) ryas present at all the meetings. beck of a branalt of river.. Tho ('structure This 1119.11 was roamed name years ago has sink far cost $1,c 00,000. by the Salvation Army in England from Eliza Draper Dykes, of Bay City, hitsa state of the blackest misery and wretch. filed a bill for ll Dye from her h usboiicl'own Matas, and 111.9 1 ses ince continue, true d a afaithis - ehookeJames Mitchell Dykes, Clic •volt -11153101. fustian and most earnest and efficient in checker player, on the grenade of inuum- patibility of temper, The cage' will (,erne his work. Captain Gage, the first and up attheApril term of the Supreme Court always favorite captain of the Seaforth in Detroit. Mr. Dykes has filed a counter corps, with Mrs. Gage arrived from Osh- bill in the State of Indiana, and petitions awn on Monday evening, and were given a most enthusiastic welcome. B sides thole mentioned them. were 111 attendance Major Glover, Captains Sweetrnn.n; Zim- merman, of G 'doriall ; Lewis of Clinton ; McIntosh, of ''rusaels ; Connor, of Stmt. ford, and a largo number of other visit. ing officers and soldiers. The tea meet- ing in the 011 barracks Monday evening !vas a grand Burmese in every rospeat, and after the tables had been filled again and again there was abundance of provisions left for the children's meeting on Tues. day afternoon. Tho groat finale was a hallelujah wedding on Tuesday night, when the new barracks was a owdod to the door, the 081110 as on Sunday and Monday evenings. Tho marriage core. many 1080 p"rfermed by Rev. 51r, Ed- monds, in presence of the assembled crowd, and with the usual Army restric- tions. The receipts during the whole proceedings name iital to about 5200, and will go towards .paying off the debt on the barracks. Commissioner Coombs tho court for a writ of habeas corpus to secure the custody of his child. Three of the nine carrier pigeons chip- ped by steamer to London, England, from Boston, Oct. 9, 1886, have been heard from. One returned to Boetou di- rect, having Dressed the octant with ten- oning accuracy. Another was captured in the vioieity of Now York, and the third was found Rome time ago on the summit of the Alleghany mountains, on the line of the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad. A tremendous eagle story comes from Minneapolis, where Prof. W. r'. Carr and Samuel Chute, who were surveying on the outskirts of the city, wore attacked by an eagle that dropped from the oloade like a bullet, and, knooking Chute's cap frau his head, assaulted him with great fury. Prof. Carr coming up, the savage bird turned upon him, caught hire by the leg, tore his trousers, and sinking his talons in the fleshy part of his leg,infliet- and Adjntaut Comer were the guests of men a ameue wound. just united other our worthy Mayor, Jaime Beattie, due - thecame up, and was their unison efforts lag their stay here. rho bird of liberty finally conquered an oaptured. lIe monaural nine feet ten wl v ria. inches from tip to tip, and his talons were over four inches long. P. Kelly wee fu Loudon this week. A religious revival has been going on R. Walker, of Detroit, ie at present fn for some days at the Second Baptist town. Church, Adrian, Mich., conducted by Miss Nrt:. Shan ' 13 on the :3232 list Rev. atr•. Green, with successful results. this week. Ono night recently Mrs, Susan Brown, Miss Rill. Mellon is visiting friends in an influential member of tme church, was Clinton Chi; week. taken with the "power" and, jumping to Saersrmilt W'49 di.p0118ml fn tl'e Pres - her feet, she shouted "Glory I Halieluj. byteriau church last Sabbath, I]ev. A. ah 1" and fell to the floor dead. Some McLean o0ieirtime. minutes elapsed beforo the congregation Rev. Mr. MCQneerie, of Winalram, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening. The County Sabbath School Convention will be held hero on the 2nd Tuesday and Wednesday of next month. Jno. S. McKinnon and Will. Sloan re- turned to Toronto last Saturday to take another• term in the business. college. Dr. Sloan purposes erecting a house in the spring on the 50 acres routed by Wm. Campbell. f" The oontraot has 'been let to Messrs. M(G]ll 01 Halliday. On account of the terrible 011030 storm, which has boon raging, trains were all blocked on this line. Blyth was without a mail from Saturday last till Wednes- day. We regret very much to lunounoo that Master Jabez Walker is not on the intend as well es his friends would wish him, and slight hopes are entertained for his. recovery. At the annual meeting of. the Morrie BranchnoultmY wl Society held at �G Blyth on Thursday of last week, Jots. Barr, of 7Iullett,waand s chosen cleated President of theaSociety for the matting year. A Town Hall is being the subject of conversation at present. Several of our prominent business men are agitating it. Itis a thing that is greatly needed in town and We hope that Blyth will not be long without .0110. Howard Clifton's company were to give a concert in the Temperance Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings last, but owing to the very stormy weather the company were unable to get Here. Duo notice will be given of the evenings of their performance. A grand Caledonian concert is being Blyth is going to lose ono of her most arranged for on Tuesday evening of next popular citizen(' in the person of Wm. week. Anmong the attractions will be Southcott, tner'ohnnt tailor. Ito ]las die- Ilighland dancing by Prof. Anderson and posod of his business to Mrs. Gidloy, who ahem ; Miss Ryeknoan, of Hamilton ; takes possession genie tinlednring March. Mies Campbell, our well known soprano ; Mr. Sontheott intends going to Exeter, G. Cline, Prof. McKay, and Pipers Ross, whore he has purchased a business piece. hboD0uald, and I3alnilton. Ho will bo greatly missed in town ns he The.busiuooe traneaeted in elle Seaforth was a groat favorite with the people at poet office for the yam 1885, is as follows : large. Wo wish him success in his new —Savings bank deposite, $122,599'; post business place. office adore issued, $20,947 ; savings bank withdrawals, cheques paid, 6118,- 821 ; post office orders paid, $10,801 ; registered letters delivered at, posted at and passing though, $4,190 ; postage stamps sold, $4,800. The following candidates for entrance examination we18 recommended. by the examiners in, addition to those whose 11991108 worn published 000011tly. They have ail been passed by the department : —Robert Elliott, Thomas Stephens, F, Woodley, Jennie Calder, Lizzie Donovan and Ida Tyernnan. There are over .100 pupils attending the High Sandel; • The following officers were elected for the current year in cenneetion with the T'uoltoralnith Branch Agricultural So- ciety Richard McKee President ; R. Brook, Vioe-President. 0ireotoro-Tuok. orsmith—Wm.Chaney and Wm. Coop. er Hullett—Robe. Armobfong, Thonno Mobiichael and Angus MoDirmld. Mo. ICillop—Arch. blenzieo and Wm. Grieve, Scatorth—Geo, Whitely and John But. NY. realized the tragedy, and then a scene of great excitement ensued. The deemed was aged 05 years, and was a slave up to the time of the emancipation p'oolam. ation, She has a number of children in the South, and was a worthy woman, well known among our boat families. Some extraordinary instances of well- to-do tenants trying to profit by the present crisis by ewindhng their land- lords out of the rents, were reported re- cently from Limerick. One tenant, who has 22,600 in the National Bank. persist- ed in ignoring the landlord's application for rent. A registered letter 1008 disre- garded, but a writ finally bronght the tenant tp his senses, and he at once went and paid the rent and abused the land- lord for disgracing bins with a writ. The same tenant succeeded in foreleg a sec- ond landlord under whom 11e holds lands to give hire a great reduction, though bo has jusb given one of his aerie profession has two More in college,daugh- ters aog and two dh- tura are in first-class boarding schools. Another poor struggling" tenant has al• so just obtained a substantial abatement though he has no feteer than fifty shares in the National Bank. In another ease a wealthy widow refused to pay her rout, although offered twenty per cent. reduc- tion. Her stocks: was, therefore, seized for compulsory sale, brie next day the widow repented and promised to pay not only the rent in full, but costs besides the rent. Tho loss to her in ready cash 1%110 0, the twenty por cent. abatement bei24ng forfeited besides. 4tea fiert1i, The latest candidate for barrel f arae is au anonymous individual whose friends proclaim`% his purpose to snatch the laurels from Graham, Potts, Haslitt, Larry Donovan and Sadie Allen all at ones and to celebrate the 40.1 of July, 1887, in an unprecedented manner. Pro. vidod ho lives 11113)]1 that date, this youth whose ago is given as twonty.two, 'height five foot eleven inches, and weighs 186 pounds, says he will dive from the Inter. national Bridge, at Blaelc Book, at noon precisely. He will thank tinter it common whiskey barrel, float clown the Niagara Bitter, drop gracefully over the falls, :glide through the lvbirlpoel and the rap. id0, and after smoking a cigar at Lewis- ton bo driven back to Niagara Falls, and jmnp front the highest point of the Sus- pension Bridge, This hero Is not made of common stuff, so his felonds say, al1d will not go into re dime museum oe a cof- fin. no merely wishso to shote the Am- erioa118 bow tbo 4th of Jnly maybe cele- brated.